Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 28, 1895, page 7

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lit: <, ~l!5 J- pew?** w*w I 1? v- \o 1HB K*&Xi xfRSClfc Jr*JxSSS> A WINTKIt IN VAIUS. MB. O. T. FUIjlTObD'H Kl'J- TUKN FROM Tlllfl WOIfcljlVH UAYICHTUITY. A Hoti****"* KtttKtot-tfk-'M HHitMffHtUiH Ii;irvlw Willi Him Noun* ^tu(<- tl nh<! Vuforiuutloki oi di*.m'**l Vnluo. SVein tho Hrocltvlllo Uoroirtor Mr. 0, T. ytiirora, who !( midoriitoort to Jiavu bun dohiu bif< tiling "' !**- dimi'l! Ihu |iHKd wintor and muiiiiji', i.ilrnduninn Dr. William^ rink ViUa, nmrliod homo on Friday UhI with hm imiuly. Mi'. J-'uHord lias tukuii MrH. FioldV liurulHonio rowulouco' lu Ibo uunt und for tho miiiiraor, and van fuuml thuro on tbu ovciiuu! of hm aruvul by a ttnoordor riportei, iiud aided to jjiyo uu aooowufc of iiinrn If. "Well," iio mud, in reply to a quoutiou mi Iho iitutmi of Ihu Vi\\\t Pill buHinowi in I'Vanco, "of otjui'rto it um't alfou'i.-thur un ouuy umttur to mlroduou u foruijjpt aiholo iuto a ijlmnj;u nuuUet, eipit hilly whoro tbfcro in ho much onu'iOrvatiHiu im there, JpUt 1 don't thinlt \v cuii oomphuu of Lho IpYouiuiu mado, ou thn wholo, und it n (tmtiiyiui; to report that aomo, lit leant, ot tlio Pai'in doutura art! opun to roco^ni/o a rtiodieiuo of which tho intrinsic moritii can bo domoiiutnited to ihotn. Oik1 of tho boi-t of them at Voruailou, the Par hi mihurh, whoro tho Empororo nuod to lioop their ooai't ivim fdvurablo testimony tliranj'b thu [uu.ih of (juito wonderful curtm fcliroafjh fcho Ufiu of Pink PiIIh hi bio pruo- tioo; iiud tho KoM^'iousoh, an order of Nuun like tlio Bif.torn of Chanty, liavo ulso uiartti an oxtonnivo uho of Pink Pillu in thou oharitablo work, and giyon iitrcm^ teiti- laiounilfl an to thuir good oflootfi." "How do yoa And butiiuciiii ulliouud?" "Protty (iood. Wo lmvo Hold in tho pttbt twolvo monthu a little ovnr two million, throo hundrod und Hi>.ty thousand bo.v . ol Pink Pillo." "That in a protty lar^o ordor ain't it ?" "It if) tho bent twolvo mouth'a Iminnoaa yet, Look for a imnnto at what tho iijj- uros mouii. If all the pilhi wore turnud out into a houp, and a portion sot to count thotia, woiku y ton hotuu a day, and aix Days a woolt, tho job would tako I havo . mukouud it 1 youm, 21 dajH, (1 hourn and '* 40 raiwutoy, couutnit' at tho ratu of 100 a minute Or roclioninK it anotlior way, it meaua about a bundled nud bfty-Hovcn pillu for ouoh minute of tho twclvo montlm occupiod in eollin^ them. Or, if you want furtbor atatiotian, jt ib oomowhero about a Uuudrod and fifty ov(ii pills u lia,u] foi tho combined adult population of Canada, Croat 13ntaiu, Iroland, and tho United Btatoa. If tho pilln Hold hint vour woio tnarlo up into neuklucvH of fifteen inehtif long, there would bo a necklaoo for ovoiy woman in Canada, and leayo houiu coumil orablo pilln ovor. And voiy prutty iicok laceu thoy would mako, if you atop to think of it,'1 naid Mr, FuUord, with an an of one who Goutomplates an urtintic tri umph in tho jowallry hno. Tho reporter Btoppod to think of it, wlulo Mr. Fulfoid Htldcd, "I don't tfive tbono fiyuros to glorify tho buiimt.Hn, you will undoiutand, but to onublo you to mako tlio fasts tau^iblo to an orjlinary reader," "Dooo Groat BrHain do ltn bharo in tho buHinotiiJ ?" aakoci thu ruporlar, "Yoa, t think wo liavo bad a record kboro. The hoad of a hading aUvertiuiun agouuy in Loudon to whom I tihowed my flgnroa told mo that no Ijuhiiiohh of tho kind had ttvor