Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 14, 1895, page 4

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MLMJilWiUf..... ^^""VV^^ THE B8SES? FREE PRESS a .IMttiaWKLfljSOOIAIj. by tin- oidxona <>i ^mmw^c. Thin ahould bo tho ilimiro of ovory oiiu ' Yoar homo ih your kingdom iiml iilmulil ,bo ' jiiHfc tit eomfoHuhln iind^buantiful uh* your inouiiH will allow. .Llttlo oxpoumiJiH nt'cnn- Biiry to iloaomlu yourUroomu with our Wall Papers! Hund for nnmpU>n and pointum on . PajWfi' Hanging. Consumers1 Wall Paper Go.. Wiiiiliior, nut. The Essex Free Press; FIUJ.)/VY,.I[JNK M, I Hit s *a&> Kresfonpence jtatwomi llfiO and -100 oittabuu of thiu town-twit at tin* homo of My. and Mm. T. H, :l>Cow' hint P'lriday oviminj>: -to Undo** a public fuynwoll to ]\lr. Mid Mr*. John MiIm*. who itVo alioiii t.n logyo__y.yytiX auiL mukti thoir houm iu Toronto. Although the ovrjnii|< vfnu nounnvhat oliilly, tho iifowd apparod to thoroughly owjoy thm- itulvuH, mid tho cool .rulrnulimniitu providoil. Mr. Milno hai) amui^od with tho Kwtux Lodt!<i, A. O. U. W., tobu iu town cm viluy ovonmy, to initiiit.ii mid itiutrnot noiii* wimri now momborH, and bin pruiiomiti wuh talion advautaiio of (or tho purpono of nhowinti tho gen oral untconi m whioh him- Hfllf and family hayo lou^j ho'em huld by tho oiti^oiiH of Kniiux.. Tlio Mayor, Di>. Dov/iir, occupies! the- ohair, and a,Mer rvfri'fihniimtM liad bwon Kfrvijdy V'no Liatliorin^ wuh called to oritur, luid a nbort. pro^raniiiio wuh tahou up. After a bnut opunini* Hpwiwh, thi Mnyor called on Mr. W. II. KichurttHon who rem1, to Mr. Milno tho following the (luunahy Htruclt *ip " fJU' a Jolly Good Full' ."." Cniitplimmitary ft(1i1ri)ii< followed, by Miinr,i. Kuith, Tjalrd, J)uOw, ml A.- 11- Olarl ii of WimlHor, VlbUiitiryitiK to tl nhiin.:,, in whioh Mr. Miln. > bold', mid winhi-Mj him oontiuuod i;ood fortuitoi: win:1 vm* h may u.wt hut lot. 'I'll . uddrmuiHH wont intttriiportiod with -mu^..-iLlHahititinMM \>y Mumx*. VV. MoOuirn, with .Tlarioiiot,, W. J. Dower with oorfc, mid l.y a qiinrfcot oompoHud of M*wt*. Win- mur Wulhuio, Krioifhoff mid OanliiHr. ,\ uumbor of uoluutiomt wore i;ivflii by ttm Hand, whioh had mo* Mr. Mihio and ifiM'uhnfii of tlif) A. O. UYW. ut tho lnd room ami oncortcd thom to Lhu huuuh of fiiHtiviti'JH. Tho gnlhiirinj; difipursicd at a Hniuioiittblti hour. A ^'rodltahUi (Jaror. >* i Atteawui Woli Oraiwatfo. JUnxTOH X'ltr.i: Piu'ti'i, Dkah Kin. It in probably known to you "and to many of your rcadera Lliut it in pro- pDiiod by nQiubuni of farmorH and oth.*r>* iii.thia UiHtrict to ilruin their (iirniH, cul* liirN, nfco;, into artooian widln horod at oon- Voaiont pliioo^ in thnir proportino. \Vi:ib- ihli, boforo it wan tno lutu, to lioil out whothor, in tho opinion of tho Provincial Board of Health, Mich actum might intnr- fure with tho p'i**uy ot our watttr uupply, 1 Wrototo tho Board and gucIohg tho roply of Dr. Bryoo whioh I ak you to bo kind noatih to .publisii lor lhu information of your roiirlorit. . It waa my i rivile^o iiIko tocuiivorso with Dr. Bryoo for a couplo of hours an Kutur- day hint in referuw:a to thin and olhur nan ifcary mattcrH of local 1 in porta iuih. Ilia ruply to thu qucntion ati to tli uuppoHOil direotion of tho llrnv of tho uiidnruround watcro from which our inippty ih obtainotl, wuh that it wan frocn uortli to nouth, from Luko Huron prolan LI y to Lnko Krio. Iloin^ tmkod whetlu-r lit) dm not think tlk; drain ing of