Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 14, 1895, page 5

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iM&iw THE E9SEX FFEB PRESS The Chatham Loan and Savings Company. CAPITAL - 51,000,000 Monoy to Lend on:Mo*-tgagoa hirw 'VO al rHt|it<.. UVunOr.l :wunlln to lorrowiiio.H.yut Unit lalniijiumt .minnu.Miml "am Loan und Having Co., (Jhatbam. H. l'\ OAKDNKU, MiUiaj!ir. F1UDAY, JUNK II, 1805. ^ ^-*JBQu*}fi*%,-* > TALK lolthe: town ------------------ "Ol'.W1'*,,.^ 7^ yVil'lio Wulkorvill'i Pticy'Io club did Khho.v ijj[*bt Baturday vi)iiiui;. feyLoual balcnru havd advunnod tho price of ltfwiruad from five to ni\ contn por loaf. wyjoaminL'tan in La>in^ a ^ranohthio rude- alk uloii|,' thu inuitn ntrtut of tho town, Gucmh rdl Ihu Ki.uox county towwi uro tfomu to tak a uup on Dominion Day thm your. The choir uncial to have bum lu-ld WiiduL'Hduy, ban boon poitjamod nutil iIuh (Friday) avouititf, Brown Jf Vfiyle uiu pnymK tho hi^hoht wricoH i<i catdi or trado at thair mill for wool, Partiouhavii.^ woul to diwpono of Hhotild call and hlc them iinit. '2i Ono bwndrtid new Huwhonou got thoir diylooauH in Toionto lant wcuk. What ih to bocome of thorn V About ovary placa in Ontario ih now ovucrowdud with doutom. Fruit jar aro lower m price than over at M.J. Wmlo A Ca.'u. Bummor dreun^ooda, paianoln oto., all at raduocd pnocb ut Smith's. No. 3, Ehhix.C hipuuy of tho 21at Bat talion urn tfottintf in roadmoHH for their oe- lartuiu for London on.TticHday.Juiie 'J'jtli, whore thoy will ^o nndur canvau for two wooku. Tlio Dominion Cubmut had tlio ciiho of Uendorahctt and Walter, of Kt. Thulium, up for conindoration Wulnoaday, but a do- aiMion waa not roaehod, Tho ckhc wan to be dmpoaud of yufliofditv. Tho output of tbu Oittam ohoomi factory for tho luut half of May wau urdJ to an eautern firm ut. 1\ auutii pnr pound. 1'ha ico of ohuuflti m ifoiu up. liko vadouH her aonimoditms, thiH Hprnt^. The titundard Gun it Od Corn puny dull- Ihoir firHt wU , on tho furin ot Hiun on 'fcowarfc, nourKiithvun. From all uccounih a roular fjunhor, and bttforo ir wan con. Jlud its roar could he hunrd a miln away. Autumn mttin^M of the Hiyli Court of Jiihtico will lia htld ij-t Hiiuuwich, with u jury, by Judgu Falconiiidi;u, on Tut'Hday, Bepluiuhui 17ch, atul uo SundwiRh, without a jury, by Jiulyo Fit*im ui, on Tmnd iy, Octohor *J2nd. AluiHiH. Furiytho, Andurt-on it Co. lvivd hud 'Jiuphuu^WCV Ht vend dnyn in their window, a felt hat m the live djffuruut tii^on of mauufucturo. Tho exhibit wan quitu u.u intrt)stinj one from a ruooliau- ical point til viuw Quo. M Winn, who linn conducted the AmherHtburtf IjuudLr fur the puut throo or ]four yearn, Uhh laid down the puatc pot tund nciiiHora for a poiutiuL. an oigam/iT for tlihG Caiia'Jlan Order of Chosen Frioudn. 