Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 21, 1895, page 7

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! rJ*R KSSKX i^RSKK t^KJ^QSi It.-;. THE LONDON GilOWtX , Offcm Unruly WJum Walling for 'I'lift'tlm !>m>r* (< Open, crowd, but doehh-dly mt|domiunt lor the HUbjoet of iln hllarlly, wan mi inehhml Whleh haniH.n.d on a hulhlny roeently. .Two rnoii wK! (imivtM-Hlntf iih comfoii- , ably nit the crowded elieumnlnm-eM would permit, on the merlin and de merit:* or the netorii in the new pan tomime; hut falling to ne;reo tm ijome parthuihir point, tin appeal l.o Mi-' < row.l Iwum mudo, tin! opinion kIv.-u hi-lmr In favor or rmi. eve.hiMlvely-. which jiu':x- HMpenitod (.hi- nlhtT that In* J'ave ;i vIkoi-oum (Ibr In thi; HIki of bin cimi- pnnhm, who,, turning -MhunjJy. around, knoeked off Iho ninn'u 1ml. n.n<l IIm'hikIh with It thi.i vvl^ he wan wvirlnir. reveal l"K MhlnhiK-bnl'l put", while Iho hat nml hlntiifo M"d h'dM- terounly from hand (o h.-nid until lost Hlr.'lit. of. Hu.l not tho eaim.- >>;' thin iU'oldont jillpped MMldi- It would hive fared Imdly with him, for Hip iviimp'er- iitod Irwin behaved mo vioVnlly oi-i to be qui to (lanKorono to thoM" near him. An uproar w.'um created not hnnv aic-i outulo> "a prnvtnrdut, theotie. and ijcv- eral pi)lb'omi-n wcru neees;qtry to f*"-'l * ft-- and nialnl.' dhtrdplin'1. 'I In- ur'elne! caiiuo of th" dad nrh uue was lh<- * ]I"'*i f '01" a parly of youths in piu.h t h i-i'io-.h the 1'iiiwi] towardfi lb" do- ::---a pn>- coed int* alniuf't iuipoi-'sibli1, avh u> t'i> i)i-uho tnar a uf hum. n o!h,"t'-d i h". e. \\ hat coiilfj not be eff.-'i ed \>y eh"'^ in and .srrlitmiat-^inK vac; ih:mi.'?;-d h~iW)HU-rSii lilt tTTJT, thi' >'i mm? I'l' ! i.'I'M a. e I - ually"("liinhl.nif on th" hre-Ie; >>( tin- pa 'tlont waliiTM and pi > ,' ih"in- ix.'Ivoh h".'id-rtn'nio.,-,t In iii'iit. A buni- mmpoiaK-d from an alenve \,\ an loiork" . dr-wn by I'omiii" in coiitai'l with tie hi^'ln ol' theiie unruly ncrobats, lln f-;ia-^ (u-ii.ttorlm; In d;,n;r'M'"UM fr:i jciro1 nt * O-nioritf (h> pi'opl', ;;nd ' :'i!di-d p:in-- it. the theatre dO"in \v:i..i s!i;i 11 i-f-d v/it.l. a loud eraMh. fallinj-v in.u'anl on tie- UN' thtoi' of the entranc' liall. ("j.-ntb nn-n'. hi.tii won' si at it-red in wild eont'inaoii, uin broil:w W'T'i' Hoiirii-iied, -;t'iel :'or a time many a <nn; :- t.mid hi do mj '",*1" "' hiK liio: Thi; lad."* wore artest'd and convt-ye.. to thi- pnlici- sta (i>.n, and the tie-a I i'i dix^i'M wore (ipom-d half an lemr bi*;'nr' tliuo l<> avoid a I'.-il.'imlly: I^iieltily it" .st-riouK arcidt'iit.'i oertirr-d, tlmutTh ft- i];imn,K(! tlono to elothiiiK w:** n iri'i-^<> r Hh.'.ht to !-,<i',,,*'nno* nian havinrr :;ih'i' ' " th'- lofH of a rape, while a.silh ni1!!! had N'en torn to .shn-ihi. A wonia n' equally un-forlunate, i-nifi'-'d tho ha i' Willi'th'"1 rt'iiiiMi otM of rt l..'-^d<-d m:i;it" hiu'iiniir; in strin^M down to her knn-;;. . LACE AND LACE-MAKING. J. Jr>Wuf< ' !. m-'- Rotirrc of U'rullli to Thi' P..lti.ui <*<i\ rii mini - I.;ti- Si'hnol* in Pom-m'I".. BnisHd3 \v;i.s the favoHb- hec at tie Court of 1 he lirrit empiri'. arid v. le-n N> polooa and the I'hiipt't'M;: .Mara- 1,> i"- madiJ tlinn* firat entry Inhi ttie i;' : ~t::ipltal, thi-y K'lVi- la !