Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 3, 1895, page 7

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lit! 'it'1 ; ' / "# .'^'W7 rHb tCSSliA t< KP/h PKES8 DOBINTOJBJCCIIPIEP That Ih tlio Latest No.\vh IVom Ceiifrji.1 AllKM'icil. * i MARTIAL LAW PROCLAIMED. Babies u iCour Almlrul Ntii|ili<>minii Toole 1'oi.hoh- lonofthfi l>rtiiL Olio OVlmk tlilu Morning U4*hI- tUinU tmi (.Hnvlnir Hid CHy. and rapidly growing children derive more ficncfit from Scott's Emulsion, than all the rest of the food they cat. Its nourishing powers arc felt almost immedi ately. Rabies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion no other form of food is assimilated. Scott's Emulsion RISE OF THE READY-MADE. '.'- tVIV^'J'W.'Si!-- London, April 137. Xcltlmr Ihn Admir alty northn Koml^n Ollim had ivevlvrd hewn from Nicaragua ai, mid-nlfrht. Tho Mornhia; PohL MiyH:,'Thn period oflhu ultimatum having cxplivd, it. is ri'/cardrel M probable Umt tht> JJrlih.h will now uc- oupy Corinto.. Tim (ioveminent Ints'iint modlih'd Uh ultimatum nor directed Ad miral Stephenson to extend the Kiinr." The Standard print-, to-day a letter nlnwl "Kx-Coiisul" which .-.ays; "l)ur- hitf my ri'Mdoncn In -Mc.-irnfrim, ,-lhe in- Irljyui'H of tho United l-Miile-, were"at thir bottom of nil Nirnm^iMii diplomacy. Tho ; SUitoH rewarded tho (VnHjitl. A unclean-' nounli'li-, as their .proline*, m {p .',* )->'* to j yj v^T..'..' <Mok. bo annexed. They made special, iii^'iu m>Vi '" A candlestick timepiece, a1; shown In tins in Nicaragua, with a view <>1' rnnlniUirij; accompanying cut, says Invention, has tliii ciuial and i-Npclliii'* Jlrii i- h inline in u been dcM^ni-d liy an Kn^lhlt inventor, from t lin MoMjitii (j run-1. 1 d-j in it timiht ' which N said to he as aeci irate a. a clock, Unit Niea i aqua's recent act i.m ir> due lo ; [ u this invent ion the candle U entirely tin) ftj:ti*stion, tf not the direction, oi'lho, rxpus'.*d to tin- Mr, which keep* it, cool, United States." Ihn globe mid littiiiL-s resting upon and, The (' speiik- hivnrahly nt ! !jy gravity only, rull*iwir'^ tho cnmllo in "Nhurajnm.'s unfortunate inhnhiiantV | its ilocrea-ir in length w hilst burning, nin- stimulates the appetite, enriehes the blood, overcomes wasting and jvives strength to all who take it. For Coufthu, Colds, So to Throat, Bron- ci.His. Wonk Lungs. Emaciation, Con sumption, Blood Diseases and all Forms of Wanting, Send for pamphlet M Free, ScfiUitRowno, BullovlHe. All DruQgiata. DOc. & $1, A CANDLESTICK TlMEPIECb It Itifllrutf>4 tlin I'lmti iin (Jiirrni'tlv utt ' Whom ho alway.s fmnul friendly to fnr- oljmer.s, especially iMifrlKhnirn. " I luL tho hystcm of ^nvcrnnieiit pi hud," In; adds. "They t*o\ into 1 rouble with foreign powers because they mhmit their alVairs to utterly hiexpcrhiiciMl men, whilo they cnntlnno always to lie the i-asy prey of tliu Intrigues of nkllled diplomatists li be- hoove.s t'i ' European einint rh--, e-.iiecially Kn^land, to keep a watchful cjeon hos tile* liitlucnecH. " , ,I that maiines will 'la: landed ai Corinto t.-day also that .Siiiior JI-'!i/.nnin, .Nicarau'iiaV Minister in U'a-ii'nr^itm,' ivemved a tU" Kpateh from Managua vest onlay MiyntfJ that tlio (tn\erii!iienb wnnld not be abk to pay tlio indemnity by mid-ni^hl. Tho Standaid h-nrii-. iba: a powdei )na(;azlno iiL-ar the Coriiiio cietuin hon.