Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 10, 1895, page 1

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, .,______,___ I'fl ' T.firA V ' , V * s ",>'. WILKINSON'S iron Choiae Freeh GroooriwH, Provisions, Touh, GoiTooh and -Bpiuoii. Special lines lb Crookory THE ESSEX FREE PRESS. Christian Endeavor Souietfr ^ ttt; Paul'e Church, TUESDAY JLVG., MAY 14 1j Vorybody Coma, VOL XI. No 10. ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. M/VY10. 1895. WHOLE No. 540 F. A. & CD. LEADING STORE OF ESSEX. TOE <?. ^V2CVi.<o-wij>^ LMaj has arrived, with its attendant warm weather und houa^cleaning. Our stock is prepare for both the heat and housecl janing, We guarantee our pricjea to be as low as the lowest and our goods the most reliable! to fce had. Hjouee Furnishings IjtaceOurtaina 2 yds long, 25c pr; Lace Curtains, 3 yds lo&L extra wide, 50c; Laco Cujftaina 3\ yds lon3 and very [wjle, choice patterns, 75c, 1, NfiOrS^HFT"Curtain poles, jmplete with fixtures, 25c; mion Reversible Carpets, 'full yard wide 25c yd; Tapes try Carpets, good quality, 25c. NORTH 1UDGI5. rotor Oilboo and uomi tdu.itad corn n May Unci. Bolomon Gilboo, Pontine, Mich,, called Oti bio Inothor, Fetor, and family limb Him- day. Iliaii Mary McConibii went to Woodntuck jitnb week. Humming birdu hnvo como baolt to uu again from the mmny south lutid und arc drinking uootsr from every opening flower. Guohh thd cheese factory fit Cottara ban somruencod oporatioun, baoaiiHo three large loadn of lurao milk cans patin horo overy morning, (jowg Cottamwards, Arbor Buy was duly (ibHOivcd by tliu children of our public iiobool laht Friday by planting treat*, flowering shrnbH and in cleaning up the play ground. Tbo little girlti did not forgot tbo flowor bods. Tbo mercury got tiway up to 91 dagroou in tbo shado lust Sunday. Guesti tho ico and snow away back north will soon die a natural death. Tho public flohool couoert giveu in the Tomporanoo Hall horo Inst Saturday night wao a nneooaa, no far uu the rendering of tho nimnoal atid other Holootionn wan con cerned, but the attcudanco wan small. Why in it that paronta and otiiora are so seldom boou at school outortninweritFi? It would bo invidious to mention nam on when oaah one who took part did no well, but wo muBfc-fjay-thrtt Mra. Faul ia an exoellont purforrcor on tbo piano. Ilia* Manjey la an oxcollent rooitor, und it refloats great o rod it on tho toaoher for tho way tho littla folkii acquitted themselves. T, MoCroory preuidod in bin usual ablo manuor. LITERARY COMPKTTTION! OFiriSRKD IN XMCIKUS. y tho I>Jr. WUhaniM" Mtitliclno <:<>, ollSroclivUIO, Out. . The AboVd Amount Will bo lklvl.lKl AhioU^tliK Wi'Il^w.riho llAUt Vivo Ok-I^lnul Ntorltf* Tli Competition OptmtoAlI IKitktti t?ld* UoldlktMo( f'aiiuilu. i Our stock of Carpets will be found very attractive at pres ent, both in quality and price. Hemps, Tapestry, Brussels, Union and Wool 19 great var iety. SOUTH W00DSL13E. Mitoholl A Co have a flno lot of buggies jwiitarnvfld and their itnpltimont~baeinenH in ruohin^. Mr, VunEvery hua oponod tin ico cream iparlor ^ _ Mr. John Mclntyre hau opened ft'-black- tfmith ubop. AUtbobuildincmaierial iuou the j;tonnd for the lockup. Wiiulit G. Smith's hurnoBi shop for Rood bonoflt werk liHiooud to none in the county H baa & very oomplotolitbok. of all kiuda of harnoiiH, trunkn, crip^, and overythmL! that 1 ilmt claaii harneuo shop ohould huvo. Mr, Fetor Cottor hau taken ponHcuaion of his hotel a^ain. Stops are bomg taken to have FroMbV* terian church uervicos hero. Warm Weather Wants Ladies' black Cotton