?^!^^P^^t,:J'^ '/' """ ' ' ' Mmmwm* viA'^uJiiiiy* L'.i -1 ..- ^ sin gPMB Ri iX I1*T5FC PRESS. jn'>3B"w^,miii BEST OFFER EVER MADE. * THE ^Eqt tlie balance of 1895!for 60 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Sliow this to your neighbors. AUDRES E. J. LOVELAGE, Proprietor, Essex,-Out, TO' Tjfe BY" CrESO. "MA.3ST'\riXj"LiEi IP1 HIN 5-T (TO UI-'CONTINUKD.) into silvery blue tin port fire after port fira woo burneil, whiloothcni lit up tho man-of- war from whibh the boats bad ciiinn. "I'm glud it war* not a bullet," aaid tlm governor quiotly, as hie men below uuareh ed tho r nulla and shouted now to their companion*) who patd out the rope, now answered hailn from tho boaln. "Yen; uritf nun's enough to uhoot a --night," naid tho nut-goon grimly. nation, r-ir," Raid a warder, com ing up, lantern in hand, and uuluLiug. "Vim- ; wh.a in it*;" "J don't, think you'll Und tho otlior poor chap, mr." - "Why r **li1i*<1**h, who wnn on of tli inoii here first, ami lirt'd, hj\' ihrc wiih a.nhriek juht before they heird lhn fiplash in the waier." "Tut nit !" ej.u-nlu'ed \\<<: loiveru- or. "I'd'T wretch ! Where in IJIfiiie.i 7" "11"!*!. Mir," tiaid a man v. Iio m lioldiiij: ono of till! I'UpU.I. "Why didn't, yt.u say ih;* liefote, man "" "Didn't like Lo, )tir ; and Ijch den, I thou-jin 'he nthem knew" "On" does not fiemii to hav 1 *r:*. 11 enough," whiau'-'rod Ibemirtfoon. "Atibley, I did not know yi-iir mun could uhoot ho well; Hah ! tho ftrcialuTn." Kor lanrertiM were Keen upprnii'diiiirj, and directly after a party Ciium up with i ho Iirllii:! I u-'-'i an jail lit UN. 'J'li'; I i'.'.' I'Oll vicl :Wt'l'e III'."'! oil a',,1 borne oil Minn;* thu pill: travel h d only a who it lime i..; ..... iiy i licir vii;l iin-. the ot hoc lying t.'li-nl and -...) m, -.'"/.me- iitraij'ist upiii'iiii: id nek dai Lih-kh, wiiiiuhin lipil moved eliflhlly fram liioeio l tin*'. "VS-st. unfurltlimte ! tnoM utifn; i u mi t < ! ' muttered the governor au boi-n a* he was- left tiltnio with bin miburdiuaii-;*, "!'u,r, blind f""h ! how they ruah ii-nm then 1'ato! Wel'i," hoLhoiiled, "n<:e him ?" "N^i, sir. Jiuulii nro coining ti.*i."U. i-ir," TliU tt'ie pl.iio t-nougii, ami a f.-y. Itlinnieu lal ur hoth roivud up in < hmo Willi t___1- Li..- i:..l.._ :n.._:_.ki----. i. _-------. mi<>v : vAiio's up yonder r" wliuuled u liaval oilieer. "I inn," cried the pjovornor. "Oh, you, Sir William ! WV1I, hii, I'll kop my nii-n on if ya hk-\ hut iim h^im- pier eould have grit to ^limv from ll'-P:- fthotUM. If tli-:'-i; ih a msiu living l'" mii.il. bo lioiriew In-! c> i.ii lln'i- 1'iit'loi." **Mv men ti.-iv they Imvo Hi'urclied I u< r- ou^hly," haid th<' ^i.Vi'iuor. "Kvery lfd;;i; ntitl cruel; in well known. There mni ho no 0110 lli'ie." "Shall wit pat-nd tlie place a liLI 1 longer':" Tho po'.'ernor W/m uilunL for ,i few nui- monU, and l-lieil, feelio^ tiiut ad po.v^ilde hud bfeu (loiiu, ho (:avn ilie word f.r the uoarcli to ho (jiveu up, l<ut Mmi hulf , do^en inon lo patrol the road leading to tins main Iniid, fetlinff all Llio while Lhut tt. wuu a hopid'-HH tank, jiv thin timn the liuit man had climhed lip from tho daiiRoroiiK ctid mde, the rojtob were culled, and thM.p'i'lY nuwehed oil' lo- Wlird lii" prtHoli t-he ^nvi'l'iinr hutl --- leav ing Uicjo-nUnel wurdcr to Ida heat with t|iw "omp.ii v of unuthor i::au. j.iicao two ntnud in Hilonco ti]l tho foot.