Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 31, 1895, page 4

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Wj\y\^W' THE E>: Thii should be tho douiro ot ovtnty out* Your homo la your kingdom Mid should ho jaafc as oomfortablu and" beautiful an' your meanH wilt allow. Little oxnenaulm neatis- sary to deoorato youtrjroomn witli our Wall Papers! .Hood for tampion ami poiutot-H nn Paper II angina. Consumers'Wall Paper Co., .Wiuduar, Out. Tho Essex Free Press. "FRIDAY, MAY .11, lBflS. to tha and Xtt the bridge, that to aay ton feat to aaoti ond. Wo tliaaght it would h all riht to make tliU arrangernoiib without you, an'Wa did uot hoT fcimo to glv you notio* an If wa could uot sen Mr. WUkoo** nu Tuonday, w ooiild not ie lum for natural u"ayn ad ko would ho out of tha city. Tho ooitt of tho material and work figimiu up to 912O0~iuTd thoy utfr'a* t" tnalce a wat- inftiotory job ft* H0O, no w ((avo thorn tho iub to ba by Jim* In I next. X will toll you nil thu particular* whan I ru you. I hope till* will be atInfaoUry to you tiH wa think wu havo mudii a good arranga* mnt, nnd will ndiovuUH an aotumiHtdoiiary, and prov* HatiHtaokory "o ovrtty raHpaot.aud wa will bo able to band in ourroporfc ut JllUO HOUHlOn. I will advino yon of tho flint lanolin*/f QonimiiniouorH that in uooounary. EoHpt'otfuIlv yourH, A. K. VKiiumii. THE N.P. FREE 3PFHBSS* How Protection Haw Prov-mted Competition, CUT WAGES AND CLOSED FACTORIES WOOL! i i Our Town Water. WHEAT GOOD PttOPEllTT. Tha whaat markot linn apparently fiot- id away from noma of tho profuHRioualn. ?ho fariuorn kia-vo become, filled with tho lotion ihattho roporw of relatively nhort rops abronj, ivhan tukuu in oonurction frith rumored, damu^o at home, really joan iiotnotbintt, and thu jump, of about 110 ceutfl por buidial fur wheat from tho lowest iioiut ninco tho decline uogau, bringn thu quotation back to about whoro it wan iu May, 1893, when the panic first bojgnn to mako ttiulf folt, Tha upward rush within tho puat few day** liar- brought'out proclictionu f "dollar wheat," and ihuulil tho gloomier prodicb- ona of tha bulls with roforonce to tha homo apply prove truo, they will undoubtodly ba realiaad. Tho fow (armors in thin dis trict who hu.vo hold ever their wheat aro calculating on SI por bnnbol be^oro tho now oropcomaH in. It 14 too aarly to attompt to dacido Anally ur to tho extent of tho Iftia of tha arop from front. Tho opinion 1h that tho front ban had but vory httla (- faot. TUin^ii tho period in thayoar vrhan tha orop-killery uro i^oneralty most aptive. Tho moiit bulliali fnetoHirwheat, although one not yot fully appreciated by all tho groat tradoro at tho exohungob, lion in tho ofctrome likelihood of u, rothor ouddou drop ia'ArfjaBtiuB wxporta, which have of lata '.boon ooforctdly and extiaordinarily-hoavj^-)- . Tbeir largo proportiouu,s with like nhip- MfcMta from RuuHia, have toudod to iwoll nnduly the total quantity of whoat "udoat for and in Europe" of Into woekn, and so offaot matonally tho lar^a doaroaaea m took ot wheat available m Cuuuda and the United Gtatoo. Within u fow wnoka our homo fiupplieu h&.vo baun deoroauiHC ^harp- jy, but utocka uiloatfor mid in Europe have iBoreas&tl bocitujo of lar(io eiporin from Ar^ontiua and Kuauia. Should the claim proyo truo that the luttor will not grow mnch oraallor, tha world's aupplisa eaeh week ghouid prove a potont bull fuc- tor. What tho irado is likely to pay mora at tention to in the probability that aftur tUo -pruuont month Ar^gunua uhipmoutn will b wnimportaiat, after averaging 230,000 quarters (Q buuhoU) por