Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 10, 1895, page 2

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w^ytmmmF 1**** ?mm *A& Jsa*&^. FREE P>gi^6fe ESSEX FREE PRESS Published Evory Friday Morning From thociVioo n tho.Iiidutitrial Worlut i. ttulldiutf, Talbot St. ftpooial attimtiau in paiil to tho publiou- tioti o ma blot* of loan! importanuo, uccur. ato and rahablo roporta of Town, noii'.hbor* ^iuf-j Tow lib hip and County Counuil procnod- iima;~ local nd oomHy market roporbb oto tho curufai und jiulioiouu nnmap;omout of Tum Vxiiut 1*111:1111, with roiiniiotto thuno and other outrun*. maltoru ol local importance, him kivcu it a wiilouproud pvimti[{u in tlm oontro of Ehhox county,which ih ri!co<*nizud hh ono of tho boi't uj,!*riouUnrul dititnctu m Ontaria. Tun . X-'uki: 1'ukhii i<i tho only modium circulating thoroughly m Uuh oohtral portion ot tho County- and in con- ue'iuuntly,without doiibt,L.ioonly thorough advoi'tininj; mudium for bumntiuu ponplo ' w]nhni|; to ronoh that claim of cuutomurii. conuiiHi'ONin;^/'1'" Our columim uro alwiXti opoti for tho poaooablu dinoubniou of mVttoru pertaining to tin) public wolfuro. " ^. Ablu tiorrofipoiulontu bvall tho nurrouuil* njj looalitiojL. fu^t^i 'ruliublo roportu of ^Mi^U!rHl'itoru>^l occurring in their Hu'vi'ral phuroH* and tho puhlitihcr i at nil tiuu:i< fcloiuiod to roooivo inton-ntin^ itomti ot lowu from uiiy ilinpoHed to forward contri- itionH. All commnniuntionH of a privato and nlldontial nature, uhouUl 'bo 'no maraud tho ouiHido of lb*) nnvf.-lnpfj,. nuimciiu'TioN riiici:. SI.00 inn* annum, htrietly in advauei, 1.50* pur annum, if not ho paid; and all arrears charged at that rate. a.ivi;utihkmi:ntb. TraiiHiunt legal unci municipal advur- tiiiomuntH, iinticuu, etc., charged ^ at tho rato at I is ci-ntH pur hn.*,_fm* lirnt imiortiou, and live coiitn per lino for each HubHctplont mum-lion. All tiuoli advortiHomoiitu are mmutun-d by a ncalo of twelve UnuH to the inch. - - ------ IjoquI reading and other notict-n pub- Hallod anions loeal ih.'Wh matter ehurs'i'd at tho vato of tou cenfH pur runnhiL*; Inns for oaoh inaortion. All notice* of ohurch or hoeioty enu-i- tuiumootii of any iletiuriptinn, at wliieli uir admiHiiiou fee m chared, an- regarded an advoftiK.tinuiUn,-and full iuU*or(>iniii^-itttcn'| "oharuod in all autdri'iiHt-H. Nol.ieos of ^uth- { oriutfti or nicotinic mn. lor pecuniary bwie- fit or aid. will bo 'diui-rfully pubhshud f.fc of charge, tipooiul contract niton inado for diiiplay or standing advth. All h'^ul or profcHaion- al cardu under one inch, $5 nor annum. jon ou coMMKiici.u. ruiN'nsn. Tho iriuci! PiiKHa dob l'rintin^ Do- partment i'h under tho supervision _pf thoro\j,'ihly oomputeut incohaniuri, arid upecud attention ia paid to thin branch of tho trado. Our facilities for tho oxoeuition of all IuiiUh of Bool; and Fiuo Job Printing arc unexcelled. Steam pb\jor proBsca. A call Holicitcd. IlOHINMhS IIKOL'I.AIIONH. All Job Printing and Trunsiunt AdvortUmg accbnntH, Htrietly uuqh. Advortiuini* acoouutH with regular patroua aro sottled i|uarl.erly. Sub- EcriptionB duo tu advance. No Rubacription to tho Finn; I'ilkhh, or advortifioment published in it3 coUuuuh will bo discontinued until all arrearH urn full. Changes for advorti.iemoutH, to nature inaortioi] in tho current iasuo, miiHt bo handed in not later than noon of tho Tues- . day preceding, and notico of such intond- td ohango ia required on tho Monday pre ceding. Notice of discontinuance of advoitiso- UiontH miiHt bo [*ivon tit least one weislt in advanco of the issuo in winch they are clofiired to last appear. Anvummnts, .SubHoribern and patrona t^eno rally aro requested to read tho above regulationa carefully, in order that coufuuion may bo avoided, an they will iu all canes bo adhered to. AdclroHH all communications to IS. J. ILOVKiXACK. Vubllshor the Ensisx'Fimu rni:sn, Emiox, Out CHURCH DIRECTORY ^tollOlHM' .