-c exploded yoiterday iinmiiiu', killing M'V* cral nien and wuitndin^ uil.rr-.. < mi nl i. Oi'i'ii pi nl. Colon, Cnlonibia, April '.'7. Ad\ lee- re. COived lU'l't) -Into lhi. Ailimnl Htopbcnson at in iil-n !;:I)t .-.cut a noh1 u tho Uoinmandei-nf the I'nn <ii < , .i,t' j that be pvnpOM s to in enpy t '"i in' i ai mie " oYloc-k ijds tnoriiNU'. '1 he n pal-he ha- i been declared under im.rti'il la\\. ilanj j robhloitts ate lea wn,: iVriiini. lequoutly, it in stated, lln; pressure excrtoil BRITI-SH 1 01. IT1CS, ' Ijorrt SiillHliury iiml >ir. Huli'.oir on tlie I'll .-.< nt *?Ul Iiml., London, Ajn'M 7. Lord ^ali-bnn 1. i- llddii-.-sed a letter m K. II, llnl-e. y I1., Ill which the o.-J'n n i '- a vast mass of 1 ho ( \ii. -e: \ a: i *e voter-, a,,d COi'tllinly tbO Jemlei- i-! the jtai'ly. a.'e "desirous that tin idhanc- between i he Consorvativo ami lab. raLI'ijioiu.-i iari- Iob bhaU be conlinni.: and -i remrihern'd. Lofd Srallshury add-: "1 :;.ui Me v 'i-j geom to lhi"k t!1- C ; ..-,...iw-. i..... CCaKOd to be rjeo.-itiie (,1 lln- MM'Mi'i-. n'll- dured by llie l.ibei'al-1 nn ri-t^, i sp i i.illy ' Mr. Chamberlain. \\>\ always lwi\e .v- , cognizfid mo-i cnidially the loy.dn \'.)ih| wldidi .Mr. ('hii!ob"rlain ba-. il< \oted lil.i j groat ailil.-oi'ity ui.d 'pb'i'dnl lowers to , tho tii'leiee ol i ho iiniwii. ' j The letter is inu i <h d primarily to lie I "U to the i'i ports of friction in I o i'umei-\uti'W'.|,ib'M'nl-l ;nioni-.i nllt- nce. Tlu.'-e icporis may bo stuninari/ed I) the ht'ileuient tlai toe yoiin^' Tories ai'0 i-abI to ih- like the alliance and to ob- joot c.spee, ii!_\ to .lo-i ph t'hani!erlain's (jrowin^ |juv,i r in tbei nnmist coalition. At the ('u'lt'Oi ( luh tin' -reneml opin ion is that .Mr. J I.d 1'miii-t sin nihl eiLlu-r throw off -Mr. I 'iiamb. i-iain'., domination or r*.*siKn tho leadei-^nip. .Mr. Halt our, tho Consorvat Ivo leader in the Iloii-n of Commons, usul lan^'iia^e similar to that of 1-iOvd Sali-lniry in hi-. -,]ech at tho annual it'Senddy of tin; I'ninn^e Lejerim yesterday nft'Tinn n, aili 1 i 11 < t h o l be eor- (Uality Of the iriendshlp e ' be: ui'i'ii liimself anil Mr. ('li;*inl)ei bun u.i. unim paired, i'i the < oiir-( of in - pee< h, which Is looked on as an important utterance Mr. JJalfour said lhal miiho of lln- men/* burs of tho Con.-eiavt Ivo parly, tore-.eein^ Victory in tho next I'arlnmienl, .-eeined to KU^j;'cst tho kicking dins n ot the ladder upon which limy had elinihed. .--neb a miKi^eition wa.s unutterably mean. It was M r. Ohamberlain ami his 1 .ilteral- Unionist colleaj,'(ies who for the pa-.; nine years bad mailu-.'t home l'ulo policy Im possible. Cuniluninj,' -Mr. I Jab our -aid ; "The present position ol tlio l'ni<iin.sL parties is ono o What will fol low, permanent di. i-nm or perm ment unionV J answer unhe-n.u in^lv, penuan- OElt union. Tho-i' pi isniis who, l'mm u dotuclied standpoint. Ji.ivu watched tho politics of Knj-daml ihrmi'^h the, de- eado, must, li;i\e noticed that oJd-fash- loiiod radicah m i^s now absnliuely playeil out. Thi! jiiiUi r uf tjladstonianisni is a power of tradition and history. That power is pa^t, and if ir- is to retain its Vitality li must ho done by tlio aid of revolutionary forces. ,Meun\\ Idle tho Unionist allianee alms at tho greatness of tho Kniplri) iilnno, the right, to sub scribe- itself tho Imperial party, to pro mote uncial reform, u> maintain Industrial liberty, and to resist socialistic schemes. 