Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 28, 1895, page 6

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* * <THfcv ti,QSJX PRBb PKE88 CENTS BEST EVER OFFER MADE.. >^t. THE ESSEX St .,. I For the balance of 1895 for 60 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Show this to your neighbors. ADDRES E. J. LOVELACE, Proprietor, Essex, Ont, wrtfe^ TO TJiE DEED- T3"r GKEO. ^VtAISrVirjT-iEl ^EHST JST 'To HI" CONTINUED.) mat, utorioa, to find Edie, upon reaching the drawing-room, tevlv the idea & they ant talking together in a. low tone, while Myru played, and her -father took hiu imp. *'Don't talk about it," hu Raid, wuttly. L>. *'Every man makta ft fool of himaolf noma* 1/ timen. I ouppoNR I did thn." "Thoro doca not neem to bo much fooliuh- V .mean in trying to aorvu othora," whiaporod "Edio. *'I oay, don't," auid Oueflt io o low tone dftor gazing woudoringly in hiu companion's luce. "Vou are layiuq u trap for mo to full "into, and it'a too had.'1 "No, I'm not Percy, bIio replied. "I thought a.gruat dunl uince about wh^t you .iId, I wan very indignant then, but now I think quiot dinVtntly," "Youdo?" 4i.Ybii. \yiiy ohould we utudy etiquette, and bo puacLilioiin wht'ii other poopW-'a life'* linppinnna in coitcomed ?" "Wall, that's what I thought, but you ju trip ml upon mo." "I didn't nir. I only Haiti-------" "Enough to muko mo miuorahle for tlayg. Tbut'mUl." *'Pleai*u forgiv! me, I'uroy." "Jump on nus uu-iin, Kdifi," ho whiiipered > pnaaionnti'ly "ton timus, a hundred timet hard, uo an to auk forgtyuiionn Again like that." .i.._ *'If yu iro h utupiri, I will not uay 1 othor word." "Muto uu a. fish." "CWt'ymi underaLfuid huw wretotiod it rnnr.1. m ilco Myru ieul to tim- oilier nennlo " I hi'ii you aru happy, lathi one ?" "N'1, and novor -hud In. while maiti-iB me iiUtt tliin. Hindi. luw, un.i au if /! wi-n- talking about. piciuitH and Mon* <In;- l.'o;)fl. Now toll doo, Malcolm ' Mum mad and wrtohod than nvnr." "And you can'* win bin contUlmtca at *ur '"Not a bit. I go und ueo hint ovury day, generally at that place of hiu in ftuium 'Birout, though I nomutimea catch him tit tha inn, for im had a habit of goin^ tliure at coriain time, and I found it out." . "Wolir 4*IXii itiBtiUn me, bullion mo, thriiatuna we, aay everything he can think of to break "" lid I I go all the nami\" **Tliat'n right. I liko'rnon to ho faithful 'to their friwiulM." "Huh !"' Uuout iavo vont to a nigh of ' jkatinfiLOi ion. *'Jiiit you can't jtit him to oonfido in . iyou V 4iNo." *Yiu ii'iudt bo vary Btupiil." TiiatV it," 'I mn nuro I oould get liim to confido in ww." **You ? Why, you'd win the confidence of ii Momnoij.' /'.Don't, ho Billy. But tidl nm, Vdfcy do tyou thinlc, now, that Mnlrulm Stratton lna !bmni very wiuki'd ? I mean, do you think ' lie han nmrtind anyono clo ?" 4*No," naid ftunut flatly, "I foel imru he fttttw't." "'Then we will havo tho matter cleared up." ^* \l\r ITfa IlL, "ii.-ft, Pi'ruy, but poor Alyra li Hlowly wat- hl: away from turnery and uniiappinotiH. L' linijim'i t;o it, bur. I know, and if n-'inet hiii^' ifin't done unun I uhall have tiu .int.