Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 28, 1895, page 3

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>,'.<"r~\' ft- X'.. ft .*> II il_ i 9 ^ri l I kJh, ;^i=>t>.fc. KRl', a-. '^RJHvfc- Tho tirl In ltloomtMs. The biuninook girl in out of dato, Tho carrin^o girl yanuo, The girl who riduu bloyolo Rules ull thu world to-day. Sho flaahaa by with uiuooftil ii|ioi- I, Aa if who rodnon air, And, aH nho ^litlnu alun^, ulio IhiiLi Admirorfl ovntywhnro. Xjot Biuhop and Hinltop Ooxo Abusu hot ah thoy may, Tho 'oycld u;irl in horn, bramlnnw, And nho is burn to nifty, Sho doonn't uuro how \ruoli thuy funu, For ttbe know* ttho'ii all rifjht, And, oven an tboy urumbln, tboy M.UHt own hIio'h out of night. Ho huru'H to tho uwoot 'oyulo girl, In bloomuri* or in akirfcH, Sho'a worth a do/on of the girl That loukigou 'round and !hrt ; And huro'H awiuli for Biithop Covo, A-raihuc on tho lunco: That ho muy livo and /{row in ffruoe, And HGaia day havu mom hquhu. Soraervilln Journal. Nervous Women. Their Lot is Not a Happy One. AT HOME AND ABROAD THEY ARE MISERABLE. Paine s Celery Compound Gives Them a New Life, Makes Them Happy ant) Strong! Bright and Vivacious I Evciy Woman Should Try it. The lifo of the uorvpun woman in u mont unhappy ouo, Sho ih continually minor- ublo, and in frequently a burden to her- elf and family. NorvouflnoflR itf produaoil by u groat var iety of aunnot. ITpaduahoR, bilioumieuH, QonQfciratiou, dypopmiL, vurtigo or giddi itietin, iuHorania, dciipondtmcy, and a hoot of other ailmontn. Aoni-nla, tho uho of druj^H and ipedi. oiuH containing strong narooticfl, only cauuo alllictod oiieii to Hi.iii deeper iu auf. ferine and atrony. Nature's true and permanent ouro for all dinenuaHiH I'luiif'-* C'olory Compound, a tKiadioiuu now frofdy and winuly prescribed by tho bout phyHimatiH. Tho propnutora Of I'aino'ti Culory Compound havo more ttiutimonialo ftom the woimm of Canada tliun havo over brim uivon tti favor of any other medioine in thu world. i'houfliuidfl have boon navod who worr* once doolarod to bo hopoloHB and incurablo by i ho dnctora. Mro, JoHboph Vallum', of Cachu Bay, WipiHsinR Diatnct, Out , who wuh rt'oently cured of nervouti proBtration and neural jjia of tho heart, wnu-H an follo\sn : 11 Pot a kJYi^th of timo I HUilcrod yt-ry inuoh from nervoun nrontration and nnu- ifftlRia of tho heart, and wan unubln to get rojjolar aloop and turn 1 ust-d >our grLat ttiedioine, Paino'H Colury Compound, with moat bouolioiftl rohulth. I am happy to nay that my condition of boalth ih won derfully lniprovod ; my nleop in swuot and natural, and tho pains unit norvous foara that tioublo mo uro haniHhed. I cannot Spoak too highly of faiuo'it Colory (!o.a- pouna." MICIIICiAiN CIOlNTltALiIt'V. Olienp VCxiMirMloiiu to 4:111111 <llan \0rtI1- weHt^^lu Nnrtli Huy. From Enaox to *Delof aine..........................friib Kaatou............................ '2H Eatevan............................ at* Binwarth........................ 3H SIooHi'iTiin......................... MH Beina......................... ;iu MooHfjaxv ......................... 30 Yorkton ............................ 30 Prinoo Albert....................... ;jf> OalKarv........................... 36 Edmonton.......................... 10 KodDoor............................ 10 D.VTKtt 01' BALK AND H.MITB. TioliGtu to bo no Id Juno 25; lunitud tu n- Juni nntil-Auyust 21, 18(J. Ticlu-tH to ho yold July 0; hmitoi? to ro- turn until HeptuiDbur 8, 18Ufi. '1'iakotii to be Hold July 2It, limitod to re turn until Suptim.hi'r 22, 1895. T'or further particulara apply to A. O. Bl'IMI'UH, Aui'nt ui I')hhl*\. , , A lio^u to lIurHenion. Ouo bottlu ol Enyli^h Spavin Liniment completely re moved it onib Iroui my homo. 1 taKi' pleitttiifo i'i rooomn'endmn tho reino.jy, un .