'I look forward with absolute uoulldcncu to a time When tho Iabnr.ils,Conservative" and UnlonlHtB will .bu united in one Gov jrnmoiH." I Tits rANPi.i:^TicK TiMbrnirn. j upon th*> caudle is uniform throiiKhnut [ A: val itn-lTit*-----fVirH-H1**-----1 -(4^ i-h 1m canole- stick is its simplicity, ft lias no parts de pending on wheels or -,prhi^s to e,et, out ol order. To work this appara! us it i^ only neocs sary to linht, the catidle. 'bi'f I ho ^lobe gallery and sliding piece by t l.e l.nob; tlicn pass t lie I lame up ihn 'T h a hole in the center of the dome, t hu illuminating the globe, which may bo made of opal orothei trauspuruii. material, allow the lower end of candle to descend urntly into the socket in hasp, then as t l.e candle bin ns and de creases in length the part, n-win^on it descends with it, but the gallery hemp free to revolve in the step-;, or sliding piece1 up!>nv\hieh it rests, is caused to turn round by the at l imi of t he spiral groove in rod li, carrying w n h it, the globe ami cann ing I he ligure-. to pa si tin; hand or indica tor, which, w hi Isl it descends with the other purl's is prevented from turning by the guide rod-.. 'I lie Unsilan Statesuiiin. In M. de fliers has pa-scd inv.'iy a sfati's man who-.'- po-jinm b,r many years as'tht . bief <'oiiii-flloi- in i'M]-i-i"ii matters of ihf Czar ol Unssia -aw: him a uuhjue intiu- enee (jii Huiopean international affairs. Fortunately for l'!uro|)p, M. detJiers Wa." devoted to a paella* policy, and it, is as out of the t ni.steec of the world's peace that In will chiefly b romembor'sd, His advanets ment was partly due to bis ninridagf tc I'rincoss Cant ueuzene, whose uncle, Prlnct (iortstdiakolV, broiicdu him iot o t he Ch.ui cellery as head rif one of its nio-t import- ant departuieiit-i, but was in the mam the natural resiilr of his busincT, capacity, tactaud courtly manner.. "What, Ah-.\ainh r III. especially valued was honesty in .bis ad\ i^ers, and he lid- mired the com-denl ioiisne-s with which liis Foreign Mini-lfr, while bowing to th( will of his ic master, clung to hi own Ideas of w hat was right. .M. de (Jiers was Ijorn in 1820 at ttarlzl- wilotV, in Poland, lie was the son of Carl (licrs, wliu had emigrated from Finland tc Poland a century mm, and was ennobled by the C/ar-alter lilly years of service tc llie Stall-, lb- was educated at tho Km siiM-Sclo f-^ieum. In 1M-I he was sent nt counsellor to the (iussian KmbnKBy at, Con< stantino]dc; in lH>s. as Consul '.cneral in Kgypt. in lHfi',1, Ambassador loTelicran; in INJT, to Switv.i-rlaiid, and in in 187'J tc Siockholm. In ls""> he was called to.St. Petersburg as iLssUtnnt lo Prince OorLsch- aknll, and in isvj be w a.s himself ayipoint ed .Minister of i-'oreign AlVairs. Ho wui thus described by utio who knew hlmi "J Ic is a slight, careworn looking man, with haggard eyes, thin hands and ancrv* mis smile. Modest in dumoanor, melan choly in mood and kind to a fault, ho ii liked but not fedrod by tlio officials and diplomatists of his department, who aro accustomed to And in him tho greatest in dulgence for all blunders or breaches ol duty. A gentle rebuke for failure, a shako of the head for execs of kchI, ia all the, have to dread." How Winnim'y Cnt-mxuU Am foUowlnc ' ' Mmittt and Mtui'n Olothtti*. j Thermo of tho ready-mado garnnmt for women, and Its popularity,may luivu hmm , ulow, hut It corf itlnly hail buoiiHiiro. Ueady- miulu gown.