Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 31, 1895, page 6

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..,': vie1 IU \. *3lX FRBK-' PlVfcrt^ V 60 NT :r (' A*vv BEST OFFER EVER MADE, THE ESSEX , For the balance of 1895 for 60 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Show this to your neighbors. :.' ...ADDRES i -. E. jT-LGV-ELAnE, Proprietor, Eaaex, Oat, :.".'^= tfO 'I'jiE DEED, 'TO HHJCONriNL'KJ* ) vfl 19 *,'I know you couldn't help It' ' No, but it's going off now fast, and if I ."j ..nould be alona I should soon bo right," "Doubt il, No good; you munt p*t up >a*ith we for a bit." Ha triod to look latiijdih.gly in bis oonv , pan ion's oyea, but thore was n strong fuel- ,...lag of drund at Ins heartauro fidt thnt wild *" thoughts evidently liutod in hiu friand'H '.- 1*r*in, and that there wag numo torriblo swisuhief hatching tliere. "Look ho re, Mul," he Mid, mustsring bis . wu annulling by rtimeinbrauc of bnu* the atrongwitted .mau.oould often mimttir the "tny imprussion ii thnt ymi - wad I change. 9uppono you aihl I tulta \ tm*L What do you say to Swiizorland, and , at*it to-dfty!" Strattou sbuddored, and a curious, snoor- ;- iagsinila dawnod on Mil) face. "Why don't you ask me to explain my i a*iuliKl again ? he suid fiercely. "BauaMii I havo no rip;liL to. Vim art; your own mauler, ami arc tuinuorublo id *'I tell you," continued Btraltnn, without t. kaadiug his visitor's words, "it is buuui>- w*u think I am mud.', *'DoI? Absurd!" "'Ye*. That is why you are hero." 4,I am not going to enntradict yuj hut 1 trill tall you why I am,hero. My old friend ^iid companion suddenly turm-d quoor, at- 4*ckd with bo mo illnoaa, and I sntd't" my- t.Weif.'If I were to be bad like rhtt I hope - jpaur old Ml would come to uie rh I'm j^oing ' ** bint." .Aliaarse sound, like a suppri'sand nub, vi- 3upL'<L from Stratum's Hpa, and, by i, runi'l nnvr..tie'nt, be caught and wrung CJuuat's *u.nd, Hut the wild lode ncviV left his *\*fl,aiid!at thscod of & few seconds be cum *lu>bnd away. , 4(#h; It's tru* enough, old lad," said r r3t'fl>t, smiling. !.'*X0U k"Qw it, toi. I w^m .i^ e d." it for everyTomly-Vsalce." . Strattou made a peculiar movi-mem in th *2** wifch hut-axt**na>d hands. j "Come, com, don't lake it that way.ohi fallow," cried Guest. "Mil down." iHnaltnu hesitated, and"g^inud to ho try (u resist, but bis friend's calm firm *rv it wired him. - - "That's hi'tier ; now, than,' Lo>'s look Ltlaw pfainlv in tho fwee, an doctor aid btient if ytui like. . You're off the lim>, tkl. Tli'ara'e uo donying it Overstrung Wtf*>\\, it's bad. Painful for you and every* 'A low trioan aacapod from Slraltou. "Bah ! don't groan ovar it, man. The imau iwiod is a-wondarful bit of machi- ry, dud it gets out of order if you don't i*arke car*. You. haven't ukn enough cure, havabroksu down. Had ; hut wh'm __*t WttienJ yttU aud matia y(u ktroaget' r-4iali'yer'.M ; ------ '- i Stratum ihook his buad,'aud hia > pallor L>i ao ghastly, ad he now aank back in his lesabair and dosed.biaevt'H. that Guest W4 .jaurtl'd. and eprani; up mid tnaile for tin-: whafe lis knew fmtn of old that ih t<aapiit fithnd was kept----- But at the first uiovsmniit ja ihatdireo-i Sirmttoa leaped to his fest and iutrr- spt#d him. "'Stop 1" he criwd. ^1 am not ill. Ut b^.'Ottrai^/VtfV4ii do1 mrrtfi good." j VHow do youknow^' I nay I <:an," cried t young man aharply, "and wbul's more, : will. Kow. count, tad.Iu reah^oithU. '< '.You're opt of gear, and you'rr g^iits; u> ' ' ibiiilt to trie;" ; ",'.' ". ' *'l my own max'ter, as yon said, ami . ^1,1 will not be "apied over or interfered "' '.