w^^ww^-fW-'^^s^ ', 'I WILKINSON'S von Ghoioo Freeh O rooorieH, 1'lOVlBioilH. Totth, OoffOGH and Bpioott. Special liuoa in Crockery, Christian Endeavor Society;! Bt. Paul'a Church, \'M TUESDAY E73., JUNE llTft"}% Uyarybody Coma, VOL XI. No 23 ESSEX, ONT., FMDAY, .TUNE 7, 1895. WHOLE No, 544 I * F.A.&C0 IB LEADING STORE OF ESSEX. Wo desire to draw Bpotunl attention to our DHBSS ca; STOCK at present. Wo aro making a special effort to gain trade in this depart ment and aro offc ing- a largo variety of tbo moat dosirublo, Btyliab., reliable Gobda at money-Raving prices. Bo- BidoB all tho now things in^plain and fancy all wool Goods. This depart ment includos tbo latest makos_ of Wasb Fabrics, satoona, Challios, Crinkles, Duckings, otc, aa woll as a a complqto stock o( Linings, Laces, Trimmings, Blouse silks, otc, at tbo vory:oIosoHt prices obtainable. Ladies, We Invite Inspection. LADIES' BLOUSE WAISTS in, Print, Lawn, sateen and Dimity, handsomely made up, from -tfio each. LACE CURTAINS SJ yards long, bound all round, good patterns, 2fic-.oach. ........ LadieB* Fust .^laclc COTTON HOSE Cc a pair. YOUTHS' TWEED SUITS l^jtfcoo, long Pants, $3 a wit. Fine Valencia Baisina, G lb for 25c Fine Currants, Mb lor 25c British Columbia salmon Trout Co lb Go"d japan Tea 7 lbs for $1 Men's Red Harvest shoos, strong and comfortable, $1 a pair Ladies'Fine Dongola shoes, Oxford Tics, and buttoned, special yaluo, WoeX Wanted I Hi ghost Prico Paid. JtardexBoxi & Co., ESSES, ONT. HUTHVEN. Mien Mobarun soprano aung a *olo H.b flue offaot in tho Molhodiiit churob Sun day oveninfj. AliHoar ThroKu M. Culleu and Luna McDonald wore iu Uwn Bunday. Tho RufchYCh baiiohall toam uro praotiu- int* nigbtly. Griff acted aH Ilijrtj Bentinal at tho Loaminjitau vn Ituthvou bnNnbull tfame Moudny. The concert of tho Itutbvon Epworth Loauua will ho hold m -tho Methodist church Friday Juno 2lnt, Among th*r attractions will bo fcao invooution by Griff. Monday thellufchvou baseball team and half of Rathven, and nearly all of Olinda and Uaion wont to Louualngton to witncea tho baseball mutch between tho ftuthven Invinaiblon and Leamington Statu. Tho Ruthvon aluli coiiHisUd of II. Moore pitcher, G. Fox catcher, L. Bouesoy, Jas. Willey, Honiertoam; and H. Buuq, Btanloy Bunn, Geo. Orton, W. Caeoaddin and A. MoClmrUu of junior team. However, al though the Ruthvon te**i wnu a misjit affair, without practice, they snaceoded in giving Leamiuntoa tbo werst donn they ever raoeived, in a acorc of 29 to 17 and inuinge to wparo in favor of our boyn. Tho return ua-toli will bo playod ^i Learainf*- too tii/nitt Mouday Juno 10. Atraid to oonoo hero X jmuh*. iJEAnD ON THH OIlOUMl). Billy-Proiaor when nUid why he did uot hbo th mat oh roplied^blit Ho- obuld n^t lone tirortoHoo thon moan baoka try to play liuthveu. Jo Houry playod until tho 4th inninf n whan tho ioor wax 20 to G a^ainnt Loamingtbn, after whioh he took violently ill and hiu plao wau (illad by auethor yiluyor. Ill at on an wo tfaoaii, Griff and lildie would yoll "Oh ain't that IfUandyl" whou Bommoy.. and Fox wero u\ndti'iiif( thotn. Soma wer nurpriied to boo Wat NoUlo in tho pttolior'* box,and