Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 7, 1895, page 6

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.. i- ,. . rX' : * t k ^ 60 CENTS! UNIONISTS CONFIDENT That They Will Oust tho Roso- bory Goverrvmofc. Bedouins BEST EVER OFFER MADE. IE PRESS For the balance of 1895:for 60 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Show this to your neighbors. ADORES E. J. LOVELAOE, Proprietor!-------- Essex, Ont, "Wll^E^ tfO I'tfE DEED. 3"^ OrEQO, MANVILIjB] ^JUNN- '*o die|cohtinuki> ) /" Js *"^.D 'lag a (!np breath bo hurried hack Into Uit darkuosa ol tho dUaet, wrhoro tho creaking uoiao was rupsaiad, uud followed iwtoo by de*p, booming eouiui, attar which ibors -wan a long-oontinued mufllud gurglinij, us of water flowing, and a. psouliur odor filled the voom. 'Tliis was ropaatadi and at lui Sirnttou vselcd out of iho place panting, sLngijnroN -|o tho window, which ho opened u littlti way by pauninjf Itia bauds uudor tho hlihd, 4aua hold bia fucn tfcore io broath iba inmh ir before hurrying; back to his writing ublo. Here ho struck a match, Hi a layer mud, talcing it up,-moved towurd.ihu .olosei door Hko ono in a. droam, but sto|ipocl alioi I, iblow out tho light, und pluugod into lb< ajarknoss ouoa again, I. At that moment &dls *ud Quasi **turn ed, tho formor joyous and bright, bfil foromjjf a serious look as noon as the saw her eouaiuV ugitated "I am waiting for you, Edta," said Myra ooldJy j and, turning to her auut, aba bunt bar head align try, -11 Good aitarupoo Mr. Guast," sba said, and aha laft Ufa drawing' HMun. "Aunt, dear, what la tho matter t" whis- paraa fidia. "We've been quarreling, my de%r ; thank foodueaa I" amid Mine Jorrold dryly. ^^ f* itnnji.hir Run sfie? '"Tktre, good-by. little 0AAFTER XXVIL QVKiW W'KAKS OUT. "Why net a run to St. Mulo and u oou- , jila of months' yaohiingl" 81r Mark proposed tin u imru fttieigu i travel, but Myru rufusud to g-, Ediu.iriMl vainly to iuvwigio her into some iimtrucLi'-n, *md Quest spent a tit tlu fortunu in ctmuari - mad op*m iiolioU in trying to pirnmudu In r "'tL) nccunapany thorn, but ility wur* gouer.t. ' ' JSywuatt-d Miaa Jurrold triod hftrd, t"e, acul ww -anoro t)iiot*einful, mixing bur uiuo to coum r and atuy <*> hor huuue, ur tu upend qm. (, i *ftornoona with hor, no uue eluu bump .ui- mi it (id. At'd all tho titan it wu'h under, 4itood thai tliu unfuituuuta oug-iguuient win -i'. au^joot tabiio. d ; but uue day, u-tinu ^ryrr. waB With iior uloao, Uuowt Imviuy \ Jiion there by oootdout wtion tho coucinu I '\..f... 'J^',M -thtvt ia to na^y, by odo ut bin aopi- >' >{ "" ^.TnU, awdaT a auggiation from $\'Wlyi> j i i-uldtliuta vt*,\\ ,w"uUl (io Kjlft not,-, t<i \\cv fisce looked "very pAnTy," naviiig tHlc-n ' j^dio for *lio anid t,walL iu^ tuo wistful oyea, buiiUuii ohecUa, ami / *4p*tier prostra'ion of hur niuco's f<vcu,. bo- ,fc- thought hor of a pUn to try aud nvive in- toreat in things muiidntio, at u tiuio uliuii the Rirl leomod to bo ulnwly dropping out . f lifo. . '"VVe'vo potted and ooauotod bet Umi tnucli," said Aunt Jetruld to heruulf. I'll ./c: toy that." Sliu triad til at, and a'-taulcud bur nii'co In a vi! ry blunt, rouch way, kennlv watoliing tho offect of hur wrd tho while. "fdo uondor at * girlol yoiuBpirit wear ing your buitrt out lor thu euke i4 n