roajhod iho Hiirae duueniuonH in England in no nhort a time; for though wo liavo only licou workiuf,' in Knglaud for two yeuiH, thoro aro but two iuedioincn there that havn a lar^'o a nalo as Pink PiUh, and one of theno in ovor thirty yearn mid, wkil.w thu other bun beon at work ut loaiib half that tin e." "How do you account for the way Pink Pilhi havo 'jumped' tho mttiket thun ?" "I oannot attribute it in roaHouable ionic to anything but the nwritu of tho pillu. For, oouHidor, in Franoo, which I have junt boon opening up, it cont in advei tiunt^ fiomewbero between thirty and forty fi uiich tOHoll every ^^ franc boi of pilly iubt nalofi that is. Now, it iu obvious that, if ell our BuleH woro tirnfc na]ea, that 10 aIon direct from tho adyortiuomontH, wo ahould Ibo looiny from nix to teu dollars on every box Bold. It m becauHO tho people who bava uood Pink Pillfl once une chom auajn, and roaommond them to others, tliat wo bftKin to aee d-Lyb^ht thoro; and tho case ia thosamQ tlio world ovor." "But your advaruBiug haw boon yory ox- tonHivo." "Oh, certainly. ]Jut eiaotly for that raaou wo oould nover tiff era to do it if wo bad to depend on firut ualeH alone. It in th nalfl on rocpmrnoiulation of tbono who use tlio pillu that pay, and if tho reoum mondafcion v^ere not there I would be bank i-upt in a vnry Bhort time. All tho bimie, tho advortiuuiii in a big itora, und I couuul er the Pink Pill buuiuoba a public education department on that account alone." Tho reporter wanted to know whoro tno duoation uamo in. "Through the pronu. Tho nowapapor yr*suH in tho ^roatoat oduoativo influence of tho day. Whore Un you Buppooa tho cul- t\iraof Biodkvillfl would bo without tho Ruoordor? Now, it's not tho two cento a oopy that pays for all tho mtoroatintf and ' valuable mattor that i gathered from tho *dnof thn earth iu a liowtipaper: it is th advortinomaota that paj tho bi^6Bt part of tho bill fof nwa and literary matter. I u^pose I havo opout about half a million dollars i ttiivortmliic lust" year., How much education do you tmppoue that iium kae paid iotV The reporter wan Milout in tho prouonoo of thin uthioativu 'miruuln' but rq1rd further information aa to tho atuto of Irartu. *'Wuh ovorythinKlovoly," ho asked, **or wijih thor itny urumplud roBU'luaYov iw tho onuoh ?" "Can't ^rumbU, oxoopt in otio way, 'J'iieiu'ua owitain urnouut of i.ubiititutiou in iionin rutail utouiu, and thorn iu a man in MnuohnHtnr, Kuglttiidi that I havo hud to pronvoiitrt on tho criminal oliur^o for it." "But what do tho auhutitutorM do do thuy duphoato your foimuk andf-r uamo other name?" "No, not a bit of It ; that in (ho wontt fu'iLiiui of the fraud. bJo rotailor oan pon- (iihly know whiit in in Pmk PiHu; and i( li dul, Iih eouhlii't pripioo thorn in umall (juiLutitioFi to uull at prot\ti. Thoy uro not eonimon druj'n, and hy no nieaiui ohoa)i to make. I imppouH 1 havo upout anywhere from ten to twolvo thoumtnd dollaia, Mince 1 JiiHt took over tho trade maik, in trying if tho fomiula could be intpioveJ, and npimfc a Hharo of it, for nothing." " Wliat do you moan by 'for nothing' ?" "After f iteqniu'd tho trade mara I iiaw thai if the thuif! wan to bo made a uugophh it wan impentativc that I Hhould havo tlio very bent timiu pill tint uould ho gotten up. CoiiHt-queiLfly I olittuned tlio advien and opinion of thu moht noted men in modioino m iMontrcKl'and Now York and export advice of that Hort coniea hi/*h. I made tho chanut-H in my formula HU^i^ontod by thciio