E. RrnaVa^ibo RutliVoii uinopUyoil about 20 raen coriHidoriu^ tho way the LoaniinRton br>yn dropped out by Bioknclfls. THKV HAY. Botuo of tho good pnoplo intond donating "Myhnldy" a pu^ do to uureo. That Griff'H mudoB wer* aotwally awiot in tho *ith innine wholi Roth von wai 14 ahad. Tho Loamincton girls didn't yoll "Old Maid" at the Srd basouauu tliiB timo. He lookii Ano iu bloomora don't he gir^ls? That Albert-'i! pantH aro teo ahort. LEAMINGTON. Mr. Fry, Buffalo, iu tho (juoat of D. Gowa.au, fllru. Joseph Peart is visitinc Iriondti in Detroit. MrH. Bruco William Don, Bt, Thomas, io viaitiuy in town. Miun Uaud WuutcotL is upoudinS o> fow dayi at homo. Uihh Clara Brantou in visiting rolativon at Harrow. Mihh Floru McOobbin ia visiting Mru. F. Houkin, Bt. Thomau. MiHQ A. Myrohouuo, JDutroit, m tho Knout of Uvn, \V. F. MoKcnzie. Mrs. Goo. Uilburu, Dotroit, iy tho fueet of hor raothor, Mru. A. Jones. H H. McDonald, London, itttha^ucat of hiu uioter, Mra, G. iiobinoon. Minn AuuU Lanoaator; of Potrelua, m viaittni; at ltev, A. L. KbbqU'ii. Mibs M. Binanuo io opoading a few daya with hor brother at Harrow. Ca.pt H. Holfuon loft thu wook for De troit to taka charno of bin vounol.. Mr. and Mrw.F. Liobrook, Loouurdobur^ Ohio, are viuitiuu Misu.&I. Wipor. ilrti. Wnltor UoKay haa returned homo from Detroit whoru she haa bt-'ou visiting hor muter, Mrs. Doltion. John Uooker liai) returned homo from BuQalo. Hie tnauv friundu will bo gleaned to hear that ho is ontiroly oured. Mm. John White, Talbot ntroob, is ou a two wook'u viait with hor matur, Mra. Uroy, Roaor*Citv, Mich. Waltur MilU, of Iinjorsoll, waa in town thi* wook ooatraotihg for a baryta uilioa aidowalk on Talbot utroo*. Tho. work will ba commenced next weok. Miuaea (Jlara and Nellie Br an ton, and Poarl and Addio Davie attondod the wod- dint; roooption of Mr. and Mra. Atfloqk at Harrow, Friday lant. BLYTHESWOOD. ' Our ohaeao laotory in boouiiug Una aoa- aon^r Tho MoBaoic, Selkirk aro running thoir mill for ull it io worth. Mr. Btidwtll, teaoW, died on Saturday last, He had r#aobod hia Wallooatown homo only Si houra provioMH t hm doath. Mra. GiUhriak rooelvod ward laat wok of a aiatarV'death. Chhi. Tildea, jr. will tro louu take up muchoal atudiea all Detroit. UnlvornahHt Coiivontiou- Th Ontario UnivurKulint Gniivantlon will bn htdd at OlUuU, mi Friday,. B*tur- day, and Hunduy, Ju 14fcb, 15th,and Kkh. Hov. Dr. J. K. Mason, of Buffalo, N. Y., ia oxpaotod to prtmou t-Ua ooouoional ur(iion. AMni-UtBTllUKG MiHHLuoy Atltin in on a vinit to her broLher Guort;o, at lirockway, Mioli. lloury. Biowo ban movod from OaluhoRter North into the Boott liouuo on Komput, Mibh Lauoautor mt Pofcrolaa io upd.ullng a fow dnyu with Mra. Colin Witflo on hor way to viint rolativon in Toludo. Men. (Oapt) Hart and dax^htor Alioo, of Dutruit, viuilod last weok at tho roaiduuoo of Capt. D. NioIioIhou. Mian Molvina Allan ia Hfiundin;: tho wuok im Gonfluld RuuUj with hnr oomm, Mra. Philernou 1'atoruon, who in very ill. W. J. Uoffatt, wife tend non, and Ura. Addewan, of Tilbury Ceutro, vinited th paat weak vi M. G. R. A Kent, Thomaa Meffatt'a. Bov. L. Piorco, who