1-fritL fcSSi^Z FR^KJ PRESfc,. .Vi HOUSE PLAMIS IN WIHTER. i.....-1 (,tur in [L -li't1/ itt.it (ii WHO CAN RELISH AND JOY THElfr MEALS. EN- rWDIGESTIOKT AND ITS TERRORS. PALME'S CKLKJIYCOMPOUND KK8I\)RKS PER FECT DIGESTIYK VIGOR. Nature's Great Medicine Will Give You a Healthy and Natural Appetite, Pure Blood, a Clear Head and Sound Sleep* Mn;; y, he i:iUi! it.-i I M ' (I Mil III" I. K 1 111 , II'. I' lid I! I HI 'L'h'! mrmt. ntUr-nhU: ni;rtaln in our coni- millli ii'M ILI'C til "WO .VUO ILl'H W'U/^tud ilnwu by obatinutu ami crulu iiidino-dian, Tlio difcjuntivo orj^Lim :iru nil out of ftear, unci tho Hut'fnror iu tnrmuiitini every hour of tlio day.. TUi; ^ruattNt diHtronw in ox- ptirinnced iilr-or uatiu:.' jthoro iu honviuoiH or widgut in tho pit- id tliMUomaoh, ulmoNt " continual heiuiacht.' , want of iippetka, pal pitation o( tho heart, Hlui^inhiiehu and tor pid boz/lH ami citii-itipatlon, Tho common cttt.li irthiu ami mudioiTimi of the day only, iii.'^rmatu thuuiTpror'u troub les, anil u.iu.e him to sink doupor in tho liairu of HiiJ'fiJi'tng mil ddriijou'lonuy. Nuturo'a , woiuturoiirt romody, Paine'h Colmy Giunpnuud, U tho only modioino now'.jji-norally im-Hi-rihed by tho bewt phy. aiciui.u. It iictn dir<Mly on tha rifrvcH, it elourinuH tho blouil, ami ruinovun till 'ibatruc- tioiib and lit-;ruiiM g imittL'i* from the tllROiltivo nrjjan-l, mi \ ^ivitH that puidVct vi^or of body Mmt only tlio healthy cilii enjoy. Aft'T HHmc I'xinu'i*: Celery Com pound, otitinu hi'ij.tunjH a jile-iHiirtj, hb-cp ih' Hatoru.1 undfioujul, and hfu in worth living. Mrn. II. Cor/uh'k, of If Unix, N. S., who Buffered foryuur*^ Triton iu follown : ' It in with phiaritiro that I add my tpHti. many to tho vuluo of 1'iuniin Celery Goiq. pound. For a number of yearn I liavo nuf- fit red ifiY(ntl3r from inilifit-ntion uud palpita tion 'd too lieart. It wan period miuury tor mo to t;o up ntairtt or up a hill, un my hri'iilli witit ho nhorl. and weak; and Dating a meal wan hDium.hinjr l'dreadud, a.a I auf- fnred mndi n^ony it.ftrwiirdu, I could only got temporary relief from dontor'a mod- loinn and iv*modiun. 1j>lhL huminer my heart tiiiiihlcd <o frequently, that I btjcumo -weak tutd miHitrablu no luinerabla that I full life a burdim. . I bad hoard a jroat donl of CoIlt.v Compound but hud no idea it woul'l benefit mu in any way. A.t laitt I wan hi.-ntii'i'lod to try it, and by tlio tuna tlin lii'Ht bottlo wan nuad [ wan (jrontly bon- idHtud. I have u-id llvo bottled of tho Compound, and nay with truth, that no othfri* incdiaiuo ban ovor fjivun mo nuoh wonderful roau'tn. Tho palpitation of tho h.-urt Iulu not troubled mo fur tioino monthn; i 0'in now oat a boiirty uioal, u.hd do not exptiricMiuo any y>ain alterwfirdH. "I'uiiio'ri Ccdery limn pound caniiot bo too iiiijliiy H[>ohou of, and I trust all who MuM'itr fiotn thu cuiupluiutu winch I Imvf.'. had, will tiKo "t without did ay or four, for I am uortain tbo will racaive fjroat bouofft:i and will houw ho coiiviuood that Colory Compound in tho uuruit, inifuut, ' and bonk of rimimlitMi," ! il > I I.; . . I"' ll.t Mi'il! til'" ;i>i i S I . L ; i I li h;il :i ' ;\\\' il h- 'u HEABIHCBAmimi Newfoundland's Affairs Aro in a Sorry Conuition. $I5,GOO,000 LIABILITIES MOW DUE ItrfrcnrMmeiit Mill Provide Tin- thi- I'uliiro Ulit rn-srtil N'ei'ilft .VIlist lti> .