WILKINSON'S iron Ohoioo Freeh Gmaorion, PioUsloue, TenH.CoffeoH ' and Spioen. Special linoa m Uroukory, The Essex Press. Christian Endeavor Society St. Paul's Church, TUESDAY BV&, JUNE ITH ISvorybody Come. VOL XI. No 22. ESSEX ONT., PEIDAY. MA.Y 3i, 1895. WHOLK N, 543 F.A.&Co. LEADINC STORE OF ESSEX. C^lcQciseCk^&V* Wo doairo to draw special attontion to our DEB3S GOODS STOCK at prosont. Wo aro making a special effort to gain trado in this dopart- raout and arc oflbi ing a largo variety of tho most dosirnblo, fltylish, roliablo Goods at monoy-aaving pricoa. Be sides all tho now things in^plain and fancy all wool Goods. Thin dopart^ Tnout^nrohidos^tljo^latost makoB ot Wash Fabrics, sateens, Challion, Crinkles, Duckings, etc., as well as a a comploto stock of Linings, Lacos, TrimmingB, Blouao silks, etc., at the very olosont prices obtainable Ladies, We Invite Inspection. I*" ADIES' BLOUSE AISTS u Print, Lawn, sateen and Dimity, andaomoly made up, from tfc eauh. ACE CURTAINS "%>$ yards long, bound all rojnd, good patterns, 25c each. Ladies' Fast Black , [COTTON HOSE i I 5c a pair. . YOUTHS' TWEED SUITS '- 8-pieco, long Pants, $3 a t-uit. \" Fino Valencia Llaisina, 0 lb for 2/its Fine Currants, Mb tor 2fic Jritish Columbia salmon Trout Oc lb ood japan Tea 7 lbs for $1 ton's Bed Harvest shoe?, strong and comfortable, $1 a pair Ladies' Fine Dongola whoes, Oxford Ties, and buttoned, special valuu, MAIDSTONE C^ftOSS. Tho wl) known play, "Tun Nttfhtu iu a Bur lU>am," was most saocessfuly rautfer- Qd by tho L. D. Q. on the night of tho 2Ub in bhulf of St, Mary's olmreh, Mnidnton. Tho result o,ftor a uienth's practice waH beyond all expectation, Early in tho hirge crowd ba ft; an to gather and lontf faefaro tho lmur of Mkartilif tka hall Watf paokud to l(n utaeont capacity, At 8 o'cloak sharp the urtam rosy and Mr. Couroy, aa Mr. ttomaine, he* gun the frlay. A detailed deacriptum of the play would be todienn. Mihb Gertrude Kaae, aa little Mary Mor gan, played her part in a very roalietie manner and Mtss K. Castigati .u lira. Mor tfan, did rowmrkably well. Among ot dssorviug of raontion wore B. J. Conrey and Michael Kan*. The ladiee wer. all oharraed with Willi* Harmond's neoktie and the proverbial small boy had no end of fun over BauiplQ's blooinerB, At tha conclusion, Messrs. Kane, ColliuM uud Mo- CuiH drew loud applaaua from tho au dience by a representation of "Ryan iu a Hug*." Tho receipts of bho tloor wore about ft7C. Caut of Charactere. Romaine ..................S. J. Conroy. Simon Slado................U. F. Kb no. Mry. BUdo....... ........Miss Couroy . Willie Hammond..........II. P. Collins. Harvey Green..............W.I. Keen*. Jo Morgan..............H. M. Oalford Urn. Motcn..........Mma K. Contiguu. Mary Morgan........Mian Gertrude Kunt, Mehitable Gartn^'ht......Uihb I. Hal ford. Samplo Uwioliul..........J. B. fourth, Frank 01ad..........P. MoCanu, J. P. Judgo Hammond............J. Unucoll. Tho mnaia by Ilatar *n*i Cavaiidiwr wau rtxcnllont. Tha yomp&ny goou to ]mutoad in a couple of woekn. Don'l ir.iwM it. John O'Koofs apont Sunday with frieuda in Amhyratbar^. Mini Bly u viiitinu in the oountry. Ch'ifi. Htowy.has prtrohuaad a traotion (i],(;inj. Look out boyii for tbn ta.lVa thruflbm^. John Du.WBon npont Hun day at N. Far- ou^h'a, Uiflsaa. Dunn and Btronp; aro vimting at John Kennoy'a. Th Miioou Moro wra tbn guoBta of M. Connoll oa Friday. Tho yoani; peoply of turn vioinity gather- ed at the taorao of VVro. Douhan ou Tuei- .lay nij;l*t and opent a v^ry pleanauD eyeu. ing playing guinea, uto ' -A Highest Price Paid. I ESSEX, ONT. J ' NORTH RIDGE. Mihh l--ouiHft McCroory, of CJiflvehnad, Ohio, ih hero visiting rulativos