- dtcpii had died nut on '.he rocky psith ami the lnut blue li^ht had coasod to aond f,'ti!d- en dropji into the hJKiunfj water aa tho lioatw nmdo for tho mun-of-wur. "Black nigh0j work thio, Join," naid Lh*! cninpniiion ncntty, "X\vo of 'em gono 'iml tlireo wounded." ' ' not no bad an that.'" "Vofl, bud us thai. Yon chap on tho uLrtdchor won't flue to morrow mnrnintf, and that otlidr |)oor chap who idn-iok'od when Wc firod went into tlio water lilio a ctono. It -was your abut- '1;*f " " Mm mm Mi? r.i-'jt-jj) -. um bfiut.' _____ i.-b ! I liope not," mi id tho""\vardor, v. all ii shudder. "Seemr- to n:o tiniL- I tried iiiioilior wav ol getting my bread und oh.-i.h-. ITark 1" "Wham 7" ' Tliat. Someone hailed n(Y the witter. ((>uito low and f.unt, like a man i^oiug ih-wn." Tho i li'inN wei>j lifting id'Vwly in tlmeuat, and 11m- n;i:ity, blurred lac- of tho nioon lieyan to .how m tins eaol, over tho brim- nuiif.; we.:er h rim. OUAVTKK XIX. ALMOST IIY, A<'('lli:vr, '['.on- Ini crept on cim'i- tint reliini iiL _. :;:', ,', Ui- < iin i), -'^-'-ti h'l i uLLiiu that day 11 ill) iiicjI ing helwoen M y r-i - in (_'i','.w leas, end the wound made lu-^.in lo hual. "I':n .--oi-rv ft!* liim," (ii*t would nay te liimseli; "lint. I cuii't keej) aW(iy hecauno lit' . mi lo; p|>y. " ,;,,. hf H-iit-d nt the adrnind'h, wlioro )\l . I :\ ;l \ ii fna- u .i Wlkl'Ol M'n fr.Uw., 1>U L inailu l,i '!< proji'iHS Willi lildle, iviio HiM'inoil to l.aVe orowil Cold. Tiit-n, too. Iio mot his cmwiiiH at Mimh Jeirnhi'ti, ami itMiaJ.ura.lly enine aljour. that oiil* evoidngi after a foioil deal of pcr^ua-nion, St in t ton bee i mn hut coin pan ion. M yra we.-i thoi \: tb"t ni^ht, mid once 11101 f ! h'-ir h.itnla wore cla.^jied, \v hi lis Strut- ion fell. ih:.i a. vvii.-i no long-ir ilie t^irl into \\ho"0 eye lie looked, nil- tlm (piiet, t lioiijihl fill woman who had KullWvd in tho mi ruffle of lite, i-.nd tli.jL he miiHt banish , nil hopu uf a nearer iiy than that of friend- i> 11111. l'\n' whatever Myra may huve held hid- .leu in her Mi-cert he'art. she wn-, i l)(i calm, si-lf-oontaim d trit-nd to her aimt'n guest. |t>'iidy Iiimi and talk with liim of enrrent L * * * Ir'.'plaV orbing if n:-k'd ; hiii Siraiton alwayn left the Iiou.hii v. nil the b- I'lig i),,.(. urioiuiHeioiihlv Myni had ^niveiy impi-e.sited upon hint ihn fuel |,h;tt- ^Im wa^.JatnoH Uarrtm'iJ \vih;, and that hIio would n<'V. r n;trU to rid hei'He.t' of that tie. "And I nniHt accept thut. position," Srr.t.ton would nay deiinairingly, afierono . f tlm misetii'g-i which followed; and then * !,< would iiiiike a vmv never Lo , meet Myta n.'.'