- Icii to love." "Kdie !" "I uifun like a uiijter. O Percy I'd rather -<* hi-i forgive him mid many him, how- vtr wicked ho halt been, t,han live like ill.H." A fii\v chordi) in a minoi K'ey floated i.lnough lltu drawing-room,and Iviie uhlvrr, d. "Till mo," Hlie naid actor a few miimtrii, * du yiiu tliink hi/ucied an hn did hi-uauim lie didn't lovo her hocaiine Ik- f'-lt that h <. < ulrtit't Lake a uronmn wiio had been on R;*ged LO aonii'oin: u)n V' 'I'm HUMi hi! loves lir with all It in'i, niui I fi'l 'in corlaln that he wnulu tiot let Hiiulj a thm^ stitiid in hi ,vay." " I'lii'li I'm ri'clilf-iin," Haul Kdnj excitedly. "1 don't eni u a liit what t lii wurld may uay. Myia nhiiil j^o Io hioi and otidiim." ' Sim would uoi," . "I'll make her, and if uncle kills mu for it afu-rwpird well, lit- musi." ' "I tih'iuld liku tf> cateh turn trying to," naid lluunt. "N'n, no; I don't rni'an 'I'lien what tjn )'oii think ot my pi,in?" a-nd Kdm. "You rtlnmld eoino hur" mid fileh mi Lo soni*- l-x- hihition any evt'iiinji would do. VVu ei.uld let ihi'in lie tngfthtsr lor a little while und tdon brinj^ thtun buck." "Capital!" Hai<l IJuttul; "only inn*; thut my idan, lilt le one,?' "Oh, what duen it mutter which (if un tinai(lit nf it ?" "Nm a hit,"' he haul, pruKh|i<fj thu hand that, lay no near him; nd a litilc lnti' on, with tht; undei'fitandinf; i.hut it Myra wi-nid L:.nBO'it the utlempi idixufld bt: made, Giuul loft tho houue. CUAPIKRXXX. AT HKH nWS HIIAIIT'H lilDDINO, M<nn time ulap.-ed hforr ilm iiiinnunue- iii<m thut i hi: coiiueiit bad lti:i'ii won. "Shu wanted to all th*," K'iie - "hut htir wittnaii'H i)i*rnLlv kepi nm' I in- j;irl rifj-ht, and it wuu hiiIt * ii' " ( mini dvnpair tlial Slyra hail at laM- J......i ill 'ii'ltlinwlt)ii(iitir Uo force of lie: '.ll-in'li Woidn. "i'uri"-, anys ht-.tliitikn Mali'tdm in olowl'v Uing, ilu-Li, and tliut y,(iu cinning mi^hi miv e his lite."' "II go," Myr, said, druwin^ in her hremh wiili a llihii ; and thi'ii Lo homilf, "If tm deiipisiiH ntu for Lh'i tiot, wU,I bear it, ton while 1 mn heiii." An vlining wixb fixed, ohm on which (Jural felt nuro h wnnlil he able t<> Cute. hiH friend at tho chamhom, as heing the preforahle jiUc*), though, fn-Hii^ thin, tlutrc wan.tiie hidu'Hig in S'iruin utreut. 'Myra a hall p;o nnd aoo him, ^ Aim why ho han treated liur ho badly." "But it will he Hitch hud fonn." "I don't ciMii what it in ! It would bo tnuoh worse fuiui for u to let tiiu poor tbtntf talio to hor hod and din." r"ltut surely Hhe is not bo bad ua that," iprhiopeffld Ouunt, who felt moved by tho ' ob h in hiu ooiiipaiiioii'a throat. ' "VYptrio, worao," wlnHperod Kdio, "You 'iLon't aeo what I do. You don't know what 4o. Braikiaff htarta ar all pou' noa> Thoro wuu no orramnn for Inventing axi\y. icrfuccu. Tho udintrul llmi nij^lit diuu'd.n. fie clut), and he troubled himself no lu>^" [.bout the coiniiignaud ^oin^s nf -bin daugh-' tcf anil niece that, if. lie rotijinod, I|l would only consider that, they liud tfone to some '.it home," ami rotjrn to liin bud, -;l -Tlu-'eiiuuqufcticik-Wiifl_.ihn.t the oarrjj^j^ >u-.vras jn waiting at oight, and Guest arrived and a*U't tl, nit'm guidir.- ' **airlUu tnh, VVillimn," naid Andrnwa, thii lunlor, io tho attendant footman, "thut uir young Udy would he duiiif' mom wliat'n 'i'i(}lit if Hi mi litopped at honiM, "Ay, he do look hud, nir." "Sliodnoa.Wilhuin," naid Andrewntwith u little ntrttea op tho "doon." "1'wioa. ovo,r mo nnd-you hu niadu pr.iparationH to have iter married, und it Btiikun mu that tins noxi limn we huve to do with mty ptiblicf pr*^ -oom; ho in (it oemHn^n it will ho to take hor lo hor ltmg imiii, "Tlmy'ni ii-(ioinliiK down, Mr. Aiidrown,H whhiporml Lllu foottimll ah, in uvonllig dro und olouk, Clueitt brau^ht down Mym, look- ihf,'very wliitd in h'r