inedioiLl nciontiiitn, and tho favor with which tlio public ban received tho modiomo, demonutratoB that it in thn moiit perfout blood builder und norvo tonio kintwn. However, I wan anxious to utill further impiovu 'ho fonmila, if that could he done, an! huve Hiuco Hpent a t;ioat doal of money with that onf\ in view. On ^nin^ to London, t^vo yours ii[;n, to place Pink Pillu, T wfnt iiilo it a/utin, with tho boot raedict 1 men there, end, an yon know, tho nn expi 11 ih not too trien lly to pro prietarj muheiiie chut will do him more good than ^.'0 m doctoring. Conuepieutly tidvier ciinw hijn'h, hi " 1 ol t".nod tho bout llien i1', in i '. .y on t "4 oo *tuifHt hut in Loudon and Parin. If I wore to tell you whom I conhultod but that wild an honor able condition that I shouldn't divulfjothn namon on account of protonniomil otiquottc you would i' cnejin/o tli'-m a Jirat-rank irif-n, uiiMi wIioho nainoH arc famouH all the world ovi r, and talked of by ovary ono. When f wont to Paiui hint winter I placod my formula and a nupply of Pink Pillu in tlio handw of ono of <hr- most noted doators in that city tor a thiee montliH trial in bin praotu e, ^ith a view to Kcttme; HUne/entionB for improvt ment; at tint c nd of that time hiti aiihwer wiih '-leave it alone, it cannot Ijo bettered. You now have a perirot bio id and neive niodieino." This o}>iidon coi-t me 10,000 ftanus, but I consider it money well upent, ae it detcrmmoH tlic fact that tho formul l lor Pmk Pillu iu now aH porfrct hg mi dical ncionoo can mako it. And com me; hark t.i the question of Huhsti- tutioijh and imit'itioiui; what I have just cold you will hIiow what u prior tiling it in for a man who #oen to a utoro for Pink Pdla to let Honii'thiiu; else be ,Mish(d on to him iu place of Lhoin moreenpeciaIly if it in a worn out thin-; hko Blaud's piliH a formula in tlu Fienoh phurmaeupa,ia. that liua been a hack number for years until a fovv stmt keopuiN tmd tn puHb it on thu Htrentiih ot Pink Pill advortnuna. You csan take it fiotn inn that n htorelceopor who t( lis mij 'Mir tint Blaud'w pillh (which ih not a piopiKtut'V at all, anyono oan oan imiko it that wmita tu) in in any way a Hiibrttitute foi Pmk Pills nan ii/noramuh and nevt-r oiijiiit m he trusti d to i -.-ll iritdi oino at nil A d ns,"S t im i^uoi nut as that certainly hiu't tit t ^ put r,p n pn scription, and will poiiioii nnuoiif one da\." At tlm> jn ictiif th' Tshuid f'ltv band put m an i-pp'-ar.'ii' " t hli. uach-* i\[r. Ful- ford And fi rmh . and the i r p irter dnEtod out unions Hm> .'i.n\'l th" r l ad followed to Suit* n to ill' ^ V"- I Ht'*tiihH of their niiihic Tlic American "Wo-man* The rnost Inter est! n of tho Afnerlcttw women, by far, aro the married om-a Irom aix-and-twi-nty to forty; after Hiat ap-- they an- apt tn bwomc bucJ- fi nly urey arid ta Itum. 'Their iai<*a diy up and t?iow sharp an 1 i-olotl hh; ynu He.iri'oly i-v<-r ^r-f anyone a[) ini< the < oml'ortablo, happy mitrun of forty to llfty-tHe. Perhaj a they danced, lllrU-d, ^tuid< d ab-ut Lou much when thoy were yuunn to have uny fund of enjoyment lel't. Whatever the rea.son, whether It bo that or a fj> R-estion ruined by tea, iced water and candy, your heat companions and friends in America will aluayw be tho younff married women ; so lonf? as they air- not too much ^lven to cocaine and Fr *nch nnvi Is of the payer type. They havo, aa a nil*, tiavel d morv, read mon\ thought mor--, and to far more intolllip-nt purjione, thun their Jln^lhsh