Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 24, 1895, page 5

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THE E88EK WBEf PRESS ' if- rft-J ;:'M >via I The Chatham Loan and Savings Company. CAPITAL - $1,000,000 Money to Lend on Mortgages Of productive real outfit*, tfarmorn *Wuiitliiif to borrow money at bonb ratort, Imut tocm-uuo and no dfllay Bbotihl uj.ply lumtonally lo Tho Cbut- famn L.o*n and HuvIiihh Co,, OlmthiUM. H. If. GAHDNIOJU, Maimer. FMDAY, MA.Yat.lBO.'S." TA U K OFTHETOWNF North Oohlluld count;!] mootn noxt Sat urday at CotUtn. Ehbox jwnplo will liMy Htoim Wind nor on thoQtttxin'tf Birthday. _:.. .. ThersiHialkof flutabliitlunK a lotigo of Iho Canadian Or dor of OddfollowH in tow 11, ,-' 'i'h Loudon Oonfnrenco of tho Motho- liufc olmrah will mcot in Strathroy ou .Tunc Jtb wexi. Thiu in Puolt'H now vartuon. "Taku ;oof thti pwmiOH aud tho dolluni will bo <u m by your bairn." .. . _^ lA.. ItoBo'loHb a valuable throo-ycar- Ion air colt from injuriiiu Biwlainad by frc unothor huvtie. Soott haa' buim placing a now Tdalion and now iloor in bin brick ocoupied by J. II. Witflo. Tha Young; rdoplo'u Uuion fluoioticH of "Ohrihlian Endeavor will meot in tho Fren- bytoriau church noxt Maudaj ui^bt. Nioo linen in printed utatinnory, duo blank noto paper and onvolopuu, utyliuli linou at low prioeu. Tin: Fhkk I'iikoh. Tho 21nt Batttilioa, Euhox Fanilioro, Will 0 into oamp at London Juno IB, and will romam tinder can van for two woulm. Communion aorvicetPwilbbo-beld in tho VroBbytoriau ohurohi Ehbux, noxt Sunday morning, May 20th. .-llisv. W. M. Fleming, "pastor. NOTICE, Ml pornonn indebted to tho firm of Dru. Duwar (fe McKauzio will bf called npon at an early dato by .1. M. Short ami rmjuoutod to settlo. Dewau .fcMoK.KNZiK Boy'n iTpiocu u'uitH SI up at Bmitli'a. Djobo) A Brickur pay the bi^ht-ut ci^h prico for wool. ' Boyu' uuitB $1.50 up, man's runts If3.2ft up, bcvH' puuta CUe. up, nieu'a pants ftl np.-OA.K HALL. If you want Hcrueu doora ami windows that will last for yenrH to Uiirao, tfo to Lainjj, Brow,, Ehhox. HTHAYED OH STOLliN. On Lb8 cv'k of May 9th, ono pair of Kutdinh riu^-uock dovo. lluwarrt if returned to owner, Mil.. W. D. Boarmin. Aidurmau .1. A. R*no lidrt not boon on- joying uood htiitlth for domo tinm putit, but iu nomowh it improved thia Hpriu^. IIo talUnof taking a trip to Kurupoan conn triou. No. ;t VoIuLteer (Jo. havu buen drilling for no mo thou midur (Japt. Huu^ull, and an: prepared to niva a ^ood account ul tlic-m- boIvob at Windsor to-day, u,t thu ^rtjat mil itary danjoniitratiou, Tho Windsor ihtitrict rnimHturu und lay; uion of thu Mutliodint chmxh nw huldiug thoir annual coiivt-ntiun in Windsor liiia wook. I>r. Tuacou ia iu attendance, aluo Mr. J. K. AIoEwuu an lay-dub^ntu. The Wiiiduor watorworltM- til'i'orclH both tiicatand drink to the reuiib-iitii of tlisii oily, Tutjaday'u Hocord j-ajn thai "an ei-1 hi'x inched long carnti out of tli(^ witter up 4Ll LaLJollo'e until, end I'ru^ itlnru to