>Jfl I In- Ii.IIml- U Him rainul.'s nr Wn* itfut Kv.tmvtl St. Jolm'H, Nfbl., Mny 1S.-C<iifrdi*rn- "tioii, or rathi-r tho n-Vti-al of Ni'wfnuitd- lftnd In cnti'r tin- Dutiiiiiion of UiiuiidiL on ni ti.pio tif Coiivorsntion h<*ro. Tin* conditions j>n- pnsed to hi- inipn^-d by <.'un:idn nro oun- didori'il ti Im w 1.....n V-t.v pom* *mh1 they would Inm' It-ton i-rjocii-.d 11j y b.'ou Bubniittod t(/ tlio cli-ftortiti'. .T.l' Oovornmi'iit y [ip'-.'ir? t" b-* friudit- cnod in tho fnoo id tlm i-.t-voro , , , .. , , , ..,, 3'*>iii]fr riion haw flovt'i' v In* u.-'-u to run rotro.toluni-ut that !h n. Kry^ t.> ,,i,.- [J ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ Thl. llu,r i |nMMTniTTnielr *>Till M(miii <>nc Ijiuid*in, M^y l^. In tin- IIoii-o ui Cmt* utoii'i Sit- (.'h.-u'l'.-i Uillo' ;isl;od how bnifr ji'T.-iioiH wo fa to hi; oni [di i,yi*d upon ro- lii'l" wurkfi iu Xowioiin.lla udat tho ex- jn-DH' of tlio Kn^li-di tJixpayor.s, mul !tow 1 i(if.1; :t ooiiiiui.^siuiirr would ho rotninod tlioi'i* to givo Htato aid to tlio uiionipbiy- cd, whir was rofu.soii tlio idb* workin^- ruoti iu I-hijj;la nd. .Mr. Sydm-.v Iluxton, TJndor Cnlnnial S < - ri't*iry, ropliod that the (tovoritmoiit i-x* pcoti'd that thu in-oo'-futy 'f nuoh wm-k would co.-ue at tho ond of tho jtrosout month and tlif dilth-.f of tho (utiiilliicaioii- or would thou oojiho. Jtuplyi ntf to a (in th oi" iuti-crn-ratiim, Mr, UunIou t-'-iid tho (lovornuoMit ooiibl not inalio a ny wtatomont in rotfn nl to tin- iio^nti;ition.M looking In tlio I'odoration of Nowfuuudl.aid with tin; Doiiiiitiou oi Can- a da, m in im ! nv a M.tw. I'oarful E)cnth of an Old Man In n ll'imll- lon SaW.'nlll, Hamilton, Mny 18. Adnni Sinith '"' Taylor'n curiior^/l'.arion Tuu nsldp. n .::*' 1 72 yojirn, wont to IV^oor'n na win ill in JHuhrouic yt*Ktordjty Lo boi*row n Iioi-m-. At tin- mill hi* uiidortoidi to ^how ;^i/n" Kori'oo tin' ofjuilihfiutu >i n-ofiiits itnd | cxjMjndit'iiri'n, ond him |nmt poiioil tho in- J troilinjtion iu tl:o IIoiim- mi itn n-tn-iodi-j 'im'nt pn'jpo.-iils until Tuohiiay m-.\t. , Thorn* rt-t ronolunoiits will imdudo tin'| curtiiilniout d" ovory hnoioh of th- pub- | lie norvicf', and it in In-liovod thoy will ' ruin tho fjovornuo-iitVi oha no oh < >i ro- clootioii. Flirt hormoro, it i;< i]in-s l iona hlo if n1- tro nt* It mi'lit, In iw ovor m*vo:"-, will bo cupnblo of jrro;iri lownrdn bniikniptoy. Titer i- nr-urly .^'t,000,"DO of flout i'n-r dt-btn, d"- fioit^, loans duo haul;*1, iiitoro-t, <-t<-., ro- quirimr houio form of ?..-i t U-hk-mI by .1 ul.v '10. Tlio qiioKtion til" h ,w to uMi|iph* witli this ooinlituiii of tiling*- if!.'ii jritali n^ tlio Govoriiinont. Kotn-ni'lijiu-ni will only provhlo tlio Ilioiin.s of p'lyino; th'- cn!.ji:y'i wny iu1ho futuro; nothing i.^ iin-nn^-i! to ]u*ovido_ for tho pjiym.'iit of pri'M'nt dohts. Thono', now niiionut to $Iii,(i0o.i):i(i, and obliiru-, $tlonn hu vf boon incuiroil roijuiriiiK "n" i othor $r,00(i,)M)0. i $ 1 Im; bllfiiucsH pi-op!o, tllO'H' pi"-*.