Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), June 7, 1895, page 5

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IBMWj)^^ ^ . F' 'THE-E89EX m^TSE PRESS. ,;V,V Savings Company. CAPITAL - SI, 000,000 Money to Lend ontMortgagos ' Of produotivo wol oittnto, Furnsinri "wmithitf tn borrow money ut heub *aUin, loant nxpouun itml no delay k1iou1<1 B|i|>ly tuimmiiilly io Thti Chut- bam Loan mul Baviuti Co,, OlniUumi. H. V. aAUDNKU, Wanner. FRIDAY, .TUNE 7, 1805, 1 & TA L K f OF THE TOWN/' ---------- ^^yyyyi?^ Tlio I. O. O. 1<\ Ilriimi DhiuI Ii- J1 > * praofcioo for tlis tmnniicr hcuroii. Dr. H. I*. Mtn-tiu^lniitiMt,, of thin town, profauiouidly viuitH AnihorHtburtf ovary Friday. Boy*1 wuiU clothe" fur 11,00, tit Swith'n, booh thewo new privutct pout talu. Tub Fkki: I'iuwh Itnopa thmn. I .Mr. Hwutmuu will luvti bin uleam lunii- j dry 111 full opumtioi) th'u wook. lie will j no doubt ba liborally putromxed by Uiu pwoplo of fiu*. Bto^iuit and lur^u boil upraudu worth 2 for 81,25, at Smith *h. K*e thorn. . Tho fur-oitp Honnon iu over. Straw hatH iii cntlloHU v.rity, and ri^ht priaoa afc M, J. Wltfe it Co.V Tho list of tho pnrcohi of property linbln to bo sold for tuxeti wan diujiofiotl of on Tuoaday. Borno vcrv eho*p proportion wora oanrod by local bayorn, Kh*sc Oownoil of ChoHou Friend a nrn akiug arrungomonta for holding a batiltot jonio nt Oortur Usnob on Dominion Duv, pleatjanfe time in anticipated. Dot rauuliti and ombroidorioa to mutch at Bmith'u, Extra valubU in luon uurtninu at M. J. WlgU & Co.'h. ... Mr. B. M. BttraoH; who had hio ahouldor dialoaatod V>y a full while climbing botweon 1 two freight cam on tho Quetm'H Birthday, httfl BO far rncovQiod iih to bo abl torumovo sling* &nd baiidajaa. Sprayi"fi exhibitions by tho Ontario GoT<irnmut oflloialfl woro ivou in Ehudx otmty at Hypolicu Muilloux'u orchard, in Sandwich.Ea*t, on Monday, Juno 3rd, and .at J. D. Wifilo'H orohard near Kiiurttvilla, on Tuanday. Via 1 .1 Tho JjhH* a"' of tin*' Preabyiorlan ohuroh will hold a Mtrawherry nooial on Mr, John hh.n\tC* lawn n Wed no*-Jay .TMh'ft J !>tli- Fnrthor notion later. Mm. Goopor Boorntiiry. X;ni'0alvatioii Army'w eruiHor, "William Bnoih." whioh ih junfc now doing nil tho wnter portu of Oiituri, hu atartcd on Jjaks Kri. Jlur rnarinu hi'unu hand ulrnuk tywn ymitorday, and ontttrtained owr uiti- ztiuu during tho aftorn'onti and AvnuiHfj. A ]oyowH noto runa tlirouxh tha oota. meroiiil ti^ouoy roporlu of iho woalr. Ituiii* uftH la incroaiihiK, prloAH ar riuin^, yoodu are moving. 'J'ha win tor has ttirtt&d to Hprin^- ThinfiH ura evrywhor *.t IouhI puroopfcihly on tho turn, and hopofnluuHH takhn tbs )*luca of diNcoura^omeitt. A football match will b played khm aftornuon botwoon the Uvuux and Winduor r.juii({ii(i tuuiTiii. It will I)* rftkMemhrtid that tho fiiui fiamo of tho Mention botwieon tlioK*- t^aniH wit 11 prottiNttid^Jjy Khhox *u uonouut of unfit ground** B.nd unfair do- oniion or tho rofuroo. Tb dayu (*am it im axpootod, will b hotly oontatitod. liaaiiiiKtou Pout: "U. W. Hwatman hitt yektdi'duy for Eauox ^horo he will ou- tablmh hi* woll Unowu laundry. Ehuox pooplo uro fortmmto in