day." . Boyn boo our nt.raw liaUs and top HiiirlH. they am niou and chi-ap. (J. \i. S tt CIo Ladioa, for diftn yoodn, paniholh, ^Idvl^, bono, cornetu, embroidtirit^i, hurun, etc., \j,u to M. J, Wiglo & Co. Two younj; int-n named Tilley and KJnial. from Leiinuuj;tou, reooi.tiy lalkca ot opening it laundry hum, but ttv<- ujj tho pr'-'juct. Auothuf Lcaminiitoti firm, it in waid will beyin operuLiumi aluu/; tliM- lico in a few duya. . Daviti McGregor, who i i-ot-utly to.ik i carof horurtfi tu In[<Ui]d, arrived back tj Qtioboo jehtvrday and tHlu^raphed T. (I. TorriH, of Windhor, to piak him tip anoOur lut of boruiin. Tim Emb*x qounl,y .quinu i ootniuf! J"to demand ugain. Wo dhow tho lu-tuat iu la.Hun' mIiouh und ebpperH. G. 111. B. a Co. .Tin Kuuivillt* H^portur woii'Iera "if Ehhox in a Hu,u Btutiou now?" No, eir, Br'er Ue'luiMti, Knex '* rouo dod bv the M. C. It. afl ouo ai the uidKt, nnportatii |)oint,B along lMi lino, of whidh Vo liuve abundant ovidonoa in tho uuinbr-r of cleric cnaployod at tho depot, au well an tht* i-r.. ponHo incurred, in koepint; m ahupa tin* promiaun. Thoru aro alno nine train*, ciLr- ryiuti puftflciipoiu, stopping at Eh^ox ttvery day, to biiv nothint; ol the Amkrtbur(j local traiiiH, haviuu hoadquartera hore. 7G uoro farm for ualo. Q. E. Smith & On. Mont Ehhox paoplo aro attending the cohihtation in Windsor to-day. Mr. J. A, U>a ban ptirohauod of Hatvirt tfc Hon, of Montreal, miporUrn of boraou, n. tliornu^bbrod Iilxmoro pony "Munliroom," lo m*io tho little fallow "Bilboy" that ho liH.ti hud for noma tuno. Hearty all UiiuU of farm ntook and pro- duoo aro (^nttui upwurdu in priuu thorto dayu nt a jjuit that makou tho horny-handed Hon of toil chuckle in hm Hloovo iu ipito of tlio ditniHti-oitu work of Jack Front. Fomytho. AndnrHon A Co. aro opuu to buy an tniliniitod quantity of wool, oithor wauhd or unwanhod, and will pay 'bo hifjlumt prluo thorofor, oithhf in oimh or trado. Sou thm buforo dinpomiiii of your oli p. Now what about arran^omontw for onr Dominion Day oohibration ? Wind nor rauuu will onmo just about that duto, and thu proHOiioo of tfooti lioracH in tho county Hhould niv Ehmox a ttoo*l raco mooting on that duto. MrH. Trhumonhauiior, a (UHtor of i\Irn. Wm. Millon, of Goiiiiold north, had throo tuniorw removed front, her throat on Wd- noialay of laat wook, by Dr. Mo!Cn/iu. Tho operation wan HuouoHMfully porfortnod und tha hidy in doing nieoly. A man with a phonograph nndorbiti arm Htrollod into town last Saturday, and on turtained a numlior of out citi/.onn on Sat urday nifiVit. Uo uhio "ontortuiiiod" on Sunday altwrnoon, a utunhur of callorn. Thin wan uliuhtly nuorthbdoX. Tho S'ilvution Army's Ladiom BraHti Band in coming to Ehhox unxt Tadialay, 'JHth, and will tfivo an ovoniiiH in tho lounl bar- rnoky. Thoy aro vory highly upokon of hh mnnioiann, and tho novelty of tho organiza tion in proving a vory tittractivo foaturo. Moh'h ull'wool twcod ntiittt tM 75 at Rmith'd, FurmorH, tho cloauor your wool rhn higher