and acquuiu- tauced. David McCronry and wife, *f Arner, wor huro luot Sunday visitiuK rolativei. A. W. Bridgou, wifo and family, wont to (Jump Palmer last Sunday to goo Homo of their rolativuu who are located thoro. llu(jh Btood ir ho rod itguiu from Toledo, Ohro Ho did iibt Hucoeod in cuttinjr a congenial job there, and will probably stay ritfl t hero this vvtmwet. A. largo number of our oitixouB weuk to Wiuduor laiit Friday, aith, to uie the Kiltioi). Thoy all (jot tired, but report having Jiud a very tine day's outing in the Cauadiau City of the Htraita. Putor Gil boo hau boon a (jrout laffurcr, koiu^ iifilictod with a felon in the ptilrw of hta right hand for aoveral weohu. Wo are (jiud to Huy that he iu now eonvaleoeut. Peler Uilboo and hoiih lately built a lawn wiro fenoa m frout of thuir reaidenoo. They have painted it whito and green; the poutw, nud aoantluifs between tho pouta, una tho Bit lowent wires are painted a clear; bright [jreon; the two topuaoiit wiroa and* oapu on tho poutu ara whit*, and tlio oon- trubt of coloru ib beautiful. GOSFIT3LD SOUTH. Mrs. Thou. Grainflor, who hau boon very uiuk, ia rapidly reoovorin^. Windsor and tke -itJth Highlander!! proved a vory atronj* drawing oard. E. GruinHor, formerly station acent on tho L.E. & D. R. R, at Blenheim, hm riturtud in tho moroautilo line in Kiiiyevillo. Tho big washout iu tho ditch ou tho woatern uido road in boiug rodllod. Owiuj,' to tho rainy wouthor oporationa on ic woro hindered. Jamon Graia^or, having purohasod tho Boor'n furm on tho'" 7th eon., Colohooter; his oon-in-Uw, 8. White hao raovoi ou it and in clearing up tho old fallow Quito a numbir of farmorB hud to ra- plunt their eorn. Somo flolda of oatu nhio Uok badly wilted. The general oomplalnt ib about tho fruit crop, parcioularly grapes. There iu no dauRer of tho Zkrmtra for* Kettinjj tho timo of day. Whut, with a|l tho saw millu and brick and tile yard itiam whmtlefl, thwy are t*Hto to know when the dinner hour comeu. HARROW. Mian Htypheiui, ef Harrow, apout the lilli at Wheutley, Mi- Bollfl Uobinsoti apeiit the 21th at hor old bonao, Woodaleo. Reeuption aoryiOo in tho Matho'lmb ehureh uii Bunday availing uoxt. Mm/ M. Pfiiny, Moilin, vmlted her frieudB hero on the Quuon.s birthday. Mim Mary Ruknball Mid Mih Robert. nou, of Windhor, npyiit the '21th in town. . Mr*. J. W. Noraworihy and duuh*or, of St. Thotaaii, aryviyitui^ at tho puruon- a. Tho WidHH Wood brlritfo ar upendinii a fe\t days with thoir niakor, Mrn. Dr. Kodd, in Detroit, Muugor ilvoduo ban henn Kra^od up, in food Htylo. If tho truntuoa would only fit. up the Methodiyt chncoh groundn nowtjnn wonld bo a pretty neat utreot. Soyernl uf the boyii wont out to the lake ou a flailing expedition on tho '21th. They havo not got tho fifdi oouutod up yet. Wo may bear the number naxt week. OLINDA. The UnivorHaliits of Outapo will hold thoir annual convention here ou Friday, BatHrda,} and Sunday, Juue 1-1 th, 15th and 10th. Erninont minutum from the United Statoa ara expected to be present. A,oord- ml invitation m uxtendnd to all. Tho oh*roh is uow boinp; repaired preparatory io heldinn the oonyontion. Sovoral prom- incut olorRymon from the' United Stiiton are expooted prosent. MrH. Arthur S imrosbae recovered from tho moiiiilfid, Ada Gaacoyne in much pleased with Manitoba. Ella Wlialoy has boan viuitinf at Blytbes* wood with her sistor. flamilon Stewart ih keeping' bataholer's ball juut now. Very fooliiih bo to do wheu no uauy marrin^oable #W\u are on tho turf, GOITAM. Rev. Frank Lei^h iu oxpoetod to prouoh iu the Towu Hall on Suiiday next at 3 p. rat _____________J The Cot I; am Woodbine raoe oame eff last weak; thorn were only two to start, viz: Hugh Hooper's black waro, that had al ways boon a winner iu evorv race she had cinterod, and James Brown'h bay hore Tho lattor easily won tho raoa. A. largo aud enthuniastio orowd witnuuuod it. The Cottam chooao factory recoiyon ovor liJ.OOO pounds of milk tiorao days. Uevoral new routaK aro oonternplutcd. Mra. Houston, wife of tho Rov. T. Rouh- Inu, who prcacliod on Talbot Street ubont 10 years ago, visited friendR in Cottam last week. MAIDSTOME. Our ohooiie factory ooraraonced opor ationR on Tuesduy. Mr. aud Mrs. 