if:- -^ It ] If A. , I THfc BSSiiJi' PRBJi RRiSt iV JflS. D. ANDERSON & Co. BANKERS, Next to Aberdeen Hotel, Essex. -Hfouoy to loan on li'imiuiriT Nt)ti>ifLNoli>ft boiijjht or Uollnotod; Mouoy to 'loim oh MortKuuoH ut iweb ratoq and bout totftid. i. Drafts Uuuotl payable id pit*1 ut ull| prliiolpul points. 4riro Insurance *Agonts, otc. - OOAtePERSOHAL Kuout of Miaa Par.oua, of Datroit, iu n Win a l&tlutl Bone, Euuh*. Mum Lfua Hiokg is visiting friuiU iu JJefcrolt and Walkorvilla. *-*~ "tiitfiaid property Mian Bertlia Jobtmton, oJ^Tj,J[^J^I1 1B Mr, nnd iAru. tfiatiday wHIbb rood, of Detroit, np..u(i Mr. II. U. FioUl and family. Uiatoka, of JRuthvou, iu viuitnit! irOj. IMummar and otfeor fnand in town. Mr. Sara. Ritohio, or Dotrmt, cmllod on wlativea Bioi !ri*ndu hara ou ThurHcliy of Ja.t weak, - Mim Minnie Fox, of KiMRiiville, baa boott vinttin^ friondw iu *towu dufintf the )&at wtuik. Miaa Alidn Wilcox, of ArahorAtburf*, b l)ou tut KUflBt of Mr. uud Mru. A. J. WU- *oi, town, for u. fow days. Mr*. Wra. Hatch haw rotunrod fcttor upoudiug two wiokB witU friend, and r6la- AiVtiH in Wmdeor and Detroit. Mr.. B. G-. Evaua, of Oxford, Mich, cUloi on Mr. JEvanu, who in in the boot *ud ubos buainosfi hero, thm wank. Mr. J. R. Mali wan is attending the Lon don CouforBnco of roiuutem aud laymu -^LthoJ^Qiliodut ahurch, how being held ut Strathroy. ~~ ~~ Mr. Corbatt, of Florenoa, On., tpoot a &w day* thin weak with hm danghtav, Hirm Gorbotb, of tho commercial telograph offioo horo, -"- - Mr. and Mra. Wm. J. Porkin., of Ridao itowu, who have btin visiting Iriand. in Etflex and Detroit, roturiaod to thoir hom Jthm woek. .------M**r8. J. WinUra, of Dotroit, npoql a /law days in town last tveuk. She ratnrnod 4>n Buuday aooampumed hy her tsotUar, *lr. D. Whitnoy. Mr. M. Wigle and Muu Greon, of Km^a- ViUi upont Sunday with tho family of Principal Houdornon, Mr. "Wiglo aan^ a 40I0 iu tho Motliodiyt ohuroh on Sunday tjvoniuij. Dra. A. B. Scott, o! Owouiio, and T. B. Scott, of "Vairnoa, Mian., paid a. fiyiuK viHlt to Eb*x frieKdu on Monday evouiPj/ - roturuini: ori Tuoidav. Tiieir IDbiibx irit'ndtt-wil^boplotiftfd to Uarn_that their liURUOM proapBtfttf-m Uiohi^au ar vary Ant;tit. Ur, Jan. Hu to Unison, oxpr&an raaiKtngar S)etwan rhx and Amnaralibttrg, wau ' ttmtad m wurna^o ko Miu Hannah How- *on of this pUo, on Monday moramr tatit. Aftor a ahort waddiue inp, Ur. and Mr. 'UutohinnoD, huva utaried honooknopiug in rtk oottaga oa Talnot it., owitd by Ur. Juu. Fowrio. Tfau Fbub Pbukii oitonds onfirat*lalioni. MDNICIPALJ30 UNCUS. i;okirM Nourit Towm IUix, CoTTiii^ May 'J2ui, IBBfi. ("Injuoil uiob m Court of Kovlniou ou tlio ktiribwuiin.nt for tiho ourront yoat, Al* tho inutriburH waro pruuuub and wm wwoni by tho ulork. Tho UoaVa OOoupiud the chair, ~*~Tlftrtjlnrltrroporttjd tho followinn notioen of appeal, vi'/.; I'Vntn .lohn J. Wi^lo to ohati^u aiuuBW- tnunl from lumanlf to Mm. Riddiok and to lowuc tlio amount. I'Vom lid ward Uawlcoa that tho ubhohh* munt