Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 31, 1895, page 3

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m( Taken from l'HJH, &fe>fr>tt^ . FIjfejESlfc JPRBSb HKITISir TitE LED OUT TO THE cHJaYMENT OF HEALTH PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND SAVES A WELL-KNOWN NORFOLK COUNTY FARMER./ Completely Cured after Four of the Best Doctors had Failed. Few mini iu Norfolk (I muty,, Ontario, bofctar or moro favorably known than Mr. Juuapli Koluton.of Nixon, Tin* ucmtla mail, aonoe timo ago, way in huoU an cx- tromoly alarming condition o( Huiilfch, thub rolativou ami fnuiulu werofanrful of raiiultH. Four skilled phyniciuuB did nil for.the uiclc mttu tlitit could- bo dono, but a cur* wan loe- youd thai? bank offortu, Providautially, MrTltoluton waa inducod to gtvo Fiuud'n Oalory Compound a trial, with tha roault that Hickneuu and Jihouso wero bamahad, and a v-duublo life oavad to tha community. Mr. KolwtoD, who writes for tho benefit of uffiriug mon iind woiawi, hnu his atate- meutH vouched for by two ' well-known Ifftthodiat rmmiitarR, ttev, T. R, Clark, of Delhi, and Rev, D. Wilharaa, of Nixon, 11*. Itolstou sayu : "It given mo groat pU&nurD to add rjiy toutimotiy to dhu ovi-.r iiioaaHiriff **mpuluri- ty of your pre pn rut ion knowu an Pmno'n Celery Com pound. It in now a yemr pant ainco I had a uovore attack of nervous proa* tration oauuort by chronic dyupnjohiu, and for a ynr I could not iiloap at night. Xbiu aonditjon of HlooplcsmaaHii brought on de lirium. I was, attandod by four of tha bonto doctorn of tha country, and took a [irat quantity of >nedioi&( but all fuilod to do maanyKOod. Having boun pornuadad to read your bokn 1 thought I would try your Paina'n Celery Compound ; and aftor 1 had imad four bottles tho norvounncHH kitd rtyipupnin loft mo, aud I havo done moro work uiuae than for yuara pant. I now onjoy eellont Itaaltk aud oonuidor my Bolfcomplotoly oured. 1 have highly roa- otnmndd your l'aiuo'o Colory Cotupuuad to ethers, and I know of ngvoral pornonH who are now usini; it." A GLENGARRY MIRACLE. THIS STORY OF A YOUNG GIBLWHO THOtfUHT DEATHWAsNiEAK. Mer Oontlltlwki Thm f tntiikty ^6c)inr Youtic AtrlH Mcourt Aetlou Vebln, Check* Pallid., .finally 'fired and Ap ptl< ultu*wt <;onu How vier Life Vtfuu Muvod. Vtota tho Cornwall Fro o bolder. Nothing in turn world in mora diatranu- iBg, aad unfortunately it iu tao oommn in this Canada of bourn, with its oxtraiuos of climate iti alraoat arotio win tern aud Kumuior dayti of tropic heat than to nee a yonui: Hfo fading away like a blitfhUd Vina. Ita aarly days have been full of promiao, but juflt w^ion the youug maiden baoomas of a lovely utfo with evorythiut; to livo fer, or tha young man oyiuoes u'ma* of buumoiu aptituda. thoy urn aud- dauly ntricken down and too oftoM in months, or it way bo woeka, thorn are mpty -chairs at tbo Qrobido and sora hearty loft behind. Not alwtiyo is euia tha dubo, however. Fortunately ncionce baa diuooverad reraodios to ohaok tha rav- aj(B of dooUua, whan it ban not goue too far.1 Uccantly, a caaa. of thin kind waa broach*) to our notion, and tha oiroum- bUiucom wora ao notable and attraotod ao much attaution in tha naighborhood that walelt impallod ta inquire into thm mora fully and iva them tbo baugfit of au wulo publicity ai possibility. Qonry Haiuca wh# haa for aovoriil yaara past *ctd aa farm foramau for