-,..' "Spied over" sounded bad dot like the ,i*aohU u\ a huo man. ',--, i < "Bab 1" Who wants to apy bver vottf.' -*Interf*r*,d wilh, then, Now^goWtt ;&+<* \nm o ^nyaelf." -I a.all -t," said Gde.t dogged1 "You will, air. Thenn are your vUit in ill-tinntd; pleaiie my rooms; to go, aud wait till I tiiik you io, vimi me again." "IJah, that uettlua it, if thoro were any doubi bsforo. That's not my old volioolfal- low talking. You are ill so give io." *Loavo my rooms, air 1" "If I do, it will he to bring others, back with me who will insist upuu your yielding to propsr treatment." "Hah; you confess then? You think me wad." "Ididttoteay mad; I told you what I know now to be a faot. Will you please give in and let me treat yoa en sound, com- knoa-seuae pfjnoiplae.or Jrivo ma away to ouie back with othursT' 'You would so* dare," said Stratton, iu low fierce whisper. "But.I do dare auyihint; for your sake tkere, I'll apeak out! for MyraV" "A ipuu eoHvulwd Strattou's face, and ke ground hia taaib j if in a/joay. "I can*I help it, lad ; I'm beiug eruel to be kiad. Now, then, do you persist in aeadiag t*e away t" BtratUa leaked rouud is a furtive, frbshUaed way, shuddered, aud was silent. "Than I am t$ go >ad send athere who will treat you. I tuust tell you the truths lad; they may insist upon your leaving Iter* aadtak^ngup your abode aoaaowhere las that country/' gtrattou nUrUd. . "He, no; not at a madhouse. You are il sn ad. Oulr suffer lag. from & nervous *, Ii yruultl m U sUy for a time at some floater's, aud I think it Would be the best thing. Ik would get you a way from the dull, gloetay chambers, whero ynu hardly over tee the sua. They are bad enough to upaataayeae. Oaoe *v*r*, which is it to ur Oueet b*i keeu startled enough before by hie friead's acts aud ways; his eouduct aew ludor*d all prior tho^ghti of bis sutsj If**, as be rose mad moved toward the dnor aaifttfgo, Strattou Sprang "uJ hiM and oaugbft hia arm. "1 give iu," be said huskily. "You are right JeV-ltlftl* B*t -di rdor. Nerves, I ewppMa* gut sjo daP\9K> .. There i ub Head. #11 I'll Joauvibitur vou wteh M ^bao iott'U coaa^abroad With me 1" "N. Ne, I oadbrtt > I will net." "Vary well, then, I'm not going to sse vou grew worse before my eyes. I shall d is I laid:"" '-. , "No, bo, for heaven'* take, dou't be ao snad an to do thm. Look here, Uuuat. I art ill, and weak, and low. I conteH ii.: bat I eball lie Ik-iter hre.. It is aa you aaly,' varstram. Ifyoq.forM Hie to gi anme-! wbars elae, I shall, be ton tirnoa worse, . I'll do anything you advise, yield t* vou iu! very way^ but.I u.u*l-#wv >ti%r^'. Yho iu-f at it ut ieu^-you kno w." "Laayeof ahsei-cf (era sick man." "I, libiild ueit Hk for it, Bes-di-s, my; work wj|l du me good. I should mope and' be tiiiveiablv away." . "Not on ltielSwi*a Alps." "lielb'you I wiit not go,M said Strattou flercely,' ' ' i "Yery well, I'll ,b. satisfied with what: 'u-l)*v- prouilsed.- flu just drw up that m d .p<- the witidow ,wid." Sn-aimn li#sii*ttd'f .'": ' . *'Atii>u'(i; niau.' Y,our promise. The airi it cuetV Inn is ubt purtloularly tfond j! blit it's better iltati tliie , tnobhitie Odor of iti.ftii.tM and jfas Why, Mai, old lad. I oau-iitell the meihytated spitiu in which', you | reaarve yfurs^euimuui quite plaiuly,-"! A fttit rmtf of white showed round' 8lration'* t'Vt-n ; luit.