*;; of the* rieheHL jjoini:. Tie- euy k-1Vi ' r the I'jiiiprt'!-. a c ill.-c(i.n ui.' Um lin.- ' laeen, al.^o a curtain u!" Hi u.;-'d;- pni, t fnr draping the cradh: of ihe Kin;; <>. U< nit!, 'La. e ma bin j' !m the fjri-at sou re... <,, luttiotial wee-iih t.i tin- ! :i- ^ia us. uv 30D,0Ui'l Won.en h>' ill,!-,' thus ollli'bjyi' .. JLauc .inai-dn^ I'nruiii a pari of fomale UeiLtion nui"v 'tin- inaii'itite of Ciiaa !- V. to that !'!' et, and arc 1, > Uia* stdiool hi 1 Iru.-'HidM. Tie- tltii-a use: (I In U,i"iiH'-el;; la re is o;' n nry Pr.Cria-ss. The [inc.-d i|iial.!y is :oai' in dark underj;ruund I'-oias, I'or eontar- With lllr L'ilUWH Hie Uu'ea.l In bl\:;[l:, - A. fraeiTl'Tlt Of lai'C in the eolleelioii XI t tllO World'n l-'a ll' \- a t '.. o-la-d will, thO needle Up'-a naidin. ! i fi-\inc-Mliea iindniidu-rI, It. > .n hi Ii lo .r:'i u the lioiiiiparo i'anidy '.m' 1 :.i 11 inimv. .W - polonii III. wii.s a f.:. ( t lovri' of lae". The ilounec hi the i rm,. .-,m ol' l^uaeei-'. T'linpri'MH t)f the P'l :-ai'h. W i, TiO.000 francs, and tnuk fmtv w ui oij-Thlef-n nn'tiitliM in < mop i*?. 't'ii llucdli'HH of Y'li'k is a i,'iv;il ;o.iiiimt a, i; i connoisseur of [are. ie a ik I h.- pi I1 v herself. One notapi.- picei- ':i'in b'.' ha beloiiKe'l to a descendant of Pord- Ami" Ilaindton, who \va^ the j*-andson - C}iicn Anno. AriMtuer :a e iaien (>f hip torie iniercsi Wi-i an np'n-i |fiV'-ll UQueen lOP/.ab-th lo I,ord l-'e iH'Ri'; stall oLh'-r:*, a fo^vn inarm fii'*i a red f- >v rjie-'-a Adelaide. and J Vine' j-js ('harluUe clirh-tenlnK rut e. ... Til the yi-ill' i d' t be l-TO'ii t fa in in. Pi .Ireland, IS!7, when ihoea < ud:-. < :' <-}\' dren v.'"re left hi piia iih, l'.-' ha o-la or t h landed pi'fipi-letors. the [i a h' ladies a One.- b'lhouk'ht thei;LH"IV'*a of oe.iaip' tli'.'is wiiiri'liy lle-y empil be mad-' t > tin In their livelihoods, i -i iy ,[,- \\-n- w.t 'tll'Ht t' Li-a. h th-- ihimIp-h . f u Hchoo! bn lu-r i.wa a: ; lie- at of lace mah- inR. 1 lis! i ; : Linif.Tlek ;:i.d Ibiupo.t la-es-aie grcai favorii'-s woL ihi^ci \'l tona and Ina daughiers. - New Vuilt ('hui-elioian. WlHrnt) lor u S.'l of Tc.-tli. A welbhie.-'n firm of hanlao'M hi London 'hav>- jum naeie a j.mutable in VCPLnient. Hi,., ;i-.-(| ;,__miin who had tlefraudr.! p .- stun oi mijlic-'y W;.iM I dan rm> custody, eon vie ted ami ^ iia-nc-ii |() iL \I)UK .,.[].. of lmpri5o.uni-"ai.. As may be iiimjr.n-ii, ni fa.1'.- (11(1 not aKi'ee wi.ii hi i n w.'irj had h.. mt--ail: of ffaud ! v-.l ,,n Hie fat n; tin- land. The uhen-,.- : .!'!-. ted him ia many ways., but !> c,,mi,ia ui.-d nioo pa j tiexdariy of the . If-d ,,] {\u. ,-(ltjl) .llpOU hi J) tv'.LiK Tlie> \Vi I e xu ,\ mJ111. (irons - in K' '"d fin id' i .on wh--n h, was Menl.eriC'i-d, and at; taey t-;ijiblly be- caiae w(rne, he applied io the hovmioi of the prls ii for a m w 'set. ]Ie'\va.'< lohl that the Kevenimeni. din not, fiupply ;,i-'Honers with anilleiai toeth, and at t ho drat opportunity he , wrn!c to tin .auk iik ilrin In qu.