->ObHi MIX $monoy or property, niv uiiiiiiiiiioiin in , doHii-in*^ tlmt Nowfoiutdlnud 1).- made .n Orowii colony, which would tako In-r out of tho Lhujuk o[ tho local piditioiaiiH and pivp Iter a olonn, ooonoiiiicnl ad in in U- trat'Ioit by IlritUh exp.-rtn. Canada Wiitt Ultorm K<Mvriindliiinl Vvr VITNC London,. Miiy IH.-TIib Pall Mall On- Kotto oxpresM'H iiuich iv^ivt a t tho fjtiltini of iM'KotiatioiiH for tin- l>dora- tfon of Nowfoundbind with tho Iloininion of Canada. Canada, T lm (; a zo t to B/iyfi, litis Iwibavod moHt lihomlly. The Glolio myn Cauuda him noted iu an oxtivmidy liberal fiiHhion towurdu Nefouudland, which ban boon onrro.s- liondinj^Iy jxrvoi*HO. Tho (J loin* t-x- proBflCB hojwj that Great IJrituin, CiLiiadu and Nowftjundlaiid will jointly rorou- uider the iiogotiationn. London, May 18. TJio .Uglily Nowa wiya tliAt tin; pnHofit oi tlio St. dobn'H, Kfld.t rnortdijuita Jtfraiiuit confodoratioii in woll adoptod to influonco public* opinion hnro. -"Thoro w no tlooire* to lorco Now- foimdUtiid into union with Canada,, nl- tlirOiiKh there will bn no objection to cnn- lodorittion if lh colony dyniroil it. Tho 'rufuiWi'I of tho Mara,uhi of, Itipon, tlio .Colonlnl Si-crotary, to givo financial hoi p fd jiwtifiod by tho mnrelianV ploji. Tho inoreluinta nhoubl jfot tlio colony to ro- qiit'at tlio <tppoijitmoiit oi" tlio-profforod ilayal CouimiHuion. .- Hood's fills not ouaily, yt. promptly and oflioior.tly on tho howolu and Uvor. 2Co. UK. flijtpod and h' war. llirown upon tin- .-:o > flnd instau tly killed. II in bark io.^ rip'pod upon and hU lu-ad out oon.pl -toiv off. Snl4-lilt* WilliDiii InfciiL rrainilton, .May lS.-Chuidos L._ Ih-h.-;:. took an oVi-rdo.o ui oldoi'.-tl and diodlro,, tho ollootri, lir wan a.yoiiiii;' ui.'iu, w<l. hufiwu iu the city. It i.i not holit:vod 1.' inti'iidod ^inoiilo. Tooli C.VMIlMo ef t'otUSHltUll I^ondon, Cut., M.iy J T. .1 i r ii'p*s St<-vari. f^anlrui'i", died by takii-i; an o voi'.lo,.,- oi cyauidi' of pota-ouin. lb- hid boon n the hahit of taking th for rhou inalihin. illc^orl f;nnil> ti: il lljtllv.;iy Irnl'i I-<uidon, May IS. \ t nbo u i tn* im- in* Iouk and t wo'iuoko.-i in diameter o.\pi.."l od tiiidiTiioa th tin- r lj-fhii an id ;i urM i1 li ruiiway rarria-.r'o ultnolied to a Ioo.->: train rit Walworih. a .-.uburli m' i^-v. dun. to-day. One jioi-Hiin, tin- ivi-p-'!' of 1ho seat, was iiiji:!'"d. It in I..- o* oi-' ' the tuhe \\ an rha!';;"'] wi.h [i'Uiipowdv i" An in \0(-tiu.ii t ion is h-'in:." mad*, Tormiiii "Jar'u-lH. I'"lniii- itu dnnianil. St r.i[i;hl r>i|l -i-M hm[i| -it }, ilnin - 'I'h-- d in i ml U 1 n:i vl'1: F-ninll I'.tn i-.-llItu,'- a to u( . i,ni] car l.iii.l- aiHitoil lit. . , M'e-.t. SIimI'Lh', ||| rai lut h. I? 17, To roil to i roi'*-|j| .1. - V.'li--*al oOM x J.-J I'inion*. orvin^' r. th" !itro:if,'tii and hi^liur prirtjM ..] uiit.-PI" iiiiirketM. riiil" oi wldtii a.id r'.irl *vi 111 -it- an- ropurt'ol ::t Wt ..( Ji<.'l(l-*-r.H an- now :i;dcia- Ho-:. M,ui:! .im ,\,,. 1 iiiir>i ii* a!no lil^'ii 'i'- I'Oilini,- at tttr. wont' mid iJUo, .Montreal ,i-e|-!il. .\ t Nurtlt ]iu<. It in no;i :*i-'> ii ail f I no at .fl.O.i. linrlo* Tlo-'aj Im a gunil doinaijd, |,nt nmu' in r< t lie t . 