proailrinjj ho nod n laundry dopartmont. M. VV. bun always ^ivon tho bunt nf iiatiufaotion in hisi work, in fact thuro in no laundry cupnblt* of turn- in(; out bottor work, Bticceuii fit. VV," If you aro ill coma on WodiiOHday noxt and j;et oomo lunion-holp ? No, lomon aid. Fftnoy Koodo for ladiou' bathint! HUlt at HruithV Mr. Win. Bhoomakor has opoaod a broad and conf ootiouory btirimoHfl in tho vitand ro> 2 n,tly ooGupiod by W. U. KvniiH. Mr, Shooraakor ban had a long oxponuncti..iu thin Uiurlof buiiinoiKi, and intondu to curry a complete Uiip of cuIcoh, pion, confootion- ory, oto. Ho invito* tho pooplo of Khhox to pay him a call at bin dgw quartow. Tlio FnHR PiiNflu 10 iuformod tliiii wonk iliat it wiis not an Ehhbx oonatablo who (jot hilarionn at tlio night of tho Kiltieo on tho Onoon'fl lhrthday iw Wmdf-or an refcrrod in hiRt wuoU'b Imirk Piii:hu, nod that all tho EhHux ouij.sttiolcH .woro ablu to k'ivo a good uccouiit of themif)lvtja 011 that day. It inuHt have bean a'oonn"tablo from Kin^u- villu, or ho mo of thorns imuutly quiet places down by tho lulto. Arrangeuicnto havo beoM made by k aonnmitto* of. tin citizens of thin town for ton-florintf a furewoll to Mr. and Mm.- Jno. Milno thin oviming, Juno 7th. A lawn uouial will ba (jivon at thfj homo of Mr. uud Ura. T. II. DoGew, wluoU-rhaft-rtxicn. kiodly {jrautod for" tho ocoaiiioii, atjd u AHUNAWAYBDAM. Tliov/ Omthu Moiue *r'o>pir(y, nmi tl<e OlVUoli mtuUea nu IClhlbltloii Laut Monday aftorhoon. John H. Arm utfonjd.who hvo* on 0011. 0, GoMlold North "aiut^ to towu, titul hin toam in tlio Mothod- lut Chumh id Hid and protwjdod to "uoo tho ifjhtu." Whilo John wkh uptown ono of tli horuou full down, and wan nearly titrnn^lud, whom turn o pauuorV)y raluau*rl thoauirual. Tho horuoH wortt no noon*tr fru th>ih thov tnado a hroak for tho atront. Thoy ran ii^uintit ono of thu poMta in front of thoohou, hreal{ini; it out etntiroiy, aud d nub ml aoroiiu Gardnor Itroit' lumbor yard to Talbot nt. The broakmy of tho burn- ow* lot tho hornou ufiart, anrl oach tooU a Hopariitu Qjurnn, brin^in^ thorn to a utop on tho Hidowalk itourly in trout;of tlio Vwv.v. I'iikbh office. 'I'Ljo Wilson wan aonuiduralfly ratthui, but not. nmirly no iiinoh an wan tho propriotor who happsnod along juttt tbon. An omployo uf thu Fukk IMikhh "with a nOHo for unwa," ran ovur to rondor what aoiiiutauoo We could, and to , outiuully in- quiro tho dwuor'a uarua. On thin John nwortill ho wau black in tho faoo; prmnd- ud vbo air with hin H11U, and avo h|joo- tatoni tho imprawdon tliat ho wfih too wild to bo allovViid to run at lar^c. lie ovidrnt- ly fcuirwl ho would bu iiHkod to pay fur Bomoof tho darna^o hia twain had cauHod, and douod the roportor to find out any. thinu about bun John in ovidfiitly too youiu* 11 bird to \>itrtiMtod away from homo with a toam, and ahould tuko hiii ma with him in futuro. A Koolft Spotto. On Wednnaday, Juno 12th, a Tjciiioii Racial will ho givnn by tho Methodist oharoh Choir,^om Dr. Brian'* lawn. Thi OddfcllowH1 Bund yd 1,1 furnifdi ratinio for tho nvninnu. Admiiimon 15ii in- oludinii lea oroam uud caKo. ,0'itnn open at uovon. O')iinty-Gouutii.]