Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 10, 1895, page 5

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' "' " vy^^^W^^W^^':- : r .r--:^ m n*HB KSSSX rJK5BK,JFRiS6 The Chatham Loan and Savings Company. CAPITAL - $ltOOO,000 Money to Lend on Mortgages OfproHiiotlvo ronl *WU, J'ttVmm'iOwiiithiJ,' *'> "borrow liiosoy at limib rntttrt, burnt nxpiun atl too dolay HhouM upply poyummlly lo Tint Chat ham Loan mul Having Co.,OhtiLtmni. K, F, C1AIIDNKK, MiiniiK"!-- imiDAY, iUAY 10, 189." fe' TALK | OF THE TO WW- - -----------------W&&$?$^ ' V Koud Smith'* ad. Diobol it JirieJr imy tho liijdu-Ht anuli priuo fur wool. kmiu't bo cupnblo of waiting ou table. Arthur Ouiimti^hiLiii, while working nt ono of tho uttwc milU tho other day, wan .uulucliy (Miot;h tn louu ouu of tlio finder U of bin left hand in a Htavo jointer. The dirootorn of tho Grunt BmithwoHt- orn Exhibition will meet in town at 1 p. m. today, May 10th, lo make preliminary urruiiijeraonti! for the next tall ahow. .Tho "wordily football match' boLvrcon thu town rind IlitfL Bchool tuaniu, on \Vedm;:i- duy cvomnfj, ronultod in a-victory, for tho town teani by a ncoro of four jjoala to two, Straw lmtfl 7'cjuLh uach, at'Sinitli'N. Wall paper 2c. roll May's Bazar. Straw hatii for men, women, hnya and (jirlii at M. J, Wifilo & Co.'h. A carload of Hvo Hooky Mountain oik paused east oyar tho M. G, 1\ ono evening this week. They appeared to Ijo at case iu .thoir clone conihioment. Our reporter did .'uot learn their dcutirmtibn. Urn, Dowar A McKcuzio recently per formed a yarv [iuceoaafal operation in re- moviu[j a caiicor froai tho lip of Mr. .James Hayes, nr., of the Uurt Settlement, in Haidatono. Mr, Iluyos in dointf nieedy. Tho toi)-yearol(t fonof ..ToRt'jih Waite, of Xlchjav Milhi, wan breaking a muley cow to rido when ho wan thrown off her buck, breaking bin arm. Dr. RlcKtinzie iodised tho fiaeturu, uiid the cow will ^ot u for a, few djiyo.. Incondiarion attempted to-net iircTto"*thj old Lewiw mill on tho townliueon Wcdne.i- day uit;ht, I\Ir. Church, ,tho n^erit of th* company owning tho property, ban reason to BUupeot certain pi-raoim, and will keep -. Ioao watch,on' tbu property. Mona1 (mitH clotlicH, 93,2'j at bmilh'u, big uap.y' It i i^atonifahiuf; the largo Irado O2I1 all clothicrq Windsor, enjoy. They aro ju y2.r0 ImVH nnita at if 1.50; SI boy'ti FtiQat tJiJ; fli ineiih'HUiU at Sl.'tO; W *'. fid 910 uu 1 in for ?").'.!;'. Every ^uriiient Ell wool and well mado. ATra, Tbornley, O10 Provincial Pthh d,-nt. of tlio W. (), T. II., ih expf'cted to hn in [AmhorHtbur^on-XuHHdny,-i;i^L uf Mny. lo moudn,fitA !-i:nuoi, of MCTiiuin. All tin; muiij berH of ouch union in tho" County uro in vit(l to'ittcnd an it will ho a tner-tiu:: of very (jri-at iittcr<?Ht Mro. C K, Nnykr, S*-e M. J. Wiglo it Go. aro thu clothier* >A ^bhox. Try thorn. Tho membcrH of Enterprmo Lod^fi, I. O. i. F,, of this town, attoudod divine liervieu Fat tho Bap tint church on Sunday laat. Thore wao a nood tnrnout of locul inemberH BUpplrmonted ]>y visiting member a from Kiniovillo, Comber, aud othr placeu. Hoy. M. P. Campbell doliyere+l-au inaHue.