47i*. for f.oil." Wnt-t 'I'ao <I"iiiiind Ih ni'iil'-riitu art.l pido-.-i el.* ;al>'. Ton earn i il Sue. w.-nt ii id flV' earn of iuI.mjiI at 3rlti'-.'-ii ft - Tin" d , ai a id is fnic and nrl'-tii. fl'iu r. mi!' h lull.); ni.idu mitrdiki at 60c. Live I'o-iI.k-hh dull alid prfooit rujinlnal at 6fio to 60i:. itiu.Uwji, ut Tlio iiuialnn.1 pylon la^-<\~i\^. i Tin op ^h \_m a>'Vi i*' OI'. I'M'il lint .....:iTTmr~Tird",lli.! h-iin i' I'll*- !:( .'I'l'lT. ..L.l-tlt'OU')Ilii',;l.l * i : ma " >:. ta'- i: "i' wil,- i wi io lo I,.' '|i a ';oli:.!o M'h1'.1 |o "!|-Mi..'.' ' i U-ai " '" u oh- in !l -.n.i !'.' I' Ull w I O.-' !i . il! , ' I ,1 . : ' ' f'1 'I'H i:i i o -. <li i..,.',' pio.n. li: . '> i l.'i'.'l y an*1 o |i rly di'ou n o [il.ed I. : II.; d I'lV.'il ' ! ,v ifei-od - ai'-'i'iilly, mi nail f Mi > in !t"i In ,i; Y |il'H"*'l, or td-f . :.o -. . w II ri'itiM i it :','.'on. ' ["i'i'i['i -ill \v l ii v d In* p.iro'l in ;i La th, a 11I M' 111 '.' ,v led wil li a Ilowoi* i.oi. 'Iviiu r - ' I a1.' *^, .'in I -it' 'i' "-Midi n a _;'li wai .-I in -; a-i i hU llti-y w ill !' ii Vol'1.' -ud d y aid"!' a'i'e ro nit pbnils .iliuo-^L no'li a-- oiiidoui' oiie>, ait'i win n iin_;' in a loom, ill wot \V Jilhor \yiil 1 ' i tl -r wiilioii: w.ilor lor sov.'rai day^ at a iiin1. A:'!-!- w.'iioi'iii^ tlmi'oii^dily h'iiv.' iint'l lio'y vi"!i(nin; nioisI'Miin^* iv'.i'uiu, ;.nd do mil always bo waiorhrr li\ :' w i;rni.n, liai'y I'ri'i.saml .'ionic kind.s of [iuIiiih v\':l' st.ind Mr." oil and ovon ^"jis lor >far-; if treated ri^'bt'y. Now and ili'ni tlioy want roputiiu' il'I hay outgrow thu pot', or if th.- so 1 h 'oniiu*- sour. Whon 'lit--; is tho case i! hi beta !' In buy a littlo aiil at a Ihoist.'s, tbr ii is very, iin'X|)oii- hiv.'iiinl you would b-. Mho to ^vi the. ri.^'lit hind. All rouin pbiufs want 'waHhin^ occa- Hiohallv, besid -s ^priiiUlin*^. Tupid tvat.'-r ji'iiTl'ii p't'oo of flannel or a siion^'u aro all thu| ar * neons ary It p:iIiiik or sd.ndar plaids brcnun- a tuokod with any tor in oi' post, snob us mealy bn^* or tlio ' , n litilo soiV soap should lie di^solveil in walor boloro water:n^* tho plants, and the stray spo.t^ can bo n-inov'd with tho, point oh a knil'o. Whnn a room is verv dry it Is'ioi well not l"o lei tho plants stand too hi^h luring' tin- ni'tht, or ovon after dark wlion tlio room isli^'btod. Tln:y should lio planed mi (ho Hour by tlm window wlion! thu air ol tho room is not so hoi a*;.hi;:'.h.lin._. Tail lis grow very --u-ily m:d .will lili'oish llownri Willi lil i'ln trouble. Anv kind of iiiii'oi.-stis w.|| jtoiv iu wat u- and it i-t pretty io half lid a ohiiia bow! withpnhbloH ami ^row tlm hull) in Ibis. Sot tliii bulb*, tbrnn or lour, on tlio jm 1)1 ijns and (ill with wator almost to touch liiu lowor parts of tho bulbs. Pin tlin bowls in a nark olusot, wbtui th - roots will fill tho spaceK bnlwonn thu stout.'s. W'linn well rootud briim1 tlio bowls to tlm ti.;'lit and warmth.- 'Thoy w,ll ^'I'ow quicdily and bloom Ironlv,' last i ji*_r s*oiiin w.-nkfi. Fresh wator must bn addo 1 as rnijiiir-'d. Any bulbs can bn .