Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 17, 1895, page 3

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-' v V."' ' \o '5 iro Uuo lank ho Ho to 15 x p. (, m. lio.k'i L1.BS 1.05 iMail ),m. .iiO 11.30 O.-IO 7.00 p.m B.2U B.51 (J.fid o.:to ' 0.-10 II. ill (i.fil 6 7.00 ivr-i 6.4a tiL:i3 6.2(3 0.10 o.ia '6.BI 0.41 " >.nM 6.0S 5.00 160 4.42 t.atJ pjN.flO I'-Wl 1.14 klG lore ifld Hi* 1 L A fl 1 */ r**.' , i'^- f- . ',, . <." J^EWMiWJMMBftHIBHW^-,J*-~~"^-^^HT^^B eHh,^, AVER'S TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES.' '?; : WRI'S Her Sufferings were-such that She Wish > I Or--. PATNK'S CELERY COMPOUND SAV.KD IIKR UL'j1" A.MO ItUM.;' V"h) Jll'lU STUKN<i'i'I.T. The Best Medicine for the Old and the Young. jiound, auil 'in unw 'Mij .yir.},' il hippy "Id li^U. 'llV't'y Wewli OeiV LtHUNI Uiy Irf reOi'lV. L-d fro it old pis *|j1m, m w-dl h from _ lh--ir truant-- an 1 roUt-mm, kudi'n,: (,li.) M!,r<;tiLfrh* eniiijJ, 'Kid f'.j-Wi-iiat.liii^ [if)W,:!'.l of earth'** bt-'iil nii'dieine. Mrs. .J.uutjs "tun, )1' P to'". Settlement, X. ri., n.e.v iu her 'Uli'-> ii:'iL weir, lint pert sotlt 111 coil virirUU:' 'in t en 'USMm HH i*i*t(Hrdiijti ilie villi'1 "t I* liih;'h (Inlufy Com pound; i'iu writer a<t [.idov.'-^ :-- , If woiiru truly iimi hnnuuLly intoroHled "1 .un h vopy t. , -,* a th a'h O-d ery O cnp.m.i 1 in* o. *r: i l; -if nlmHi'm; tn mo. In N jv'-' u ' . i ii ' ivliolc (if ui'y rifdil- :dd" .'/U p i "-i t / I, 'Mid Ml-i d n:lor thouHitiUa of our a^d peopU- l.a.'o been ^ul I iuh t...MV.-it:.! ii.iu .iiu-'jIunHliaiK iroRGnucl from (loath by Piuiio'h Odery Coin It iu udw an oijtublndiL'd fact Unit our dear fathom and mothem and our ijraud parontH can havn tboir Uvoh |)rolono(I, and their yi-itrH mmlo lmp[>y and joyouu by tho Uao of I'uino'u Uolory Compound, Alany old poopto sulfdi* from nrvo troubUa, rhminiatiMiu, kidnoy and liyur eomplaiut, flluoplfl'wuf^, and torriblo par- alyfiiti. With Huch d(inurniu diHouaui* olii.Minti to thorn, tlu-y ^ro liablo to drop off at any moment in tho wolfaro of tho old puopl... wo will anxiounly Ht-idi to uno th auuuuy that will boat muot tl^Gir troubbm. In tho imht, w>m >il)](j t,o hlt up f'oi <<. itli if i i, : ut f.di fl'J had,. tll'U 1 Wlllllril Ui [!: ln ' ciiliiiii I I) 'linn iiiim. 1* Ulin'H Col ;V\ C.JHIp lUlrd. 'I'll.- Ii Hi- bot t It jjuvc mo ruhijf. t i: >:i;,iuii<Jd 'o n.iu llw mnpoilinl, -.and I ll .vu ^iliicd health -w r.'ii!4th ami fl jib, an I mv I'ri'-n U jolv I 1'iok (jnito btjilthy. .VIL i in_;pi iu m- 'iLjhtydt.'-iL yai', my Innlj-i 'im j^titMnt. ^tron^or, and ] hopu ,ioon In bo ipiUu iuy -i*j 1 f a^'-iin [ would ailvi.iuall who arc htilffiri uu i'ron oarily.ttri and oLh-:r Linuhbi.-i i,, u-u I'mii.c^ \j -lury Cuinp.imid ai'd tdiu WdU' Mii^linb PlIU rlial. actionl]) tiiy 11 re* . oiii|'iiiind, and it L nun i.^iid, li'iw.'V -.', t i in-! 'i ill tin, and I prop rl v U'i'-d. ' m v dl mr.dv tMiri'.1' fc|t.--' t.....m i. ii......-i..... ..--.- .....'-----"' - .....-' i i .tTTtnmrrs^nrv. k<-y w. rtMi.Y. Dr. I mi ur r (r-ntii. a ..-.