._ Tho Kmbqx County Conncil in in uphhh.ii at Handwiub tlii.i wo^k. Tlie of qvooIwu County huildinUH, in ctmjnnction with thu City of Wmdqor, wim on motion, laid ovor until affcor tho votu in takon by Wiiiduor pcopli-, oi^ji.^, h) law to ra)M'> 310,000 for "th ernctioiHof'-jrftlK county and city buildtnui. Otiicc routiuo bosint-i-o iy hv'mi* tranj- NEW GOOD FURNITURE FOR SALE AM i: AM PHKlAUIN(i-TO- LICAVW TOWN . I will (llMprmoitf a tnniutlt/or houmiholfl l^iunituvti In nnil ottntULIuii, In lotit and torntu to unit nurubaiKirH. .. ' it *>;i-tr A. J. UVIYCUAVT, M.D., MhmoX. PEDIGREED BULL FOR SALE. rf^ho PodlcHind Hnnvthorn Hull, 'Champion of 1 noiinulil," voitlHturo*) in thu UonUnlon Hliort liom Ilonl jiiink an Nr>, HlliiHl. fiiilvml .hinu 'JUui, lHin, In nifi'rod for ' cull! on m numablo tortnii. V'or furtlKn* pui'tloiilarn apply to thu owner, AM-'uyn .r. vox, OUmla, Onl. COURT OF HI^ISION. I'OWN OF ESBI35C & MoasrH. Chan, and Woley Roborta, and \l*rZ0 a"*'^anco \a expoofod. Mr. and Wim. Ed^ar have been working at tho Oedar Boaeh reaort for tho pant twq wookn, noy aro oroctint a comfortable collate Of Air. J. D. Andoruoti, aud making altar- tttionu and additions to tho oottii(*ou of HovorHl otlioru, BroathtH thoro a man with aoul no duad who novor to himuolf lnuh naid, I'll ioll tbu |j iiat from off my huad ; I'll co without Hiy ^ TTliily broad ; I'll lot my ohildrun go unfed , u and Htarvo tho dot; till ho \a dead ; my hand a of charity I'll nprtad, and up and down tho struetR I'll treud-; all avoimon for aid I'll troad, uud no^or pauno till hnpo Ih fled ; I'll work in constant fuar and droud ; I'll aoll my olotliint; L'Vttry Hhrod; I'll uoll my houao and root a i.hod ; but what I'll pay np ovory red I owo unto tho printer. IT. J; Wiyl* A Co,'a wagon iu on the roado colloutitifj wool, !f All kindu canned jfoodw cHpocially for pic f nloa and oampiug at Braith'n. [ Mr. S. Malott, of Tilbury East, ban worn \ a letter to tho Com bur Huruld m which ha ii Kayo ho huti just took a tiurvby of iho tfiu ,{ belt of South Ifiyucx and timlii 105 vojhb of -'! f*aH 0llRt'j f Buthvcn, Thoro 10 ^uh on thu ,/ worth and aouth nidoo of Lake Ut. Clair, aud tho Qtrout>ofit vainw iu Khh^x have not - beon tapped voc. Mr. Malott ^ivoa an m- timata of tho supply oach vein will pu,t ^Vout, and ooucludoo by aayiny: Thoro ifl niltold wealth of can and coal and Halt Thore ih coal in tlio oountiefi of Kuut and . liambtou, Au thu-warm %voa*.her upproaohes, paopto ; ahould pay moro attontion to diainfectin^ ;': tbua thoy do uouorully. It is wll to know "that oopporau ih una of tho chbapant na will h tho bant of dibinfeoUnta, uwd ohould' bn jjtod frooly in ovory wator cloaot and gar* ^fjo.pail, or whore auttdtd. It ban no odor, and can bo bought chuply. Ditaolve >!; .'in a pail kept for tho purpose (with boiling } _ -wator) and pour down thu dink-, or whui- i.v' evor noodod. Tho uuppora4 will loavo an iy'f.. iron ruBt.'atuiti on whatover \i toucln-H^ bo I? ., it, uooda earofnl handling. It iH moro'ajJcttH. y.1, .able than chloride ot limo, uh tbut loavya l"]l;.giioli' % nickcniiiH odor nnuny peopU oannot * " una it. If you have any