^riiWii in , siioivoHsion with littlo ironble, i'rotMiri! ^'ood biilbs :o start with, crnou-i, tulip, hyacinth, narcissus, and tho i-io'ht kind oi' mohl, uud unci! a iort.iii'j;lit plant a low uotil ail are, nsoiL W'niui planting sen that th mohl is damp, pros, it down wn.d in tue pots, puttiu^' ih<> bulbs so thai tlin .shoo! is only Hlkrht ly oovi'iv.il with mold. Sum t puhb.es'm-' cocks must bo. put iu the. boitoiuto iii.-tim drainae'e. Sot tlio pots in a dark oio-. *t tor a. low w-eks, r.) start the. roois, then brlau;' to th liulr and water I'e^u.aiT.'. Wtieii tlmy ai'i- not all Wanted t,o bio >ui at uui*", hsavo Koine, in tii! dark tor a wo-k or two lonevr. 1 t i'i ;l e-(,;)(l j,l;i ,| [() .;,.[ a Hail"Oa' ill .'ill oniauittiual pots tbr tlio plants lo stand int., Chid' anion 4' ferns lor ih in living I'o.im- itr me I'l "i'i s or ribiiou I'orns a tni Asjdoniuin buMdoruui. Mai dee h lir is tlm worsi, although it: may bn ptesnrvod ft Ionir tun ; by k -opiii^' it a part of tlio time, in an in.used room. It does not (mem to iniiid eoid, Inn, Loo ;ry an air like a boated living room-.noil kdls it. It will ^',':'ow le-Mor in a bay windo^v than in a Muniler one, bocaiia; tlmrn, is uhu'l: air and nio;.*lunj. If a plant, of this becmii -s slia hi)-,' it is a. /o i f pia.u to "/$$> r / . ' / / ' ii n' i ^>\\\ --_^ \s*y Jif, t{. J'. .Vrrr'.lt. tfo Other so :n-;orioiicx as jr^" j-^i*.w-j.i1 Ht'.f.oiiicnl. of n WoJ' ionavn Duotor iioini' ilrd. I. havi! Nil olln'i" i.tio-d uie cv-r ii'- 'd. Mid ) t . v . I'io:' >iltdl l:i 1 k: ::"!:iJi. : p.'.'Uianrai ..... , a-. Ay* lint i i.. .ill. I . M'. 1 ' ' ir--'inanlla." IU. 11. 1'". :Ml.i;i;iix, Ati/.ast.i, .Mo._ HV^aXUW r Admlttod at tho V/orld'n I-'air. Ayrr'N I'iHafor llraraiifi 'tntretft. ens' M GELEBRATION, Tho Michip-nti Gontrnl Hnilroad will hoII rotuilar &Kcuraion tiuUetu to and from all tJlatifjuH iu Canada, and from all ntntlouu iu Canudii to Detroit ut SIJ^CJIjE fake Tor tlio round trip on May 2H and 2-i, lim ited to return until Slay 2i>; and Hay 9!! uud 'H, ^ood to return mitil'May *J7,at Faro and Oiio third for tho round trip, #ood only for a contiuuoua piuisii^o in oaeh direcliou. A, O. STIMJEUB, Agont, Ehhox. Ilavo you ovor noticod how your syiitom unciria to ctavo HpaoJal aauintanbo in tho tipi'iii^? Jimt tho help roipiirod h given by IIooiVh Hurmparilla. i'-ih will il to a llori t for a tinin, whnri u'aiu* it An r.xnUlcnt Itraxoii. Tim two wives wcro disiussino; tho p'Timiary p-cnliaritins at' their respec tive, husbands and Limy coimided w ith ^ rnat iiiutiiimily until tlmy reached the point of llmir own relation to tin: purse- striit^'s. "My husband n -vr ,^'ives i:n> a cut of money tialn-i Im growls about my r,x ti'ava::aiH*n," said one. "Mine does the tinum tiling, " n! tested tlin other. "Ibit 1 fi'et even wil li liiui,"and bur i'aeoThow <i th color of sali:dai'ti"ii. ullow do y on ever do it ? ' *'I ".o tiii'on:;h his Lrouse.rV pocknts when he's asKsep.1' "(lo.iln -s u'raeious ! ' oxclaiiuod I he oilier, "1 'wouldn't do thai for any thing." "Why not ? Haven't wo a ri'rbr torhr money as well as limy Imvi-'.