(jtuest.did uot j notioe' it. Ii his hnik iii inrued as he snado..tor' the \tiiidpw an** lei in the light and air. I "That's] b*i#y. Now go-tft jyo;ur bd-i room aud awke yoursvU leuk mofs like the you n blittd bf'Be' Wftlcolm.StraHon I know. I'll be off now. I ahull bn bu;k at a <juartor to sovon, and- tlnui we'll go outnnd hitvo u bit of diuuur togitthur." "Nn, no; 1 (jould notyo," "What- I I'm uoiiitng, t say, ut a rjuar- laf in fievun, and thou wo'ro iioiug oitfc to dlno." . "Very wrll," siiid Htrntton mi-okly, and hi* friiM,l li'ft.tho cliamhtTN. "Onlv touoiwjd ti Hltlo," tirvid Huosit, h ho wont aci'"iM l\\n itiii, put Ills hoad in at tho h'tlti", and ntiifdud pli'rtHantly to Af.r**. Urado,fnr idiu waa'origa^tMl with imiiu- OI10 "llH!.___ "B'rti,nr, Mm. Jinidu nothing 'to mind. His'll won In* all ri^'iit," Mm cnriiinuud to hiitis'df. "I'lmr old ohap Only ant a ntrori^ will HViT him. VVi^h' initio wort* nli<iii|f'ii, unil I hid fi litllo itioru \y plunk ; Uit h<! did not no-- IujwHitrvoun 1 , W(iK ; aiitl, tnk il ulti^nllior, I did not (In no Imdly." What linn) wan pacing hu room and tiilkiug hurriedly Ui himuidf. "It in Imrrihlu," ho mutturod "too. much for n man to hoar. Uo I look o, wild?" Jin wtoppi-d tn fronfc of an old Vonobiau mirror, and m:nnritid his hagp;itrd counton* unco for a f>w m-miontu hnforo turning away with a mImhIcJit, to risHiuno Ida walk lip mid down th" ru'iui. . "Th'y could do it," lio uaid fiorcoly. "I onuM tint lndp irtyHolf. My onduot- would bo Hulliciiiiit plua. A visit from a cnu'plo of tloctoi h, nud. no tOAttor whiit I Maid, I onglii 1m tnUnii away. .M':dical aupor- viiiioii," h .tid, wiLli a hittur laii^'h; "im- pi iHdiiiiliMit till unci) Limn at) thoy cho:<o to ijuL mo fnwj. W.'il, it would be plisn^ant to hn uhlo to throw all rf'^puiiHihilitioa upon soMK'otie I'luo tf ono could only coauo to thmk. Hilt that would he too torriblo. I mutil jrivo up t/vurything mid trust to OuitHt." Hn lookod wharply round tho room a^nin, mirl mood liutfiiiup, for iio fancied that he lictrd a tumid, and, Htcpping softly to the panel door on tlio right of tho fireplace, be iiLHi:icTi',i in m:it iiom:vhooV Jiimi-4 l.i.i'i-lii/i' '.- - ^ Ui\t> kdls le-l*l*''i'lii/C ; |slH-d ,i'"" ninr. i, x.v., m ) 'lay. fil' w r|i|.'i| y 'J7. ATf.":' Mr-. Ai.lf V. I:i.c" lins I!- (p:ii (Mill, lor .".h ,. tin v M ri'fuii h'*f IiiimIiU'.iI, Al j*"(I .li'im'i l)i"i\ II. i;i n f|i'f(*r iHn'iy tli.-'t tie niM.'. i^i f),:j i' :;fiy:i I hoi 1m- Ii-, "he llils i."*;n li: Ht'l tr M Uim.I. --IK -\prll; I'-MI, in M tU'Ml lojc;h r tii" ini.nlli '.f M; 1 fd i o !n!'< \> i-iir t" '" \'r<>v.' th,-ii il:- I .' ':"il 1.!.- in c m u Iff; lui'i Iit* I'll- !iii;, h'-r ,..-ill In f to I. M, il' O t i ' of t' "ttlf (llll; l.iiO' liiir sitf '.:.c not ii...|" Inliil'-lity, l.'.-l tit I :; ]>' -"it *'"'l. f H'l ; io ] ."n,i.' him. \\~"il......lYl""'i r-'f-1 iliiiirr- Vor!', r.vii lli.'i-t liir-;, i:d \\\(>'- nn 11 1 lictl lit h 'M \v him.i Ml' (ill" ' !"'. : H'lHjl II " I !ll c '"nn - !. Art *| tll'K n)it' (in ' I'Tt Ml.W- !! n :t. : ! inn i * ib n II'! ;i rr; nil."'!1 nt' Mi" >'rn !: , >.i -fi. r nvi'h'i" nni)iliiirit t.h.'it v.'lil'i* Ii" nn n v[i' ;i.[.i'tn li rl .;, nn rri'-i( T/ m'fi Uyur\. jv-i 'inn in li< ):.' rim t ih>- llvlnn; tun Vu'v, A'. I:, r' I'll V" !"ll t.\ '.'".I IIMI : III . li.'UUl \v h !1 va - :ii.'.!' iio! m '.: i.vm;; J\ <!3,l.!\m I *ilf((l ,ifrnU\ \liz,ti\ yXtmUi irnrdon Vvfo Itrilte* Dmu-Mh-. III., Mo.v 2r.-K-.rly tbit' tnnriiiuir, ;i immIi. \\i;!'.'li hnd h-rn in p'- !