-stio;. offcrini-r, if tla y \,onhl send him a new wet, to rIvq ^ fiin .some valualjle lufoi- mnliort. Thereupon the benkorfi, thhiltlnk the offer ntihdit he a genuine one, sent tie pfoyoriior of the prison a elieek for C> and aiikPiJ him to jn-ovbh: tho. convlei with a net of art I'll lal tM-tl^^, . Ia due course the roriVict kfpt Mh promlHo and wn\. tho 'JbajXcr9 eertaln , iid'ormatlon by the moans of which 'they were enabled to recover rn> lesn than H.noo of which they had been ili- h-iUldca. They naturally rCKJirded thi at, tho boat Investment .thoy. hud over ti'vado, but U provod oven bettor than anticipated, ,i*orth-oy hayo Juat resolved from tho prison authorities a rftinltbanci* ot l, the teeth liaving'coat ouly $,-*: DIS|ASiP LUNGS CUBED BY TAKING flC* Cherry Pectoral, "I cniitriiRtod a Hevero cnld, wliiRh nnUliMl on niv lini>I.'t. ;ind 1 did wluit l:i "hen ihmu In smell fiiisrih nt'Klcctcd It. 11lu-n ronsnl ei a doctor, who found, on rxntiihiiiiioiw. llml tint unacr. part of the li-tt Umil w:i:i b.idiy au.'ct 'il. Thnmi'dlchuiit lic(!aviMii"f dl'laot Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Hiphnnt Awardn at World'n X?alr-: Avar's M'illu C**c Indiafutiotu ufioS n-:-rM "i.irE." Pa J!a . ii' . I 'i'o;; i . y " I 'i.. o, lie .- I':-: I'.' Hi.," i )!, lay, 1 p'-MPip thH.t holdli-K the tail, e. tideiit tr -lln?h" 1 a-. .]' ce i Ji-nien, i :t .. ) 11 i an." A d.rrTr~P7T- \ 'ah t "\V 1 rt h". Hi or.iv o:i' the t hi stl iiie-<T " '.ii 1 It Iiale! A h-il|.-, - :-;o i]h i, ! eao'i , t more I ha ti baa' in>' en,r,aipa'a n I i i II. s -a at ota mar now. " . NeW ( i|!lee l',oy A II1M1 "ai'ded ) :V) to thrash you a few niinuies ;!;-,'. i:ditoi What did yon say In h in? "I told1 him I wan sorry you weren't In,' Chiuiri'U Swiijit A uaiy. Rv Vf aL '". *>\ ii ' a.v;:/\/,/y / },.: .Ii] ^SUi' '/- Alkali ll;o enn hlfl death h d i- f tell yf-r, liill, it';, a leir'b].' f ra-t'-dler t' die I- no\" 1 ! -n......' ri-'.ht. l.:ron o- ill -Cheer p, uid rl - i eor Alki- h 11a I , an't. Mil! . t : a, I've be( n inh iol- n' t' cut ih' ln-a rt "in uv Ihrty I'an fer'th* last ;d'< tmc t.,s -an' kep' pullin' it off pul tiu.' U off. A .'Mail in Anna lno'-. 1 t- "Annal't:!," n ih d a iia:',c, i a'Ot her over th'* ha mooters, an :di<- tear) the fi'Diit door tlose, "Vi-:-', iiiatnma," r-pp, ,-) ;l : Wi ci, girl ish vo....., aad A anai el < h-o^ ' " 1 'Wly frarn d hei'self In the d,,ri:nca;i tf th<) sia li'ca se, "War, that M r,' Tinl .erry. An ahid?" "It \v;iMr mamma." "J in you kn.iw ;t ia- t v.-,tty a ' i. lines J'ast. e]i-Ven '."' eaioe 111 ei.Id O)!!--.. fl'tni l.h . w i a.ppcd tifvuic in Hi,, n j-. i |p ".Via ii una, wi' hadn't t'! c .,1' Pica It was a) la ic,' sa.ld i li , a t',j-], .,,,,( aaa-d, -To r, Thi i i rry i a m eea .1. 'lnut China nd ., a a uti>.;lit to fiic\ a f- u tiS so Int - r- . Low late ii v. :.- [ m:.i nun:1. " . mia,.i I ;: isni.c! H,'- . j i., ii th.-y ..... "DM Mr. Tint ,-. China, on youc i -, M rs. ("Joof^an, t y " V.'by, uiaiaiaa -'. \\\ .'-.ta.r Hod miii .-",. 'I i.e .- ,' i- :i I : Ufa! a-!' ] i.,rie t at Mil1 eft ai'o ,t aer i'-ii- v/a:- mo." k- l-ll ii ll uU. "hcoi'ii ,|],d .'aitii," M'lc i-icroairi'-d, "his icenLaiii |,.'o mast ha v e ' leaked int'. b IS WiliHlee; I poid<.-t V and with a shriek of hoi-or the bea.uiitul i.