**" "Yes; bin 1 wouldn't t^'u into my bus baud's trousi'i's pockets tor it. " "I'.: like [o know why j*1"'. (,uite indig nant at 1 lie apjiar nt r-in'oi'l'. "Ib'cati-;"," bluslm I - lie other, "Im carries bis money in his vost...! NIMHUS IN AH All! BED I'M. if lino i i- I'l.'io mniii |Vr ,\ (Ti'io omu l in- l,u ii i; -.' li in:*: t'.nlur rivi'iini. Pneunutlo-tlmr.'ipy is a rather novol nr1 ti tod ot. curin;^ certain chronic or acme disorder^ of the sy^tnm of brrnth in^- ;wu\ i be i- ii-. u Iu ti i in of blood, nsnnei- aliv of liisens .-j orie-inutin^' t'rnmXiuhy or iri'e;;ui;ii- lacaihin^'. Complioatn.d pii'-uuiatio apparatus is usod for tlm purpn-e. Tho -^'ciioral objoct is to in Il im i ion tlin action of the lung's by the gradual oh.'iii^n of the. dnn*,ity of the air ini roiluced l>\ breathiulr. , At iir.st a small pump ari.'an^'nd like a ^'asomc* tor was us.- I and an nir-l.i^'hJ mask ap- >lied over mouth and no-e of pati -nt. jai.nly, hownviu*, pntuiniatic. cabinets or bolls art; iu use and are much super ior to the ' old mntliod, as tho umcliaui- cal action of eniidenso. I air is e,x'rcisnd not upon til-- rosp.rative nre'.ms exclu- nivtdy, but upon iho i-niire surface of thu body. Thu int"iior of tho pimemiitiu bell in htruished. ^ rV-^""^-'T ' R"*ivli.. \ J'.oiiliar .V'Uli tioa. "I'^Xi ime urn,"said lb ! h-i- u h"o tlm llailc was pa.n.i i' 1'i'IUr u le'o Mm liable "but 1 cannot join you " "W'b. nut. .**'inquired the i-ompnuy, "It disloris my count' naneo. ' ' "In what \\ ay ? ' ul in ver take a drink of whisky with out making' a r\ o. face. ' biivt-il ; or, II or eves : "Iby" lip*. rioked. t" Iho l^tli^rr.*. i' Mh-o-IJ' cuaitki: 1. It(,ep*d. reveal m.y s" rer.-"' "Never !" She sprang toward - It and at. tli Hani'1 iiiiulieut drew ft'i.m i.u.ioin, v.-li.-rn it had boon omicataled a knot o! roses, i;uAi"ri;u n. a------handkerchief, with which she moved from the a .or. sub i lips evcrv voHti^'e of the pigment l.m bad d:slo id-- d from lici* clioek iu pm-isiuir thuruoi: that swift, mad kisH TREASURER'S SALEJF LAND FOR TAXES. IN THE TOWN OF ESSEX. TOWN OF* ESSEX) Wii,?i vVby viit\i or a wainuit' i-iiund by thu Mayor of tlin Town o* Kanox, hi tho (Jnniitv or K 1aox,.aud_authuuti'jM."d by Mm cnrporntn noul of tlm aaid Town, bearing hi(o ti.o r,\.\\ duy of January, iwr>, and to mo dinmUnl, cjomniunJmB run to lovy upon tbo follnwm.r | t"n or p-ireolii nf hind for arn>arn of taxoti duo thornou, with amtu. I bon-hyeivo notion r.liuMinhmii Mm nuid titxon and onutti liro Homi'ir paid, l-Mhall on fbitur.hiy i|U. jMth day or May. luO.I, ut th'ohoueof lOo'elook in tlm forniHinn, at I'muU'h Mali, in tho Town of I'eoio.t, procood to hoII by pubho auotiuu tho mud hindu, or, mi much tlu.i-oof an may bo iniffuuorit to pay niudi urroiini or taxmi and all lawful uoHta lnourred: I.'lan, T.ntii, LSI !l(i *.>;ti U-17 :ki7 22,1 miii :>7 'J77 177 ^07 217 J 79 2.HJ 17(1 2H5 MOO SIM 2H8 2HH (17 HI J Uu li(i 21 28 'l',j 70 H '.) ;i:i 17 II I) \i\t :io a-1 55 i'b o7 OH 2H 2!) ;to Wi f> TltXOH. a'.! 11 Coiitu. Total, a DO 5fl 01 r, ;ih 21 02 io m> 71 :w u di ii; -ii Ho 22 :m n 11 ijh f.'J 18 Ha !)5 l*.l H7 im m t r,5 i aa 2 ao H 117 1 fiG 1 71 2 17 2 00 a 71 7 07 il 7B 2 ;it 2 2f> (I 93 2 25 4:t 20 75 00 ia ao 18 15 7 HD H2 It 18 BO 07 IS- as i.i 23 2(1 11 1 n 13 83 -1 20 -18 1 ar. 7 8 0 10 170 200 217 72 aoo 28 20 ao :n 2:i0 20 207 25 20 170 Kant purt 1J 207 '10 ' . 