Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 10, 1895, page 4

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ThiH tihoulJ bo tlio rtrjs-.iro oi evory one 'Your I omo in yjur kingdom nd iihouM be judt il* aomfortublo and bountiful hk your WfilL'U! Will IllloW. 1-ilttll) I'Xpi.'lliH'jll. l.COt'll nary to docorjito ynnr n.-imii with our Solid for Mimplttn runt |ioii]U;vH on Consumers' Wall Paper Gq.? Wliiilnm-, Out.. The Essex Tree Press. FlUIMY, MAY 10, I.-!*;.. Ciir<t orriiaiii'is. Mr. SI*, i'-imliur urnl luniily "m'ri', thraiu;li Uwt cjoltnnnfi if tlio I'uvr. l.'iti f-;n, to fchauk tliL'ir hiuiiy fru.-iul'; umI mit^libnr-i .fOr tllU V..ltlltl)lr! HCi.ititiilri:.! L\\\fl\ til I hi! timy ot t.ln.i rt'iictit f*i * whic'i ilf-in ycl illOU'pl'Opni'Iy. lill'l to :'.'. p't ; u.r.i t L! ^appreciation of r * - - knir!mp!< iOimvn, M-. 1ani!h:i:. Their Wi'ddiiiK .hmrnr.v. Tim old folks hail i:()inr lo hod aiul Slme diul'Mumly wen; in t-ln: dim litt.lo pannr, where burn (id a i*\o\v (ire* of M/.zlin;,' Mk- flry Iokh in i1.-." <>U!-f;ishiour-1 Ihvplare. The wintry blasts shook Liu; ohl farm hoiiKu and the windows rattled, arid a pufl of HmotcQ now and tlien niir.u duwn the chimney *>ii a n.'t.urn trip imrl circled familinrily about tlic room, hut Hlmf and Mundy didn't mind it. Tliry wnv sittinR Vtry cloao together. Sinu\ throliMiiH heart* and faltering hui;;iit\ had di-i-hiri-d hlmstdf and 'Mmnly bad Ihtriicd ^liyly and with downcast eyn-;. S'mu's arm stole in a <*nual and up pur. outly accidental way filmic the liauk of her cbnlr. " And you'll have in.;, \M;mdy } " "Ves, Siinc." It wim spoken softly, Imt Simon liofirint, and there wjih a Bound lilrn that of a quart! Of cold mush colliding violently with the side of a brick house. Then tins stalwart, yoiwij? man recovered himself and n*n to his feet. "Alanrty," lie said, wltli tho assured benrlnK f ,l ,nim accustomed to acting . with busiiicFsdike promptness In all tho great emergencies of life. " I've t"ot to go to Chicago next Wednesday with four car loads of ho^s, and we'll tfet married in tho niornin' and'make Lho trip together," Chicago Tribuno. A Doctor's Unlrpm Collection. Dr. Lnys, a lending Paris physician, baa made what bo consider.'! to bo a unique present to tho medical faculty. It con sists of a collection of 220 mum milled cerebral lobes, which .show numerous speeimcuH of the various forms of brain disease, irom tho commonest to tho most complicated. Dr. Luys organized thle col lodion in the interest otjicionqc during his long connection with tho SalpotricTe and tho Charito hospitals. The brain? mostly those of madmen, idiots, paralytics ailt] deaf and dumb person;!, u few lobM from tho skulls of normally IntoUlBOnt subjects being added for tho purposes of scientific comparison. Got It. Lniiiou The boss wanted proof that! I was a vidkint; delegate. Seltzer What proof did he ask? Lcmon--J le wanted to bee mo walle* uiHl SlnuloWM ut NwVurIc MiV, Tn thin now and i>UE!lh,X Jn,lutr^M work a Mohlo Chrintiitii woiniin ttilln thi* Ihrillhin iitnry of Imr pergonal ux^orioneo in jjoiinol, tornperancc, minion, and roiieuo- work in n Kraut oitv. No rooont puhlkfc. tion in emnmaniliti^ so inneh attoiition nor Inui any othor eidh-d forth tmeh rnwdiiK wordn*o{ "tlnd-HfUHid" from ininintoru airJ orrunent women. It liim. been preached about from fatuous pulpitc, read by luno o' ill ium:iUiIh of iiubiierilmrH, ami made tho Miluect of ninny it clergymiiu'h Sutiday' lecturu. ILn uutlioridiip in four' fi Id, its four aulhoi'H brim; no ]ohu than :~ Mm, Hidon (Inuipbull, Key. fvymau Alibott' - >. !