Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 21, 1895, page 4

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s^f^'H?^^ qPHE E3eEJiK. FREE PREQP lour Home This ahotild bo the doHit-o of ovory ono Toar homo i your kingdom and oliowl(l|bo Jaflfc as ootnfortablu ahd'fbouutiful anjj your meanu will allow, Littlu xpoiitio|iH neotm. sary to doooruto yourjroomn with our THE PENALTY PAID." HHNDKllSHOTT ANl> WKIj- TlfiR HANOf3iJ> ON TUi;I>AY. Tin* (JV'nfnorGnnral Approve* of h *l ilio Jury. Wall Papers Bond for Ramphia and nointorn on I'apur Ilangintf. Consumers' Wall Paper Go. Wlmliior, Out. The Essex Free Press. FIinUY.JUNEai, 1B05. H*tfliHch*ol Viu, Those lntoroaiu am in the Ekhsx Iln.'li lonanattajaaawara axpenno of maintaining it houU bo oonvihaod by raadiug tlio li^uron puUHsbad blo\v, that our Hohool is being 'Managed vry tioonomically, and that uot withstanding it in ko(it up to n, ntundaid . as high, if not highor than, tho Windaor OoliiritttoIuHtitnt^.. Tlio oont pet pupil u connidorably leu*. We find from lata Htutintiau Umt tbo amount paid for TKiCIIKllH1 HALAUll'H. ByK<nox, ia....................S^SO 0 By Windsor, i................... 5021 00 FOB JANITOH. ByEBBox, ia.................... 100 00 By Windsor, hi.................. 400 00 VOtt 0OrniNTKNli:NTOl- liUILHINO By Kbssx. .'.'..-................ uothmg By Windsor,................... 150 00 l'On IIIiC-TIUiAH. By Ebmox...................... nothing Bj Windsor.................... 100 00 By By KOIt OW,NIiUAL KIl'EKMI ACCOUNT. EuUUL.........,............ 330 00 Windaor...,................ 085 20 The total jivorftgo attendance at iho Xauax aohool for tho pant yoar wau 734 ttnf^ at tha wiudaor nchool 127$, unci tho total coat aft or having tluilucted thu Government grants in both canon wan for the iSinoj aohool $2115 mid for tho Windnor aohool $fi032 make tlio not coat par pupil, based n tho average uttdndancfl of 8313 for the Ebmox iiohool and $-14 for tha WindRor aohool, making tho eoat at Eiflox 811 leao par pupil than at Winduor. Tbaio flguro go to show that not much improvement could bo mudo in tho tiuan- oml managornont of tho Ekhox iiujh Bohool,while itn lii^li standard exinta with. OQi a doubt in tha minds of thouu who will take tho trouble to oxamino tho reports of fcho High Uobool Inspootoru. ESSEX W HUE LIU UN. A New and ICutliuatuutU' Or^uul* zatlan. A number of prominent lovers of tho Silent atood met at> tlio Aberdcou on Mon day evoniug, for tlio purpowe of organizing a local UBflOoiatiou for the premmt ueaoou. There wan quite a largo attendance, and those preaentwore very enthuBiuAtic in re- gard to tho proHpecta, Aftor tho mooting Wan called to ordar, fcho gafcheriny pro- OQodod to elcot tho following OKI-'ICHRU, Hon. Proa. Dr. Goo. McKonzie. Proa ChaH. White Viac-Praa. Dr. J. W. Brian, Captain, C. W. Thrabhei. Soo. Trau, J. M. Short. lBaud3nd LiuutH, J. W, Gibaon, W Obattortou, Committoo, W. C. Laing, J. A. Brown- E.J. Williauja. Wbippor-in, J. D. GouiUuy. Roportcr, J. M. Biiort, Ht-o. Troau. 'Consul, J. W. Gibuon, Coloru, Rod and Blaok. Uniform, WUito and Groy. Narao of Club, Emoox Whuohnuu. Tho admioaion feo ban bouu pluoed 81,00 \rhloh iuoludtsH admiatnou to tbo C. W. A. The' momberyhip will prubablv number twanty-iivo, mout of wlioin will join tho C, "W. A. Tho iirnt olub run, witli coloru, will bo takou noxt Tuenduy evening, 25th iuut, probably to ' Corlar Boach. ijadios, with blooinoru, will bo udmitled to tho' club runs. If tbo spirit of tho mooting is u criterion of wheeling nentiraont in Eonox, a djohl nucoo"iHful bo us on iu boforc thu Eunox olub this yoar. Short Journoys on u Long- Eoad, la thaoharaotoriatio title of a profucoiy il- luatratflcl book oontaiuiiiR over ono hundred pagoH of oharmiuKly V7ritten doapriptiona of ttummcr ranortBin tho country north and Wfitof 'Ohioago. Tho roadiug naattor jn new, tho illuHtrationo aro now, and tho in- forriiation tbotoin will bo now to almoot evotyono. Aoopyof "Short Journeye on a Long Boad" will bo sent froo to anyone who will ftucloHo ton