-.irl fell titiatitii,' tn the (loor. Meiv Voi'U C'om- niercial Advia tlnir. iliu Orb'iitul S!l The little boy was j.;oMik , filnnif the rua.d, iveepinfj moat bi; lyrly, Mia fucc w.i.s r"d, ,-h if ho had h^^aTxlp.hLiui-r, and lie nun : omowhhl MCllffe:! up ;::(! d'.lBty, hm be ; bowed no mark;! of brui*a or |o ohpei five black eyt"M. lait n.H heart wa;j broken. "^but'a the matter, scintiy,- did vou h'eL pek. ,i "^". sir, I lielted hiia, and I licked him kikmI. I bunged up b-a h- eya h aud I hlooiie.l hln noMc" and broke his '. w ' M"'it teeth, and I kicked tee stoaku.KU "" him, i did." "Didn't ho set in on you ." ,ut. He [U:ii t rAi,Ui d h:m .- f . t,ody i \ r it nc\ . ,- ijj, .,^1,4 : > ""i.a i now, >'.'" 'L '. ,, .. she " ' -. i is < 'hi..a w j... mail of a a ski*d id the I'.ae; htcr I i. i a rt 1: ror 11 the wa.y. Ii,, was; bijija r'n m--, t o, \inii l ^n-" hi" rn.oai it ilway r.-n-.-, n;n andhlHpe^ tot, and his knife tivt had two h.a.dc. and Mi:l. . JinotJl(.r "Well, what are you r'y!hK al out. then ?" "ivoaiiHc they v a three |.'lg|f(.r b-v. B that Htut d by and caw me U,k him, and tljGn they heh! n up , too".: ov'r-~ ihiaiy away froa, ni-\ tln.-y did, cmyarn itadr plotLiresi." "VVhat'H joar nam--. Ihtl? hoy. ?' "Jarua; .Hlr."' New York.Journal. HE MIMMEK JOtsLiiU. T'IIoh aro biKlnnliiK tn come In lar" j'_ind.ev n from nowhori'. Abdiliuioi ' i obe. St. Loiilu man hint it'-t n oamer.t h- , .in- a bu.Klar, but by hotiie ehane ". hui-Klar triok the camera. Yonkeni : t d.-'aniHh. IP vl;o-d version Wbatao'-v-er u.rnail Yah '. ' oi'd. ; e should K", "inl the Mmt tlllnif y"t : .:;' ;.|ii' will fro. Itoekland Tribune, 'Me mail wlf'fi- tlfrbtlo' nature,' : ai I 'nolo Khen. " orter be kya.lit'i-d '.. w he handlenhiM own weapona. I In pow'ful hab-d ter sympathl'/e v. I: ' hy Pa own si I lacer.' 'asliinivtr'm Sthr. hat a bb.-fMlnp It would ho lo tin .: ptitdic if toiiiisters wr ,;'"i| to jn'eaidi IP 1 tn a ph'itinj; rap1 , -I rh- n list'-n to v,li;il tie y hid to say : -! Ma-ir imi.niier oi aayliij/; \\.- Albiui. .' lyais. "Mow's liiii-'lne:!',1" nsf-etl the hot :' .a i de man of 'thi' fruit vendor wit h the ! a: a-.'/irt. " ' di. Pin runnlnj', 1 ehind ]" replied 'i Yonlo'i-a : 't ' t esniau. ' Midn't that wax ihriii'o of the Czar uk it' slate look na tiiral." i V'-s; very lliV-l.lte. Why, it Just : o':ed like a live m:m lyhiK tip r- .ad |" NoiTlntown IP'tald. Ih' <;<it lain. :-a Ins run n.....Yes, 1 snepon" the nown- o.e|- Pnidue;i:i is rat her inhre^tliie;; bit ' a I sdeiiild tli'.niv there must be many : . -billable i-xperlcinvH put hav to . Mironp'h- thin interviewing, for ex- :. |de. h unialist but~-then, you < w, wo always i:et ihe he.-^t of a feb' . who cuts up niin.'h. There was ^ a I ."\h.rtarbonrd, fur instanee. i called i his bouse inn* nU;hl to a si*; him :- irii': that he wan In the habit of . LlliK llis wife. ; "rinindt'i- ! What did he ay V iuirnalist he .nply kicked me off the stoop. Van I mo out ahead, as usual. Next morn- a, aid Mortar-board had the pleasure' of readiiiK this: "A representative of the ai.".or called xipnn l*rof. Mortarboard :, :d ovonliiK to fi-fjeortain the truth of Mar prevalent and apparonUy well- iiihe ttitated niniors of the habit Iti- 'el. eii in by the profeHMor of br-atinc his ult"c In a mojit brutal manner.' Prof. ' \'ort;u*bi.. ird was, for Home reason b'-Hl. : iiii\vn to himself, \^ry guarded in his l:x riKxiape, and nhHolutoly ' doidlned ehle-r to eontn-m or deny tho utnr.Um *. . hu.iton TranscripL X'huy Mixed tliu I'iriM>ii fp. Parson whirh In tho bride and which the bridegroom ? Lon don Judy. Tim Kcimirlodde Mriflculy nf Mr. IVIiiiiii. I"otir or flv\i hulioa bustled Into Mr. Muiin's-private oillce the other day. "What can I do for you, ladlcb '.'" ho asked, pleasantly. "Why, Mr. Munn," betjan one of the viidtoi-H, "we are taking up a subscrip tion, and Ave know you wouldn't like It if We didn't kIvo you an opportunity to subscribe." M r. Mtrnn huwtd KnicioiiHly, and itfdo'il : "And the object ? (if course It is u v.'nrthy one, or you would not bo Illiet-i-Sted in it." "Yes sir," rej died the spo"* oh woman, "We thin'-: It is n vn-y worthy object. It. Is to build a home for aged and indi- y;- *it widows." "Kx"i'll"iiL ! e>:eelbnt ! I shall' take pl-ais-tire lit making ym.i out a cheek." "<di, it'O'.' lovely of you, Mr. Mann," exelalmed the spokeswoman when she received the Ml of paper and read the amount $1,000. "oh, wc didn't expect to prot that n.u h from you. \Ye are ever so mxieh ohli-ed." "So KO"d of him," and Him liar ex- clitiiiailiiiiN weie ln-nrd as the check wa. passed around for the admiration of the party. "Hut. Mr. Munn," i-aid the lady who handled the check laai, t'yoti haven't shvn. d It." "Tha t is been uho I do not wish my bonefaetlons know to the world," naid 31 r. Munn modestly. "1 wiHh to give the cheek anonytnoUHly." And lio bowed the ladlen out with RTeat dignity. Harijcr'a ila^azino. A.'GKATKFUL MOTHER;: .Tiairs UAim WAS SAVKl), Ann nilu iiud <ionoal pnblllty kind lirouvfiic ti^r to tUn Vr*t" *>* *l|ft ^rnv.. I>|iy.P!liilillvI]otii> M1H* ft |[.io.Vnrp-|o Wlllliiitih* IMllU I'IUmA^iiIu 1-fwViMi Ufa'WaVtif, I'Voiu t(io tlttliWll V*tH\ PKOBH.- A. ptiriionul puniuriiph in flic l-^ifoe I'rum nomc time iiijn mmplY HhLting that Minn Hopliio lleltLii^nr, litH Hooper Htroot, Otta- wii, hud reoovortiil fidin u uurioUfi ilbdiHit aiLuned liy itriemia und i^cnuritl tlt.hility, nuu iippurt titly uw(difiii(.t| more than uhiulI iHtnroiit und phjiihuru Htoont; hoi- I'dutivna and fLfinamtancim. Hn tnuidi no, mdeud, that u. rcportur of tliu imp*;r found it ox- tretncly intereytinp; pf vi.nt thu fatiiily und onjoy il chat with MrH. llolanner on tho rexovery of her daughter iiftuf fdio hud for two yNtirii heou coinaduriid irrevocably a victim of Hiia terribly ( nervutin^ and dtLii^urouH iin(:Ufit). Mm, Hnlun^in' in a very intelligent .t1 ranch Canadian, wit'u ol Mr. Jonoph lluliui^'-r, wliano wall ptiper ruid p't,int and j^hucj cBiatbliuhmunt in at 1 Wi Uunk HtrdcL. Miiift Ho[ihiu Jiulunijcui', tluiwhilom invalid, v.oiciUatin(; butwueu death und life, iu a proiniiiiny youu^ lady rEATHERBONE SKIRT BONE FOR CIVINC STYLE ftND SHftPE iV lit!hl plniblu, olaytio bone .mwi Irrwi qmll. It, lu Hoffc" and yiolrliu*/, Ronforuiinjv rutlHy to folrta, yet aivlh'u propm- shupii to Rkirfc or Brown. Thnonly Hkirt lUuu tlinfc w*y |r wot without injury. TO Tho Celebrated -f eaf.hPX: ^Q09_ -9orso^ ar cotduO Iiadies1 Drosses ! with this -matoriai- VnY fii-lii liy loading Dry Oooibi I)ihiPi-h. J. GOtTRLAY & SONS, ESSE'X^N^T'^'.l ... ,^m^ "'T'^S^s*:"'^^" X. m -v. llr V.-- x--.&\ m IrV-'- "-- aTt."^-. Kwmt- ^ Ci f&^te. ':^i$^ ,>J0^ *.