coiiHlns; nor do they let their children, in Kmrlinh fimhion, conic be tween you and their conversation. Who han not talkorl to the youiiK English rnation, and, just an you aro getting .it her mind, note the distant look In h>r eye, which tells you hho Ih wonder ing what the chlUhon are doInR? Whe ther rierald Ih in bed yc-t, or 1 telle hau had her milk? Now1 the American ma* tinn n<-vi-r do >a that; when she Is with you, she male oft tabula of children, and houi>holu duties, and rivet you her undiv'-did attention and intelligence. Not that she earon much about linten- Iur; us a rule, Hhe cares only to talk Or herself, h<>r experiences and thoujrhtu, nor is she, to my mind, the lean ogreo- able companion for Uiwt. Tcmplo Bar. ruisty RhodcH Yes, aa Judtfe en- tenced poor Chrmmle to ten ycaiK* at hard work, but Chlmmle has oaked to have liin nentenco corn-muted. Weary WapfffleH What'B that r>usty Uhodofi Bo ankod do Jedgo for to let him bo hune;. i Hr, iHuUaVIAN BIUIM,. It wim the 1st of Atufuat, that hilirhi" e-,i, Himnlcst month of all th. > a', when (lie bleak northern tonut of hit r dor t.ikt a on n lleetlnif f;nrh ul' > n " Id irreen ; when the hoi if roll win < ri ibnlde Ln frunllo ze^hV'f*, m.d Hi u illltlMUU ucOdU, nrejilln^ly I ntl.UK e . restH from Hit Inborn mid IovIukK 1 'I1 (h< nlior*. In one of the brond channeln li tw n th r 1 th 'I , .i laijvn bi'Uc lny hoiiilmetl, *-*i II hun/v Idly fiotn the \elliu > i nl , ' d the helmmvuiii no lour i nmln! 1 d a pretense of (iireetlniv In-r. In the vc.H'.erii wal*'t the tai>tnl , h H-h'-ho- ol' forty ye.Li-n, pi run n.i 'I ba' It and foi Hi with u yoiiuir win i \ lid llfhtlv n llterl u chived linili . i ll M rll'UI. "So JOll hive UlM'er net n Ids ph )tll ,'\ iph '"" h iihUi t' No, not I'U'ii" nhe . n w r t bst nt ly. "^i on UikiW no nioi c of htm I li.i 'i in" > i Hi m 'i h i L ho is \ et In hi i ri v i" t\ im tlnr n't ket-pi r ot t In ,,|h 1 inn , thai )n l-t 1!1 and v ant .i v 11 nd i. \\ illiruc tu ai n j>i t \v 1 .islmp lioli ( . Vet yoll (nine iM'l'ii the e 0 haie his lot. to sue ililc \oiir ue > n ' inir- and desln *, to huiv jni r c i lor Hit. In this will 1 i ml " ".\ ilhci It 111 i\ I' , . ll * Sll' ( id "Mow r,i i ,t t I Hi'I nut let i u in n w < s * .ill." A w.ivt of lioj < and p 't-slonau h nj; inr Ih'iKp (f I h- c,i pUi m :i h ai t i 'dinne no.n his < li r brown eves a;, h turni fi to fin fr In r 'I I is loo i,re it ri af illlcc " Im s il i wltii warmth. "The i>lty uf It'aml ttu-.e hi one \\ ouhl Kh't-------" She Jooki d nt him i.tian^'Ij, an i w ithdi'i'W her hnnd. "Yon fin Kit hii !" she Intenupted, "It is th' I 0 Hmp'H \\ 111 I Ie holds m\ iiiii'i fse mad hefor. Hi ehur h. I di imi know then all it ineoni to me, inn I h,( d 1 Im Im tlio udit n nd u s ni uiKnl. It is my duty .iml my .oil I 11,r " ' The sense of such i duty s nhsni d ' '.\n, no," ;-,h' btok< In liinii dl "You on n Mill in! s rv mi of on, 'bur h ; yrjut t'lu l ti m duty Is to in I m ." ".My duty im a man-----" J'.iu dir dls pp :u d \ I'hm th ci.nn P nio'i w y. ;i id. v _\ d h ltn n 1 u 1 ;i iep:l> to i he hmi11 i k h< 1 :\ n si vendy n calliny him to hi' no/Jo. h ,ost.--------------- In the solitude of her i nhln f-hc flui . Ik i " 'I1 ui on tiie lo k r, 1 t antaln'H unnki .tiJJ rinr'nK hi hei e i he lo\e(l le r ! fif that he . It u - i r she Ihu no di' must n I And d t" not think of lhat. r iiild it In .i ml ilken sen r of di (Sh'- the <l,4i, 'luir ui nils khhi h , t,'< ,ii i .turn uif'ii u< tn ration, md I'd IriK hi th v iy f potste b lie ni th U a- ed a i-ore ol \ enrs i t Im Alt'io I, sli<* hatl--hv'd at )ruii" Ih-h H4-1 th*- .i * f)f.4e\i'n, She 1*" DlC liber* d EtithOieh but \ I'll IT. i.n , tie s or y ol lei mo In"'s only in n n'n he s h h told ll, ad nit o\ I th (jr ci ; ;i r< d that lit'" wui " h.