-it noti* with raynfuriQUH promptnona 111 tho removal from hon-rn of hard, no'fc or onl- _i loncd lumpfl. hlooil apavin, Hplinta, ourba, fi& sweeny, athloa uml aprainoa. Ooo. Dobh l;fV arm**. Markham, ^Ont. Sold by John iM'11" fPhftMin". Druifiziut, ^?!' Thome', DrutfRteb 1 t- * In the DOMINION OF CANADA DIAMOND DYES *<: iht fcrii:d favotrittn with the ladici for home dyeing. Why they arc Popular. They arc the easiest to use; they pive the brightc.t color1;; they nnke colors that List till the* goods are worn out ; the colors never crock or fade, and will !.tind Lfupand wir.l.tiif;. A'.k your dealer lot the "Diamond"; re fuse imitation!;* "KoW uvcrywhr, ivnircetiim li(m ml forty HinpIon at culorctl cloln free. yfUtld &. UlCllXUVUQH CO. Uoiturvui I'.Q. pIK KiAIHICU t.MU TIIK UXYSTO.Vft. riik-iiii^iir<l u tho "Uiiiow wiintmuM 1* HoHnr of i:mlH'rar Xlllllntii. Kiel, Tmn 22. Hvi'rylHuly wiut Htirrintf (it an cjLrly hour yi'ti>rdii.y Hicurlnpf pl/u'fH nf Mintiiirc t> Hfi1 thf cori'iiumy of I tyinir the keyHL/'iM' o( tlu1 CiLiial at II- lli'lldtl. At II <A lot'li -iUHMiti of "IVr Kaiiatr K*'inmtI* HiiiM . Tbi' I0in]M'ror, wbonn ar* i-]\ I w.iu ih" micn:il oi d'Mifi'iiinij; du*orfW u ,l tii juhiii a '! n>' ' ' jii.-iUion before the dniii. Chnn- ' 1 '> 'i .I 'i'uIu' .irtla'd the Imperial (in- :i. ; '< 1 pi ' re tin' pi dei'oihiiyrn, "iid ii' '1 1! .1 il'.'Mimoiit 1 elating to tho u" :u<iv iiti't ulm'h the KaiHir np- pi" ill ;. : t..ppid the ntont- with a 1. 111- 'toi." (iN<> received hlowt i " . "1 M.;, 1 pcuu'i-H pieu'iit. fn 111 the <.. the 11 indiHinth mid .Miniitoni . . t . 1 1 11.,1 .id, m lit> 11 i-_C the U'VHtoiie, ' I 1 in- in >ry of Knip'ior Willnun iu (i >u I ehrNteii this c.iipil the K ^ Vi ilu llli Canal.' I Its M-tje-Uy '11 11 t pp tl tliu utoiii- thrici', niJiitniiKii^i " I. >.i tit 11 line of Uo"l, Hi ln'iiui-of tho Kmp 'in, William -I, for the woaL ol 'N 1.1 iu,\ and the uolfme ol nations." I lie lUoui' lii'iiiK hiitl tin: Khihui* re in n -d U> liih ptaej* on the dni", mid at Lli" roii.'liisioii u| tli' ceivnirmie.-t nt the ne.MsL'ii' tlif Kinprior went un board th H fli'-n/nflnrn, u linn* 1111 t'>ok liiiiclnoru S iluteK la Him Mnjenty were tired by r.4*\ -nil of the uaitilups lii tin- Bay. u-< 1. 4'Iim to a K. >..'! (lit UuriN-r. M tut - a.f June 21. Alwiit the timo th 1' 1 h- 'i-ik.,-1 lnjiMinr current that M.1 I) iiiem tiau bet 11 iniirdert'd in St. il 1... Mn nt.. L1.1i. u^ent went to tho iliti ' o. |w e . . ii* 1 leported that 11 mar- in- > iu 1, hi an 1 Vt'/iiu'.ui had U'ft lor tho w---t h> the l.;',0 p.m. tiain. and that lie 11.1 1 in W 1 in l vrj iitriini^t' and c\- citi , i'i hi e . !li- p jet* tluaiixlit the cluo u ns \ve i'i ii* lnw.,!),', bill nothing wi\n !tn u:it to-.'. 1, la wei'U. mfter the l I'i Ml I .\ I 'U til ' ill 1 HV'II t(Mlk H tiipH tO lin\ a hv.jdi in.i.Id Un the man 111 ipiea- tion. \ /mean Ixm^hL a nerond-ch-flM ticket I in 'I oron to lliH hi other claiinu he ac- roinpnia - i Iiuii to the de[Kit, yut he did not link Vi r.LiH'nu wlu-ro ho wuh going, EOQK.I.EE IQOU Uto Hi;\'ri;\c!.D. Hriil Down lor I en 1'nan With Dlarfl l.ithor London. June Ji'J. Mondal Howard, the Arni'rlran who wan ariosleil uo April 'M\ for having In hla iioascssmn a quantity nf en^rawd plati'H and oLh'T rnatorlnl I'nr foi^ln^ notoi, \ua_i to-day found puiltv of forgery and scntorr** d to 10 years" lnipi isonmerit with hatd labor. I'rurtc UrUli, |inTirf>vciii<*nI K<*nflinrntnl, N*ew York, .Tune 22. I'.rn-dHtrent's na\n: "In the Province of ^Jntnrio j^neral trade is (|iiite "notive and prow pec ts aatia- f a-tory. In the Provmoe (if Quebec bilM- ne.sH n Hlij^htly Binallur m voluna1. Ac tual improi c-nii'iit in ilccbired to lie, thtm ffir, h. iituni'iital. In New liruiiHWic-h and N-'V.i Seotin crop cunditioiiH n re fair, imt- witliMf mliiLM- the dry uenthrr, hut in Newfuiindl.iiid affaim aro otill vnry nn- Hettleil, end the outlook iH not cui'ouniK- mir. The trade reji t n "in tiuebo* city in r.ithe.