of u i lot IB, conotiimion U, iu toohmh in proportion to adjoiniu^ landu. From Joyu^ili VVyatt to ohaM(i tho uHHttHinont of north uvml part lot 0 and n w part lot 10, tiouoiiHHiou 0, Irom tlw noj-romdont to tho ruuidui't rcl!, to mhohh inuiHolf and Bvauoy Wyatt nu ownom, and Wm. WyKU und Martin Roionor un tonanlH und M'i'., alo tolowor tho aflKouBimmt of lli- "i oloiii'l x Trliihiiiluuit ^rrnclfy. "T'nt MiaUc, ^ri ml"hu*n, wu/al Ir.ml niin'ts lei t------" ' II' . I in ' Ho, ho! Kins! fi. ut! Come 'offcoloui'l' r,iv* iiH a l)i yi'r oiu* to ljt- - K n ^' "" " u," with------" **Vh wih.it wu/ niiit-ty, an itmight bi* tiin' i * livn-------' (*Ach! Wherr's MunchnuH*sn, Uu Foe. Eli IVilviu-, Wi^ihh-------" "I'm n touldn't havtj been U'Hfl'u linn*t\ fuel tiom-------' rutin tip t<> tip of lil wu frs ' Hip ' V "Irtooiuy! ColoiK'l'h toil ml ilu1 h. a 4nr- P iu, dnuon and wooli> h i^u. till ioiii hi. .-I------. - vi, sub, not from tip to lip mdtliali, >-> i r 'Ninety f*et from what, then c 't'i I !" *\ by, huIi, nmety feot Irani me, an' -I wan blani *d i.thiuL "at hi- .lidu't jc any th^uh. sub------" 'Clinic up, enlomd, com up !" Ae ch.-y Wt-r.* drowning tn lat round Olio nt rhu Hkoptictt quu;ty ask d : *'L'olniiol, how Iour:, l'ejilly, way that gnaUe!" "About four foot, ub !" Moat ProuftuncQU ^ymptoniB of Hftiirt OfHMi, and How to* Secure Relief in 30 Mlnutoa. The moat proiiounood cyrnptomw of heart Aiucaxo are, palpitation cr Htuttor jnG of the hoart, ahortueas of br&atb, woak nr irro(iular pulwa, nmothoriug apolln at mU'it, inukini! it noaoimary to ait up in l'ii to bfoatha, sweltin^ of foot or anklou, Hay tVitt mo*t oniinunt anthoritioo iu one of (In HMfput ni^nu of adioouHad hoart. !Ni(jIr mart in a common symptom, apollu of hiu/^ir. or "exWaiUhtiou. It iu eotinaafcil tflJLfeijftO.pay'Mttti of hII ouoh of droptiy cumo f'0*j t/art diBQaae. Tho Vain may lie oongttfd. causing headaaVioa. dinainoBU r yarti^fi. In fcHort, wboneyer tho haarl llutteru it tiro a out <nnily, uobea or palpi- tutos, it In diseased and uothinu will giv* uduli perfeoi rolf r so Bpovdily ffot a aurauo Dr. Aftnaw'a Cur* for tka Heart. It hai u&ved thautiandv oi hvm, aud your'* may ba oouutvd amontr THi nfhii- h"r i' ita Uh' iobt^iiN ut ouce TbiH remedy absolutely Hvr faile to fivw parfuut rfeliof iu thirty ttfiuutei, and iw nu hann'eaa th* purt-Ht uiU. Sold by J* Tnerue. dru^iut. Frm Allan Kobmnon that tho uwHaHU- mout of n a fc>t lot IT, ooKoeunion 11, i" to hiK'i > proportion to adjourn^ iauda. Ftom \V. H. Pullord tWat bin aanaaanaunt m too liiuh in proportion to that of 8. G- Breokor and that ha uUoulcl not bo auHanaod ub tonant of tho hotel preporty. A Ifattoi wau roooived from A. H. Bmith, of Khhox, aftor tho titaa Tor apyuala bad oxpired, otatin that tba h pt lot 3, aon- oeaiioa 0 ahould bo aaenned to Williatoi Diliblrv, inHtead of O. 0, Barrie, and that tha iiviMUHHiuout waa hi^hor than tha lolling price of fluid praparty. Tim aoueHBor prauontud a notiaa from