coiitn (to pay poat&g) to Gko H. HMAffironn, General Paseongor Afiont Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, Chicago, IU John IWleruhntfc and Ww, D. WalUr woro hati|;ofl afc Bt. Thnmaa laufc Tuuaday morning. Tha drop full at 8;M, Krom oarly duybruak peoplo began to Hook bo tlio ffuol, bltliou^h it wun kkown that only a limitod number and tboao til- ready providod with tiokotH would bo ad- mittod to wittioKH tlit exeuutioti, Hondorshott and Welter wponb thair laiit night ob earth in cowparallvaly pouuo. Both ofc thorn lookbd liico wrookw during tho afternoon and oymiiug, and had thoy not routed, thoy ninhb uooti bavo oolhipMd: But thoy Hlo^t for uovaml honrn an gontly hh if thin wiif to bo their bridal morning. Not op'ou Minao thoir oonviotiou had thoy dU^t bottor. ' Thoy woro awakond at fi o'clock iu tlio morniug, and thoy mani- foHtod uiiaxpoiitod gtreugth.and mental ro- pouo. Walter lit aoigar which bad boon (;mii to him, andpuffod at it with an air of roal enjoywint, Itev. Mr. RponHor loft thorn at ton o'clock Monday night, and rtqrnod throo qunrtoru of an hour aftor thoy hud ariBon, No aoonur hid ho bocan to apaak to thorn than ttmy broko down. Thuy moaned and Hobbdd and wopt likoohildrsn, Tho outhurativaa hrtof, h.owovor, and prcti- ontly they rooovorod oonirol of their feel. inCH. Aftor H)*oiniing oin time in prayor with Mr. Sponcor, tlioy, wori ready for breaUfaut. Gov. ilooro wont 'thorn adaintv inoal, ponohod ejiija, toan^, otrawborrioH, ororikM und coffoo. Thoy partook lightly. Aftor bruakfaitf, Rev. Mr. Spounor, Rev. Dr. .THmoR UaiinoH, and cthqrj__olfiinymon woro adwiittod, and thoy hold religious Bervicfla until 8 o'clock. Hangman Eadcliff thou mado bin ap- poaranoo, bearing tho utrapH for binding their arms behind their Ivinlm, Ho handa with thorn, and u ho procaodad with bin work ho talkad volubly about bin boing aiiMply performing a duty like other good officrn f tho law, Ho wan iutar- ruptod by ono of the olcrgymon, who, fudrful of tho effocfeT?^0*' thoaa growHorrio proparationa uai^ht iiavo, exhorted their clinrgoB to koop in uiiiid-tho moroy of -the God thoy woro about to moot. "'"" 'Iho )riBonoro tromblod nomo, but triad lo boar up with tbo appoarauco of. bravory. Presently all their holfppBBOiuion vamuhod and thoyonod out. loud in tboir terror. Meanwhile tboiie who had boon [.'ranted tickets of admiuuion woro led into tbo jail yard by Gov. Mooro. Thore woro about 10 peruana all told, including nomo half dozen newupapsr moil. An thoy atood waitiug for tho execution Miuy aould hear the crion of Iho coudomnod, minylod wuh ahouto of tho great rabble which had gathered in tho Btrott behind ihv juil. THIS PnOCKHBION. Tho prioenaion to tbo soaf/old was load by Kevu, D. Sponcor, K. Mclntyre, tho ahori-ff.. and deputiua, with Welter and irotilTijFHbott aud KtidoiifTo at the roar. Tiia men walked to the aouiiold-with- (irai atepa. They no anto-mortom Htatemont, him ply bidding their frieudb yood-byc boforo tlio black cup:* were drawn_ over their fuceu. told to aeveral of nn n HatarJay and Ban- day, I wiah to nay all* thai May U11U Hen dor^'h >t lo NOT (HMKnVlMO OF1 IBrBBHION with rcopoot to tbo MatUt for which thu mim wr bung. Hr tatamont in trno and 'iiirooiiduflt not daiorvin^ of any r. pc.-.-h of comuiro. The yrUumoru both a- nv d mo that b toM^U-Uiati who kuew, und ripjbo .th* truth.. Wm. Walter wuh tlcjptiratoly fond of hot, and of him nu'i ihoro wunuo bad UaHng of any kind b'i' tvuan tho two priMionor*. Thuy had ftiwayu boun frionda and diod in that Mpirit. -MM OONVIrtHlOM WUA MOT Jill HAI>M 1MIHMC. ' Tlwiy I'd ado tboir oonfouinn iinarcly aud honnutly, tbo partioulaiH of which I will givo nobody." NO TJlIltJJ L'AHrV. TW doooaHod,' ho nald, had auuard hira that CharUy Woltor had uob, nor had any othor man, anything whatover to do with tbo murder, and had no knowladgfl what, ovor of the faotri. From tho forogomg it will ho olunrly ucoh that tho prtaniiora con foHnot'1 tboir i^nilL to thoir Hpiritual advioar. On Sunday from liiu pulpit tho