hay boon on a nix weok'a soliciting to^r na .fr an Ottawa, returned home on Thuraday ovoning of laat waok. W. A. Hadley of Chatham Hponk a, few daya laat wouk, with MrH. II ml ley, at tho rouidonau of bor paronti, Mayor and Uru. Fraoor. Saiunol Glenn, wife, and two ohildrou, of Ohatbam, viaitod for nomo dayn the >aat wook at the homo of Mrs. G.'a father, Geo. Taylor. Mrd. Paitei), wife of "U. B. Cotiaul Patton, who haa boon bo dangerouHly ill for Hemal weeks pant, iH now recovering and hopou to btToutTiY iCtpw-dayn. Hubert DominKi"landing waitor at Port Lambtor, and fnrmorlyof AmherotburK, in aetinj aa oollootor'of austomtr at AVallaoo burt:. until a suooeanor is appointud to the lake Mr. (iillurd. Mr*. M. MonKien and xon John, who have gpout tho pant win tor iu California, and okhor Btatou of tu Union, roturnid'to town laut wook and have taken tip their bode in tbetr^.oai^onao ou the front,- P. T. Labordo, wifo, and child, who have beeu apondin^ tbo pant nix raoHtha in tho West Indion, foturuod to tfwn on Wed- uenday ui^ht, and loft next day for Peloo Ifllaud, where Mr. ITahordu io manu^or for J, 8. Hamilton & Co. NORTH lUDttK. . Walter W. Colenutt, of VVindnor, oallod on relatives hore laat Saturday. Mru. John Bkinuer of Fukex Town wan here lant Buuday, oallir^ on old county ao- quaintanooa. The weraar-y wan away up lant Weelt among the HO'a and 00'a. The thortoom- eter roeititered 08 last Sunday in tho abade, Rebort Lanoaitor'a domicile on lot 277, N. T. B.want up iuamoke last Friday at p. m. The Are etartad near the ntova pipe iu the kitohon. All tho furnituro and everything clue m the boaio wao aved. Dr. D. A. Maxwell, Inapootor of publie eoboela lor South Fa^ox, viaitod our aahoo] iu big offioial oapaoity In.hi wook, Ho was clad to sue a groutor iuaprovement in the sDheal, iu a largo inoroaae iu tho uutuber of pupils attending, oofttpared with the at tendance four or five mouthy ago. The echool haa improved iu many waya since the preaent teayhorboyau work hero lant Now Years. U&ae Theruton has remtived the old board fenoe in front of hia farm, and it baa greatly improved the appoaranae. A ood hedge fonoo wan innido the old boards and it how dhows ef to good advauta^o. GESTO. Geato'fl2-lth of May colebration waa quito a unoaeaBj lar^o numborH, lota of play and fun, and a good crowded misting. After toa in tho ovoning, amonc other things diyon wan Itov. Mr. Medd'a oolo- bratoa looturo on "Wooing and Wedding." Mra. Anntin, of Elrnetond, upent '21th in Gosto. Mra. JumoH Swoot, of KIncarillo npoiifc 21tb iu Gosto. It i repotted that Mr. Woldon has dia- poaed of bin bueineaa. Lawyor Rodd was in GoBto on Satur day. W. Homo. Enq, of "Windsor, was wtbh hiafrieudu hero on Sunday. Short JouriieyB on a LioiiK Road. Id tha oharautorietio tttlo of a profusely il- luntratodbookaontamina ovorono humlrod nagaH of cliarioiiif.ly written doaorlptiouti of uummcr rocortnin tho country north and woat of Gbioauo. The reading matter . ia new, tbo illustrations are new, and tho in formation tberoin wdl bo now to aluaoot everyouo. Aoopyof "Short Journeyi on a Loufi Road" will be o#*nt free to anyone who will