Mr. Dauinl Ourria of Glan Waltar, Glou^arry county, bai quite a lar^o family, urLcnfi thorn one daughter Mary, now About 18: years of age* Until her 12th y*,r uho waa muak asotbar ohildtati, fairly rtt^ed and witbaat HJcknaia of any kind. Than of a auddau Hb* baoamo deliaato aud ai tba months want on her pareuta ware afraid aha wan (joint; into a deoliuo. Har heart baat faebly ; aba Waa favdi^ah und flutthwd. lapt badly and hail but httlo appetite.' Dootora wart* oouaulted, who talked abotit- growing t<i faut, and uuah common plaooa., Mkd praaordtad differont modioiuoa, uona of which, howavar, aypaard to b# of aty parraauaut banaflt. A yaar or ao ago iho yaunf lady hoping a oban^a of mr migbt aocuimpliah for har what medioina could bt, wokit to Fort Covington, N. Y whar aha bad aorao ralativau, and aayaed aa u tnaraa. Kvob tbii -light emplaymoat, bowevar, jprpved too mqoh for har -and m, Ua upriug, aha r*turnd r,0 har paraut* a: parfaot wrack,.With aothini; ta do butdia.i aa aliaihou'a;ujb.u. But whau Uut axpaolad, aid waa at hand. Ur. Hainoa had baaa raadiug of tba warfaHou* eataa made by; Dr, WilHakna? Pmk Pilla for Pale Pwpla,' aud raaaonad Wiihm biaaaalf that if tluy bad ourad; othara thoy wight aaya^bU daughter'* Hf*r t>u the uoit viait to Con*.; wall ba bought a half doaeu boxai of Piak Pilli. It way 'b* aaiily ftuagikiad that Mian Harnett required littla persuasion to try th naueh bulked of remedy, aud wall for her it w* that she did bo. In tha oourea of 4 waak aha fall au improveMent.' By tha time ah* hadtakaa two and a half boxes aha raalized that aba waa ox pari a no ing nuiob haalth aa sho bad never kuowo; bafora.aaJ bar friauds began to rain ark aad oou^ratuUt* har ou tba ohauga in bor appearanoa. BtiU psrieveriug in tbo uoa of tbo plH*, hIio found heruelf whon at tha and of tba fifth box in porfoot health' and abla tuy*K iu all. the work of the bousa bold aud the ambsemaata from which uha Aro Expoctod to. bo Brought on In July. BOStBEHY'.S MfiJOHKY ONLY [EH. had up to that tirao hoen debarred. She had an oxoolleat appetite and uo could wish to feel bgttar. lloanug at the mar- vollouu olmngo her niator from Fori Cov in^ton camo over to satihy horn&lf, aud could hardly bo pormiadod that tho robust, happy looking girl was indood her aistcr whom Nbe bad uover axpeetod to noe alive again. Miuu Haiuea says hIjo aunuot' any onough in favor of Dr. VVilliaruB' . wonriur- ful Pink Pilhi, to which uho teo\u autinrod she awoa hor life, .. Dr. Williatoa' Pink Pilln artraTi^-tmfstH*""'J the ing euro for all trjubleii ranultin^ frnm poverty of tlio blood or oliu-ttarud norveu and whero givan a fair trial tbey noter fail in uautjB like tba al>oyo rolated. Sold by all doalors, or oont poutpaid at 50 oontH a box, ort> boxrjfi for 92.50, by addronuinii tha Dr. Williams' MediamoCo., Urookville, Out., or Schonoctady, Isf _ V*. Sou that tho regiHtaood trado mark is on all paukngos. Food, wbon it ttturn ou tho Htomaoh, be- couios inuntritive and unwboleaorae. It poinons tho blood, and both raind and body suffer in aoQBe<|ueiice. What ib noodod to rgutorn porlect digostiou in a dona or two of Ayor*b Pills. Thoy nuvor fail to relieve. It ia a great tmituko to uuppose that a Hiupla touto ives utrongth; it only stimu- lates thu atomiieli to rouawed action. To impart roal atrength. tho bload muat ba puri/iad uud euriehod, aud this can bs do no