'Tan. Dixon of baskrtlle, N B., vinitod with W. G. Dixon last woolc. Mr, and Mra, B. Smith ot Detroit wore it Araold's on Tueuday, Minn Addie Devlin, teacher No, 8 nohool attended Inspoctor Girardot's golden wed- dint*, lanfc weolt. Mr. Mivart Baruon aud dau^htor of Al liance, O., and Jan. Burned of Edinburgh, Ohio, visitod rolativoo here thiH woek. Mcaers. Dan aud Lulu and Misses Josie and Lena Ou6llette of Amheratk-urg viaited at Komlwortli on Sunday last. Several HcrtlH of liuiTaloeu And tbouiiaudu of olns, deer, etc., are to be found iu the Yellowfitono Park, It io the only placo whero tho buffalo oan bo found to-day, ho ruoroilobuly have tkey been Hlanubtored. They aro j'.oi'o from tho pjaino and prauien.und tho romnunt now left can thank the United States Govornmont for the privilogo of living Tho Yollowutono Park ih thoir homo and there thoy uroflafe. The Park iu patrolled by uoldiora both -summer and wintor to capture foaaho and ofifondore und sovere puniahmont ia muted uut tointruderH. In uummor tho buffalo ran^o in the hi^hlanda, near Yellowstone Lake. Iu wintor they work ovor into LI ay don Valley and impounding oountry, whore tho hot Dpringu and watoru keep tho buow meltod away. Door and elk rango over the ontiro Yollowittono Park. Thim booidoH tho groat marvels of nature met with in thin woudor- laud,there are alao tho tinoat Hpecimena of our lartfo /jame, Ttimo and dooilo, thoy four not mad. SUutaheu of Wonderland, au illnatratod book published by the Northorn Paciuo Railroad dcuuribee thin wonderland. It will he sent by Ohiw. 8, Fk, the Gon'l Agent, Ht. Paul, Mmu., upon reooipt of six con tit in utampa, MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. 1CUHUX TOWN. Bbsbx, Mxy 21st, 181)fi, Council luot in special uulon, tha mayor In th* chair. Prauehfc: The Mayor and CoRuoilloru Goo. Bnrth, .T. A, Hlckit, A. Raiuos, Dr. Potts, Fred, Robinu*u, and G.J. Thomas. Tha Mayor explained the objoot of the Bpauial meutin^ which wau to rououaider the act ion of tho eounoil at the laut Mnolc in re tlto bidding in of lotn by the Mayor at tbe cottiinu tax sale. Movsd by Mr. Haines, ooconded by Dr. Potts, that we rescind the motion author izing the Mayer to bid inu.]!,loU at tho- tax uule wlnoh did not realise the taxvs due upou them. Carried. Moved by Mr. Raines, ssconded by Dr. Pottu, that tho Mayor bo iiutneriKsd to uso hie dieoration in regard to bidding In oer- tain lots at tho tx sale wbioh do not rou.liy.0 tho taxes. Gamed. The Fmauou cAioraittee reported rocom* mending tho pavmnut to W. H. Ed^ar of Sl.l.l'i for work dona at waterworks. Moved by Mr. Barth, Hocouded by Mr. Robiuaen, that the ropert of *ho Finance Oftiutnitlee bo adapted. Carried. Moved by Dr. Potty, seconded by Mr. Thoir um, that tke Reove bo requested te vorify meuiuromonts, plans, *to.t iu. regard to tho matter of Wm. Naylor'u aeaeusmont. Carried, Couaoil thou adjourned. Johm WALTicna, Clerk. PKNINSUIjAR footjball JjEAGU113. '.ThfettlundoiidukterHUlt t HUmeYT.