- tivodiHcouraG. A woll-lcpown citizen living a block frurn Talbot otreot ooaiplaiun of being dihturbtd in Inn ulumbora about half pabt cloven on Taeaday ovonhifi, by a somowhat animated dincuBnion which bo iiayu was being carried on by Bomo of our town cauucilior in t)m juain thoroujihfaro. Ho abkH thu 1mu:i; PiiKHBltT'plyatl for mora noonlFy Laui'na-c ' -- -ieycling in atmnminc euch proportionu viH-Gfl^da that iuevory noi^bborhood Ihero aro youan riderg whofjivo promioeof devol- kpinfi into Byeody Rooro, boaidci corcB of ftitbuaiastia wboolinon who rido for plea- Haro, uot foruroed. To all thouo iuteroht Will attach to tho announcement that the St, .Thomas Bicycle Club, tho second oldest) club iu tfao C. W. A., yiiW hold a Croat moot on tho Queon'a Birthday. In 1832 the Canadian Wheel- fflon'ii AasociatioH wild organized in St. Thomait, and tbia i tho iirut ambitiona of.-. fort in tho way of a cyolo nntbwriujt tho club haaattomptocl nines that occamon. A new oindr track, oxpoctod to be ono of tho fat et in Canada, io being bnilt,, bundrodH of dollar* worth ot prison will bo offorod, and all indications point te tho mott bein^* tho ^raateftt affair of tlie ecason, excepting the O. W. A. mook. l\l. J. Wigla & Co. baye Hpooial valu> in bono aud ulovau. IjOST : Botwen Kaflox and Camp Palmer, on April 6th, a ladies' black ohop ^ ping bap, containing pitrne and 85, and hOthor Bin a ]1 aitiolcs. Finder ploaea return f o PniiK PirnuB Ovpick, Oik Hall olothinfl manufaoturorH, Wind- ior, aro mdlhig a nio aervlooablo young ^min.'o euit at a,00, wortV H and flG, and lau'flaaitt) worth 88 and 910, at ifi.Ofi; ruadrads to ncdoot from. Tlioy aro fining ^|]jk bp.f flakos. 'ilf^J&pi ou^ prloo* ou wool befora Bolline:, G, Arthur Milnn U temponirlly mado olork of l-ha OitiHion Court, vine tti-Mayor Milns idtii|Oiid. Arthur-'ti many frietioin hope thu pomtion will provo a pornianmit ono. During the heavy rain and hail utorm OMTuoaday itiornliifjtjj thh li^htnin^ Htruok a liouu 011 Ut, Jntiimn utruot, wlivorinu; oii# and and tearing thiu^u up in general. Tho hotiHtt WnirvacaTilrand-bitlon({u-to-A..J-IIal-_ ford, of \Vim1nor. ' A number of tho yonnj^ folkH of Khbox Imvo airatifjod to (dvti a eonoert, nndiir tho aut^pioem of tho Mcthodmt Huuday Hchool at Camp PalT^or. Thu eounort will tako phico in tho nuhoo] houiio thin (Kriday) ovfnitif;, A vory men prot/rummo hint been arranued. A moHt ficiautifio ^umo" of football wiia played ou the (jroundw horo mi TuoHday fivciiinw. Tho toamH wro eompnmJd' of marrio:! innn vh. the bacheloni nf lho town, It in almost nemlloHU to fitato that tho buu- edictn wore oaiiy victnrn. Thoncor/t wan one i-joal to ml. iMoiisiiti. C. Rno^liolT and M. Ijiing have coutinuod tludr Huaroh for entomological hpccininiiit. In thoir lato eorrenpondoneo' iiiinoiinct'inent wan mado that they would Bhortly receive 0 pickle bottle full :>t Ho- O'bugn. Anyone having a few ntray lletin they would ln thankfully received. Adyi. BoyH two pieco auitu 91 at Smith'*!. Stiff liatn, 110ft hats, Htraw liatu the lutt nt at M. ,J. Wifjle and Co.'n. Ladien' walking; hIiooh 7*j cuiitti, lino kid button booty '.ij uentu, ^ontn line lacml or gaiter fihtieti 91,'20 par nr., at Krnith'ti. Bomo finoaku, properly called, tho other nuilit vistad a number of hotiHeu in