enclose ton aontv (topaypoeta^e) to Gi:o. H. HfcAvronn, Oeneml Paaaengor Agent 'OliloaKo, Mi1waIc A Bt. Paul Kallway, Chloatf*, III.. , ICBMKX TOWN. Fhhux, JuNii 'ir, lfll)">. Council mt in regular HOHHion, tho May or in tho ohair. Pronont: Mayor, Roovu, Buputy.Reeve, and oourioillore Gun. Barth, D. Whitnoy, J. A. Hicltu, Dr. Pottu, A. HamH, J. M. Illuka, Fred. RobittKOUj ttud G. J. ThotnuN, Tho mihutwn of prwviouii nannthii^ and upticial meotiug woro read and adopted. A uumbor of auuottntii wore toruuenteri and, ou motion of Ur. Lnird, uuooiidd by Mr, Barth. wore roNrred to th Finanoo oomuiitten. Moved by Mr. Thomaa, nooondad by Mr, J. M. Iliakn, that a petition re ^robibitiuij thfloicport of natural ipiu be nii|Mod by Urn Mayor and oounml, the ci>r}iorato' noal attached thoroto, and bo forwardod to II, W. AUau, M. P., at Ottawa. Mr.'J. K. Stono addroaaod thw council with regard to the nnw uulewalk loadiucj to tho Mothodiut ohuruh. Movei by Mr. fialrd, Hoobndud by Mr, Barth, that Mr, Thomas, Mr, Mobouiifcll, and Dr. Pottu bo a committee to lo/ik into the mattur of the aidowalk leading to the uhurou, and rapart at noxt aiadtiu^ an to tho propur amount to be paid by caob purty. Mr. E. L. Park addresaed tho counoil aakiu0aon bohalt of thejiitizonii for wator to nprinkle tho maiu straot on condition that tha meroUaata thoraon would bear all tha lapouee of hayiu^ the i'aid work douo, Moved by Mr, Laird, aecendod Wy Mr/ Riineu, that the aitixonH raprouentoe) by Mr. Purk and othera be (jivon water from the waterworka for the etreeta for throe moutha. Carried. Movod by Mr. Laird, aooondod by Mr. J. A. Hicks, that the Mayor be authorized to look into the mattor of Mr, Wm. N&y- lor'e uHOQHumeot aud havo it r^ctifiod. Gurried. Movod by Mr. J. A. HickH, aocondeii by Mr. Robinson, that Meanra. Whitnoy, Barth, Laird, Raiuae, and J. M. Hicka be a court of reviaion upon the aBOHsmet)t rell of th Town. Carried, Tho Fiuanoe coramittee roported rooom* Uioudiuff payment of the following acots,: ^ Lain^ Broa. waturworku material und oroaein'fi; btjilt, gln.20. W. B'.'Oallinuor, pMrapin("8650. W. Robinson, work at waterworks, 86.25. Allan Doau, work at waterworks, 63 otn, Petor Hnlley, wood for waterworks, $ic.r>o. W. Gardner, salary for May and express eliar^reo, $40.40. W. F. Mudue, % rant to flro brigade, 975. John Oliver, drainage work, 92,GO. William Lame, olectrio light tor May, 8U3.3i. A. E. Milne, aasosaOi',a salary and poat> aUo, 853-70, Joaepb Townaeud, w&terwcrke, 90. N.T. Jonuu, work on oroimioij, oOoonts. Ei. J. Loyolaeo, printing, S3.C0. Alex. McClintio, teatniug, 60 oeats. (SigHd.) G. J.Tuouai, Chairman.- On motion of Mr. MaDougtll, ueoauded by Mr, Ramon, the report of the Finanoe oommitteo was adopted. Moved by Mr. Laird, aaconded bj Mr. Thomas, that Mrs. Brodie bo ^iyen a re- bato of taxoa on tho houaa ooonpied by Mrs. Guhcou, aa the said Mra. Brodio gives tho home froe ef rent to lire. Gascoe amount 85, Motion loat. Movod by Mr. Laird, eeoondod by Mr. Thomaa, that the ehairuau ef tbo Fire, Wator and Lifjbt oomiuittaa be authorized to got new boue real who*l for tko Fire Brigade at