-i for womim--tin roady-mudu uuitH for men have eomo ami promlne to itt'iy* " , A trip through the leading dry tfnorts u(".resjjf |.Jjoj:ity,.v(!flojxtly-Jiiudo_iiL-_qiHt of a gown that needs mtiut hu motllttli > cuthiulclntli and yet in price not beyond tlio limitations of a poelcotbonl: far from being "heaped up, pressed down and run ning over," revealed more fully than I had ever thought how wine it was to regard tlio WHidy-miuIiJ garmonta an tlio iialvutlon nt many ii woman*!! neatness and tidy, and oven nfyllHh appearance; and how tliey havu oftmi rescued her Just hi the nick of time, too from the awful and ed state of ahuhhiness. When Annie Mesant leettired in America not long ago, it no happened the night I went to hear her that among other things (die liidd, in very plain language, too, was that tlm woman wdio \vouhl buy and wear tin* garments that were sold In the shops at-Miidi low ilguroH, which were only made possible by the women who constructed them being underpaid, was well, what she. thought. 'Madame Annie almost hesi tated herself to say. It so happoaed,lhafc to make tho very best appearance I could that same evening I bad donned a gown regarding tlm beeomingness of which I felt no doubt anil whose price caused me no bit tier little darts of regret. For I had | really gotten it at what T considered rjuite , a "bargain/' and it was wludly and altogether pleas'Hig. .Madam Me.-ant'i re- i marks, though, caused me to feci some- ' thing very like a twinge of coiii cieuce, I must confess, but. I gave tho folds of my skirt another and more loving pat as I lead justed them, an though: " Well, women only c'an help women afte* all; and ho long as such garments uie made, the more Hale found for them the nioro work for others to do; and though the laborer may be morn t han wort hy the hire she receives, still poor pay is even better than none." Thus reasoning I consoled my.sfdf; and the rendy-mnde gowns have proved so satisfactory lLu& to recommend them to the trial of >tb#r.s eomusalmost involuntarily. The busy woman, no matter how deft iier lingers may be in fashioning ganuentH for herself, had bettor economi/.o in sonic way or ot her than bending over seams and rullles and Mich like "iixuigs" when her fUreri'-rlh is needed along' other lines of work the next, day and tho day after. Of COULi(j^la:..\vnnts to "look nice." Cheap, chic and stylish are scMil-inspir- ing and heart-oheering words to the wo man in quest, of new raiment-, and gar ments answering to all this, and more, abound in the .stores at this midwinter ,-eas m, when* t lie stylos are well establish ed, u n h lit tie thange, except in detail and accessories, until spring opens. Among the ready-made garments, bo- hides the stylish cloth gowns1, which tlio appellation "swell" fittingly describes*, aro to be found all manner of mysterious com- hims of muslin and lace, silk anil wool, velvet and furs. These things usually have tacked onto them, in soiuii odd cor ner or ot her, a mark that hints at, foreign origin, -kirtt I have been assured that the most of them have never had a sea voy age. And ho we, who have a