>., <!it\. Thoiiiiiii \V. Kviox, and Inspec tor Tlioruun DyrniiH, (.Muef of the Now York Detective Jliinmu. . .uiii. Ciiiu|>bell, tin; prineipil writer, cer tainly wus a womiin eoriiiniimionod of God, and "In Jli-t Nimut'l tipc-ut jnany yearn nn i city ininidoriiiry hLnriLlly "In Darktut NVw Vorli." Wlwil ii wonderful worlt nil,, d. I. How dovuttui iiini bkH^ed hur huVom iv,.il. It in a ttoiy nover to he lorfiolien. Tirs uni'piu voliiof pin-ruin thesn thrillinj; LNpuiene'-s ot (ihri^iiun endeavor willi the htijiiit'i flh of piitlmtie and uiiitihin^ net-nt'H that ui:i p'telied into them; it portr;-y:( h:-. iii ". ^rciit oily t>y d-LV and hy nifda "An Si-endiy n Wf'inun"; it fclmwH the p/iwer of tlw'C.os.pel to redet'in hiuU from the_Joyyont duptht-; it, jdvus itirikn:^ tthtinionum of th) rodcrc-nii il; and in^iu nil tliene nub and varied < xpericiJCL^i it. draws Uyiirtf truth'i i'oi Inui Mii htiirt tliiit'itre worth to any I'L'itiiT tirll t'lUL'U till.' pl'icu (>f- lllO boo!'!. airs. CEiinpbuH':! iu:t:oU!it of r-iricuo-work is full of wundci fully loucliiu;.; inLideutiJ, b^rangor stoiich are hei'e told tliitn uvi r druiiiiiud ol, L-vury one of thorn drawn from re:d life ly a woniau'n hand. In evi:|-y eliiipter tibo weaver in auecdoto aft it amcioti-, nicidtjiit if tor lueidont, iiLory at- V.UHfX. still I-iouU. Kihbx Htruult a winninif ( nud won four tlmett In lho Diatuutult) nil, Kolbtni; miontoln liloi miiioumi, no tho fntioiflll Wind* fioritou woidi buve outi bpac in. mind,-but after thm hcuhoii thoy will 'tared with \w that, a b< tier fnotbn.ll i. i'.to in, "nolJinu; uucnffabi lilui homo talnn> and eorahinat.iou.* At vtirioim timnn all teaii i in tho went have had pmlin:! men tlmt woro fioooihI to non. At nil InncH wo huve had a tfood loam lmt uovor did Krfi'esc havu ho well balanced a tenia an thin your, Soum would lilcu to thiuk that thin in olianeo but tho lixeoiitivu kmw it In the red id t of two or three yeanou'* hard work,' with utriotly homo playem. During ihm time we have met with indiT* fftront iiuecons wliile tho m;co(ijnenof noi^h- h'/riii/{; teams hiiye Uuinplod un to aluo (*lny "foreiun talimt" hut wo iiopo thin hamuli will juntify u in doin^ no, Diiut Sutm-diiy our team wont to Detroit to play the third nuhediilod maloli, and thin time it win with the Diaiuoiabi who, it in well to nay pluyud tho M, A. A. to a draw 'hu |ireyi(jiiu Saturday, Kvoryono thought tht! {^aiMft would bo cIoim, Oddii, even be- iut* [o'vea that, tlio Diamomlii would win for tliey Wt-ri' pla\ii);; ^^yoi'iil ot the old M, A, A. tuam. Tin"* icaiiai lined op a1- follow^. Ibise,J J-'iieith I J Gourl'ty Id al .rihori |G Allhion (V fjoptihi.nd (! ' Kin-' J I.)e0ow I .U W I'Jef.Iow ( x GourWy .1 Noi tl-woiid, referee! Tho DiiMimo-iH won tho Io.hh ami plnyi-d with the sua mil wiml. .1. DuCi-w kicked off nod for a ! .w: . momonts the bull wils iL^Jl THIS APPLIES TO OUR SPRING- ' .