Hoee, 5c pr; Ladies' fast black Hose 10c pr; Ladies' fine seamless black Cotton Hose, fast dye, 18c; Ladies1 fast black Ootton Gloves 15c; Men's Ootton Sox 6c; Men's Cotton Undershirts 20c each; Men's Cottonade Overalls 35c; Ladies Duck Suitings 10c yd; Prints 4c yd; Ladies' Kid Oxford Shoes, tip ped, 76c pr; Men's Red Lace Shoes $1 pr. GEBTO Tho quarterly Borvieo for Gottto circuit will bo hold ut Bothal (the raarub) on Sun day next. Mr. McLau^nhn'u hounu wuh abruck by lijjhtuiujj oh Monday night, und wa* con- nidarably (ihattoridt but no person bodily injured. Lawyur Rodd ipont Sunday in Geato Potatoes, off car, to-day and fco-morrow, 50c bushel. ESSEX, ONT. Public'School Notcfl Frmoipal's reom, Bomor itb clasi; raarka pOBHiblo 142, obtained : G. Irwin, 10(1; E. Richardson, U7; J.Dalmore, 38; S. WiUon, 77, E. Lainfi, 75; 0. Brown, 5H; J. Edgar, 52; B. ThomtB, 48; L. Wifilo, 40- G.Labar, 43; C. Raughraan, 41; N.Cot- ton. 35; C. Stone, 33. L. ililliar, abRobt. Mitifl Williatou' room, amior 3rd oUbb; marko poumble 0; obtained by hi^hsat ton: Wltor Granowaller, BC; ArthHr Goqrlay, 36; Mabel Stoddard, 34, Lotha WifiU, 04; Arthur Ta7Kamaa, 83; Nemo Alexander, 32; Willi*, 32; Xliohard DilHO, 25; Florouoo Leflar, 24. Muu Edgar's room, marlca poogible 100; obtamod by hiRboit ton. T. Tajczmao, 71; W. Naylor, 70; V. Bar- diok, G8; F. Burdiok, 55; A. Wightman, 51; G. Whito, 45; R. BiLlnca, 42; F. Irwin, 40; G. WiHle, 38. A|Ci OraBawollor'i room. Junior part 2nd. utarkn posoibla CO; obtained by highott tea| M GonRdou, 85; ft. OriumwvlUr, 83. A. Hloki, 82; E. Davw, 31; L. Rhyndnu, 28; M' Crow, 2C; C. Hall, 2C; J. MoMvirray, 24, Mnia BnoUloy'i room, part Ht; marks posiiblo U5; obtained by higbat ton: B. Elford, G2; B. May. 51); H. Lanirh, 68; F. Younc, 57; R. DanuaH, 58; D. Khn(bilcf 55; G. Laird, 54, G. Loe, G\,F. Hicks, 52; J Sioaon, 52. With a view to ttiitiistini! in tho develop maul of litorury tiilont in Caj&dii, tho Dr. WilliamH1 Modicuio Co., of Brockvillo, Out., will award pri/pii aniountmf,' to 8300 arnonn tbo writora of th b&Ht five uhort original iitorirm uubmittod m tho computition all fol- lowii: For tho Htory rronouucod tbo bent, 8100 will bo i;ivon. For tho Hnuttnd best, $75. For tho third b*At, 8G0. For the fourth boHt, 810. For tho fifth bout, *25. Thci compotitiou iti opou to rouidontu of tin Dominion of Canada, who have nvor won a cawd prizo in a ntory competition, and in nubjoot to tho following rulait Each utory to oontain not raoro tl an throo tbouaand words. Tho writor of tho ntory ihall afilx & pon name, mitialH or motto attached to th ntory, and contaiuinu Inuido it tbo full name and addroBs f tho writur thoroof. Wo impoio no lirditationn whatovar nil to the naturo of tho topic written npoa, and tho Hocno nf tho wtory no^d uofc noooHHarily bn laid in Canada, ulthouRh oorapotitorH must bo roHidoutii of Canada, uHabovontat- od. StorioH ontorod in tho competition xouot bo written on ono Hide of tbo paper only, and when poHBiblo ahould be typ>writton. MaiiiificnptH to bo aont flat or:folded nor rolled. All NtarioH for competition inunt roach tbo Dr. Williaiwa* HModicina Co., Bropkvillo* OntM on or before tho tlrnt day of July, 18)5, and dhould bo marked "For Litornry Compatition," Dociaion will bo mad aa follawH. Al> utorieii anbraiUod will bo roforred to a com petent comwiifctao who will doido which are tho beat flvo atoriaa. Theno ntoriaa will then bo pubhihod in pamphlet form, wbioh pampbloU will be didtributod throuKhout the Dominion, and oaoh will contain a voting paper upon which readers will be invited