",'*"! '. Hi-.1,1 13 ( .- |v-.V m WILKINSON'S roii Choioo Fresh' GrncurioH, ProviaiiVna. To an, Colleen aud Spice*., Special Iuioh in Crockery, .'V *; '- iV: ',' '!.':. V* vi 'Art Christian Endeavor Society ./^ St. Paul's lOburob, ^l TUESDAY EVCJ,, JTOB 14TH ^ Kyeryhody Oomo, _VQL~XL^-Ho_24 ESS.EX7"0NT.. FKIDAtf. JUNE Id.; 1895. WHOLE No. 545 F.A.&Co U LEADING STORE OF ESSEX. _ "Goods .well bought are half sold," is a saying true as it is old. A merchant cannot buy dear and sell cheap, To buy right, knowledge, experience and ready cashcare required. JFor our supplies we: go direct to the source" of produation, with the spot cash, thus ef fecting an important saving in coat. The days of the long-profit traders are numbered. With us it is not uhow much can we get," for an article, but "how little can we afford to take." We look for our profit., in the volume of business done, and in the solidity of a business built upon correct principles. THW. ^ AMIIKUSTBIJUO. A7n4.""C>or;U. Winn in 111 wUh.neuralgia. Arcliiu \U Bruwn will leave horn for To ledo, O., tlio umiof next week, to aooopt a nit:nation Uirc, C...J. li. Molrtod and wifo, of Detroit, viwitud the pant week at tbo roddenoe of tlio formor'H mothor, Mrs. C. McLeud. i\lrn. Kit Bondy, of ColoheHtur South, if* visiting im town with her daughters, Mru. Goor^o Sahmoni and Mm. Albert Primnau. Ilav. T. lr. Wbnalou and wifo, of Col- oliopit.or ttwcl the luttor'u brathor, J. String, er, of London, vUitpd in.town on M tuduy, of luot wuck. Geo, U. Winn huu boon appointed organ izer for Ontario for the Canadian Order of Chosou Fnem| and will loavo town in a weak or ho to engage in the work. The marriage in aunouucod for tbo 10th irtat,, of W. H. Uuntor, barrister, of To ronto, to Mjhh Mary Troctor, oldest daugh- tor of Oapt. IX Trotter, of this town. Mru. Ana Wilcox loft on Monday for a few dayn' vinit to Ho v. Leonard Uer's in Itidgotowu, after which uhs will spend throo weeks with rolativcs and frienda in North Gluuford, Wontworth Co.,and in Chatham. Victor Wye, of Dotroit, ban boon in Am horatburg'thin wook packing up tha house- hold offeotH of bia fathor, thai have boon in tbo Rootory, for removal to Detroit. Rev. Mr. Wye in at present preaching in Northorn Michigan. Maotom Gcorgo and Unnter Oliver urtiv- nd horo oa Tuesday evonin^ from Douvor, Colorado, on a viait to their miclg and aunt, Ur. and MrH. W. V. VaWu. Tbo lada travoliod a far riB Chiaai;o . in ohargs of JameB Falla, und from tbounc to Detroit in oburgo of tho Watjwor oar couduotor. LKAWNGTON. Thn. A. Fox hiui mturwod to Winnipeg. .Tan. Kvunw in vimtiiiu tBlativou at Gait. John Tiiok, Huron Co., iH tbo a;u(int of .TiiinoM lluiubly. Unv. A. J. HnunilnrH ui vi.'dtini; frinndti in I'ariH, Mru, A. Harriimton in vinitinK rolativoM tit Glonoou. Mint* IlanniLh Fiillur m viuitinc.frionda in Kiuf'Hvillo. J. F. Rnport ban romoved to tynodntnalc for tbo iiutiitnar. Mrn. A. (J.-OroHby, irorowt, m the #\ioM of Mrn. John Gonovor. It. J. Mooro, wilh murriod t Mian Bunn, of Ruthvon, this whoU. Mr. and Mm. F. FurriH, Detroit, an* fjumitH at tbo MfiUiodint paruona^o. 