rat holuu !u thu collar, jiiHt pliiiib home dr\ coppi-nm aiounil [;,! thom, and you will find thu rain will lu,.vi>. )(* ' -Oft buruu tboir foet. II. Brnith'f, ch^up. It"" |f Taranolu at cut prienn at M.J. Wiglo JL (.lo, Mr*. Milno have boon connected with Kbnox Hinco iLu incaption, and it in but tit- tmft that hoidii such recognition of their pant eorvico ahould bo mada. A deputation of oitizpiiH waited on tha town couuoil laHt Tuonday oYciiuig with a rcrjuortt that tho corporation ^rant water Riiffioiout to uprinklu tho utrootu during tho mi rumor month ti, on condition that thg buuinosH tuoii fnrniiih tho cost of sprink ling. Tho raqQaft wao jiratitod, and a Hub flonptiou lint ban uinoo boon utartod, to which a hboral rosponao hao boon mudo. A iiprmkliu^ cart will bo purohafiud at onao, aud-Qnr town will proaont a r/foro cooling and attractive appouranco horoaftor Wo want your wool, hiKueit caab prico at Btyiith'o. Fruit jarn aro lower in price than ovor at M. J. Wisdfl & Co.'h, If you want i<croon doors and windowh thnt will hint for yuaru to come, f^o to \%)'X*ctimi. Broil,, Kiiiitx. A London Drutrtrlut. f[ Mr. B. A. MituhoU tho wll-Unown Lon- I -don dm^itit, Haya ot Httirk'n PowdcrB, tC(-tho trtn(iw cur<? for mok and nnrvoua itHendaoiio, CoiwtipatioH, BiliousncHH, Con il\tiveiionii, Nfurftljrhii t|)0 Qtomach "and iiyer~: "My ouHtomoM rport that thoy re tin iwvaluable rorncdy for thou a (Hh- |io'8. B. A. Mitchell, rtruflijJMt. London." I^'^fhey.itra nicu 10 take, immi>diato aud por- tfe'roanant. Two proparation ia each box. K'floldataSo u boxhy alldiU(iitH. 5" boxea Wiki'- < June 7' lw*; ,' In tho ovent of Canada wanting-mother "Iliwh OoiumisBionor," the Bt. Tliomaa Journal uouiinatoo Mr. Coaltbnrn, M, P., who wan Dominion Comroiuhionor at the World'fl I*'air, as ho hnw fihown hm un doubted qualitioatioua for tho offiuo. Hm total QxpouaoQ charged up to tho puople of Canada during; hia atay at tho fair amount ed,, to over 84.0UO, Mr. Ooakburn doolarug that he opeiit 9H,G0() of liia own taonuy in addition to what wuh ohar^od up to the pooplo. Tho man that could roprouont hia oountry 87,000 worth during tho time that i\lr. (Jookburu upunt at tho World'a Fair donorvou liomo hi^bor diutihotipu ihuti bho rcproBtmiation Qt ono of the diviuiuuu ot Toronto 0n.1v Wlvu- noUid, and tho jarkoy rnc< a pi'uVO a grcitt attrrtction for our coHuty fathnrfi. Don't foryet tho Inmon hocpiI on \V>-d- nouday j-.o^t. Liiidu-R* (inmmr hrdtw, bolt i))ina, n 1 d bucldoH, at Smiths. DOIOS NOT IRltlTATIS, BUT HKAhS. \ ------ Month Aincirlcuii Lldney Cure Cures Kidney llu'ii0> Npoodlly mul mnVcIlTtiiyy. It iu romarkablo that thoHO who suf fer from kidney dntouHon frow impatiunt of ttio.-*o modioiuou that are blow, in their euro. AVho onjoyu pain? Thu buauty of 8<tuth Amorican Kiduoy Cur ih rolitjvt-n tho uuff^ror almout inHtuiHanonua- ly. What Hick one doua not know tho dd- huht ihiit compn wliou pain iu roliovod ? It'dni'y oiiro ao a plain matter of faat, ro linvor tiiu morit (IiHtrM*iiiif kidnoy and bltiddor trounluH ihmii bourn. It ib hard lo nay anything more for it. Who wantii 'ijorn for it? Sold by J. Thome, drurcuiHt. Public Hcliool Notes. PrimupAl'ii room, iionior l:ii; innik" pib- sihlo 185. Obraincd ; (i. Irwin. 