- nmre favorable than that from Montn'.it. iWuik tdennn^n at Win nip'tf, 71a 111 iltori, Toronto, Montreal nnd Ilalifnx amount to ^22,.'I"2,UOO thin wit It, a falling off of nuly 1.1) iKir cut. finm hist week, but tin lucrvattu o! nhoiit !10 [t cent, over the third wool; of .Turn.', lts'M. and ahmit 22 i'r ci>nt. larger ouch tlinn in lila* wetdti of 18'l3 and M)2. Tlu-n' are .'10 blLHineHH fiiilur*'H ri'i>rted fjirni Canada thiH week, ii^tLimit 21 hint week, 21 ill the week one year ii^o, 20 two juttrtt itrfo and 2li threo yoarH a^o- Ueitnlw for sotiiiiit ,!i*iilii*r*. London, Juno 22. -A Knnid intrmtv- tiouai denioimtiu turn \i'fi held lnft nift'ht by the W.C.T.IJ. in the A bert Hall, Lady filnm-im't pienidinK. It N cHtimatod that 10,(1(10 jieiHone wine pienent. A liody- guard ol hiu.oib of the navy, prote^ea of Mihh Atjni'H \\ crttmi. national workor mnonu' the fiuilom, fiicnrtud Hpcakera to the i.lntjorm. Ln 'y Sninernct'a addri'Kii wmi eiithuBittHtically received. Mbm W <-m- Uiii lolluwod, thf M-ainuij utandinff duiiif? her ivmarkH. l'l* the eoncliiinon of Minn Wentau a Hpi'ech ne\i-ral of tho hulUh- h id inedu.H tonferied Ufiou them in ivrnKiu- tiou of their inline yeum' abntinence liuia llltl)\l .llhlK lilMHHB.^_____________ Ir^i l o. ii Hun '-<l*. Uhico^ .linn' 2'J.-Oeoi-e Stcn<.. who in ivmi to be 11 thiei ami mjrliu nviniui of tnit'nmal lenutntion, wan ai rt.ited ,M'4l- r- d..> Stone fmiifi'd *"'" IM*1!Dil '" 1!ui" fnlo a uliin-t tutu m?u. n.nd tin* antlio.-i- tien ol thif eity ii-ip. hU'd t'.iat tie p 1 - onei li- lu'ld. Sto-ie it* iiNu uiu I d <l M titu'.d foi riibln'ry. Five ni'-n v. 1 ' " ' ' id to have Ijm-11 fonh'deia'. 1 ol Stoi e in mve 11I 11 ilia, r i-H \V"i-e il'.m n iti h' e<., All iue Canadian eiuuk.s. TttC " tl'M H 1 I'll VI- 1 ' ' Kdi.iburKh.Jum' 21!. i-.- od from Ib.tiuo' il t h . , V/tnd^nr. Ilor Ma.l .\ 1 1 ly bonented In bualth ny ue, .,a . Balmoral. i firt- UWDCRTAK1NC. n on 1 .chunMl'.n, 'itiiiiiihini' "ivt Kimtm r Tinnier. Mobutu p^mn mid fnt'>i,yiut"l * 1 *'h> **f" ^ofJrniiof Cnt' " "I'd niin-itj <* iti; imvmhiim; i\ io\i>>s. lo: IfodtiH Inuuiroi u ioliII .lien '^ 1II1 In h'i,J>i Mi ut In i 1(i.. illjie Milt Ik .Ik-rcud (I. l-Oiulnii, J mt' '.'!,- U'\" .1 * "> the ".Milleiici' ol a 11 v item 01 \\\. ii'-ah in fuiiticidn have Htm tied London vllhiii tho hiHt few ilayu nnd iniim-il a ri(',id officint impnry. ~~" Jit bait Ix-cii iiiieui'tiuiiie'l tluil niHiin n iortniKlit the ln lieu ol >d\treii udaiibi have been foinilt \\ it hln the nli'li of the niutern iliniiict oi l.oi'ilim, nnd diii'iu;1; the pant eiivbt nuuthn one liiiinlied mid two Iwnlien havo liern lound in the iinine 'liHtrict. 'I In- mmit of thiMiii h.'iliiert have been utriuiKled hy tyuu; a eoi >l u hot it the m'fli or HiiffnmLinjv by tyln^ n towel over the fact*. A man named Itnhort Ihidnou him he mi a r rented for the murder of Inn wiio and child. He took hiilmiitfH lot hinmelf and family in IleluiHlev Moot, YoH.nliiro, 1 In a remote and neohnled u|iot on 1 tho Moor he dujf the graven of hut wife j and child, ami, ijtnr huryiuK them, j vaniMhed. 1 A man living on tho Moor, noticinjc the | frcnhly-tiirni"| cirth, inventi^nled, and I din? no the Ikidies. Jludwon in a jouni-C and hurhly edu- eati'd man. who ran through Inn own and hiH wi(e'n fortirneu. Hln anxiety to fr*t rid or l)in wife in evidenced by the (act that befom ho killed her he ndver- tiiiwl for nnotlicr wife, which he dMTun do r tint name of ITtuitor. TltOV'^ I1SI1 Hl'oKV. U+ 'Olilii't Itnu IliliU" tVhllit (htt HwohI I'Uh KM(d I Mm. Now York. Juno 21. John Troy tftll* a Kood Hull Hlory Ho bflotiffn to Hon- ton, nnd wius ploki'd up fit sea oy tin* St. John, N.B., nchoonor Katie C. Wil bur. LcavlnK the fbdiliiH- boat lolanthn oft Chatham, Mimn., In a doi-y, ho miyw a Hword flh (,'ot tangled In" hU btmy line. And then tho rneo to uoa bop;n. Troy dared not move, as the craft Hped on, for fear of an upiot. Tho bnat wrw half