<\T/>. mm Evovy tlcpiirtmont id now filled witli clioiec now gooan, bright iikI fresh, bou-bi in Lho host -uarkotn, ami marlvod cioiio for cafih . SPECIAL LINES IN LACE CURTAINS. .. Tablo and 'i'owol Tjinciiui, Tablo Napkiiut, Wliitc and (Jrcy Cottons, Vvmtii, Chiimbrityn, Vorona Cords, Gloves, Uo-o, LnepH, Ctivpct War^n, UmbrolhiH/ctu. J Diumondrt Gi'C'jn Go'il .1 ncknriii ) Youiij; j l,.iehrt Aherniii" 1 Meridian rimiih J Uidr Un^er I lUlh.Tj lit" J lUcKeudiiek Outre Tn.v I iJt. Gmiioioii | WEI T_.E)^^ID THE TRADE , Fi!^.y^LE CLOTHING. JCvoryhoily claims tn have lho; our aim in. the host for tin: hjnst nionfiy. Hiic wluil. wo aro doin^ in Moii'h Fuinisliin^H, over JhOO New HatH in the latosf. ntvloy. IN BOOTS AND SHOES WE EXCEL <Ja% liiKh(:ftt, IVi^s I,owC,l, Try uh. w0 buy no ahotHy gooclg, ouly Holii! luatlnu-, and our pricpH in-o ri^lit down to rod: bottom. OUR GRQGERV DEPARTMENT iH ,ltjLG(1 lor its cloanlincs.-i, and containa only irr'sli "cnd.-i, Fine Teas and Coffoos a hpfjcialty, KCandsOrao Parlor Olocl^Q and !Fi:n. IF'ron.cli th/LixxoxB !E1roo- DTrKTSTJLKT HXjOCX^, Z3SSB2i Tlio On nut no llorlt Of Ilood'a BarRapurillit wina friouds where- OVor it la Juirly and honestly tried. To . have perfect henlth, you muat have mire blood, and the brat way to huvo pure blood ia to tako Hoorl'a hhirtjap-inlla, tne bast blood purifier und utr^n^tli builder, It expolln all tamt of bcrofulu, salt rheuai and all other humorn, uij.1 at the h&iuo time builda up thu Hyhtoui. YIICC DldLBNHl'B-OIl roiS MAY. ContuiuQ Dance of Lho Nymphs, Equufitriuu CeBtumeH. Artiutio nouHe-L'urninliing, Comrroncement CnutnineH, Faaln'ouablo Skirt-Deoum* ouu. Faoluonable Mdlineiy, 3tyliah Lin^orio, Ladioo* I'Vchicun, Ivliauoo1 and Girlu' FhhIuoiih, Little Folkn' I^afdiiouf, 3oyn' FaBhione, flluatrattd MiacelLuy, Fatioy StitchcR und J^nhroideriea, Fuyhionablo Dr^H Gooda, .^oyoltiGO in Wash Fabrios, Faahidntib u Garuituruh, Stylish >-iihery, Tatting, Illustratcil. (Jcoohf tin j*. II lunt rated, 'tilt A i of Knitting, UlUHtratod, '.Vromivi iho Toa*Tabl, (Jrope and Ticauo Paporu, Oberlin (College SorioH), May em and May Gamea, The Vuieo, Modem Laee-Mahiiij;, VoiiL-tiiia Iron Work, The Homo,' Beaynnahlo Cookory, FiXporionooB of a Training School, J.ifoNfo. III., ,'J' ic Social Code Wo. III.t... ' .w to BaWoll, tent Work Part III,, ^'oyerumont Glorludiipti, i'l ttdorc^rtou PuperH Mo. IX., i' oiotvatiou und Konovatlou No. XI., 1 tie DreUBmfckor and Millinor, .vuawrd to Correipoudontfl. An tho stronrtth of a baildin^ dopendn upon tho aolidity nf its foundation, no health depends upon tho condition of the blood. To oxpal Impurities and cauoo tho vital fluid to bscouio vl^erouB Mid life- Riving. Ay*r'B BanparilU In th monk powrfil Autl eifoetiya uiiui.i > -n u<. " bU;:J.