llov, Mr, Hponcor dfiakrod tbuii tlio man nhould not ho hanirad, IU bolicvod thorn iunocout. To day ho aayn thoy wore guilty. Thin i Hi^ruflnant and will Bottle tho doubt an to tho innocouoy or guilt of tho oxocatcd rnon. Potatoes, Potatoes. ^ptf>E have just received another carload of extra fine "Beauty of Heb- ^pf 1*oM Potatoes, for planting or eating. The ho aro, without doubt tho finest stock in Ontario, Gome quick. This is our last car this season. Tlio Southwestern Exhibition. Every oitizan of tbo town of Emtex ia in- UruwUd in uuikiug tha EnNftx Union Fair a uucflOB4, aud tharnby kooping up tho re- potation Ehhgx now onjoyw of holding- tho bank fair in tho county of Eaaox, if nor, in all VVoEJ^tahi Ontario. While tho board of DirootoiH aro offariupj a largo Amount in rogulnr pn'zoii, it ih highly dewirnbla that u big lint of upuoial prizon bo offorod, an thoy form ono of tho mout intorontiiig fouturoa of tho fair, und in many ouhou do more than tha regular prixoH in incraaaiug the compotition and alio the attendance Now iathotimuto attend to thin impoiUin matter ua tho prize lint will bo printed in nhoolrtu abort timo. Every buniuoBB man, every professional man and ovory laboring man in tho town it lnterautbd, and all oau afford to do moro or lofi to aid in makiug thin feature of tha fair an unprooodeiitod hiio- onB thifl yoar, in fact it will pay thorn all to do what thoy can art tho town will, reap tho banc-fit, both dirootly and indirectly. ThoHc wl:o.. cannot afford to givo ouHh "prrzofi, can givu nuitaldu pnzon in goodu, thoBo who cannot give a $9 prizo can give a 81 or al leaot a 50 cent ono. If ovary. onif^ffTtl^fko^lrortlT-tt^tt^giverwhat thoy can, fcho object will bo accompliubfid. Ib mat- torn of thii kind lot our motto bo "Kuhui tirat," and wo will bo bonefitting ouraalvos as wU as tlio town in which wo livo, Iho ootuTOittco appointed to oanvaa for upocial prison baa not yot cornplotod ita work, and hope to moat with a hoarcy roajijonso from ovory citizen who Uhh the wolfaro of tho town at htfart Tho ooinmittua in corn- ponQd of pant prcflidentu Wm. Milliiu aud A W. Cohoo. IN PKEl'CflT KGOSX Tho aoba and moaiih ol tha mon could bo board diatiuctly by thaoo iu the jail yurd and in tho court houho, Tlie prayorn and Hiip[)licationu miuul^'t wit)i the groane of tho niL-u jiiDt boforo tlitiy uturtod for tho ncaffold waa heart rvndiug. After a faw liuoa of tho hymn, "Ovur tbora," waa sung by ono of tho priaonerH tho procanuion to to tho gallowu wuh comuiouccd. Tho drop foil at 8:11.____ Thore was no bnujdmf;, and death munt have been inatuntaueouH, altnongh for about ton minutes nftorwaido thoro wore musoular riiovcmentH. A ClJNFliShlON. Shortly uftor thu uxueution it became known that the men had raude a oonfoaaion to their Bpirituul adviaer, the Rev. D. Spencer. Ou being aakud if it woro true theolorgy- raen uaid: "Don't iibU me." AftL-rwardc, howover, ho thought it was bolter that noino utatuiiifcut nhould bo made and ho called tho uewupaper men to- gbthor in a niio room and addrouaod thotn, IIo an,id; "I thniu it iy nn duty to Ray that tho cuufeaaiou mad by W. D. Welter, ropro. Honting that a Wuiit Elgin farmer com- mitLod tho orimo IH HOT TRUE in any particular, and that it wao made in a paroxyum of Kriof, denpair and diuap- pointmont, aud I think alno during tem porary inaanity, with the hope thai tho UBokofoue.if not both, might bo oavod. Tbo particulars of that atafomont have not boen made publio, tho few itomn whioh did appear woro but fow, and it u not neoeeaary for ma to oay anything moro about that. The prisoner Woltor hao aa. oured mo that the -story wan false. With regard to anything they have gaid taiMol can aay nothing beyond thm that I believe they had COKHK0HKD THEMBKLVKQ TO OOD, and made tboir poaoo with Him. I haya uroat hepov that at tho aloveuth hour they have. vpDKD Tiiia muB and nici-ricn way. I am not at liberty. to nay anything more, but think the country should have lit* boutradiotion in roapiofc to tha, Mtoiry 1 now Bohomo for ruioing ravonno