once. Carried, Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr. J. A. Hioke that the ooUeotor's time be ox> tonded till tho 18th day of Jane, and that he be roquoHtod to ruako a a poo i til effort to have the roll roturuod by that time. Car. Moved by Mr. Thomaa, aoooudad by Mr. Barth, that all baud inetrumenta belonging to the Town be oallod ia and taken charge of by tbo property oeimmttoo, and that tho olork notify tho holders of imtrnmouta to return tho aamc Carried. Movod by Mr. Laird, moaudad by Mr. MoDougall, that the first sitting of the Court of Revision o.i tbo asKBoaemoni roll bo hold on Tuesday evuneng, the 18th iuat, at 8 o'clock, aud that tho Clerk pub* Hub the usual notions. Carried. Moved by Mr. Thomas, leconded by Mr. Barth, that tho roport of the Water oom- naiUeo ro water oervieo at C. F. Kaylor'e mill be adeptod una tbat we acoapt thirty dollara im full for three yarfl arrears to lOth of May, 1895. Carried. By-law No. 9J5, appointing Mr. William Bitaon Oluof of Polloe and oollootor of dog tax, waa read the neeeaaary uumbor of tiraoa and paaaed. Movod by Mr. Tbomae, neconded by Mr. Robiugou, that Iriae olark notify Mr. "Wolfa, ex-Chief ef Poliao, and all oouatabloa to deliver to'Wra. Sieson all keya, handouffh, and other town property in their posaoa- aion or control. rCerrlodl. Counoil then adjenrned to uovt regular meeting;, July find, 'i)G. Johh Walvsdh, Clerk. About tho *w**iMiikr. Health and happineas ancl relative oon- dUiona ; at any rate, there on* bo little Uappinesa without health. To givo the b*dy Us foil mcaaure of etretigtb and nsrgy, the blood aboeld K kept pr ancl Vigoroua, by tbo ae of Ayera Bareaparllla* It may bo of itifcurunt to Homo ponphs to know that tho Vttunin^ of a noWMpapor in a hueinosN jwnt the aawio aa tho runnliiK of a groeory atoro or a uiillinory eutubllnh- mokit or a attoot oar'Hyatom, A nownpupor proprietor paya ront and umuranoe, onn. traota bills, oolloDtn monoy und diaburacH tho niuut, with tho primary mid in viow of keeping tho roooiptu abnvo Bxponoa. The newspaper in hia manufactured product, It ia made up of many ingrediente, con- tribattid from many different uonrooa, and tho proooift of itH manufaotiiro ia oompli- caked and uxpanuivo. When tho papor comes from tho pruHa it roprouentu tho la bor of many handn. In that roupHcfc it HooMnot differ from a hat or unit of clothes. Inatoad of wearing a nowapupsr or oatiuu it, wo read it, aud it in tbo advautayo of having tho nnwi of the day arrangod and printed in convenient form and left at your door that roprenonta tho valno of your pa per. The newftpapor ii a product it iu manufactured to supply a demand. If tho roarkotyalno of 5,000 uowspapora ia &U60 one paper uhotlld bu worth an amotiut of money iu proportion juwt tha aumo an oran^os or nquashos or toothbrnuheu. That's why nawHpapor proprietoro don't hand eat their papere an proiiniita to any one who may auk for thom. Thoy havo. bbugkt machinery, paid rout, and satisfied the demand of the pay roll, in ordor to pro- duee Hot a tootdibrutih, or a qiiar,..or a yard of ribbon, but a newspaper. On ac count of itfi value aH an ndvortinmg medium , apace in a nowapapor in worth money, juhi the same aa aoatinf room in a atroet car, or in an opera hoiiHo, in worth monoy. Tho lusortiou of a aix-inch advortiimmont, may bo worth an much an oix niate at th* oporu. The yalue in tho Orat instance doponda upon the oharaotor of tho medium and the extant of tlio oironlction, Tho proprietor bug fixed a price proportioned, to tho cost, of providia* this medium and tho wprk of preparing the advertmomout for publica tion. The managor .of thn theutru fixen the priaoa of h'm uatitn to oorroapond with hm outlay in soourin^ talent and providing tha opora house. ---------- TiieHe amy eeom stjlf.ovidoui. trutbti. So thuy are. But ovon to ttiiu day >ou will -find thoao who do uot-know~that a uowflpHe- .per in % marketable product-, aud that they aro tho sort of people who make it aooes- ary for tho irocer.to_put aoreouo ovor his applo barrele. Atild those aro thoy,too, who think that epuao in a uewupapor may bo had fur tho aukmg, and they are of tbo sort that want a furuiahor to pronoiit thou with a necktie whou thoy buy a collar. The nowapapor ia a product, u roll nod pro- duot, aovelopod from raw material, and its valuo and prico are re^ulatad by tho ordinary Ihwh of buniaase, Fhin or any othor nowapapor is not published for the fun of tbo thiuig. It in run on busmens principles and gives vidua for monoy every time. Tbo advortisor doon not advertino in its eolumnn for the mora purpono of aooinj; biu name in tpye, but bocauce he boliovoB aad knows by experience that advorti'nin^ will bring an inoreaio of bueineas to bird. The aubioriber who paya to got thu nowa, alao gota I ull value for Ilia monoy. Let a uau who ia aoouetomod to read a daily payer regularly, bo duukd that privilogo for a wook and he will thou loam if hiu daily paper is not worth much more to him than ho pay* for it. You never rains the wator till tho woll goeu dry. CANNOT EASILY FOOL HIM. mtr. VT. G..HmltdMUdUoi* of Vtafl Toron to icveMlue N9WU) Kuew Wht We Wui tVrltHnir WHen MMe K*eiiucd A Good Word for Dr. Aa;iiu" O*" carrlial Itemedy. Frofeseional men have bean tit ront; in their reoommendatien of Dr. Agnow's Catarrhal Powder as a remedy for cold in tbo head and catarrhal troubles. We have already published in thooo aolumn warm w jrdu of ouderaument from leading clergy men and profesHors in the education-, al inetitutiouB of tho country. One thing bo euro of, that it is not an eauy matter to fool a nowapapor man. He boos a nood deal of the inside of life. Thin (uot givoe value to the words ef endorsement of Dr. AKnow'a Catarrhal Powder rooently penned by Mr. W. S, Smith, the well- known editor of Tbo Evouing Howe. One abort puff of the breath through tks blowor, supplied with oaoh bottle of Dr. Aguow'a Catarrhal Powder, diffuaes this powder over the uurfaoo o! the naaal pasiagoa. Paiuleaa and delightful to Qse( it relieve! in ten minutes, and permanently ouros oatarrh, hay fever, coltfe, headaobo, eoro throat, tonnilitlu, aud deafeneaa. 60 cente. Sample bottle with blower sent frao for two 3 aen* Btampe. B.