'Wwi. Liebriok, liit conuoRnioii, Iforuou, in Hjnondiny a fow dayn with Mrn. J. Miller. .1. S. Iliinilton, Iiruntford, wan in town on Friday, on bin way to Foloo to iHupuct hm warobouiioH and tlio cropti. Miha Finch roturnod to hue homo in St. rbomiiH on Thurwday aftor a four vrotk4fl viBit with liar Hiutur, Mrn. Ivan RuhhoII. Mrn. Lotbrop, Detroit, han taken up hor rouidonco for tbo nummor at lloU'u Point, whoro hIiq lmu oroctod a lino numiuor renidoncn. Me"Hra. AiicuHtnhr"'John, and KriuiHt YnpH, of Wyandotte, waroi'n town nu Tuoh day to identify tbo body found out in tbo lako on Sunday. .- - -.----- Mr. and Mrn. F. LiebrooU, of Leonardo- burg, Ohio, aro visiting, thoir aunt, MrH. Miller of tbifi phioo. Thoir vinit wan in- corrcotly roportud laat wook. Allan II. DftUtfhiirliy, Chioago npont Simduy at tbo boino of bin parents, liav. and Mra. G. A, Duujjbarty. Allan iookn (i though Uhioanq u^'raed with biro. HUUXII GOHFIKLU. Fall whuitt im hfiiulint! untl looku tine. What in tlie matter, with tin* California football club? It huu uppuruntly luptind into a iitatn Sof inocuoiiH dftHiiuMidt) trim whiob. it, will iwivur isnior^o. Mrn. II. C. Cottoll, who in tronblnd with a Hpintil dim-atto, in mliii^ honw.what a^uiu. Mrn. C. II. MiuHhor, of Cainp Viilmor, iir at pruiiont at the homo of hor futlmr, Mr. Jamoit Grain^or, Albert Oxlny, li) yuarn of ago, wnn cut- titi(! nlabit with a button tiaw at Grainier d' McUae'K mill, -1th uoncMimion, on Wod* iiijiiduy, 5r,h inHt., when tlio whL'Iig wbioh coutrolH thu iiaw brol(u Uvimo, allowing'tba latter to fly out of powtion, utnlnup; Oxlny on the rit'ht and Inwor hide of tho obuiit' cnttini: a dan^ernUH wound down bin nide ubtmt ton inohuH in length. Dr. .loHiinr, of Kin^uvillo, who happLMied to be in the Vicinity, wiih tipfcdily on bund nnd drcimed Mitt wound, nnd no donbtd are entertained an to the patiout'H rtjcovury. We have confidence in our values and can compete with anyone. We show our con fidence in a substantial way, namely: if you buy an article from us and afterwards think it is unaatisfactory or not good value, bring it back and get your money; we do not allow any misrepresentation of goods and desire to sell everything jnst for what it ii and on its own'merits. Goods delivered promptly to all parts of town and vicin ity. All goods marked in plain figures. KINGSVILLE. Rov, Jamou Sweat occupied tlio pulpit E|.t tho Methodict ohurcb EJabbuth morning. The band boy a ^a vo a moonlight oxonr- Hinu to Pulee Inland Tusaduy flvunmi:. Miun Lena Rogerh, daughtor of Ed. Ron- orH, loft yojttorduy for a viait to Wallaca- buru, Port Lambton and Stmthroy, At uoxt Monday evoninK'a Epworth Leuuuu, tbo topic will be "Tho Way*' of God Jantiitod," and will ba introduced by MidQ Linuie Boratch. G. W. Green rccurnod to bin family bora lanfc ovonmg from North Carolina, where be baa botn sn^a^od tho pant wintor in tho lumbor buBiiibHo, W. H. NeUou'H fathor arrived'yoittorday from St, Thonaaii, He will npond tho bal ance of hin days here. Tho old jeentlomon in in hi* oighty-third yoar. Mr. and Mr*. John J. Malott are on a two wookn' vinit with Mr. und Mra. John Phillips, of Olaitvitjw, Mioh, They will alno vinit their son IJorbort, of Dotroit, and Mra. Malott'u