-.'.-'inj| i,l V*',"mI'.linn < uiinty'n jail fnr 'l,vrrr,i| hniir-, nu"i't.'d."l in \<w.i\\'nK .T'thn H:ill, jr., nud Williino I'.oyf.-, In tlu'ir c-'"11m, tool; tlii'in mit'ii'lii nud lmin;fil th"in hn- iiF.-iiiiltiii^ M.'ss Lnurii i:'tt. " fii'liri' I'.iiiikw/i It cr iii:h!i' mii ciinu'^l. |>Irfi to (.!: iiiuli to li!t tliv low till:-1 it" 'oiirH'. I.Ic iif.Htird th< ini'n thnt lt:ill aii'l I'ltrym- Wfjuld rrroivi* hi'VIt ptiuinh- nii'iit if found Ktiilt.v, that tin- trial jury would (ii> iti duty, "hut tli-' IwnhT-i, wlm uiT" ^i inoiiir tin; iiurit prornine'iit intni rn tin1 nninty, ri'pliod: "Vi'jj. U'i* know tho jury will convict th"in nrnl civir tliom a ui'vcn1 Hcntencr, hut UriTcriioi' AltKt'hl will jwi rdon them out. IL' ivrontly pjirdimiid tlinui brutt'H you m-iit vij). from CluLinpnifj;n county for 20 ywir.n, :ind lu^' will p.'irdnu m'ii. If any oth'-r iiuui than Alt^eld wiui governor we would not lynch tlie*<; iiii-ii. Uut ut- a.rv dot'-'riniucd ho will n"vt*r luri't* a cluuict: to turn them 1o/j*uj." plaend his ear to tho woodwork, and stood liitiening for notm? ummoiitu. But ho watt ovidontiy dinntiHfiud. Ho aconicd to bo tryinp to niako mi', whotlirr anyone wa' Brotti-um'a room; 'nut bo wan Untuning at tho end of a pammip! turn ed into a clouet like bis own, and lie know that if the door at the other end wuro clos ed it was in vain. Ho came away at laat witi. a. quick go*- lure indicating hie dincontehb, and stood litisitating for a few minutca, when he1 ii git in started and lookud wildly toward tho Hri'pUce, for be was convinced that be hi-urd sounds in tho next chambers. Tlioy ceased, though', dirocily, and might have come from above; but he once more <\onthack to the panel on tho right, liatouod, and came a'C*y dKl.'^tfied still. "I must know," he said *ikh- <i heavy nigh ; and, taking a bunch of keys from' hia pm.-kot, ho stood selocting oho which lO-oked black and rusty, a good-tiiKed key, from iitming those which had beeu worn smooth and remained bright. Thin done, he stood hesitating; and, look ing straight boforo him, bo ah rank slowly hack ward till checked by a bookcaso stand- itig iiRiiiitit tho wall, when with an angry K-'jjiuro that he ajioula have boon startled by tho night of his own ghastly faoe iu the old mirror, ho walked straight to tho door on tiiL* left of tho fireplace. Again he paused- for a fnw momenLa, and then, with the invent standing in groat beads upon hia Ihow, and the hair at hia temples wet, and clinging, he slowly, without a> sound, iu- Miirimt tho key, turnud it in tke well-oiled look, and drew open the door, which same toward htm with a faint creak. Ho urood there peering into the darkness of the narrow, paasage-likflr place, listening, mid then cutne away to the other side of Uio roo.n, thrust ef blat boots, and wont to the wtttilow, which ha closed again, and drew down the blind be fare going back to the door entering, and walk lug la the and. I* i [or some minutes before ha came out again, acting now wiih decision, aa hs went to the door of exit front the room, and slipped tha holt. Drawing a deep breath, be now hurried aoroat lo a liulo cabinet, from which he J low a bright steel implement, and then, with his brow rugged anil bin face looking uid und worn, he was hurrying uoro- hook io ih>- door of the optm closet, when be cxtighi his unshod foot in a iliiuk Kn/itetn nig, atumhlud forward, and only saved him<i Hi-if from a lieavy fall by throwing himself inio an easy-chair. * ' He rose, holding hia left . wrist as if it weia ypriii(ied, aud ihen stmiptiii to pick up tbe steel itupletneot he bad dropped on tke) CM.i put. ' '1 tie ohaaga which csjiio over the mats wms terrible as ba stoppod there, fixed of i-yt, fascinated as il were, and unable to mow, glaring at a placu oh the carpet laid hare by the rug being kick over. And iniuuie must have eUpsed before ha eould i.