mulllings, and nu II nhu woi'u in iioiiiu droain, Ouiiuf handiid her into the oarrinKo, and (oturuoil for Kiliu, who WiiB_.fl.Uttlid.t>pd ngital<id, "You won't think any the worwu of me for thin, I'uro'.y, will yon?" -jho wlimpered. ITin reply Wan u tumler prenuiif'i of tho litt In hand whielt reulcnl upon IiIm arm. Mattel ii hiu'iuo; houn intrnnted to Ouoit he dtreoli'd the euuchinau to draw up ho- Hide the old noiirt in Ootimiol Lane, nnd Upon tin- fo'ttuiali opening th<> doortuud the laditvj b'MM'4 handed out, he looked at th*m in wonder, und uiilod hiu tullowuerviuib what (t'l'iie he thought, wan up nw tho trio panned into a -vlnoiny lookiiiu; alloy, tit whom' lorn* r wan a mrinmakor'u Hhop with Lw hai rinU't-H1 wi^H on hlockn in tho window, Hut (iiinnt kiit'W what he wau about. Tho CDUiHt nmi 'illeyu ahout HrnoJierM' Inn woru prineipiiby ocoupind by law .writoru, print- ei'U, and law ut.itiniieni, and deitartud enough of hii evuiiinj^ to I'liidi'i' tin* pailHa^a throuj{li of a couple f 1 ulie-i in nvuniu^ dro.ui uiiiaiuu' likely l" ciuiMti little notiue, uupiMU.dly hh tliev mi^ht )n> taking it Hliorb CHI I o 'me of lllit i itMl.1 en. MyI'a had taken (iueiil'it aim at a whin- per from her ( oionn, 'Mm followed clout! bo- hind, and, hnfore l"iiK, 'lin y-mut; baniiMHr Wan well a" are of b.-r n-jltatl'iu and Wralt- neSJi, for, .i.i lliuy i-'.ielmd .the uppor nil' tlitlM't: lo'.i'.e inn, ,d|i''d more im.d more heavily npui hUattu,. and, after u few more pat-ea, L-Uitig lo loin and atnp- ped. "'l'iri'd ?" ho naid f^onl ty; "wo aro nuarly tlu-re." Slie tried to Hpe.dt, but no worda would como; ho could foel, though that nhn wan trembling viuloutly, and I-'dio preauod to hor nidu. "C;)ura(/," alio munnuifld; and luii* voted Hfeiuod to calm Myru, who drow a deep breath, nnd triad to walk (irmly the rent of'thc'way; while Kdii* bij-.m m hopo Strut-' ton would ho ubtici.t, for hIiu druadfid thu uennc. . But fato wuy agnii.rtt lior thin time, Th moutinff hIih liud'htruttgled to bring about wan to he, for Giunt turnod to hoi and whinpurod ov-ir hiu uhouldcr : "'I born ia a li^lit m hia ro homo.*' Thero wm not a hou! viniblo na thoy cranaod the little, nilnnr,, ill-paved court- yard, with itn low fliukciriii(> gua lampit and tho buildiu^H around litaudiu^' up blank and bare, for the nuiHt part uolilaiy and dogurb- od looking, for baldly u blind uhowed a light behind. Tta'Tway along by the railings, hunoath the groat plane trcen, i\ mun wan Htiindinn ; and, an he took a mop out into tliu light of tho near oat lamp, Outfit tolt that Myra wan ready to drop- Hut a.wiitnpurud word or two roused hor to make tliu laut offtirt, and tho next minute fchey worn in tho doorway ; with the atone ,ntaini looking.....dim and strange, viihle whore they ntood, hut gradually fading into the darlmoaa above, (JU'!si Htopped abort in obedience to a premuittj upon hiu arm. iwid*~Myrawuppart*MT~ hernelt by grimpiim the wooden haluntrado, while liMie uttered a High, und thoir cticort began to feel aonio d.