\^ii.fjLrj.L:~uuc.h^-lf-b<i(;k tine -but wuH- iinir. liitul;, rrLurned and iuiddo of two in inui o'.i ik a rnjdr mi unl,' A. Gourlny ucuri: 1. Tiii-. nettle I it; K^;-x nbiy^d rn;ht up the.i. TIil: tliat lliey nn^lit lo-u vitnish'jd and inaide of tan rnitiuten tht-y had Hcoroil a^ain, Mark domy tho couKitin;;. ; Vor the rei-t of tho flnit, half no more UO'.ili3 were neored but ;in idea of tho giune e n be had from this fact that the Din- ui' nevLr &ii p i:d, our baeky. Mn the second half with wind and huh in our fuvor everything looked wnll for uh. Tho Diamonds nia-.Ie every effort how- cver, but nil to no purpcte. Ern .1 jIliur. who wuh playitin a bnllinut jain6, hcored two more tim!i and thus the ^amo ended fiur to nil in our favor. Tor the DiamondH, McKeudric'k, Un^tr, Youn^ and McMillan played well. I'or Khaux all did well, cveryoou pluytus h\n ponition in Hjjfomiid btylu. Our dofenco in> now the :ru#aU it uver wan and our fnr- wardu arecomljinm^ m ^rand hhajici. ^Ve hope once more to merit tho .support of our Erit'.ex tiunportorn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ? 200 conla of good morchantahle Soft Maplo IJoltu, with bur It on, delivered on o'urH alonn bun M. ('. IV','., not lena tlian 12 inelu-H in dnimetor and -iH iaeheu lonj;. in.'Ji T. Yl. DeCew. SHEEP EST RAY. tear .-'ni y, a;al the reader'H attention ia in Id j |,,-pt ,,H thu lJnnnonila' j;oal. then it caun- lire.LliileH^ to tun l-ii'I of the volume. ".Sl:uii!ie, but niunt su^^e.stivo, in the fact,' Btiy.-i lliahoj* Coxo in warmly commending thin volume, "Lliat,Chrit. in to bu visited in \.\n:i-<! iii us u*iid divu-; then.- are thane whom Hi will hear in mind when lie tiuyn : 'Ye v.riited mo'; or, when he ituy'it: 'Yu did it n.ttoMe.'" ll'jv. Dr. Lyman Abbitt h lifo-lonti into- r.aii inCitv Miiiaiou worlc, and hispenuuml fdiuro jn that work, prc>eiuinntly fitttd him to wriTtrfoTTrimr hr liiff Int-ro- ductiou to it he ts'iy : "My intdrubt in theMO phnweii of city life dates from my eol'e^e d.iya. Froru that day to this 1 lulve continued tho mudios then be-nn, and the Hiibjecti of thin buo'j liuu been one of the great HiibjeotH-of my Btucly Home- tuneH in4iteratnre, oftun in life." No appeal from tt-mperanen advooaieM cau do more to prsmotu tlic ouuuo of tem perance tlmu tho thrilling mcqiiou and inci- deiita ho well dcscribetl, at least ho oay Alni. llitry A. Livormoro and Jliao Fraucey E. Willard. Quo of the most abnorbingly intereutiii(4 portions of the book in tluit written by In- Hpeetor liyrnei! uivin^ tho ripo experience b't thirty yeara of detcetlvo bfo. Many of the Htarlhutf revolatioua lio malioB aro tak en from liia pnvai.o diary. They have neyor before biou puhlinlmd. Thi fahciuatin^' volume" ia indeed il wonderful tale of Cbriatian love and faith, all alive with intense aad Klrikiu^ reality_ TbuboHt of it is that it ia a pure and ele- vatuif.; Ijook from beyiuninj* to end a vol ume for tr.o family circle. On tlno point the wordn of Itov. Dr. TwieheIl(wlio ban a ftimily of ton cliildreu) and llev. Dr. Ma ijouu, Proaideut Iowa Collcfjo, are worth (jnoting hero : Dr. Twifclrall writoa, "My wife uayu that nho ia ^oin^ to net our vouur people on the book nj*ht off, for tho j^ood it will do them"; and President AJagoun Btjir^'My fumily finda, wbflre other hooka on our uholvea lack interest, this