'It 18 ru[urted that tho Leader plain .vdl bu Hold. Tlif 21st Battalion htm roci lved and no j ot-ptod an invitation from itic Baby City , Chatham IQ npuid Doinnnoo Day in that City, und help coli-'brutu Chatliam'ii ailvMit from a toiyi iu a uity. Tin ClnuhanntoM lutpud haviiiL a ^reat bin blow-out on Do- miuiou Day. Tho LadicH' Aid of the Muthodiat church uuot at tlio rubidenoo ut Aha. A E Milue lane Biiiurdny afternoon und pu-fiuotuU Mrw. John Jklilun with a haiiili>ouie bdvtr bako aiMh, jo Cokuti of liur lony uonnoction with th Aid A dfhcii'Uu Hproud wat- prepared, and a vory ploii-aut uvcnin^ Hpuut by tho^fa who atioudud, Doteutiv.' Mdio JLof-nuu wuu in town on \V odnuhday and huiuniom.d thim boyb, Boy Luck, Jno. McChutic mid Klnur OhaRG, to aiuuer h, uuuruu of jumping ou traiun, and trcbpabdinf; on tho M. C. K. . Luck and McCliutio apptiarod, phtndod IfiUilty and weie lot off with a reprimand, jbUCChanG hiiH not obeyed Hih aum iuouh, and a warrant will iduly \m inuuud Afilitia ordtro have beun rem.ived ai -Winduor, poutpuuin^; tlio datu oi 1803 on oampmcut fioni Juul lnih to ^uth. The Jjjhuux buttaU'oo will^o into armj barra.-kh thin yoar inutoad ot uudc cuvnn. Tbit* will I'tdjovo tno oflnuru and ninu from the neceObity ot providing Hlocjnnn ouiiuu, and ftlno of much oi ihu coukuit: and otlu-r camp duiien. But one man from oaUi company wdl bo detailed nv cook' uni,iMt ant. Tho change m rnuoh urpreouttd Wall pupur '2u. roll May'H Ba^ar. Vjhmux and ICont county Oran^ommi will odnhrato July lath, ut TlmmimviHu, Kt oountyt thiM you(. Tin Lndioii' Aid of tho tVogbytoriim ohuroh will hold a iibriiwbvrry Hoolal ou Mr, J aim Lmw;'h lawn on Woiluou lay J\mo Kith. Adwiuwion 15 orniti. Mrit. Gnopor Roorotary. lOtfunx uonuty 'ulrawhcrry crop iu now baiii t j ii 1 u o;__ta_b o_jiJaflBd_0 n__L 11 _ *ili!iiiu t' Tho btirrhm wm-u uok ho badly daaiufjtid hy tho heavy frout u wuu at nrub uu^ponudi but the later dry Wnather luibi oauued Uiu orup to bo a light oho, md th bovyou u I null. Skirt ompioidon'oH raducml from l,'2(> por yatd to .'ifl oontH, at Hmith'ri. . llavo you uonn thowo now privato pimt cardu. Tin: Funii IMtunn kuopu thorn. Mr. \V- A. Gardner mob with a painful acoidunt ou Friday laid, in the Itaullo Workii. By iioniu mnuiln a heavy Htick wna thrown from a circular naw, atnluni; lnm fairly over tho rit;ht ey( milictin^ a pmn. ful and utjly brunio, tho olfeotu of winch diidi^uro hiH fuoi) for a tirrifi On Monday while n el ild* boUntfnu; to Mr. Ana rturnhaM \wt pluvint with matolion lihcy butiumo if.;iutod and the ohild'ii clothmp; ounyhfc on lire. Before ro ll of cam* it wan badly burned about tho cheat and arrnn. Dr. Jan linen wan mini* monod to Irvan thn injunuo, and nan hoiiua of itn rooovery. POLIC12 UOUICT. Ftnu bIiowh for ludiui at Knjith u. half pnuo, at I'jxtra valHeii in laort curtiiiuH at M. J Wiyle Si Co.'n. Tho Londan Conforouoo of the Mfttliod- mt church complotod itu laboiuon Tuomlay. Uov. J, 11. Ouruly, fcrraorlv of K'ihox, j;oca to Wiudnor ; A. Thibouduait ooa \b Mind- stonn ; D. Ko^oru to Woaduloo ; J. Gallowny t,o Lofttoiinjitou ; Jokn ITandorHon to Com. her. Thcao aro about the only chanson in Kanpx County, Mr. John Bato, proprietor of the IjBHox cairin(4o woiks, has boon awardod tho con- traot lor buildinjr a utieet tiprmkler, foi the bii'tinonH nion of tho town. Mr. Bato in already huvi^ipn'irn'hrbnilt ko bo mount- od on a common truck for a fow weeks un til tho nuw wagon in complotud. llo will build a tlrut elauti rifj. Gontu whito nhirtH :10 cont'i each, at Hlnitb'H. M.J. Wi^le tV Co.'n wagon ih on tho rtjjida collecting woo]. Uonnri A. W. Cohno and Wm. Millpn he^au their canvau of tho