week daring tho pant two uioathn, and that America in like ly to be aoubidarably iullutmaud i>y tho rapidly diminishiiif; vih)bio uupply, wliioli lftHC weak undorwotit a lar(4ur reduction than for a \anti time paut. Undor tUoue circamHtauooa, hooping in view tho poor proQpeotB of tko growing Canadian and United Statea crop, and the fuct that in ue part of tho glebe aro tho proopeotH raorB thun ordinary, ono can hardly help fooling oonfidenoo in the futnro of wheat, although fmo weather and liborul uupplioH io tho noxt mouth may Horoly try tho market. Wheat at thu praoont timti is ^ood property. -Lonuou Froo Prasn. Editou. X^iiKic I*hkhu : Dkau Bin, lu.yoHr noit i*ue wdl you kindly publitdi tho ouoloiied letter* and pupora from Dr. Bryo, of Toronia. TUoy rolato to ft BftUipIo of our town water taken by Mr. Thorno, at ray roquout, from tho tap iti bifl Htoru and bottlnd and proparod for nhipmout by him with bin uaual oxaot- uohs and aorupulouaoara. ThonanupU wa takon at the time, about a month ago, .when a tat* in the watr, uaw aud woll- marked wtH at its worht, and Dr. Bryao'a letter aud the ronult of the aniilyoiii both nhow that oven thou thuio win uothiu^ harmful to hoalih in tho water nuppliod by tho town waterworks. From tho published roniiltH of tho analy- iiia of water aupphod in tha dift'eraut oitioa and towun of Canada it in eaaily ioou that in purity our wator eipi&tuauy and oxooodH mout, and that wo, at any rata, need never loar to uoo it fraoly. Youra truly, W. M. Fi.KHixa, Chairman Looal Board of Lloulta. EflHex, May 'Jfith, IrtOI. / ^tTbnt Will County Council Say? At tho laut meeting of tho Comity Couu- oil in January filoinru. C. G, Fox, of Gou- flold South, A. R. Forriea, of Colohuiittr 8outh, and Wra. Ellm, of Maidntone, till repreHontativea, wora appointed a commit- tso to award tho ooutraot of building cer tain additions to Cedar Crook brid^o in ^loloboator Sudth. Tho county council ap propriated as ita hhuro of tho oo>4t of tho work, 0160, proiaumg tho work oould bo. Donatruated for 8450 at tho rauut. q ' Tho ordinary preliminary arrangementa wore boine matJo, when Mr. Ellin rooeivod tha following letter from Mv.ForriHH, which BXplainsi ltbolf, but doeu not altogether ant- (iafy Mr. Ellia, who finds that if thooounny eounoil has to pay ouo-tkird of tU cost of thu work, tho tlgurc will runup to about J2C7 inn toad of ttlfiO au appropriated. Mr. Ellin itt of the opinion that the contradt . should uot havo boon awarded at tho infla ted flgui'b raeiitioubd in Mr. Forrio' lottt r, without a full inaotinj! of tho oommittte, or probably, without laying tho matter again bofora tho county oouuoil in June, "aud Mr. Ellia wiohoa to have bimHolf plea- id in propor pOHiiion.bufore all iutnroufcod, . Following ih MvFurriHQ1 letter to Mr. Elliw, aud in- the iirut intimation Mr. iS|li had tha't tho oontmut waa'awardoS : Harrow, May'Ut, 1895. Diun Fbiunp Ewh, Fox and I woro at >otroit yoatordi \ mid mado arraugonjbiit yi\\i tho bridge jotupany to go on at onoo do tho work. Thoy furnish four now oyliudorB, 4'2 when, and drive thm in tho bauk baokof nopi'otiout abutmoutaund add 20 foot mora Toronto, May '23rd, lS'.t.l. Uj:v, W. U. Fi.r.MiNii, Chair man Local Board of Health, Khhux, OiUnrto : DR\n Sin, Your communioatiou of tha 'ilut inutatit haH bt.