mi'iiy farun into thenb iiuder^rraund watora mi(jlit nit iiollutc thorn, hu paid that thG body of water wan ao^reat,' the flow ho inceHhuut, and tho .filtration ko jiorfuot that rdiiiro. noed bo no four of any pollution. Ho u-lrD t^avo it as inn opinio that with Hiioli istruininu or filtration no would renrjvo any mat tor that iniyh t ohouu tho woll or w,'lln. it would bo proii- tnblo for thin town t.o drain into thoHo ar- toaiail wella providod thny woro MiuaU'd not uuartir to thu waturworku wtdln than tho ax t re me uo vidian i houndmit-u of tho municipality. At, proeunf. iJm town draiu- a^o is fuir and wo tiro paying for what we havti, it would not thoreforo bu wihu i think of aay iin.m^diatu uhango in tho systom, hut if it bbould bo that aftor a while any of tho uuiulihorin^ lriiirdLiipuli- ~-tieo-Hhould-wifilt-to contttrimt now and coHt- ly drainn of whicli tbuv would request uh to pay a largo Hhtire,it would ha well that he ioro uqi'GGing ty do no, our loual fatheru fihouhi imikb ctii'oful fiiquinos i'ih to the practiability and cottt of tlif ayutein wpokou of uhovo. Youra vury trulv. W. M. FLUiujiii, Clniirman L. B. of II. Euqox, -luno 12th, lHi*o. Uu. Buv:i.' i.i-rn'Kit. JIkv. W. i\I. lM,iMiN(i, Ch. Ij. H. of II., JUhhox. Deaii hint, Huplyinjj to your communi cation of ,Iune 3rdT-- I hayo to aay that I can readily nnderHtiiud how anxiouH yon bud the puoplii of KttbHi ar rcyarduif* tho purity of tho uudur^ronnd waturo. " ^'1 cannot believit, howover, that ovon if tho HUrfaoti water ^>xh lo tha water Ijour- in^ Baud that it can pawiT any ureat diu- tauco without Inuiiff purftotly iillorud; but bonidOH this I do not very' ivull hub how tho durracG wator citn reach thin Hlratum, Binos uh I undurutand the uupply, it ih artoBian and teudu upward ntthur than downward!*. I Hhull bo ghid, however, to lourn more parMoulurA with regard to tho iufluunoo of thono buringH and th xurfaoa druinugu. Has. any advavice been madu wuh ttio draina^u in thu town '/ With kind re^antii, I am, Youra vury truly. " Phtkh 11. Bitycic. f^eo. -Toroiito, June 3rd, XbOa.- WI11 CoHt Over ftl.OOO. LaBt Thnrnday uitiht tho Canudian Gov ern mont Cruiuor Petrol, ovorhanlnri \he tup Griieo Itutdlo, of Dotroit, with a tfur* bap; bcow in tow. A nang had boon carrying Dottoit (jarba(;o and duiupiiif,' it into tho rivor along tho Hhoron of Arxihorttt- burp, Mftldou aud Andordou torupmodayo, and their cajituro had boun planned, and >*ao neatly offootod. Tho Captain and etiKineor of tho tug were givou a littlo too oauoh freodom, and mauauod ta offect uu oBo&po. Viyt, otbr doow dumporu, howovor, woro all fined $50 and couth oaoh, ot'a torm iu Baudwiuh. ^uol. Tho captain and GN^inooralso havo a flue hanging over thoir hoada, and will probably be ro-oapturod. Tho ta^ ib hold under a tiua tt SGOO.iiUol givbafla .boxoa ut 9100, and tho ooHtfl are db*uti another 8100. The men will alao be held under othet chargH, AI'IUU'iHH. I'll J'iJIN Mil,NT. 10' .'