to exprwo their prferoiaoe. The atory obtaining tho highout UHMbor of votes will bo awarded the firHt pri^a. Tho one obtaining tho nccoud higheut number will be awarded sneond prize, and no on until tho Ave prizoa aro awardod. Tho voting will clone on the first day of December, 1896, and tho oommittoo will tbon pubhah tbo uatoon of tho BuccoDtiful compotitorB and tho order of merit. UuHUcoGRfdal manaaonptn will bo return ed when ntampearo sent for postage. Tho flvo citorioH selected aro to become tho abnolntfi property of tho Dr. Williams' MadiomoCo., with thoir aopyright in per petuity. The dueiiion of tbo oomraittoe and tho counting of voton to bo abaolnto and fiual aud all pcrBone ootsrin^ tbo competition afjroo, by dointi ho, to accept the decisions of tho oommitteo and the Dr. Williams' Mediome Co aa final on all points wbatao- ever. Correspondence in regard to unHUooenB- ful MSB. declined, oven when stamped on- Tolopuit are Hunt; any Htamps nj aont (for any other purpoHtf than tho return of tho MB. at tho time of llrnt Bonding) will be put in the poor box The Dr. WilluuR1 Medicine Co. will take all precautious to oafo-uuard MS. entr not ed t thoir care, bat in no ease do thoy assume any roaponiibility for Ire, accident r Ions of ungucoeeiful MS. Authere are therefore adviod to koep copior. The etoriei muet be original. Any one sending copied matter will bo liable to pua- inhmont for fraud, and a prize of 825 ib of. fered to the flrat person who points out the fact that any Htory passed by the commit- tee iu otkerwue than original, in the im- likoly event of nttohon overeiffbtooourrmg. All itories entorocl in tho aobopotitfoM must be addronaod to the Dr, Willinm*' Medicine Co., Brookvillo, Out., and marked on the ewvolepe "For Literary ConeyoU- tion. Ijiiun Tonnl.4. A. riLoi'tinj^ of lovcru of Iliiw nnnio waw held ut IJ, A. WiHim-r'u ofiico on Monday evening for tho purpo.m of organi/m;,' a olub. Quito it lur^u t.utnbtn witre iu at- tondiinoii, About a d&/on mnmheru nub- borihod und the fte \um phiosd at 81.50. A tiiinply of iwitB and buiu linn ho en oidniod, W']ffluiiit for tlirtiQ crmrtn. Tho foJInwiiiU tippomlirif ptu wuro made : IVbh, Chan White; Uec-TrcaH, J A Forutur; Coiumittnu of niaiiadomoiu, J W Gibuou aud J A Foretor. A Cuuudian by iflrtli. Th'i I-iittlo Fall {Mum.) Hcirald of recont dato, payn tho following nulouy to tho nowly oloetod ivluyor, Col. A. D. Davidwon, of that city. Col, Daviuuon in a brothei of Mm. .7. D. Andornon, of tliifi town. "Tbub tho people of tho city of Ltttlo Fallu mado uo miutuko in tbo uoleotioti of their chinf exeaubive thin your w* predict will bo proven by tbo reoord of hid adniin- lutratiou, Col. A. D. Davidxon in a ^untlo- man of marked ood cliaraeter, pubho* spiritod, careful, and conneWatlvo. Ho 18 a Canadian by birth, jhaving bnon born ut Glonooo, Ontario, May 18, 1853. In 1800 ho came to the Ouitod StatoB and ronidod in Michigan and WiHconmn until 1877, when he came to Minnesota. During the oightoon yearfj that he kaa beou in thm utato bo ban been eupagod in tho bauking buidnoai, and id at proftont Broaidont of tho Firwt National, of this city, und a bio inUreated in a numbor of banke in other parts of tho state and Dakota, Ilia eleo* ion to tbo office of Mayor wau by uumi- mouB voice, for thore was no eppoaition cither on the tiokot or at the polk. Prior to bin oluotiou a petition uigned by" the loading buflineaii nton aud cituenu of tho city, asking him bo acoopt So nomination, wan presorted to him and upon tho condi. tiou that it wbh to bo a stnatly non-purti- ttan