< i Hh Wouldn't TronblM lllm. Wife My dear, I nood a little moro of tills ntuff and some trinmiine; to match, I winh you would drop Intn JilKR, Sale fc Co.'h atxd K<-'t It. TluHband (a smart fellow) Lot me sec. Oh, I know. That's the a tore whereihey have ro many pretty pdrlH, Isn't it ? Wife Y-o-h. Husband Yoij, I r^mombor. That blonde [flrl at tho trimming counter known your tastes and will doxibtlous select just tin; stort of trlmmlnjr you wnnt~T"mea,n the fijlrl with the. jroldun hair, a la! nuter Hkln, blue u>oa a;.d tiwoet 11UK-" Wife There upo a numb-r of thlnpn I want down town. Never mind,' dear, I'll gro. and pot theni mynelf. Without h P<i(w oT llxitiior. Littlo J-Qhnny Thr.t younff man wKo . oom'ett to uftfl yon mwat bo pretty p^wir" company. .Ho hawn't any Ro-.'isa of hu mor. ' * -_. Siuter Why do you thlnlc*&o T" Littlo Johnny X toW him all about thfr funny way you rush about .and bung doora when you got'to * temtn^B;- ami he Wn* ^uffUfiW'Mt.' . r5itK LU' 0MA COUCH L1K1'. ONK.UVlSa.' of Nuvontiion yoarn. Blio ih u iitndout un der tho nunti in Bt. .loan Uu.pthtn ncliooi on PrnnraRo Hill. Ovor two yjurs to,;o ulie foil nick and rapidly wu-xtod away. The nuturo of hor diiioumi (tpptarod to bo a pro found mvHtcry'to thtj phyi-tciuuy as thoy wero called in ouo aftar tho other. Donpatr dcjixud tho family an thoy luoluid upon tho onoo bqantiful, Hpiritad yirh laying day in and day out, wee Us" mid mouths on her couch, fcimply nlowly vauiBliiiiK and thoy powt-1'luHu oven to mi an a hiuiIo to hur wnii lipfi. Kach Bnacoothng ni(;<Ucal man t^rlive ly told tho >iarontn to prupmu for the womt. Ilowovor, Mru. Uoltia^or m not- onuuf thouo woman who ijivi; up in ilonpair wbilu thuio in Htill liopp, uti her own words will do- noto. "It was u tRrriblrj limo," idic said. "Wo had b',cn told iipaiu and ai^aiu that nothing could Vjk done to wuvo Ropluo, und had al- mijul been forced by appimranccH to holieyo it, IIinV^uow to uny that but for Dr". WniiiunH1 Ihnl'c I'illri alto would have hcou in lior jjruvu iiiHtead of at tending Hchool every daj ttro livoliottt of tho livoly. It ho- gan like thira; tho poor ^irlv-waa coining to mti three or four timou a day nxchiimiutj, 'Oh, ma; I have attoh ti torrihio huadnehe. I otinnoc itnnd the pain of it.' Thin wont on for a long time, woeltn in fact, until wo begun to look tit it iu a yory Horiouu hoht. Wu liad nlmoHt oyory Frenclx doctor in tho city called in. but with no result;. Sophiu got wnvuu and wornu. Her faau wan Hinall ami yellow while her lipu went as whito tin yonrcollar. Shy waa lmtlt;BB and upatholio ami no weak ubc could not niine her hand to bar hoaJ. A. loading doctor forced hor to take a oertuin kiud of powdero, which aoo ned to be taking 'thu tlrnh front her bpneH. llor akin bocamc hot uud parchod, hor eyon uunk into her. hoad und sho lay mi that couch aa out dead, takuu; no into- rtist whatQvor in things going ou around her. Thou it watj wo bacame coniirmud to the popular belief that alio wan going to dm. It wafl agonizing to look ui her, bnt wo boortiiio partially reuigneti to tho fate that -Appeared to bo overtaking na. Sho wan watnhfld day and night, but wo could dotoot no ohaugu unlcua for thaworno, AH hopo nad jjono. I