----- Uufortuuatoly the Diamonds at the laut moraont found that they would be uu&hle to play here yostorday as a number of their players who belong to various mili tary organizations iu Dotroit', were cal-lod out on parado. TIuh upoiled a ii'ood amo and has put our club to quite a bit of rm- nocouuHry exponae, but it t;i(H/a thow two ft.iily won jjoiritH, loavnifi tnom a yood ------ Won. Lout. Bbsoi M. A. A. Wiuduor Diamonds Walkorville 0 Drawn. 1 2 0 1 0 Points. 7 i 1 .0 The uott uohoduled auie in Windsor in Enaox, Friday, Juno 7th. WlrJiOPENTUB FAIR. f^leuc-Oovoruor PromUvd or Outurlu, has to Cottt*, Iu annwer to the invitation of tho Proai. dont aud ox'iautivo of tho Great South- western Exhibition. Lieut..Governor Kirk- patriak, of Ontario, has ofifioially aooeptod, aud ban prountiod to be pronont and open the) Exhibition of tho association at the Town of Essex oa October 2nd uoxt, He will be accompanied by Mra. Kirkpatnok_ Hob. John Drydea, Miuietor of A^rioul- turo for Ontario, is also oxpoetod. Tlie Geuulne AIy>i*U Of Mood's Harsapunlla winafrieuds wlicre- evrr it is fairly and honeufcly tried. To havo perfect health, yon must have rure blood, and tho beet way to have pare blood is to take Hood'n Sarsap^irilla, tne beat blood purifier and arrekijgth builder. It axpolln all paiut of sorofula,, Halt rheum auri all other humors, ukd at tke a a ma time builds op the system. Tho Rocky MountuinM. Alonu the lino ef tho Northern Pasino Railroad abound in largo gamo. Moose, deer, boar, elk, mountain buna, etc, oau yot bo found there. Tho true aportaman n willing te go there for thorn. ' A little book callod "Natural Garwo Prenervea," pub huh od by the Northorn Faoifio Railread. will be cent upon reooipt of four cento in tamps by Ciua. S Fieie, Gon'l Pass. Aqelit, St. Paul, Miim. Bturk*H Powdoru, ouch package of whioh ooutainn two preparations, ano in a round wooden box, the cover of whiah forme a moaKuro for ona done, an immediate roltof for ooHtivonoaa, Siak lieadaoho und Stom ach, nlho Nonraljjia and all kinda of nerv- ouo pninn, and another in capsuled, (from ^ to J of ouo hi an ordiuarv doao) which acta on the bo wok, livor and stomach forming a novor failing porfeot troatmeut for all head and utomuch complaints. Thoy do not, as raoflt pille aud oo many other medi- oiuoa do, lose their offoot, or produce after constipation, they are moe to tako. 2So a box at all modtoine dealer. -------------&~--------------- Yowr PliyHtea Conduion Neode attention at this time. If you are tired, wenkand norvoua, it ic clear that your blood is impure, and without doubt there haBhoen too|muoU over-work or etrain on brain <ind body, The eourno of troat- montforsncha uonditiou is plain and flimplo. Tho blood muet Urn be punflod oo that the narvnua syutora, and in fact all tho organs will be fed upon pure blood. Intelligent people without uuubor have tontififid that the hist blood purifier, nerve tenia and strength imparting medicine ia Hood's Bura&parilU. NervousussM, loi* ef uloep and general debility all vanish when Hood's Sarsaparllla is pereiatontly taken ; in a word, health and happineee fnllew after lakinfij Heed's Bareapttrillt. uMttllM(sia0ry JUteeuliw*' Bo aayo Dr. Curlett, and old and honor ed y>raotitlouar, iu Belleville, OaUrio, who wr)toa: "Ferwaleting DUeaaei und Scrof. eila I have used Soott'e Emnleion with the most eatfafaetory reealte,*' W. C. T. U.. TlUfl SCIIOOIj OFWKTHOO^. A NucersaraV 4JllirIi:^. Tho "Hohool of Methods" under tho auspioou of thu Emhcix County W. 0. T. U. and tinnduotnd by Mra. Thornloj, Pro vinoiul LJreuEdent, wan held in AmherHt* burj; on TuoHduy of laHt woek. The Ex ecutive of tho County Union mot at lla.m, iu the Presbyterian church aud, after paH- in^ aotiic accouHte and perfecting the pluuu for tho day, udjourntid till 2 o'clock. mi'UNOON