23-1 01 2H5 12 a no 0 202 ' 0 7 8 !) 200 2a 21 2a 22 21)3 27 2H 20 li') 00 37 39 ;i',l 40 42 Block 122 Block 02 Blook 'in BlocUh-If) 10 17 nO Ofi Lot. 2,- plan 207 Block 100 ao. na 21 21 21 21 ;:. > io 15 l^ la 00 23 01 12 02 88 (11 23 73 25-86. 20 -12 5 11 41 0(1 2 30 3 20 a 20 2 20 **Q 3 -18 1 87 3 (in 3 51 1 88 2 00 1 81 1 55 0 20 42 27 27 3ft 10 ii 21M 45 o-; 02 IT .. 25 r,' 4 27 01 22 23 (\ 90 , 48 22 13 41 15 40.47 18 40 271 91 20 -10 202 40 127 00 103 00 10 47 4 49 0 12 1 55 180 12 0 72 10 30 2 45 309 18 109 12 12 02 198 8-1 -18 81 W. I>. Bj'aman, Trcatturer, Town of lilntcx. thu trado in nil kinthi ot Building MateriaI7~Wood\vbrk Por houses^ (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shinglea of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS. Wonre Solo A^ontii in|tliu County for ~ Or ClncH^o; which took Highest Awards at the World'H Fiur. Can furnish either Pumping or Power Outfits at lowest prices. A writtou f^unrantco with ovory Outfit. m a For the benefit of every one*\vho wishes to invent in a few Blmrew of . , i .- . X, L........_. Ontario Permanent Building and Loan Stock, J. R. Oliver, <zener.il ngent, will 1)0 in town for a few weeks and* will be pleased to explain the workings of ibis Association. A post card or lettor mailed to Essex I\ 0, will receive prompt attention. ' EL. Ajgent True unci False Coinn. riv I? ~j^ IIoocl'H Pills nro easy to tako, oaay in notion and tmro iu effect. And thoHQ who ure all tirod out and Uavo that tirod fooliiiK or uiak hpadacho can bo rolioVod of all, thnuo fiyraptoas by taklnff Hood'a Barnnparilla, whioh kivoh iiorvo, mmitaliindbodily.Bti-onKtb, aud thato\i(t\\\y ptiritiot) the blood. It also oroatoa a good appotito, uurow ludi^oHiion, ho&rtburu aud dypopnia. CONSTJMI-TIYKS XN THIfl PN1QUMAT10 UUTA*. like 11 room, and is qtzito comfortablo. Thodoorajind wiwlowd aro abHolutolair-tight when shut.. Patlontit at firut remain in tho pneumatic bull ono hour, but gradually tlio time in incronftod to two and throo houi*H. In most cafln condonaod air 1b applied. Only in cor- tain cftfluH of htiart dlBcaso' rariOed air isuflod. An aneroid, baromotor innlde allows tho occupan.ta to know tho don- fllty oi tho air thoy aro bruathing, while- a phyRic1an'ctttt"floo it upon an in'dlcator valve on tho* outside Ihosopnoumatic catbinots aro vory* coatly: ntill they hav* ben introducod in all European Mpltals and tha moire important wator- InypUcci. PALAOQ QTGAMUnO. LOW RAYBG. CLEVELAND, MM BUFFALO and ALL POINTS BAST BVUnV HVHMINQ POTWUHM DETROIT^ CLEVELAND ConnectliiR- with enrlieat tralnn nt Cleveland for nil i>ointfl East, South aud South went Sunday Trips Juno, July, Augutt and September Only PoUh Yniea fan Whuk Bwyw*MN TOLEDO, DETROIT # MACKINAC PBTOSKEV, TUB MSOO(" MARQUBTTO. AND DULUTH. ' Two new 6ic*t pfteu(ier iitinmerfl have Jmt b*tu built for our Upper Uike Itoute, coatiiifyl Seud for ilium rated pauipblcc, I Jjoo.ooo tack, Addttsa, A. A. OOHANTZ, . , * v. *. ' DBTROIT. UIOH. s ctnanHD ma m. ea Jiulhou rinfjB, hilna coiiih ciuitii a