-ar himself away and draw, himself lip tct hold the back of his baud acrois bis eyaa, us if io etiut out some horrible vision. , The sigh be heaved was hoarse and rangr ae ha dropped his hand again, and' rairnudly drew the rug back into its former p'itton. , That done, hia mental strength aeemed o return, and seising the aloe) tool, be li*> tucd for a moment, and ilira hurried iuto ha dark,>ssage'like clou-1. . At that moment thure waa a sharp liouble knock at the oii'er door, and, ac tive now aa a cat, Strattou sprang into die room, listeuiug tofaintly hsard.descend- it;g st'pe. 'then, opening the inner door, he saw, that there was a letter in tha box, and itttisHad of the cause of tke ititsirupiion, in* closed and bolted the inner door again, Mtidouoe more crossed t* the closet aud *n-: Then, from out of tha dark us**, ems| ooutid after sound aa if somanns was busy at; work. Now it was the creakiagof a hinge;! then a faip* rap, aa of a lid ttoaplng : too itir quite u h'ttr, the raspina; aud oraeking of wood, till 81 rat tot] cam* ^ut bathed with psrsplratiou, and looking tno* ghaat- ly tltau'evef., . ., /'.',. V...- >, .,. ., i ... ., Thie'.. Jfilioa'...h'a jitijdi ..,wt|ini:.,lha %xt%%>drop-fr<>^ .hU.drfppj^i'br^is; bef^a^.takiuir: a llaak Irons \ whalf, an screw log the top , and dvlukiof d*aply. ' ' Ha lUUnad again, a*4" hn Mar* 4raw. Ikrniih nn Dunrc of <'nrlnllr Arid St, Th inuiM, May iTi. X llltlu Hon of M'r. O fovixi-. HijIIIiik. HUuauia-Htrent, Ili'H In a vary pro'-autbius condition. 'L'lu: family' won: moving', and the boy, who Iu about four yearn of uki\ trot, hold of a twt>-ounco bottle of carb die acid, and drank about half. Di'H. Dun- combo, UHHlMtotJ by Dr. I^nwrC'iicc, ad min intert'd emi-ticn, pumiit'tl out tho poiHon, and washed out tho Htomacri. Tin; boy .*-ecm to b- enpecUt'ly unfor tunate, having be-n ncirlCkilally shot In the idde Home xvi'eks ago. A XVnmiii TnUrx Purls ilrvvu St, Thomnn, May 27. Mm. Arnold,, wife of Mr. Thomas .Arnold, corporation foreman, 117' IGlgln-sm.oL, committed iiuiekU) by taking1' ,1'arifi (rruon^ Th-* poiHon way taken while tlic* unfortunate womn.n WT\tV.AlejjNoirHlent from the ef- fecta of her potations. Hhot lltniti^lf llirenuli I lis Up ml Niagara-FfillH, Ont., May 20. About 7 o'clock Sunday raornlnp; D. A. Shiv- lock of Niagara Falls, pup rlntend n' of the dining cjli'H on the Grand Trunk Railway, committed .HUlcidc by hIioq:- Ing himnilf tht'oug'h the head. Sultan and Armenian Itpforiiii*. London, May 20. Xlw Graidiiu will to-nit-'Tow publieih a de-ipjiteh froia Confltantiu;:'h', Hayiiifr. it i tinderHtood that a majority of thu Sultan'o advisers h.ive iir^ed hui nectj'.tance of the Kchemo (or Armcuiiiu rt'turiiw "auUnjittud by flic power*, but that the. G/u-ud Vitior op- \Vnr-Annliiat Turk-t tVouM In- Uitly Wn- London, May 2(J. In the course of hia aermon dellveivd In the City Tentpk- tp-^^Xi^tey.. Joni'ph I'urker, D.D., .naiu tliat he had not attended the meeting" in London to protest agnlnnt the At- menlan outrages, for tho reason tha*. these meeting*' would not come to any thing. It