Robort Hobaoia asking to havo lotH 11 and 15, couoeHBion 7, auhoiatid t* birniulf aa owner, )Htoad of mm-rouidout land. Tho auB(.aor atatod that Walttr Jaraan wiobod to bo aimauaed for tho Carr proporty and part of tha Omitf property in Goktam. Application was mada to akrike oCf a dofi gaoh from tho auhOiHiraonU of Jan. Drin^, F. B. MilNti, aad R. Lanoaatar. No one appaarod on bohalf of John J. WiKl, MrH. Riddick, W. U. Pulford, O. C, namo. William Dibbloy, H. Hobion, or W, Jam*u E. HawkoH aatd that his auacniuaout in 400 biyh in proportion to tke aaHaaomenta of Wm. KawhnB, D. Itawlina and Albert Con|*don, Joaoph Wyatt iaiJ that he ! oWHor of u 0 pt lot 9 aud nwpt lot 10, conoeniiian 0( and that URiiaiiHinont of aaid land m too hi|h iu proportion to aauonaniftnt of F. E, Awrey'a property. A. Kobiouon said his aoaoaatnant in too high in proportion to that of A. Siasou, W- II. KobiDBon, and A. Noblo. On motion K. Lauoanter and F. B. lltl- Idu'm dogu were utruok off, and Jamaa Urnm'a laid over for enquiries. All other appeal* were laid oyor and tha court adjourned to Saturday, Juno SUth, at 1 o'oloak p. m. OUHKIULHUBINMHO. Council met puruuant to adjouroweai, all tho morabora protiout. The minutou of tho last rogalur aetision of ipril 27th were read aad were, on motion, adopted and signed. A potitiou Higuad by Jamsa Broolier and otlmra wau proaentad to ihe aounoil taking for aid in. gravelling the lOtk oonaoaaioa road wuat, on ooniitiou of tba poticionora Uiviuu a curtain amonot of labor gmtm on ouid road. A similar potitiou nig nod by R. Moo and otkura waa preuuntod uaking for aid in gravelling tho 10th oouoeaaiou road flaat ou the aa ,:o to runs. Thooe putitioun wora laid over to tho Ui.it myoting of the aouucil, after whioh it wau docided that no similar potitioun would bo aucoatod and that the grauta m any case bhoutd not oxoood 925 oaoh. W. Hendumon aeked that some logo be removed from a portion of the south rear roVd near west tuwnhue. Xh Reeve wau appointed eomoiibuionor to attend to tho mutter an 1 to com unite D. McLy^d'a Bta- tutc labor. J. M. Ku.y wau appoiutod ooraouaaiouor tu examine a ditch itt Cottam, at the tu- quent of G. Burling, and to ootnmuta T. und G. Morrm'a atatute labor. JuixjonNowrr.au was appointed oomtuis- Hiouer to luopuot hnd^ua ovor Irwin drain ix. tho 10:b and 11th eouoeumon roads. J. M. Kuy roportud ihat W Crow hud c mipiutLd 16 da} n titaiute labar, G. W Muloit cooipluujud that most of thu fonuoa ou the 8tb couaoeaiou aro on tho tuhd allowance and aaked to havo them ruujoved. No action taken. The fallowing ordern un the Treasurur wru pa,H8tid : 84 72, Muumipal World, torum under D. & \\ . aot, eto. 9*2 H. U. Brookor, stamps. 5 JW.02. Ti uaurr of Gubriold South share uiunipluh ou thu original ouuntruotiou ol tho Hun00m dram. 0&.73, I. Jaokuou, teas on Buokluud drum and for Ulu draiuutfe, uiso trip to Kmmuvillu, 41 75, t lttloy, work en townuUip's por- tiuu of Gordon drain. 