>uiit im to tho rouult of their mis.iion, and wonder if it was wine to have come, oven jpung no fur an to foul that ho ubfiiUl not bo orry if his companions drew b.icli". Juia then Rihe whiflpercd ft fw words to her cuUHin, who auomud .tu bo upurrod by ilietn to freali oxer tiuu/and bearing hard upon Gunut'n arm onco more.nhn aiiceiulud tliuuilent to the lira'- floor, Guoot Jed them u Ultle anidc into liruitiuon'n on try,, while he went to roconuoilor. All wan dark, apparency, and ho began to be io doubt an to whether Htrutton real ly wan there, when, to his 1/roat delight, ho found that fate had favored their Vinit, for the outer door ivim aj-r, and, drawing it back, he Htepped inside, to-find the inner door only junt tlirunt too, while, after open ing it n little way, he eoultl tutu Straitoit m-ated at hiu writiuu' tahht with bin facu renting upon bin liuiida. Thn lamp wuu betoro him, with the nhadn thruBt on one aide, bo that the light v-iut cunt- toward tho window, and hm faco and handn were in ihiikueiiH ; and no tii(itionli.H<i diii lie uceiu that (iuont concluded tha> lnt iiiiirtT be inibn-p. (iu-'Ki a flbai p look round, hut tlm rnooi wan too dim for much io ho neeti. Ir, did not, however, by that light appear to hi- n'*cl' eted. 'I'li-re wa-* an angular look in Strut ton'; iiti nude v'hioh htartlod (Juent, and made him step forward with hia heart healing h'-imly. The iinfautonod door wan torn lily u:'gftlivi* of the entrance of a man who iiariilv knew what hu waa doing and he now ;tiiw thai ii hut wan lying on tho floor a.s if it h'id faMen from tin- table. Iu no r-cli- oa-y wry Hiich idean would not liavu oecur- ti ii io bitn, but Im bail twice over vi^itod ibui. room, and lictui Htartled by nmtteni wtiicli had nu-.'gi:-.led Stratnm'fl lnlunMnn o) itoini^ ii wuy wii ii hi.* life. All ilusmmh' Gin-Hi walk (illicitly up b-. hind hii friend')* ehair, and iuH liaml w- rai-jd to ti.tuih'bim, iuit be diew buck, l ii i-igh, long drawn and piti-oiia, bride- ' h- nilenci* nf t(ie dim room uuch n ^'h encape') from a Hlenping child lying e\h -\\\\- od :ifior Htnne pari-lonaii: bin nt of leiiiii- r. IjiifHt, 'loo, drew n lony tirenlli vs *i- on-pi ii wuy ho ft ly, ! "king ' 'Vur bin nir n in- r ttil he reuehed i ho. il huh, i lr mn,'!' u Inch ho paMi'-uil, and hurriud v-- I tie few h'imh along -be* bindin'- where Myra ami Kdie utood pbiv n n t ctiainbem. "t)h, how long have been,' U'liinp-tr- ed Kit io, to whom Myra wan clinging. "Come, Mrs, ISili i on," naid (Iiich'. <-.*-'i out heitding the reniaik, an ho to U M^ ." hantl, hioh njriiclt cold through her glovi.-, and drew it tbroiitih hia firm. "Wail then!, Kdie." Thu girl uttoied a faint ejaculation, hu said nothing, and Myra walked nileruly * Strut tnn'n dooi, mid uit'duont raiai-d hand to draw it toward him who preswed ,i back. "Wuit/' hIio naid in u hcame whinti * "My bruin seotnn to nwim. Mr. Gucut, h:' mo think tor a muiuqnl of what I am guim.' to do heforu it iu too late."' GuuBt wniibd, half aupporting h'-i, '< "' rIio hung'hoavily upon hiu arm, bin nh- duJ not upeak. "I wjll tell you," hu aaid youtly; "yon are going liko noniA good ungel to nobic; * man dying of mistnry and denptuir. I do ii"t know tho caiiHo of nil thin, but I do Uno that Malcolm Stratton.who bun alwayn hie:i uii a brother to me, lnvea vou wfth all hi" heurt." t 'Yea yen," whispored Myra oxoiMid- 1f l'llli SCtM,LIE MURDER An Interview With tho Graya , In F'orlcla. MILLING TO FACE AN ONTARIO JURY I'lmiii in" "> "And' that nomo torriblo. ovunt nomn BUddeii blow, caumid him to net did on hiu wedding morninc," Myra JorroM," be uontinufld aoldinntv. "knowing Maleohu ut I do, I fnol that hu mtittl have bold back for your Hakr taking all tli burden of bin Bhumn upon him bo that you uhould not Buf fer, r '-'Ycuf,'* she said In her lo*t, tjxoitnd whin- per; "tliat in what I have been fetding ' nil lht**G weary, weary