- tu> In flic Impel In. I.oiidnii, Mny 10. Dr. Tnuncr, /inti- r.i rti( liito fur tin1 noddle di vb imi id Cork, c.i u-ed in nt* ti e\i-i; eni'Mit in tins .Iluiii-e ol Cdjikiioiih I:'m'. ni^nL b\ .dnii'i' iiHiieK njo;i the ILnynl J".ij.oI> At iui*iin^!11 * un .i motion ui .'idjoiii'u, h > " *-' ami ;i.d;<-d wit !i a eun-i.i'-i-,i j J r-\x<w ol ferliujj;. "[ 1].- r -I i|-L t r 1-* I h:i t 111 Dnke ui C.iiiihri i.^e, the L' oonrinder-iii- Cniid' uf die ,irri!.v, !- letirit.^ Lo in do' U'.-iy j..r a Jji't lui' ii..'tn '.'" Tliere ui'iv lnii.'; < idf-, fur ord t, 1ju( Dr. *1"..jiu>*j* ijAinre -1 iin'tii. ",lh tin' tjh.i- t'.i.'iu' ;il I;.--t," ,hr Ci m t i nu- *'d. "win'ii ;i "neiiili' r nl ih-' ko\;il Kali! ..V, ^\ Ini Ii i > Iceii ilr.i \v\ ui!, t !i" i > >[mV'-- nnoi'-^ too In. "', i- ^iiiiij; : o r.* > i v !" Tie - v -ii. i ij !>'- euii- fu i'Oi. <*; " \-i ! In. i ",-i in- 11 mi (ill . Willi 'ii' t'.v-"' 1'i M'd 1.11 >'i t.i In di i.i'-n.l) 'i'. .' Dv. T;i inier rem.'i me : i :i no . ir;". "Ari* 1 i,e i- i'< i: -i rl. - i.i in i"'" ji.--U'-I (ii'nrnv 1J i r I ley. i 'u'i -' !". o I : i'". "Ti.'-y . ' i.ot.' i-i'|tli--'i .Sji-'.'d-.'T tlully "Tln-y ;ht to.i i ['-'!;." mit nl' i.nvr." .Mo.-. I li:-'i:ili r- i ; i| fi.i I lr. 'i'.ih- iier w Mid I - ii.'uinij lo t : . ;. hit %< . I h ' l'mh"i-i,n v < ti"i i m \. !i . 11 .-i ed I lii m|h';i |,e i1'-. d<-< ] umi "ii. !. ' .', ' ei in d to e:. i* i u' of di-dai 'i lie- Mol'- i ;. ; ,1 Ll'.-'i .. " ! ' e i '* W il I I ..-,,. i. - ,\", 1. i . I-- !* Il.-i liojp .'i I 11 '. " 'Idn-i' . .i , ei pi'.t the i;i ii hi in n ..j .ill"., \^ I.i' I; v. ;i foriu;i li.> i j :-i 1. l)i . j .: ,i r nv oi U'hde :: _ . i '1 ,i l.s ,i in' Ln iij-jr iu , ii .. . ' 1 111 . i i' .:i i inoii un A|i. 1 ^ ;...... ..... l I Hi i4'li.u ~-> i\ .i- .i Ij :.i i . . i p, 11 :.i ly li.ld ;i h nl < Ii t ii , i i e /> i: ."., nlihtrt a nd i: 1.1,, .i. -. i i .-. ;ij et been d,,- -.. i! , ,l'i t,i:.. i. 1 i, ^ h, tin.' a! pi* if" Hi i'i.. 1 i.e Critier_ ui ill-, i;..;. il li ^.; that hi: Mppu .-.- .-\ i*;, 1'i'nii'IU ill tl.i: urniy and i.i lie uiii]teL. nl, n.'ielef.-. ;i..4 CX (li.'Jltl. V e. 'llie aj^'italjuii linn li'irun amonjj,* lire nn.i'.' loiidn-.i ie juiirhJi !.->. I'lllicli ufi.eli i.-, lily 1,1 >; j pa 11 i>.i i, Iulm u ciirionii in Lli - I'lVrieijl !.,; > , t-.i.1.!!,^ i< Uic liiikr nt Oiuilji-iik'..', "I ii i iv ;,. ie tjj'i' h'.u.i my i uiiiui.Liid ii ^ |u -n.lie.,' lo.whi-di Uie. Dujl" repli-'--, "Iicai :u< , 1 lia Vioi't." i..iiidoii, May I*."-Sir 1 ! t wuod K-i 11 h'li'i', jdied Premier T. >\v.-\\ Uwt 'i nrv- tin' iii^'i'f r*it,y l"i' a jo1 onpl reply, I'M'ini"!' I"joWe|l answered 11, i L Ii - wuid 1 c.ilii" in-" na-'iwer at ilnp 11 r L ii'i-'.-iihle jnoineiit- I'reniier Whitew.iy b. iieveu it unwi.-e t !ic}':<iii.Ltiiin.-i at thin Jin.ft are. lie. urtfiH tin- imiiu'ii/in impoi't- . t'e ui 1 lb*'- <.id)ji'et. 11- bearinp on" thi' n.lure ui il.i! I'uiutry, aud the. diifii:ult i'-- '.'i' I...* pre mi pu-itinn. Ilu taTt:'I that ir w.i'^ tin. L.i..i_iuaioU'i neei.-dou of the li-.v- 'i'. .). thil pi rfn ' m w..i i ;. , t-i a-.-, to i-"ive the Dondniou Ca ni- .