by imoli a standard altarative aa Ayar'g Samaparilla. To huye perfect Uoaltli you must liava pure blood, and tus best way to havo puro' blood ii to taka Qood's Barsaparilla. Ac tine tli to nub th blood, Itoed'u Barga- parilla not ouly cured ncrcfwla, aalt rheum, etc., but givea health and vigor to tba whole body. OfOOO Feet Above the Clouds. Nu airly threo mi lea above the aea, and G.OtiO fact above the white, orient aloudn that lie in oweapiug plain beneath you, in Romothing^to think about timo and time ajtuin afterwards, ien*t it ? , * In the aumtner of 1804, the Pasaeuger Dopartmoui of the Northern Paciflo flail- road fitted out an expedition to climb the highest mouDtain south of- the Canadian boundary on ihe North Pacific Corns*, aud the grandotit peak in tba United States Mount Bainier or Taoama. Tho party reaobed tha highest point of tho Mountain, after a long aud dangerous-elimb oyer rooks aud *uow: and claciors that war* gaabed by oravaaaea, aud vatumad it* aafety. This maeuitUcant peak fS: batweea U.000 apd 16,000feet high, and,judaed may bo found m tha future to be over 16,000 feat, or nearly three miley in heiKbi. lb a biiaqtifuJJy illaHtraiod book. J0 publlubed.'tKu atory-of this aeoeut is given in groat detail, together, with many facta about this old mountain that was onoe. a Haethihg voloanoi ;" i , The Yellowstone Park and other paVtfl of the ureal North-West are alto illustrated and written aboui. . . ' ' In every roapeot this book, in new. Co nootaina notyiuMAkfr lUil^bad Bpaaam^' hue heretofore published. .,,, . - , Its naraaia.VSkatehas of , Wqnderlan, atd by bending hro two:cct' atarnpi uix Ofedta^to" Ma', Ouib S, Pick, the -ral Pasaanger AgoDt of the Couipaub 8tj Paul,-Umu.. you. will r*oeivo tbo raturd. l'li ' WeuOnluuli'r tiiwltti ikft-liirrk I'liut Hit* Haimf)1 <ln- IUoiih^ Im iliiMlv*-a (In H,litr -llntrl S)'tlMrilc'HH<'C U Im MH't-ttiri (1 Vufuiit - O'MrUti'H H>t {.Hid., Mny 20 Tin' Immlnoiico of a <j,'t< nhil inn nf J'ji rliiinn'nt inci'i'iUiCH. It in i.of ulniir tlml (Juvi'rummiL ma- j'-vlly in now. only ten, hut th' tin- r- ' - f<>i* H ii i<i>|i -ill to the cimntry ml "ii'Jiiji: that th" Mi'nhitry nhiill (!" 'in 'iliJi trly b"fori- tin- cii:inUti!ein'ion mm !l ' W.(U'(,t r-'MKlll-CC i [ OI'lIlM' t') I'ltCfl Jif ,' din.'i -ti-r. It i !'"> Iuhavii ;ii:i t licT.' niv ^rravi- ili 1,11 IU Ml U , ili.i.-L nV.'l- tln (|tli'ftili.|i 1 b ' tlicr to "jn-m-i'i'd villi, furtluir Ijiijiiimiiu " U> hiMiciti' tluit tin! time in up. I b" Wi'Htiui.n.'-trr (hi^i'Lti1, in itH is- ' itnrdny, |.iihli li*-- ilii article uit- 'I'l- 1 li f.i (itidti, "St>\\ in' Ni'vcr," in wliii'b :; ft" tli" i)iii'.-i't im;, linen tin1 < iiiViTiiUM'lii : / *" :i I" i r," veil* in itn pulii.*y of lil- '" - iij'ii.-i i.'iiji iu iimmotiiitf a bill lor /l"!-"1 (if to reject unci tnk- ii iin"- uiijc.ii only tiinid Liberabi cmi !-jir ivr v Uui.Hii tin1 Minintom tnkn n , isive t- [t-j-^t-ji ml rjuicl;!y, too, 'lilO (i- tv ad'!.,, t h-y rnnimt complain if the ! .nit of hninl. All UiinK'1 <:tm- : ."ivil, .i lit; tiiii.mcr tlusy din.-iolvo the * U.t. iji- W ut- ; rrn mc.-h vuh:<-* U.o iiii-iiiiiinnHt fi'dinpr "f -:. litidii' iin mm well jut .tin; Liboralu. di*. La It. nu: iii!iv, in tl ttjujeuli to tun <,oii.'iliiiif.itfj a t Nor I lui iu jit on hint v iiiii^, ilcclartNl tlint tlur Jlndi-' .1 (-i.jw'j'iiiii. nc Yon id not po.JHilily, '. i'.h. in n {;-j'o.