dcimiii- diel. That'll done it. !" uhio added to hei- aelf.for uoompleta change cam** ovar Myraa aupitct. **Aunt 1" alio cried indignantly. '"Ioun'i holp ii, niy duur," aid tha old btdyaharply. *'l'vu k\ptit hack too long, 'and il'a enly just that! should tell vou liitw roprohouoiblo your oomluol iar Hur is a wretohed maa who pmfo*ee to love you------M "Mulmdm Stratton did lovo tat, iliaj," ,,anid Myra proudly, aa boing atung boy6ud nu-liu'iiieo, alio gave uttomtioo to. the tbou^'iiti abe had kept ImbUn aa long, '*Looke Uke it !*' continued Aunt Jorrold. "Bull T tho hqraepond ia to*- good for euch an he Y' Myra lurued upou he.r Oorculy. ^r 4,Aunt^'wha oried# "iifaoot true I"' ' "Itut it ia tru^-wy daar, ox tho wrekdi would hava ibili few worda ia kin de- f(jiije.V "I oanuot euy hare aud, .Uatan to you, muit," orl..d Myta, riaitog wlfch difiBity. *U la criiol of yuu U> apoak of Mr. fltrnttou like a man ia, the mora veak; lafatuaUd woman 'eWfehda .bint*-*** i 'Ii^feu'djjlw, aat, .ba^aua* I a* aut, / ;";: ^33Lratt5fti. cduoa. H vm ttot. he tnaH wboiKMild have oUd a*. Hla wfaole^arewr t < i*,~ weuatL Kis ma; I haven't quarrolod with yeV'- J hi ebiWoed the girt affeotionaboly; aaOuoae followed to the door, uud held out hia hand. Mite Jerrold whiMpor* ** : "Ootue up atjaio whan you've eciJn thom to the carriage." In five minutes Ouait waa back In-Umj at hia hoetoaa wondoringly, for tho old ludy waa standing in the middle ofthoiorun with her face full of wrinkloa.and her urai* folded aoroae her chuat, Sb did not iicoqi to see him, and he mado a Flight hh>vouumi> to attract her at to mi on, wliou ahe wuvod her hand toward a chair. "Sit down, boy," ho Raid, without look* tag in his direction; "I'm thinking. I'll at tend to you directly." Ho obeyod, morn puzzled than wur ; and at last uko took a chair by-the luck, dragged it across the enrput in a ui.-.h. u line way, and thumped it down in front of him, "It'a not a pleaeant subjoet lor a lady aa unmarrisfd Udv to talk about, Puicy Guent," sho suid; "bu% I'm getting aucii u eld woman nuw that I think it's time 1 wight apeak plainly," "What about T" said ftui<st, wounding of what breaoh of good manners hu had lion guilty. "What about, you willy hoy ? Her'a poor Myru, eating hor bourt "ut, ISdia iuiorablt, my hrothcr a pwrfnui bear, I'm wi.-ried doatli, ivmI y<>u uuy, wht aliout I Ma'ootoi Stratton. to bo sure." "Oh!" oriud Guat, very much rliuv>'l. "Wutl, 1 do not see anything to lo<<k ph'uSi"* about, air." "No. of course uiit; only I thought! bn4 htitrudoiuqi uomuthiiig." **Vou Iwva *-e*u diog nothing, it aeoina to mo/' a-iiH Misa JiMinld nJmrpJy, "Really. T Imv* dime my li(>at." "But t thought harriutote waw auoh aievf-r pconlu *" "Oh, dear no," cufd Oueat aarioualy, "Vary atut'ul ffilk as a rulo, Sort of gu:i'u \t*rri*iv* l- 'Ihv unHotLoi' is .tbe olvr hi .n. and bo h- ) load tlie .'barrbfter. ha. Inro ho tji'* off." ' - THEY LOOK FOR A CLEA^ SWEEP Hilt (he IJlM-t-uU Will Sot Vurntn Olllctt 4u*i to d'liiiHi* Ho lr O^^onruiw Ulllim.Ntk 4'<>lll.UliL I lit If <'a!lllll t <:Jn. i.. a' Xifvmiy .-Tin* Xnu'ur'n n.mi a siiclul ,ln*l*ly Luiidnu, JuiiL* a. Thf ducislou arrived at hy tlh) Uibiiiyt to i umilutdy. ctmtiiiuo (iov.Miinit'ut lull* iu tin; Hmuo ol Com- iiM'iiu until auruinu, n.j luutuw'how a mail tin.