75 contu, a. Moo, work ou towuuhip'H jortion of Gordon Jraiu. 818 30, Albert Louuabury. towi.abipV portion of Buuklauu drain. 32 CO, VV Urookdr, ditohing on 10th con- ouimion road. Q2.S0, VV. Mou, dr.ohiuy ou 10th ojuoum Mtjii road. 8100, TUoa. MaGroory, from tiledramai;.. funds. 814, Thomas MoCroerj for tilo uul in on Tulbot Aoud. 82.50, J. A Gardiner fo 100 tile for w^st diviuiou roud. 811, J. J. Fulmor, refund atatuts labor tax for KJUi 8fl. fi. J. Lovelace for priwtmc. T 82, J. T. li>iowu, trip to Kiuuuville and inupeOlera Kch, tile drntna^e. Ifj, J. BuokbKi-roUith.elmniy (ur Juiit. 8U, J. Campbell, ouarit} for Jiiue. 8, T. Bevis, do Bt.J.LyoiJ*. do Couueil than adjouraad to Jam 20th at una o'oloak, p. w. - UOflUUSTEn. Sr. Joaoium, May M5i, M)6. (Jonnoll tnot 11H a oourt of roviHion, witli uiumhors all ptunont. Aftur Miibwribitijv to tho oath of fnoo, Mrr'Hamuul WiluoX waa heard, -He auld ba had torn dowu tho huildin^i upon tho iiiiat part lot 1, M. It. H.; that ho liad taki'ti tbu lotmto'biu farm, aud uuuurTjuantly wau worth no mora than tlir farm lands. Appeal allowed aud aHuauumtmt reduced 8100, Mr. Joe, Dumond ookiiplaiucd that hm lot, u lot 11, Iftt oon., wan ovurohargud.-- lledaued from SU.IOO te 82,000. Mr. Juu. ljiLdouuour ulaiiped that w purt of Ut B wan Jiot aHSeHSad iu aooordanoe with adjoimifg laudtr, that he wau auaoHUtiJ for inure land than hn owned, Tlio oourt atruok off 20 aoraH, and veduoed the nHnoan- moot from 82,400 to $2,000. GliriH. Simon's aHMuaumont, a 4 lot 27, Cih con., Wuu rained an thu appual of Otto. Luak. Moved by Ladouoaur, aooondod by By)- voatre, that tha aimuuuor'a roll bu coullrmod aa Himmdud. Carried. Tbiuoonoludud tho busluoss buforo tho court, and it adjourned, ulna dio. Council then mot for neral buaiheSB. Minutoa road and oonfirinud. Mr. Coboe'u complaint, laid ovor from lant mootiut;, wau taken up, aud wau laid over indefinitely. Dr. Gaboary'H compliant, laid ovor from laut mnotiutj, waa takon up, aud wan laid over for furthur oonaidoratiou. Mr. TetHr Cotter's complaint was luid over till next hieotin^. Tho petitian from rateyayoru of South WoodaUe, asking for a grunt of $125 for aidowalku, wau farther laid ovor. John MoKinloy'tt roqneHt,for a uow bridge ovr Maldon read drain, wuu takati up. Moved by Sylvoatro, Bocondod by Ladou- oour, that Mr. Dewbiret bo appointod to look ittte Mr. MuKinltiy'u complaint, with power to aot. Carried. Rov. Mr. UoudorHOu stated his complaint re pay in v taxes on inoomo. Moved by Sylvoatre, seconded lay Wiloox, that this oouneil cannot entoriam Kev, Mr. Iiendor. sou's complaint, as it.should have boen brought; before tho aourt of ravisiou of 1BU4. Carried. A letter from Barrister Co wau wau read, utfcting that tho township would havo to file a defence within tan days in tha suit of Dorutoti vh. M. O. K. aud Rochester. Mr. Thomau Buohanau appeared before tho couuQil utatmt; that tho road allowauoo ot Oth ooneeamoii m uot cleared. Wiloox und Sylvoatre; that Mr. Dewhirat bo appointed