tow"n on Kjitur- dny lant, for npecial prizon for tho o\hib. ilorti at the Groat Houthwcatcra Exhibi tion in Octohar 1, 2 and '.i noxt. Tho bun- iHPHfl rnoii of EtiHOi rouponded liberally to their holieitationa, and it is expectud an uiiuRiially luruiB list of Bpocialu will be given m addition to tho unual lar^o hut of ro^ular eaiib priKOti, W -I. Pewar, moreha-it tn-iloi, lost Q'A') in citth on Saturday morning of hist week, Hoiiu'Wlu.i o hitwrou the i\l. C. H. depot and hiH Htoro on Talbot St. tie made hudtt' Ut advertiHt* tho Ioijh, and ah a result, of courHO, ho 1"ilh mi'jcutdoul in reroverme, the hist ooin It wuh found by Mr. John Milne, on hiiturday, juut bofore hiu dupar- turo for Chicago, nlr. Milno wrote a let ti r to hiu Mijn Airhur, hero, aftor reaching Chicago, notil\iuj^ him of the find, and describing tlio luonej , which comiihtoil of ono S10 and threo if.j's. Needles to day, W. J. wim a bapp) man mjmn Boyu* miitb clotbi i tf 1.00 each, at Smith'b. Faraiiola at cut pricm at M. J. Wigle dt Co, If yon want Hereon 'inorH and windnwn that will hint for yoaiH to come, ^o to Lam, Blow., KhiLV bfioo Gran toil. Cuui|hiiu UeliulieB Kuiit at SiiUUi'n, IKvorythiwK li uuruii- Canned tomatoon, corn, peau, ItoaiiH, pmnpltina, applet, Ha]mou7 mackoroJ, lob- Btoru, burring,.kipporod horrio^ roawt buuf, .oornod beef, turkoy, ohioken, ham, toopue, potted ham, chicken, toguo, turKpy, tub' BteVH, aDd ulnimpe, nardiuou (1 kind.,) mUHbrooniH, preiierved Kintior, pouohoo, phinM', janiK and juilmtt, and 27 diflaront klud of plokols. coudunaud oofloo, turtle and cuullaiiatawny uoupH. Tho County Council hint week decided to uiant yr()0 towutd tho Or out South, wontorn KxhibiLion to bu hi Id at J^hhos on Oot, 1, 'J and il nev, Thus will au^iat in making thr I*j.\lnbitioii mot creditable, and in properly receiving thu dKtin^uihhud t;uoHta who aro to attend 'inii perforin tho opening coremouion- xVrrune;oniont are already in progreoH by the directors, and no paiuu are bum^ Hparnd to make thia the boot Exhibition aver yiven lioro Induction ercmoiiy. An liitorsutnifj Horyicu wub hold iu Leamington on Tuesday, 11th mat., when Ur. W. PauerHou. B A., wao ordained and luduettid into the puntora) oharfjo of Iinnx Chiiruh. Bortidoo a largo number of Ltamin^ton peoplo thero wore at tfcu mooting tho following minmterH from other places : Mennrn. Gilchrist, Blythou wood; Mammon, Vulottu; tlod^on, Tilbury ; UodgoH, Oak Lake ; ilufitard, Ilarwiok ; NutbroHn, Amligrntlinrp[; Tolmio, WiudHor ; am Floiuint; Unmix. Mr. Gilobnut pro- aided, Mr, MuHtard oonduatod pubho wor- Hhip, Mi. Mauuou addreanod tho uniiiHterB, and Mr. Tolmiu tho people- Iu tho uveu- mga reception waa tendered to Mr. Bat- toruou ami u nloantnt timu w'ao iipent. Mr. Patteruon ui a youuy man of yroat rijiuiue und Luniiiiuuton Pronbyteriatis aru to be ooumaiulatud on aoounug him for thoir ujiuimIui, We trust hiu pautorato may ho lon^ and uuoful m Luammutou. trtfutflatrnio W. to, ii-uuni Wailful Ow tn IUt(I.