-..- bri;ai.'lL oi the Kudical ; .i ;i t in Parlitinii'iit .s. A ;i i'i"..!L.\. tliivi-rnment mitflit do tliiw, .said, heciiii.v! tla* C'oiinei'vati Vfi. did 'i iiro^ren.ii vu li'^bln tiou, but . Km tie a! li.ivuniiuuut mint ii'-eesuarily ...i\'i; il \vi*; iji^ miijority in order t(j "ry out tin.1 Ui'inocratic iiiiuuiircH that . 1 i! coiiiitry desiri-'d. l;i the nha.iitiine the. Iaberal-UuioiuHtH . re ciamiiti'dly waiting tlio uplieaval -. i Jiin the! Liliiini.l jmrty aud inalio no I'irirt to nccelirrato tlut urihiH. It ii be- '.>'ved, lioivi-ver, by_ti.vecy.body- tbn- . .'i.sis jh certain tu comu in tin? votu on la* Liicti-1 Veto bill, which Sir Williaiii . Ia rcuurl continues to bo ileturniinud to ii.-1'sn lurward. .Tin; height of tin: Lon- i.Mi Hoawon in not a period that tint Un- 1'iiistn nml CniiBiirvativo.! would natiir- ..iij. t:i:lect for a xiMioral ejection, but l.i' Government oncis chundml to dinHolvu >'..I'Maitu'iit t'M.n choDHti their own time . :id their opponcntH will have to abide ' y tlie decision. (;meutiiig upon tlio eituatidii, Tin? utakcM thin point and warn* country t tbVy (iiiujht to make 'preparatioiis ttiout. ili-l .)% and Ijo ready when' the -. ; ie i.s Kjiiiiiu^. i'li>' Nntiiuijil Liberal Club acceptM the a i of July t\H\ tin: uvmt probublu date " r the new I'b'ctioin. Tbe tirl' pi'erag.: episotln wiwi prac- : 1'y i:l isim! whon lUa Purlin uientary iiiuittee, in necoriLaiice with the pn>- : mj of tin' ni:>tioii uf Sir U'U.iaui Har- ^ art, wm.s nppciiiiteil i>n Monday with ly a lew "iniuutea uf for- iju.Uty. Of cuurtu! it i ujj.JtTHtood tluit lliu cuimnittee will ui tei- uiere jierf iiii*;tury di*tcuKdiiiii de- ian- Viscount V.'oliuer'n Hi'at vacriiit' and ht /reu:h'i i.-iu, im tins Earl ol Selbonie, uJJ jajJiu'diutely apply fur liiw writ..uf- ^.iuj!*juui< tii a Kcav iu the Ilouae of i-'-rdii. IliH intention to Jitwuidou liiu aH- rtiou to riKbt to rfit iu the Hoiiho of '. amioiiH wuh u nunuuci'd in a letter in -aicb he iidvittetl the Liberal candidate r tlie neat be vacutcd to vigorously ;-L-iKi*fUtt* ln ejiiiwiH hi the oW'st Edlu- J-'-fJib coiiHt it lie uey. 3u jenvinjr the House t>t Cunimuni, Vln- ^uiit Wolimw Uiavc to thew* fricndu of Mr. William O'llrioii jl ambiicriptiGii auf- - ji'Ut to juiy the claim of Mr. Patrick A. .. .iu'o,M.i\,lagu.U]i4t the member' for Cork y, and thuii prevent Mr. O'ltrien from '. "uuii^u a bunkrupt, iu which caao he n!d hiLve to vacate hit* oeat iu Par- -..juiMit, im nu jicrscm who ban been for- '.ly doclart'il a bankrupt and ha not j-..joved tluit dinability can Bit in tho :.-e of ConinioiiH. Mr. O'Uricu i cutire- j iiidiii'erent nb nit remaining in Par* aiL-iit, i.inl will licet:pt a.sniBtani:e i>nly . r:!iT to Ici'i'j) 1i;m Beat from bi-infr con- '. l.ii.<vvji that he cared iiothiui? nhoiit r l:ih Kent iu I'ar'iumiMit, prefer- ,r to i!evote hlniKi?]/ to literary pur- # a ml l:n tun rr*manned ap Urn'? if - solely for tin: jiiirpoit1 of keepiiiL' v -<-a K- uri'ly in the column of hi ..Ivii of t:. Iritth party. ' ! It-fi-l Iu III* llrrtli ' "]iyfrw. od, May li)! Daniel Mc- - j Hlle-ajTi-'d man, \vh h ia .. w.'i-r i a ,' in the wluuitiu-i Jit Colliiin' : . J St t..,-re on the City ul Parry J i-ju 'I . ..;'m:;iv laat, iu order to ' .. -.i xsii-t. U-..I in n i*t Toronto. He p *\euiiit: mt the. deck, retlriuu -i Jj.-tIi. ..b.ut 11 o'clciCk. In the a. . ii ; li. u ,- [,,i:n I d.