to look into tbo complaint!! of Messrs, Baahauanand Galorno and report. Carried. The petition from rutopayera re opening road botweon 6th conoenaion aad Tilbury West towuline muh further laid over, and thu olerk uiutruuted to write Crown Land* department to ascertain if there in a read allowauoo botween loin 15 and 17. Paul Sauva wantii to oommute bis ata- tuts labor for three years in frout of hiu own place. Tho statute labor, however, will oalj do bait tbo work, aud Mr, Sauvo auks couuoil to oouti'nueSvork to an outlet. Wilcox and Bylvaatra, that Mr. Ladou- oeur be appointod to look iuto the abovo oomplaiut and report. Carried.____ Samuel R. MuCanluy uotified thoeounoil that ho withdraws hia name from the bonds of Treasurer Math em. Enuinuer Tiornun roaorted the oomple- lion of the Pottu dram; that be had given Contraoior J. R. Ferguson an order for balauco duo him, including $20 for extras for grading in tho Hauku ot old ditoh in front of lot 26, and tho low cutting ot fltumpu across lotu 37, 28, aud 29; also for widening bndfto across Reid drain. Movud by Mr. Dewhirat, eeooudod by Lidouowur, that the suditora bo inatruoted to make a npeoial audit of the treasurer's aooounts from the lBth day af May, 1895, to Saturday, tho lot day of June, 1800, aad ruport to the council ou that day, whioh will then aloao tbo troaiiaror'a books. Car. Moved by Bylveati-R, sesondud by Wilcox, that Mr. Patriuk Strom; be appointod tmvn- Bhip troaaurer iu tho place of Mr. J. D. Matbc-ra, at a ualary of 8110, aud the said treuaurur to attend every regular council meeting in the afternoon, and t balanou hiH accounts at tho end ot evory month, and mport to the couuoil, if uskoil for, and that tba olerk be inutruetad to prepare a by-law to that ufftct. Carried. Moved by SylvoHtro, uoooudad by Dow bu'flt-, that the ulurk bo iuatvuotod to uotify Mr. Patrick Strouu to attend the oounoil ou Saturday, the nrat day ot Juua, with reapomdblo bondsmen for the uuiu of 814,000.- Camod. Moved by Dewhirat, Booondod h) Ladou- ouur, that the Reovo bo appointed a com mieauner in the matter oouoqruiug tbo fireotiou of the South Wooduloe look-up. Carriod. Accounta pauHed : T. Lotevo, $24, bal hih;w in full Mailloux drain. J. R. Korgurtiou, $50, work on Potta drain. V. Maioutetto, $2.25, Htattonory. C. Clurit, $4, advorbiuiui; bridge touduru auf eourt ot revision. J. D, A'. DezM, $B, oxamiiiin^ oalvert under M. C- R. with ooiupany'a engineer; 8, oommiauiouqr on i\\\. concuimion bridge, River liu>o&m; 84, two Uaje court of ravl hion, $8 trip to Windnor re Duruton oawe; $1, postage stamps, Joachim Sauvo, 87.