07; C. Stone, 00; B. HicharUwon, Hft, .1. DtUnort.. H",-, J. Kdi.'iir. HI; R-. Lai-.^, 711; S, WilHOn, (1; C., 71; L. U'J^g, flft; L. Hillior, CO; C. Lubir, nr>; H. Brown, Qfi; B. Tboinau, 17; N. Cotton, 2-1. Min<i Williutnu' room, inn ran pr>t.>(jl lu 100, Obtained by hiuhpnt ten: Kthol Wiylo, 75; Amy Camphell, 71; Frank Gmr- lay, tH; Eliza Trowm, CI; Floronco B'ar.-iy. fil; Aylraor Viokr-rn, 57; .Iiicoi- HicI'h, 5ij; Willie Cowbu, fil'i; Godwiu \Vi;lf, 51; lOlwio MoCaffroy, l\K W\Hii Shaw'rt rouiu, jnni'i* mi-hiukI; tutiikn poauiblu 50. Obuiiiwd hy hi^'hoMt tn * L. Allen, -IH; D. FUl, -10; II. Allen. 4f; I. Da.via.4t: (J. Knllar, -10; ! A. Tory, 3H; h. Dibhloy, HH; H. naiinhumn, li^i; L. Trawin, M. Mint Cnmnwellvr'a rom. *-onior purt uccond; ircv'd po*tnbU 50 (ihtnihicd by kiulitthi ten i-r-U. B. riill. -17; K. Dorint. K. Vhil- lipii, 12; V. rJii'lth, -It); M. Ri-fii. :*H; -V. Naylo.-. 87; O T^ipmnr. 87; F.Sinuon. 80. Mi** F.iicUlf>'h room, pint lit>'; '""rkn poHifihld '(), ()l)t.Miiitid by H Elford, fi{); F. Y..ui.y. f>0; B. H-miitl, H\ S. .Miv. ;,0: J fli-nn; 5u; F. HioliH, 'Jti: G. ltobinaon, Hi: F Ul-'k . 11; H Minimm, G. Lfco. 18. Ail -tiiD tiir Smitb'o. "|MIF. FIllBT HITTtNO OV TMK COUHT OP 1 jtttvis.inii on th'i' fLtincfiiniunt rH of tlin Town oT Kiihox will ho holil in tlio Town Hall on TUESDAY EVENING, tlio lHUi ilny ol Jmn', I^Ufi, at tUo lunir of oicbt o'oloclc. .IOKN WATjTKIIH, Clerk. JiJbhox, Juiiofi, IH05. 3:i-0i Whtat rod por bunhel ., ..3 05 to 115 Wheat, whito ____ 1)5 Corn .... 58 OntH ------ *."5 to 85 Timotliv Seed .... '2 fiO Clovor HoimI .... 5 73 to 5 75 Aluiluj .... 5 50 Hay pr Lou............ 5" 00 to 0 00 lurcf [t-r owl........;... 5 00 tn 5 50 Pork ............ 5 '->5to 5 '25 iW nttnn - ............ 5 01) to 000 Hid.:fl ............ 8 00 tjliickoiisi per lb,. < ....... H H, Buttor .......... M M Lard .......... B 10 Ktitif, por doz .......... 0 Potnto.'H, pfsr hutdiol .... 50 to 50 OniotiH ------ 75 to HO Applon .... f'H to fiO Turiiifh * ^ (Jarrot'u"" " ""'"'. *l() Ueotn ____ 0 I'arhijipu .... 10 Turheyri por lb.......... bio 0 Dm-lcH .......... ** Celi-ry per do .......... 1 00 Gitbb-mu .......... ^', Ulriim Wallicr^ MoiiH.nrnrliot Upport No. 1 Jlyn, por ImihIioI ....' 'iC 1 Corn ------ -IS OatH .... W> Tim anovfi pricon urn paiJ'by, II, -Walker Sons. W'nlkirvihV, Out. . Oli| II f. iyu-inti now fit Tc Ifplinuci, Trioks over tho telephone wire-have alwayn boon populur, and the public in every ready to hoar of a nermon preached In one city bolnpr heard by a second cnncretfM'tion whoao minister luiR diHappointed them In a place in the State ; of a metropolitan concert bolntf liharod In at qnartoir prlcen by an hum ble audience in a distant village ;'and of. the icay PurlsUtn, who can drop into the theatrophono olllce and hear what Ih point' on In nil the theatres of Paris. As a rule, such exhibition;! an these are more cuHoiih than really ireful, hut tccn.slonally they aro of the utmost prnc^ tlcabillty and value. At the hint ;uinu;il staff dinner of the National T'dejif-ono Company, at the well-known Holhorn reataurant In London, there wiih yront disappointment nmonK tho :;00 pre.'ient that the president of tho company won lyinp on aalelc-bed at'Folke^tone. ThH, however.