brotbor, Sheriff Iler, ot Simdwioh, Whilit B. Oxloy waa at work in Grain* unr'H mill, outting slabn, his clotboit oauijht m the tiaw aud bo rccoivod a out teu inchH in length aorotm tho abdomou. Dr. Jannor droHuod the wuuod uud Oxloy i* gettiug along niooly. One prise for all. . If not trading here we eo( licit a trial purchase. Amador son & Co., ESSEX, ONT. :rr' COMBER. MiBH /Vndrowuleft for Stratbroy Tueiiday to vinit frieudo. Rov. G. W. AndrowQ, B. A., in uttfcnding this annual uonforonce. A boy arrived at tho homo of R. O. Y. Aiiifllie, on Tueudav, Juno -Uh. Mitiu Minnio Bla.to'r, of Cbttbampia vinit- infi fnouda and rolativoa in town. Mra. 0. Clarke and family spent a few iluya with Mru. ChirU'H purontii at Chatham. Jofleph Oatartnoj! ban roLtad tha bouse rucontly vacated, by J. B, Roue, and will move tboroiu shortly. Dmtrict Deputy Grand MaHtor Wijjjlo paid an official viait to Paryaim lod^o, A. F. <5t A. M., Xhnrflday ovoninff, Wm, MoDowoll loft for tho east Friday. It iu biiitod that Ur. MoDowoll will bring a lady companion with him when ho ro- turuu.. The A. J. Buthorlaud montionod in tho praaa report* aB boiug in tho "Colima" dianoter on the Pacifio Ocean, iu a brotbor of Jan. Sutherland, of tbiaplaoo. Btark'o Powdora, onoh paokaRo of which oontaiua two proparationn, one iu a round woodon box, the oovor of wluoU forma a moaHuro for one duHo, au immediate roliof for cootivonoy^, Bialc UeadaoliQ uud Stom ach, aloo Neuralyla and all kindu of norv. oub pains, and another in oapiuleu, (from i to J ofoue in an ordiuarvdou) which aoio on tho bowels, Hvor and *totnaoh formiu aiibvcr foilinc porfoat troatnient for all head and utomaoh oomplaltiti. They do not, an moHfc pill* aud ho many other modi olus do, lono their effect, or produce aftor 0UBtipatian, Iheyara-uw* to take. afSo'it box at all modiuiuo dealer*. NORTH RIDGE. James Cwinmiford aud wifo vihitod at David AlcCreery'o in South-Go&fUiliLfoi:_n few dayn lat wnekt' Robert Queou and faoaily, and Simon Qneen, all of Camp Palmor, oallod on rela tives hero on Sunday last. Tiioman Graingor and Mina Jane Viok- ora, of tiouth GuHfield, near California, were thu ^uontu of Mitiu Juuuio Munloy, uf thin placQ, last Sunday. John Lickman unit wife, of Muiditoue, called on Mra. tiamnul Sar^ount, ar,, here, iuut Sunday. Frank Sobrumm and Aliaa Margaret Aiinio Stood wuru in Amor lant Sunday ind woro the nuoutu of S. .Af^la. Mint! Magu'B Muioantor peut laut Sun day at Aroor. Ibn (juont of thaJklinuoa AcU, TbomaH Morrinotit (fras* lant Saturday. Guoafi ho wau flri.L of the loauou, but houio more farmoru are cutting Kraa* thii week. It is said that tho ahopliftore uud fetopto- luamaoa aro, like looln, not all dead yet We retrain at pronout from ueubiening iiftinaH, hoping that tho partiqv will go1 truly converted from tbo ovil of smashing tho tenth aommandment, Oar public nobool aluldron, with their toaohor, pareuta, aud lomo ohildron^of an older growth, to thb uurabor of a bundrad. or more, wont to Cedar Croak Iuut Friday and piomokod on tbabanky of Erio'B loral- lv flood. They roporb having bud a vary pleasant day'd oututg .in uwimiim.n and boating in the limpid watcrn, and m foot ball, and