HKbfllON, .Tho aftornooH motitm opened at '2 p.m. in thf Prowhyterian church. TIi*j Countv Prouidout, Mre. D. A. Maxwell, ftrerud"d, Moet of tho county oftlceru were proHoit and ell the county uuiouti ware repreHontoil. After devotional exoroiuQH a number of puperu were rend, tho firat of which wan ou "The Country Union," read by Mm. Clin- ton, of Windsor, but prepared by tho pre- ideut of the Fort William Union. The writer contouded that it wau harder to bring up boys in small tnwne than in citioa, and thore was conee^uetitly more need for W. C T. ,Unioaa in small placos. She, rmgftostod that weekly mootin^n be held to bcuin with dovotioaal oxeramoH aud interspersed with mumc; that mombors oheuld look well to tho nuances; htudy the liquor traffic and tho lawn portaming te tho same, bo an tn bo prepared in ctino of an arf<uadent; that tlioy should uho the columnu of the l?cnl preHU in announcing and aroun- itm intoroet in tlioia meeting!*', and givmtf all thfl newa that would help tho oauuo of Uaaporanca; distribute temperance litem- taro; ondcaver to set all tho honorary raenohorH poHHible; attend overy convention and alwaye imd everywhere wear the whito ribbon. Mrs. A. J Vimnjif, of Windoor, rond tho next paper, "A ketah 'of Toe & water Union," that waa prepared by tho Proaidout ot that Union, wbiau wmh organizod in A.pril, 1HU3 Tho mfimbera circulated tomperauco literature to the nohoola and offered nine pri/oH te the pupild for enuuyH on the liquor trmo, one of which Wue wen bv a hutel-koepor'fl uon They had sua- ccodad in haviug none but uuformonted wine uoud in thruo of tho churohoH aud with potitiocs for tho clomuo; of a whole mile liquor utore and tha nnj^iug of tha curfew hell. Thoy had tiilceu up juvonilo work and hail 110 mom born in the Lotion of Uouor. Tho number of active snombore iu the Toeaivator Utnop wae CO, with Id honorary mom bora, Mra. (Dr.) Brion, of Ehhoi Town, aung a solo, after winch Mine Atkin, of Arahoiut- Duru, read a paper proparod by heniclf on 'Boiontilio Temperance Interaction," in which hIio related that, in roHpouue to a petition presented to the Proynaoial Gov ernment in 1UB(1, thoro was placed thosub- joot of Hy^iono and Phymoloyy, having particular attention to tho effect of alcohol ou the HVHtora, ou the list of utudiott, aud that tho aubjuct wuh uow compuluory for tho Hi^h Sobool cntrunco oxaminatiouu Sho had visited the teachers in ochoolh and found that they wore willing to take up tho oubjaot, but thoir time wan so much occupied that thoy oould not ^ivu it the at tention thoy would liko. It had boon HUUf/entiou that tho County Union endeavor tn havo tho Inspector uivo a paper for pro^ motion from tho third to the fourth book. Th'1 County Prooidont htoteil that the nuhjoct of Hypione and Physiology was oompuluory for Hinh School ontrando and thoro was a movement on f jot, oopcomlly in thm coucty. to have the subject put on for the promotion examinations. 'Mm, Thoreloy introduood tho subject of "Evan^oliutio Work." Ono of the ways for the local anion to take bo mo special ob ject tm deal with. In one union the mom- bois took a deaf and dumb child, whoso father waa a drunkard and whoso mother hud to work ao hard to support horaelf and child that sho ouuid dovoto no time to bringing P n^ educatinfi the child, and, after clothing it properly, had made arrantfemontu for it in tke Inetitate. Au- ether plan was to have Sunday afternoon prayer meetings, at whioh the oler#yn<ion weald attond. In a union she is connect ed with, they pay special attontion te tho county poor house and wore the meana ef haviue the poor peoplo thero properly olo'hed and fed. Mra. (Rov.) M. P. Campbell, of