l\\*i,/ioutIiern part of ihf. town, looking iu pefnple'H^Avifldowrf, and cauain^ u diiitnr- biinoo. Such work nil onld bo looked'-after for they could not liava Imd any pood 'pur- pone in view at i.ueh a lato hour of th:> nitjp.t. Dutective Campau netit for W. J. Dewar on \Vur 111 eh 1111 y to (jo up to Windsor to look at Korue ^nodfi Ivin* at polieis headqnartoni, and Kiipposed to have b'-eu ntolon. Mr. Dt-YsTT v/ont to \Vindaor, but could not identify-any of the j^oodrf as of tlio lottak- on from hiii hi ore in the robbery ho mo mftiiUifi a{jo, Mr. Campau, however, wtill tliinUH he will e,;t on trail of Mr. Dew'ar'H tJoodH. Tho annuiil meotinj* of olnoorn and direc- torn of tho MeobauicH' Iiirttituto wna held iu tho rending room on Monday evening, and w:its ipiito well iitteiuled. Tlio huIc of l,ok>ujLiiLLpf-rif>,1if'uh} nt'tted over ^fif), and tho li.'Uineeu of the Inntitutu were found to lit? in x very Hatiafactory condition. A full report of tlie yoar'H financial and other triinsHOtinuH will bo published in the \Cm:v, VuKn* next week, (Mr. A. B. Ifolbdrt, of Crcelny, Iuwa, has H.t Mr. Bysu'a livery iu town tbia weok the fiuo Gori'iiai] Ouuch hlullioii, Hikado o7D, and im Ktllin^ him to a ityinlioatu of bretal- i.-i-ii in LhiK riihtrict. Mil;ado m a fine look ing animal, is raven hlack in color, 10 hainU bin'n, weighs uboitt, 1-lUt), and-iA aix ytars old. lie win nn|iortud by Mr. IJ-ol- i.'urt in ]ri',)2. Ilti enrrifrd llireo promiinnH an a throe.year-old at tho World's Fair. Hi: iu being Bold on shin-en, ami a number nf farmer* inny >tl ubiiiin an intornst in tti'; liorie. \Vood wanted, lii^he:.!, uiihIi jiricy pud. Li M. Hinith A (Jo Fanners. Uet xtondy! I^iirtnerH and others having corn plantot'H re(]iuriii^ repairn, are n-fpio!ti:d];to bring them in early, h the riiah willj noon com mence. I will be in a position to handlu a lot of repairing, during the next few wuekH, and will aluo have mnne line pew plautoni fur Hale, we liave preiniaoli; of "U'll early tip ring; fiO don't- delay.----------_ I"ui,n KoiuNwoN Talbot hI., opposite Dr. MeKeii/.iu'n reHi- deuce, Eithex. tf L'araFol:^ large atinortuieiit, extra Viiluea at M. J, Wiglo A* Co.'H. Job Ul atiirt. eiubruiiieriutj at about 1-IJ regular price, at Smitli'a. TJ10 Appcsul OlW1lNHO<t. Tho uppeal of Goo, Thornton, iiM'rulator, a(.'aiiflt the rueont duulniou of Jud^n Homo ooufinniii the oleotloii of Dr. Dinwar ttn Mayor of Ehhox, wuh hoard before Justioo Koiw at 2'oronlo on Monday. Tho appeal waa taken on thu [;round that corrupt aotu hud lioow proved bufoni tho oouuty jtiduo, ~air;l'thrtirHuolructrt~TdTidnrod*-tiio olootion void, oven though they wore performed without the kimwloil{.',() of tlio dofoudant, .Tinlnomout wan renervtid. Ou Wedheaday Juvdiee Howe [{five lim doaifdon iliiimiuiuni; tho appoal, with, conln. Ti wiu heard that no nan bo found guilty of bribery, unlomi evidence ilinelonon hui intention to commit tho of'fonae. A deiur.iiif* a clean eloetion cannot bo thua puniidiod by tlio act of an ovcr- /.