-Dr. I'aHOOll, VlMUit. Jof"0.0, -vory Hmnlay nt 11 a. in. and 1. v- Huiniat out of iHilinol. Mpwoilh JJoami.iny;i'i111 mthu ru4imiayvlihi|(iitH o'oloaU. on.'ftl,l>iyi' 'iiBOthniOtt Thui'iidayuvouhirt. __ Cuuiioii of KN(mAK'i>-K"V.A.r-.)h)V(nly1 in outnticmL, Ht. I'aulH,' WivmHi.rvloo ovory Humlayat 7 o'ulook, v n Hd'iy Kuhool at 1 a. 111. iVlnltv (J)inn.Ii, Nnith I ,.![{( -Uivimi mirviodii nvory Humlay at. it 11. m.; bun dhy Huhnol at l.lf>l>- " Tiltl 1,uIj1* lu" oar- dlally invitftd, __ ' __ __ LMiKHiiVTunUN.-W.MJ'Moriiliu!, raiitnr-Hnr vlauiion Hulibntli ut 11 a. in. and V .!!() ji. ni.Hab bath Hnhnol ut i!:Ml'. m. rmvnr 1111 uLIjic ami PnHfcor'fiblblo uliiHti on Timiday at7.Ji) p. .111. Hooial tlnlou on Wmhminlavat U.lOp. UaJ'TIhtUiiuiujii. liev.M. 1'. Ciiiniiliiill, Pan- tor. HorvJotm uaoli Habbatli at 11 ti. in. ami ? p. ill. Prayur liHJ'itilwS on Wnlii<nnbiy tivotiiu^ nt H o'ulook. HoaLn fron. All ant coi'iliidly wel comed. 35 CURED OF BLOOMERS. The Only .'.onator Mlllor Drawa Informa tion From tho Promlor. ItOMAM, l"r. I). I'. AtuMdluilulil PiuiLnr. Har7io<' nvory otlmr Hunday at d.;iii tn. Himdny cicliool at ;ip. 111. Kaj.vaTIun' AitMV.-T. II. Mrhifiil, CiLptnin. KidviUion iiioutiiiiin on WtiilnoLiday, ThtiriuliLy and Sunday ovtnjiii|;n; l-'nui arid i'.imy, Hutunliiv nvuulni! and 11 )mii. hmiday; Jloluiot.t mod inijn U)r cliriiitinnuJ'riiltiy evon>ni;mi<i 1111. m. .'-iuu- (lay; Knuu Drill 7 a. in, ovury Hniiday. -All are welcome. LEGAL. T Ij, PETEItS Han later, Solicitor, Nohuy I'libliu Moimy to Ijoan. Ollloo over Strutliern' Punk. Koaex Ceutie. ]A A. WISMKli,.Harrijiti:r, Hidicimr, Nolary 'j * Public A'u. Money t.o loiui. OMicfS, liiui- (itiiu Illock, up-Jilniru, Khiiiix. !-!> CMjARKK, liAllTLET A H * UThET, Harvii ) tern, ote. iHllct-ii, .Medbury Jiloek, Windm: I'riyato liiinlit tu loan. A. il.Ci.Aiuu:, Ij. U H. N. A. \'.kmu.\.\i A. It. PAllTMIT, P. A. nP.NUV C. \VAl/n;itS. P.L.H,, Attorney and (.'cmlinelo/ nt law; with Atkiiidun .t Hai::b '-<u Coni'reh.'i nt. ur,t, iJutroit, .Miob. (Cuiiadian elalina iii;aiinil pernomi in tl Pniti'il ^SjAtoH collected,) Itet'ereiicua: Imiierial JJank, Iv^inx, f>nt. -I. Ii. Patera. I'Jhij., ete,, EhU^x, Oi l-.A. Wiainer, I'.mi,, Pui-rinKr, ute., l-'.^f-ox, (Ji l!AT THE NEW CEAL MEANS, ^Sir. ilarKriixle'H I'-vpIiiniHtm i VUnt tliu sViiiuim iu 11 i.iiiim rtft:.,oH ivrMiii*", tlm <nuimny 's*m-rciMlcrl'ijs *! yo'-Vi'itr ti^o.oiHt Kiiltslily nul tlm (l.ilM) ,tr-nlker .11*1** :>ti:iw:i, May 2. Tlie (pientlnn nfC.uV- .' :i; ut aid to the IlmUm li.iy Hnil- , 1 _\ win dimm.wd in tli-1: rfenate, wlt^'h '.'.' I'n-mier miide an iinportaiit ntnt"- .. '.! j.'. tu the atfreiwiii'iit entered into '. .. -i-ii Llr- railway emnpany and tin* .' i-!Li;i"lit ii lew llionthil M|^m, :': Miller iihivimI (or a return *>l : 1: ur.l I'M in emiiieil, letters or otlnM- - ,-., relating to nny nali-ddy, laim er r '-..'i!-t t, in ennn-'etimi with tlii^lfuil- . , , lb, v Uailwi.y within th Inut two \- .- i'i, " Spen liing to bin imitioii, h'* " id full end neiMir- ii.Mii-iiintinii on thi.i niilij"f.t hidinc ; ,. -I 1, fore I'nriiJiment at the rarlLer-t i>! - nnirni'ut. Ibir'uu; Hi" mMaiinu 'd , . i , ii f.nid. a bill h.Ld li'iMi pnes.-d )y : ;:i :it (rciitit iir.r a mileudy of ^"ll, - .1 v. .. :* . bir twt-iit v y 'a.-1 to 1 li ' , .:,. ,' i: ,y li..dw:.y. 'I'll- -inhntly v. !., .-, ci..| eh'i .Mi't.-f, nit t!ie aid w:i.- 1 mi- h-fv c -n v, i.ieh I h ' niiii |p:i n.v -f.oj; in |ie'r'inii ill tit' <.'.arryi..u :iinl in otln'i" we yd. ,MEDICAL. .'it< Mcjidier Colled" of Pliynieiuiin iiikI Sir- ei o. Out, (inuhiuto of ~Xu\v Yoil:. Pant fJmd- ,ati Medical Hchonl. Alf ealla proiii)d)y nt- Cjodad to. Abu aoitcial atUmtion civen tu diHoaufh ut Hie lnai;H, tiirout, iio:>e, uyu ami'ear Ollieo over brica X Co'rt. Dni|; Store, and all eallH. nij,'lit or day, lu;c tlioru. Telepboio in connection. X. U. roiind ll jor tind iirnt lln, ilIjovd. 