Ebiox Town, read an artioloentitlod "ThoBefiin- ninq of It," that hud beeu written by Mrn, W. WilliatBB, lately Dominiou Prosidont of the Umou. Mrs. Howard Scratch, of Kincsville, on behalf ef Mm, J. H. Smart, the County Superintendent of Narcotics, had a paper en "Narcotics," showing tho injury caused by the ueo of tobacco, and read tho cxper ieuoo of tho Prmoipal of the Iowa State Norasal Sobool with pupdtt who used tobaooe. Tho avera^'* expenditure ia the DomiMion|for tobacco wms 91S per family. Mra. Helleme etated that in Kingsville the Tobacco Aote were pat up itt all -the etoree* Mra. (Rev.) A. L. UubsoII, of Leaaaivgteu, reid a paper ou "Franchise*'1 tn wbioh she claimed that woman should have the riflit to vot on all the queetiona m whioh she ^interested. ANOTHER -War /> IN WINDSOR Yon rnmombor haw w* dowtind tho enemy on OvwrooatH winter. WoM, the same iitfht in uow on oyor MENS SUITS. Wo are auain in eh tern of tho Hifcuution. . . $3.95 $3.95 Ih our prico for men's Huits.well newfound trim- mod and an good in evory way ;."3 ae other Htoroe aro trying to ^ot 8S Bfi far, and at the same lime tell yon thcy*aro dolling cheap. - oun . BOYS SUITS At $1.96 include buitw from 83 te $4, you want any of thoHo big bargains COME QUICK If Minn Florence Witflo sang a solo, after which MrH. Thornloy took up the "Parlia mentary Drill." The drill was intended to instruct the mombors in parliamentary precoduro iu deaJiHi: with motions. After Mro. Thornley had given iwdtrno- ticntt in those mattorn, at 5:30 the meeting adjourned. KVPNINO BKBfllOM. Tho evening: meeting was hold in the llotliodiut cbnroli, Mrs. Muxwoll prouiclii and thoir being about 200 prciicnt. After an opouing hymn, Mra. (llov.) Eusaall, of Loumingtou, took up a topiaul Bible road- iny, followed bv pra) er by He v. T. Nattrens. Rov. S, J. Allin made an addrcimof woleome on behalf of tho Chriutian workora of the town, winch wan responded to by Mra, J. B Stone, of Essex Town; and Urs. D. Botaford, on behalf of the local union, road an addrouuu of welcome, to whioh a reapontie was mado by Mrs, Melville, of Windtior. Mru'. Thornley took up tke questions* that had boon placed in the Quoatiou Drawer and arjawerod oaeh one, giving mnol: information to the members of the Union proaout on various matters io which they are interested. In her loci* ure, she dealt with tho liquor traffic, tke tobacco habit and the eufranohisment, of women. She is a clear and earnoet speaker using .choice langun^o and kcoping the attention of her hearers throughout. She apok-> for about half an hour. lutomparned iu the procramme were some ' musiual ee- lections, Mrs. Holms, of Windsor, Minuinf two iioloo, Mibh 2ieler of Detroit, end W, L Goldoa each ono, with Mm, Colin Wigle and Mish Goldeu as acoompauiate, and Mies Stewart giving a reading. The moe tin* cloned with tte siaging^ f the tloxology at 10 o'clock, The prize banner occupied a proiuinent place m all the roeotin^e, and among those who woro pre lie nt from other Unions ib tho county were the following : Leamington Mrs. Moree, Mrs. (Roy,) BukpoII and Mrs. Jeffery. rrom Kiugeville Mrs. W. EC. Hellene, Ure. John Wi(le, Mrs. Howard Scratch, Mrs, (Dr.)- Andrew Wigle, Mra. Frank Green, Mrs. G. W. Green, Mra. Alexander Brown, UIuhcu Florence Wigle," Carrie Weodbndye end DolUe Foster. Prom Ebbox Town -Mra. Chas. B. Ny- I.ruMrs. (Dr.) damee Brian, Mre, (Or.) Of. W. Brion, Mra. J. E. Stone, Mra.McKwaa, Mrs. (Key.) Campbell and Mils Todd, From Windsor Mrs. Oldaore, Mr- Hok, Ur#. (Ray.) A. J. Vinlnjk, Mr*. M< ville, Mrs, N. Clint6b, Mrs. Holmes U Mi"0arUy. Hoe)dN Pills are the best aftsr-dinn jille. assiit dineution, cure hoadaobe. 90