other garaei and sportn. Tho memory of uuoli pleasant days an tbeoo will be pieaiiaut wbou thona little folkn get away up among the 80'a aud 00'n, whore tbo meroury n to-day. GOSFIELD NORTH. (Arrivod too lato for lant wook.) Alburt Helkie iu ereotiu^ a flue barn on bin farm, 0th oonbauuon, Mini! GarriQ Beunet, of Kiugavillo. called on her friundn on Sunday last. Rqv. J. Iler oocufiiod tho pulpit of the Mciholiat church Btiuday lust. G. ID. Nowuian bad one of biu rIiorp kill* od with dotfs lant Saturday. Cottam quurterly tierviooa woro hold in thu Bflllo Itivor Bond Mothodiut ohurch last Sunday. Furmora aru noma what alarmed over a disuase, now to the meat of thorn, amount thuir cattle. The ilrut Hymptoim aro lame* ntjQv., uonietirndn in the foro quarter, others in tho bind partu. Tbo a ffgo ted part hwaIIb and eeoms openly beneath the hide. Douth huH romiltod, whoa not killod to gnd their miaury. Farmers will thankfully reooivo any enhghtonmout that can be furnished ok thin aubjeot. KLFOKD. Mr. Oakcv the wo|| known well hnror ban htruck' two (jbod welln horo alroatly thiu iioiifion, ono for Mr. John Elford and tbo other for Mr. Andrew Chapman. Both of thorn having water within eix foot of tho Hurfaoo. Ho in now ennagod boring ono for Mr. Maurice Elford. Tho IjiiJion Aid met at Mra.'MoHoth'H biNt woek and olectetl all tho old officoru for'aaolbor' year.*"--.^ayalao- dootdeii. to bold a tea- meet ing at Bethel "church ou Juno 2lMt, forgwluoh no eitortu will bo nparod to make it a HQccenu. . Supper will bo Hcrvud from 0:30 to 8;30 o'clock, after which a iindd programme will bo roiujorod. Swiwiin and other umwmtYicntH will bo pro- vidod. Adminnion 2C centn. Mr. W. II. flweotui'vn waa up to Gand- wich thiH week. PliSNlNSULAttFOOTlsALIj "JO'iHt'x outplayed Wunkor at every point." Record. The' Hcom wilu llvi unnlu for Ifiiwnx, for Windnor none, The Wmdnor fontbtijl team havo tnout .winnini; wayu with them.- Ho nayu the nportiui; Kditnr of ono of Mic Windnor pap'oi'rt.' It may bn tlmt ho was off color when he tlehvinr.d.bimhclf of tliiit tttatemont or it niuy be that they tor^ot to briuj^ them alonj; Friday ovoinnj.; whiiv tliL'y hurriodly wet out to tcnop n\ tho ociiIixj of the l^Fiaex bruviiH. Thov tbomdelvcu would like to huhevu lhat (hey left thorn in caro of Concu, Lyons and. Gnoverj, thoir pbiyoru who duln't come. Ho that mi it may, tlio Winduor oleven who reproHtmtcd tho Club horo Iuut Friday failed to do any winmuur, Tho (jiiniu wtm culled at fi.30 Hhurp and beijaii ton minutaH-later (Windsor timo,) with Iluokbmd fiT KTnjville, Kaferee. The toaruH lind ug an foll<iWH : ANOTHER Clothing - War IN WINDSOR Windpor. J Stuart W Stuart! .) StubbH j" 11 Gituthior) W Knowlcsl S J Wattii J A Stuart 4. Gautbier) J Uutl&r J Milion ) W Wallace/ Goal Backfi aalfn Cuntru Left Kt l^flHOX. J Fnurth f.I Gonrlay (J M Short /It n Barrott \L D Stotta (G AlhHO.n J DoCuw (W M DoCow |A Gourlay /Km Lain^ IF KiiiK--: You rijmeiiilSai^mjw u tho v numy oiio^tj^^'* winter. Well, tP tiuhi iti now ot c MEN'S SUITS. Wo am ftflaiu mantorrf of tho aittiution. .' . V $3,95 $3.05 Ih our price for mou's Suitu.well made and trim med and hh ^ood hi ovory way an