1) IIS. DKWAU JfreKr,NZIK. P, A. OKWAlt. M. li. C. M., I-'. T. M. H. Grailu >tf TrlniLy Univoralty. iMuniber Collrjf.'e Pbyt ieiaUH and HurucuiiH, Out. Jietiidenee, Xnlbd Tt. Kant. G. McKksxik. M. IJ. C. M Follow Trinity Mudieal Oollofju. Gnuluatu Trinity Univeiaity JU'fiidtjncu: Talbot Street, went of M. 0, It, Otlieohonrii H to U a. in,, 1 to \i and ii to h' p. m 0111 co in ' Iniporlal Banli blrcli, ground floor, next to Tliorne'adriliJ atore. Toleulionoin cuuuectiou with otllco and inci dence. Orduni left at Tboruoa 'druj* atoro will Ic promptly attonded to. ' thEWTAL. V "*.' P. MAKTIN, D.D. 8., L. D. S. Oraduato in Dontintry, Itoyid Colloye of Dental Sui'Koouh, Ontario, and Univeruity of Toronto. ObarceH.nioilerato. OUlco, avor 4^rleii & Co o drti^ litoi-o. Uf-ly VETERINARY. WJI. UICnAKDHON, Veterinary Sur- , (joon, Unuliiatii of tho Ontario Veter inary College, Toronto, treatu all difioiiKes ol domoiitloatnit rtuiiualB. Telephone in connta:- tion. Dentiutry a fipeeialty. Kealdonce, four doom ijQiitb of Oriat Mill. Ollico in poatolllco Uuildiun; Infirmary directly opposite. BAKER. *IIE oldoat btiiitnoEi in town. Eatabliaiio X. 1H76. I"irat-claiifi broad and calrea of al Ittnda. Woddiiif; calio a apoolality. (.Jroconon nrovbiioiifl, Hour,food, milt and pork. Confec tionery, crockery,(,'lniiBWare. Caunodfruitaaud vofjotabloii of all kinda. Honda promptly do livoroil to al! piirtti 0/tbe town. J. M. J1ICKH, P.ll-U COPYRIGHTS, CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a Sronint nnBwer and an honest, npininn. write to IIINN* te CI)., who iiavo luui ncariyiiityyeiira' ciporiencoln tho patunt,. bnMiiu'H.s. ('oininanica- tlonu iitnutly cniniduittlal. A It umlhnuJi of In. lormatlon (aiiteeniini; 1'atealn and bow te ob- tal.n tlmm Hent Iree. Alrto a nnaleiiuo at muchan- leaj and euicnMilu ijooti.-i ^diit ft-cej. Patents taken ihroeun Muini Cc Co. rccelvo Opccial notice in tho Srieutllie A incvicnii. and tuuu aro bronchi, widely nun....... out cost to the inventor. jbHueU wooldy. "leuaiiily llliiMi t.ll(! pUtlllC T.M! ll- M'lendld iuout, .eil.hii.iliy furl lie SOCIETIES 10. O. l'. KNTKItPIUBK LoUfio No illtt inoetaovory Tburaday, evoniny at 7.U0 in Oddfollowa Hall, In third atorey Uunfitan Uloclt Vinitiufjmombfii'H of othor lodKeiiwill receive a iraternal welcome. ,f, JOIINHTOX, N, O. OKNTKAL KMOAMPM^KNT, No. GO, meetnlu Oddfollowa' Hall, Dimatan'ii Hlouk, on the tl rid and third Tuonday in each month. Viaitora nor dially roeeivod. Momljurn of imbordiuato lod[;ijt In tbrt .JuriiulicLIon, invited to join. C IIANNAN, C. P., (i. P. HILL, (i. B, ESSEX CENTItE LODGK, No. 10, A. O. UAV Meeta Hocond and fourth Moudaya In each month, in tbe Oddfidlow'ti Hall, at 8 p. m. VInltiufj brethren will bogivtm a fraternal wol- conio. .!<) UN KAINO, Mautor Workman (J. Ii. PUI-ibKR, Uocordor, ariiOMt circulation of nny H'-'^ntitic wnrit in tbe world. S^avear. SatuMc jniiK-a Hem. lrL-e. Jtlilildlnii Edition, nun)tie . H.'i.U} i\ yi-ar. Kinc'.e conloa, tiScentH, lCvery innnbur conimnii briiu- tlrnl platnn, In colors, and nbotocrapbo of n> w FiouHCu, with plana, enuhlmi: bulldei? to idinw tlm latent apylCiiH and suru: > nintrma-'. AddresH StUt: J A; t-<-- S\:\v \*<\:\i, 361 Piro.\iiWAY. 'Body posted, Hind at Kjihc." That in v'Piat it iu whon travolliiifj on tho f 1 at trains uJ tho Chicago, Milwaukee it Bt. ('ml Railway; boaideo thoVo in no chanco 'Itiolt." lor tho accomraodationo aro up ni trains Jioep movingri^ht along . 'd got uiero on time. Thoao linco thor- ".ifjhly covor tho territory botwoonChicago, . Ta"Oro'3Bo, Bt, Paul, Minneapolis A.bor- luon, MitoUoll, Sioux Falla, Sioux City. VttnktPii, Council Bluffa, Omaha und Nor- :Uorn Idibliigau. All tho principal citioo ..ud towns in that territory aro readied by 'ho "Sf.. Paul" Hnoa, connecting at St. Maul. Council Bluffo and Gmah.a with all ii "?o tor points Jin tho far wast. Write to / 7. Taylor, Canadian Paau'r Agbut,] 87 " k Stroofc, Toronto, Out., for one of thoir . map timo tabicn and a|brooburo, Riving Bonpfcion of tho Compattmont Sloopin '.;.' Xiokota faruiflbod by any oonpon i -Lot UKont in tho United Sfcatoa and Can- > uno3t dining earn in tho world -. rnu 011 tho aolid vestibuled, oloctric litod and nUiatn-boutod trains of the Chi- .. .