* 'Jjihjjy' TiuijorUy iimy \m, i ovidu-uL- ly r'..? iu tlie (li!jn.M;LVu punitloil of ilm -; ,-rtj throngli itw uupn-'imiTdnuiw lor a gi-lie nil fli'. m u. The latmit rt-jiort oY tin' Kii'uiiLiVL' CtMiiiiuTtco of tho Liberal l'Vili'i-uUui uhuu:H tlnut thero "till liuni tin -to 70 fouHtitiiL'iicii'ft tlmt havt! hitherto Iwcn tomcliiod by tho Liberals that urn witbout miitablo <juudidatus. ThiMi- arc jib'iity t>[ nirn olfoi'infC ttv stmuU hut- they would n'qulrv tho aid of tho party purso, 'and. llwy liwk tho locjkl in- ilu( ik-(.' or goiHsrul ntputution that would tlivij tln'ii' tiuidbiaoy a chance of.sticcens. A dinin .upon tli.* IuiuIm *:>f tin' party in iiiuvitahb*, and the. wealthy LiIwijUh aru !ip;iii.t Hubitjrib.iijt IriMfly. Tli r haruiii.'U:.L* jiinL conferred on Mca irn. Jiriinuer, Ualo and Dunne, and tlm knighthoods com'em'd on Meitma;- Fnr- iiinh, Lccsc and I'uUiii', all ul whom arc cnjijuicrcinl inngnates, have thi'ii* first rcfisoi iu thf lurgi' iiiiim eacJi luul c'on- trihutftd to tlio (ju.iiMjrt iW the jutrty. Tin; wcakiu'iH of the LtlwriUs docn not Ho o much in tlm ncareity o.f moiw-y au in tho lack oi g^od men to inaki' a fiKht iu tlw uiiivtitueiicifit. Thi weujfuci*a thrcutoiiH to overwhelm the party in disaster at thii cloc^ioiii,' which arc Iwliovod by mr.uT to be clou*! at hand.. Tho meiTilM.'i'ii of ihu Government think that delay will enable thorn to bx-ttor consolidate their foreen. The bUH- IneHB of the I-Iouae of Conimoha haH boon no arrang-oU for after the Whit- mi n tide holiday ft that the Local Veto bill, tlioHtiimbllnjrKtono In the pathway of the Government, will t>o thrown back until the end of July. If the mipportora of tho Local Veto moaauru perniflt in putting It In th,ft front rank, a general party conference will be nummnned to decide ujwn the courts to be followed, Tho UnlonlHte *are eiiKor to force dlu- Hokitlc-n of tho Houho. They talk of movrnff-ii-uatc-ot-want of confldonoo In the Government mi noon a;i the Ht>ufu> rcnuinca biuilncfm, but tke Tori fi, con tinuing confident o ftlie defeat of the Government on tbo Local Veto bill, are willing t wait until July before they attempt to overthrow the MinlH- try. Tho Llbcralfl will enter tho doctoral campulKn cxi>oct!ntj to bo deieated. Tho UnlonlHtrt, who fool dwmi'cd of a majority In the next House, are already dh-cuDJilriEp tlw compoiiltlon of tho next Cublnetv Xt hi almost certain that there will bo atartUnpr chanpreo from tho lant [Jnlonlnt Ministry. Thomonibore of tho Carlton Club ore dead a^ralnHt the Rt. lUm, Goorge Jl Gai hen a^ain holding lie oillce of Chancellor of tho I3xcho- Hior, and Innlnt that Sir Michael Hlbka- 'Mt^ach be appointed to tho xwwt. Mr. tfoaoheh'M old collcaKUca want him to ko in the Houho of Lords, but pcJltlc&l ;urlal floeu not milt him, IIo doclarco that ho in not rich enough to tnko a i ' crago. Hitherto it haa beon nuppoaed -hat he waa among the we-althlent mom- ;9 of the Liberal-Unionist party. It ; i anuplrea that tho income from the ilrm of Pruhlinsr A Goaclwin-iH dhitHbut- "i among; numoi'oufl proprietopo. Mr, loBchen In alto required to provide for . largo family, and consequently he .'