>' i-' Li nic to a rrivo at a, oi id'dou. Mr. Willie n-.-iy avoWL-d iiin: di a-u aril lit ' o.:;' .it.iIc, and liaU b. t a ^o nil ^-i* '; iieii' ved that ci.iii'edn'.itiun on .. >.\ .i i.tajO'ini- tcrinn the beyt tbiii!< j'ori- iur the country at this jiiuetuiv. At the ^aine tiun-, ho .siid. If nothiiiK i-i PhiIi iv'ed l'roia :,if *'.i'i nliau (l.ivern- Iil' lit lldet iji'\t week lii-; (ioVennueiit \il prepared tn lir'.njjf iu a h-Iii'hh; ^lor-, drJi <"" I'm' eet.n.iijiie.s i:i i'WIT di- j a r tine a l <>f the p nil lii: hervice. It \n intended to in- crea.-tt: t lie ta rii t' m > mi i ti [innddii lor menu-, fur meet j ,,; i,',--M. Tim intruilne [ jiin ui tuj-., -}n; j ntiuiaL"d,\riiiild < un.--Lit ute (.lie vir'ii,i.l a bandoj int'ut of Cuufed-ratlnj,, n ,d nirthi-r, lUaied tliat tile eolull.y Uullhl ;;oi *tUblllit \i t vviiey and t!i it il uuuld otrive to work out it*, (iwn de.-l ii.y. Mr. Morria, uim of the dideL'ateii, cor- rohorated Mr. Whi ti-w-.y, and aecn.-ed the late (io vera me nt ol wreeki u^ tin) eolony'h affaim. ' He naid that the W'hiLe- \\jiy (iovenmii'ttt jv.i> prejnircil tn ai-i:pt the lullerit re.ijiouHiljility ui tho tiiMl. Mr. Scott, IteiMiver-U'iiernl, folluwml in a (si mi la r ntra In, and cluir^ed the Ci.iiidi'.d^i1 tiovertiineut with (. .\.peniiiiij1r nearly halt a mi llum di darn \vi thtuit k'i,'.il aiithurLty, nb-o that the publif ac count h l\lu 111' 1L d..-i'J.l-,, i el nl hlpI.'Ulll" I j l)1^ of puhl.c inoM-y.s by tnat Aduiiui-itration. Thene <^'m W.'l'e do', ed by the repri'.'ienl.i i i \e.-t oi U.e la ie . (Jovei n- nieut. Nel l lu-r 'I'reliner Wliite way our Mr. Hc-utt would t .ty whe th r the <p- . m of Confederation will he ,-idinii tl. d tn the ,di>c turate, Taia di-due linn Uoii eun- firina the In-lief Ilia t t!lio Gin'iir.iinc ,i will finally iu rot! a in.-a.-uiro through the lii-f^idlature reipi'-Htii.-^ ICn^'Iaud to iie- Hpalcli ti, ('oiiiiiHMduij to :iivi'"ii- gali' and reorjj'N niy.e ike tMnailry' .''h All immenrt--! CouColirHe of peu,il.' j.luil tlm Chain her and nnudi d.. -. n .-,, ., ,,,,,. eiprchHed becauH(! nctli . >.z definite \,;, done. Tile peo[)te ili'f l.lin rl,...-,..; | ,,, ; with tin: hi.'tlh aieat wiLlmut a ji.,,1,. \ir vutf. (.n'ro"t (atiliiet ECe-.|^(|s Athi-Lrt, May '.). At the me i : ^ ,,f t h,. Cubiuret to-ibuy the Minihtera d eid-"! to nard., h.i., Ii.'ni ap|...:io'.i !.- |ei m li-r , n,h,KU' aftir tho jiubllti biiHia.'H.. m. - i jilaje.-,.;, ,s J'r.^.v I'u-s. ..i,.l (ui.,,.-.r, e l..o. ^^ bh(Ui p^yo ]^n arruUL,i:tL I'Oi a made the Qui-ea n 1'i' ;-,.,- jr t n r_v in tin it Mini ui Sir II uiv I'liiii-oi by, who ha , r .-i^-n ui i)[u utl'jee on aci'Liiiui. ul lll- lualih. Bt'i-i-licr> !*i'.M'epi ii-i ..Di i.: |mi- in' tS'-'iiiirt I.uuhiii, ;,l y ii, * iJur; .^ tue reei'iilion (n t,i,e ,\.t L ii,. -i ] i., I,, i-,[, i'[ nli I,tit e V"ii- h'K > K ner.iPy remarked t h.i t '-1'1' ; ' " > I'fij ]i" lo-d jiale and wt-arn <i. j '"' h'pe ut ineiin,ry iruin w hicii Ii-' .lou- fe_n'U, i-.ui.'ii!^ i,iIU ',, p,..,. 1],,. thread in lli..