(jalouu a^ont who prneeeils without auth ority of tho oandidate. St. Puui'm Cliurcli Olunr ijonc.ort' Tho entortuinmont i;ivoii by tho choir of St. Panl'H church in Pock'w Hall'lnut l-'ri. day evoninj: wan quitfl largely attended, and waH a very iiuccumifu'l ulnar in every reiipeet. All tho uoloi'itu wero heartily en cored, a wore ilIho tlie Holcctiomi of Mm. Courtrijjht, olocutioniHt, uiid thoio of Wal ter MeGniru, with olariotiot, and tlio ipiar- tflt compoHed of MoHHi'ti. Gardner, Krio^hoff, Wallace and Wimner. Mi'H. Dingwall, tioprun^, wasunUna form whilo Minn Jiliudbury, contralto, alno ac- qilittod kernel! admirably. M.r. S. -T. Mac- Wattero, baritone, rendered Koveral iui He- luctioilH. Mm. Wm. Lain" and Hui.-t Courtri^ht acted an accompanist:!. i'li'n Kobbcr (Jaiisrlit. The man captured by tha DetVuit police ou Saturday nitfht hint in evidently tho one wbo-robbod Mr. W. H. Itiehardnon'H hard, ware pn tl^e.nitjht of April HO. He way found trying to diupoue of Home of the art- icleD which Mrr~BiehiLrdHoh'~ail!tor\?ur.lfi i l**ntiliod aa bin, and lookoiluji on 'ikir. picion, Ilowaw uho' identified by an Eusjo-i man named Moffatt, nn having beun at the railway depot the day prrfieodi/ifj 'the rob bery. The thief ijivtn Iiih nanie an llyern, and homo an Iluffalo. lie rofohoh to come 'io (.Janada, and oxtraditiun proeeediiign have lieeu coin mouced. If convicted he will liUely receive'a full ueutence. JflS. D. ANDERSON & Co.. BANKERS, Noxt to AboVdobn Hotels Essex. Money to loim on Vaviunm1 Noton; Not^n boui.'bt oi- Collootfld; Moui*y to lnau on MortKiiKctn at oweiit vatuii and bunt lornm. Draftn Iniuiod payabtii nt par at all principal P'llntii, Pirn Insurance Agonts, otc. ?*&xz+jjho&&. Mr. John Wilnon, V. K., of Ijeamln^ton wuh in town thin weok. Mina Minnie Katon, of DiHroit, i viuit- in;j hor muther in town. Mihh M. P. Vonpor, of Detroit, vudted her parents in town on TiiflHday. Minn M"innio Pox, of lun^nville, waa the (UiehL of MiHfi lallie Millar a few day a thiu week. Mr. and Mm. Koycraft, .of Hid^etown, viwitad Dr. HeyeViifl. and wife a fow - days lit!it week. Ayer'rt Pillrt arn reconifnondod by lead- hi*; phyfuoiatiPi and drut^iutn, an tho moot prompt and eftkiont remedy for bilioiiH- nehft. niiunea, coativeiioi h, indigeution, uluf^HilincHij of tho liyer, jaund:ce, und Gick headaelio ; alsa, tn relievo coldn, fovoru, ueurul^ia and rheumatism. G CO., INVITE YOU TO INSPECT THEIR Of Hummer Dress Goods, hucIi ilb Dot Muslins, Fancy and Plain Ducks, chambras, Zephyrs, etc , with Lace and other Trimmings to match. Our stock is very, complete in tlie ahovo lines. In Staplo Dry Goods pr.icos nre low. Extra good Shirt-' ingHj Towclings, Prints, FlannclettOH at f)cyd; standard shirt1 ings 10c yd (regular ISc'goodH); I.ieavy , cottonade 15o yd; Feather Ticking 15c; all wqol'Twueds 3.0c/ We are overstocked in Shoos. To reduce \vu have cut prices, Jiutton Boots worth ;;,il,/j0 ibr .fJoo; "Walking shoes Too; also job lot ladies' Shoes and Slippors at aboufTmtflSff^ nl;i.r price; Gents' fine Laced or Gaiter Shoes $I,2o, worth 2. .Qur-Btock is made up of the latent ritylcs in Tans" and I'.i:'*.nt Leather 'l.'ritnmed. nnity, snylc and price. Jn fact we arc in the lead in SOClALJtKFOniVI. OF Eeady-made and Ordered clothing Wo have had groafc succeHB this season and want to close this month, -balance of spring purchases. To do ho we offer 2-pieee Boys' Suits-for- 1]; men's all wool Tweeds, regular'price $0.50, ibr $.4,50. This line has no equal in Essex; $S line for 5.75; SI0' and $12 for$7;75; 14. and frG for 'SO,75, Space will not permit us to give full list of the good things we have.