., E:1HMX. I)i:au Siu. Your ftdlow eitizoim of tin* Town uf Kmiusx Imvfi ht'urd with royret of your a|.prouoinii)j rcmuval from their uiidftt, andd'eniro to take thin public opportunity of oxprotminf,' to you that ro^ret, and their appreciation of the work you have done for iho town, during tho twenty yearn of your r*?Hidonoo here. biLolc, thoy rumombor that whnn you lirut nottlnd in thin nuifdihorhood thu chief [nnvuit wau agriculture Vour unur^y and taleiitM lifivt; bdoti largely m- Htrutriental in devolopirnj it into awolidand prouporoufl tnwn. The biiny hum of rnuny induntricn uUt.titn your lar^omiiKk-d euu- ception of tho future of thu village of Khhox (lontro, and in many workn id public aud private utility, your ^ood taulo in largely uvideut. It will bo romoiiih<-ri.d i-m, that, from thu first "yntirrelf-uiid-Mr*;,-.Milno were fow mot in Mnoda of kinducKH, aud your choor- inq wordn and helpful ueiu have 'made u deop impi'^HHiou on tliui uommunity. In thiiH expreHniui; thoir appreciation of your laboru, and their ^ratitudo for your ilYortH for the udvaueoiuont of every .^ocd ana worthy cauuo, they deiiro to add their heht wiHhoH for ih lutury prosperity rd yinirnelf, Mrs. Milue and faunlv, and to -|-*rH-rnfryrni that, Lhti nj*:nory of' your ptilt- lia bpiritod life will not hu lout, hut will he a continual mnpiratiou to thouo who follow you. Signed, tho7tl> ly of Juno, 18'J"> ou bidialf of tho citizens of Kh^iex. Jan. Naylor, ex-Mayor. l\ A. D.'wur, M. D.t Mayjr. T, ii. DuCJow, (Jhairinaii lli^h School 1U1, Jno. Lttiiiy do I'ubhe B'-hool IJoiird. K. J. Shaw, VV. M. Centra) Lod^e No. -i(J2, A. If. A A. M. VV. Geo. Wymao, M. W, J^HHex Cfuiiro Lodo No. 10 A. 0. U. W. Mr. Milne, in roply, utatod tli at hu wa at a lodd what to nay, hut (jayu a hrioi* ik^tch of hiu life ninco boyhood. When hut k lad hu -loft 11ih .homo near Toronto, and proceeded to that city, whore for dome Mine* lio worked at all kinds of labor con nected with a. wholcbide and coinmidHion hauHu at which hu wuh employed. Hi- then tried farming for a your or ho at lowwayuri, after which he tihiftud hi* lot to tho oil Quids of Pouiiwvivaiua. Here ho was fortu- riato enough, bv dint of energy and pi-rno- vcrance, to ainahw d few thouHand do! I urn worth of property, all of which, huwevur, wua hwpt nw.iy by thij f-jutidorim; of hih boat aud her cargo of oil on tho Alleghany river. Ho ot to work again, however, having in tho meantime married Inn prunout vvifo, and after working at hard outdoor labor for a time, fortune again Bmilei on him, and by vanouu Hpuuitlatiouy, hi a fow yearn- ho bbcainu pofiHcHHor of a few tliouftandp doliara worth of property. Hut tho j^oddann wan fickle, utid through en- dornine; for frieudu, he wau called on lo purl with all bin (iQinu^jiUonH, and begin anew tho n^ru^jdo for the hi^b financial poaition which ho wtih lutiir ou to oamipy, Slmrtly after chin, and about thu yuar lH7!I. hu came to thui j)art of tho wilder nourt (aH it wau at that time) aud decided to locnto at tho junction of tilt) Talbot Uoad and Canada Southern Hallway. Hu btarted a muw mill horo aud founded the nuoluuh for the proBent thriving Town of Iil.mux-. Ila Horvud for aonrtr time iu tho tn^tiHhip council of ColcheHter, and wau later made Clerk of the Eight Diviaiou Court and a Jumiuu of tho foace. Uu amaHnud oonHidorablo proporty, but nut- f"red a vory hoavy loHH hy tho burning of thn Hanlan Millu in 1883, uotwithntand- ing which, liowovor, they wore - rebuilt, and operated ou an largo a ucalw an beforo. Mr. M'luu luui raudu ooiiHiderablo money during the WO yeara he was in Ehobx, which wan chiefly looked up in real LHtato. Liko manv other real aoWLo ownoni ho hue foh tl o deproHtiiou in trade and tho cry of "hard timojj,*' but is looking for ward with bright uopon to a revival ol trado and tho dawn of bettor timet] finan cially. Owing \o hio counoatiou with tho A. O. U. VV. iu Outario, Mr. Milno said ho waa obliged to move to Toronto to bo uuaror tho cotitro of hio work, and would very tuuoh rogrot h'iw partiu^ with fchapaupluot Kutioi, and would ovor ohorinh kindly ro- mombrauceu of the enoouragementB he hud reuoivod wkiU here. Mr. Uilno wuh warmly upplaudod during the oouroe of hio ramarku aud at the olcoo' Tho Jjiuwday Wanlor, of Jiihb 7, con- tiuuu tho following very complhnontary rtftroncu to Vr.'