^0, MUwaukoo |& St. Paul Xlailway. Ij^IHK HHKiADK. The l-'iro Hrlffudu meete tieeoud Wodneailay evening evory inonLb, at 8 p. m. in thuenimcil ehmnber. All llrt-uian roipientud toiitUjod, ,). MullUIiltAY, CJiiaf. .1. F. McgUKKN, Kounitiiry. . CDUMT KOVAL, NO. UW. I. O. P. Moutit HL'cond und fourth Tuumlay'a iu uncU mouth in 1. 0. O. I". Hall at H o'clook p. 111. Vifiitiug lirothorn ivill bo niven 11 friiterna.1 wol come. I-]. iMeCtiualand. 0. It., W. 0. Bhaw, Secy. M. J.WIkIo.'O.D. H. U. It. ' * lAWD and loan agents GKOKGE J. THOMAH, Conveyancer, Com- nilHHionur, in High Court of Juaticu; dealer in Heal lOatate and Mortaj,'oa, Monoy to loan at tho lowout rato of inturtJiit. ! tirnui bought and aoTd. Imiuraricn taken In tbe moat rollnblo oompnuieu. IJrawiii|{ of clouds, mortgagon and 11 apoclalty, Cbargon modorato and all buniuoHii promptly attondod tD. Call at tbe Central Tolonhone ollico, KnuoxCentro. aU-ly (V1ARR3ACE LICENSES. VVr D. liEAMAN, Itjiiuur of Marriafjo Licuiiiica. Inauranco a apoo- Nltjht oulco at Dwelling. TALUOT K'PRKKT, P.HHEX MBAKKETT, iuauor of Marriage Licomion. Conimlaiiionorfn 0 .J..otc. (Jouto, Out. il:, :illil Ml t.UH'l' IVil.VH. ill' tllllllL'llt 1.. :Miiv a win" 11 i:d ]iro|ji'r oin '1 v-. .,1 [,,[ it, bnt iii vh" w i>[ t)ii- fi.uni'- '-i of tie' cuunt ry ::t tina', an 1 tli" iact tlm t tin- t.i i:nN- U'itli a *lit ^reat i'-iLv nlii'ii'.d be ,li .,;i'Hllliliii^' ln'W lijihilitii1;!. Ill' : r*t a wan* wln'tlior it w.m iut'Midt'd . ; : t an nddi tiinnil ;niiiaidy to th "i I'.ay liaiiwny, but lr d* i v . 1 it v.-fwi, IU' warned tbe Adinin- - '.i'li t.:i.I if it v/.mm [)i'u|i i.*.-d liiddd . ;-!,' h-:dy In tin' linbiliti'*n .. nt Lini-' 1 Ik 'i; .' \', iii.'d nit'i-t' th'- aaiir! fate a,i ".;rirt lini' railway bill. i in ^iiljjIi titnt- i.i.a-1 *.'-nt ractoi'M \v-'re abmit to b'- i wiirk tu. !.:i.' lisnj at (11;: 11 iL<> 11", Man., tli" 1 i'in-i 111 tlii- Order-iii'C'iniiiCil d a l>'\. iiHMitba n^ii. Ii tliitt vv:im eni.traetnnt win add bt? a d- iiiat imp r.\ii.:mlitui\! at public y fin. I I b.' ma do 111 id. t tin; (Inlr r- in-al ii.ti! it r.M-.-iv -rt the iit*H>'ut ol ' > -rwi.-ie ia a ye.'i r'ri ' i-ni,; 1 ;.ftaj ;i \\ oeld hi- rttinin^ to - ' dni!]n,rcM iui1 Wurii 1 under an Ordcr-lu-Comicil. In nny v -i.t ][ bt the proposed iiull.d dy ;'-,rt)il,1)1)1) wan iplit;' loo I a rue for a '-M/ittioii roftd," "niVd"" for' liimsi*ll--. -In' into aeeoniit i' finati:'i .1 r.onditiou n[ the country '. ! !;; pl-i'M'nt t nun, he wmild in it evoi, .' 'ti- for tin: bill' (1f IS!)L ^nLutiri.^ tin- -^o,0(K( u y|.;,r Hubnidy for twenty yearn it ik.iW bufori' Liu- Houae. s.'i.ntnii Uoiiltn-M thought the npjjo.-d-- i 11 to the Hudson l'.:y Railway *" wns .! " to In rjreneHa of t!ie Huhnidy* Mini the :t.' ' it'- <'uiii,tri:etiofi would, divert i'n!'.1 (nmi en.'t'.Tii lliuiiiie!a. lb* won ' ' ia favor of an additional ^'eant to - . ' coini);! ;iy, which hi1 thought > ' id advoeated 11 new policy of railway eiiterpri-'es in the. Xorth- ' d. Ill:-* iii 'a wa:t that til1: (iovern- Nhor.ld- i'-'tn in all laud urnntH, :i ad nrity fm* a (bivernmeiit ii-.:iim -.tec of tli'- eonipiiuy's bonds. S.-;,aior Mi (..'.illiini wan in (iivnr of 1 !' 1.^: up tin-' \orthwest, but couid 1.0L M.(>;.ii:'t any Mich wild-cat Hcheine "' tiii.. IIi> ridicnl-'d tlie UUai of nub- -idi.'.ii:^ a lini! of railwnya through ice- ! f::-'. ( ban-hter.) "e jilur 1'lii.iilbnch was prepared to '"i'loi-t n ji.caHiire KrnutiiiK iurtln-r aid '*>> Hi" !Iiel.-o:i jbiy road, aa he couaidr:*- eil tin- route a natural outlet for tIn* ! of the, Northwest. , >: ,:'.ie Hiiwell said the mninvr .. "1 . Ii t'ie snbj-'et liadpbi'n i ut roducd ' I' i 'idieji t i V<: id' tie' fei-Iiii^ that Wiia l.i id by iii.'i'i.v iiji'i:i Llii.H iiaportatit i|in-;i- t 'ii. X.i u:;i- foul.I complain of the u ' i:i'r in wiiieh Mr. Miller Imd 1 :' ' " .t lie- matter to the nteuion ol *' lioii-ie. lb- had, however, been ; i1 1 i-y !ir\,-pa |. "r n; portH which bud ii 1 1 ii fit vni-ious tiiuen. A diai'iei- -i i.s or di'ineritn of tin- 'i .11 1,J' th' li.ivennui'iit would in. ire ; : aii-i-iy i-i./.n' v. Iumi tin: pnpi'l'H ill ti." . 