- Nitlulil.or-' lli"ruc-. A oa that oonuplnd the Hitontion of MnjjiutraU Bu'ai^an, and of appoahif coun- H4), the floater parh of iminiaa houru on Monday, wan on a oonipluint .jf uhwliiU mudo by Win. Cowan aguinnfc Guoi'^o Blookwoll, bolh ou Talbofc road, in GoaUuld Houtb. Tim fcwopartioaaromih;hborinL'farmi)ru, tliair Iioiiwh b*in^ woarowly a uIojio'h throw itpatt. Btookvt^ll kwepH nomo uhiokmiu, und Hiu OowaiiH kHp it frihky dog- That vpluiiiH tho oatit* in uubutiuice, but wot m ilotall. Oho wornin^ lawt Roptomhor Ktookwoli wont over to Cowan'u. an tho lat ter nava, "to uettlo that ohickon biiHiuoiiH." But hodiin't nottlo it. Cowan, nidud hy hiu better half, hui lj-yoar-o|d won, and thu c|n[ in tlui anno, procoodod to thohaok. yard, whro Hlockwell wny evidently plan- od hnra &' rombut. Ho nuyn that Cowan chultod him, that tho old hidy (lourinhod a knittt, tbobny a oluh, and thf do;,' pro- caedoil to pull llio Euuthorii oif bin le^s muah au ho had dono with tho ohickeuii. Acoordintfly Htockwoll doforred HotiU;i.ent, promiiunj^ Cowan to "neo him ugaiu." Tboy mot ii[fam Hometinio in tho wmtor, hut as CnwuT) wan on bin way to a wei^h- birti to lielp kill boyu, and had a butcher knife in bin ponnounioii, inttlomont wau again deforrod. A diy of rcokoninj; cumo, bowovor. On tho ovonin^ of May flUt Cowan and Ktock- wull mot on Talbot road, fitoekwnll ankod Cowitn if h wuh ready to Huftlo "that hiiHiiu'iiti," and thu tuLter admitted hja roadinorm. ' Thmi oRdli atonco Imi falchion ilri-w, V, acli on the (jronnil hi netibhurd throw, 1'iloIi looKed to nin, anil lilream. and plain, Vit what they no'or nni.'ln tieo ai;am; Thou Toot anil point, and eye oppomiil, Iu dubiouii utrifo tliey durklv cloned." Whon thoy omood from thu ulurninih IStockwoll wau uviduntly iiatiHfir'd. j^n ad mitn that bo wan never hit, but had to ^o home to wash tho oru off bin pnrnon. Tho other man, howeyor, wout to Kiiip;i- villti to commit a doctor and to net flome ap'Vinc dono. Tho pbymcian, Dr. White, Htitod a a withCHG, that he had put throo Htitohoa in Cowau'H uppur Up to bring it ou tlm way to a normal condition,, and tlmt Cowan wan otherwise puniHhod. . Tlio funny part of it all wan that Stock- Woll told tho maniBtiate it wuu all d^ho, on hiu part at loaut, in Hglf-dofonco. Tho ma^iHtrate triod to cant, oil on tho tumbled watoca by unHoa.nuu Btookwoll ftl and tna^iHtrato'ii and eouutablo'u ft on, and lettiuii tho other party bear tiiLir awn por tion Uf thfl GXpOllHO. Mr, Wiamer appoared fur the complain ant, and Mr. Potonrfor thu dotoudant. NEW ADYERTISEjMKNTS. PEDIGREED BULL FOR 3A LE. rr*ho l'<n1lKri! HhnrUutrn Hull, "Cbunijiloti of X. (lonlbild," i-uiiliitufiul In Ihu I dominion Hliott horn Monl Hook an No MiriHl, HlLlvod .(wuu 'JUth, 1WH, In offered for nidn nu rmuwmablo toi-nui. l"ur (urther iiurtlniluiu upply to the owiiot*, ALl'UKO .f. I'OX, Ollndii, Out. COURT OF ukvisjon! TOWN OK KSKKX i. lievlulon on thu uutH'MUjumt. roll of tin Town of I'liinet will bo hold In tlio Town Tlull on TUESDAY EVENING. Dm lUtli {lay of Juno, I'-'fi, ut ib. hour of i i"lit o'cloek fONN WALTLIlS, ClniL Kfuihx, Juno MHOfi, -J ( il a&^RKETJ Fire IJrl arte OfUcmls. Tho ruomborn of tho Emhox Ftro Brigade at a regular mouthly rnouktiic, bold on tho evening of Monday, Juno 3rd, elected tho following otlioortt ror tho new your com- uiMiicinK May let : David Wagnor, Captain Andrew Batkor, Lieutenant. Palmer DiIho, Kforotary. Fred Hyatt, Troanhrtir Tho latter wan ro-o>otod by acclama tion and tho fileetion paaao/l ovor without any unduo friction, tho momburn liom^ apparently all well ttutiMlod with the re tail l a. H H 12 1^ h 10 It) .",0 t<; .".