tho prtco you tot for it. M. J. Wiii'o & Co. Mr. II, B. Etold and family who recent ly moved from Detroit to Emuox, havu taltou th houho lutuly vacated by Simon Wi^lo who haa move;! hiH family to Kin^u- villa. Mr. Field rncently purchanod a laryo pidee of wild liu)fj fjKJin- Mr. DqCow horo. ATTENTION Be muo and attend tlio ureat tntlo of ftoul EwtatP ou Tuotidiiy, tlio JHtli of Hay, at tlio Aherdeun Ilotsl. It will ho tlui ureatunt ever hold iu Ebhox and there will ho Hpocial bur^tiiuH you may- nev^r Hdt aj^aiu. IIouhou, lota and laudu t) Huit all Kinds of buyern. 'ttoy. W. M. Pluming', chairman of tho locul Board of Heulth, reocntly nont a nam* pie of.witter from tho towu Hyntotu for mi- Hlynif), to Dr. Bryoo, nocrotary of tho Pro vincial Board of Hmdth, but bun not yet recivod a ruply, lie oxpoctn to hear thre. from in a few dayu more, however. Souio Lmr^mrm may ovidontly now ho ohtatneu ut tlio town truinuror'tj adjourned Halo of town property, which takuH placo tit.-xt Tuenday, *i\it\\ iuHt, at ton o'clock, a, in,, m I'uok's Hall, A few lotti v/oro Hold on Stitmday laut, but the Hide wuh adjourn, ed, purtly on account of tho bad weatbor, Summer drc-n ^oudn at re.tuood ^prices at Smith's. M. J, Wiijle it Oo. want any (pmntity of iiood, oK-ilii wool. A KiiifjHvillo cori'tjiipoudniit writes We wtsre ayain viniteil with a hoavy frost \na Monday ovonintj. Ice ^h thick una windo*v piihH wiib to bo Hoou in many placua. JOitrly potutoeu aod yurdi'ii vo^otnbb;a wero bad. ly nipprtd. At presoiit it. is hard to otatu whethei' pouchl'B are b'idly hurt, but it in certain that the i^mpe* that uiirviy rd tho pruviuurt froptH uro (lone tijj this time. Thai loiin-<'X[ionl<jd M. (I U. timo cmd chuujie took ulftjct on Sunday la-it. Thuro ihnot inucli ch-iuti, hii fur an Knacx is con. ceriu'd. CJuin^ eitH(, We have 'Im ni'xe 1 at 5:^*2, American KtpTrftj ut 7: J J >, Mud ut b: 11. .-Vtlaiuic Expru^u at H)-.:i;i, all in U'& fot'.'lioQii, tn.d Ui:(.:i)[iiodiLl I'm uL ~i.'.\[i, p.' ni. (join^ wefit ai'u tho acjcino hilmu at \i-J>\Veri'f.'iu lKxpi\ias ni, 11; IU, mixed at ;j;(if) and mnil at il:()ll. Tlio aocomudnirbiiH tire; now uarrjin^ uinlcr (invern incut oontni:;L. I.'iiijt-f.' tf.o ahppt-rn or walking rtho-iH 7'm', lino button bouta 'M pur pair at StniLli'i,. GintleiiitMi, for clothing, IriM n.i.d tilj iitrniwliinj.'s no to M.J, Wigle it Co., tho tdotllllTH (if I'jhHt'X. How About the 2-ltU. You'll enjoy tnc day bottor if you'ro woll diroHUOd and well cqqippod with pookot oony. Wo'ro not oxtravugant about prices, and pooplu who trade bora alwayu b(*vo cfiah to npuro. "You pay im uoimider- ably lf"M than othor Btor# charge for aimi- lar uooilo, and pookot the ditYorouce. That ppliow to ooiinR. huUh, vummor olotldn^ nod aprln^ overooitu. OA.KHALL. I>t*utli of Mrs. Uoo, Vicltors. Mm. Geo. VicUlmh. a retdd'.