wan .tho time for aotlon, h declared,and the only action to be taken was a war ugalnst Turkey. Such a war would be the mopt holy, humane an righteous one the world had eve known. Tbe Flytuu Mprblue. * oiiiIiiq- Wanhlngton, May 26. The Langl'cy flying machine, It is'reported, flow n distance of 1000 feet down the Poto mac a few days ago, Tho muchlnc io now propelled by otoratre batteries plac ed under the wlnga, and moven Inde pendently of any control from the float from whl-'h the flights are made. It In now believed that the machine wlllily a great dlatanco. Prof. IiO-riffley has ulrondy spent more than $I>0.000-|n the' c^pe-Vlmentnl work, and he believes'that Viefore Io iar he will be able to build a practical mii- chlne. All of the recent tistn have been for the purpose of developing ecr- tain facta in relation to propellers o-. different sixes und flhapon. It Is un derstood that A'exnnd r M-'vi 1 Be!i and Alexander'Graham Bell, the inven tor of the telephone, have placed an Prof. ILansrl'y'B d-ar-osnl a suftlcien:' Hum'of money to enable him to wo: It1 freely, without fear of financial cmbar- ras$fnent. PlCbllus Ih S-V^urW :uluMa Paris, May 28. M. Cbuutfr'mpa," Mlxi- ibfier of the"' Colonlo, IiJlsi -rocolved a coble dt'jiputch from tbo^^Governor .at I-'ivueh rojuirthg novo re flgiit-; iug. The despatch uArruteu. that .lomri BraeiJiau a'dvonturow <*apturfld a,nd rob-i b.*d u.Frenchinau uiiiuad Trajune,-n, tfet- tl.T on the bouutlary. OtUec .Frenchmen had biH'n eimllttrly treated and conwi. ipifntly th*Oovcruor nout the dee twitch v aipI Bengali and u number of marines to refltore order. When the vessel reached M'tp'1 IK houtloadu of maribe* wont up rtha:rivor 15:mile*/,Cin>tAiu Luiiier niif aorne of the miu-lnwi lauded; and the i-tpta/m, eierryhtg a flag of truco, pro-, v-e.icd with *i. bugler and aorgeaat to-- vvaitk tho village- v"her>e Trajauo wto, . beld, imtcudiug to, demand bin rolon^e \Vhcn they came Into tho |>roHico of the rblef Cktbrtil tUo latter tracherotMly fl - odt CAptala Luuier and ordered h;*; ,10) law ens .to. aUoot-tbe French uum. / ^euenal ftiAtlftdu wtus O|>enod on thour From ftll tfau'lioiiaciM lu tba village. Lieut, oDeattouXi hwiring tho firing, hurried ttx ,lJio. villAgo from'the river, with n. conw ixiuy of marines, and a, conflict fol) r*lowod' t\ial Iaated two hor*i, . Chief "Oibrol and CO of lit* follower* wortv ktlM. Tlio-FraucU lot live killod, in-i rludlmg Captain Lunlnr and 20 wounded U.l,iCnflliteiii i* now' 'oouferrlnff by, Gable wlthrHhfr GovenMW retfardfn* tUt nuuaaufneu to., tax tnif'",L J*J- tb*. amtto*- Mri. OtMNIS'S SUiil'Hiiit. w ^> : > ii /*' *l'l Mr. De,,hi. do I Iim vin' inaiiiui i. *i" An' ur s tnino hyr* yon li s Hn* |itMiii'n ol' hi' >1 _ $'&'&$ Mrs, 0 In it ii* >ik him, -ChiMterflold- LIGHT SENTENCES. H Did y>u know that Jimlcinn had been living a doiilde life for tho past six monthn^"" She No ! The horrid wretch. lift he ^ave up sin^lu llfq whon he got'married. 1 HHullnriioii Ml lb mu a lUrff rvtirr. Jtnklettt to bo a wo man who thinks befons hIim Hpi!akn, Plunkutt Why don't you aay you are a conlirinod bachelor. A UrUectloii. Lamtlady -do Vou tnke cream in your coffuo, Mr. Spin-Ih Mr. SpluilH (a pessimistic honrdor) Very Htildom in thin house, madam. Tlif I'.nVct. A strip of Yt-A flniuiH atn1 wi-iin* 'round hor nock, Hlio tslku In a li<>;triu Liml nf wny, Tint ]>n;tty k\w. linU nf her chf/iku arc a wreck foruliu u'uii u t^ucuu of tin* May. Of Ilir 4linruel4'r or K Manager What in the eharactor tho play ynujiav-' written? "T'layWright- V ry bad, I made-it to meet 'tho taste of tic- times. A UiieuM at it 4,What Is the golden ui"iin we hear about? ' itEjkifil one small >tudciit of an other. **It must he a miser," replied the lat ter. The UuLrr- Col Mn<l. Mother Tuku this money to fho balers. It's to pay lor last mouth's breed, and don't forget you are to auk him for a receipt. Little Son I'll rumem- . "kite [\v-M an iicar-Jir^-Weii ? Little Son * "*.