elootlou he consented to run. TY YEARS' SIEGE. Hcliool KoportM. Havo a Oreut Keputat on. J. B. Taylor, Esq., morobant, Wolland, BoyB: "Stark'e Powdero have a groat rep utation about horo a* an immediato, hh woll aa a pormanont euro for IIoadROhe, BiliononoiiB, NeurelRia, Liver and Stomaok Complaiute, CoRtivencBH. I know of people who have been great enffereio, who have .tried almost evorythiuK, and have been cured by thetu. Wo have uted them in our own finally with remarkable auocoBe." Two preparation* iu oaoh boxt Bold by all bledioiua dealers at 25o a box, G boxee tor 1, Nice to take. ' 3-0. B H Followinn la report of S. S. No. 7, Gob. flold North, for the month of April. Nome* are given in order of merit. 4th olaue. Thomas Fite, 3rd elaHB ir. S Meore, ML Cowell, Phillige, D Malott, P Ho wo. 3rd class! jr. H Queou. M Valade, MoLood, T Utookwell. 2nd oUhu 8r. L Phillips, G Cowan, M Fite, M. MoLeod, E Cowan. 2nd olaie jr. D Cowan, G Kobb, R Hag. gins, L Btookwoll. Part 2ud.-M Queen, P Stookwll, J Stockwoll, L Rose, E Cowan. ' ' Average attitndaaae for ipril-^49. ttgatUfMetory tU*ult* So BftJH Df> Curlett, aud old and honor ed praotltiotier, in Belleville, Ontario, who writes: "For wasting iQIaebyee aad Serot- ula I have uaod SooU'b Emaliiou with the moet aatielaotory *attlt.n THE STORY OF A WtfXIi- KNOWN GUENVJULLE GO. MAN. Ubouknatlskii held Kite Vert for Twen ty Yenvn all Treatment und Ktfortm to niNlodc** Mi S'lio pa- tlent KTliefoucliIy DlHCoura^cd, but Aetluc on the AtlvlCti f Winndu, HUi*o Okie more Vttfort Wlilelt Wan Crowned With Hucceue. From tbo Brockvllle Tlmon. / There are vorv few of tke oldor routdc nts of this aeotinn to whom tho namo of Whit- mareh ih not familiar. i\ H. Whhmareh, of Mirriokville, was for thirty year a mem ber of the council of tho United Counties of Leeds and Grenvllle, aud on four occa sion* filled tho office of warden of tho coun- tios. Hiu boh, Mr. Geo. H. WhUmarah, to whom Mum artiolo refers, is aleo well-known throuKhout the aaL.itiei. and la the Mor- rickville correspondent of The rimea. It ih well-known to Mr. Whitmaieh's frieiida that ho hau boen a sufferer for n:auy yearn from rheumatiem, from tbo thraldom of whiah ho ban now fortunately been released Mr. Whitmarih tellu hew this was brought about aa fellows : "For over twenty yean previous to the wiutor of 1804 I wua almost a continual aufferer from muscular rheu- raatiim, aonaetiuea wholly iuoapaoitatod from douifl any kind of work. Aftor trying romedieH of nil kinds and descriptions without any benefit, I at last oamo to tho conclusion that a enre waaimpossible. In the fall of 18031 was udfierin|j untold pain and misery aud oould not rest day or Bight. Several of my friende strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and reluctant ly, I confeL, for I had lent faith in all raodioino, 1 begau to do so. To ray sur prise and treat satisfaction I coon began to experience relief, and this feeling grew to one of positive aaourauoe that tbo mal ady that hau made Ufo miserable for no many yoara who loaving mo an I continued, eho treatment. By tho time I had used nine boxes of Pink Pilla not a twiugo of rhenmatium remained, hot to mfaho augur- ance doubly ouro I continued the treatment until 1 bad need twelve boxoeof the pillh. IhjH wte in .Tauuary, 1894, since whon I bavo not bad the slightoBt trace of any rheumatic pain. I am satisfied beyond a deubt that Dr. Williams' Pink Pilln cured AlUNTCIPA LC0UNCILS." Gwiro, Ai'iin, 2()nt 1805. Cotiuoil met an por Court or Itovision on Foster drain improvement by-law, all