1 " W'-r* before the fcji>nate. Ho di*- if 1 to fall a t ten tion to one or t \Vu i'iitn miib by .Senator Miller from . r :.a t .on di-rivd by him Iroin nuw..i- .; nr:.i, niid not from nny. official . ,,) ' '. I'Li-re hits hern, hi: Hdid, eo ..., i\ of :^|i,llbi) j,<sr lliile n^n'ed u.i 0 . or Dti'i'j'i'd- or even Hii^^i-ati-d, in a d- 1: ... t.i tIn- ;;',S0,(K):i pvr at-niiMi ^l::.-! i: lio'.. r.imenl and I lie I'a.i-iianieiu. .if 1 .; ..Ida i- i.O.'.' pi-.'d;<eil to t.u i'uii--i !'- 1". ;.;:i of t'e/taiu .semeen which iiiv h. ')< re:.d-i-'d, nor is tuere any dmsideru- .0. nr 11 hi. Il.i!i:i1 i^i'aut oifi'red or pr . !. it. i:i a rfiirniiiu-.'iiir'iit ol i.r- .iiiei ol "'a:;ad.t 1:1 fiaiddi'i'at ion <>. UoW tin llidlnbnlolU Duliunl Huildfilily ^__^ai All torlre 1 Apnrnr In l^ulrUcrbocUnrM. Jiloomora havo boon abatidonod Iti ono homo in tho city, ut loaHt, It in nn alo'gunfc rldneu on tho north wido and it ho happen;! that all tho ^.m- ily, coimUttug' _of fitthor, inoLnnr, Krnndmothor, boh niid daughter, aro fond of outdoor uxorciHo, Grandmother nnd motlior diivn ovory day. father ridan a BlnfflO'l'ootnr and tho youn^ihuii and younpladyrhlo whooltt. . Tha last nnnmcl in ninutocn and lmn eontrnctcd tho bloomur Jovcr ho vlolon'.- ly that it hn bucomo inttmno. Shu roul- izod that it wuh 11 radical.dwparturo and was fmirful about KUfi-^oKtinu tho innn vation.but nil tho eirUhad thorn iukIhIh; muiitbo "" Woll.nhrs broached tho nubjottt nt tlm dinner tablo and thoox- jioetod opponltloii canin. Kiich mmnbor of tlm family (dtln'r rained nyohrowH, lyrowlod disapproval or uttorcd a Htorn edict a^aiiiiit nncli thln^H. Sho couved for duyit, and at thn end of a week hud conquered. Sim waa tu irnt tho hlooinnt'H, atul n actor |mir, or hnwover you ttirin it, wuii (or w.-i-hi ordered from thn sowing-room. (t (or they) wn (or were) tfi hu done. Satur day, And uliu fairly hoanual with do lighted anticipation. Kriduy ni^lit. Jit dinner, tins broLln-i auiioiiueeil (hat on the first trip Ii thought lio had better accoinpaiiy her Sho shouted fop joy. Kailior remarked that ho would oxo'reiHiwi nnwlinrao thai niTiiuiii,^ also, and tho elderly ladies H|iok'! nboiiL bavin^ their carriage or dtsred for '.) o'clock. At!) o'cltK-k Saturday morning', after nn hour or ni'jio of rareiul .adjust Inl and alter iiinuiiierahlo linif (ri^ditI'licl fflanceM in tho mirror and smitewhu gratified surveys (owaid the llu'.r, the votiu^' lady ujp -aivtl ill Lite libra r\, where tho other members of the t'auiiK had already assembled for their in-u-ii in^1 air. In flout stood tho two bieye1 - the liui's-'aiid tlio rarria^o. A') tho voting lad'.* cut'-rod tliolihrury there w.-i-, n ;rasp ol coi-stonm tion ;i it wa- from lh-r l;p^( too, There, ..: front, ol' ln-r, stood tin- other iiioiiiliors -! the Ifinrly. Her father her old, ixv.w ka !' d atli.r was arrayed in a j urn'i Cuu: witii :-i:vor br.-id, Iji'i^lil yell v M^'lit and red top lmols. Her ninth 1 bad a .'. '! een dr -<.~\ of vivil hue wl.i 1 only i-e,'t' hrd li : ank'eN, while the ol ,^: .oidiiioi her wa re.-,] |e..d oil ill an o inilii Iu o'li'T iioi'r i' - ! lb- had Ii".ed 11 p Groat unci thoroughly t re liable building-up mcclicine, nerve, tonic, vitalizcr and Bood Purifier Horsemen. Before the people-today;arte!" which stands preeminently above all other medicines, is Your, kind attention m raquoutad for 11 nlmiient, wbllu I rumlud yofl of tho (.xuidhmt, virgin of our cole- -Vjruttd-r - -i.::. Derby Condition Powders. They luive bad the jaitronafldi ol a number *.F vi;ierinary niiri(oon for a (jnarter of a century. I'ricn 'i.'jctH. pur lb, package. Vourii truly, C. A. SHERRIN, HOOD'S *arsaparillal