.oea not feel ablo to maintain tho dts- alty of a peoraeo. * Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, leadcy of the Ltberal-UnlonWiU, aloo alma to bocomo Chancellor of tlio Exchequer. The Con- :^ervativoB doelra that ho utiould take ilie posit of Bocrotary of State for War, Th'-y want a man In that 'orttco who la rtronff enough to Uicltlo tbt* que<ition ,nf DuUo of Cambrldge'a retention of tho Oommnndershlp-ln-chlof of Hor Ma. fUy'n lira mlsta.k'tf to Hupposo ibat tho Conooirvativee favor tho'Duko ( Cambridge. The old TorteB have old '.;me notlc-ns on thin mi^J't, but tho younflr Conservatlves(,refle^tins' tho fool- ,ug of the army, btrongly resent the ^uko'a continuance In tho post. They .t'oukl abolish tlw position, thus depriv- ,g tbe Duleo, of Connaught or otbor. ..embers of the Royal Family of a '..aneo of claiming the hereditary right m be Chief Commft'.der or the Army. ' Nazrulla Khan, tho ne^ond ton of the Ameer of Afghanistan, who lo now vis-* ting England, in not a social bucccsb. '"'hen ho makes vbdtfl ,aooompanled by some of tho membert) of his eulto, he ./. cornea a oocltvl anxiety. The natives "if tho party liven in barbaric stylo at "" orchester House. They sleep on mat- ti.isjes placed on tho floor, and cover omselvofl with ruga, declining to use :be more comfortable brdD. The Kng- Isih officials who are BuperlntendlnH: l.e party had to correct their habits of " oketlng the tdlver-plnto from tho hies of their entertalnera. a habit hlch occasioned considerable more or V adverse comment during their stay :i India, but which. It appears, they ore then allowed, to follow if they <uld oecape tho ob8ervitn(s. Qf tlielr . Mltfl. ' ' lilt HUHli t j . o .11 tftiOJCMi. >t U Nw Vlumebl Mr* Hm KVumbAiiw) UtuAshUIuhc^ lit Uin 4Viuio ;:ull, Quo., Juno 3. The presumption vut Mrs, LmFramboloe did not murder rah Joneu at Baokatoncr slnffio-hand- <t In fast riponinar Into certainty. The other of the accused woman eo-irid mJt (} found to tcotify at tho tnqu&at. but as arrested Saturday and his evidence Icon by a ruaglatraaa. Be awora that t- and another witness, oao Afisellrt. rore puault)^ tho Jones' on tho morning !' the murder when they tvoard ft cry ad looking (h tho direction of tlie oune uaw Mrs. LaPram-boUw with n ax In hor h&nd, three tonlne to break ii the door. Mrs. L-iFrarolxv^uj bout- d to her brother to eomo and helo lu>r, '.lath he and Assehn wont oo wUUout Jiying any attention to her. Hln evU l'nao ifl diaorotUted by tho Crown. Tho a *pe- m I ootirt to be lieJd mm:.diat?ly after. !)P midaummor ho tdaya. Fire Upon Officials. FARES' Forolpn ii BRITISH VIGC-CONSUL MURDERH: Hit- klrUluh <:^i4uul. ittiH-ilati T'lintul nml l'r<-ii<li Ollltltil IuiiUi-riM|H]y Woiiml- ul \,y II^ImmIiu ktrKKh Wat- uhl|U Ht'ttt to U.'iii.ut.i 11^- pnrn(liit H-'rcui Tin l.cj London, Juno 1. A ronslnnlln'iple to Th" /. Itepui t:i c. ived .here that tU- (b !i;,at' h' t'r ;n IMill Mall r; - "hav.' 1m.a 11--' TurlviMN polio Paine's "Celery Compound Produced Miiacilloug Results and Banished My Troubles," This Strong Statement is Made by Mr Ambrose Bndd, of Shanty Bay, Ont. ivu.nUy forei-d an inLri'ure Into th- i-cHldi'iico <tf the UrltlMh, ItuMslan a.,d Kicuch delecates at Mo.ihIi. for th" purpoii.i of iiir'-slln;^ it ni', Tm police hail ivjioatejly, on previous o^ vanioun, intjiiltod the ucrvanlu of tla-1 'leleiruteH and utherwbn: m:ide them- 'i':lvo!i offensive. ^ir|ii<i><'<l i..... rt'wUiuliiu Conutant'nople, June 1 A party ot men, aupponed to have bi.