otlior Htorew aro trying to |<ot 85 Ql> far, und at the wan o timo toll you they aro felling cbonp'. I3hhcx I^mkIk, of Course. Fiwn~flTHTo'puVtornr6"Poatniaotr Gl-o- eriil for for the yoarondtug Jupe "10, 180-11 wo take tho following fitjurua, which show tho amount of biniiiiOHa done at t-aoh of the points in Etieox. For tho aooountint! ofiiooH in the county, wo find that ouUido of WindHor and Walk- orvill, tho tow.i of Ennux,ruuI<H linit, with A .shorfltburg and, Leamington au iiocoud and third. Fjllowing are the rt^uruo : Gromi No of Am't Am't Sal Rov- mon'y of M. of M. ary ouuti ordoiH O. is- O. and iiiuued Huud paid com Biisox ......^2C10 1550 lfi'J28 113811081 Windsor----- l-IOlH SUi-1 8850U 51072 3572 U85 9282 5770 1011 r.\in am ibssu 87fl cs-i 1781 15503 8-155 71*8 100n 9825 310G 0-14' Walkcrville. AmherothurL Loamiiigton ' "2-HY.) Tilbury.... 1804 KinfiHvilltt.. 1645 llurrow___ 702 Sandwich.. CM BolloItivH.. 400 S'th Woodsloo 80H Staples......31<; Poleo Island.. 2fi8 Woodaloe.... 108 Rutbvoa..'.. 283 1127 10330 4791 008 1093 16300 2287 347 317 3300 5704 353 CO 190; 702 214 000 15220 341 100 317 2045 8(7 131 483 7250 3380 127 200 8004 fifiO 108 700 G802 870 140 A Garden Party. Tho W. A. M. Sooioty of Trinity Church gavoavory uacaeRoful and enjoy able Kiirdon party nt the home of Mr. Isaac JaoksoH, Otb con., oh TueHday even- ing. Tharo wore botwuon Ibrno and four hundred people present. K&v. A. L. JJoverly ocoapiod tbo ohair, and handled tbo program which coniuBt- ed of instrumental music by Mr. and Miss Stotto, by the Euthveu orch*Btra aud Harmonica olubn; autoharp solos by Mr. Griffiths ; and piauo hoIoh by Mihb llalford, of Cottam. rocitatiouH by Miauea Alice Jaaknon, Abbio Brown, aud Siduey Wyatt; raadiaj; by Wm. Jaolteon; vooal aoloe by Miss \V I Ilia tun, Miau Amy Bodgwiok, and Frank White ; a trio by Messrs. Awrey WiUiamti and Buoklund ; aud a quartette by MeBsra. Norman,Grimtbg, Konyon, and Mian Fleming, of Kutbveu. Although tbo admianion was but 16 cents, Bomotking more than 852 was re- ahzod. A healthy appotitp,with porfcot di^ostiOH and uQgirailation, may be aoourod by tbe nne of Ayor'a Fills. Thoy olaanse and utreuKthon the whole altmoutary ounalaiaol romovo all obufcrnotioiis to tho natural fui*o- tioimof either sex, withoutuny unjfileasAOt ofloots. Hood'H PlUH bofinme tho favorite o<t- thariic vyith every one whotriwthami. 35 cuu a box. Tidings from Admihu Wood Hoa- l>itttl. Mr. J. E. Smith, of Araaea Wdsd Hoii- pital, St. ThomtiH, Out.: For a Iowk timo I was aillicted with very bad rheuraatio pairiu, and they booarae ao intouse that lifo to oto waH a mioiry. X saw the tieuth American Cure advor.tiaod, and determined ou giving iti'a trinl, nnd joroenrod a. bottle from P.. J. Old, dru^iet of St, Thorn an, Before takiuff one half thu bottlo I fomid the QKCKtOBb reliof, bnt kpt ou takiuc it, usiut! in all four bottleH. I uaod that quau- tifcy to givedh* medioino.a fair trial, al- thotiuh I hud no Hi tin oft of an asks or pidn after taklug tha eooond bottle. I can utronuly rocommond thin reasody to all Buftororn from rhoumatiBm. I fel oou- fldaut it will do for tnem all it did for me." For sale by. J. Thame, dru^iat. 