-. ar^'lliiieiit, LvUM wvenil III I IlUti'tt, i n THE OEEP, DEEP SEA. iT.Hlifis Thut Ai It'll e.I liv Kulli'ii; (Jp ' Pro At. Ii I'rtt fmi .id lli< pi liu. Tim tliinl inouthlv mo-'Linir of the '-.jou- ui ii.,; no'.t ih.a in- wai I Society oi Natural Seieiii-.-s \vn> btdd reiiiiniiod b.v Mvil SptMicr aud Camp- 'tho other t-iv-tMiin if at (i-m 1 Will I hill. V. , -rv.- : ' Ii !'u [ din ul t li a (i i'oiii i hr - t. , !'h iiidi) wi i era di 'a powd t,'.--'! rb- it isi- i, d'.': '..: r |o - r.h.'il an ur^ei-i o 'to i "ir a pp,Li";i tin; \' iii an ! - ' -ti'iicMlt y, b:ol b ms"\ .'i'i Ini.f. ^.dj'i ' i .cf 'T fi-'-I'i , Hi ! ii o.L i", .T ii r ' i u. co r iiM -i ol' red , ni ml and o: ! ' * r a no/t\ 11;-' d'-iol ~h > ol' a , .; . --o ' l el 111 I o;i I I " Ui i 'iu ......1- -v.- i lii'"o mil"-. 11, p -a K\ . o: ci: * ui a !i -b bat itilta bi t (If ho.i oi' T i.' i lo' pi ol s-or -.aiu tb.'i r t li \> II 'all upward ' to tin- sin* aec .oi t L 1 d \\\ ' b - p'diKUoii ol )ii-'..v ti. ii, n in in 1 \idi* s\v .]11rflimti" I'laddei'i., no 0 ai'.'-d. s coiitji,",sT'd by lb" (ims u .'t tin' M(',.|i,i lulu \ cry Kinall Kpac". '.' .fl tn ii lo Icavft \i .'i v 'iii nut ; lo o\ plore ri'tTiou . i 'i mill! or -.o a ln,v In in, i he dnni 'MM i n r \,, . \ - d .nd t In* li di In conn's so buoy a nt 1 >; ho cannot swim hack a^'aiii. a :d I" ri'ici' he i-iri.-s tin- worse hi., pliant ami aft -r a t inn' bo reach ::i ': * llm ('\paii- " :..* a' r has ln'Coim* ^o ^roat that '; a ii olio i litoraliy blown to pion-.s . is ;". iiind lion; iiiv,' u b iiu in this, con- ' 'ui '. !' lowm- o "' I i - -a (ii - 1111 t i - so pi o- : ; 'i 'ti eoinpa ri on wi t h il tin: ' surl'aim ol' .' ' ii '-e n s ol' l lie ^' ac- o.; 'n;i ;|,.' d'"-i'i't lb -re arc 1 . - \\ oni .oni in tcinpcrat iiiv, .'ii! oi of da \ and ui^dit, w.d t' i ' 'op: 'is of the, ocean t li r.- i i bejv .'in1 no i nrreiits, lin- , I . ' 'it' ' y ar in 1 \ i \ !_' ns p.-: p": it- li if at'f ol' I lie I'i'i'ii'i is t 'it- 'a \ "I- ic metaphor I'm u..rt"d, loi! . . ' .',iii^' Mo ipio'L and chaii^id ,-,s . i. . I ( n -, Ni'rvotiB Pcopirr And tho-ii who oxo all tired mil. i ml b . \ e f liatijtired fonlinf; or Hick boudncb.' can b< rtditived of all thnso Hyni))toim by taldnfj flood si Sarn;iparilla, which (jiwis nerve, liifiiliil and l,udi]\ Htrfii^tb, mai thoinnyhlv fnirilica the Idood. - It alno (mattes a j/(.od anpetiro. cures mdiiz* atnui ,t Ini.irLbnrn and dynpepHia. Hood's Pills (iro easy to ttilte.oaay in aotioii and huro m el'l'iait. bcll-ii.inneriiiaii. , -Me.mwhih' tii-' i'r.'inb'r Kaz-d abudt hi ui in a dazed :.,,n ,,,' w ,y t|1;il W;| paililul tO .-,!. Wmi'n h- IVCUV.'ll' ltiiii.sell ho wa.-i inelinu-l t,, IMili j,,., ,.... iimrliH then and thoie, but hi- wii iht- i| wit*- 'Jr.-Ji't t'fmrt. a c rio '. lion t'o u is o; '.ruj.-; -. Lord Ko.-.i'bi)j,y',i [di\ j-iei.m i-.jhu-iI (, hull" id 'i in the a f to I'll; ion, i-tatin^ i j,'ll( th" l'ri":dei w.i.i an; 1".-ri nj*; 1...111 It , from fi. tiijiio, M^wwumitsji \v its:ri.v Tin- D,'.-!;l>i:iii:i'.- .,|j,.nr,i*. I'd,- a li eel* . - ."<f.u- 'I'. ,.-. <.'j'(n .III ^t. di-!. i'i,, Nil ., .'..aj 10.-'I'll 1 *:.d turn -hie';"\ve.r. y :,y Jtll,i , . aijiitliiT wee:;, An iiupor;..ii: '..