Esse-gMedical HaU. ESSEX tiolUv Mitts* It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit. It is not what we say, but what 11 ood's Sarsaparilla docs, that tells the story: s Cures rl Even when all other prepar ations and prescriptions fail. "Tlio faco of my little fjlrl from thotlmo nho wan tiireo monthn old, broico out and wad covered with ncabfi. Wofjavo her two bottlcn of Ilood'a BarHnpnrilla and it eom- plotely cured hor. Woarofjlnd to^com- mend Ilond'a HarHnparllia." Trros. M, CAiibiN'o, Clinton, Ontario. Ho nuro to Get 's Hood's Pills act harmoniously with o; UK.l.irn'.ar \net ;t* . I nun w . \ tT'T.'d; ntIi. i' a iv, drar1*1 as sue. We t holl^hl to a: r.:r!i'. n't !d ed i"n nil I ,>\ r l . ! **Ar . i' i\ iv, dear ** ask d Ii. . I at her. " Vmi -sue. We t holi^hl [ b , ! ir lor you to a b-^'idi a li t b ;it-i-lit in:-'-oftn"vdveys and-^'upiiiL'" n >>'-; u'birh you will piss, and we will ;-,:, r lb- pub icily '.vith yo.i." Ami iliev in : 1 nt it. 1'- icli member . lie* family d ei.,ivd that if she w. d lipo.i : lljus: b]oo:iKU'S (the-. 'a el'e i'e., '.i u r,'.< k ri:ookor.-.j the. em ii*i TJiinily ivoii" 7~vi7*:"aTo7i:4".'~~ijJears :iv;di not, a il I !.;i! /. 1 . ;t::* !;nlv wa-wompe I m u'o ] 'hi bach upsiair-. ami put. mi i.'a nod ;/,k ii'. Sin" Uir*' \v inn suit i.ito a ilosM, and there it lie Several llord.s.of Hull'aloos to AMKS N'AYKOIt *nlcnn thl li .oiipnrtlUiity of iiiiiioniieiii., .0 can |in[)lo tf tlio Town anil ,0(11111 tv <>r I;mini:, Unit ]iu bun rornnldbai tboKH- mix boiler Milbt [Lccordlur to iiliiuiiinrejinroilby K. N. 'ricn, tit. Thumiui, uinl luia iibio twj<ui*od tlio muvieim of jtoni'iji'r ririiAfUiAN, all (-x|Hjrl- niKKul ainl tboruiiHbly c mnotoiit mlllor. . " Tliiinltlii!' tin- iMiOpln ' f tlm town 11 nil OQHftty for tlm |iiLi.niiia('ii bu'Mi.wiift upfiu him in tho pimt. will i:uiinuiti;o HiLtiiifactiou in th fuluro, i Gristing and Chopping a / ! b Specialtv/ u / TIIK HKHT filtAUKH 'M'IT.OUU. KK.KD ANlD COItNMK.Ab Kl'U'T IN' HTOCK AND HOIJU AT IilCilV l'UICF.K. Cash Paid for Wheat andOJats. THE AMERICAN Ho/rEL ! Essoxr - OntaH-o. 77 ' (;. hVA.K, I'JtOI'KfKTOIt./lIA!! IlKI-lM J 7 tluji'ninbly piiiutud ur/d riplotiiidiod v/itli new fiiriiituto by tho prciioiit iiroprlotor. I.Alton HAHN IS' f-'ONUllCTION. I'M'Bt^WiiF.ti AccoiiioilfLtlnii Ciaiinnatct'il. yut. S"ii imd. lino! nn (!n- OtLcr Ja*;:* ::r-{W /' ' It' ^-v " y r.;e b:iv ' ( "in lia.^ a Iv el .^ 1 U ie L k I ...r wm.kli a i-1 11 /:! "-.J-.- : Coo'. , }. -r imini >[ me. ! And (boMHiuiilH ot' eihtf, del.';-, jtc, uro bo found in tin; Yt'llowutono VtuU. It in thoculv p'aco tv J1 r * * the luilUlo can be found to-tb'y, ho nii;rcib-:.hlv luive they b-cti (dan^litei'i'd, I'hoy urc eouo from thn phuns and praincii,and thd fern riant now lidLtun thunk tho Unittid Stn.to3 Oovcrninftnt for thn priviU't'tt of iiviit;;. -'.riut-Vatloiviitonc I.'ark iH'thfcir .hiirnojiiid ili./.-rc tiny n r- >* f *-. The Pitik ia ]>':ilrolled by aolilii r.-i botb Biunmer and v/inti-r to capturu jri.aclus and effendura . iind nover'^ punifihnuui' in motiid out to intrud* th. In Hurpmcr tho buffalo riLiinc- iu tb highland;), near Xollu'wutoiu1 li-tkc In winter thny work over into Huyi.n V.i!!y and Hurroundirifj country, uben- tic hot Hp.rint'rt aud wuterH koup ill" enow incited away. IJeer and elk rani;is ov*r fb mtiro Yellowstone Fark. Thus ht-hidc* tho rt*at marvidriof uuturo met with in this wonder- laud,tier" ".- i'Us^ Mltj ii :ie=it hp'.-uimoms of ourlar,. ,->-j- . f:*.me and ducdo, thoy four not man. ' " Slmtcb.GH of Wondorlnnd, an illuntralod boo It puhlhhed by tlio Nortiiurn Vac i lie Railroad dcHcriben tliitj wondeilaud. It will bt! wilt by CibH. S. ITy.v., thu Gen'l AiJout, St. 1'aul, Minn., upon receipt ol bis. ccntrt in wtumps. AUCTIONEER HKNHY III-UHtlCK, Auotlonour. S 11 1 o b promptly iitumdud to, AudroRH Houtli Wooibiltiu, <>nt, I'oihnns ilchirlni! to m?ouro uie may 1mlvo word at thu I'linn IJiti:nH ollico. tf U. IIKDRICK ESSEX! j * r^rjin! .131'i.icuj \ Vi IiL't'rabiittlH. .e ' .