( t ' e <> n ha hi en, seel.ilie; to lilld . Ollli jot of (Illn 1 ence. hhf knew th* iKirnc n\ of h r p.i n tit >' lis ( t, i ,\< o ! ind aid thoi,y, ot 11., of the oth'i'fi w<;il. the[r only o imthe pai'tiii-, from tin lr ihd-i nl t d 'In y bo ill n; n i d \* as u r e an I n i How < I. e cilll 1 hlhlien o] 111-- v. il .-i n ss b IU fil lor li lilt I \ s ; It u > i i ilk dh t i ted bs he chiin h. lo w hi b ll t y o\v d obedii ih e its J)l ice, 'I If si' mi iMon-hnrn eluldr. mated by ill ehur h In 'he duty to it v us par i moiini , of d'i c]ip7 win' i ( mn iamb op's will a n edh : I rom on -a vat i mi 11 were < d I el , f th tin w .sh , tli 1. li hl'h 'Ih bo_s s \\ < i li Mind to till th* il f.iHi i' place: Hr- rirl to make thi nil don i US \\iv S, tl)e lie|l tO bike what WI.e tie- church bestow d, th woni' r ir m rrv v. thout i b >i< e -u> h hushand.i a Hi" Ihshop miff' t a v u rd Aii I ihat the church ha I u 1-.d >m o it1 s'de wib pr >\ < d by tin un v* I a h i pf hi'-Si to \ hi h th a- thu-. untf il b .still d. \inl \ct ' In' i "idd not r c rv ih* I <"* i If i 'ei hr a '* m d" t - r \ o ed t he i' a of un- nde..n to -,- pf-r c tiaiifi-rs will ib-w cmilil nhe ;a.l t hat-- him, to (h spiM- this ma i, wlio Phoiit one sp.trk from th < .m i c liar of trii" love, would wlllln^h o '. it all n bli s ntini' nis Oi in n I n hea t and -" Ifi Ills d-basf him el n i i | u e \ ouiik oi ci nhnod And ' e Iu r >< if would in i f this unin.. oss he' Ai ovi i p we. rip Ioathl r o h is t 11 s s i (1 hi r v it li i In th ti*., lit a i. . i o b I o e .tin 1 v to en t ' u i t 'i : nt- p torrent ot h'1 dre id in - > ' h, in s In i aw iy U|' In p..i ox sins n 0 i rbi li- do pa r n is i - d i ah li- V < t .Sll - U t iiin im r A.* X/tan DISEASED LUNGS CURED BY TAKIWe ^rr Cherry Pectoral- "T contracted rt rvnrn cotd, wh^J,"0^!!?, on my luiiBH, and I did what In olto, i Jnj a doctor, who found, on rxnjnlnlwj mo, l ui tho upper part of tho loft ln(? w . aj V aWnfitm1!. ^homedlnhiPB hORftVi mo lid .not HiHim to do any poort, anil t dn wmjw { to try Ayor'n Cherry After takln li {ore I had ifnlshed tholmttlo I waj ur^- A.bKKnAic,watcmnakoL\OranKiwlue,uui. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HlRhnnt Awardw at World'n Dgatr* Avcr'.s rlllt* euro ZndiousMotu FEATHERBONE SKIRT BONE 1 FOR GIVING STYLE AND SHAPE TO A liuhl, plioblo, laatio bono rnudn from quillH, It lu Hoffc nd yio!diu, iioiiforniin^ readily to folds, yot >vii>K Hiropor uhapo to Hlcirt or Droas. Tlio only Kkirfc Jiouo that may he vat without injury. The Celebrated Feather- bono Corsets are cordncJ Xjadies' Dresses ! with tMs material. I"or mill) hy Itiudlni! Dry fhiodH J^oalorH. I5SB3RSV J. GKWRLAY <fe .SONS, ESSEX, ONT. cumn b.\ .Vi "f and yoi n," ni.