-ua:.- - Curie !, Hi1 w-.Hirfi II,,' |,r , pre.-, l'.,i' c fl't.Ki'al ton we,- , ..,1 / ei.' i -d I'i' 'in.e: V.'t , - iioiiiu:,n.e,it oi '..I- <.'u,i .; n.., ,,. . [, : frder^tiuu i..:i*;oli.i ^i.-a . il- n ,.ia:'... that tlw ile|o[;.itt'.i b.A'ii,,*. y,-\ , ,- in>| ft Wuly to their ulUiuuluui ....u .la l.> * Prof. H. W. Coim.or Wosl yau Uiiivm- nity delivered mi iruerostinf*' 1 'tttiro an th "Bottom ol' tin* Sua ' Prof, ('onii had a l.iri;-i! numb r ol hiHtriiclivn viwws oi' apparatus used, in Bounding and drnd^iu^', a> wod ,ih pnoto- graphs of many ot tho unspriika'.! civaturtii thai, r.h.* drt'd^it Iijih hrnu_;hi up. Tboro in in scnsibl- o li^ht ;it a n;iv;,i i ilcpiii (ban ,'IO'J or -l^O 1'cet, tint iiio.ti sonsitivo pbtifoij-rnphic plati-H' iiuin;^ uunlVfCtrd veil hy v rliroloij^od expo-air *. The. fi-.he,H ar tlmreforo ohii^ed to bunt tit ir I'nod In the. aid nl* dark lanterns, as V. ot* Co ii. I'xpre-s-i.Hl it ; in nth r wordH, ' tli:-"y an I'bo^phornsci'iit, and Hi;.* h the, add oi the b,'lit limy I he'uis. d v s einiC. Oin' of llm ^r.'ut dinieilUios ol* do.-p Hna (fxploi'uion is thai, t t ik.'U ahuixt ail day , to -thr -w out outi di'i'dir** unti haul it up u-ain, even dlthbiT^b tflin hill) ih worked by Ht,am pnu'tjr. Tn ,1 tlsiitL until reimntlv had u'luiblt ofbj cimiintr tni^juri^wUli.,Uio houikI ropo, and froipiciitly when th day waa ovor CLEVBLAND, ^ fl r^ U PITTSBURG, ^ AU*' POINTS EAST EVP-HV BVfNIfiQ DfiTwoew - - DETROIT # CLEVEUE90 Conncctluu with c?.rHcr.t trninu nt Clcvclnn.i for it point.1: U:.'it, South ucd Southv/cit. SundayTrlpsJuno, July, Auguct und SeptcmUDr Oni; Poun Tmiur, fan Wfcvc Dotwhuu , DETROIT #BflflCKIB&f PET0SKGV, THS ' GOO,- MARQUOTTE, AND DULUTH. ' Two vtiy/ iitccl pnauearjcr r.fcumerfl Iv&vc Jnat btcn built for our Upper inLe Hoiitc, contiUF $300,000 each. Send ior illuatniteil nnmi-hlct. Audrcsfl,-, A. A. OOHANT2, o. c, a v. -. itwuB imini timt.tim dmd-ro hud hu- Titf nnRfllT St RflVFIlHIl STFflM NAV Rfl. n'jiair VIGOR H(mtoroa itutni-al color to tho hutr, and ttlno pruvimu it irdllu(f out. Mra. H.. W. I'onv/ick, of Bicjliv, N.. B., uayn: "A Iildln rnnro Lhitn two yciii'MiiKO' mv liair IN THE TOWN OF ESSEX. TOWN OFESSEXl >; TO VW IT. f -jgj \VifKiii:Ati, by virtue of a warrant nitned hy tliti Mayor of thn Town of 1'jhboX, ilfy (Jaunty of Khucx, itnil luitbentiuitled hy tho corporate miulI of the mud Town, hoar into the '.Soldi day of .January, lHljn.uiirl to mo dircatuil, '('oirimun ilng tnti to levy qi thn lolbiwin^ hjtii or iimruelH of land for iLirearn of tuxon duo thnrorm, with (jnetH. ( 1 licnnhy n'wti nofaca rdiat. uiilaini tho Hiiid tuxi-n and eoittti lira unormr ^aidT I. bJ .ot iiitLurduy, timlHib day of May, IHll'a, at tin) hour-of lOo'oIoak In tlm forunooov, !' cIc'm Hidl, in tlm Town of Mitnux, prnoded to adl by pnbhu auotioij tlie i<!uiDtinds! an much tbf.reol fta may bn iiulfiub'nt to jmy audi iirrearn ol taxon and all lawful Wi1:ui red: ^!S5 U'V tho listi of oin; linlllt! of A vfr's Hair Vib'"r ttiy hair was peslnreil to it.M original color ami censed fallinp: out. An nrjcjuiomil applio;it ion has Hhice kept (lie, h:iir in ':m'mI eondilion." Mvh. II. l\ i"i;.