-Oii Be'Ioulnv recently attacked In tho vl- Inlty of JY.dduh, Kyrla, the Rrl'-H'di Cenmil-and V Icfi-CnnMul, tlwj Uimshi n Consul and tho Fj-pnrh Consular fl ctetary. Tie Itritlsh Vlce-(.'on;iul wun tdiot dead, th-- rtuKidan CoriMUl m-rloiiHly wounded an : L4io French Hecreta:y slightly wounde-l. Kf(iill mi tin' uufrnEi*. Jeddaii, May m. Further detail^ ot ihoi Httiurk by lli'douhm ujwm thf Kor- f'lKn Cimrtiilnr party ycubu'dity lutvc 1m*ii imnbi jmhlic, TJin party hnd prfiw (nit for a otroll and iu Ui>' cour^* of thf ^vt'nin^ Iwu! Htoppcd to r**$ .t n, pfdnt half a mile from th tnirn. Whilo root- inn they were mirrounded and tirtil up on from, a dlHtnuce of four yard(y Aodiir It^KwuiL, th" Itritbih Vit-Ckti- iul, who xprw also Coiwul for Norway and Sweden, wiih ") badly wounded tlKit he diod lu a few mlnutca. W. Bj. Hicb- ii^lfl, tMi! IlritUQ) Coiifltil, was novorcly woiindotl i.n tlw (u-in and bitck. IL Kraiidt, tht' KuHftlau Coninil, and W, d'OrvIIlo, SMiretary of tbi French Con- ulntc, rt^ceivod dltnjforouu wouudu iu tlKsr ftbCGH, futd doubtn art* oxprerwwtd a* to their reeovory. The body of Alulur RjiKsack fthown that ho wafl.stablwd ha wfll mi Kliot, Fifteen Krr)t Uuvc b*cn mAd*. Victory uftur viatorr ; . oontiuuod fcttJ Hnbrokou karuh of trmmphu ov*r dlnua^n .nd Miifftirln^ marki th fu.mii of Paino's Celery Compound in vry Uud wbr it is UMod to b^ttlti with siukuesrf. In Ouimdo, u)on, tanu of thoUH&nd* who wt.r* onou dyn|^ptioM und who bnr* nwful load^ of" pain and a^otiy, now thank II ,-k tli^K lhv eHJ<>y li'iaUh, strvuglh, n)p, .ppotit* uud di^fttjv* vigor, bfouyhi to thm by the us* of Puina's Gulary Oonipound, Tbis wonderfnl medioinv th ^f.tsb product ( mudioiil htiokioo lias rwaobed iho top rouud of tho Uddr of f&ua aa a ur for dyspepHis., inditEaiitivn, (iuttiloun*,, heartburn, ^nutria ortvtnp, undtbo uutnbof- Uus tivtls that muka life miserable ttuoutfh imporfuat di^ativ ylg,oiNo miidioino iw tho world butt f sihv'm Colory Compound o*n utimilunUy roaoh tha hurd and dimaultonsos of dyspopsin uud ibdi^SHtiOH. This ktstnusnt is bora* o by the Uftttmoy of ilr. AmhrOM Bod4, who says : "For tho bauant of staffarors X uUdly Kiva my xparionoa with l*ia.' Calary Cobpoud, Aftor sufferiuu with dyspapaia for tbirty-liva yeitrH, and uoattti; with many fuilures with otiir modimnsa,! dfaided to uso Rains's Osluiy Compouud. having huard of so many our-as affoataal by It. Tha Coojou'nd, afUrlused it far a tiros, nroJuaad miraoulosis results and baa- lshsd my troublos, "From a aonditioa of holplassnsss bs- ii)C uuabla to sloapor I now fo] wall and strong. I au astouisbod at th raiull] as my troMblo waa %u old and ohrouio <tm I haya rftowmskidod Paiua's OaUry Coa. pound to soma of my uaifhbors, and ia ovary oaso-lk 1ms itivou satiafavtion. I will always strongly raoommsnd Its whan I hays oppartunity." I I Thr*o BrlUKii warnhlr^i bavft been or dered to Jeddiih with l*.