- I lie I'll- t 1' i;s i.t -i >al I ( a : I I < "a'. 1 1111 \v;i -. ba ia- u ., iioiti li, '.\':..'. a t'.'i 1:! ion. I .! I!' titaitd.-d he 'j'liu 1 rt li' 11 ' 1 oii'd Id! a 1 mo' 11 ih la f ,-.s ii con Id li '"[ I W." s a x vit nl :,/.: llie. \\ a (HIT 11 Hi', 1 i Mill |du ry V<'11 i 1:1 otll tl'oop. ilia , ;i!'v t.u;;' 1 w ;:u 1 -ee , 1, I'l'ob'llH' IU a li ,'1 r '() S 1. ot V f.'t- ii!' a.d tli-i .10 '1' iii ' urd laibibties to u.i.sait .1 co a I iia\i: i i-o; ' i.. uwar t'i it th'i. (- ^ ' i 1 1.0 w pied;: .1 \ 1 [> 'i* 111 ii" niid a \<..\ taei.i i-i ' .>' -.i i' - . .1 <i iu:ta.a o. iai- r 1 . .. 1 '.. 111 r.l '._\ . it. i.t; : u n -1 ATJCTIONF.EK DKINGLAIIt, blCKNHHIJ 1 for thu County oIKhhox. itiuniroi iui^mlij Uivlfiion Court. An bbnbi of Farni und otlu-r BuluH conductL'd promptly. Itattm roa^ouablo mill furntHbi'd on imp Hun tion. Krupiirnrii niny apply at W. D. lioanian'HoDlmi. or'ftt tliu otiic^ or Uivirtion Court ClL'rk, Mr. John Milnu. JOHN OOUMLKY. JJlClilNKKlJ AUCTIONHKn for tho County of IChhox. All Uludii of fitrin block ualoi), etc., comluctetl promptly und on iibort uoticu, Hatoa roiiiioiuiblo. l'oriionn dosiruldo to nrrniiRO hhIob miLy Jo ho by oiilUnt; at thu Faicr: I'uiiHa ollloo or by applying to 1 J. GOItMbEY, P. O. IJox ir.', Ktisiiix, Out. MA'IUtlAGIi Iilctmumi or Wiidillnc ltliiK" oay bo prouurod at 31. L. PnrlYu, tho old t- liablo juwollor, Eiiiiox, Ont. j^AN^^JRVlEYOR^ JAMES S. IjAIHD. Provincial Laml Burvoyoy and County EuRintior, Koiiox Contro, OnL OCfloo, D una tan Bloclt, upntalru. ARCHITECTS. ^ onlrAcrjiAYcocK^ "~~ AltGHITECT, ttc, Eoora 10 and 11, l'lemlnt' Bulhllm;, 1 Wlndnor.Onl 'Phono 219. UNDERTAKING. iV' 'i'fJU^Hn?r^, end- ",urutuv J 1 Deal or. Cofunc, '"""a. ,.. . it'irymiilo foni 63 to $30. AIoOi l.,oi.0u - Q.i -I..IUI 1)1 ; 'i :ii I In1 ^\ ,/ -'. ,|| .-k.:. . ' +, ,',., I'l..' pi i' cat prop.i.i. t ion, or u;- br h 'imair.i, winch w.h Ij.: bi'ilisr uu b- r -toia'r i>' i.i-.i it i -i 1 i i 1 in;iui i; Um J b oi.-r, i .i,.| '.y ji n'-ii ri'i'ti:n.'UiciK, >or i.i oii:i i .'. n. -i a loiui ui ;^|i),Oiti) jii'l' Ml In i.;i' ;. u.'i.aia li'iic'th oi lime, mr which \i; maipany ;.iii, or riitbcr &>**- < .a ."- .^MI,L)00 per annum and ih (ilUi) acitiH per nnlti, 1 liiioiv that ih tlouso ur the jiuopli! will may, what i.i me, that tlb.H in taliiuj*; buck the laic bi.'lniig't to iu, a ad it i.s tfi v'iiti; .iceurity upon $80,0110 per ailnuiu tr wii itie imw pieJgiui, ami whicu we need nut tfivi! il the mud ia uotbuij:. fhat in (piito true, hut thu.-c arc. liaJtih- liuH into which the eniintry ha^t enteivd, and which wn aro bound to pay iu o;eo ilu-y cuurttruct the mud. They have re presented to the Government tha t Uk'y could not, with iliiifiit Hivui'ities, iHiat Hi. boatl.i and obtain the nuuiuy, mul they allied lot* a iii-iirniii(*;eineut or rc-udjiiHt ineiit of tho aid which u*aa given. Now, that ia an hiii* aa cicplauatiun probably us ia necewmry at tho preiient moment. Aa to the inoritu of that ru-urraiiBcment tha.t in a queation fur thu llpuao to din- cuMfi, and to approve or diHapprovo, when it iu mibmittod tu it, nn(l an tho Miuiutor ul Agriculturo iiayn it ia mibject to tlio approval ol Parliamont, T,l.'i coiiiilitiitioiial procoduro roforrod io by Senator Miller Ih tlio correct one. No (-/ovoriunoat luia .thu power to bind i M! 11 "to'pay any public money, to mako any rDatljiuvtmonfc'ol a barifain, nrrnnifo- a. at or contract Into which thoy havo a i'1'c'd vltU any c/jnipany or Individual, ..'i.hoiit tho cipiiiiout ol lutrlianient, leas'inu: ami w li-n.-ver nn v ol' tb' a march t li y w onh b;ir!i ami b ir 1 !ii!:ipi"i-- y mvimt ' i i: i. t rchti i u' over inoin i! a in? it i * vi ol i-ai in-c .ssar io c ini'i down it r it..* v\ I. c li it " a 11 in iv a sb er -lion, ah .,: o die.- \\ \'\ .-it. down o nv nl iii* loi'cb*,:.