\u n.K, Di/jjhy, N, W. "I have. iim'*1 Ayer's Tlair Vipror for lln'cf visit";, and it 1i;ih rcsloretl liair, wbieli was fast ln'coiniiie; intv, buck foils iialiirnl mlnr." If. W. HA.-sKLiioi'r, raler.sou, N. J. 1'tan. I Ml :>M 1 17 , :*07 : ^2d . i 'JHtl ' ; a.m |;io7 '277 177 1 L'07 i '.>77 . IT'.' l yt j ho :u)i) a: i.i 2hB 2rirt I'JIKCAU^I) HY DR. J. C. AVEn 8c CO., IDWELL. MASS.. U-S. A. Avcr's J* it la cure Sick XXemlacHe* Kim in of i Ii'- I ' - o '......, \ -soc i i ml w i n i ' i . - j. i i .... i/i.ii Km, St. Val i I ] bus bf.'ii p. a >.di i v, ,y odd ^dll in ', i" n 't' in I > ie' lit'uii^Sit back beai'ioy into i.t-i i.iit ihi.- niJ.i'li, and sinD'Hif s' ' ::,' pray ers aud -u.'i'dieo.v on ue' a!;ar. d horn ar , . !, .mn , and nte.-i ob.-.'i'V d appro].n i ,. iu th il'iv, lied ro'-on ai e to be worn I y : i im-aa- tic " - oVi-r which he has dominion, aad ;!io>e who conlid'-nily > >.f t ihe hiinl >anif to odvo. lin urn uiitnpi" ot' I heir nil urn h u-.bands mii-t, . c-o. darj- lo Ii.'aiore^t'n Moat id v, ['oil., w I !), eiuioil l Ti:ey ii!ii--L hif tb in '.a bed one hour In I'ou: iniouie. In, eairyi'i^' a taper only, a-i a n^lil, anil, iht r cast- iiiL;' it ^'la nc * ! o ird't ' '!it, but lonUi::^ -Ira!., lit bef'i'-'. ion out the taper on em nnu;' the'r bidro'ins. (hi tho thrediohl '.li.-y am t tin' and th-dr hair, wash t!i dr lia.m!:. in i um-v. ai-'i', and Mandinu in'.'o|-e;t i.iii-ror s'ou iy cal. a cri-.p ieed cal;e bake I in t!i nl' a bcai 1, Tii's doiio ail ia lie- o ud; and tn.ihitrj.' mii'i' ncv. r to r- vrA-i' a . (, |>, llie\ ii'ol to b.-d and (o >!>: pwiih all dl-^pa'Udi; fordl' tile . e:ni lil'.airi iiei'oi'o 'ini-dni^'ht the \i-i<iii will pr--a-ui udo form mid feat arcs of t be .' ntu i ' hu^b-t ud. There an; cotillons set .or St Valen tine's ye, when all the fivnrs will be cm blein.s Miitabh- [,, (he reason, and a hlilld fueled d'-butaiile, p.'l'Miiiify inn; love, will dr. I id! :r o o each man a li ttlo red m Ik h ari. ' >u on-' -"do h- to -diow, in small U'ili If! li t n:i I In* 11:1111101]' 1 he sou u^' woman w .':. v. imiu In- 111 n .( da nee f lie IL UIVm ; wli 11 lie pre ; -i; I - i L s iie Will, stick ihrmi'.'h tlm si.k 1. nl a na.'i'ow pin ol'^alt and u-aeii tlm beau lo I he left, siou ol' In r bo .ic. Lata. Hi'. 1 C7 [ 'Jo HI! 21 MH -A1.) 70 H '.I 17 II II au 'M). ':,-{ fill fii; .ri7 nH :io ;:*j i; Li :il 3 f :tr> 7 M ',) 10 Taxnu. CohIh. fi'J 11 3 1(0 n :t8 yi o'2 in do 71 :i:t 11 n10 u ar. 2a :io i -11 i;h mi ih ;ir 35 HI H7 :ih H 1 55 1 23 a bo. :* ti7 1 r>Ji 1 71 a 17 'j, 00 !i 71 7 17 3 78 y :i; to H2 -l 2fl 1711 aim 217 7'2 'lOO 'Jdll iin7 17(i '207 2dl JMu :ioo 202 'J 00 2a '>h '2*1 no :u '25 HIJ Kutit part 11 10 '.IL 12 ') IJ 1 fl '.) >\i '21 '25 22 27 2H 2'J lia ;ili a7 Hfl M 40 12 d,3 -1J 15 Jfi 17 -1ft -10 Tdoelt 122 Work 02 Kindt 'JH IUocUhIo -111 17 50 (Jfi) hot 2, plan '2(*7 j Hindi 10!) :io 0:1 21 21 21 21 :u\ in 15 (It) 2:t 01 12 02 HH (il a: 7;' 25 B5 20 12 5 11 41 III* '271. ill 127 no ina 00 10 17 ~ IH'J 12 do nt) a no a -20 !I 20 **t '0 1 1 87 a (ir> a f>i 1 88 2 (W 1 Rl - 1 r>v (J MO '20 19 J 10 13 1 C5 0 72 9 4f 41 20! 