little pet hobby about, "home industry" need not hesitate to pnrclias; them on that .score, and those who adore French and other iuinurtutiuiiH can easily forget that this little secret has been let Out, and can still believe in them, if limy feel inclined to, and no one, will be any t ho wiser either. j | The winter fashions have known the ! I most exaggerated tonus, and appear to 1 j have exceeded their limit, for a reaction ' | has1 set in, and now" we discover there Ih | really more beauty and jaunt iuoss in tlio , Bhort jackets than there was in the long, ! English, Prince Albert Htyle nf coated cost tune worn earlier in thu season. The possibilities of appearing; welt and appropriately dressed by the woman who is the I'ortuuato posiessor of a handsome skirt, and a variety of waists, are limit less. The newest .skirts aro of enormous widl h. This fashion of wearing nkirt.s and waists of entirely different material and color is a great boon to women who want variety in costuming. Tho ideal ready-mado skirt is qui to plain, the elaboration being all confined to tho waist. The fullness of this skirt is all arranged at the back in godet folds, and such skirts come in all grades of ma terial. Tho heavy, shaggy or corrugated materials stand highest in favor for ordin ary wear. A black erepon is looked upon, however, as to most ward robes. The earners hair weaves are excop- lionally pretty. "With the death of Mrs. Bloomer, a few days ago, one was almost tempted to wish would eomo the last and final talk of tho 'J'/iotnuM A, thi/iH*. CURED BY TAKING Sarsa- parillq "T was afllleled rnr flight years with Halt hlieinn. Dining that time, I tnedanreat many iiieiiicinea wldeh weio highly a;c- Miiiuciidi-tl, hut none gave inn lelief. I was at la'it advised to try Ayer'.s Harsa- p.irllU, and hefnre I had ilnlslicil the tunrth fKittle, my hands, were ait Free from Eruptions ns ever they were. My husirm.'t.'i, which i'i that of a ealj-drlvcr, requires mo to he out in cold and wet weather, erten without cloves, but, thf) trouble) Iia<i never leltirnrd." TlIfj.MAH A. Jou^y, biiaitord, Out. 'siirSarsaparilla Admitted at tho Xv*orlcI*ri yqlr. AVer's lUlla uieantM IhaHoivcla* i l 11 n ji.i-i mJ iiiii r linn hi ii muwi TOPHEVCNT SUFFOCATION. X Now Kohpli-alor tliiit Will Vitrify 11 i* \ lr foi I oi-in.'ii. A breathing ajipi.rat is has been lnyeni- od which is r pi-( lall.. up[)l; -.I'llc tu fiiv- mon who g-o into burn big1 imi hi i i . v. I mm the smoke is dense anil poisonous l'uiues am thick. This nppaVatus was recently exhibited before the Chief of the New York Kire Depart nun it. when the experiment consist ed of filling tho room uilb ; moke pro duced from'a IhuW'ed with, sha% ui"-, tar, sulphur and caycniu1 ]iep]ier, Wlea tin-i- thing's hnd been burned, I lie rom-i was filled with black unnke, wliich n i.dered It absolutely untenantable. Tho inventor nUacln-d the respirator to his back and, taking' tin- end of the breathing tube in his mouth, eniciidihe room with an assistant ^\ho was likewise equipped. They remained in the room a quarter of an hour and ' old when they came out that they could have stayed in longer if de-ireil. At the conclusion of t Ids experiment the filtering material m-erted in the :> -:diat Long Waist, Gorrect Shape, ' Best Material, 1' ,-i-ti ' -' Xif Combined with the beci-iilling in the world, makes tho " Feathorbone^ Corset"' unequalled. >J GQUJXL&& & SONS, SSS3EX, OHT. \y i\y 4' ' "1 V'/V ' ^'-l' /"!".