-dld not liindor him from s^yin^ to the a-semblaRe exactly what hewould have ald hiul he been pn'Hent. A tide- phone was taken into his room, an J over this he apoke directly' to the chair man and the reportern, whose hemlM were fitted with receivers. The ap^-ch wan nfterwnrdH piven to the moi-tlny. ita reading belnp liHtened to Vjy the far- off president, who also heard the n.p- p-Iaune with which it wna received, i-'tn- ally, the chairman wished him, thpmijh the telephone, pootl nleep. ph-aHMiit dreams, and a npeetly n*fltoratton to health, and bade him tfood-hy :: <] jrood-nlRht. There was a wide n'-'-'uU" lawyer who, ntartlru; for a renl c^tm ; dale in New Jersey, n few days a"" found, on arriving nt hlsi expei'ted .l.-iri nation, that tlio Male wm; tn he at town twenty mileH off, niyl tin? lionr at which It wan fixed was already *' hand. Ab It was impnsplMi' rnr""1'! to reach the otjior town in Mm-- f'"- r sale, he wont to the noup'S! I'-li- ' and put in his bldn over the wire. \V! ts* more, he oecnned the propi>*-tv. f'>)- lowlnp his flucce^t'VuI bid I v t'"'li\ ' ' sipninfr the necessary papers. .\\ .- York Times. A hiotf ji.'-ort-rrri'i'i >( i.i'1 .' tn-nrred r< or hat*.nt M. .1. Wi. I- ,V C.-.'v Litduih kiti-ji orw- oqmotti and tidt v>- r nt,' -' in ..i Sn'iih'i'. WOoivw PlTOyPHOOINE. Tin* tiruat riiutllwh Hemedy. Six Package a (Juaranlcr.d to^ promptly mul permimeiltly euro all formH of Ncrvoua WfaJnirsn.KiiiitiHioniitSi'M'm- aturrhna, Jvi[iotin\cy and all ,. I'ffc-eta of Abuse or Xxaennta, L^i* Mental "Worry, exoeanlvo lisu Before and After,'/ Tba ". *>/" r ,wmU- > J Jams, iffb(,i<t noon lead 1o In firmity, Insanity, C>mintmj>tlonat,d an early grav*. nmi bci!ii prciicrlbiiil over as yem'n in tliouiimulii of eniieit) Lrt tliO only IlcUabln and J In neat Medicine JL-iiou'ii. Anlcurusplntfor Wood'iipiiiiHphftjiupjK liftoff era Homo Wordileau tiiodlcluo In jiiiu-o ot tlUii, Itielfjuo prico lu letter, and wo will no ml by ruturi itinll.. rrloi*. nix, ft, oIUf wt^ pletuie, atM villi owe. T*umpliIo*jfn>u to'nnyiuUlrL'v Wilt) Svood Oomntumy, , -. Wiiiduor, Oat., t'ttatt , Hold in Ib-uxx by all rnviftiyU. Gonifl' lino whde fti,:r'<, 80 i-fiiU e.aidi t.t Smiths Can't Wash Them Out! No other" method of home dyting give* colors one-half so fast and beautiful as DIAMOND DYES. AH the colorji marked "JMSTf" Rive full, bright, and handsome colors that sunlight will -not fade nor soapsuds wash out. two things that are not true of the inferior imitations of Diamond Dyes. Do your Dyoirtg nt Homo with tho Original and Reliable Diamond Dyes/ Bnld ev*rrwhert, fevDlreottoa Book aud forty kaitiple^ of colored filoLli itch. W*LLH * lUCUABOBOM CO., WontTfl.l, I'.Q. ftnoir In I In* >ilc*rn S-vihIti 1*i)tia(:ih:>i. I have Hpcn four foot nf :--rn-'-v f'll <-. elpht hours, said Oondr.'