^5, making newaorap or and repairing old one Dr. Rorke, 82, aauitary rapert. M. ByriHi, riattenitor, 84, court of revision. Alfred Trepauior.8l7.C0, grading at each ewd of the 0th ooncnemou bridge. ,1. M. Ttoruuu, $%B, balanoo oommifciiou on Potts dram. A. Gohoo, 82, atteudiut! couuoil re treas urer'* aocouuts. Adjourned m m>et at B .nth Woods lee, ou Saturday, July lBib, 1895. ITIAIDBTONK. Towm Uai-l, -Tuhu Iht, Ifi'jfi. Gob nod met this day pumuant to'arl jtiurnmeut and to no'jioa ui Oourt of Uu vmiou oa th usaoaHiueht rU for lHOo. J*laoh madu aud uubuoribed his declaration aa a member,i>f $Jio said Court of lUvieion uad took hie seat ut thu 0011 ft oil board. On motion ofMoaera. Kllie aud Plant, tha ReoYa wan appointod oliM-irrmlw. Tho following appeaU wera hoard, and ou motion ot Moaura. Kills aud Plant, nllowad: Lot 2B,- w-&-wafl-auucsuud to .Ulm llia uaownor, J. V, Kllia wkk ayioHHud an Uli: uul on 11. w. h of lot 2HK, and u. , pt of lot 280, both on tho south wide of Talbot Head. John Umith wau iLUHViufuid as UhmiI lot 'JSO.w.iof^. a. I H. T. R. 13. J of a. J of lot 11 in 7th uoueussloU, now on the N. R. R. was atiHOHund to ^up bore Bellariiuen ilh owner. John Motan'w UHUHHHOiunt wau r'iduaud from tKM.-iO to 8H.*1.B5 on account of four acros of wuato laud, for whioh h had boon luuonuod, Denum Maranette wau aiineSHed nu owner with Jumou Maiantotta of lot jj, u. 4 u. ^ in ihu Hrnl onnofiion. Robert Fairhaivn whh nKKsmod an owuor of lot IB, u. e. pt in the 7th concision. ThoasHOUsmoutof J. Dilou, Ouo. Bookott, CbaH. Banku. Mid. Moro, J mm. Baton and T. McOuira, each for 0110 dog waH dtrnok off tha roll ilh aaoh Qouuod to bo tko owtiAr of a dou. Lots 17 s, a. \ uad n. e, ^ iu the 2nd owiiad by Wm. Giraii wera olnu^ad from the R. C S. S. at Wooduloe to public Koheol Section No. W, also lfi S. W. jl in ra lut oon. and IB n. a. jj in 2nd uon. auutmsoU to and owned by Joaoph aud Lawrenoe Guard, The application of tho trnatioa of H. H. No. 4, to have lot 2i n. jj iu lHt con. and lot 10. 0. w \,H M. R., and 10 now J K. M. R. uu^uaaud for tho support of public school No. 1, was laid ovor till tbo next inectinaof the council, the clerk in the raoautuue to uorrcapend with the Honor able, the Minister of Kduaation re name. Mrs, Ghrietiu waa attaeased for n a J ot lot 28, m 3rd oououasioi^ and a!no far the s e of lot 27, in tbo 3rd oouoeaaiou. James Huntor wau amiaHtu*d au tenant with Mrs. ChriHtie 0 } of tho uiddle pt of lot 27, in 3rd couoaBHiott, 50 acreu. George Sylveutor'a asssasmeut waH re duced from $23.o0 to 823.10, the reduotion bomi; tho value of the portion ot his said lot Bold to corporation for a railway. On motiou of MesarH. liillis and PriOu, the Court of Roviuion adjourned itu sitting till Saturday, Juno 22od, 1895, at 10 o'clock in thoforeuoon. OKNIEUALIUHINUUfl. Tbo couuoil sat for general buainafla. MinutOH af the previous meeting weroread aud on motion adopted an road and signed. Hovad by Mr. Bills, seoonded by Mr. Price, tkiat Joseph Mouei>eau bo apjuointad pouudkeoper iu the room and stead ofJolrtr Miller, who had been appointed* but ro- fuued to serve.