-nt of this place, panned to Vier ret*t on Saturday night, laut nfter u lotitf and painful illncHH of HHVtjral weuku' duration. Tim decoaned had Lned Huvuril pliyv,iciauw, an 1 it was th-iii^lii by some of her friendw that it ru- ootLoy wuh prolniblt!, and br death wa^ h irrll\ expe-utH whou it enme. '1'he doceiiHei] huly wau u^jfcd nearly iQ VtJtirn, and bi-Hiden ln-r sorrowing huubaud I- avett a dautditur and two wmnll hoiih. Tho funeral ou Tut'dduy wan lar^uly attended, the, m-rvicort boiut; oonductnd hy Dr. Pnu- foe in the Moihodihb ohuroh. Tho romaina w.-re interred at Cottam cemotery. COMPOUND. A recant dlaoovory by an old phyuidim, BuceestfuHu utJ monthly by thousand q/ lailUa. "u t!bn only perfooU- Bafonndrollaljlomodlclaodlt covered. Uownro of uitprlnolplod driiKKlaU wk oftor tnforlor modtolncii In plnon of thU. AUfi Cook'n Cotton Rout t'aimtoiini], tabu mjjuW iute.ot iMdoioinndOcenUln postago lu lot* miil-wowlllsottcI.Bnalfld, by rotum mall. I^illsoal. pnrtloularu In plaltt onvolopp, to India* only, tamp*. Addroiw TUo Coolr Cnui^nuy, WhidBor, Oat, Caaadd . bold iu Khix by all drt^uUtu. ASSOCIATION 'FOOTBALL. UMHcatWMll 1jou<Im In tli .l*on!nu- l:ir |jua#uA. TlioOnmoWUli Wliid-ur nM(*'<ly tt U Wnu n^ante, rndoJ IkiU l-uW. (Hy our m poo I nl rnyorUr.) It in valuing, pub awl Much (loUbtlonH wan tho fonhn^, if"liol tha oxproafuoa, of many Etihox foolball playwri* thn mnrulnif' of Saturday hint on arouyin* thumHiilvoi from thoir peuooful uhmiburM. PerUapB tko Whidnoriturt imad Himilar (.xprouulonii, oxoopt that tho 'raliu-w' would Im variouMy uinbolliulmul by Idhh preuoMtablo oxplotivon or nrnyho by xpMunioin* of joy for thoy would moo in it a chanoa to avoid dofaafe. At any rato jb wan vory wot. and utill rauiin^ Baturdny morninj;, a condition of aUaim which ulioukl havu induund Wiiid uor to maUx nrriiiiguniortH for a future dato upon whiih to play tho nanoo, bvit no intimation of hugIi oominy to our lioya, thoy, alroady well acfputintud with Wind- uor'H waya that aro moan, [ot thomHolyuH in rondinoHi and forthwith not out to bo in lood timo for tlio mutoh. Now an to tlui l^onoral conduct of the Windnor follown, tho vnahulary of tho Ku^IihIi laneruaL|o doOH not uupply oxproHmoini which will doiicrlbo thoir unfair and un^ontlnmaiily tntatmont to vimtarH iu ^enural, and Ehhox In particular. Thin is well exemplified by their latout aotipiiR towardu Kimex. About.two wonUit ~zc*>o Ehhqx, roali7,iaK tlilit thoy \voultLdlttV" no homo [;tune heforn Juno, indeed the Mx- ocutivo ommitteo to arran^o a eamo hnre laut wook. Tliiu wa,a a reasonable ruriucHt fduco K^uux hiifl played tway From home three timon and buon vinited only oneo, and a homo [{ama wuh our rightful duo, not only iw juattao ko onr Knuox aiiftportern, but to our finanooH. TIioho wore ivon au our reaimini, but Windsor, with their mnial uollirilinetifl und lauU of thnno qualiticu which i;o tomuku up uonnino aporfcHn'ou, rophed that it would hu u sli^lit iucouven- ioaco to thorn and that thoy would neither play in Ehhox Uieuiuulvui, nor allow any other teart to do oo, A^ain Euhex united them to call the ^aiuit in time to allow