dud, rntilVuta Hound- C juntt;r[uiu in ovory (juiau u.ru met with frequently. By the t-'.ulliblo thoHO are feuoivd an tho genuine article Xradurn upon the puolio credulity aro moftt dunneroiiH when thuy- piGJudieo health. There uro hostii of irrebponfliblu deidtsrti who do not hoHitato to ropreaont cheap iioiitrunm an identical*with or akin to htau- dard remodh>H, and tbuii inlliot irroparablo rluuiifjo upon the iuvulid.community, lio lievo no drujjgia.t or Htorekct;[n*r who tollti you that aonio propuration lie hau iu atock in uupenor to or tho immo thuiR aH S^ott'a Emultuon of Cod Liyfii' Oil with tho Hyo* phonphitea ot Lime and Soda. Ho is try- inn to foiut false coin upon you. Demand and only takt. tho truo which board the Bturnp of ^enuinon'ofla, and hao received tho ondoroomont of phyoioiana at a rocaedy for throat aud lun^ diHoiitteu, and a nomiaber of the fneblo, norvotift and dyiipoptic. Par- tioularly adapted to children ih this faraouit HUBtainor of Btron^th and morbaeor of floali',. |_T:hm youngptcra grow fat through itR bo* uitfn action, and piuoo it in qb palatablo (in milk, thoy uevor ro(>ard it with tho nvor aion thoy havo for modioinoe unaccopttfWo to tha taato; A-ummia is tho uomo jjlvon by tho medical fraternity to a cbuditloo of tho BVHtom indioatod by a Ions of flonh aud ntamiua. The tostimony iu abundant and convincing that Bcatt'B EmuiBiou of Ood Livor Oil pudn tho hollow placB m tuo uu- I man frame with Una, bealthyfloeh, a qua- rfity which BHpeolally commoudfl ittoladieH douirouH of roundiuR ungraoefnl a.TtjlpR in tho fixate, and acquiring a. captivating plnrnpneea as well aa healthy stamina and Bouud digeition. <i,0OO Feet Above tlie Clouds. Nctirly three milea above the hcu,. and 0,(100 ftiet abovo the white, Hilcnt clouds that lio in f.weuping plain beneath you, iti Homothin^to think about time and time n:i\\\ at'terwardfl, isn't it ? Iu the Biimmi:r of 189-1, tho Paflnon^or' 'Department of tho Northorn Pacilio l^ail- roiid fitted out nu expedition to olimb the bigboot mountain ooutb of tho Canadian.' boundary on iho North Fnoina Goaot, and' tho 1,'raudefit peak in the TJmtcd Btato& Mount Italmer or Tacoma. Tho party roaeliod the hi^lioiit point of tho mountain, after a lon and daugoroaH olimb. over' rockn and nnow aud Rlnoiora that wore. KiiHbod by orovnonon, and returned iu aatety. Tli in mayniliicont peak ia betwood 14,000' aud 1C,000 foot high,' aud indeed may he found in the futuro to bo ovor 16,000 foot, or uourly threo railoD in height. In a beautifully . illustrntod book, just published, thu Htory of .thin aaoent is (jiveo. in great detail, touothor with many facta about thin old mountain thut-wun ouco a - oeothingyoloano, Tho YollowHtouo Park and other parts,/ of tho jrcat North-Wont are ulHoi!|uatratt*?v~ aud written about. . .:, In evory rcepoot this book iu aew, Co abnUins uothintf thia Railroad bpaaamf ban horotoforo rAibJished. -,'.": Its 11 amo In "Skotohs of Wondeilan. aud by uonding three two-cent 'atamp* ' ^ aix cents to Uu, Oua'b S. Fbb, the. ' . -f eral PaBBener Agout of the Oompaub St. Paul, Minn., you willr*<jeiyo; t^o^ ;v. rtturn.' fl .'.'v^'^-in " V,,.' W$^ 20 44 87