13! IJ m W. D. JiiMMAN, Troanuror, Town rjf.Entex.,N the trade in ii]l kinds of ^$WFP$ I3n!ldinpr Material, Woodwork fbr ffift$Wj^<-i] (plain and oraamontal), .barn auu Th*- I; sli'.pV Ivpi'i.....'it. Tbi; slm-y id" ;i n-.d 1 I.i own bishop, v, l.'cli 1 e:r beil lie- t ll at In r d.iy, --eeuiH ..0 -i i>n. ^'h l'r,- pu ii ,c;i i ioii : Thf id.siio,' w, ;, one day exauiiidn^' a hatch ot deae-aii lor prie a s' orders At'u-r t. 1 hi'Oi'et teal part of 'lie e Naminatmn, h sidd lo tin in : W ieni le'iteii, you have pa.-.-a'd a most excel!.oil e\ami ".1- tinn in theory ; I ^Imut 1 now like, to see you do lb .ii ^' pract'cal. 1 shall ^'o into the next room and per- soaale a ,-dek man. Voil ui'l cmie in one by mie, ml !rr;o me ai a si'k parishioner, and s;iv sonn thitiu' com- fori iii'^'. " Win n hi-; 1 .nrdshi p bad ia-tir ed i he candidal, s wore in some coii- 1'udoii, and mdiody cared !o be^iu ; but at Ia.-.t a mad Irishman vo'tinteereil to be the lii'M. Ih* rnleri'd the -.III ly, and, apprnachiiiM" the id shop, w ho wa - l\ inti' Willi a woebegone air on a s(da,tlitis ad'Ires.stid him : "(Hi, Airlnny, An- thuiiv I The dhriiik a.^ain ! Shure it wdl be the dr it I. ot' s e ! Turn from Voiir e\'il \\ a > ^ be J ere i! "s t oo kite, and In; a man !"' d'hL is so id lo have been the laL Lime (hut : b Id.^hup \u-\,\ a pr.'u'tii a I o mi n a' ion. - London Truth. London Ti in h. .\ inn her ">IiH I m-. Clara - I hear your father has forbid den Mr. IlL^'hiT i uilin^ on you. Cora -No, \oii are uiLtaken. '"Uiil ho not t"ll lii iii lasi nt^dit uovcr to darken his parlor auain Y" "lbs did, but that re.fenvd to bis turn ing down thu lamp." Y"ouk'. rs Stateo- inmi. phia' I'ress. I'.nit . In,; ^*) h.-vrt iv Mop. :':: '4- ^, thu trade in nil kinds of houfi) tumberi ShingltiH (('all gradoa, Doorfl, Sash, ChoBtnut Coal. WINDMILLS. \\ e Mte Hdu A^onta in*jtinj County fot? Oi idiien^o, which'to.nk IIinherit AwairilH-at-., ' " the Wurld'a Fair. Can ruinisk either Pumping or Power Out! at lowest prices. A writtui f^uuranteo with every Outfit. e Q I La ilJ-.-lj:l'-J For .the bcru-fit tif every one who wishes (d inveist in a lew rdmreH q[ . , . y \' ^.. ^WKC^ Ontario Permane: ^Buildinsr and ILibl y IP 3 a JLOl B Stock, J. H. Oliver, ^eiif-rjil agent, will ho in town iur a lew \uj(kn and will he pleasul to explain the workings of this A.1 social ion. X poyt erd or letter mailed toEtfKOX 1\ O, will receive prompt attention. LIYJ3, Ai TTu Yuh, it wan very confiiflins". She Ii iniiHL have been ! Had \ been you, I .should liavo hliiKhod to tho roots of my nyubrowH ! Atonement. They were eno-a^ed iu mutual ru- criminatinn. 'Yau caused Rvu to sin," protoHted tho man, violently. "That is truu, 'rejoined tho Serpent, "But 1 have Howod my wild oats and am in the tumporanci* work now." Of courKo, roloruuco wan 'thereby had to the numbopn of .pwrsoiw who had boon 'Hived from a druukard'M y;nivo by txHnnona Dutroit ,Tri- bunft. i ' don Govuruiuout. ViLiuii-r \V'jjinjw..ty tlirown overbourd, no that tho day wok Trro and Fulst*, Coins. Jjuliion riujjB, tal -n coins uniUti a dull, oo.