-ad ill bin Iklfth. i ; >.*id i^ ,taa a brother a pbjaiciau ;.j i, M-*rt.!*-ii |fc.. ..k ..r h lrlr> Tk-ton, Out., May ?0. Dr. Fred Mor- ,-ea of Ik'moreHtvUle win* found dead lu i- -Ifice fibtiut U nV.ikik thin inorninir. .*: \i iij- iiruuiid durintf the uioruintf iu ir. L.-ttial Ktwwl lieu 1 ih, Krixwell, Out-, May 20.-John Itiwnell . ueiltli.t fnniiT living near thla |ilncc, uimiiiie.l tmicid by t-lootiii^ himuelf at t-pa, to-day u'h.le in j\, .nt/ittrof, .ipeutii,! i rratiou. Ht* tviu* uuiuar'ricil and lived IWL.U. wwM ', -".4'* Chariot JI, &Mdhl*l(jt, Sick headache CURED PERMANENTLY BY TAKING Ayer's Pills "I wiih trmibled a Innf? time Willi shk heiiiliM-he. 1 tried a (mod many reuieilhM veomnieiwleil fur this eeiMphilnt; hut It was not until I Began taking Ayer's Pills ttiat I received permanent benefit. A. kImk.Q box of jiIIIh freed ni from lieailaclwiM, and I am now a well mini." C. II. HuTciHNOS, East Auburn, Mo. Awarded Modal at World's Fair ^^ i i ......* Avay'h JSarxujHtrttla is tha Jficst* OKS ITS WORK IN JUOUKS. MX A itfflrfielnA (Vint will Uellev^ l)lwrei-W- Utn IClduoy and Mllnt1lr IMw. t'Uwo In ut^ XUourm Wo- ucrVt'M Vour At- toikllon. Thotib who Huilor frona kidney trouble Ptiilur aontoly. Whoro norao kindn of Bick- nonn can be borno with fortitude, it iu no o*gj tnattor to oxcrtiBo thin virtu*..whoa ouo iu a aufforor from kidney troubio. Hope roay nuntain a purBon wlion a medioino iu being usad that doctorn nay will ovidontly t'foct a euro. But who wantu to oontinao au nfiouv/AV^ ooumo of treatmont wbou a modioino liko Kouth Amorican Kiduoy CarariirxitlriTi'thQ reach of evoryono and that iu ho Hpoody au well rh corhtin in itu offooU? Thifi new remedy haw boon thor oughly touted by loarnod phyhiciana, and utaudn tO'day uhoud of any modiolus uaod for this pnrpoao. It does not pretend to ouro nuythinft elao, but it dooacuro kiduoy diaoauo. Sold by J. Thorna, dni-j^int. Havo you ovor noticod haw your uyutom Boemfl to crave Hpcoial iinuiMtnnco in th Bpriuh ? Juut the liolp requirtid u iven by Hood'n Sarriaparilla. Tin-; <mnvo\ rAi'i<n>i;i>. iliirrn a Hlrtlidny laiiillly nl lii nipfvlllr <'eli-lirullii 0tt;i\vn, May 27. Thoiiuis"'TVnt"t," HI yruv.-i 4i'j\, wiL-f Idlb-il >a Friday at Ki'inptvillt' by the InirHtinjj of a home- madi* cniinciii with which be wna eeie- brntini* the holiday. The caunou waa made out of a piece of tf'm pipe and a piece* of il jieiietrated bin brain. * iuixi'.d i\ hiiit i*y m:it motiii:h. A ruur-l>ar'-<M-l liHiiilltou .lrl tinnslctl by Trllfv. Hamilton, Ont., May 27. A fatul trol ley accident happened Saturday. Foui - year-old Norn. Crawford and her moth er wore croHBine; Burton-street, whun the child ran In front of a car, win struck, and knocked down. Her aealp wan lorn off. and her Injuries quickly resulted in death. Collluliin ut llHrvll>uru HarrtuburK, May 27. Two do'molinh- *.*d engines, a half a dozen earn de.ulli'd, and an many pasHen^era shaken up, waa the result ot a. collision, here Satur-- day "mornlntf between the Gait and Hamilton trains. Wrecked rolling sLuck wilb the only tlamutri'. l/nlh*r t Mil Hit li :*tin-ucil Touclllfr, . Hamilton, Ont., May 27. Robert Wr*l- i:or, an OnonduRU farmer, unci bis nun wore drowned in the Or and ItlVi-r Fr.