.h Woihy Jlnon, wlio ban uuttlod in fimiex, hiivi'i;: formed n pur- tueruhip with Ur. .Ian. linen, ox-M. P. undur tho .firm lULine of Orn. Uritm it Hrion , Honor to LimUay Cnlh-^iide Inntituto. A diiuiujiuiulu'd Canadian, Ur. .1, W.Urion. a yomii* man horn and brought up in Fonolon townuiiip, nouth oast of. Sou^og lake, in thiii county, and who by tin- way Lnu wedded a ohuriuinir young Victoria nounty yirl, Mina Kuthurford, hav recent ly nettled in Khhux town, Ontario. It giy^'h uu plcaiiiire to congratulate (,ni old friend Dr. IJrien on hiu rnarvollouw huo- oeun. Xii 1HH1 Mr. Ilritm 'attended Liud-' uay high school and dnnny the term from (Jhriktruitn to mid-aunmier there wcro n aa'ricH .of compofd^ive oinminatinin, i'.n avora^a of three per week. At tho end of tho torm the aVora^o wim taken and pnti- lishod and our friend bad the highest avora^jo in tho Hchool, hoiut; four pur. cent atiova the ntxt bem. At tho mid-iiummer uKatninaiioiiH, 1HH-1, betook a usooudclatm grade A coriiheato, taking ovor 1,100 marks out of a total of 1,'IDO which wuh tho Liigdi- -rtt-i tho county that year. Ho then taught nchool for three youra iu iho mie Hoetiijn and gave nniv^rHal uatiiifaction. Ho uoxfc stniliod latin, Flench and Gor- iniin and after fiyo month's tudy in Liod. nay.hiyb notion! in IHHrt hit took the high., cut mumborof murku in latin and mench utid third hijjIu-Ht in German at Quooh'm univerinty imarioulation lor thn whole province. Ho tlmn graduated in niodiuinci. After a lour yoaiy course pi Trinity uui- versity and Trinity 'm dical colh'{{i'. Tor- onto, ho won lirHt chuis honors in the inn- v.-rwity and waa one of jtix who took a certilicato ot houar out of a olatiu of IK) iu Trinity medical weuonl for a'tdundiuu Of aver 76 pr 'jont in all hraucliei. Having bo plaon in view to practiae in Ontario lie did n(?t take llifl council examination for a licenao tr* praetinc in Ontario, an it coato *>T0(1 i.\tra but innteKii wont to New doraoy and tonk the atate board exatniiiation winning tin: highest mimner of niarkii over taken in the mate hiucu the board wan nu- tabhhhed, being an average of W^'.'i in all Hul>jeotH. Ho reL-eivod a diploma and cer- li boa to ot honor from the hoard. After two yearn' practice in -TorHoy ho wuh offer ed a partnership with bin couaiti, Dr. .las. Uru-iii, ex-M. i* of South JO^aox, and uftnr investigating the ])ro*-peclH prautioally by taking the praution f<ir a short timo and Ijeing a 1'oykl Cauad.iau and a Cozihurvativot too, an woll as knowing the Canadian oli- uiatM niy-oed with Ilia health much better, he deoirJod to take ttio purtueraliip. He then went Uoforo tho .council for Ontario, after being out of college nearly tlireo yt*ar;j, and panned both the primary aud It rial examinations with bonorH in most of the rfubjectrt, Thih last examination ih al| the more creditable an the ntudeuty iu the colleger in goiug througlj tako half ut end nt the lirtit two yuara, and tho other half at mid of final, It m titated by gradu-iton that rdiere ia not ouo iu 5'JO could take the