dayi. It j is tliK thought which h-ii auBUinvd me, aind made roe ready to acrifio ao muoh pride, poai- ni-y i'Anltu tluil the lire Wliieli Ocutray-, etl Their Ileum* Wit* litldeulal, a ml ' . Iniiy l-tiultlvely riiat Kt-edlle.Wiw li.llletl *-ru> tVarUcJ uu u Hectlou liuiud. Cteobt, Morion County, l"lorid:t, .June *J1. -Tliomuti Gniy mul bin wife, Ilciude (Iray, who wore iLrroHti'd iu thin county birth" .a!h'j;eii miirdor of Uiivid Heollie in iitnnu* beti Towimhip, (.bounty oi i'l'terboru, lu- tlirio, aid lltill in eiUltoly bole, nWiiiling tliu urrivu! of an oiiicee with tin- .fi'(|iii- lltioil 1)11 jliTH, OrjLy wuu nri'i'iiLi'.d utAe;iii-w Mtntion hint 'riiurnday and lo-d^vd in'the Moi'ioii County .fnii. rinnduy hu* vvitr wtiu tnla-n Iu ciintody. Grny cninL' to Marion County lout July, liin faintly i..][owing in Au(.;iihL. lb' pur- shiuuid n piece ol loud at A^in-w Stnti.-i. three inib'H went of Oe.uln, :.iiiui!^u b'i.:;; solony ol iuduHLrioun and suei-e^inl Ittf linn fruit und vi-p-fto-hle ^rou'i" Gray I'liihn rlced in the rioiue huidiicHu watt getting iiia uround in fr tion und had ptiuiU'd u umuher of yxrf- fif early vt-gi'tabb-H, hut Lin- si-vi'.i'ir Hi February iuat. ruined eve rythmic Indue; wliort ul money he inim > em;- llleut mi il tract; baud nil tin' mi.I und wan working then- w.i.-.i . rn .-ii*"!. TJitme win* Ju.ow Gray ha-, n .vei; anion]; UH.iiny le.' in a ti.ird-worl-in^, in- iliiHtrioun uinii, and tmi' bardiy in i ev- In1 in* guilty tu' the cliitr^e [r.-tdeiT-' iigainut him. Jlin arr^t and tin eii ciimntaiici'H U'lidii;^ to it Iimv- crcou ijuitt' u Henimtioii in thin fiunuiuniiy. UcnJn bait only it, jN,pulati.<n u. i'.'.U'.. ilthoiifjfln tho ciiuu'.y Heat, und hoiih* :ti'"ti !an therefore In- ii-l(1 of tb>' inu-i:rt -. :itt'ineul tlial Uuh been rr-*t;t'il by tb rtrr>*nt among; tin; ouuith (d the exten live onuigy gt-.vns, 111.*lrk t gnid n- mid cotton, Hiigar - cane nud iwi'i'. |w> farniH in thin iu'igidt<-ihofid. Vour correitptindent, who interview; ' iMith Mr. mill Mm, (hay in the ja'.l, tin' following; Ktury : At the time ui lint fin! in whh'h tl: 'jouHt'~7Cml^tu4Ut^_Wi^burn.'d Gray wa-' i.bHt'ut Hum.' 70 mib.'ri rnTm~~rrr'rt'j-. LL uiiid he net the. pt-.-iu'i^'-' > Ire. Mm. Gray Hiiyn that the g:!arin.^ il.'ii.*'1 wnke larr up, and with dhtienlty .the );' >|it villi her Ini.'int I'biUl, and the '.'.in'r :liildreu ba.ndy e.tcn pud espey^iiuini, iif aer bedroim waa filled to nutfoeation with sinolct), Aii i;o.m ji-s Tila> reoehed tie1 yard lu\ ea.lled their a^ed cb:'.r.-;", l.mviil ^iv-l iie, but got'no answer, from .liim, and the . wKir old man waa ireiuateil. 'I'la' fti'e Uvik filuJ-e ut 2 o'ebndt in. the morning piH*u*wiiEHJin.y. the hou-e ((ii^umrd wns built liy, Thi'niLMH Gray ti\A c <)'.- md. tin* iimiini nee r'einpany paid him jnRO for tin1 .building ajid bin iiirniture The eoronep'ri jury jiet|tiitted them o! the iTiiui' to burn the buihlihg tor the purple of' ere inn ting the old man, wluwe property they wei1' to have it bin (h'atb. Tli: * property, they Haid, wan fmly worth $1100, lloth aiwert their iimocf-uci'; and nay they are confident they Can prove the laino; at. thoir trial. Mrrt. Gray -i^cunen her htribaud'a bro- .tluir,. Hicba-rd, of, iigititirtlnK thene (diar- 5oh, aj Hheniid thnt.Vbile near neiKhlMirs. thi;y never did get aJong well together It in done for Hpite work, nhn alh'Kt'H. Rho Mho naid that Kiehanl wa- |ealon of hr hufituind'H fiiieeesn nnd al wayn