- n s'li Ih I (hi *- ol y.jiitli nl ' - I (jinid d . in K u d wuill) "poll 3 t h u n,f or bil v 1 i h - el* lu i h i I'K. t t i t f v i . d.i . L, u H kr i a i 1 ii'ii 11 li iU~-m c i H-,,., ilt UK OH I ' I tu I t ' ih- t ie h, of . I it- t i. time onhl u In , i l(j\V ' o t I I \ t i i iii i 1-, i ii. p III \ i\ Lll O UK tl etn ,lhi| ll' h' \ I Tr^thntt*ii t h" ...i im-'ixi Lj nly had ,t < 11 de al s ra happtlH S^ dlTri S !l ll\ oh . d III Hi lll.v 11 tr n d C! I'l ' I li ; ,i n 11 r " ' ii i ,1(1 i o L i . " h I V.' ',n ' in th a n ,t i -i rin . hot - t v - d a il e t 11 -or ni r oiis- oini K Id' v nl tic i'o t hi-. ^ ii . th ' 1 e > .is rlpf l'u him io tal .i \ ll < dn d.e.i i to Tli iii.i, i n to i i th t )r i en. he had 'a i itt -n, 11 d'd i ion, bis r< ip e '. And now lli< Ufi al hot had 1 I them I in w l he \ i :-a 1 In inrin< Ik r * an d a"' iiif,' near lie l,*ft th "t ni' \, lt!i sp ' d lh-d to his loom, 111 h d o d e lad i r sm d him. in hi let 1 . d i d a; th Kraph ni d put r b k w it h \ t CD* e, ni , h * la Jf half 11 h 'I, a nd .n t ii i lu oh and thrcn.j-'h tie ) en wn d '.ly wilt h d and \\al ed loi th hhi]i. Tin i urmi'r "i tin- .o! s ' uw in ci fas d .i mi h\ "ll- d into * hoi ts ol "(Ilea, e a' no-j-h-o- I'" , nd iohihI the pre Ipi-ollS poi'i-, lih \ iu -, il o, and jn-1in nt lly hk, ^^ P' Hie obi * hr K- "Ie l.i\ v i- d ti 0 now with hi ijht kxya! s, nd \i lh;\ i.n V'dh y i.tub' iio.Ni a huudn d ^uiiH. the (huruh- be.l pi-ahd, the dn; a (I ii[> a luu'/l a d Ulitf theb we id loril. 1 IHll >', (1 J-'3 llul'eii d I ra c-ly 'rom he ,M Ion nmia a (1 pr> m ntly the b U". .signalling: c tti- uon ho m ii. 'J h- no. i i- hid id- f e*. within his hand , with tint t iinp h a't o m iiKb^d Joy und f c a and wish d hlrns if ten thousand mlh s ,u ay. * + 1. * A wool, pa'fied ; Hie brl^ still lay at anchor in the b ty ^VlthIn hi Htu ,y thf-AiBson hh r Hat, Ins ion;.'- kimv b aid lilllnt; In t.uif-fh d wa\es ii'ion Ids In 'in. I lu keen '-"Iliv cps woe h' t upon the novice end Ih fflll wim M od les- 1 ci ti'ully \v it nfc till he should *-po dc h'oi 10 \f-a.H In h d 11m-1 his i l^lon bfe, and he. tho'o lit i a'n u v \ iLh th t ti i e, loiif^ i, w1 en he h d b(en ju t uocdi/ni tner jnntn and had obey, d | .st hiii h a call to we'l. llli In IpMiat h h l\ r\ liair win a iburn In r d at ol ! w rin' h d i'il- e was Hid iair. Th < bi d c n o their ( .itli-i i 1 \\ df on jiC(I been 1 il 'el t nd an th r tin n, mnnolh love w i li' .-nt to A i \, i \. a t ,U' \ ii atmosiduM-o oi fe~ n y pcrv ad d i h u u I omul njT-i f th I Vi i ' n.s lly fra I h>o ln/.r fioin '.i])on the little mound beside the eh r "h" nil depot and tactoiy wen nes r . nd the wollisli do s n.iA'hi pa . H une,u i rdi'd door .and dr.nk Lneir I fr un the uncov-red \at.s Di oil, T'lu' nilfi ionnr\ 's ildv < hil u*eu J K I with the i r >wd of ji hy tlv Ir runs '. The halo r an I bic v. * Mood on tin ,Mi.ssiun-house porch, p. fine; vlproroiish at his loni^ 1 hitch ia whlh his llttl" fniu I ci d^* h m en erst d i x< 1 ed.y with ih e;a lie. er n fi , who h mcil fi urn an pen Kit I \ rlsintc hum of e j^ei vol > a cf 'rom the hill etc, when* Hie t r niir uusky h'stpilmuuK w.n stt.ull y In r : bie; and v rj eye w \s t'alued i.p n th.- entrance to the little bnv Tin- causa* of this unu:mal nfritutl hid bi en a sl^nnl f," n dioi 'io n t . 111. ilred by the soritiy mailoneti t ir* lo keep a lookout for the lonp-exp e hip. It was to bi ne; tlcm nvw^ lr o'er the nea, the history of the )-r a v; irld'H iIoiiifTs Joraveai; lctem f en. i'r endu and relatives, prem-nts and in* - ratfeti, Biipplieii and Hior h, thel ji Intelligence tor a h m-r twdu1 men ). \Vhat wonder, then, tl at t' e on'- d i'o. ward anxlouoly, eotintinp; tlv moiuh . nd weeko and day.s and hoi r.s, unt the time the vessel mifrht arrive. And one thero wuh to wlium It broupl a bride. lie wan the yonnftest whit man at the pixst. Tie had hor plrtur 1 ro trht throrah the winter (mow n d o my twHHcht by tno nativnK'fiFnff"v > h j j urh^yed ovor the frozen hii .w" 1th hhi ulcdKO to tho lower MIhsIojih Wore he met tho factor of-tho Rivm empany, Ijuyinpr f)rm,ancl who brought , few proolouti h'tt rn to tho TOHt, for- aidod by a wint r courier from Quo. liCU. . Two thousand mlln the print had. lb ed ben a b the i or bin r i s that bleat hed th s > u ' i I .