^,. Mother-What? Little Sun -1 gave him the money, and when I told Mm you wanted to* know how he made hia bread, bo said that wjih luu biuinehS. . Vl.Y W.VNTJil.) To buy Furiiitiire <ii pms-^ Mr-it uro rirfht down lo l.ardnaii. 'itid -tn'MMM'ed to fnroitih uvnry iliniu io tlm 'di-ij... ut Kuriuturu that a jorj(l lioinok'epi-r ihhmI'i, AIho a line lino of Tl'tby Ourriueei at priuiin that urn ritjbt nlO'oi. Kindly cull und innp^-ot tho (*nodn. it will pty you to do no boforo huy. in I,' olnewtuiru, Il i!'"itn yni noihin^ to j;ot priotm. UNDERTAKING AND (V Hpnuialty. J'lvnrytlinin done up in Kood idiupii. All riKiif'iiiiury fiarriitjro. furiiinhod. bnniiieiiM prompt'y tir.tuiidud ro ;it all licuirH. Will ijoaip.ini priuon with uny iindortaltor of any town. Have two Hon heurnoH in ijood condition, and will not bo undornold in tho linen I ronroHont. j. A.Hick. SX POWDERS Cum SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia In ao minuyxb, aho Co.uod Toiiljuo, Dinjil- Uf>si, hiilouunuD^, l'aln in tho Sldo, Constipation, Torpid Llvor. Had breath, to stay curod also ululate tlio bowula. vv Niont to yah*. "ptttau 2C Ountg At Dttua srowara/ _A. Boon to Hornomon. Ouo bottlo of Eiifjliiih Spnvin IJinimont oomplefoly ro moved a curb from . my hortio. 1 tako ploanuro in rocomraDndinfl tho rorno^ly, tia it aotti with myiitorionH promptneHH iu tho removal from horsofiof hard, noffc or oal- lonned Iumpn, blood Hpavin, uplintu, curbs, Bwcony, ntiilos and sprainoH,- Geo. Dobb armor, Markham, .Ont. Sold (by John Thorno, Dru^int. i ToMdmr hlw lIoitciMiy Your driiegmt ih lionent if wbou you ut-k bitu for a bottlo of Boott'n Emuluiou ho pjivoH you junt what you ask for. Ho knowathia in tho bout form in which to takpOod LivorOil.". <*zz^ j'.'_\*. Michigan Cim-nm, " Th8 Kuwara falls tiotW iiOINO BAftV Taklnfl offool Nov. I6th, 18W. Would liar* IU l/srs. "PoetH une some absurd phraflefl/'Baid the H.'iitimeiital youth, between the acts of the play. *'Ye*i,"' replbd th- uoiiBible girl. "One whosu works I was reading to- tiny refers to a girl an hnvirur a 'swan- liko throat.' Did you *vr observo n v wair's throat and think what a huuiah being would look like if slie had it." "Yes," film rnpll-d. "It wouldn't bts nice ort'innrily. But it would bo ver hnudy to have at the theatren Rome- iuni>v It iniL'ht 'liable otw to *e a round uoine women's bats. Wauhing- tou Star. Knnfix........ Woodsloo... CO fotli 6.-^.V4,v. Kldpotown, .St. Tbo'uiuc Mall a.m. H.13 a.ii'i a, -io Exp. a.m. 7.21 Kxp. (I.C5 Ebdoic..................... Nfuidatono Crona ... Folton ..,............... Windnor......,........ a.m. 11.61 Leamlncton aud WmdMor. BOOTH Exp. p.m. 10.35 10M 11.60 1.05 , ' Mall n.m. d.20 fl.fiO IU0 7.00 twsi ou Clir lUtdy Typewriters. All fllenognipbeiH arc timed, but tbeuo thrtxi bead the proeeHoion. They arc oniploved hi an office on Maui street, nud ih other alfcernoon th*y weiy left J it the ojlieti uloite, TheV wuro nueh,chewing lustily on a pieco^o' "Uiss-mo" ^utu whi'nthe door op n-d and with th** duwt thnt blew in came u low-si'/tid^p tidier with a large-sl^ei! h.