envied him what little proHpcrity b' -lid, When told that tho. mnirt damop;iag cvi- tliu?o iiBamat her bad been given by her mvn winter juid not by lu*r huahand'M brrv. ther, thn voiruui Hew into a terrible pan- lioa, and lined anyihiiiK but complimen tary tor inn in regard to Mra. MeGregor. An will be floou by thn appended let ter, Mr*. Gray make* serioun chargen xgainnt Mr. Wilhirn McOrogor' nnd Mr. [rmhara Wtdr. She amrtn that the three ttulinnfl [iried tho head ot! o! ScoIUc'h body with a jtole, whilnt at prcent it in alleged the Indiana thought the head wan detached lit the timii ot their In- vefltigntinuH: Oeidiv. Juno 14th. Denir Rlr, rinniio plvo mo par-d In your flrnt Inn lie. fur thin unto. lr, 1 miff In tho Pi'turborn papora lant vrook a groat many fitlno KtutemantH roffardinK tho burnlntr of our pine*-*. VVoll. I mtiHt Bay they Icrmw Ilttlo that give tbomndlvon no much tron- bb> ovor Mill MeOro^nr'n lion. Don't nil tin' iH'fglitmrn know thn kind of a- liar bo In. Callit W. M. Hljrl'V. my mdjrhlK>r. lot you all know bow many lion ho told on uit l""foro tlila ovor happonod t And for Graham Vv'olr, I expect nothing ohm of hi in, Uw:amm hlia ami on havo hooil on bad torms tbiH hint 12 yourn. Hunlrodi of thlnpii le.* told on tin. He naid to Mill Me<!rott'ir If he bad u nhivnoo ho would ulnip off inv head, but MoGropor and blin can talk nil thoy ]iU'itnn, ua loiij; mi thoy , t jut one to tnlud thorn, Thoy would likti to tii'o mo ponioeutod, tmt I ilmi't mind thorn. If inediuul aid ain't mnurt hu'otifrh to know tlin-t bin lumd foil off li.v hiiruiuFr. tte> threo lu'llnnH from Hiawatha that I'irnt |J*it hiu h-nly lib tli.i tlobrlon cull lot them know that tho wan on wbtm ttif-v' prl'nl it^up wiioro It lay on tho top of. tin.1- dohrVon, aad tho |ioad foil tu [ib^.ofl. Why doa'uMr. Murray go to tbond thr(-e IndlanK, W'l'.Mo OoW und hia lirotlior mid Madam HowariL for information, umJ ho will hour tho truth from tlumo poor IndbtiiH. They itrti notNH^o thu high flow l:i hi mm nf? affalrn. I tlindc if Wenlllo'ii frb'iidit lioai'd tltond Ham they will K" crazy. If thoy fotuli any of mi back from tin* \Sfcutoti wo will huo tho towuHhip for llama'<ti wiit.-n tliay aro hltnilod no. .inuoh by llain. Wo novel* dtuio anything t* fly to tlio HtutOH, but to, gut HvltiK In iioiiea. W% iK-vor fought mr wiut iiuiirroliioino. Wo idwiiyn wan jioacenblo. . Kx.oopt wo Would fight wo had j^tit to loavii. Wo think It wuH bout to leuvo. Whoa wo ciimo to Can ada wo had our papoi'H from our inhibitor and from our omployor to nhav h"ltl>d eon- duet, hut Wlioil other portion uaino tlioy bad to loavo for Ixdng quai'rolHomo and hoinR t'P '-t oimrt ovory othor w.ook for flghtlajr and lybifr with thoir nolfhhorit. Tho flint thno'ovoi* wu worn la eourt wui at the* ImpiOHt; Print.thin In your papor. Florida. MRS, T. (JUAV. Om't the eotuttubloB find that Mr. Uniy wiin at hh) broth *i"n at tluut of aeotdoidv The Sheriff told me yeutmlay that U Gray nud hia wile return to Canada their live children, three of whom are un der 10 yearn of age, will have to be taken with them or proviH'.on nmde for their muintoiiaaeo ' hero. .If thU ia rud done Marion County will doc Hue tn tun- rondo r the iiriaonera. Tim Gfuyw hnvr diHuhargnd tlndr uttor- rmy and the appllcutioa Tor their re- Lomio mi n writ of habeas cnrptui hmi Deou nUuTldoTTPih uo- tnnnoy to. maka n fight and way that thoy would not du flo ovmi if tl'my b:nl tin* niiMLiis, hh thuy nS'o