- day by their boat qtipslzinK'. Th cap t--|/.e occurred only aLout 10 feet fro shore, but the son wap unable to swim. und Mr. Walker In trying to aavo his v&n went down with him. UII1<mI m ili*- l:phh*J TtruMk. t { .htrrvii. Out., May' 18; Tho " o^VH'tor ,-, ! feuiiil tu ereui.uut* oluiyouiitf inuiu Iarlv.complexam aud, oboMt^O.jycflr* . '<o oh f)r* track.'ahortTv niter y.hviik Saturday, tu v.- \*lcVtt Of Thl* it j.1,1 id: . tty. n-ttprney at law, Capt,o^ WklO," until'.' Inuik of the eui'd waa wfltian 'Vr;ii'u'lteucil tbii itutott, '"J. Norlaori, oV if. nuu.' It U.RupiKi*cd bo waa walk- up i.lontf tbJ.'jtwk (Lw\ryti) atriick by . train. Th-* body waa badly cut in> Juiun UmifN Ii4;l*iiu4t| or tlvnh ' I.ondQIb M'}.$t*2#tj;Aii'(**jyi,tchi j-ecelvod . -.n Bh:i.:itfhiU,yiJ if la ri-porttid tber '., .t Culaii MltMl JupltiL for tin ukteualui^ :. .iiuj i-.Ay.bteb/,;tho1ji|iWiujr wn:,UK'da-! ,-cv tits Inland of yorliioajL^to tho,Jan- .ho. Jiiiuui1 rttfaiaVa to'^-mut tlio ro- ..nt, atn,tiuf'tbttt'alio could not per il t any modification lu tho ratified i-^-iXy, uf >!iw- ______ *fW*ii*lo tlarb^i* Flour Tbo murlcut l vary fitm. fltrnl*rht TV4;h>r are $4.45 tu $4.70. and M; ut ^lS for puttfiiti unit $1.75 for liukera. JJriin ir cm trnt-k j.otijd at $14. and wl*> if ulutrti at *17. Wbwit Uomuml . u^ttv*, but vary Hitl K-riiijf. Will to und rd Kith! outiMa ut j,a to UEc, but huldt*r gr^norully n**. .w.iro. No.-l "liard nt^i ut P.irt .Irthttr ,t $1, ooci -it is h*ld ft*. $1.05 to $1.06.,I'<i- ,i>.it** "lark-y Tlwr* li a jrw>d domaiid. with ,;iio* o( /<vil a* 50a outilda. Oati-^Tao- murtot ti trouj,'- with u goiut ili-muiicl. Salon of-vrtdta at 39ii. woit.^ I'ixi* Tho (temand, li fair anil prlca* ,I in. tlK^ro bains' .tlai outilda at 6^c. Rye- Mustnwi ipjibt. trlth aala "ut 60c. BiicLwh-xit Prloo aro imralx uoailauL, .' A Wow HttuiKiUrc Citizen tt- lens<l from Four Moat lis' ImvrlBotdiinent. ' affr. Johu Kooh, Hotal-kaapar,, New HrabK, Ont. : "I have baan. a great auffarar from i-baumatittm. TWa Uat t- taok eorom#nrad laai Ckitdkar, and kept me la. the houaa for four aonthi, when twa botilaa of Boutb A.wirfoau Rhaumatio Cora c*bnr*Itely cuved mts. Had I aaeurad tba remedy whan I first ooutraetad rheuuakiBm it would have aayad we moutba of pain and aufferlnff,'* If yeu auffaf from rheuraaiiim or neu- ral|fla do b#I delay, bat try Scutb Am- rioan Rhaumatio Clnre bow.. It Will re- lieva in * im hoara and cure mdiotjly i a few dayi. . Sold tyy'JS* T^ofae. drufelai. r ' HrvM# l<**kl<- And tliowo who- are all tlr*J out and bave that tired feo|iut: or aioklmudaoho can be relieved o! all.thttme nymptcma by tiabioa Hood'i SariaparillA, Which iyea; aiervet moDtl aud lodilv atranatlidkudtborouahly purifiea.tho blood. . It kUo orentBi a food aapa.tita. ,car indifceatiouV baertbtira abd- dyapajpaia. Hood'M PllUtofc ofl^( yat proaapdy and affiolaatly ob tbe borela\aud liter, 25o. tin: Li a In nt (-Il Uiudii oF "Building' Materinl. Woodwork (\>r liouaes, (pln-in and oninrritMitat)7 Biii'ii Lumber,' Sliii.iii;](!H (if all f^niduH, Doorn, SjihIi, Chostnur. Coal. lO' WINDMILLS..... \\ e 'entn ii jfcbu Coaiiiy lor a^nm j^33i^ivr<i>a?,*c>T=i. Or Chicujjo, whib look Hii'licut Awnrd at, the World'h Fuir. Carijumisli either Pumping or Power Outfits ~T= at lowest prices. A written j-uitmntoo with every Outfit. A Laing MONEY For the benefit of every one to invent in a few hIjiu'oh of . whe j wishes Ontario Permanent Building and Loan Stock, J. R. Oliver, ^renenil agent, will be in town for u few weeks und will be pleased to explain the workings of this Association. A post card.or letter mailed tu Essex P. O, will receive prompt, attention. J. R. OLIVER, Agent a HlHiiuilcrsfaiitllue. Barber Shall I go ovor tho thin onco . moro. sirV CUHtoinor Id hoard it nil Ixslore you told mi!, lHHSOU ' I<>- IM MHt. btairotir Ilrttitrri That nn Apnral to Hie fattuiry llw*! Mi 'oitic. lx>ndon. Mny -*4. Si-akl: pf at n meot- lnn of the ConBiTvative Union Rt. Hon, A.