(1 7 ~> tu SO r,n to r.f) 10 10 ;.(j it/ ^ to 0 f. I no x, i It port \T, 15 2\, toUa'tl Stop n Clock. Tliero ih ono family io tin* town Ibo proud ponHohBor of a dauyhtor whose faco would stop a olock. Tho other ovituin^ tho hidy in quoHtiou wmhi-d to noo what timo it waa ho nho broiiKbi the clock an ordinary $ aUrmor into tho room whoio the lamp happened to be, to look at it, and Hut it down on tho tablo. Fiyo minntoH aftwrwanl .vheu auother member of tho hoiiHohold took a look at the uloeU nho lound that it had oto[nped at tho ino raont thu paity of the fir-it part loookwd at it. 7S aor? farm for na-le by G. E. Bruith A CO.. liiHUGX. Tho (ur-ciip DtaHOn is ovor. Straw hutu m ondlenB vanui), und ri^ht pricua at M, J. Wllo & Cu.'a- W. T. Stmut, in hu book annul tlain^u ub lUoy Htand in ChiouKO, haw thin romark to muko obont tho A. P. A movement iu that oity, which in father to tho P. P. A. of Canada: "No-Popery fanittinnim died ot) yoarn ago in Enuland We imnjjmad it wan doad and buried. Hero in Amerloa wa find tho uamo old demon, with ita familiar hoofn and honm mid tail, honi-iitH thu old women of both hlxi-h with tlw bogjey of mtfnidinp! unmii'icrci and the do inmation of sixty milhomi by mix. Hull cultj oc^bt to be the brat mcaun of i-x.o. oiuinc hih btdated Hurvival of antiquiduted^ bigotry." Thoae vio'wh of tlu- pruut IiIhr hali editor may be inCure'iting :uadini< to uome CitnadianH. A uicu UHHortmum ^f un hi' triuirced bail or bfttH at \1. ,J. Witilc cV Co.'h. ...... __ '^^ '^t LkCTjAub 11, tho wifo of J LeCIaro, of a danuhter. BuriiiiT, la Coloi'butor Nor^b. on Wed- n'day. Juho iih, the wife of Jan. Hupi-rt, nf a Bon, Dwkaojc, At E"oox, Friday, June 7th, tun wtfo of U. Davt'ftux, of a daughter. Gwii.t, At Eduar Mill*-, on WoJunrdity, Jouo/), tho wifrt of Mftiirioo Gwill, f tlVIH 0O11H, AuflOAiiHii, Juue, 10, Llto wife of Paul UuuuubQt, of a. hou. Wheat red per butditd ... .8 !).") to 11.'. Wheat, wlutu .... '. Corn .... tii Oatfl .... ;i5 to .lil T-inuitby H< ed .:.. a .1(1 Cilovoi Hii-d ____ 5 7."* to "i 7" Aluike ... r, 'A) I lay p< r'tmi........... ." 00 to li OU Bi of per cwt............. ."i 00 to ." (*iu Pork ............ j 'Allo5 y" Alutton ............. o 00 to hOU Ilidon ............ 1 OD \ .lnokoiiH per lb.......... Butt a* .......... Lard .......... Kl'Hh, por do/, ......... Putato^H, p< r buuhtd .... Ornoim .... Applon .... Turn if h .... C irrot'j .... Bootn .... 1'arHMipn .... Tuikuyn per lb.......... UucUh ( JelevV 'pCt do/. ......... Cfibbn^o .......... Illrum U'ulUer & Soiin ifaik<>t 1C< port No. I Kyo, pei buahel .... ., 'i Corn ___ Oatn .... Tho above pi u oh .ire \m\i\ bv. IT, Wdker Soim, Wnlkervillo, Out, Took it ItiicJc. f The D* tt uit Sunduv Hun a lew wm'Lh a^o pubhhiiud a lilalnUH and defamatory 'article coijo.01 nini^ Mr. Pridoaux iSlalott, a formei rt-suli nt of Cottum, Out., now ef' Iliooklyn, Miehijian. Mr, Malott at once lnntituted lri(ul procoodin^H, and The Hun mado a public retraction m the following worda: "On April .28th laut Tho Htm pnbhnhe 1 an