had read of tho curbs bv tho uau of Dr. Williams' Pink Pillu, and about thin timo I iioticod adoHcription pub- htihod in tho Jfroo fiasnd Homewhut uimilur \o Bophio'u on no. Beinuthiu^ uoupiod to urge mo to givo tliom a triul^jindpow I thank Ood I did. I Bitnt U>r huiiiu uud bo- gtm giving thorn tti her ouo at a time. Bo foro lout; wo saw an improvomont, and gradually inoreaBtd the tloso from on* to two und thon to throe at regular intarvals. It, wan incrediblo to noto the ahaugo. Iler color came buck, a different look m her oven, hor (ioueral hfttiHh and appxmrauca guvo na all toow intorost in hor. Before the fourth box wiih gone Hopliio who ablo to bo np aud urouud ugaiu, and a further nan of them fully routor-od her health, or rather (matched hor from thu brink of the grave. To Dr. \Villinmn', Pink Pilltt in duo all the orodit for we had utoprod dootor'H uaedicine and Bimply gave her thouo, fol lowing the directum- around tho box. My danghtor'o life v;a nuveuby Pmk Pillu und no onu known bettor than her mother. I wiuh to toll oyoryono. of tha cure, an it in almoBt impoflHiblo todioliovo dhat the poor 'thlna that lay thure, and tho happy rosy- ohoekod pirl who poos regularly to hor ohiiiBoy arc fine and tho uumo pemon in Huoh a muryoUouuly shore ipaa* or timo and you may be imro I aro n:lviBing ailiug uoighbortt to uua thio wonderful rnudicino." Jtirit to tho roportoir -wih leuyiiig Mitui Helangor ifofcurnod-frora school. Sho wan fcbfl pioturo of, graoo, haalth and boauty, her litho phyeiquo donoting hotiltn i ovot-y movement, while her face hbowed the warm, ruddy glow of health. Shu cor- roborfttod all heir mother had n,id barndtn adding bomd~U6W tobtimony. HappniouH haw ubidoih iu that home where mUaify hold iwny too long, and >-lr*. Btlaugor rtiU kar falfch in Dr. \Yiiliuan"Piuk Pills, whloh trill do for okhor-woak and ailing ^irU what *by did for hor daughter. ... THE TRIUMPH CORN SHELLHR . . Thin Ma'chinc conHinLH of a horizoiitiil emit uyliinlor, with wrought iron barn, with Rtnol tersth holtod lo.tlit! cylinder h.i na tu l>o rovor'aihlo whon iho luicoino worn on tho front Hide, riuiiitn^ in a purfuriitptl conuavo iron hIloII, wliicli tho shclltul onrn |ul.s.-;c;'! through into a nhoot iron chhg; with a. fan or clainior atttoliod below, which Lak<;s ail the dust iVom tho. grain. Tha cheapest, bo.-t, ni':-t Himphj and dnrablo 1'uwer (.'oni Shollor in uho; aliolla, corn fdiullintf and cleaning from one to two tliousand bushols of eara per day, according Lo power, J)imi-:n:uonh. Pnlloy, 10 in. clipm- oter, ft in. faoo; Alolion, uOh tn HOd rovolutionn. jifn' niiniite; WeiVht, 550 Ibg. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. __J,JCOURLAY-& SONS. -=9:- trwrt i'^^O'.'.c^-^ti'^S;y * SV^-vSE--^ m^^^^m^&ns^mm' LATEH EXCESSES IM MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS. DISEASED MEMt f II C D EC II IT 'f" icnoruncn and Mb' in yonth, ovrnnertinn nf mind and hotly iflflnu-W Int li CO U L I fid by hint and oi,>o i.iro nn i;oii.t;iittly wmclcuat tho live, and futun^l rtoinofado and wither nt tin early nifti,*? W4hiiltI>in'-inof tllotliiand'lotpromiHinif ytttUIKinen. nmnn imiii uiiii i..-;t <lu ..i !^FiT.tii.,bl..nJomotmtnihofrf(,\vhiloolhcrnur.i forced tn drew nt a weary, 1 SBlii^riuchoK-nxiHtiii(!