full of water, nnd to cut the lino over "thf*- bow wan Impojedbio""After live hourM' rtde tho flRh played out, came to the top and brenthod Un la-'it. The man crawlod forward, cut tho lirto ftnd baled out tho boat; Troy wild In a Joklrift way that he thought the flh dlr-d of worry; that wan tho only thln^ that killed iiword Anh. IXo rowed from a Thursday afternoon till Satur day mornlncr, when tho Wilbur took him on board, Tho hIoro ut Troy thua onde^^ ~ - -________ N i:\V1jV until ThiHittt* A, John*. CURED BY TAKING AVER'S S "Tf was nflllrtnil for fllKht yoam with flitlt Ithmiin. Din Inn; Unit timo, \ tried nfjroiit many niedlclnen which woro highly rec- omiviouiled, but nono i;avo mo rolfof. I w.i'i at but. advi'iiid to try Aycr'H Huria- nmlll.'i, nnd beforo I had finished tho fourth hutllo, my liaiuh woro an Free from Eruptions aa ovor they woro. My hmliip'i't, which \h Unit of 11, cab-driver, reunited mo to bo out ln cold and wet weather, often without jdovo'i. but tlm irotipm haa never returned." A. JoiiNM, Biratfoid, Out. Ayer'siS|Sarsaparilla Admitted at thn World'* ^alr. Aycr'n I'illa Clcanue tho liotvet*. llevti 1.11 1 li<>i: . a. ill Kitr; i I ' t'.M.itl WttM -.(:.,-. .In. Mexico City, Jtin. Jl. .'du 'V< VCIISi HI, -I , I it' IK' ,L -ill ! I. ,'i) old. ^oj, oi 1 :or .i < iti ll al 1 > ' ,\io L (' > 1 y I'.i -1 ' to rilii- .U K ' 11* .,. ' . 1 -h n ipi'ii 1 *d rn rite, i'.c i:\fc'I,OSION <>\ A KTDl^Kllt. r t ' tber. 1 v." 1 o .1 r. >> i\ at 11 [iiiuiiiri, . . him. i,-;li t ,\ > inea went Vourlrcu Avfir*ly Hculdetl l> a Ktenu k*li>a filvlnu Way, CliiraK", June 28. The wbalebncU kteanior Chrintophor Columhu-t met with 11 nerioiiH accident to her machinery on her roturn trip from Milwaukee lnat rtifrht. Tho wind wiut blowing from the wjiith, and ahe wim makuij*' fat time until about 7 o'clock, when directly off Waulcejxan thcro u-nw a terrible expUv- iriori followed Immediately hy a tlnflh 0! ttaino, and the "Iw^at wiu* immediately ('n- veJop<'d in a elotid of uteain. The fittinp; of 'the main nteam pirwj had pfivi-n way. Fourteen itonunvi u-cri* injured, four of udiom will dio. Tlie Chrintoplier Colnmbofl went into eominifriion for the Heanon yewb-rdny mnrninjr. She loft for a trip to Milwau kee with BOO paitttonp^m, and left there on timo for the return trip to thin fit,*. Evorythini* went nil rip;ht until off Wmi- koffan, when tho accident tortk pi nee. It in MflHortod !y pajnien^i.'ru that the G> lutnhtis wim racing with the Virginia of the (roi>dneh line. The pipe that burnt wiih diweonnccted at oniu:, and the boat came on lo\vly under reduced tcam with three boilere in ojioration until off Grcwuio Island, wlu-ro rIih wan met by a tug" and brought into tht) ri\er. fatal ni:uoi^ H UV t <.IItl,. \t mlni'ii' e. 1: irii w a: at Ciiuio 'i, .M.tiiin 1 I 'ir 1 ntat:i n 111 -I -i :i t I'ot 'to Tl - . and it . - Int. '1 t h..t 'l u had tre1 1 i< orrt ", < in a *- .1 i!a > 1. imn I,, in Whol'i e *- il i. nn 1 !. , u01 if'- oi'ov.i 'l and thf otltMiile < .! fo-'jvbt St' \. i n on iap dly Itn n k. d Mis iin- tJirnniM low 1 Hu-taioent. then W.nt in side 1 la lion st , h'ot hi p.stol, went out an 1 >-!i< t ' "V-nf on tii the Ii irk. Th h'lt In tin road ti-r om time wltb.riut rne/licnl <is- nlHtarif". A I'oliconiaii Ilnnlly took him tfi jail, but b .s frh-nd wm- not pet mltti'd tn M'i> him until tie- nt \t d . y when be dif rl. 'I'lf ntitboi it'eM un- li.i Id to tin '.'< In en kIow In lllli P.ilBtume.ite Steven- Hori \\'i.. un, i". il I'll'- ri'tiisb Minis ter Mill o qu. Ht "hn.t the to 'il authori ties di.H oi i:r.pti> with the caL*e. 't.i. * 1 -. , ;,, 11 m ih'i 1 i Phi'niout, N V., June 21 A cius of '-11I1 ile and lnurd""' oneurred In-re this fni'ii un, im whii-b II 1;/ Kron-A and Geoie J u oh weie th< vn'tlmH. K'(>} Hnrl-in 11. ai b'-re, havhiK I'Mol I h" , u .t ion f-n " L I' fn'hi--'"-'fiw anrl n'tt d 'i.q the / L't .nt .ee-it K...../. - "r ;, n . J "-1 f'jj l\I (HI*/. I II , (1 ,'.4 ' '1'., Mi tv I. h" li K 11 ll, -d 1 el th -i fli Inp; a bulh t in 'u 1'U 0.. 