'To purify, vitalise aud eurloh the blood, and fitve nerve, bodilyr .snt(^sligativ .UnapireaF, WaltorH, Detroit; J McDonald Walkervillo; J Laitif,'. Ea^cx; Wiudnor. Thin was called thegamo of tho season, and up-torflata it has boon, an far aa intor. OHt, cnthiiHiaHm and crowdH^o. Esnox won tbo tons, and taking advantapo of the Hiin defondod tho southern goal. A. Btnart ntartcd iho ball rolling but lout to tho Ebbqx halfu. A rush on Windsor coat followed aud they nocurod a toal kicl^. For a while now play kept In oontrc field, but auaiii Ehhux forwards forcod mattern, but did eom* wild uhooting baiup u triJloovor anxious. By tho middle of the first half [ jH4cx hud the gumu well in hand, and in cwulver ujirjutea IVIarK Dt Cmv acorud. Up to this time Jnck Gourlay never had a chance to kick the ball, which, better than anything else, nhowe bow )iti,le onr dofonce wub hathortd. No more ^oaln wore acorod in .this half .the advuutairo remaining with Ehhox however- Fnerth had onlj one (joal kick. ChmifL'iu^ rif^ht uround, tiie i>amo wan more than evor in favor of Ehhgx, who wero playiim a magnificent combination, lmekn, halfs, and forwarda, from f^oal to HOfil, Kbowinc tho aood rosultuof porirrHta'rtt practice. Wiudaor was puttiuU up nome linu playiuy; alno, eupecmlly the halven, md Meauru, Wallnco, Butler, and Gauthior of the forwards. Gourlay and Short how ever kspt well do*u the field aud in nine miuntee from naif time Enaox Hcored again anr.irt the greatest ef unthuHiksm, for all folt that Exsox bad a surv thing of it. WiudHor however continued to play ball and mude some very' pretty ruiihoa, but what Allison couldn't stop <a right Gour lay very effootually bandied while ou ths left. Barrett and Short, had tbinga right in their way. Stottfl took ours of Alex. Stuart. Tbo Essex halvua fed thoir for- wards much better than did tho Windnors bowevur, and iu twelve minutes Eb.gx soared again. It was moro than Esiox ex- peatod, bat thoy didii't realise they had Hnob a snap until iu flvo mora minutes they sent tbo scoro op. anotbor notch. Now they (cot a triilii greedy and away thoy wont for anotbor and iu the Bhort Hpac.e of throe minuted it carat* their v/ay bv a bountiful shot from Era. Lttint;. But life is such that tha more one gets tha more one wants, aiad six for a quarter waa uow the cry. In less than a minute AUx. Gouilay and JuJd DeCew wero budding another, when Watts and Knowles oollid- on knocking oaoh ether down, Watta re ociving what looked to bo a brokon nato. The call of time naved their oitiadel this time. About five minutes of time remain ed, but au Watts was unable to play auy fnrthor tho game was called by Bqpkland, who, by the way, makoH an excellent reforeo, kcopiug tlio game well in hand all tho timo and giving fair and indisputable duoiaioiiQ. This loft the scoro 5 to 0 in favor of KaiiBX, and right well thoy doservod it. They playod a steady, awift. woll-eom- biued garjoo from beginning to finish, and are strung at every point. Wiudnor pjayod a very nxoe gamo but allowed lack'of prac tice in thoir attempting iniiyidual playiug*. For tlmm ICuowles at half did splendid work and tbo forwards ura all