(!. Othcrd reach matrimony hut hud mi nolacn or cnjnlnrt IS'vietinih are found in all Htutiona of llfo: -The farm, t-ho oUice, thu worlCHhop, Urt ^ Jin t |i jin iijiT nriuto in " i^'**-"" K?U'f) tradi-H and thu profoHrtiouH. frnitloiii* lint rt there. The tho pnliiit, 0> v f?ESTORBD TO MANHOOD BY ORG. K. ft.K. M.KS. CHAS. FKIi.UY, CJIAHf FTlUUTtC Wm, A.. WAliKEIt. Wat. A. VALKKK. Divorced bat united nraun ? ^jllKVOUE TUKATSIENT AnV.ll TUlUTlIKHT tfruo Nrt^ES Oil TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT."5 Win. A, WaHciiroCllHh HtrcoL Hayn:--"I Iiuto nnfforcd* nnt<.hliik"'ia. ,i for niy'";,'uy life." I Vi-nnindiiicrcotwh'jnly voomtiUid ignuraut. Ah "Onnof tho Itoj-h" Icoiitructtjil?* Hypldlitiiind other Privnto dimiaticti. I lunluineni in tht'R imaitli and throat., botui o;iiii;i, hair Irxjtio, piiliplca or.f faen, liimer nnihi canieolf, oiiiinwioiiH, heciunn thin auxtIv!S ilertiiondunt. t-Wen doctora treated mo with Mrcui*y,E'" I'otii.h, etc. They lieljn il nm hut- could nor, cum mo.a Finalb afrii-ndimhii*t;diimtotry l)ry.KeniK^dyitKiirffnn.|? SYPHILIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED ..f Heittihid WeutinoH^ and Hiieriiiaioriha.-ii, iMni^iuiiM wont ilnuniii,' nnd.woakoniiiK my vitnlity. I marri-.d :it ^ 1 under advice of my fumilj dootur, but. it wan u hadcxperii-nei' In widitn h moutlm we wor> di/orced. I tlum coiiHiihiid Ih-H. K. AK., who rehtorcd mo to nmnlmod IflTlif'ir N'-w^Iothod'TVi'iitiili-lit cured iiioin a few weeks. Their tmatiimat, its \vondorft...K SYon (, V1 yourrioir Kainiiu; every day. I liavo never heard of their faUintf to cure in aaiUKl"*P Y'IUW* tTz-CURES guaranteed on money REFUNDED t \0 Capt. Clmtt. Ferry narRt "I own my life rp ])w. K. it K. 7*fmn~rv*.tr\\t !H -VVtu I learned ii had huhit. At at 1 hud nil tho Hvniptonm j IVJPOTEIMCY |{f VARICOCELE 10 EMISSIONS'!^ CURED g R' by their i\'r.w Mr.thml TnatmmU 1 folta now life thrill tlij-otich uny nervo". IVowi-i'u united iitfiun arid an\ happy. Tliii wiatl ,_._ nix yoam aBO, Dro. ICitK. are Buiontifm Hin'cialisra und I liearti lioartily rc'cotninimd thoin." \g$"lVi! treat and cure Varicocele* Emissions, Nervous Debility, Semittat Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, 'Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self AbustW Kidney and Bladde* Diseases. i 17 YEARS IN DETROIT, 20x^000 CURED. NO RISK frOlT A fr^KTD % Arovona victim? Have yu IohL Inipe? Aroyon cnntompltttlnir mnrn l"JrC.rtlL/C.ri I riimoi' Hun your Wood been di.souwdr' Fluvoyon any \vcaltnensi' Onr^ IWnoiv Method Treatm.-nt will eiiiuvott. lutHdimu for othcrn U will de for' you.jaj liaCOMSULtATtON FREE. No matter wlio litw trintml you. wnto for/an holiest opinion FreiCUI. ', IStfof <lhm'o. Charyi'ii retwoiinhlo. BOOKS FREE 'Iho (iblden ilonitor" Ciiiuutrutod), on|*l | latUiwascaofMou. IqcIoao poHtatre, 2centH. Bealod. t. || ; IK [srNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI-tJ Hva'tP Nn medlclno cent C O. U- Nonamaa on boxoo or onvol-5* SopoQ. " Everything confidential. Queotlon list and cost of Trcmt-g; Qmen*. FREE. ----------------- * DRS. KENNEDY & raGIN.^aK-To^l jfe^'d^^iji^^^ fiB6^ ^

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