*eu roosivad and reply- iug thorato I have to lay that ou May 7th tho tmnloHsJ UtUr wkh forwarded tn^otUer with tho analy ti is of which the on a lowed ire' a copy. Tho lotter muHt have loan lout- in tho Yourn vory truly, ------------ -PtnrorHr-BHVCK, Bouietary. (COl'V.) Toronto, May 7th, WJ5. Kev. W. M. Fr-KUIHO, Chairniaa Looal Board ef Health, Eiauex, Deau fcria, Complying with your requoot coutuiued ia your lotter of tho 2'Jnd of April, I bog to forward to you tho rontth of tho aualyuiaof Mr. Mackenzie,of tkusampLo of water usut on the '2'2nd alt. I havo net down in a parallel column the anulyBio of IB'Jl, from whiuh it will bu heeu that if tho dasimul pUuoi ura riglit, tho water remairifl in anuch tho Hamscouditiou ua whan orlgiually analyzod. I think probably what ia happening ia that cor Urn nulplntes of iron are pruaout iu ft in all amouutu from the clay and by oxidizution about tha Bidoa oi the well ara cauuing a oertain taBto to bo preHiitit in the wator. Or it may ba frooi * tho growth of Borne fundus which io iviu the water its tnnt. In auy oaio, I feel that unions aamc naw oonditionu have developed vvitU rugard to local pollution, Dinco my vniit that your pooplo may faol'oasy with rugard to the wator. I roiaain, Yours vory truly, Petiui H. Biiyoe, .___ _._.__________Baoretury. (OOI'Y.) tho Provincial Board of Lu,bortary of Health. Koport of Amlynin of Humph) of VYator from Buaex. JJoBonptiau of nouroo; Publio Water .Supply. Date of taking uamplo, April 2'i. Duto of arrival of namplo, April '2D. Data of analyaiu, -April '2ii. PflYHICAL EXAMINATION. Turbidity, Nouo, Colour, None. Odaur, Nona. ODEMICAL UXAM1NATION. . Id. partu per million. Iti95. Kruo ammonia............0*014 Albumonoid ammonia......0*01)2 Nitrogea as nitritoa........0'33 Oxytion absorbed in 15 mm. Oxygen abi*orbod. in 4 hours Uhlorino..................39.q. Total nolida................8510 (tiignod) J. J. MAOXKNztB, (por W. H. S.) Dated May Otb, 1995. 1891. 01152 0-008 'J 0'J5 0-C95 34 0 The Doraiuion Parliamout adjourned on Weduoflday of last wook, owing to Qiioon's Birthday Cslebratioua, until Tuauday, 2Bth, when it wan ro-aauomblad. Sir Ohvur Mowat eailod on Saturday laot for Kugland. Styllflli Olotliintr tor tlio t34th. Whutovor 11)011 and boya nood for the 'JUh in olothiuq at ooouomioal prioaa Oak Hall ban a full range of aizou aud utylen of mon'i biiiLh, light oyorooiUu, mrl boy'a olothlu^ in ample variety, not tho common hum-drum aoiiH, but) an naar like merohauk tailoring aa ono oan ovor got tit ready- mado lothua. OAK HALL. Ur. Kiilii or Wt*ti(wer(li ou tin- l.nVct nl tbi <iuiiI>Iiivm in i'uiuui Mini lurl CMlttlrul IllkllN'HI.'HlH < uhllul l.auC uud tforbiiiit'ii IkrlvoM Vntui llif 4'tmkilk'y Oi twii, \tny 27. Thi' <?otti*ti iiulu-itry (Hunt 1* iti'H i\m wt-ll mh uiiytliij'^ ""mii tin' " vdHtinir of the prutorthm H.VMti-iii in thb' i'ljiiiilry. TIu'm fiwitiirii of the tjirilf 'piei lion wuh prvmMiteil tin* other rlay in the Ihineo by Mr. U-hii (if WViitiviirth, In . 'ii'li a wn.v oh to nuke n very ileep im- pivtdoii iipnu thont* \i-lio heard him, eve 1 liuiiir), i| . )MIJ>) <(f ,nf)l.,t ,,|" i)i,( iii]ilit(tr' were IitHi'd aiid wnnivo-l hv the renet.i- Mniifi of the budget deb 1 to. "Hull, UTenl liiiun nppi>Hlto 'ire iiever tiri'd I'd!- injr ilh Jilmut the e/fe't of the' N/itlun/il I'hIh'.v In biiililinir ii|i our rotton in- diiHtrie*!," Mr. lliil.ii mild. "Now", I do no* fn*np(.we to devil with the broad Mtn t"- liientH fihonf what linn been done, Tlie^e ireril letnen rorvjet, when tln*y ni'tlte Miene 'WltemeiltM. 1luit therv were' net: ve, Z"tr and wiiecedufnl iii(iiiiifnetiii"iiiur in- iIiihIHmh In (Taiuidii loiik' lK-foiv the N/i- ioiiul I'oljcy u'n-i iiinii^iirati'd. In my own town in 1H7J1, jimt ut the t inn' tin- Miiclii'iizie . (iuveniini'iit ih called 1' tJihe power, u-e bud- 11 mill. I' iiJid h'M'ii operated ittnee \,<t'K At tbet 'nil", 111-1 former proprietor died, and it wjih fleeiniM] necOMfui ry to eiilirK" the I'litcrpriHO, a.nd the public wen* npprMrl In to t-ike Htock in It, The .