-tin, ior lie) poininso wan too jiaiuful J,o he IrHl'IK!. Tlm retiult was that the very next d.iy rrf . r m'dung one of theno vowh lm received u etter Iroi'n Edio,-md?ing him, at her iincl-'i wi-h to dinner in Uuurne Spi-ire. l'"tn- thu lulniiml had nad to Kdie, on h'-nrmg that tlmy hud mut Strattun at her iiunt'o: " Let bygoncb, bo bypjonon. I don't boo why wn riiouhl nob all bo friftinlti again, t alwayu lilted tho' boy. II can tulk well about Koiontifio thlngu witboub boidfig yoti; AhIe him to dimior. v-mv&p neiid wnlr'i'iH gliwuy hair, the curve of the ci'e.uiiy neek, und tliu urinu nnd hand a whiti-r than tin: ivory over wwch Uioy Ht-rayed. So h ml den ho wondr <mn, "J'liu only thing in htn ihoilghtH ha<l buen that ho might be near ht*r for a nine, and ho*r her wnnU, wliibf now thf-V were alone in tho dim Ii(4lM fif iho drawing room, and the touch of heiJ tingeron ihrmc Iceyn noi,t that dreamy, itctiMintis, glniioiifl niuaic thrilling thnaigh every fihru of hiii body. 'Friend? How eould tm be friend ! 1I lovi'd hc-r p,ui- Bioualoly, and, cnld a (die mipht over lie, liowove-r nhe imglit t.riitnpl Ufmn hi fi'ol- ingii, who iiiua nlwaya hn tlm name to him the? only woman in lh world who onu d ovr ctir hii pnUo. And ho nihuit now no l)eauiifnl '{ If idiei had npidien in her customary formal, fr mud- ly wuy, it wouhl h vn Ixolteu tho-Np<dl. lllil ("he oould no'. The ehuin wan so bmt roil iid her that mono nr, thoiiD.h a ho longed to apeak. ..,.' eoniil not. Ior Mm tir.cw h.iu- r,w loved. I hi r i bow mil luuun Hin'ied oncii pu!in!;-tliat thin man wai all in all lo her tin- on nhe'lovod, and idle eould not turn and Her, At lant.,.by a trenidndoiiH eli'ori; aho rnU'td hi;r eyes'to hbi to wpeak ind'iiTi'rently anl break through thin lion ible feelinj of dread and lariBitudo, but na their even met, her hand.-t droppnd from tho key.i, an, with n pun donate cry, ho took a tiufp forward, caught, her to bin bream, and sho lay for thu moment trembling there, and felt bin fina prni;ad to hor m a wild, pasniouat'o kiai. "Myra I" ho pontnd ; "all that mitut bo . ua a. drftavn. Vou are not bin. It in im- poBidblfl.' I lov*you my own I my awn-f^.-- Hts words thrilled br, but thoir import "'tTnolo wnnta him to oomo nr.d wtn poor Myrn from thut terrlhln bimlniiii," lint KiUu wiu wron^, fl(r fnlt- apprrmub**- in^ hiwdaiighrur ii^vrrel tiim-.t on rho quco- tion of tlio jm^uibllity of obiaing a divnrue, Myr ha I uioppud tJiu admiial tt> dctiidudly that hn had lien ready to bidmve (die miiHt bavpi'iitrid fur ]Iarrou uftnr all. "Fina man who vjr told hr_ hn lovnd her*i" ihn nhl nilin'iiaid "to^""hitii!iidf~naii," of ooiiiHc, uht? eun't help fntdinjj; a kind of Hk. inpr for him. Hut nuppniie in kci -of-leave, don't they call jiT JCfid wlit if I).. ,'i...... hunt? Hull I I'll idioot mm iietore ne mi,hi i:avo ner. Thac wc.il" brn^f Myra, t-> bolt, Um. 