one. always holdn and rewurda atteutiou." It (;(jntaiutrJ;"2 nuimrb'tirjgravinfjH, every one of them made frorn photographs takeu from life, mohtly by flaah light. Every face la a portrait, every hcojo ia a atom ro. alicy. In looking at thoao aplondid illustra* tioiiH tlio reader eeoa at a glance just how Goapol work iu carried on by day and by uifdit by rcficuo bandfj; ho ia shown utrango aightH iu out ol the way ydaoeo that aro rarely or never hoou by tho caoual viflitor ho ia taken into cheap lodging houaoa and; into tho homea of tho poor; into ueWHboya' lodgiu^diouaea; into tho polico anddetoetivo dopartmoutH, etc., nofchiug ueeiUEj to bo omitted. Wo do not know when 7 JO pngea have tfivou uh more gonuino pioaaure. If wo wpoak warmly of thtt book, it ia becauso it richly uoiiervoa it. It ia uold only by agontB and in mooting with an onormous sale. AgontH who introduao euch a work ought ta bo oordially welcomed. A better work ban oortainly nvor como to our tabla. It will hi road over and over again by old and youufl, with oyor increasing ploanure Mid laotiug profit. TUo work in imbhaheU by tho old and wolMmowu firm of A. D. WorthinRtoa A Co., Ilartford, Gonu., whoao imprint iauf. fioisDt guarftBtee of tho oxcollenao of this urat olass volume. Iloyul Ootave, 710 pa^ou. 2D3 llnopltttsB, portraits, and text illuutraiiottn. I" KFT MY I'RKMIKKfl, B-W \ LOT IH, CON. Xj 11, Tp. (loHiiohl North, on Ihuroday,March II, Koveii own iih*wi|), four ljulnfj yoarliiu;n. bul- imco olilor. Kach of tlioiu hau it hole in iho ear, ami iLtilit cut. Ono huu rutbor a la-own fac. Kuitiihlu reivurd v.'ill ho Riven for information luudiui' lei thi'ir mcuvory. ltOHT. B, KOX, lH.-li BouLli Wooiliiloo I'.U. NOTICE, Re vision of Assessment for 1895 Townahip of Goflliold North. -pAKF, NOTICK THAT T1IE l-'IUST MEKT- 1 in(i ol iho fJourt of Uovlnion on tho tinnonn- mt'iit roll for tlio Towimhlp of GoHuehl North, for tlio ymir IHlifi, will b hold at tho Town Hall, (Jottiun, on Haturday, May S!5, 1MJ5, ut tho hour of 1 o'cloul: p.m. All noticed of appeal acaiiait Lho hilIi! iiHiici;"mnrit mur>t )>u Htait to tho audor- uigubd not later than tho 14th day of May. )t)U5. ISAAC JACKHOH, JS-2i Clork of (.iontluhl North TENDERS WANTED. "' OKALfiD TENDEIIH WJLL UK UKCEIVKD Cj will lai roooivod up to noon on Haturday, Mny 11. for tho improvement of tho Fontnr drain. Tho tondorn will bu oponod at tho Town- hall at 2 o'clock p.m. nn Kutnrday. May 11. Tho work will ho lot In two lota, No. 1 on tho finish niilorcmd, r<mr road ami 8th ooi,.; b.a. '2 on tho McGurdyniduroad IOach tundor inuat bo uoeompanla 1 with tho niimoa of two i^ood and titttlufnotory ourotieii. Pliinn inui* BixieiflcatloaB cm bo innpoctod at tb olork'u ofllco, Qoato. Tho lowout or any tender not noooamudly ncooptod. By ordprnf tlia council. J. A. OOULTEB, Towiuihip Olorlt. Gmto,'April 20, 181)3, ia-2i WOOD'S 3?IXOBXIIODIPJI3. Tlio Groat KntfllHli Ilcuicily. Stx rackngea Qunrantecil to promptly, mid permanently euro nil forniB of Ncwoum Wcai;ncaa,2:mio!iiona,f\perin' flforWm/i, ImpoUnoyaml all tffeotH of Aitusa or Etvoitsea, Mental Worry, caioesilva turn Sefor/i and A ftar ** TobncDO> Ptw* or mimu' ftnnitu, Jnaantlv* Consumption, and ait tarlu grave, IlaiibDenproucrlhod ovur asyoni-s la thoiifiantltt of ciicji; In the cnly Jtellable antl Jlone$t HUiUatns Inaum. AulcdraHUUtfor Woftd'i riitthotllne|l' hoofforaaomo worthlow inwllolno !u p!4eo ot tlil^ lncloflo prico la lottor, and wo will nornt by roturr, in nil. Tricn, one pflokauo, *lj nix, #fi One tvtt pUaie, ix tuiU ouw, Pttjaphlo ta Uao to any wlurwti The Wood Comimuy, Wtnilio/, Otits.'CUiVl4 Bol-lin Kmmc by all dr(t>ta^* Kvjjjiija^it^^^^E^atiiHc^^ Z H3 And it concerns-Jill the purchasing public iu Ehhox auci elsewhere to know . that J. A, Francis has got his ncv .:-);": ;:omg in Cull bhiwt. His stock is up to date in each department, comprising Novelty and Staple Dry G-oods; a com plete line of Hats and Caps, and (rents' Furnishings,..... Our Clothing Department is one oC the leading features of tlio store/ You should see our Mon'a and Boys' Suits before purchasing elsewhere. In Groceries we have a Cull line. They are arriving daily and are absolutely fresh, We extend to all a cordial invitalion to all to come in. No trouble, to show goods. Vance's Old Stand. Essex, Ont fCAH'T OUST , DAT ,._, UAEUEIE lUQDWk IT COME PllUM' pi i Harness Emporium, TRUNKS, VALISES. A largo stock, all new goods and latest .Novoltios. I tako no back soafc on prices. SCHOOL BAGS, I havo a largo stock, nought at hottom" prices, nnd can beat thorn all for price and quality. Call and see them. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Har'ness, Truck Harness AND _ Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largo stock and it must go. Call and boo mo boford buying elBowhoro Everything in the Horse Furnishing Line. 1W door* om4 { BaU't Orrift0 Work), KiiW, re Store OF1 HUtSm "XATEIBT. , Ourauceosfl is duo to our motto, "Quick Sales and Small-ProfitBil" FOR THE SPRING TRADE--------- Wo havo uaod every effort to make tlio bost selections of all clasaoa of ' Fur niture to suit tlio buyer. In tho past wo have made you pricos to livo and lot live, and now for tho coming, season woVill go ONE BETTER. Wo havo just received a largo consignment cf Baby Carriagos which wo will sell at $5 and upwards. . Our prawing Room Setts, 25 and upwards, of many-designs. Dining Boom Sotts, Loather.Cobblor.Oanc and Hardwood scat Chairs, largo variotioH. Extonsiou Tablos of many styles; also Oak, Walniit.Cliprry and Hardwood Side-boards. iiOo Bed-room Suites to select from. We have a very largo lino of all kinds of Eurnituro at very low prices. Come and see us beforo buying and judge for yoursolyos. You will Havo both monoy and timo. Window Shades, bost in tho market. Curtain Poles, Oak, Maple tm&JEEardwoorl, 25c upwards, cowploto. AS FUNERAL FURNISHERS--------- We have tho largest soloction of both Oaskots and OoflTma Motnllics, Cloth, Walnut, Oak and Hardwood always on hand. . . PROFESSIONAL EMBALMING--------- . Pay 'Phono, 115; night 'Phono, 103-2n. All orders promptly afctonded to, WHITE AND DARK HEARSE 73 and 75 Sandwich st. Windsor, Opp. Crawford House. A [* : ". % Mm Afaa4^ i^^rmU^^ '^:jM 29

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