- Come and see, it is no trouble to show goods. DOCTORS- AND JXV V""THUS FAUj. I5L.IS- J, Smith & Co. A Sliootinu AcuiUciit. What mi^bt very easily baye proved a fatality ovcurod yoHtcrday through a com- binatiou of hiniill boy aud revolver. FA- nmr CbtiHo and a buy named llt;i;ry Glusco wcro target Bheotin^'with'J calibre re volver, Chaso waa ab^ut to ahoot at n mark when ho threw the rcvnlver over hU hould- er to brin^j it forward with u. true Jaraon llouriHh, whon, an the tnu/./.le pointed backward, tlio weapon di^(dni.ry;i:d, tho ball fitriliinjj GIaqqo who wilh Ktundin<; nbout 21) feut behind, Tairly on the none, and im bedded m hiH face. At latest accounts the doctoih weiu jireb- mii for tho bullet. J'h-y did net fear any fatal effcctH. TUIKD. TKSTKD A^D TICUK. ThouminU Know of tlio <luielc uiid (crinlii Kellef Tent Coiuch ITom South Amorlciiii Kid iiey Ciiro. Tina mudioino will uot euro all tho ills the flush i heir to, but it will euro kidney trouble- of whatever kind - Uruvatftd. It will cure Hucedily sure relief fn nix bourn. It is rich in healing powern, and whilst it uuickly ^iven eaue, where pain existed before, it uIho ^iveu ntrou^th to tho weak and deranged orgaHH, making the euro coonplete and lasting. ThoueandH who know what South American Kidney Uuro hau done for them will tell you tio, Itov. IV. <-ulhjll|i, li t,. IE, l>iitor ol Dim Strict (IcthodlyK hn.i< h, Tu- ...... ronio, IHun a (Jcod XVord tn Siuy of Or,'Acnt'W' <;t- nrrlial I'oivtler. Th Itov. Wm. Galbraitb, h L. II., in one of tho thoughtful preacberH of the day, Tlio uottyo intcrnat b ban tukon in rjucut- ioiih of fioeial reform hau eiv*n bun wide inllnenco outairlo bin own cbnrch, whore li in inlluonco in undiiiputod. llin mind iu of the kind that.thinknout a problem, and then he in abln to upealt with forcu and in telligence, lie in ui to he credited wilh e>:- iiHiinrng info tlio niftritH of Dr. Afmew'a {Catarrhal l'rwdcr with name bent of mind. And what does ho Hay ? Thta in thin ined icine hu ban found a remedy that givea ijnick relief for cold in tho head, which ih ho uuuemfortable to fivfirybedy, und giving relief tlioio it helps, perhapa mora than any ether remedy! lo fctavG off tho ill effectit that come from catarrhal trouble. One short puff of the breath through tho blower, biippliud with each bottle of Dr. Afjnew'H Catarrhal Powder, diffuacu Huh powder over tlio anrfaco (if th naaal pan- ua^os. Painleas and duhtjh^ful l.o una, H i-eliovefi in ten mimilen, and ponuanuutly cures oatarrah, bay fever, coldo, headaclio, Hero, touailitin and deafuohH. (J uenty. Bati'iple bottlen und blower nant on receipt of two .'i-cent HtanipH. ti. G. Uetcbeu, No. 11 (Jdiuruh btroct. WOOL! WOOL!! WOOL!!! We are prepared to pay outside prices, either cash or trade,/or any quantity of Washed or Unwashed Wool. Don't sell until we give you prices. ' ' GE SMITH &,Co. WHd*iNtE:--mJO0K, KSSEX I.S SKLL1NO ,/ >: jy inUKETJ Wagons, Buggies, N1HWLY Unt One l)io of SiMith Aiuerlciiii leiioiiiiintUm Curo Itfllovou, uiwl Hull n bottle cureu, Jtobort F. Gihao, Pembrooke'H well luiawn merohttut. "I'-'cQutnictcd rbeu- inatmmiu very oevoro'form iu 1888, and' liavo uuitored untold mjuury each bprin^ ainco. I have repeatedly applied fly blio-- tarn with but little imccoha. Doctors whom I conuulted likowioe fniled to relievo. 