a return home by tho evening train, I'hin thoy promined, hut fliu'ini: that ono of their men could uot. cattily yet off early onouyii, thoy billed tho fiamu for -l:iI0, and notilled tin to tlint ^ff^ot...e.o o^irly aw tho morning jf tlio match. Ho much for the treatment off the fly I'd, Ou the field thoir itotioiiu might probably patiH uucormtired if tliy wuro winuin^ hands down, but an uuch athinj^ \\i\a never happened thorn, it iH only t tir imnKhiatroTT that thoy mi^ht. Saturday their playoru having at leant no ndvanta^Lv the hoodlum Windsor ordwd, uotno of whom had man a^ed to appoint thomnulvuH touch or ^oal umpiren, did all in th-:ir power to turn the tide of victory to Windnor'u sido hy inter ferhn; with I'jhbok playorti alou^ tho touch lin.'H m ovorv cuiiueivablo rtiannor, and al ii o in tho touch und ^oal deoiniunn. On tboHtroufth of ono of thuuo oriua the l'ufo- rooe;:ive a provittiotnil duciaiou which w.m b/ aboye nioutionod hoodlamo ooinitrued into a [^oitl, for they felt that they could nuvcr fairly earn one, In the uoufiimoM of t io timo they got in their unual duty v(irlt hy coming ufimj tho hold a,ui attumptni^; mhully the visitors out of thtir juafc con tontioiiH. "Tli u, added totho fiot that tho tfroiindu Worn ahaolutoty unfit for any spur', lut ilIoiio footb:dl, it'is not to bo wondered a', that, Eadux didn't ^ivh them the defeat tiitjy would (itliurwiue have Hiutained, Ou arriving iu Windsor none of their playei-R wore in Hi^ht, and wbon, after two lout; bourn of wailing, thoy did put in an iippeaiuiicu it v?an to exprosn ourpnao at our boyN boin^ thoro. On iiuding out tli.ti football wan thu object ot lIuh vihir,, tliey invited the Ehshx tuam to talto a trip aWiiy out into tho country, und, tdiowiu^ '.hem n hole in the funoo, uoliorod r.Liuin inio a plewd do hi wuoru thoy wwre lold they Wire lo pla_y ball. After further delay m the oiioic-i of a refurno, riiuco Windsor ob j-jotod to tho IVodident of tho homini, for oo othor I'uartou tlii-i tlnvt Uo wai titt<_ Iy to ^ive fair dcdidoiiH, O-io. King w.i i ehoson, W'udaor uoi htLviui4 ti -io or they would have oujuctud to liuu ou Himihir grounds. E-iuex now otiterod n righteously indip;- mint prututit iigairiHt the j^ruiifidtt, wh;oli Were in an liXuuuiliunl v wretched condition , which waauot improve 1 by tlio ram that ha 1 eoiiiiueticod. and ooutinueil st.adily to fall throughout the famo. Oeo. C. Kiu^ after appoiutui O. ii Oil Ilea and J. T. Green, of O.iiroi'., go it I urn pi'.en, called tbe sumo and the toa no hn-d up .ia follows, tirinux winning the to.