not -it all nfrnid of tho ouUmino of the trial. lllvvv lrlv*r Ikrowued Ottawa, Juiia ao. Mmmtw.' lumlwimuMi wonl to-day that a flvor'-drlvor named Hbraci) ltonoro wan drownud in tho LUtty Miatiittiljrpl Monday evooluff. . ! Co ........, of Throat and Lunfjjs tlicrc i:i no curt; so quick inul ponnimciiT'iis Scott's Iiiniilsioit of Cod-liver Oil.' tt is palatable, easy on the most cate stomach and effective Scott's deli- stimulates tlie appetite, aids the digestion of other foods, cures Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis,find gives vital.strcngth besides. It has no.equal as nour ishment for Babies and Children who do not thrive, and overcomes Any Condition oH Wasting. Ssih/ for pamphleton Scott* s fctmihiott. Fra, Scott&Uownu, Dolluvlllo. All Drurjulat tiOc.&SI, Not many budnut,H bounon in thui United FUuUm oau hoiut of fifty year* Htundino;. Tho hiiHiuehii of pr. jtJ Ayufife Co,, TjowoH, ftl'wu,, whoHu iu par-iblo H irnupii.rillu in known ut' yurvwhnri), bitn paunad itu half-nri und wart novor no vip,orouii mi ut A ------ Why tn( Vi.u Whcin tbonniindH of penpb, ,iru tafl lln,od'fi HiirmtpitrMln to ovfirr-onu, fhowui hnait und lun^uor wbidb uru ao common tbiu Hoiiuoii, why urn you not doiho tfle HiLtiio? When you Ifiow that Ilo<-,rt) ^a'r. HapiirilliL bun pownr to cure rhoumutUm, dyapepidu and all diiinttuen ohiiikuI by im- purrt blood, why do you O'ltitlntio to Buffr7 Ilood'u niiroH otharu, why not, you? Houd'u Tilln aro prompt and eniohmt, 20 contu. I)rtiiinl.H nay thut their aalmi of. Ilorul'ii frJarnapurilla nxuoml th-n--. of n\\ (,tu,,ra There in no tmbhtihil': for Ifood'n. tho tmdn in idl Idndu of Building Material, Woodwork for hoiiaes. (plain and ornamoutal), Barn Lumber, ShingloH of all gradea, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS., \W> nro Solo AfjontH in tho County tor *I*3BC]ES ^.3E33Et]IVr'0'>I*0^t, Of fjlnonjo, which took Ifi^huHt Awarda at the World'u Fair. Can furnish either Piirapingor Power Outfits at lowest prices A written (juarunteo with overy Outfit. Laing Bios. MONEY For the benefit of every oner.who.wishes to invest in a few shares of ,; ',,.- ., . Ontario Permanent Building and Loan Stock, J. R. Oliver, penevnl agent, will he in town for a few weeks and will be pleased to explain the workings of this A- sociiition, p A post card or letter niai1t?d to Essex P, 0. will receive prom [it attention. J. R. OLIVER, Agent. TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Our BVIFC- CHAS- CLOTHE, the Expert in designing and fitting TRUSSES and APPLI ANCES to RUPTURED arid DEFORMED people, CHA3. cluthe wm vjsjt personally, TILBURY GSEMTRE, Marchand Hotel, Monday, July 8th. LEA6VBIW(GirOD,^s Huffman's Hotel- Tuesday, July 9th. ESSEX, American Hotel, Wednesday, duly 10th. tkH HERSTBU B*0 Lakeview House, Thursday, duly 11th WBNDSO^y Crawford House, Saturday, July 13th. Any parson RUFt*URIEID should como and sua tho now clovlco to not alono HOLD tho ROF*'T'UlF8E undor any circumstances, Including bnthfni;, rrdlriK, slooplng, otc, without nny holtii. wol-rhinc but two ouncon In nil, but POSITIVELY CURING you by tlmply, wtinrinR day and nfeht and followInK otlior Inatructiono for thruo monthg. The prico la roasott- ftblo, and to obtain thin euro, havo thlo device fitted to your parson by the Inventor,.who may bo consultod an nbovo. Horn Club rout Mtido Kfatural by JPatontoa a.j.pliin;coB. Ot.n Cnhlkii, Ont. Dj'ak Sm,-~I Hinccruly thunlt vou for tliu rnir- nculoiin cure you imvc purtitrnuJ on my lect. 1 ciin novy walk perfectly Hirai|;lu, without ihc -udol a crutch or ennc. 1 was born with club feet, which wi'rt*-losuvt-'retliatl conlil never stand ali.uu;, my fe-e;t lii'lnjr lileo iwo rguiul balls and my toes all ilrjcil up The stmuif leverage of your inntrument ha tnailc my \uct perfectly natural. I am now tloiui; the hoimi'ivorlt of lamj'.y nnd can walk an well aft anyum.