* J. Balfour, C na rvatlve le der In the Houhg of OmmoiiH, said that tho burden of tbe political action rented not upon the House of Pommons*, where the Oovi.-rhment wan playing ont- a dull and pitiful comotly,, but upon the ideotgral orfrunlzutlona outHlde the IToumo. The time w: a nuiir, he add-il, when an appeal to the country would be InevHahle. ?Ie wan not certain when the Government would abandon' Us hopeleFB triBk of trylnff to legislate, hut It would be the bu^ln n-> of th.- OppoHltlon to make the date aa soon na poaalble. Next wrt-R mlp-ht. bring th downfall of the Ministry. It mli^i t, however outlive the preKont hchmIoii, but unloB9 there wan a prrft'it and un paralleled t'hnn-re In pubic opinion It could not Inn-r aurvivc. Trada of the *H>fU New York May 24: Ufc-adstrw-t's aayu: Higher prlcea for many staples it Montreal, lojretlu-r wl.h edd we t a: part of the week, aeived to check t iv demand and movements Hoiiu-what, b-'it the outlook remains favorable. The frosts did little damage to fjr.*.n either' In Quebec or Ontario, and Toronto mer chants regard business prospect an bright. In Prince'Edward Island the season is fully two weeks-ahe:d of other yenio. The depro olon Jn New foundland continues iM'-vvro, and the Labrador llsheHes have fa I en off t-- cause of dlfflculty In probu lr-g sup plies. The weather ha* helpeJ the crop- In Nova Scotia..and better .trade Is an ticipated. Only U5 fuiluioa ar - edn Canada this week, against \}$ lus week, 29'In the week a year r r-o. nn 'IT the yfear,nb2ore.. Bin'i cl a 1 g : Winnipeg,., H.snillton.t.Toronto Mo r.eal and Halifax (mpunr1(to $i!i v 'tills week, against $2d,610.0no ]. i w.*- nnd'as compaid'wIth $-3!>8S 0,-fr week year, and. .*H7S'.:'.i.6tfi ":. i w*u lH;^.,,.. ,..;., , t,L-v-.- "'" . V 4lM-llf|*H-i-' Wll-**'* ' *\ff>riteialr,,.ff.'j.. May 'S.\. 7!f Chittenden, nr., Is dea, Ht; v in- Inent menhnnt of Haitfo il, *:^ * yen and New'"Yo'rk/a pli 1 n;h iin'd a 'pioneer al ol tlnn s , fi'.gltive ylavea to e?cap' to <"n * ICnirt'- truM 'jrl'i'M""! ' iJorldon, May ^5. ..T'tl ea . S Ualfour, the liberator Bu Idln^ .. windier, W...B to-day forma lyconiu. ted for trial. ; . Kliutkiattani Curdil. Rbauwtim ia eauaad by Uotio aoid m tha blodjiitokliig,tbe: flbro*--. tUitta* at; tha iAiut*-! &** ? yoarrblood pdra^.nhd.haa.Ubyj ^Hcl.vouwlU BPt-bara rb#ttna*WWvK^#H-!.*| Qa^^Mtrliva* lOtajr Wood xiWii^Wdi rlql^4M*--U.^*--^h'oli-b^y--*tt^i lltaa tba acidity,of,th* blood *nd ^b^aaurai rbaaaaaiiaii. ... ito'-iiti in. D'tiorts 'Ml'r.tntK, Hie <'<ivrriiiuriil \ nnuiilirlitir Itfi'aiu of rjirrVlliJX (till 4olurtlul r.*<:i>i<ullt Loni'on, My ;. A deputation repre- m-ntl g he t'h.'t- her . f Co.. merce of iho United Kingdom wrtlted upon Lord Itos tei y a hm . Mkle.ce in Pr.wnlnjr-street .ri rel'orence to tlie ap- l-r>vai ' n t p t 'f the Chimbersct" Comeiceof the resolution pastied by the Intercolonial > ciniVifnt'o at Otta-wa,-fa voring 'he est .If! .