-di-elj w (.'( ex tended then to .f-IOO.nnp; ami thi-f h tVe- ' tjiletnent. tluit wii*MHjnli* mh to the n* milts of tlie'nperyttiou ,,t' tUnI eot ton mil' i'ji pi>'Vion year**: The mill* with their present, capneity "re now caniiiijr iipu-nrdu or 1*2 1-2 per I'eut., ur more -thaii H per cent upon tin- proposed cjipitnl r>f ,$1011,11(10. Tluil wiwi in \Hl:\, unile.r a in and n 17 1-2 per rent, tiiriff. Well, .Sir, thf N'alion/il Poliey cniue into o[ie|7l tirm, find wlia.t it. the remilt to-day'.' That ' ottou mill' )ii,h lieen r|ikS4d for neve nil yciira, t|ii $100,000 rnpital lum been 'h'^ip'ited. To-diiv, tin* men who, on the f.iltl, of tin* National Policy, and the ihH-.dopnicnt ooiineetod with'lt, invCtiteil Hicir little Kiivinpi in that town in hnildinj; ctoi>-a, have had to nidi thene at it suerifire, and, in the majority of .'iMi'fl, luive left the country to .secure --Miipln^iientr-nn d"~nnrn-M livelihood. \Vhat wjia the pnKltion of the Ontiirio I'Uton Mill at Ifainiltoii ? A friend oi mine lent .^O.OOO in tluit venture out of a capital uf $:10,0|10. and lie witaonly one. Another frentlrninn had n cnupl:* of thoiuuind in iLitothur mill, and he hiflt. We have he;ml a t^titnl ilc.-il about whiit the.-"** niill are did'ncr, for the einployinent of operatives. If you e;o back lit the ci-ie ^Us (f USUI, you will find there in a eot* ton mill iu a town about III) or .'10 mile* west of when1 I liw, which I.m rettirue:' :i* employhit!; 1*^0 IkhhIm. and a pa vinrr "in $12,001) a year in wnpes. When you divide that up amount the Iwnnls. it ' niiii'M to the uiMp'ntfiimiit figure iif $4.*2.ri "aeli per week. I*iut year, under the National Policy, i-veii that pittance wh-^ twice reduced by tho athuL'iii.stratiori of tlii^ cotton rinK that now control^ thai mill. I'm that the way the National Policy was to jve eiiipluyiuciit and develop the Country 7. 1^'t me |ive you another ex am pie. In the Maine town then' in a uheey mill that figures in the eeiirtuw of INDl oh employee; li)() lutndM and pay ing in wau'"." $2i).U()0. It han I een ntaiui- iiiK idle, aud is elinerl. The $*jo,('M) in no loi.e;.-r |i'ii'l, and t lit* operatives iiri-wimt' tered. Hut thi-* mil) fi^ureH regularly in t lie rctuniH of the iniliHtrioa that the National Policy luts brought into cxit- "Ilt'O, Now, let nn' draw your lit tent ion to another rcHidt <>{ the National Policy, 'ie npplieil to tin- cotton indiiMtry. Our cotton mil In vent under th"1 control, or tiie Dominion ('otton Company, and their an una I report of twa y<-n m n^n dunvh Hi at the com pa ny emit rolled ten iiuHm in thiH Doininioij. What is tin* effect of On t ei'iitni Uzation of tin" cotton in diitUricH on th'* o|K'raliven in theee vurioiiH mil In? One mill, nTter run u in;; four ilnyH in th ' ivoek for two or three yearn, fiuully ccaied to run aWo^e'.'h'M', the op. t;i liven had to srtd; eni ployuii'ut ' :y went to a.iother rndl ol thin c.onip'i nv. They telt their fauiiliea in my town. They tried .it for. ii month or two, and then tbc*y tiaid the wiii;i'ii an* no. minerably low that by til' time we h ive paid for board, we have no thin'*; left wi th which to maintain our la mi lien a way [nun ir. What became of th-in".' They tu\d either to accept the pittance offered, or leave tb|H country to earn the bread that the National Policy denied them. The Dominion Cot ton L'nnip my a'uuply closed down tin* m ilia aud