-tructlonH to protect tho llve of fopeiKncra and to Invcfltltrate tho klHlna; of the BrltlMh Vlce-Connu] and the woundliiff of the other oonMUlaa* orJleerti. London, MJiy 01. A detinAtefa to Ttw Tluuw from lion^ Koiifif.aay**: Ttio Ja^v- iMKvw- lajulod at KoIonRi Formoaa, Miy ao, and fi^htinfl; t#%im May 81. A aftsjuitch from Bluu^hal ay* the J<tpiUiOM havo laufclod oa Palm I*Irh(1, uorth of Kolong, ]V>rmo*a, whero tlioy inet witli doteruilnftd and powerful re- AlHtanco. Yhe Jajyineeo, bowovor, fifradM- ally drow tbe ChhiCM) defoodcM o/ the IfihMHl tyi^k, fuid tho fighting v<U at [u*t iieooiint still in psvigrefis. Tl8 ntoan>er Martini* belonging to Tfuig,- the rt*ol governor of I^xrmorta, btlt nailing under tho German Ilae * reported to huve-retunidd to China alter havluff Uuidcd me aud munitloiui of war Beat to Formooa by Cliauff Ghituwju. the Viceroy ol Nanking, ltuH-in ltitrfuuluit 1h <V>rA. Tuon&m, May 81, The *3*l]y UMI-* pub- Kslies a ilcAiiatch froinVie-iuia stjitingtlwU the Caroou Prime UlnUter lnw uogotiat- tnl a treaty with tlw Uusbiud AmUiuiaa- dor by the tcnas of. which llnnslu, will [rive Ccjtreti protoctiou in cortiiua ouior- Kvucie*. without, hawevor. etalmiiiff u- uraiuty. Tlw ICrnj?, the dojjwitch adds, ha.s not /Baactiomod tlie treaty, and Japan tSVoateu* to rocaN- hor minlfltor at Seaul if ho does loj^twa It. Tlu treaty, it bs sold, oojitaloa two. oocrW. olousoa that will be withhold until the whoHa ft*a.ventlan U sanetionad. A I,ll Utq/r hi HtiuttviviVlKlb^ THamenvlllo, Ont., Jii:ia IK Annie, the inly daughter of H. Wibberly at the Western HoteL woe drowned In the .Thames Hlver "M Hnfr1fJf> AU.NV UJUFtHUIH HKCtilUlYEO. KnhiKi-1 Uni'Mtluu. Toronto, Jiuw L TIwj QajrtSnt eonven- tioii ctotiod \nt*t night. Aukki^ other busmtis* tratiftoctod . tlw coaivuutlon adopted the folllowing i*ocon>- rncudatkm: That the members -of the i*jwtio3 nsaociuted .with thin ouvcu- :iuu use their iuliueuoo to promote a bet- .or clasftKioatleu lA nriuouurfl . iu otir crtTmiy "jaui*; TE& loirniation ofhomSfor the r-organieation o: the Iloya' Kercji'm.'vtory luid tlus G>ln' Itofutfc; the otablihinBut ol a home t<x cicbriftte*; "and that tlw proponod ro.'or umtory for firt offoudora bo statiouet! . c.-r same largo town or city. It was oJiio reacsvod that, whKe heart' .y sympathising ivitli the dusirc of tlr t\htliodit GwiertU Con.'orouce to entabl.nt. *t f*dtu*J iutordenominational court io DolHy ol the CoiiKreg^- Jonal Qhui-ch rendored it liupoii! ^;>j for them to centralize power li. uiiy ono of our reprcsontativoB to ao; uutluwitativo!y in the relation ladi- -utod; but tha-t.W it wcj-e |KMibU) tt, ^dfliat lu any way wltliout a vWitt-tl'*.. J. princip'u thuy lK>uld gladly do so, Tlie convent Jon aI*o rouo4votl to rceord protest o^ojiiiut tlie attempt o: ,ltp Federal Gc>vorumoiit to make us, n* rt.E-.'m, parties to a" distinct vio-'atiou .{. tho principle oJ tho sonaratloii between ;^iureh and Btato, for which Baptlatii 'u.vo throupliout tlioitr hiatory coutond- .-vl; which principle precludes tho State com ffr'aiitwiK public funds to any Insti tution; Protestant or Catholic^ nodar too- s^aiftn cuntrob Literary Couiptitltlon. Tha Toronto Saturday Nifjltt, a rscotf- mzed authority in Canada on uiattsrs psr- taininK to literature, refers as followu to th* tikorb.Htpry eoiapatition offsrad by the Dr. Williama' Modiolus Coiapsuy, of Brockvilla: "It is RratifyiaKio find this Ur^a bus!