-hment 't nt r-Im- pc iliil pOHtal and telegraph routes be tween ihe Unitiwl Kingdom and tho col- . bnlbs.' w~7^-ntnrirrn-Tji^7T^ r-rnment t( u n t- tif" prop : als of t'".o jonf'rence. Lor 1 Hoseb' ry and Lord Rtpon we e p fflent. Sir Albert R lilt Htattd the Chamber** nf Commerce unanlmoualy favored the Inauguration of a tnbuUHzed mall Hcr- vice between England and Canada,,-. which equal In every rosrect to.the present subsidized service to the U.S. Such a line, he said, would re imburse the outlay In not only a sav ing of time between the United King dom and Canada, but aluo In communi cation with Ch c gf>. S;. LouIh, and ether trade ccntivs in the interior of the United Rta-c-H. Am regarded cald conncctl<ns with the col nlcn, Sir Al bert ih i ght it would be ncccusary to ronstiuct dur 1 cate linea, as in thft event of war. and the breaking down of the present cables many parts of tho Empire could a !y b' cnmmunlcftt(l with ihrorgi "t""'e""c""urte(ly""Of foreign nations. Ml Plum ocU, a. yhtp-owner, congratulated the Government upon the promotion of a packet servi"e between Canada and Australia. When the Un ited K ngdom conaidered the advanu logos gained they would ansu edly re--. cognise the claln s of the co'on'es to ' aubstintlnl aid. * I Lord Rosobery replied, saying he waa I not abb- at the t me to expiens the .do* clafon of the Government upon the sub jects pr-'sented. He greatly rogretteol the absence of Sir William Hareourt, tft whom ho al'ud d as "the guardlarl of the public purs'\" S*nce tl ey had re*- celved the report of the Earl of Jerey# th' Governn.ent lad appointed a do-' ! partment commlttoo- to corislder the ! questions Involved. The committee- Wo* alttlng. Th* Gov* nment was eonsld- erng the auesUonln tbe.concto fornx ami 1 o hoped that the deputation would aoon receive a ; a sfaclory reply, to tli lr r qu ets. Ho regretted that ho could not go more fully into the qXick- tlortfl, but h#; wall that h** nwd ILorol Ripon heartily wished god-sreed to the cla'mo that had been addr u ed ty them. " ' , "j OTttl >r HhuhriBii a-OMiiTiia. ' Lj V** th*. *a>*4 a/ th* fcfalH London,' May . L Vht* Houae of Oommotub wam . crcwdfd to-day. .wltb membera and vlt-Itor* fescpeotlns; to hear; Sir William "Haa-eourV make it Btate- mant as to the inWnn^r'hi wblch the Cabinet bad deeW^ to d*al with bunk- ' tu* for. thf';^*rn*lrid4'r of :Ow; sfl!cn; They weris dl<*a*ppolnt*ad, .hpwe.yr( .a the Ctloncpilo-* *o*i*iery alluded fc the Bebtcb 'tJrfeftera' BUC Which, W ald; tha Government would do their- beat to kmumi In tho course.,of th* iDres^O . *** :*tW.>-ili, i, . London, My t-!ahf e^tloi^ Ip,^ I^HUm^ntary district of (Wurvkk-.an4 ILoamlnnrton, to nil tlhe vacancy' causeil by the retirement"&'-n\ght>'ittQ&t'ik& thur W*llesloy peel, Speataai of<*, IM Hou^e ,ot'Common*,* rea^lteA In. y tory tor th0 Conaecymtlye*,. their can 'date; Alfre-i" Lyt'do^ori/'r^Iyihg' 2SJt vbtea, ngaltiBt MM -atpt for hU'op'poW. *nt, Jamea t>uek^o*r-t*i, . Liberal. ' Wt the lout election. >*V.,/,E**^(wM;WLiberal-Unionist, waa returned wJthoui .'< . M i. r, London, May 34. H ht Hoju T. TlhK Cousei'.vatly*-. war* returned iji ci| pofletl yeaterdsy for Croydon, maiU \\a i*a*t by the KU"ttne'!on'of"Hon.t"ld ; Her et 'CiBo vot've, to the tit "ii ' \. Bitl of P:mbr ko. I'a,,'i-,. :; -. ?',. ',' ,.. '".'.

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