-ft'n d sound- (1 aintt-rfuitH in t.vmy ^uine .re un l with friqutntly. By tin* [.ulliide i hu.-t! a:u . receiviii.1 iiH the cenuiuu iirti(di- Tiudcrji upon the punlic eredulil) mt.inoiit daneetoUH wlmm they pi i-judicc henllli. j hurt; uio hontu ot irrei.puiihjhlo do tilers e, ho do not hetiituto to ruprcsent cheap ..uitriniiH tm iduntioal with or tikiti to Hh'U. fiird ntnt.di' h, mid thuw inflict irrepurivhlu .Kitimee upon thu invalid conununity. 1jo- i\t:ve, no drue,gibt or tston kneper who IcIIh )uu that some pripuiudun bo Iihh iu .slock i^ nupcrior to or tho munu thnifj us Scot.t'o Umulmon of Cod Liver Oil with the Il\po- I hoHpbiicii oi Iiimu and Sodu Ilo in try- in to foitst (uIho coiu upon you, pumund >iud only Ului tho truo which boum the aLuinpof f-iouiueiioHH, and hua received the nnanrnemeia o physicians ua u runoudy for tbrotiLand lun<4 cUhollroh, utid ii noiuiobev ot the feeble, uoivouh and dytipeptio. rar- ocularly adapted to children in tliia fumous Hiiatuinor of Htrfii(.'.th and inoreaaer of llnb. Thin yoimiiaterH krow 'fat through Un bo- man action, and ninoo it in afl palatable ai. milk, they novor rejjard it with th, avor moil they htivo for medioinoa unnoooptahlc Ai.ffliiaia tho unma ivon py tho modiottl fratoruit) to a ooudit.oji of tho nvHtem indio.ttodhy ajdoof floah uad taiB. Tho tooiimoiiy iB Bbnnilant nn-3 covinu,nK that Boot*'. ISmuMioii o Cod Liver Oil pud* the hollow placoahi tho bu, niim frauio with Arm, hoalthy fljl.f a qua lity wbioh e-peolally aomWndB ifctoladioB of MundIK ttngraooful w)** w plLpS aB well aQ boaltby atama and Hopud digcfcidn, ' / <>,0O(> K*:et Above the Ol. N arl\ thine n.iloti above tide m ii.OOO [oet al ovu tlie wbito, nilontj thut lie in i-.wei-|iiii<; plain hinouih seme'lim;; to tlll'l'k ftbOUt, timO Ut iituu afturwardH,' lan't it ? ' lo the HiniiHiir of 1801, the *| Depa.tment of thu Northern I'hoiJW roud fittid out uu oxiu-uinon to olif hitfl-uHt wouMain. uuuih of tho Oj boundary on ihe Noith IVciilo Cot tho -,;n.ndent peak in tho United Mount lhiinior or Tat'oma. Thi ir-aciii'd the hit-hefit point of tho moi uffci-ii. lonn and duiigOoun olirol rocku and nnow and tduelora that' fjaHlicd by crovuDi-uH, uud l'tturued in a ThiB inai'iiifncfjnt pcuk :a hotweod^ uud 15,0(10 feet hili, and indeod oo| found in tho futuro to bo ovor lG.OOr or nearly throo milca in lioigHt- -. ' I In a bi-iuitifolly ilhiHtrutod bool publinhed, the Htory ot this abcent ia' mRreiLt detail, tocetbor wUb maay.'i rtbout this old mountain that waa oi' oootbiuc VOloauo. Tho Yollowfitotio Pink and'otbep^ of tho uroat North-Wohfc aro dlboillu^F and written about, ' In every reaped thia book is .b'w oonUiuB nothing thia^a huB burotofore publiBhtd, ' - .>1-,",i ltu numo ia "Sltotohes of ' Woni^ at d by ttouditig' tbteo two-cenfc .'<tl six i.fluta 3Piii,vJ|jjj otal PiiBfl6nuer Agon* of the j3wp| St. Paul, Mmn., you will Moefye/ mreturn. :-^i : U i ' . 'fl' rK .iVft', 'k^;^^Mii^i

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