- nana firm intoreotsd iu litaraturs, and th* natura of tho competition is such taut is Won inUrcnt ia sura to be aroaswd iu all parti of Cantida, There is perhaps no portion of tha world thai yialds knatariai Nt abnndoct, situatious so uiquaut stud charsctora so strikiu^, for th* writsr of shartBlariuu, ai tuuy bs found in Canada aud mora uartioularly in tba Korthwast TarrltnruH. Wa have rteH what Gilbart Parkar has boau able to do with his all to* lisniud Kiiuwloclfi;a of tha Hndxou Day oouuty. Had hu or any other draiuad writsr as oomplsts & knowledge of our f ruat Nortbwtst, tha traditions of this forts, ths halfbrasd and tha-I^rd^a^nr^^rtrri ~l,0,,-" aosiicd by huttdrads of our roadsru, tha literature of tho world would be ouriohod. Wiuuors fcf oaah prizsa in other ojojpotit- loua ara exoludad. so that thers is ho raa- sou why boeinusrs should uot try a hund." Thrse hundred dollars ib offersd iu priuss, tho amount bsiug dividsd aaaong khe,bakit five Htonns rcaived. Storiss for com- petition muub r^acli tbe Dr. Williams MtiJ ioiue Co., Brockville, Unl,, bafero tlu \A f July uex'. Many a Youbk fttisu. "When from ovsr-work, possibly ansiatod Vy au inherilod woakness, the health fails and rut or medioal troatmout rauitt bo ru ncn-sod ts, then ho raodioino can bo em ployed with the name bsuoiloial reuulln aa Bcett'a Emnlsiou. Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A largo atoclrrall n#w gooda-and__ latoat NovoltiGs. I take no book aoftfc on pricos. SCHOOL BAGS, I havo a largo stock, nought at bottom pricon, rind can beat Uiom all for prir.o and quality. Call and boo thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN J " ON. * 'Farm Harness, Track Harness Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largo stock and it must go. Call and boo mo beforo buying , elsewhere Everything in the Horse Furnishing Line. F. Sa Adams, wo iMw aaat af Mata'a OarvUaA Werka, KiateM. ARE STILL tho trado In all kinds ol Building Material, Woodwork ibr houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, .. Shingles of all grades, Dojra, Sash,, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS. Wo are Solo, Afiontu in ibo County for, acascHs uA.ae33FUiti:c>rj?oii, Of Chicago, whioli took Highest Awurda at tho World'B Fuir. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A. written guaranteo with every Outfit, W*i U4l '1^V* T*'"*"* <>"U* , v - ]Eoanab<i/^loli.,"-Miiy SL'^There wtv rt eollli^ozi thin nvornJnei-a.^eAY ,rnr(-M lioicjtti ^ hr*ro Vcft^w^i na ore train an-: -virion niroi*' alrbuai' In which five o. :w cfrc-UH mow wave badly Injured, <, ' liutDlft horso wo*i,\klllod ejtid.'eovor*, ^04Sa*Mt- BfcM aa * a> W-l.*u^u**. vlmi t4\gUhtUa tsop&Hiuaaata ils tu "At. ^lrifl><UnV'rMB>aflSSioa'. tattlt.v&va&pad ' < - .^biiMyt;-aioi#,-,wi*a^ i ttanUaia.Attornty- Llwieaftl Oloey :tor tha , ctote XXiiuuft- nm*,tk:n*ij^saii^uiwfti\i6 tlv- a A'V I'^.'T.:. -" ' Oouarh. '.fffwnfHf TfwrrTi'fWti Ooniifh trtoitdL -\>u,\ hit* sVaVt .To/Jvfi^^r^V* ;sftin'YVt"WfiIort AIRt.lOTOir] Laing Bros., MONEY For the benefit of every one who wishes to invest in a few shares of . . . . . Ontario Permanent Building' and Loan Stock, J. R. Oliver, general agdnt, will be in town for a few weeks And will be pleased to explain the wordings of this Association. A post card or letter mailed ^fo'Essex P, 0. will receive proimpt Attention. ' 'JIM .;::! : m ... yJujJT J. it. OUVEBt li^^i^iS^^ - ? '^MMs^M^iMS^^iMM M 156489 37

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