L'Xaui inatiou in full after beiny out of col- luge lor two or threo yifaia, as a porHon bo- cuiiiiiH runty on ohomiutry and primary huhjeoti! in guiiBral. Dr. Brion novor fail ed on an examination and never htood low in one in tun 1 ito. Indeed, one rarely baa the piouHuru of recording ouch ouccesn. Ati an example of tho pluck aud npirit of Ur. Brian wo may bo permitted to muntion a eiruuiantanue. Soon after hit* dopurturo from thin town for tho mudioal eollogu, Torouto, he wrote atdtilug tho editor of thiu journal to get him on tho night uchool nti*ff there. Accordingly wo unbmitating- ly rucommanded uina to Innpoctor J-. L. Hughou and the board of eduoatiow uu a youuti man of mont oxemplary character, a porfwut uuoceHi both aa Btuctont and toaoh O^ttbjd-UetuauJly pouaoBHed of those ntiit.. lint; o;.tiahtioB of hoiid and heart which make mop groat, and good- Dr. Brieu thoroforo.taught Iv/o htmro each uighti for three ni^htH per week during hia oimi>u aud rroeivod the aum of kovgu doliara W.eokly. Abthuclouo of hiu courouho rorir- Gd.hayiutr won thu anuHdcuco, reapoet, and oBtaom of alt with whom hu caiuo iu con* taat iu Torouto, Whou it wan learned a few WHoku ago that Dr. linen hail returned to bin nativo province there wan gu*t ro joicin^i among bin large oirolo of raapeotablo wealthy, rolativon and larger circle of friondo iu this, bin nativo, oounty whorti ho is to-day evou moro highly 68- tneuiod than over. Hin whole oaruor Iiub boon markad by those atorllntt qualitiow of pluck, ouorfly, ability, houoeby, and high tdoral conduct which plaoa any wau oaaily a Uuder in tho^roat moo of lif- Our oou- Uratulatiouu are hourtily eitnnded to our Rood friuud ou hio roeutit u'uooeuuttH. May ho aud hiu uoblo partner vor pronpttr tu the uiuoare wiuh of muuy a trun friund ib their o)d native county of Victoria. Potatoes, a. m Potatoes. Y^V/^'K 'llLV0 J118^ roooivfid another mrloncl of oxtrit fine "Beauty of Heb ron^ .PotafcooH, for doubt tlio finest stock in Ontario. .seaHon. injjr or outing. These are, 'without Gome quick. ThiRis our last our this a and our Stock id utill vvc-*ll URSorted and our jiricefl areri^ht. * asolw at reduced prices. Extra vm.1ir>h in H-iso, Glovc3,Hilk Mitts We have just parsed into .stock another bale o( our celebrated 6e i We iiro open to biiy "any quantity of Par- eto, Sheet- uig. GOOD 03L,E!^.lSr ^XATOOL. Ah usual, our Grocery Department h nil ri^ht. (^MM r^msrsTAiT block;, ^sss^r. Dry MWCTttWlM^)M.iaiLilLJJMU.IL*IMla>ll.llMHJ^tT V nsaMmwAtu^^wtfwrt^*^^YfaMMg*^i'M.yil'M^M^ Glothingr, teicLiffaafj tom!mf^r<^r$uitmmim Wlien you need GlQtliing and Dry G-oods, Hats and Gaps, we handle tlie best makes and at the lowest prices. Our G-reeery Department is always stocked with Fresh Goods. Don't fail to call on ns when youiieed Tea and Coffee. You will find that its Money Saved for You ! $1.00 =-" 20 Pounds Tea for - $1.00. Vance's Old Stand, Essex. WE SOLD MORE v.. than any other maker or the Coimy of ifis :ex. 'PUdt inaan^ that our Go&ds and . Prices are Right* Tho celebrated Gray k Sous* Uuggy, Cliatham wagons, Plowa, Cuiti'lJ vators Mowers, Binders ami Agricultural Implements of every; kind, wo are headquarters^ A Snecicll { Medal and Dfyl ploma at Veld's Fair. This wngon was 8peciaLly.: eonj|ructed of best materi/il available and'|| will be Hold at a reasonable figuve, . / -M J.B. TALBOT STRBiET BS iii^yy^i^^ii:]^^ 79

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