tho members present. Tho nocogsury outhe woro tnkon and subuonbed. Tbo clerk re- portod appotth* from Jno. Pouter, Cameron A Curry, A. O Campbell nud A. I3unkd afLoi bearing tho evidonou produced. On motion by-law confirmed uu published, conrt adourn<dd uiuo die. Council took up rogular biiHinaHu. On motion clork to advertiue for tenderH for conctitution of Foster dram improve. tnmit. On metiou clucka Rranted E, J. Lovolaco for printing as por account rondored920 SO Publishing Powtor drain improvement by law $26 00. L.Jarrott balauoo en culvert on H.r.r.and cleaning rubbmh out of draiu $1-60, Samuel Bunu roparing culvert on Maid- atone road and con.i;t,91-1)0. lili MeltjcLio oloamng tion out of Wilton diain to bo charged ton J lob lO.con 10.SI fiO Clork to uottlo Court of Kovinion e\penn ob on PoHtor drain by law &18 00; Clerk for extra work on bv-Iaw 307,1^5 00. By-law No308 appoiutint; road ovorficoru, feuoe vIoworH, oto.,read tho necoiBary mm. btrof timii,paHHoaand aloptod and the fol lowing wore appointed : POUND KPKlTnfl. 3)\ Porior Jan. Gerard, ,Tun. Ilollingworth. Robert MoCeIlumt Adam Campboll, Juot Koan, Peter Quiok, Jacob Baiaty, M.Sweet man. TboB. Bartloy, M. Droniilard, Jno. Brown. noii> ovjtiiuHKiui. Tbos. Satton, Philip Butler, XV m. Trom- blo. Rarnest Cookot Jtti Saltnr, _W,_Qi_ Hensman, Jno. Campbell, Poter^Quiok, Jno. Day.G.E. Sweet, Juo. Elford, \Y, Sweet man, B. Torongeau, Vircin Drouillard, Alfred Bbuoll, Jno. Mannoll, Wna. PaBBing- kam, ThoB. Woyburn, tl. ti. Aokloy, Adol- pbus Pare, Wm.Maynard, Thoa. Deacon, vis/-Jia viuwKim. Jerry Kloa, JF/od Malofaufc, Job. Holhng. worth, Tbos. Orozier, Win. Blight, P. Cun ningham, E. Thorn, J no. Elford, W. Gould, ML Cadarett, Jan. Linton, Robort Garhok. nOG COMMIIBIOMKHIJ, Wm. Boobo, P. Butler, Peter Gerard, Wnj, Irwin, Goo. Colenutfc, Shoploy Tico, Chas, Day. On motion counoil adionrned. J. A. ConhTRit. Clork. Gentlemen all take of their hats when they ee our New * Styles FOR SF&IN&4S9J IdfE aro nolo agents in Wind sor for tho following Cele brated makes: Lincoln Bennett &Go,, Christy & Co., John Buckley, Wilkinson & Co.. Henry Carter, which includes the best Hats made in England. EVERLASTING BLACKNESS. FAST BUCK'0" WOOL^ S3 .Bfer B^eK*v&Tn&: There is afa stand avorlusti ug Black that all women domre to eooaro when homo dye- iug ib done- Tuih fast, imperishable and non>staimiiK Black in only Aeonred throufih the uuo of Fust Black Dianaoud Dyes, There are fchreo FnHt Black Diamond DyeB Past Black for Wool, Fast Blaok for Silk and Feathore and Fast Blaok for Cotton, (til sold at ton eonta par packago. The directions for use are bo hi tuple that eytn a child can get bettor reBUlta than the experienced dyor of a fow yeara at;o. The peculiar way in which tho Diamond Dy Fast Blacka are made Rives them a vast superiority over all otuer methods of homo dying. When buying Blaok dyoa see that you get tho Faoi Black Diamond Dyes ; remomber there are poor imitation dyes Bold in mony plaoeu. THE LEADING HATTER. JLATJ3 LlTKRAltY NEWS" nudyak-dKlplIn^ to HovInIi ludla. Much intnrost will bo felt by tho public in tho return of Rudyard Kipling to India, Oh has just agreed te furninh a regular contribution 10 The Comepolitati Uaga- /;ino for the coming year, begm-ing hia work upon bis return te India. India has nevr been critically ooumdored by such sv pen au Kiphrijj'n, and what he will write for Tbo Cosmopolitan will attracts th* widest attention, both horo and in Eng land, Perhapu the most beantiful setiea of pictures ever preaonted of the Itemky mountains will be found