1 M in 1'.-.-[ 1 1:: *.: ' t ,(-. i*t l!\V. I tit IV orel I'.irf > 1 . . .e ;-, *. i'.h Iteli::. -..H 1 ' a In Try I in: lo Havu Ilt-r Vimnir llrotttrr Itotli lAMt' Tlirli* Llv-t Midland, June 2:s.~-Katmdny n boy of 0, and his aist'-r, acc<-d 11, 1 hildu-n of A. Hathwull, weae bathing In tin b Ly. The hoy got beyond his depth, anil the uisler trier 1 to rehcuu him and both were drowne,<J. "Hoclv KrMNi, iSSInil nr Khsc." Id vl lit It ) h oi tin ( .11 l i'i"') I MM ' 'Il on. '! h. ' 1 del U Yunk'o thei n LJi 1 I I t li c| tj" un 11 1 iK 11 I I 1 111 I V( l i\ S 11. l\,n lie . I un [ii* M--ci d 1 n n 1'n i Tn hc'f> 11 U'l I L i 1 II 1 lu ! I'i- tide "i.'i o, tl.l 1 ^bh vl umi Ut tii'i ' 1 lvi P'.iu; on tho 1 1. Milwnulue iV Kt. . j nen h 11 ij ehuneo niiiKKJutioii 1 ur> up 1 i, moving ri^lit itlouj^ in Tl.i e Ilia H ibnr- t> rn'or y hi t\v. 1 (Jliteaeo, I' nl M 1 n'U'iLpoiit-. Aher- 1 ini\ I-MlIIm, Sum*. (Jtty, 1 Jilutiii. 'Jnedi t nnd Nor A I ' be priueipul Jltien 1 t iirrito.y ari, reached by 1 ' ' .--., rj-aineetinn, ut H-. l' " i.ii arid Oniulta with nil in tin far went. Wi Hi tn " ' inhau PuhhV Ajfenl H7 I'i.o --tu, Out , for oiu < f rIn ir 1 nip a tun. nt W" ptin^ i-bnil lis ui y coupon I o iiM-' Staled and tain 1 . CM- 111 1 in W'ii Id M V r -tll.u'i (1 , "leetllO .- 1 I.t-ll tllllDH of tile ('111 St John"' Nihl , Jnin ^1 Tie Oov- einni- nt ! - ti 1 m*: loiwuid nuldle tuta- nii'ss. -ii -1 it.K ' ,.ioi,.(/n,. the i^^h-.u- tui i' b\ Jim.- ..'i. At to-d.iy'h .' IttinV:, Mr. Johrmton, memb r for Trinity, l'n mler WlifTr w ty'.s lau pdrtner, wdil move that .lus tier ^ 'iiteis ju I^inenl.s In the e ec tion*- tried 1 1st ; uniiiK .-, wim h 1 exulted in si V' r;il White ineuiher^ ti"lnR ims'-aled for eonup- pr iff! t'", he ex- puiuT' -I from tai iierjtis o th - llmise. Mi VVInti : w.ih the ' nd >' the Op position bffoi e 1 1 Iiil,' el v ' ' I to the ben 'h by Whit u i\ in1 in- t.ov rn- rie nt fieeiil-es him .n' 1 v t* .; h 111- K'df for polUfenl diti'. n ,'.ii-i h- Opt Lillet] IXC 1 ! '1 1, <\ '1 Tl" 1 ro- po; il le-open'- the a< rhi on i'i*J nt'iii;- p;les of tin hist 1 ' :n n'h- "ml "M"'ei i\- !y ns it K n t p np'i" d r 1 "M'Utip1 the dei islO'lS O Ju ' e* IM't'l ind Little, \\ho u iho una . f _I .sevejal \\ h]tewa>ite: nrii- iwii iitti mm"" .-.^^----- ^-. '^ *ESaa> -XSi u^o, Mtlwiittlui A St Punl ltnil\\n\. Tin' Kot'Uy Mountains. Alonn thu lina of tho Northi rn Pueila Kailroud ubounil in largo gutuo. Moom-, dour, bi'ur. elk, mountain lionn. etc., can yet he found thure. The tru> Hportbniuu a wilbiiji to ^i> ibore for thoui. A little <- e. N or I (j'iiir* i\'< hervtH," 1 1 1- 1 \ th i\- -11 ern Pitc lio liailroad v 1 I ' 1 ' ii|'"i, iii-i i|i' if ton 1 con in in 'ua- . -v -Mi\i ^ I'M;,. O-in'l Vu,m. Ationt, "V 1* 'Ml. Mill! wwmuau 5TARICS POWDERS' 1 '""r StQif MEAOAC5H& nnd Metncalclu / - jo Mwurmn, -d Co nod Toiiniiu. Dirri- I 11..., iiiii.ii MiL'iiii, 1-1.1 1 in (be links Constipation, I 't lipid Uver, bid breath, to m.iy oiirod alno i rfi'iilaio ii.c howi-lt., van* Ntau ro yaH0. 1 "*f*KiCE i'C Canrs ay Dnuo GroMa* TRUNKS, VALISES. A hii{o stock, nil now rfootls and latest Novoltios. -I take no back H(Mlt on pneofl. SCHOOL BAGS, I have u largo Btock, nought at bottom nrico-i, smrl can boat tho,iB a1! for price and quality. Call and hog thoui. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm^Harness, Truck Harness Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largo stock and it muBt go. Calf and hco mo before buying Blflowhora EvKryfhing in the Horse Furnishing Line. T. S. AtlamSr wo doora oosfc at hato'ti Our r la bo Worka, Kaaex. \V \:; i'KD To buy l-'urnitufi >tt pnec^ I'ud re riniit ilu\,i tn 1 nip in, in I iiiopur u to fin nmh i vtiry iliiiiu; in 1 lu Uiitptj ol J,,uriiituro that 11 f.;oi.ti hull elt ' ju r neorlH, A bin a I'llK line if linby (luriiiitjei. Ml prici n that an unlit, elote Kindly (.all and ini*|i"ot the jjnnrlrt, 11 will p-y yen tu do u beforo buy- in {.', < liinwhei e. It un itn yuti iintlune; to yot pi U'CII. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING i\ I'pi'onilty. Kverythiut! donu up in e,nud iibn|Je. AH in (1 niitiy Garriajjfe^ tiirninbed. HiiHiiit hn pruiiifiny utti-u.K'd n> nt fill hourH. Will eunip u e i ru 1.1 uith iniy unduitaker of any tievn. ibivu two line hoard'h in tfuud enndition, and will nnl he uudernnld in tho linci' I repi'i iient. J Hovural HowIm f HiiIK'hIoch And tlitjiiHatidn ot ehoi, deoi, ett;.( ure to ho found in tlie Ycllowiitone Turk. It ju tho only place where the bntfulo can ho found to-dny, f^o TnorcilfHHly havo they boon Hlau^hterod. They arc (.;oiio irorn tho planm and priurH'H.aml the reruniint now loft can thank tlio Uniteil JHatod (iovornmont for. tho privilefo of living. The Yollowutono Park in their homo unci there tiny uretiutfj. Tho Park ih patrolled by iioldieri! both uurunmr and winter to capture j'oacho and offondurti nnd Hi'voru piitiinlnrujnt in inoted nut to intrudt-n. In tuimmur tho buffalo ran^o in the hiyhlanda, near YellowHtonr- Lako, In winter they work over into Hay don Valley and nurrotitiding country, whore tho hot tiprine,!) nnd waters keep tlio tinow molted away. Dtjor and elk ruii^jo over the ontiro Yollowstouo lJarh. TIiuh bottidott tho (jrout marvula of nature mot with in tluu wondor- land.there tire alao tlio linont Hpecimonn of our lare;tj game. Tamo and dociln, they four not man. Skutclu'H of Wonderland, an illnntratod book pubinhod hy the Northern Pacific Ktiilro'nl dr-(l(irib-H thm wendr rhttul \t-. will bo Hent lw ("m-.. H. Fn., ilu* Gon'l Atfent, St Paul, Minn., upon rcci ipr of hix contH in bttLmpH. Aycr'it Pillu promot*- tho natural motion of tlio IjowUh, without which tbt-ru oun be. no rotiiilar, hualthy oporationH. For tho oui'n of bihouimehu, imii^oHtion, uiok houd- aoho, coiidtipatinn, jaundice, and liver, thf-no pilhi have no equal. Kvory dour- ( ff'M'ttvo. CHORCH DIRECTORY MuiiienTTi .-Dr. I'ui.iumi, I'uHtor. Horvioe /uryHiindiivuL 11 a m. and 7 i. iu. Htiubatt) ,i)li( (ih(Lv.'i('p. nt. H.ll Na-ylnr, Bunorlntond- il .I'ucJiri I f.pwoitl) l.onuiiiriiru.y-r muotinfl i'ijijitiiii> <ivmuij(( nth n'nlnolt, (luiioral piayor itn.Ui.nen I'liuiwht-yiivoidiiK. f'liuiti 11 ol' I'*M(iri\Ni> Ttiv. A,ii,li<Jvoi*Iy, In- juii) IxmiT , Ut. I'iliiIii, i;.inx. DlvinuHorviflO itveiy t-niuluy (it V oVInrU, p in HundaT (otinoln.t7lOH.nir l'lluitv Cliurtih, North Uldtft) UivliiciiiifvIciHt nvei'v Hunday ill H p; in.' Hnn lny Sdlififil ut l.-t.'ip. in. 'i'ho publiu uro oor- IhrllvluvUod. I'miiinvu iuan. W. Ivr.I'MoiiiiitiJ, 1'awtor'Hor- vioimoii Hiibhuth at 11 a.m. and 1 .'Mi p. in. Bab* juth Hchnel at -j;:iu p.' in. 1'rayiir hii atlng and ' iiiitor'n liihht claim on 'I'mrt'ifuy utv.IM) p. m. SnUnl Unien on \Vriibe"idii V ntH Kip. llAiTinr Ci'iuuoii. Hnv.Af. I'. Cauinibull, Pus- tor. Hdrvlciui nucli Hahhath at 11 a, m. unrl 7 ]i. in. J'ra^nr lnnntiiii! en V-odnoMlay evnninfl tit H o'olnok hi iiiii (ten All aid conllully wal- coniuil. Homan CATiionio. li'r, t). T MoMuiiamin I'aiitor. Hor/lor avury othot- Kunday utH.M ni, Huinh.y *lobool ut ( p. in. HAr.VATioH Aumv. T. H. Xrubood, tlaptaJn. halviitioii iiitiutuitiH un Winlnmidiiy, Thtirndtiy mid Hnmlay fiv<nilni;i!, l"no and Many, Huturday nvonin^ and !1 ]> in HundiLV. JIolfijiiHii tniiotbiKa for ( hrlntiiuinl'nday rviiinu(( anil 11 a. 111. Him- duy; Kuijo Drill 7 11 (.in. .nvory Hunday. All avo wnU'nnu. T h. I'ETMItH Harrliitor. r fl I-nhlic Money to Loan. Strutlwrn' Jluult. KiiuriY Cuutro. dtnr, Notant- IiA s\. \v1I.S\IKU.l1,irriHt,r' H(,holinr. Nnt.n i J* Inbllctto. Money to loan. OUUmi.Dm iitan Hlr>i'k, tip-iitulrft, J-nniox. ^-iy tiljAUKtfl, IIAIITLKT & HAItT^KT, Ilarril / tern, otc Ofllct'H, Mcdbury UlouU, Windwa I'rlYntn fiimlii to loan. A. JI.Cl.AUKK, L ti. li. N. A. IlAHTZiMV. A H. JUinni-T, 11. A. 1 TKMIY (J. WALTKltH. L.h,l\. Attorney and -11 Couniioler at law, with Atldiinon ifcHiilehr" CoiiKriiim nt went. Uutroit, Mich, (Ciunuljiin oliilnm nnamnt poiiioiui in ti t'tutoil Ktiitmi colloctod.) lli)f(iri-iK,()Ht Iniiinrlrd Jianlt, I-limox, Out, J. h. I'lituru, Kitq ,, oto., Kmiex, O* K A Wlmnor, ICiif)., Harriiihir, ti*.