^^ . Wmdhor, Ehhox, J Stuart Goal J Euerth W Stuart 1 n . j J Oourlav A SrubbH) ^^^ JJ M Snort J 0 ubo ' /11 U Barrett G JuiowloH j Haifa | L I) Bunts II. Gauthiur ( [G AdlUou A Stuart Centra J D Cow IF Kinfi (E Jj*ing fA Oourlav 1 M DoCew Fioru tho ltiah off Wiudior Iojh i.o our half baoli lino and uu hood an a muddy bull could fcn taken up a muddier filold E *wx . forwards had it in the viainityof tho Wiiid uor goal whet* it roinainod oxooptiny for a fow brief intoimiHaioiiB tho rout of tlio flrat half. A numhor tut" ouruoWl word 'Rained but tho hall was too heavy and u.uddy to ullow of uood oimtriiiuk Ou ohanjiiuu ends Ebuox ojpiin protuatod apaiUHt thn groundB aud had they iiiHiHtud, rni^ht liavo bad tha ^am* deolarod oft*. In tbio half play wuti.raora venly dtviddd.but oiodpl by iho man play of parnitttoutly putting jthemiolvt* oftuido, tho Wipdior forward* wor* bvor iJangeromdy oloae to J Butlnr G Guuthior/ W Lyoun M Wailao. Goal B ;KjltS Haifa Centre RiKht E;ft Will be Open! - ON - G.KRIEGHOFF, PHOTOGRAPHER E&SH3X. -' 0*NT. Svl Etiaoi goal. On ono of thtma' offuidea Oauthior put tho ball through and Windoor olaimod a uo*l and tho rtsforoo, not .lutow. iug what It wan, aulcud thn umpirn. Horn a Windnor nnan, a hanitor-on, oanau tor- ward olniniinK to bo the. utupira and do- Glared it to bo a goal J. T. Green, tho um pire tho referoo appointed, doolard it an :offuido. Play coutinuod, but the ^amu ondod ilm it hofjau, noithorfiidu Kcoriu^'. During tho j;amo Windsor twice claimed a foul on W. M. DoOow for hlooknifi tho ball, and dropping on one kwuo to avoid a chargo. Tho roferoo jmitly granted thum uo uncVi rooueiit, uo ho could uot oonosivo how anyouo who profoHiieH to know the gumo cpuld uot diutinguiuh botwoou block ing tlio ball and dropping im front ot a player. For Windttor .!. Btuart iu goal in good and KnowloK at half in a lirtit ohmn man. Eor Ewtox ovury man played ball ami tho forward hiLviny the mout to do did roally excellout work. . Now au to Wiudnor'n hlm'f ahout being ho Huccoiiiiful, "it in allo^iid but the alli-^at- "ion htm never bean riatUfnolorily tuibrttan- "liatod, that once upon a timo thoro dwult "iu what, in now appropriately Urmud the '"Ual>y City' a few mou who wuro uenuitio "HporUmen hut the oldent inhabitant ovou "'aftorlio ban oudf/olled hiu memory into "itH moot dutiful condition, cannot call ' to "mind nuch au oooaaioii upon which a "Winddor nggrogatiou of aportu," bo it- bane or football, hicrouRo or onoket, havu truat- 6d with ovon common courtouy or ftiirnoitH a competing team of players. If it wore poiiHiblo by foul or any moans thoy would do everything tho criminal cudo would ah low to gain thoir oud iu viow.aud if in i;pitu to hiich odds their opp^nontH won, then nuWHpapor lackoyu woro oven moat uUilled m detracting fromtho winuoiH any merit they might pimuenH by either deliberately taih"pefih~g'with tho truth or "damniujj; hy Cfintlo praineH." An an iuutanco of thin thoy ulaim they have won and can wiu from Eohux upon every opportunity. Now of the four jcumett WindHor havo recorded iui SV-r-yrA. gtuifUf^HT'i^ariti'J.t, (tb..