in a oollootion of fourtaea original paintings, executed by Thomas Moran for tho May Cosmopolitan. Te those who have bueu in the Hookies, tho issue of The CoBmnpoIitan will be a Bonvenir worthy of preservation. Thin number contains (Hty-two original draw- mfifl, by Thomas Moran, O Eerford, Dan Board, n. M. Eaton, F. G. Attwooa.F. O. Small, F. Li*, J. II. Dolph, and UosIkaE. Sherwood, beeideesixreprodnetiotiBol! fa- mouBreoont work* of art, and forty other interesting illustrations niaety-eiftht iu all. Through The Oosmopohtan selle bat for fifteen cents, probably no magazine in the world will present for Hay ae great number of illustrationsespooiuUydi|;nfcd for its pa^is by famous illustrators. Tho fiatioum this number iabyF. H. Steith, GaBtavKobbe. W. Clark Busaell, Kdgar W. Nye, and T. O. Crawford. mo, and I can ooiifldoutly rtioammoni them to all rhoukuatlo sufforera." Rheumatism, Belatioa, neuralgia, partial paralyHls, looomotor ataxia, nervous hoad- aohe, norvoue prostration, and diaeaaes d- psndinR upon humors in tho bhocl.suoh as scrofula, ohreuio erysipelas, etc., all diuap- noarbeforo a fair treatment with Dr. Wta- liami.' Pink Pillfl. They give a healthy glow to pale aud sallow oomploxfon and build up and renew tho entire system* Sold by all dealers and pant paid at ttOe. a box or liix boxuu for I9.C0 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine 0o Broojtville, Out, Do not be persuaded tc take some nbetitute. For overy variety and phase of the many diseases which attack the air-pasea^es of he throat end Unco, Ayer'n Chorry Poo- toral will be found a upaoifio. Its anedyne and expectorant qualities aro promptly ra* ahxsd, aud it is always ready tor uao. Short iHourneyfl ou a Lionc Itoatl Is the characteristic titlo of a profusely il lustrated book containing over ope hundred pages of charmingly written doBcripticnu of Bummer resorte in the country north and west of Ohioage. The readiug matter ie new, tho illnstratioDM are new, and the in- formation therein will be new to almeat everyone. A copy of "Short Journeys ou a Long Road" will be aenfc free to anyone who will enoloBo toil cents (to pay postage) to Gko. H. Hkavvoud, General I?assentr* Agenfe Ohteago, Milwaukee A St. Pawl Railway, Chicago, 111. Tho Rocky Mountains, Along tbs line ef the Northern roiHo ttailroad nbennJ iu lar/^o fame. Moose, deer, boar, elk, mountain lions, etc., can yet be found there. Tfie true sportsman is willing te ge there for thebs. A little book called ^Natural Oame Preserves." published by the Northern Facifio Railcead, will le sent f on receipt 'of four oouta m Btamps by Cam. S.Fxk, Qen'l Pass. Agont, St. Paul, UlnH. . ., ^ ., ^ Ofaud Military Event. The City of Windsor, Ont., is to oelo- brat* the anniversary ef the birthday, of Her Majesty, Qneon Viotowa, on May 24th in right royal style, Tho 46th Highland ers' (the kilted regiMeat) of Toronto, th 4th Mlehigsn Regimenti, the 35th BattalT lion, St. Thomas, and the 31st Essex Fus iliora, will take part; tho prospect qC a light of tbs soldlere dressed m the ooa- trnxuB of their satiye heath will warm tao heart of every Boolohman.SnUable military events, games, uports, pipe mnsie, tus;.or- war, ete., will be indulged in. The City When so many people are taking and deriving benefit from Hood's. BarsapariUa, . why den't yon try It yenrsalf ? It is high- J of Windsor will see a big crowd on that Iv rsoosAssded. *mV- ^ **c^al rates on all rallmads. day. Special ratee on all railroads. &'*, A.}. * \< i1 :>C)< .-!^J> i

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