( VUmux, Ol D MEDICAL. HS. IlltlEN <t* UUIKN. Jan lirii-n, H. D., Ij. It , C. P. R , ar&dnato of tguomiu hnivurnity, Kuifjiitou, 'ninmhoi- of Col- loKt. tf riiyHiidium ainl Hurfjoond,Ontario. Grad- until of Now Yorli. Pout Gnulunto Medical Col- 1K0. J. W. Hrhm, M D., C. M., V, T. M. C. UouOr Kraduiitn of Trinity Mad.cul Collauo. Uoilor Knidimtfl of Trinity Univornlty. JUgnihorof tho (lolluKunf I'ii>maiaiin aii'l Huicnonn, Out~Orad-~ imtn of Nnw York, j'oat Gnulmito Modilal Collfl|(rj Offlonovor Khhhx Mudioul Hull -Irutf ntom. Coiiiiultiitmu rooiiin, both on ifround floor and flmttlftt al'ov, L'olupliona in both ofttoo aiid roiililoncti. All calln aitoudod to from oifluo, drud, or rcindeiiRO. Uonldonoo, Talbot ntrflut, front of fair jpj-oundB, D UK. DKWAH it MrKKNZJK. " The Niagara Mis Roui*/' C10ING EAST ruin un tiifi-ot MajirJth, l^'Ju. Alail hxp. Untruit VVimliinr 1-olton iMaldntotiuc Kiihcx .. Woodidon ... Hii-couil) . . (Jomhor ltidRtitov/ii Kodnoy. St. ThnniUH nondnn .. ht, Ybouias liii.tuuy .. Uidi'utuun... Coinbur K'mcomb WoQilnlou. . Huh ox MunlntmiL Polton Wlnrtuor Detroit. T.l'i 7.10 HUI b.ll H.'Jl hU7 'I 15 10,17 1 1 .11) IL 111 U-20 11 M) H.17 10.1M) O0INO Wl KT. Ur p.Ill ii 10 li 111 :i.:w 11,7 r. 11 5 fit) fl.H.1 - 11.11 (j IS 7. HI K\r>. il. in. !).(!> 10.11) 10 d:j 11 so l.ofi IL 111 H.'lj 10 y 1 Li 1.1 I'J. IS Acooin p.m. 1 10 6 0S Ti 19 5 *Jt) &.:io fiftO r, m 00 j 7 10 7'ID b-10 a in 5 15 is.).: 7.-13 biiu 0 .to il :ih 0 in 9.. l 10.01 10.1-J 10 IU) 10.55 AmtierHtlttirc I^ocnl Xniliiw. wi.1,1' -:a"T 11 iu. 11.111 11.111. a.m. a.m. p.m 11.11* Jl.fiO> Kbhux 7.1fi 6,ao lli!5 Ut.) i:liirB 7.00 0 10 flit) 0 0H lli.10' OHil IJU'l>UXin tl 50 II 11G W& a 110 13 !H1 h U5 McH-otinr 0.-1H D.lll) 4 T0 0 50 ia.r>(i o.5T Ainbonithtne 0,30 O.10 All tralnii aro run on contra! utandard thnc, whioh in mxty mimitou ulowor than Kbbox. timo, For iutormatiou nnd niton to colon- lutn iiiuvmc wotit apply to .lobu G. Lavon, Pati- nonKor -Vfanit, Ht. Thomtui. O. W. KuhrIoh, Gon- oral 1-iibHOiiKor ami Tloliot Afjont, CliioURO, 111 orA.O Htimtini. Auont, Eunox. L.E.&D.R. Ry. TIMKTAlUJINO.lT.taltluR olToct on Monday. Nov. Uii, IB'.H. Trainii run by Kantorn Stand ard Timo. Daily uxcopt Buiultiy ci-1- A SI A M 0 '25 1100 11.1:1 11 m 0.1au,w> ..... i).r.o,ii.'io H.61 l).07|ll.fi5 11 B- I0.0S.lfl.0H 7-0!) ID.tKljl'i.tM 7.10 I0.j(ir2.1li 7,17 V M 11-20 0.27 fa.30 ll.-l-l Btationh. 10.117 10,117 10.45 I0,ftfi 11,11 11.'20 11.23 11.113 11,411 11 fiO 11.M 13 04 ia, 11 IiM it 12.2J 13.05 l'.M, Dp Walkorv'Io Ar WiUUervlUo .Tunc. ........Polton ... .....t OlUaiiHtlQ .... 1 I'aquotto...... ...... McGrofior...... ...t Now Canaan... ... * Maviihilolrl ..... Harrow ........t Amor......... ...... KiURHVlllO...... ..... Ituthvnn ... Tjtmnilnriton .....Whoatl*y ......\ llomvlou H:M'..:... Cotttnwovth B.hii......+ Glonwood B. tl.........Morlln B.ftl.....1 Buxton . H.M...... Bfindi'ion ...... 0 05 ...ICndarBpriiicn... 0.12 llloiiholm Jimut'n .17......Blontndm .sit........fwnido. Oil At Hhlijotowu Doi' X'.M. 1.01'7.QB 1.IK1 7,118 1.45 7.40 3.2l)!7.Bfl a.-ir, B.ia 3.05 flA'l :t.iio :i.ea 4.10 4.40 4.