waft dincuaned in tho Sonuto tho other day, 'Tho question was brought up by Senator Bon Item on a resolution asking tho Ilouno to doolaro that.tttha oxciao on apiritw, heor, und tobacco woro made equal to tbo pro- teotivu duty on thoae artioltm, on tho baHie of tho uverago oonaumption during tho mwtrnve yearn, nn inoreaHo to tho revenue would renult, amounting to 85,000,000, and if twonty-fivo oenta a gallen on npiritu and ton couta a ponud on tobacco warn added to tho present rato of duty a further moreaao would result anaouutiug to&2,000,000 more. Speaking to hiu motion, tho Senator, in & lengthy epooeh, outlined a eohome where- bv fromlfour to hIx million dollara could bo added to tho revenue by an equalisation of the exciBO duMna on apirita of 81,70 a gal lon and tlio cnBtoma duty of $3.25 a gallon on importod apirita waa tho profit aaoruiug to tho Canadian difltilloru. HiH proposition waw to make tho oxciHo duty tho aamo au the cuatoma duty, thereby diverting 91,57'J,- 000 whioh ho Hiiid now went into tbo pocketn of the diatillora into tho public revouuo without luoroaaing tbo colt to tho consumer. Thou by inareauiug tbo oioiao duty on apiritti twonty-fivo couta u. gallon, making the total exciBO duty 2.CO a gallop he found another 91,000,000 to add to tho royonuo. Tbo only peoplo who wonld be affeotod hy tbia ohango. ho aaid, woro oicht diBtillcra in Canada who wnre reaping thia \nru.o mim in profits out of tho oxaeomve protfiotion now aUordod them. A Bj Native (Janadian- Leonard Whitton, of Brighton, Out.,' who is without doubt the largBt man liv* ing, woihging 714 pounda iu nxooodingly large of girth, but only flvo feet ton inched in height. Mr. Whitton was born and brought up In Brighton, Out, and camo from BngHflh fltoak. His paruntfl were both lar^o of ataturo, and corpulent besides, oaoh woigUing over 000 pouuda. Mr. Whit, ton iu 40 yoara old. For many yeara ho conducted a lucrative moat butiinein at hia homo iu Brighton. Ho began to gain llenh rapidly aboat tan yoara ago, up to whioh time ho did not woigh more than half what he does now. Within the paat two yearshau been on exhibition at numorouv muuenmu about tbo country. Mr. Whitton Mayu that hiatory rooorda but one man more oorp. nlont than he, an ICugliuhmau, who. lived about half a bentnry ago, and who weighed only fifteen pounda mor#. A faint idoa of hm enormoue ayoicdupoiH jau be jratberad from tha following dimonalona of build : Nook, 28 inches around; wuboUb of tho arm, 2BJ iuoIiobj broat, aix foat; waist, oalf o tho leg, 35 iuaheN. Hu has a Mackintosh ooai that wau iwaila iu Toronto which.coutaiua over '21 yardH of outside material. . The Straw Hat Season is now on and our Stock ia still well assorted and our prices are right. * * Par asols at reduced prices. Extra values in Hose, Gloves, Silk Mitts, eto Wo have just passed into stock another bale ol our celebrated 5c Sliced ing. We are open to buy any quantity of GOOD OHiE5^.3ST WOOL. As usual, our Grocery Department. 13.all right. IDtTlTSTiLlT BLiOCK:. BSSB^- Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothingy Hats and Gaps. When yon need Clothing and Dry GK>6ds,?Hats and Caps, we handle the best makes and at the lowest prices. . Our G-rooery Department is always stocked with Fresh G-oods, Dori't fail to call on us when you need Tea'and Coffee. Yon will find that its Money Saved for Yon ! $1.00 - 20 Pounds Tea for - $1.00. Vance's Old Stand, Essex* mmm WE SOLD MORE /' BUaaiES A3SID WAGONS than any other maker or dealer in the County of Kaaex, That moana that our OOodS and PHceS are Riht. The celebrated G;ray & Sons* Buggy, Chatham wagons, Plows, Culti vatore, Mowers, Binders and Agricultural. Implements of .every kind, we are headquarters. ' A Special. I nftVe in stoclc P ^ tlie wagons that was awarded Gold Medal and Di pIomaatVorld'aFair, This wago>i waH specially constructed of best material availabkuind ' will be sol4 at a reasonable iigate. . _,- \^ TALBOT J. MS STREET > g:'-: u- m^^L M^^

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