* 11 I , and a third had 1 bo> < d l u- the ( un h aoionp h rdi s < i' our oi i) o fill ndH and n. \\ s ml uin th t he, d had b< ll i e.v i rd- d .-. 11'\\ n e fin d t ah!, "the time b i must siul lo-nioi- th 1.1 Hi Hi 11, thi mO'U b> lov w Ith a niiu li i > "J-'r iiih in, li' is hhoi t th dioiinl brIvo iu ti > y m i -.ev n up ui a . IIlOOdH t lor th'H I iiprl^ht, b 1^ far iin le h then row. 1 nil t iir In" \ on your a na t r delinib ly 'it b' ,i tllil'f-T o I s lou - botl , but you li ve b en to;, di d not h iik la wba-u \> Ifti oi 1 i*i to lid n and \\'h im "Hut I cm si> aK nr , outi^c rn in , I p'i d,,o .\ on hi \ irli o is, 1 ind. ".v nd a. tor \'0 i nv on more Him ira u u w M'i< p ismjh) t v it h n i i.l ( iu ii nd.itlon ir m Hv f'iu . l . That yo . ab- id > love her 1 c. n si . \\ Ii t e(> j nu answer The \ouii, in n looh.-d to Pi r drnpp< d his en/.e. "You *-p * >h hut truth, ^ir. she I (h ,ir to mo. I \' mild not h iv her h iv in ; but dill U-m would 1 en- 'oy the th ep ht th t h as 'ocetl by si.ii e oi' tti! \ only to Hi m* my lot." "T I'Tay Jet hi r th-ildo foi b th of 'is, and Kivt hoi till the morro\. to r - ; ly. II .sh .houl 1 whh f r more thl.iy it Is n .t tniessnry w< nho'Id w*ed nt "lice, nuil meanwhile 1 may try tu win Ivr 'ove." "V lint h y the mad hen V" Thi jrh'l wn ' lo'.chelby tla k s'oro ;ho jjrhl Co1 iii ffi In youth lind diov.' d hy the Iclndnss of th' jp'd man i he c'St one nwif , w s f. I k nn . '-ni h ho i| en v in low ai the an 'hor . d I rlt.;, he \ Hie a t.ln's nL lw . t i ,'ui\' j a o i the q a te.\ ml II a e . id bow d h' r lu'fid and tile I tn a > a , hen, ,i.l h ifi-nlntr cm p gi' . n I r lv , hhe PPi" ** bed au'i Un It Ik d tho old mau'M uhalr. 'Father." uh uald, hor awe* *t ti*^ .ul uu. "1 have bad iho"Kht orthy of my Calth, rebcllloUH thom-htN . d fenibi, and wicked moodu. It' elth* 'a ' nwoitny, It In X, "Glv* mo Homo few days morn befoie wo'wed jnd let tho brig nail. X \\H Uy with you." *** o * n- . . THE TRIUMPH CORN SHELLER - - . 33H3IS CFtlJPTIOlNr- This Machine consists of a hori/oiitil oust c\ linddr, with wrought lion.* b:iis, Willi htccl tctdli boiled to rlu* c\ buckr h-> its tti lu* re\ci-hiljlu whon Iho tcclU IifiTjine worn on tlio ti'ont .nle, mnoin^ n. -i ]t rfut'aUsl conu.ivo imn -holl, winch tlio sjiollml corn pa.'-cs tliroutjh into it nhrof iion Cast1, a fan or clo- nor si 11 ichtfl heb-w, wliicl. litkes ail Lho dusl l>un the giMin. Tho, cbo:i]if,Tt, bfi^l, must .simple ilikI durable I'ower ('oru Sliellci in use; sholla corn iicrit'ctiv clo ui in any miuliticn- *-helling and cleaning from to two tliouhimd lui^liels of etir.s per d;i\ , accoulinL' Io power. J'^L'^^'t^^-r I.'^1'1' - Ic- " i"-' h'-n'-'ih, ~ It. ;i in.; Pulley, 10 in. diam eter, it ni. f.u e, Motion, 'SOU Lu -SDo i. \"ln! n n \)i AW. H.L, .150 In*. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. "~ a n J, COURLAY & SONS, RfiiKsiEMRaai 'ca s______LHABITS-IN YOVTHl ? LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD * |K MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN KvTUf PECIII T of Iffuomncft nnd follj in jouth, overoxnrtion of mind and body Indab-! liapi-inriiHof tliouRand^ofTironiisiia,' jounirnicn. Homo fadoand wither at nn wirly uko. at thiHilnFiiiomdf muuhood, whilooihiT'i nro forord tti drn/i out a ueury, frnitlowi and inehuichoh oxiht*iioe, Othnrn nmrlj nmtrimony but find no nolnco or "(.nifort thoro. The vi.itnriH urn fomul in all Ktiationn o life; -Thofarui, tho ntlicc, thu \uulthIiop, tho polplt, tho tnidc'wmd the profoaHioiiH. ._____________, RESTORBD TO MANHOOD BY ORS. K. & K* Wm. A. WALKEU. Wm.A WALKER. MRS.CHAS.FItltRY, CHAB.F13lUVBr.ft a CI Ainxn TnrvTMKNT Divorcod bnt nnltod wtain tf-N0 NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN C0NSENT.-(TS SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED Wm.A. Walker of 11th Street wiyfi: "I liavo BUfTored I wtirtindiRoroHivhcnKt *i Tiiun':, ...... - ... fiico, imifi'i" aailri cnninou, omifuiionu, beonmo thin and dcHpoudeiit Hi'vuu clnotom troatytl mo with Moronry I'otn*.)!, uto. Tli oy helped mo hot eonld not euro mo _________ l"tnull\ afiicjudijultieediiiAtntry 1 ira.Knuiindy AKoruran.^B' Thnr Now MethodTrontinuiL cored jho hi a fow wciilci. Thoir treutmunb in wondoi-fnl.IiM ,Vou fin 1 >oui'faolCBaiuiuK ovorydaj. 1 Jmvo never hoard of tlioir failiuctacuroinaiiuurlc^l t^CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY" REFUNDED Capt. Hiim. Forry fiujfl. '*! owomyHfo to Drh. It. tt K. At It I lenrnodubiul habit. At '41 I hud nil tho nsmptoinfl of Hemnnil Weiilmoth und ypernintori lictrii, Kiiiihi-iihih at 9 f Hemi wf^ro #ai und III 111 III III i.xiiui >. ,.... ,^,......... (Iridium* and weaUeinnfr mj utuhty. I nmmed at ider auvico of my family doctor, hut it wm a :porii-noe In audi tot n monthu we were (livoiend. I Hmmiltod J")rh. K. it IC, who rinaoietl mo t# monhood 'uytnoir AVw jT/e/ZuMi Trmtmsnt. I felt a now lifetlirilltliroiifdi my nenon \Vowero united w,'iiin lind urn happy Thin whh I__ ________-ww lx yoiirHuiro. Dm. K. it K, arofioioutlfic bpeclaUataaad 1 heartily recommend thorn. ZSTJVt! it eat and cure Varicocele, Emhsioin, Nervous Debility, SeminaftiL 'eakneu, Glret, Stricture, Syphilid, Unnatural Discharges, Se/J'AbusJwi IMPOTENCY VARICOCELE EMISSIONS OURED w. Kidney and Bladder Diseases, 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURED. NO RISK j^L fib^i^-m ^*sr-i*-* Arn \nnn victimr* Ihnn sou lost hope? Aro yon contomplntlnrr mnrn**i SREADER I ^rilmiXm^^n dit.flind? Havnsou any woakno^r Our; w\M,HiriTrmirmniit will euro *ou. W hut it liiuicloiui for othern It vn\i do for yr" SrfTTnwS tn-atud voa. write for an ImmiHt opinion Fi o?CIiKT'cL /a?oSto! B^KS FB|E7"Tfio faoldwi Monitor" Ulluulrntod). HiiDiaefuioaoEMcn. Inclouo poutiiKO. cunta. beuluL H- Tmo names used without written consent. Prj-R Mwa^mJ.modioino oent C O. D- Monamea on boxoa or onvel-JJ EXAX?- ftvSi-^thlna oonfldQhtlal. Quostlon list and cost of Troat- No. 148 SHELBY ST.2 9 DETROIT, M\CHJT opoQ. everything monk, FREE IDRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN i iy V King of sll Bicycles, Light Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma- cbincfully warranted Absolutely the Best. Superior rtfltcrtnl and Scientific Work manship. 5 Styles Highest Honors af the World's Columbian a Exposition* Sand two-Mint eUmp (or our 3^-P*Ko CotalojEUo-A Wprk of Art Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom. aBo Wabash Ave, ' %^k& Mid HaUtttl 5tS., CHICAGO. ILL. ?Wg^^i!Sg^ * >

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