rebuilt ted the out put nrriird'uie; to t \v coiiHtimptiou. Hut Oiey i-xeiriried mighty (^iiml care to have llie* benefit of th:* futl protection that the Nationn I Policy fiavu them. What in the amount of their hwt iltvidend'.' Here in n (i'iot:ition .from one of t he Montre-il paj^M-H of nnly l*v*t monfh: In H;,it of tlu* bad. year, the Dinniu- ion Cotton Company h(w earned $.'120,- H00,>eir ID ,;i--t p'i* cent, yearly, mi their full 'cXpiluJ of $;t,000,0()0. Wh-n it i re mem be red Uiat, at leaat halt of thi cnpitnl in wnteri'd, the actual enrniuj;- are very larK*>. And that amount io wrunt; out of the operntivee becansc they airnply have to take th' nltenuttiv.' of acceptiu.'r tiie wa^i'H this ooinhination idion.sen to 'jjive tli 'in or leave the country. That io one id the b>e.sHiiu*;u of the National Policy lie npi'liud to the cotton industry n! tliiH country, and that in one of the fhiutfrt for .which we an* awki'd to bow down and be thankful. What j** the hintory of the National Policy ith iipplred to the jj-rrioitltural in; pleinent iudu.stry? You can M-iireoly-fjo into a town or v;*!lucre of any import ance tliHHijrhnut Wwt*rn Ontario hn* yo\i will find nn <vtablinlimeut lyiin: idle, the whulo e:M>"'t"-l invested lost ai:d th; prnprii'tiVi'a doViiK what? Either f-'o,- l:it(? i'nto oth.'r lintv.+ or lU'tiiifX an ago 'U for thi urt'iit L-oatral coiahiiiuliou 'whici^ ( outrolH ttUitl iiucliiHtrv. Ilan that bi'on a IiLe.sHini; to the jHUiple of Outarl-o 7 ITtm '.t hceii a blo.wnij; tlint the varinus ck- tnbli*hmentn cjittered over tho coti:pi* try should he chmeil and the biiu}ue*m (- nt i^vli-ziMl at two or throe pnlnti ? You cannot ko into a town nr villnffe of any importance in the Wont but you will Ilud niin-of tJiehO dormant iudi'.ntrien, I venture to Hay. that. more capital l uelted ii|i in dormant tudmitrieii In Onla- rio than wilh. ever Indtod up in any other ,'iiterpriso, except iuni ontitrpriiio P"o* uinteilnt nn 'early date by thin Oove'n-' iiient in coniuuttUm with the -Nortliwent. and 'that wan when they utartod til-, t ajreat boom tlutt wiu tiolnu; to ninhe Yoryhody rlch-rtho OoUinUaflon .Com* iimleii. 1 i 'I'buro wovor wiia a tlm l tlit* hlHtoi-V oi6uuida wUonthqbaiilw worewixorowd- wo want 76,000 pouiidy of good clean wool, for which wo aro utroparod to pity tlio ltifflifiUt murkot pnoo; wo oarry a full lino of goo*m from \.ho KingHvillo woolon MillH, which wo noil nt 'mill priced. WAIT FOR THE WAGON. In a fow dayfl onrwagow will bo on tho road with TwccmIh, also IJIankots, Hhot!tiiis, yumfl, etc. from tho Kitigflvillo Mills, to oxchauco for wool. POTATOES. Wo will havo acnr load of oxtro- rri.o'potatooa, which wo will noil at TuoHday and Wednesday, a let, 22nd. close prico-* for cash from tho car on rDTJOSrSTAlT SHiOaK:. ESSE32C- We Have the Knack of Hatisfying customers; p:rlmps tliat ia why wo do nuch a largo clothing trado. This is clearly tho peopKs store. Beat, is the word, that applies to gooda, enf-, make, trim, stylo and wear of onv garments for Moo, Boys, Youths and Children. Everything now; made this yoar, and to soil this year. Special Prices Call on Clothing wjj handle tho bost mako in tho markofc. and see for yonrsolves and prices will suit. Guaranteed tho gioatoat values in the country for tho mon- oy. Take a suit home compare with any other you oan buy in tho west. If you aro not Hatisfiod that ourn aro not thobo^t bring back tho suit and got your monoy back. straw hats a^ low as Ac. standard shirtings 10c per yard. . (Jrepona in all shades for waistus. wo carry a full line of Dry Goods and Groceries, huts aud Caps. J. A. J^ "Jbt^A^W OIo-9 Vance's Old Stand, Essex. Illt fi'l-KIO)', '-. 