-re are oihcrh) only oneo Hid thoy fairly win., twice the gaimm Miood'iu favor of Ehhox, but thn refurnu in favor of Witiduor.and tho fourth gamo wan by tho W. E. A. declared off on account ot me unfair and unj-outlomanly conduct of Windsor playerH and nupportoru. Altai we would romind yo worthy Wiiiduor Httriheu that in a match foe tlio champion, nhip of Ehsox county, Eauox won tho game and chainpionahip from Windhor. " But even woim it true thai Wiiiduor him ttlwuyo won from liant-x tho reputation ol the latter ib iulimtely more onviahlo than (ho caricature by which tho Bubiun are known, Euhox liy all other opponent aro reco^nizod im a gentlemanly lot <)t followu and, oven though Inning, thoy htivo never loHt in any,but a plucky fight. Moreover to thomHolvoH and theinaelveu only can he given the credit of a gamo won. Thitt i-t a n putation any team might, ho proud of and much ih it to be preferred to a vtiuosr ut t'Ottell hllflCl'BH, \4 ^^OriiioiiNij, Iu Goi-ii-ld North, on TueHilnv, May ^lnt, the wile of Hon O-born- , of ti mou. y^n^'. teTt***" mmm& McK.siu.AMi At the M-i u< , EtrtMX, on Wfdm-idav, Mny '^'Jud. by 'I' H-v. W. M.FlHmiou-'SiimiH McFirhn e to Eva Mo!um/,ie, all nt (;..k:bt*HIT N T!h. Pulmonary cou-uoiptiMii, m ittt t-any Htagtiu, maybe idi-eko'l by ihi> u-eof Ayii'n Clu-ri-y P.-otoral. It, Htops t.ho didtrenim * oonijb, soothe- nrit-. lion <d tin- tbr-Mit mill llli'gH, 'Hid indllv'iH tn it oh ut. d- ,1 n put-o. Uuudrtidf* have t.'^nfj- up lo virlUfof thn prcpii'.i moo. G. E. SMITH & CO w INVITE YOTT TO INSPECT THEIR STOCK Of. Hummer DroHa Goods,'puch a Dot MuelinH, Fancy an$l Plain DukB,-chaml)riiH, ZophyrB, etc., with Lace and ofchec- Trimmings to match. Our Rtock is very complete in the above* lines. In Staple Dry Goodw prices "are low. Extra good Shirt-*, ings, Towelin^H, PrintH, Plannelettea at 5eyd; standard shirt* ings 10c yd (regular 13c Roods); heavy cottonado 15o ydp.. Feather Ticking 15c; all wool Tweerls 30o, We aro overstocked in Shoen, To reduce we have cub prices.. .Button Boots worth i-pl.-fil) for !)5o; Walking shoe* 75c; job lot Indiew'Slioes and Slippers at ahout half rog^ ular price; Gents' fine Lnced or Gaiter Whoea $l,2o, worthi fi-2. Our stock iH made up of the latent styles in^i^^aijd^ Patent Leather Trimmed. quality, style and price. Iu fact we are in trro load in Ready^mail and Ordered clothing - We have had groafc HiiocoHB this season and*want to clone this* month, balance oT spring purciiaMos. To do ho we oiler 2-pieee Boys* Suits for? 1; nicn'a nil wool TweedH, regular price $0.50, for $4,50^.. This line lias no equal in Hssex; tjpS line for $5.75; $10. antft* $12 for 7.75; 14 and $6 for 89,75, Space will not permit us to give full list of tho good things wo have. Gome anct see, it is no trouble to show goods. WOOL ! WOOL ! ! WOOL ! ! ! We"affTpvcpared to pay outside prices, either cash ot trade, for any quantity of Washed or Unwashed Wool. Don't sell until wo give you prices. GE SMITH & Co.' WHITNEY BLO-'K, ESSEX EST OUR PRICES TSJ" \U> Hiding; and Walking Cultivators ! IT WILL PAY YOU. . RICHARDSON* H ardwars, Cw C) \Z3 x^* ^S. To Smoker> T'i iiiu'*! tir- Wi-h h " lr n in 'dm. Thf Gi/D. K. Tuck u (V liuu t)"., 1' n. iliiniilton. Out , hav chic ' itp<ui In nmrk' i, A. ( )omhination Plug of I>OKS iT^.WOItK IM MOUKtt. SIX in 3 5 SMOKING TOBACCO Tnis supplies ;i lony tVlt wmU, giv- tho cQi'SumtH' uuo 'id cont pln^, A illritlcliKi tlim will IlrlU'Vt I>Utr<(*t- IllC Ulilm-y u*il ltliMliI<r Olw. rlMo In >.