.tm* cot h uf Elaine Central, to the-I/\wh-(tm! .h....... ! man, and yet. it w.xs so U^-'-t Dint - . could wade through it nlmoHt us \--\'. na you <*an through water. It wan In the Sierra Nevada M"wm- tuins anort orfroKt-lllceanow that fat'.i in the nl^ht, burying everyrhir: Twelve foot away from another man you can. hint so" Mm, with n port of halo around him, hh though roinowhere the *um 'wn^ Hhiriinj? tTiroi'*r*v -he storm. In these ntormn-Jt In impo*; dtjle" to t"M direction or distance. One it? simply lest when only a short dhdanne from camp. Tn the morning we wnllr^d down int-i town. One man wont ahe-id hrcaldnv*' the snow, which enmt1 nearly to bis armpits, n be rnnVcd throuidi It. lie wmiM trend until th'ed, whon ho would drop to the rear, and sorr-e one el"y wiinhl l'\'id the pro^.i^Hl'in. -. *,\'o wn.Tlt- ort into the vnlloy lt,jvrew lonn, and down helnw In the town trere !*r"l liri'ii no sun'1.', and nil tl-""' tinM> th" pun or tho or,-$ ]Uco <Jio dow illsapfi'T-rs. evapuv-Ueji. . The Jia'ir". T"'" "?l."'--'"' !< r:)nv. says tl at yoM p: :>o<*^r,,hy;"" *i 'el him hit't "(Mint.ltih;).; t! i1 i^'liU'*, W'iiit have you to way. for ;,*" Tie if V r,ripAnor--Mo> rhrl't, your Honor. An- . tPer m.'ih hypnotlzofl rne Into hyp- lu.ilahiK him. Chicago Record. INVITE YOU TO INSPECT THEIR STOCK Of Hummer Dcohs Gooda, ^hucH as Dob^JVIualiriH,.,Fancy and Piuiii I)Kflk3,-^.!jambniM,--Zophyr8,- etc., witli Lace and other Trimrairiga to matcliT'"lJiiy stock ia very complete in the above lines. In Staple Dry Goods prices are low. Extra gooll .... ingHj Toweling, Prints, Flannelettes at 5c yd; standard shirt1 ingH 10c yd-(regular 13c goodH); heavy cottonado lfio'yd; Feather Ticking 15c; all wool Tweeds 30c, We arc overstocked ill Shoes, To reduce we havo cut prices. Iiutton Boots worth $1.60 for 95c; Walking shoes" 75c; also job lot ladies* Shoes and Slippers at about half reg ular price; Gents' fine Limed or Gaiter Shoos ?.l,2o, worth 2. Our stock is made up of the latest styles in Tans and Patont Leather Trimmed. In fact we are in the lead in: quality, s.fcyle and price. Ready-made and Ordered clothing VVe have had great success this season and want to close this month, balance of spring purchases. To do sonve offer 2-piece Boys' Suits for 1; men's all wool Tweedy regular price $6,50,, for $4.50- This line has no equal in Essex; $S line for $5.75; $10 and $12 for $7.75; $14 and $G for $*\75. Space will not permit us to give full list of the good things we have. Come and see, it is no trouble to show -goods. WOOL ! WOOL ! ! _. WOOL ! ! ! We an1 prepared to pay outside *, either, cash or trade, for any quantity of Washed or Unwashed Wool. Don't ; sell until wo give you prices. G E SMITH & Co. WHITJNEY BLOCK. ESSEX. Potato Bngrs... Do they bother your vines ? If scv^r we have the right T-r- iijj liin clfs Bug Finish, mmtwmm <?. Cheaper than Paris Green,- more effective, TRY A SAMPLE! ARDSOIST Hardware, Ess5x, . .-... * .v'jl J"l Loses all its charms if you do not have a bright, new>)^y;ft| turn-out. Give uh your order^fora nice: Phistoa or;'^v.y;;j| Ruugy while the roads aro, Good Hand-made work a specialty. Prices away down. JllO- ~~~, , -Vtfl ' iV, 4947857877 8779

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