- Carhed. Movfia by Mr. Ellis, seconded .by Mr. Price, that tho Kaeve ba authorized to pur atmae a roadaaraper for mho in polling sub- diviuiou No. 1. Carriod. Dr. Uorka prevented his bill of 821 for medio&l aid to Uug^erty, an mdi^ont, and for Horviaou as. Medical Hoalth Officer. On motion of Messrs. Elhu aud Pdaut, the said bill waa paid. Moved by Mr. Price, seconded by Mr, DamWr-that-^lrT P4aufc-he authorised to purohaue with 819 of hie ward monoy, two road aorapers for uae iu polling wab-divi 01011 No. 4. Carried. Johu Rusbten roqaosted oounoil to rsfaud him 87.76, the amou'it it cost him te re deem lot 2 wont King stroet, South Woode- leo, Bold in orror. Ou motion of Monsra. Plant aud Ellis, Mr. Ruauton's bill waa paid. The engineer proHOUtod kin report ou the now road across the 10th oonaeaaiou read, and filed. On motion A. E. Wiumor was given a release of statute labor on a w j- lot 0, S M R, for tbo yeare 1895-6 7 8 and 1), far work dono; aad E. E. Wtamor was granted are- loaae on a o J lot 9, S M R, tor tbo same period tor work done. tl. Yillairo and J. Cada addressed the council ro certain mattors connected with the Pike Creak drain construction. On inotioa of Mossrs. Ellis and Daman, MoMBrtt. Plant, Price, aud Datum were ap- poiatod a oorawiittco to examine and report on Meaurs- Vallairo aud Cada'a oomulaint ro Pike Oreek drm matterN, and alao to report on certain matters oonuootod with the opening of tho now road aoroaa the 10th concession. On motion of Maaurs. Ellis aud Price, Meaars. Houry and Mouaneau wero paid 84 und $Q rospuotively for services in ooaueo- tion with Union School Section No. 1 arbi tration. ' John MoEuteer aud others, ratepayers in tho South Waodalee portion of tho town- obip, petitienea oounoil to oetintruet a drain of tilo 01 wood, to carry off the aurplua water df a certain portion of the said vil lage. Od motion of Meunrs. EIJib aud Prioo, the potitiou ot Mr. MoEuto'or and Othorn wuu rofcired to a cotiomittne of tbn council couutatiug of Moasru, Wiutemuto and Plant. Each of tko following partioa reported sheep killod by uukuown doua and yroseut- od Valuator Qutim'a outimito-of loaa in oaob ou.RO aa folio Wm : Auauatua Vioard, 3 killod, linj....8 7 50 Mm. C. Moritomery " .... 9 00 Edwin Plant, 4 killed.............. 10 00 Michael Douovan, 4 killed........ 8 00 On separate, motion, each of the ttaid parties wore paid two thirds of value in full uatiafactiou of claim. On motion E. J, Lovelaoo was paid 86. printing (or townnhip, UsHuro. Stiokwood uud Hill complained to couuoU that tho piesence of MoaurH- Swymour and Guuu'a rouceo on tho road allowauoo botweou tha 3rd and 4th oodcub aiomi precluded tha pousibility of doinu rnuon ucedod road work iu that section, and requested council to eanee tho removal of thu mimo Moved by Mr. Prioo. seconded by Mr. riant, that tho dork be inatruoted to oti (y Mesnrn. Soymour aud Guuu to romovo within thirty Uuyu from this data, their funci'N off the rotul allowauoo ae follows: Ur. Seymour the portiou of hie feuce ex otudini/ from the a w uiiglo of bin lot to a point direatlv weat of hie barn, and Mr. Gunn tho portion of \wn fouoe at proat-nt ou *.ho eaid road ullowmiou Carried, Ou motion