-l;i.v h, a " "*\, I .."J. ^ iBAPPY CHILDREN Be Guarded when b lying your.? dyim. Becatiso their clothes loot: new and neat Aa old frock or suit can be changed into a;new one by a ten-cent package of Keo that your iJoa'or i'ands vim ant tlio Diamond Is easy and the rosult normnneni ' ' ' "fy*^.#&!?',. i' " . Sold everywhere. Direction Book and , J.NStSllv;... <.Vh........... ftrttviuunoleoof dyed cloth sent-freew "*& l . IrrpnM........ Diamond Dyes cmd they come in more than forty colors, and-are mado for homejusc. - The m(ith|oa iotxy wunpies yt dyed,cloth sent W*ti( & RlCHAtnsow Co., Montreal, P.Q. 'feb;' i'irtSk- ,THIB. OUTINO COSTUMK "WITH 6KIIIT OPKN. tinKratoful Ktylo of drosa hearing her iinmo, Tbero is no rnaHon in tho world, though why'wometiKhould not be equipped for out-door sports in a Rurb nil owing free dom of niovomont, and that, too, without any nmu-iflco of her modesty and with all due regard to her womanliness An illustration isfflvon here which I am much incljijud to heliovo will bo accepted by women iis-j tho Ideal garment for wear during all ont/-of-door Hports. The trousers are zouave In nhapo, and ortend to tho anklen. They are finished at the feet with elastic hands, which ad just them comfortably to tho limbs. They can ho fusioncd around the nnklo or below tho knee, as nhown in abovo cut. Tho trousers clone with bixttoim, nml can be asuasily rumovud as an ordinary Hkji'b, Tho skirt is Hkillfully itdjustod n'ndper- m/mently fnstnnud to thu waistband of tlio trousers, mid opens at'the nldu, on the nip line, This allows ^ho front to uncloso and fall aUont el^ht-inches at the waist when helnpjputon.' fin a bicycle garmont it la of exceptional merit, ami when worn on thu btreotthe skirt Ih of voi'y Htyllsh apiiearauco. Theso Karincmtsuru thu nuw- cm *r thwli- kind, and eomo in clock of' Upt too heuyy weight (nt coinfol-t, and itr Bold at $10 and JesjJ.--Dorcas fiare. ' Tin-: NM'.w i-'iui-.M.w V Arp.\h^.Ti;s- * tor for'the ],,ii! ()-,- of Henri hr tliO air tih" fore It- ii breathed into the^ was taken out. Thli material indinleil ?'-Ojne cotton, and it w.m ti.ninl 11 be bhiokeiK-d by tlm imiairiih-M extracteil from tho air. The respirator eon.-.--; > uf three .^niall cylinder*, t he c-etstra 1 une containing glycerine. Tho air ii Ih-ht drawn through layer-, of etitton wadding, ^inno dry and some molht with glycerine;, and between aro layers of bono black or animal charcoal. Tho two out.sldo cylinders aro filled with theho hiibstancoH, and after tho air has been drawn up through them by tho breathing forces of tho lungs it pa^sus through tho glycerine for a final washing, liy this time h has not only been cleared of .smoke and other impurities, but it has also been cooled and is la a lit condition to be breathed into tho lungs. The fire man using this apparatus also wears a pair of chimpn which are placed on tlio nose >o ns to ehw the Tinstrlls, so that tho air breathed is taken through tlio purify ing apparatus and reaches tlio hmgfi by tho mouth. The mouthpiece) has been so arranged that tho air expired in allowed to escape through a sot of valves liko those in thu helmet-of a diver, Where tho sniolcn is very thick, fa hel