-. The other partiu-t near by usiui; your inutruments die namo limr as I did arc an natural an iniiuv^ Wu all tliain you nmccrely. MAGGIH JANE VOUNG. ANCASTitu, Ont, Chas. Clutiim, Ertq. un- ptied through mu for my natient, a boy fi months old, double burn eliib feet, and a very had cahu at that, ha made tho child' feet and limlm natural from liin* to sole. .1 belicvt) it i tho moHt practical syr-tem in existenco. Vourn truly, GEO. DRVRY FARMEU, M.D. A, ifrigutftil Oauo Onrod. Pout Muudn, Mich. Tho Sciuntifid Trimw Titled by you, after an yearn trouble, made mo a new man. And now cured entirely. , S. D. AIRMAN. Waa in a terrible iitatu licforo you fitted mo with one of your iriiHHeft, hut am now without thu same for Nuvcral iiiorutiit, beinj; entiridy cured. Several of my friondu, whom I unit to you, ImvuaU-obccn mcili pUanqd. _My c;ino was miyU, that you took a photograph of it, and you :ir- p^rniiited to uhow it, 6'ntT ^CwiclixTpi'iVTenr M My As tlio ttupoeas iu ovoroomlun1 Biipturo nud DeforMiltl8 depontU on th py^uoual exaralnntioa of th oafie, this Is an opportunity of con sulting tho tttowt ixperleaoed man lu thintlno ta the oonutry. 11 i i A Xiaay ol fwonty Yoarfi had to be tolled to tlio tflJiBS+or Tliruo Yoara) was Porfebtly. Kolplemi. ClIAf^ Cl.UTIIIt, ICh(). DiukSih, I thuiiRht I would write you to lt how I am trcttinir alouir. I am uptaudij you Unow CHAS. CLUTHE CO .....upl. ..... now. 1 can walk any diatanco. I do all the work for (mite a Uiriji: family. You know that when you came to nee mo that $fl. ' 'ini' u> '** ' ll-*hl up whilu you ;'&$ mwimircd me. When I nut on ^"t'lu sl",iri' ^uppiirter lirat I >v?--' could not walk alono, Wt the firnt day I could walk through the luuniu, and on the third day I walked out to meet my .^ brother. Oh, Mr. Clgthu, I ^ feel that I can never thank you you ink in bed for four monthti at a time ami irctliiiu; worms ' every day until I -jot thu instrument from you. Any one wi-dini-.' for further particulars concerning my c.iko. refer them tu me. Thanking you onco more for what you have done, , I remain your true friend, I'UTBiinokoucu, Out. MATTIB QRA1IAM. Uivkii Hkiiuut, Nova Scotbu Chas. Clutiiu, Esi|., Toronto. With i;r eat pleasure I tor ward you the follow ing tdutimony : When three yearn old my Hon hurt I*"1'1*"- ^l lfi*tfW worneantl woouj, " ^ weak, thucordit contract' JI r|'".*!? . After liavi'Mt applied tuiu of your While'. tWcllinKU'iitriii'jonlHto hit knee the ,le(; \*r*w natural in two y-elim,'and ' now "no letf in an lorifff n the other. The cure wrought (^r my won after fiftiviTryear'H~Mi^ value . to him than thouiandn >of dollaru. . . : - ...... i UriHoliCiti-d, I \z%vo the statement*' ' *iaf^^^lcnvlr-(f one many Important partio- j -----^. ularn, in yratitudo to you, antHor tlm iMnent of nftlicted humanity. I remain, yours respectfully- ' . - / J.'M. PARKBR.',. Vaalorof tho River Hebert Saotlut Church, -' , TOROMTQr-Cahadii1 ."i j/'i1'1 m i EfMJmllii||HBM 61777

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