'i fiMin u-itive industry. ti :nv driven nlnio'*. wlnit to with ir.'i.A 'i wiiii miifr(*,v hut KM then-! Hit il t lie b:i -ilo-ri :i i'e driven ill til""* to !es|n i i* 11, fi'imv wlmt to *\o vvith It. Mil y-t 'nrillel -.vith ir.'i.A f-iet i-* t'i" fuct tint I tb-re never wm a tine1 in tin* liUtitry tii CTa nuda niinilar to hint win ter, when nnre 'men honestly Heel;|nc 'ur Inbor on tli .*ti-ert wit-' tlenied -nw\In bur n nd tep-eliy their rlnilv bi'"."!. I'll ia i*i jini'th-r |iruof nf the elfcei of ti- Nn tlnnuli Policy an upplUd. to-day. Tbo I>elti*eator For Juuo contains : Summer Fanhiona, Gurmanta for &portitu* ie n i i 'i if H 4 \ is In th** WT(lt(t-rtvrii) u- i in* ICi'IiimIIiiI Onlr- l>> tli* en;on ^'ri'i*M*iii Montivah Qvq., May 2fi .. ('.n.vnway. vtdio arrived here tu-dH>y. vtll not in I1*" al.out Manil'-bbi nohml natt'TH to i ev. npfiper n on, lilt :t I' Hfferunti with tho l'remler when h" iiied pornonul frlendn. Ah far an your corrpspo ident imn learn* the liberal leader hitlniiUcB that ihe nei*: -.tin torn Lord- Ah -rdlfen h:ivo n*>ult< d about oh follown: Th.' Canadian Government In to be anluM to wltKwlniw their Remedial Order, and then- the 'Catholic mlnoarity In Manitoba wIJJI bo put on the name footing rejEard- iiiijr school matters au their eo-relJj;lon- iola In Ontario. PERMISSION JfOR APPEAL, Sir Olive*: Mowafc reeetatly applied to tho Imporial Prhy Gonooil, [or ioav* to append from tbo dcoition of tho->Bupro:ne Court of Oanftila, -whioh doolnrod tbo Loaal Option Aat o! tho Logudaturo illegal. On Un- day 20, th* Privy Oouuoil envo Sir 01ivr a ypooittl p*tmit to appeal the oauo, whioh will ahortly bo hoard by th* Privy Oounoil. -*^*- JBiiutor Twin. -JFiirmord who havo wot ba iu- duood to order Bmdor T\vino will find it to thulr ftdvnHtago to eall ou W. H Uiohardsoi-i^who Uuh junt olowd a <l*>-*-l fr & oatload And in ptfeparod to oflt'r tb" bout yaluu market without #xneption. ) and Outdoor Wcur for ladion, ruiauoa and cbilebrtm, Couvoui'enauB for i.nd Ktiquotto oi, Trftvulliati Vy Bon and Land, Roso Hkut Violot culture (B-uaployiflflont Sorien), Around tho Tea-Table, Hummoir Foods aud Dnthee, Ohio Btalu Univeraity (Oolloc^ Huna*), Venetian Iroo Work (LuHt Jr1a-prr), Kiudor^urteu Paport, Burnt Work, Wona&n an au Artist, Borvinc Bud Waiting ab Tablo, Proaorvation aud lisnovatiftB, ayJiolu on clutuiine, laaip nbadoo and Oii paintin-JU, TLo iNoweM* Booktf, A Studio Paifty, Knitting. . Nottiuf;, Tattiug, LRCC-Muliirig, Etc, Ktc. H P*irfH.>llJCT^MH. F, . Kk^antand UrRe bod npraada worth *2 iorl.a5, at Bwlth'B. Softfcbera. CALL AT May's Bazaar, POit AtiL KINDS OF Window BHnds away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Bi*nc, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, v Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns,1 S. Harness Emporium TRUNKS, VALISES. A largo stock, all now goods abd latest Novelties. I tuko no back seat on prices. SCHOOL BAGS, I have a large stock, -ought at bottom oricoB, and can beat them ail for price and qmility. '.Call and see thorn*. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness ^ AND _ Heavy Harness . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A larmj afcook and it must gr.. Call Hiid-floo mo ' ' bolero buying . olsowhoro '" Everything in the Horse Furnishing Line. L iM 1VS; Adams. Wall Paper from -2 cents up, Twodooww^ofiiiit^owriuBoworiu-i^^ i ^^^^Si^^^Mmh^^'i ....... ' ^y^ii^ 09 4 58

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