1 Kbeu . of the Dici(H3H Dru Company. The lirot doao ^ava inutant relief, and half a bottle cured." Ana euro for rheumatism, thm rerr.edy iu certainly puorlo&y. w^..<uit>v*.<.i iniunioo LU11UU IU TUN wau mducod to. try South American matic Ciiroby VV. T. C. Bothul, Seventy-live acroa bauh land for oalo, G. K. Kraith & Co. Your JPIiyalcnl Condition Needs attention at thia timo. If you ro tired, weak aud norvouu, ik iu clear that your blood ia impure, and without doubt there ban buon toojmuch oyor-work or atraiu u bram and bodj, Tho courao of troat- montfor inoha condition in plain aud aimplo. Tho blood must Urnt bo purified oo that th norvouo eyatora, and in faot all tho orfliuu will bo fed npon puro blood. Iutolligont pfioplo, without iiMBabur have tostiflid that tho bent blood purifier, nerve -tonia and tropKth imparting raodioin* in Hood'H flaruaparilla. Nervousuesn, loan of nloepand gonoral debility all vaninh whon Hood's BatHiiparilla iu parnUteutly taken ; iu a word, boivlth and ho^nneHH folUw afUr uaki'uii lUodV Btnanpurilla, PAttKicu At Kanox, on Wedneuday, May 8 lHDo, the wife of Robert Tarkor, of uaou.' 9-Mirn At Ehbgx, ou Thurmlay, May 2, the wife of Samuel Bmith, of a nun. Km.ih At Maidntono, on Sunday, May 'rJ. . the wife of Jan. Kllie, of a oaiif;htcr. V.vrcnicu At Eurox. ou Monday, May 0, tho wifo of D. Vatuher, of a daughter. Shook At Elford, nu Bundav, April .28. the wife of John Shook, of a daughter, L'tiKiiTn At Maidtitona, on Friday, May 3, the wifo of Henry Fuorth, of a bou. WANTED To buy Furniture at priocH that are ricjUt down to bardpau, and proparud to furuifjU every thing in tho Huapo or D'urriituro that a good housekeeper ncodn, Alao a fine lino of Baby Carriages at pncoK that are ritfht clone. Kindly call and inflpect the i^oodn, it will pay you to do ho huforu buy ing elucwhoro. It coatH you nothing to (jot pricen. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A Hpccialty. ]ivorythiiif dono up. in good tdiapg. All neceH.sary carriagen furnished. BuHiiiofia promptly attended to at ull bourn. Will compare prieoa with any undertaker of any towu. Have two fiuo hearaoa in good condition, and will not-bo undernohl in tho Hiich I represent. AND ALL KINDS OF Farm Implements AT RIGHT PRICES. Fence "Wire, Nails, Paints and Oils, CHEAPER THAN EVER. - M- Kicliarclson, UAEDWABE, : , ESSEX. CALL AT ..-c Wheat rod per buubol ....& Wheut, white .... Corn OutH Timothy Seed Closer Seed Alfjike ,, t] Flay per ton............ Houf pur ewt ....'......, Pork ............ Mutton ...........,' fliden ............ Chickonn jier ib......... Butter .......... Lard .....,.,.,' 1'jKKH, per doz .......... Potatoes, per buabol .... Onionu ,,t( Applea .,,' TurnifH Carrota .; , t Beotn ,.ti l'arhrdpH ..,, Turkoyn per lb.......... DucIch .......... Colerv po_doz .......... Cabbu'fjo .......... to 75 '75 50 :m to 30 2 fJO 5 7o to 5 75 5 50 ~> 00 lo (i 00 -"> 00 to 5 no r> no to 5-50 r> oo to fioo . a oo 8 Li ft 55 to 7oto GQto S to 8 13 10 0 CO 80 (10 10 40 50 10 0 8 1 OO 2fi Hirmn-Walltordc SoiiNlrflfnHcetReport No. 1 liyo, per bnohol 1 Com .... OutH ' '____ Ji H a % ) Asroiilzlnir, TranafixinK Pain. The mot osoruoiatinc ptiin known in pcn-hiijM cauHod by Afiiua Pootorio, which in moat to bo droado'd of any of tho disea-HD of tho heart. It diatinyuidhoH itnolf eapeoial- ly by poiu, and by pain whiob ia beiit do- Horibod an atiouizing. Tho paiu literally trauiifliXGB the pationt, conorally radiatlne frotn tlo hoarfc to tho loft, flhouldor and down tho arm. Tho face shown tho picture of Urror, and in cither deathly wbitt or livid. ,To a portion safforine from tkia iipoQie* of heart troublo or from palpitation or flattering of tlio bart, nbortnonn of broath, or mmothbrmg Hptlla, tho value of Dr. Armow'B Cnrt f*r tho heart oannot bo estimated, ai it will (jlvo reliot iu 30 rain utoB iu oyory oao, and if jndioiouuly uwod offeol ft our. Dr. Akbbw'b Onro for tho heart ia tho greater Hf aaviu romedy - of the hk. Bold by 7. Thoruo,' drugtisb. Dreun giodn double' fold 11 cent a jd. ,mt B'VilOiV. . ' PALAOU STBAMWHO. LOW HAYBC. CLEV ELAND, ^ H h PiTTSBURa, ^ BUFFALO and ALL POINTS BAST HVURY HVHNIHQ BHTWHiM DETROIT ^-CLEVELAND- Conuectiuff wlUicarlienttrainii nt Cleveland '*, for all polntw CibiC South and Southwest. Sunday Trips Juno, Jul/, Annuit ont! Scplowbor Only TOLEDO, DETROIT # MACKINAC PBTOSKCV, THO "SOO," MAU0UETTB, AND DULUTH. Two new steel pjiueagtr steamerfl have just b-en built for our Upper Lake Route, eosluiff Scud K>r lUuutratcd iwnapblti. 1'OU ALL KINDS OF Window Blinda awny down China ware, Brica-Bnic, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Booka and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. To Smokers IS 15 2G Tho fjJjovo.priCDB:arpTp'aid'"by- -II, Walkor Souh, Walkervillo, Ont.' 1300,000 each* Address,. A. A. 80HANT*~*.>. * v. . CtBTtlOIT, MIOH* THE DETROIT 4 GtEnU|D STBli IA*. (ft To moot tho winbea of thoir cuntomcro, Tho Goo, Ki Tuckott & Son .Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., Imvo plaood upon tho market A. Combination Plup; of BAKER & CONFECTIONER, Having built a now oven wo are preparod to furtoiuh nratolatiH Broad and Oatcoa liakora' Strong Flour. Goods dolivored to all parfcu of tho town, Spcoial attention Riven' to allordera.___ GIVE tTS A CALL ! Two doorn oaafc poot oJilco. WOODSLEE frr "T & B." 'r:3; -V- SMOKING TOBACCO Thin auppliofi n long folt want, giv- im: tho oonflumor ono 20 cent plug, or a 10 cor't piooif, or a 5 ocni pieeo of .tho famous "T 8a B" bn"d of puro" Virginia Tobacco. tki tis ta 1,&;#Lis-.* iwr jiiot , rt ooo- w SMITH, WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. The boat of Loat hor and Aret.alaes Work- manahip. All hatid work.. 311 vory Uan#H sold by bio made iu Woodw aloo. My Stook of Light and Heavy " 'Harnenu h now oomploto, and a anion, did took of all Hotg Goods. Kepairinfi doae protapily and oboap; WRIGHT C. SMITH, South Woodslae^ m s-m [-.T.-SSC""' I'v" * '\. . fe?.4; "-'., 'i' Jl'&r: Jiit ",-. w^'J; &&& ' -- 0429 51

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