first ola&s playorH, W. Stuart spoils a beautiful gamo at baek by hie peraiateut attempts ot iuu up tb a Gold. Stobbs played tlio surer game of thu two. "Shookey" in goalis all rigbt but hio debut ou the forward liao was uot attoudodwith any notable huoqosh. Joey ButUr is a dandy, oool and utondy bo watokes tiis play at all timet*. For Bsh not much ned be said .except tbat they play a unre swift coMbhiatioio. Luiugarid King are the tronjm& riht Bflx ver had. JuddDCew Iu centre play>n eeadiwgly "Wift, nervy game and U&tk and Alex; da lomi of the uioest parting aver. witpessecl on tkese groaada. Of the de- fenC one ol tb. star features Wft* Alliw>B*ii OUR BOY'S SUITS At 31.05 include Kmty from 9:1 to U.. U you want any of the&o hig bargamw * COME QUICK hoadmp; of the ball, othora are Btott'H BMr- prising everyone, Inn oppenouto especially, bv bio "crape vine" and sky scraping kickn. ? Barrott playu a decidedly strong fjarae... . Gourlay and Short ttikn everything that coma thoir way and Fuurth is able to, if be getH a chance, but hus'iit had much of that ' kind lately aud we hope hiugond luck, will couUune. Gointr For the Editors. Dr. Witkrow. in Onward, thus refers to a discussion wbioh tooli f-lacw at the recent Ontario convention of the Epxtoilh League: % II. CcuilUe ii I iiMicd ihe let pum Id go foMho editors, those men who so Jsrfcly would public opinion. Borne one *)se said th editoru aru buid to munaf.e, they al ways get back st preachers. They er taiuly try to have tbo last word, aud gtm- erully Biicoetid. I think thuj hardly got fair play. O course, ttuir paperu are printed to make mouey, oditorn cannot live on air any more than otbor folks. Bnt no olutis in the country eaoriliceu more for their principles than thoy do. There in no higher touad press on earth to-aay thaw that of Canada. With very, very few ttxcoptions it U on the right side of tempuranco, religion, Sabbath observance, civic and social morality, anal very moral quention. Thoy are the best allien of the preaohorn aud the leuguau in lighting infidelity, immorality, Intoaaper- auoe, ignorance, nnd tho novou dovils that must be aaBt out of tho body politic before it shall Bit clothed aud in its right mind at tho feat of Josun. OurohurehoB aud leagues owe much to the presaior its free advertising of all do nation parties, tea-meetings, piomoi and the wide publicity given to the clever speech of Mr. A------i thu beautiful Binfiing of Miss -q__ 0__ , and all tho rest of it. Xeaguaa , nbould rise the praeu. Don't sponge upon it. Advertise in its columns and keep it well aupphsd with items of interest ooa. owning leoit*e work. Prioa Hughes hay* to bu inhesion pedple: "If a daka oomei. to your mooting, treat him with-politenetB- If a reporter, traat him with awful refer ence., Ho is tke wan who makes destiny/' ^>1 -"M 4 With the blood full ofhumow, the seat ed term itf all the mor oppreasiye. Gjya thel evBttW thorough oleaWsliig .witt^'f :: JJJi Ayer'a {Barsaparitla and a dose or two of ' Ayer's PUli, asd yon will enjoy Bummer' 4 as neyar before in your life* Just try "tty for enoe, and you'll aot>epent it. ^ ' ... . <\h: V-i.r'-'w^M :,--:Aa f .....,'V ;:M,^l&ii^^