met has been provided with which the mouthpiece of tho respirator may ho con nected. This is madii of buckskin and it in lilted with dark glasses to protect tho eyes. The rubber hosn which connects tho respirator with tho mouthpiece- ia loose and flexible, so that tho fireman win turn his head in any direction. There are many other uses to which tho now Invention may ho'pufc besides that of entering burning buildings-, nl though thin is Its most ohviouH application. In many chemical factories there are f uincj which mean almost curtain death to tho man who breathes them. The nuikovH of snuff also live in an atmosphere* that is charged with lino tobacco powder dangerous to tho lungs. Bosldos this there in*o coal mines with deadly gases and sewers charged with vapors that aro stupefying or killing. In ' all these places one of the new respiratory, I with Its breathing apparatus, amyhtnisod, it Is claimed, with perfect safety, while ita1 use In burning ImildlngH will render flro- I departments more o'iliolont and doubtlosa ' save many lives. GAY PARIS TO BE NO MORE. I - %&& r . . . THE TRIUMPH CORrt 'I'bi- Machine cuimi.-t ol , bm.s, will, ;.tfcl ti fill -h 'Med in tl'l't b I C( OHM -bell, v b.rb 111 11 '-I1 eh ne SHELLER i'i i oh i in- li"- i nii'i b. 1 v ml I"" '. v ni/.ontiLl ctiht, cvliudoi', with wivuglit iron i' c\ li'Hitr ho as to bu rovui'Hiblo wbpu tho id -, rnnning in a jiorforaird concavn iron c:. tlirnu^li into a shfjot iron ctino, with a ,ici takes ti:l the dust IVom tlio grain. Tho M' >IH ;,tt ehM cbcij i-r.t, br-', hi cor:' perfect,' v c!e i n i thousand Im.-lie! (' DiMLNsicN:..- Ih|.:b, Pulley, 10 in. diatn c-ler. li" in. I'nce; ?!. Weii/ht, 550 lbs. EVERY SHELLEft WARRANTED. ' . J. GOURLAY & SONS. & -u.'ph ;imI ilur.jljle Power Torn Shcllor in use; sliolla i uiiv - cbi it i, -hulling; niul cleaning 1'rom one to two (in.- i-t iln \. mrni'iluiL,' In powor. BWf.awtfliiagiPBai^^ STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. tt^TCURES GUARANTEED O/? A/O PAY! ft Dr* Vflll 0 Norvono nntl <3cHindent; we:ik or Habilitated; tired morninttti; nnani- AriC I IIII i bitlon excitablo and Irmabloj niu u ojt'4 iinnkitn, reel and hlurnd; iiiiiiphm on face; drenmn nnd nitfht loflcofi; roHtlona; haggard lookint:; weak back; hnnn pf" vnricocolo: dopnsit in nrino unci dridin nt utoul; t!i -L ouorcy findutrumith WE" CAN CURE YOU I L I'ii I HIT L IM LJ t J I II , | li IH J'i I'M 1|1| |(l' tl, Vit ( HUlH 1U(U J^||klU loflcofi; roHtlona; harvard lookint:; weak back; hnnn pain1-: hair lonpe; nlcciro; noro throat; vnricocolo; dopnsit in nrino nnil clridin nt "tool; i!i-lriialful; v.':::.t of contidoucc; luck 01 RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DR. K, K. JOHN A. MASUN, JOHN A. MAN'blN. CHA^. IOWFUS. CF(AR. roYTEllB- I % m ^ y^* -a % j- Ecffoni; lul.vyMv.tii!, .'.' jj.ujiuA'^siii.-.T. jiLiuiiL 'ii.L'.vr.Mi..vr, ,\. 11.11 'iiu:x'iaii_\T. NO NAMES Oil TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS and 1MPOTENCY CURED. m John A. Maiilin anys: "I weui onn of tho coaiitlo-ii vlo- tini'i ejf curly ianoriuicn coinmonciid nt 1T> yoarn of iifjO. I ti'icil Buvcjii iiu'dical firniH and iipont S^OQ without avail, I ww p in deHpnir, Thu drahiu on my Bynte-m worn wo uken in ft my intolhrt an well an my boxdoI iind phytiicnl life My brother advhind me im a inflt ronort to oonnntt lJrn. Keimody et Kctkuii. Icnnunoncotl their Kow Method Tieiitiuunt mid in u I'mv wcultu wmi n now man, with now Hfoand tunhithm^ Thin wuh four yonrH nco, and now 1 rocommond thejiio rollablo iiiii married uud luipiiy. cpooioliutH to nil my nlllicted fellowmon," CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.