-15 VJK 0.10 l. M. a IX O 6 'A A M 9 10 (1 01 8 C7 8 Oil U 47 H 4'J H 110 H 20 fi ca Bll 8 01 7 M 40 2( lfi 10 . (W - 0 lVJ)12.1W A N c.oo 4.4S 4.!U 4.28 4.10 4.11 4.01 II. IB 11.41 11.23 II.H D.iO 1.110 1.118 1.1S 1.00 fl 4R tl 40 0 111 tl 24 (1 -m ft 10 tl 00 A.M. 10.10 12.00 31.20 11.1B 10.1B 10.00 I*. M. w 7.00 a.w 11.47 0.4a o.a7 (1.2(1 0.12 d.pi. B.Sl G.4I It. Ml B.I4 B.Ofl fl.00 4.B0 4.42 4.3B 42U) 4,31 "l.M 4.10 4,00 XJM l-.M \ Vina Btatlonn. Vvaluti atop only when thoro Km" piianenBern at or for tboHO atnHontt. Ulzod truluH are at al .tlmtia uubjooc to bo oonoollotl WM WOOIiliATT. GenowM Buporlntondent M I*. A. DnwAli, M. D. C. M., F. T. M". B, l-'4 ato Trinity UnivnrnUy. Monihor CoIIoro Pbyi loluQB and Bttrcoomi, Out. Itunldunoo, Talbo Ht. Enijt, Modical ColloBti. (JnuluiUo Trinity Univaruity IlfihiiUnicu: Tulliot Htroot, wetit of M. C, H omcoliourn"8toliu. in., 1 to II and 0to 8 p. m Ofilco in linpurinl Ilnnlt blot'lt. ground lloor, nxt to Thai tm'h dru btoru Trdnnhoin) in connection wltlinluco and roiri- dunuo, Ordom loft at Tliorno'H druc utoro will bo promptly attoudod to. DENTAL, nP.MAHTIN.D.D.S., L. B. B. Graduate In Dontiiitry, Koval ColloRe of Dontal Burf{oon, Onturlo, inn? Univomity or Toronto. ObarGon.moiloratti. Olllco^ ovor Urion A Co s druf! ntoro. 1H-Iy VETERINARY. WH, ItlCHAltDbON, Votoriuary fiuf- . noon, Orudiiuto ot tho Ontario Votojv imiry Col logo, Toronto, ti-natn all difionuoii of doinoutii'atud uniuialh Tolnphouo ill oouilOC- tion. Bou tin try n nputdaltj. Ilmildonco, Ion* iloorn boutli of Gri'it Mill. Oilloo in pootollloo ImilihuK; Inttrmiiry dirocUy opposito. BAKER. rrill'! oldnit liU'dmioH m town. Katablinho L 117(1 Firnt-clr.Hh lirnarl and cakon of al Itlmln. Wt-ddliH' ui.ljoiiiL Hpocinlity UvocortOH provlHiomi.tlour, fmid, unit and pnrli. aocloo- tionori,croijlii)]\.i;laHi,wan. OiinniHlfriiitmind voffotablt-n of ail kfmlii. OooiIh promptly 'io llvornd to nil purtii of tlio town. J. M. HTOICH. 01 tf SOCIETIES 1 O. O. K.-KNTFHPUIfiK LodRO No 91*] 1 a niuotiiLivory ThurBilay, (ivfning at 7.HO ifi Mdfollowii Hull, lu third >.toroy l>uuntuu Blook ^iiiitinnmoiuhoruufothor locifiou will rocoivo 0 . atornal wolconio. .J. .fOHNBTON, N O. (IKNTIUJi KrOAMl'MIiNT.No.HO, mootatu Oddfollowf,'Ilalbbuiifitan'H Block, on tho B*at ixuil third Tuomlay in oaoh month. ViiiitoyH sot iliully rooolvod MomborEt of nubordlnato lodfioi In thf, jurlmlictioii, invitml to Join- 0. riANNAN. C. 1'., (... K, HILL, G. B. C1SSKX (JKNTJtB LOBCtK, No, 10, A. O. U.W Ui Meotn Hocond and fourth Mourittya in oaoh nonth.iu thu OdiHollow'n Hall, at S p. m. Vlnithiu bjotl.ron will bo Riven a fratonml Wol conio. JOHN LAINa, Mantor" Workman O. IT. PULLKH. llooorrtor. I^BSEX VIUF. BHIOADR MKKTS^VHlfV lJ Fridiiy ovi nijil* l>n.irul Wiil-iuu1, OaPt'ilm \iulrow I'arkor, Liontonant; I'almor J)fotiL Bocrotury; Ficiloriok Hyatt, Troimuror. pUUUT IIOVAL, NO. 212, I. O. V. \ t Muotii Hocoml mid fourth Tuoiidav'a In oaok month in i. O. O. K Hull ut H o'clock . tn. VifiitiiiR hrothorn will ho tjivnn a iriitrjviial wqI- eouio Kj McCauHluipl. C. It., \V. 0. flhaw, Huoy, M. J.Witdn, CD. H. U Jt. LAND AND LOAN AGENTS m > KOIUJK J.THOMAS, Convoyaiioor, Ooru- VT mioniouor, lu SIikU Court of JuiiUoo: dualbr in ttoul lint 11 to nnd Mortfin-joii. filonoy to loan ftttholowoHt ratti ot lntoront* L-'armn bounht and fiold. Inmirancu talton lu tho rnODttollnbla apmpauloH. Drnwinnof dooda, mortKiififlii ana Loanoti ti npoolalty. OhurRau modurato and all mioinoiin promptly attohdod to. Oall o-t tho Qontral Toloi>boiiu oiHao, KBooxOontro. BO-ly MAltltlAGTi: Lioonuoaor WodiHnft KinRB oon ho proQiirod at E. h. Titrk'H, tho old **v liable Jiiwollnr, Emiwx, Ont iTtrt D. BISAMAN, Ifinuor of MarrlnHoUdconticfi. Iiumranco anpoo- Nlcllt oUlOO at Dwollinc. BAKHRTT. Urouo* of Mim.ise LiooDBsa, Commlnalooor ir O ..L, oto. Gonto, Ont. TAUHH 8. IiAXKD. Provincial XtxmA Burvoyor *J aud County MuKlnoor, Mhhox Ooutre, Ont OOloo, DnnatiLti Blook, npHtahfl. ARCHITECTS- '?, 1 , ,'Sj li TTOUM A. MAV0OOK, AltGUlTEOT, &o.. * Boom 10 and 11/Fleming Bnilillntf, l>bone 210. , ' ' . i ' 7. / * *'b' 'CjUi fel -,( / .1 ,i.. 1 ;!K&iiiu frit'u^Mattk^ A- ^m&^^i^^i^^^'^M^^i

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