account of tlio alleged trialn ni d triou- latious or l'ndeanx MaloLt,' of Bioekljn, Mudi. The iacta ttdating IO niono> tians actiotiHweio obtained from \diat The Hun coudidorod rtdiablo HOurcefi. Mr. Malott culled ut Tho rinu oUice in roforunco to tho matter and from doemu- nt^j in hia poHfioanion and o'her ewdemoH, The Huu in uoavincod that it did Air. MaloU a ^riovoua uijmy whioh it would t-dadly un do. An lojf.Lrdc thu otbur chaijiuo rtlatni^ to moral wealtneHbuu, Tho Han in cenymeed that the lutturs and information which formed the bnnid for tlio uat.titioiirt wore nntruo aud wero told and written b}' thone who oherilth ill will to Mr, Malott. The Hun takflfi pleasure in aMi>rtinc that at tor fully invoH'tinatintj the muLter, theio m nothing in Mr. Malott'n poraonal hmtory whi'di cannot Htand tlio clohOHt Hcrutiny, und hi a many frionda in Bi joklyn will hh yhtd t<> know that bin uliarueter Iuih ber-n vindicated. Iu thin connection Tho Hu x ckhin-H tu utate that tlio reflections cant ii|>nii the charautui of Mjhh Ault, ot tins city, by our intormmt, woro entirely uutruu and un called for. Mihh Ault in a y<uiif lady of uooi) 3hara_otfii* aud highly roapecte i by n.11 who know hor." Mini Ault m/uh foriueily a resident of Ehf-hx. THE WOMAN OF THE SEASON. Summer Dress Goods* regular $1.00 and $1.25*. Lines, all go 30c per yard. Don't : miss this Sale. a WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX A. London Druggist. Mr. B. A. Mifhell. the well-Unown Lon don dru^uiitt, t-a>H ol Star It'n Puwdora, the iireut now eur for* tuck and nitrvoiiB lleodaciio, (JoiiHtipatiou, liilKniMiifHH, Cub* tivonoHH, Neuralgia, tin Stoinaoh ami I j i v t ( : * \I v cuht jiiioiH rLpoit ihtit they in an mvilm.ble romoiiv l..r tho'-c d;a- e"-tlH B. A. Mltoljell, ililirji* si Luiili'li." TI v urn inc i- lu t.tUe, no.nediate aud p^r- I.1M1 '.' I Wn ,i|i*paiMl IOiim ill e't.'li box. Hfjld at "Joe *i bos bv till diuy^ints, ~> boxen "**1. Junt. 7 r nm i i i in i n " . 'win'. '.! a1|^ ^u^rs^&^i jM ?ll^5 ZXLH<1 CJ.?v~i* See tliis Wagon before yon buy. It will ay yon. W.H. RICHARDSON Harctw^re, Essex, tin UnlvorHulc-i Con von 1 ion, Tho Ontario ITnivorniiliat; Convention vill tie held at Oht<dn on Friduy, Hatur- day. and Sunday, June l'Uh, 1/Sth,aud KUh, Hev Dr. J K. Mirion.or Itnffulo, N. Y., in ex I'Mtn i to pr-fii-oh i he ecu mional H*rmnii. 8 COMPOUND. A recent dlaoovory by an old plivnlolnn. Sttttaevnfttitu ut&i? month})/ by thouamtla <\f Ijxdtea. la t?ho only porfoctl-* Hafo androllablnmodloliiotlb Ikiwaro of uniirlnclpIoU <IrulflU* wt offor Inferior mwllnlnou la placo of thU. Aakti , CooU'o Cotton Hoot <.i}mt>oiiul. tab* no uW #u/f,or !nol<wo fit unilfl contn In \iaaiuito In lot* and wawiUuoiid.BCiilou'tliy rutummnll. Kullflrnl partleulara ht jilaln eiovoIor>p, t Iadlou only, Htampa. Artdwa Tlio Conic Compony, ' \Vludor. OuU Cauatlfl ' HiH ui liaaox by all dra^i;iJiH. OQVOIfOlI. PLEASURE Loses all its charm^ifyou do not have a bright, new turn-out, Give uh your order for a nioe Phroton or a^. Buggy while tliQ rondfl are good. \ - Good Hand-made work a specialty. Prices away down. J. Bate, Cuniage Woikw, Talbot;stfc east* ". u'*f* 66

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