-CONFIDENTAL. "Tho vlccn of onrly'boyhood lntd tlio foundation of my rnin. Lator on a "sny lifu" in id cxjioHurn to blood di- iioaiiQB complotod tho wroek. I Imd nil tlio fiyiiiptomn of Norvonfl Dyhillty-'iinnkoiKjyeiJ.oniipfiionH, tlniia in urhin, norvonfinonB, woak back, cjtc. HypitiliH caii'-rd my hair to fall out, bono imhiH, nlcorn in month and on tonkin', .______ blotchon oa body, otc. 1 tlmnlc God I tried Dra. Kennedy it Kornan, Thoy rontorud mo to lienlth, visor and happinofiB." Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. CIIAS. T0WEH9, EtS?" We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions* Netvous Debility, Seminal Wtaknessx Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharge^ Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases._______________ NO RISK. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. READER! 200,000 CURED. Aro yon n victim? llavnyou lout hope? Aro yon contemplating mar- rhii.'o? lhiH yonr Blood hfun dinoaue'd? Ilavo you any woalcnonn? Our Now Method Trentmnnt will enro yon. What, it linn dono for othorit it will do for von, CONSULTATION FREE. No mnttor who hnntreatnd yon, writo for an hont'Ht opinion Kroo ot Churjio. dharKCfj ronHonahlo, BOOKS FREE "Tho Guidon Monitor" (illnutrntod), oa Dlnoniinn of Men. Inolouo pontn/fo, 2 cniito. Hnnlod. t^-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI VATE. No mfidlclno b* nt C O. D No naiinoo on boxoa or onvol- opon. Evorythlnc: confidential. Question Not and coat of Treat ment, FREb. _________________ DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, ^SSS iA'V.iH.^ft *\iVW:-*V*Yit!&Z"V!!^-cXl^1^'^^ '&!^W>>^VX lr.n-v TT" l?Zv2 Tv-.v-v-^rv: Will Ho Ulntrml Out Next. Ynnr IT a Vro- phrte-y 1100 Yciivi Old ('(iuiiih Trtm. A hit of MrtiHirtlontil Information that1 lias been . lurkhipr aiiiong tho rnnttiriea' mince iri(l and anly now made Knelf' known In enough towndcoia chilis down ' tho Pariwhin Iiaelr. Tt Ir h htgubrloim nrophecy of Kroro Phlllppo Olivurlna, of' Mitt \hbey of Oltoaux, and nniH tluiH: I ' *'Iri iOh: ypr lHiKJ Paris will bo blotted ' out, tuivor to reappear. Muoh ovii and nothing wood in those duyti. Many ffrout: oltlfiH will ho burned." To maUo tho mattor worni, ifc Ir nftlrm- od that'tho Frore OUthvIiih had In IiIh day ' **a '(proiit reputation for pnvupienolty.' But, lift lio K*hw RtlU furlher and an- notuiotsH tho end of >tho \v(>i*U1 for IBM, it' nniheK a <lin*eroi)co to Turin of only tlireo yoam.aftt'r nil; I ^r^^:^t^ King of all Bicycles. ^o-^ Light Weight and Rigidity. Livery Ma- chincfiil'y v.'f.t'i-i.i:tod j -.-. Absolutely the Best. SupcrJor Material anrfSciciitiHcWorkM mnn^hi*). ^ Wiu^' S styles ' Highest Honii's al tlio World's Colombian Exposition. ~. 'J~j" &tad twn-ceat stntup for our a-i-Dago Cataloguo-A work 0* Art. - . Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Saleroom, aflo Wahwh Av>. Ldkb and Hfllsted StS,L, CHICAGO, ILL. ^ ;] 'i'i . ^,';' l IfHr"-

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