ot Mosre. Ellis ami Diram, W. R. Frunkiiu wuu paid 820 aa oouipsuaa- tiou in UU for work douo by hira ou the Wullroo olraiu. R. F. Soymour mado application for a l><aiiof8200 uu4er tho proviaions ot thu Tile. S-onu, and Timber Drainage Act. On motion said application wan laid- ovt-r till thosuext meeting of the council. On motion of Messrs. Ellis and Plunt, tho council adjourned to Saturday, Juno 22nd, 1894. & BRICKER GREAT SALE OF NEW SUMMER GOODS. -. tf fr,l\,.,--t.. Lftfli week we filled our atoro to ovorflowing with Special Low Prices on DreHs Goods, and our efforts were appreciated. TIhb wook we have opened 5 cases of new Dress Goods. The lot comprises Silk Dress Gostumoa, Blouae Silks, Wool Dross Goods and wash Dress Costumes; newest creations in Dimities, Chamhrays and Sateens. Very special, 60 piecea of pure Wool double-fold Dress Goods, regular 35o goods reduced to 20c yard 15 pieces fineat A.rmuro Wool Dress Goods, roguhitOT5c gooda reduced to 49c yard 60 pieces Simpson's host Ohallies, regular price 20c,Ve- duced to 10c yard V, All our regular 12c Prints, including Crumtn's best English Prints, reduced to 10c yard 50 pieces of regular 8c Prints reduced to 5c yard 15 doz Liiidiofl1 fast black Hose reduced to 10c pair 4 doz Corsots odd lines regular price $1 for 50c. 15 pieoes Veiling worth 20c to 40c yd reduced to 10c 10 doz Ladies' Summer Vesta roduced to 5c each 15 Ladiok* Capes at about half the regular price Our,Grey and White Cottons are proving a wonder- |-fuLdrawing card, .We_offer 83fyds for $1 and'a reg ular lie Bleached Cotton for 9cyard Extra good bargains in Boots and Shoes mted, 25,000 lbs Wool. Wo pay the highest price in Cash or Trade. DIEBEL & BRICKER,* WOOL 1 WOOL 1 WOOL! Wanted Pounds FOR THE COMING SKA80N, AT THE Kingwitte Wootten Mills t For which we will pay the Highest Price, either in Gash or trade. SometMng New this Year iu Dress G-oods, J .b'launehs Flannel Blurts, Shoulder Shawls, Halifax's J bheetingBjBlankets,Yarns, Etc., ail our own manufacture. '. T>* *dr Important. Ilavinpf boon much annoyed by patties in tbie county Bollintr spurious goods as our manufac ture, wo liuvo adoptod tbo annoxod trademark whioh will horoaftt-r appear on all our blanket' tioketa, and ovory skein of our yarn will bear j our label. Any goods not having onr trade-, mark will not bo our manufacture. NL J- WIGLE & CO. ARE OUR SOLE AUTHORIZED AGENTS IN ESSEX. llo.t couch, may ba on tod iu ft few hour, or at any r&ta/ia & tow ly, by tbo ubo"6f Aytr'i Gharry Potorl, With thltt %% kftttd, ib.r*- 1b uu a*d of pt*lon^iuc tl) K*any (or **eke and pi on thy. Keep thin tudy in yor hoM. I Our Ppddlers will be out on theirjusual routeR this summer:/^ "Wait until tlujy call on you nnd show you our Goods and giw yon our price Only our authorized agents handle our goodsj Don't he deceived by false reports, See that our name is pa all our goods. _ BEOWN & WIGL Kingsville Wool] en SZills. ..V. *lV r ftti &J^^U M ' *b ^Wa. B& ^ ^m 72 66