|x MlmtYu Iff Mcrloc \ our -%i- toitilon. Tlioiu* ivhf* unftor ff..m Ui< 1 nov trouli'o - ufler acutoly. Wh n- i-omio-kin<lu of fticlt- iion^ ran hu borne with forljtu i . it id no mhj mutter to ex<.rciue tIjin virtm- wImb 'oik ib a Hiifferor from It! in- y i > ut-io. Hope iniiv BDstuin a yeyhun v-bon a tuuihuinr io h <uig unoti that doctoru *-ny will eviilontly *tTuot a ouro. But who wantu to ooutinue nu uu<>ni/,ii:n oourao nf ireatmoqt whon a mcclioiuo lilte South Anoerica>i Kidnoy CJnro ie within tha rnnoh of everymiu and that iHKO "nnpiiy.iu woll am cbrfum in its offiots? ThiH new ninody linn 'wt-n thur ouijhly ttwtod by-laarnerl phyaloianK. and HtaiidH to-'hiy ahoatl .( in y modiuiny tivfd 'Of thlH (HlfpOiO. It 'lo^iii not iTQtsucl to otiti' uuythiue <l*a, b'lt it lUu* euro kidney dinette. Soli by J, Thnruo, dfu^lit. or it 10 cot-t piece, or n. 5 cunt ploeo ol" tlio farnona '""l' 5a 3:': brand of pure Virginia Tc.bitcco. Tlio tin tag ."T & B" is on evory piece. c all" at -^*^^mi^w ! FOll ALt. KINUSOF Window Blinds awny down '^liinaware, Bnc-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School 'Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Kioyermg Wall Paper from 2 cents up. llrarr Disease ot' Fv Yoai'tt*' -i lUKlmir AliHohitoIy CJiir<sl by l>r. vVyiifw'H (."ur for the. Homi-I Tin* Uriit Lite Saviiiir K^iihmIv GiVi'H ., Itrlirf in ";io M limits. ThfH. IVTry. K ;ij , .Vylmur* Quo.: "t havu hftMi ti'riibUiil Lir ubont live yoak^- with ^-v re heart ucmiplniiir', A.6 timc=-. Oil- pii n wh^ho BfVt-ro that' I wan unubW<-. tn 4timid t(i'"|.niii(.hH. Tho . nlightont GX- -I'll n pr ivtjil vi ry fiii^unif.' and nooan- >-it.t-l i-liinji n-f-c. I tried Dr. Agnow'B- Cui'n fm rh llftiirt, aud obtained' im- miBclialo rrdii'f. I htivu now takfm four hr ttlon of tltu r. HiL'dy,. and. am t'rufl from ovdry Hyiujitom o heart diHoa^ou' I linpd thin *tatf:iri(Mit may indu'eo qtltoprf- . t iniiblod ft I W" o to tiwt- thiH mom, VfttbNaW#- renicdy atrial." Sold bv j. Thnruo,drii(j- " iHt. " tyilHliOiot1ilns tor tins lilth- Whntovee i^on and boyH nood-for th* 21th in olothinii at ooni.oaiioal nrioau Oalt Hull hi* ii fun raaRo of bjkoh .and ytylenofc*.; raon'ii Hott-, Huhi ovorooata, aud boy* olothinft in ample variety* not tho comioaom. ' htimxlrunrtiortif, but hb near lik merchant tailoi'ing'iih odd can I'ViTgnt in ready-<^;, raado loth^fl. OAK HALL. . I':M -m '^1 4 4 Mi Job lot fiuoflh am at half prico at Sinith'at M..T. Wuh' it'Co. urn oatcying n. fonV rang,) ot tlio Ktu^villo Wo> 1>>u Millu" ctl- .\.-*'M bMtedgooda. h~^ Iiadie^' pai-*^^ \ljit ohvpat Stoifch*^ y"t:i BxttA fln".tuu^v o( lUbroi" nottttd. only llo. par buMlitd ut it J WigU AO^'i i____ ^IM^^ 7717806

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