-Cr. Bet cbeou, 41 Church Street, Toronto Bold by Jv Thome, druggist. K53 *v..... HntcuiMsoM At Basex,. June 3, 1605, by Rev. M.P.Campbell, Mr. 3aa. Hntohineonta Mjii Hannah Howaon, bbtbolBiBex.On*.:. L..... ANOTHER Clothing - War IN WINDSOlt. You romomhor how w tlie ciioiny ou Ovotw.L winter. Well, ths flKht iH ;iow oe ^. MEN'S SUITS. Wo aro ayain mantcr of tho situation. . . ( $3,95 $3.95 Ih nnr prico for mon'ft Buitn.woll made and trim med and an good in ovory way as other utoros are trying to j^ot fti> 8b' far; end at the Hiuno time toll you thoy aro ' oiling cheap. OUR BOY'S SUITS At $1.95 include Knits from 93 to 0i. If you want any of thottu big bargaine COME QUICK Tho Itoeky IVlountuiuH- Alone tho liuo of tha Northoru Paeifio Itailroad abound in largo gamo. Mooae, door, boar, oik, mouutain lions, ete., aa* yot be found thoro. Tho truo sporteraan b willing to yo.ikoro for them. A little) book called "Natural Gamo Pr**ervee," published by th* Northern Paoifle Bnilraad. will bo sent upon'reoeipt of fbnr. canta w tampn by Cms. S.Fek, Gon'l Pass. Agent, St. Paul, Mimi. A Family ftuixmon. AmkerHtbur^ Boho: Mr. aud Mra. Wm. Luokham aud iiaimhtur Fuurl. of Petrolta, are on an oxioudod visit to thuir daughter! Mrs. D. A. Maxwoll, and their ion Daniel P., of Maiden. Thoy celebrated the Quean'* Birthday by a family ro-uuion on Belle, Ialo. Tho company comprised Mr. asel Mrs. Luokham, W. J. .Luokham, wife aad daughter, Mr. and Mrn. D. A. Maxwell and' four hodh, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Jackson and. aou, Theodore Luokham, wife andflon.pau B. Luokham, wifo, two daufjhtflrw and aoij Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McQmn andaon, Friend' B. Luokham, of Kiuusville, David H. and Pearl Luokham. of Petroloa. One fnoud of the family Mine Haitio Maeallum, of j Detroit was alHO present. Almout eigiit years had passed sinoo they were able to to uea their children all tojjotbor aud the happiueoH of thin atherin(! was marred only by tho rapidity with whioh time passed till all must haaton to the boata, which m a few bourn agaui bore then atari. Stark's Powdors, each package of whi'ebNJ contains two prepar&tioua, one in a ronod wooden box, the .cover of whioh forme a moanure for one doee, an immediate relief for eoativonoas, Biok Headache und Btorn- J aoh, alee Nenral^ia and all kinde-of neryL'" us pains, and another in capsule*, (from J][ to i f one le au ordinary doae) whioh acta^' on the bowola, livor and etemaoh forming .never failing porfoot treatment tot aJUV htad and utoniaoh oom plaint a; Tbej dt;^ uot, as most pills aud ao many other medi- / oiuos do, Ioh'o their effect, or praduce af^Br^ vonstipatiou, tHey aremee.to take. 25oa box at all medicine dealer*. .', . Yoa'v* mo Idem ' ' How nicely Hoed's Bareapanlla hit a the weeds of tho people who feel all tired oui r run down from any cause. Ii aeeme lor? oil up the whole meahamam of the body. that all moves amoetbly and work 'vb$$ oamos dalifiht. If yon are weak, tired an4,V aervoua, Hood'a Saraaparilla. Is jotVuKifl yon need. Try'it. ' v;;:.;}K|i Hood's Pllla core live': illu, oonatlpatien^ biliocaueBs, jaundice, uek headaehc, ""' fligeatieD. ,.; ' .:vv^^i|i ^^^J^^ . V ', >'