-ard.> ,; L. , .. '.'.-. He BturtKl to t-ay ' gentlemen.'1 but hiff' ey 8 resting that moin-nt nn the lyp writer alrttorM, he wtopped nhort. * "Holjf.MoHi-ivriLI ladlortl Guess I'm In the wron^ plnee." "No, thi^ ih the place," uaid one of tut* trio. "What did you wiiii'i ?" * *LudieH, I'm aeliingpaiitH Btretchore," Now th y are trying to put tho blamu ou th- peddler. a.m. B.25 7.57 1A7 7.U0 7.37 7.05 0..MJ (!.M GAi 0.40 0..*U KOHTII p.m S.10 4.59 4.43 4.33 4.^1 4.15 4.00 !1,M . 3.4JS..... UM .. . 3.20 8*.15. H.r.l 0.01. 0.10 0.21 p.m 0.0& ,0)40 a'fii 7;01 v 10 hk Waa a'aiiiulliueut**!. "Tie yor nhor, mifliV'V . - *'Yes," hesllaUngly: tho tlra of irngging shoe Htrlngfl had come, but; nh hated to be rwiiimled.ol it.. . "Put yer foot li^ht tbsr." Ho drop p, d on one kn<H*, nud plaeod his kit to rec'ive'tlid foot, and In a twinkling the niriirgH were tl'd.' Then the young wd uum fumbled in hor purse and produte ' a nickel. M'd ruiher not," said tho bov, ' 'gaum* yer we want yer for a ma's- t'Of*' ' "Oh!" "W.'Ve going into pnrdne ship, m an Jim uml Crlje fled Mike, and w* agreed thui tho prct- li-ft young lady we couhl lin I should hi* our mascot an' vou j. ut filled the' blll/'-Doti oil Free iVesii, Windsor Polton Xlnff Mai du to no Oross Enaoi Woodnloo Kuaooutb 0 40 0 2H ^ ... Comber.... 10.00 .. HoBlyu ....... - 10.10 ..... Ot union ..... 10 10 .......OaklBOd...... 10.21 ...BlythoBWood...... 10.05. ..... .Wuda ...... 10.31 .................. Laka K A D lPy ........,.. 02A 3.30 ..... tioamington, ... 10.40 Flag htstion. .... Aiussoratbura' lineal TTrwlua. p.m. a.m. U.25 0.1B Kasex , . 7.1C "', ,4J* fl.!W 0.25 BiItfarsT ' 7.00 4,10 0.42 i ti.m LEJElHl Xfntf . S.fiO , 4.0i (144 , o.aj Moaaor ' 8,4e ' 4,00 3.05 10.O3 Amhorstbura f n.00 ' * X40 All trains aw ran on' contra! afandard tinie, lats moving wost apply to John O. tiavan, Pas- MBwi1 A tent; St.'Tboiuaa; O, Wi Ittig.-le., Gen eral PasaanKr ana Tiokat Awnt, ,ChloaK0, III p flva.O.'Btlmai*. Aant,maa*x.11' '" L. E. A D. R.Ry. T1UT. TABLUKO. 17,taking *tfot ol. AT^nday. Nov. WI, 1WH. Trains run by KaaUru HUml- avdTima, Daily Mo^t Bnuday :' s5 1 !u,oo D.B31US OA> 11.2ft 0.43,11,80 W 0;20 5:35 B.6011.40, 6^1 are ,. A V^auiHirsiHrfl Tows. Ho (rapturouiily) How bi'autlful you e! JuBt^to-gavfc* into-your y*ts In Slo (iu auirrn)--Hnah ah--h. Don'l apcavk T it Tbto local optiou town aWd I *a%7 W sVWastotI ai*4 fitsttsL 0.M 1063 10.00 lf.16 10.H7 io,w 10.46 11,ii U.U) ll.'ifi u.*g 11.60 ll.BR 1104 1311 m.ifl 13.U4 1S.85 11.85 (J B 12.0W 7.03 ia.HJ 7,m 12.48 Y.17 1.80: 7,38 1.40 7.4 C S.4r.n K.PA S>1 S.HO 4.1D 4.4fl 4.45 R.t'B BfC 8.40 B.&S 6.10 *- M.V. U. ftMH 8.44 UM BM 9.0fl 0.19 .17 .'i5 t Stations. Deb'WalkirrlaAr Walkervlllo Jane. ..,.,,... Palton......j- ...,..f OldiMtlo...... ......t-PAaopUa,..... ..... MoOreflor ....,, ...t Naw Canaan:.' f:.;.; Harrow^.:;.,, ... ..if iwai1......... ..,;.. stlnaavlll*...... ButhveU ..);.; _, Ii#aminEton *;, .I.... Wh*-atly'.....; ...'ilRenwlck....., ......tUoalaworth ... ,..';. lolt*uWool....:.' ^-i"WftrllnjM..f.... ......t Ibixton......... .......Batidlaon .....'. Ulanbalni Vunot'ti ,... Blnbidm...... ........fWilkla......... Ar UiuutttownJDop tJPlatf Ptatlona, TralnaatoponlvitU jura pasfttHBers at or for'lhaaa' ataHoSZ trains ara at al timaasubjeot tanaoaao* WU VorXATT. Oanaral Bapavintaaiaaiitj i'f, 4^^^^^ $t 1220

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