-. oi Ins hoi'-<t' a ud i h -tl,lc i low ll I OH" 1 llel'. b i-.'ir, w.oi d ^'i-u raly fiiil Midi piaer \\o:'ti aboii; as muooiIi a-, -I.i > wli -, 11: y c'l me up, and 11 uin| In <-y ' -i ily llien wan soiiieilpn^ teri'i'd . 1 n* in- inn r our very ;uim*-i!i^' inciilen: coimet t il with an alVuir ol tliat stu" 'I li- iiic ine was almost a slmcr preri pice l-ndniu thrt.c leer. hido\v in'ollie. canon. U'h n Humphrey canp* up, m cmir.-'i*. nil tlm dirt was worn oil, only th ' -hppery sidu of tlm rocli. 'He >at tlow'ii und swore Ion; loudly, but finally liot up and ord -r the ouilit n\'i!i'.. . I'h.- s.-r^oanc, a colo- inaii named .Mi:Kirov, was about, io I tin; o'un and the two miilna go over UtlicmaulveH, when Ijumphroy yullud : Hlold on tli'i'o, Idaiilc, bluulc, utc, e,o over wilh 'win and report.' "So over thoy all wont, and after hoarino; n hi^' sp:asli in ilm canon below, followed by .-iiimiee, Hiiuiphrtiy rnlh'tl out: " 'McKlroy, are. yon killed?' "A bi#' spluttiu'hiii' was heard bedow, and pretty soon MclClrov'ri voicd came up: 'No, -sail ; Iso not killod.' "'Whore's tlm nmloV " 'Ho'h kiclcin' on top o1 do. henp, Hah.-' " 'Well, whfiPo'H thn wherd millo ?' " 'Ilo'fl iinder do off mule., aah.' "*Is tho gun nil right?' 11 'Yob, fiah; dat'H under do whoo mulo. Bah.' " *Wollf whore in------aro you ?' 11 'lots under do gun, sabv " Wash Ingtcm Times. , M'onulnr Girl HpraL^ Mra, Manhattflu -In ebcietv, my dour, H Js'not alwaya In-lcnowlng1 xrp&t tosay, tUli Wbat not to say, that inakori tho girl popular with tho men, , Mm Qollghtly Tbafa po. I nlwayo know what not to nay, *nd say/ H- ana yott -know bow popular I <wn, Town Testes. I^JtANK JIcCLOHKKV, Maluntono, thlrty- iioveii yoani' oxiiurioneu tm luiuuctlouaorfn tho County of Kooox, Ktiloii conducted promptly, and ou roasoiniblo turuui. Partlua doairin^ to tlx tbo iluto tor a hiiIo ciui rmvi> tboinuolvoe a driyoby calliuf'fit tlio I1 unit Piiehu ollico. Wo bavo arran^tid -with Mr. McCloiiltoy find, will tlx tbe datofl for hrIqh by' toluKrupb, entirely froo of all cbiLryo to tlm liorfion holdiOR tlio iialo. Ad* droeu I-'iaukMcClOHkciy.MiiidutonoCroiin.Outf 1G6 . The Fiitesiant! liesi fissortmeni.oH Boots and Sho^s !n Essex! Great Value m Men's Shoes'and Oxfords, Ladies1 and Children's Shoe? and Oxfords. The Choiipcst in the Land. Call and Eqamino and bo Con vinced for yourselves. Jets- Douglas, Whitnev B\6ck F.ssox W Ji_lM A.jCjJiP tiid.innu-n to handle our ihmly Camidiiin tiiuwn Numiry Stock, Wo Kiiurantoo natiiifuction tu rcpruHontntiveu and cuHtonuirH, Cur uuriiurluii ilid tliu buyout iu tbo Dominion, ovor 700 ncruh. No mibhtitutlon in onlurH. l-jKchiulvo territory and liboral tormo to wbolo or part time iiRoutH, Wrtto uh. STONK & WKLI.INGTON, (IJoud oilici.)Toronto,Ont (Tbn only uurttory in Canada liavlu^ toutinu orcbiuuH.) 'M-ilm .Safest, Slni|ilcat, Stronutifit.i ulld Top Receiver. REPEM1NG LlKbtcr.t, fin s lest Working* Most Accurate, Compact, NUKSERYMAN, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Puach, I'ear, Plum, Apple and Quince Troeu, Bohoh, EvorRroeno, Borry BuhIiuh, Itaopberry, Blaokborry and Gurrtmt Buahoa. All flraUclane tSfnck. Savo amenta' Big Profits ! and writo for priooa. Wo will olioor. fully annwor you by roturn mail. Splendid Apple Trees, Al iu every ronpoot, $12 per loo - $12. Most Modorn and proi;rcsslvo Fur cutiiiofuiu or Information wrltu to THU MARLIN FllRE ARMS CO.. New Haven. Conn. FOR TWENTY-FIVE Y^ARS DUNNS POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND Largest Saue in Canada, XMaoo in tbe world for yohnguioa' nmlwomon to nocuro a Buulnoaa Ktlucntion, flbortlmnd,oto., la tho Dotroit Hudinods Univorelfcy. Do- trolt, Mlob. IlluHtrfitodcntalocuo Vrvo. ltflforonocn: All Dittrolti W. P. JEWELL. Pro'!. P. 11. SPKNOElt, Hoo'y. Best On Hood pr'ocluciivfl Furm Property at- 5J, A (S per cent, utraliibt. No Valuation Fees. IS" ConyoyauoruR Doao up in Noafi Style Firo and Life nsurance. A. E.LOVE LACE, E8SEX\ 0$T JisrOffifl*" Whitney Blook/npsUSWl ' yf .-.I :m .'.: v 15

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