'Iliat'ti * card I iiiiiiM (,!: poHiubility of bin naming back. Sin.'ll givo in, ihun. I! muit hoar'what a lawyiu* r.iiyn." Hot, iji bin luthitidiieHriliko- way, Sir'Mit-rlc didnot hing. Hoinn wan cairn und ph'ae.ani a|;nint ami hu had hiw liltla diniiciH, ami hui fnemlfl ; and to liim the i-xi^tence of Jailietl I'arron, iiluiii Oald, at Tlif Koi iihiml ln*oiiuu hui aim Iohs clear. He wiui imned, a it were, In a liying tomb, und there wa* no nei'd to think of him for yaru. Htrutlon came upain and again for dinner, and now u'nd then dropped in of un even ing. Alwayw agninat bin will, he told him- null ; l)iit, tlio utLruu|loo wan Htrong oiioiich lo draw him there. ft wan plain, loo, that Myra'w eynu hrightniind wlmu Iid uncmed, but he fell that it wau only W) ii*-o her ffithi'r'rt friend. Then came onn uutiunn night when, ufter along and bu*y day, Sirntton made up bin mind l<> go to liounm 'Squarp, und d it, mud'Mip hin inind u.^aiu, once more undid it, and rlcli-rm .ntd that h-i would no longer play lh motli round tlio biifjht eamlln. 1'Ih Mud drrfiled, and, throwing otV bin light fiat, and criuii hat, he wont out of bin 1 (him* and along the lauding to llrotti. nonV "I'll go and talk tmtany," ho said. Life in too vuluablo to wnnto upon a hcartlumi woman." f[o knocked; no ruiawer. Again; nc reply. "Oone out," ho said. "What uhall I do V Strati on hefdtutotl for a faw momoutu, and then wont und fotciied hin hat und coj^t, dcftctmd.nl, took a oab, and ordered ttiC' man to drivn to Guftdt's, in Giay'ulnn. "Hotter havofitopp*d at b'uiio,** mutlorod Stratt.on ; "Im will tulk abwuit nothing else but Bourne Square," Hut hn whji 'wrong. Quest wan, out, bo descending into tlie nquurn, and a u king out iuto Jlolborn, Sit all on took atmihor uab. /'Wliero t", cii !" "Houtni Hijimm." Stratum nank hack in hui noA purfnotly convinced tliat Im hud tiuid Brnohoru' Inn, and he ilurtcd out ot a. reveria wiicubheoab topped at the udimral'n door. "Fain," ho imutorod. "It wiui no doing jf mine." Andrew* admitted him bh a inattur of onurtie, uui loJ tho way to Lhn drawing-room, whom he ailuoUBCd his name. _____....'. Myra utartfli' from a oouoh, wli#r* dIia had boon sitting uloac, drorvming ; nd tm Stratton lulvancod hia palara bugan to beat boavity, for nVar had tho woman he idol ized looked rio beautiful m then. Thoro wan a faint fliuh in hor uoft, -oroamy cheoLn, the traco uf emotion in her hoB.vIngVboHOin7~afln^T~ffr'oetid him oon- Hciouily ; far ahn bud been iittinf,' alone, thinking of him and hi* proposal to her father, and tho unxt mbrute the door hud beon cponod, and ho stood before hor. "It is alinoat by accident that I am here," "he aid, in a low voice full of orr.o- tlon, which ho vainly ntrove, to control. "Your (Miu*.ij> ? The udmiral f "I>fd yuu ui)t- know!" said Myra ui a voice an i^i'p uiiij rrarnulrtiiN un Inn own, "Mr, Gueiit came with tiulcoU for tho opera. Me knew my father likod tho one played to-wi^ht 'Faust.' " "Indeed !" naiii Stratton huBkily, "lie goon for the uike of the L'reat *cnne of the rutuiu of tho men from the war. I thinti ho would never tire of hearing that grand m.iivh, Slie left, the couch, eonucioua of a ntrnnge feeling of agitation, and, croming lo the piano, scaled herself, and bwgau to ]>lay "Fnfriy the HeGomI Ktrain in the npirit-u'tir- ring <-im<tposition, gradually gliding into lh }-w I Holier quiet um-nin.cioiiitly,aild with trnnhljng tin^erH. Thee nhr, uwuko to tho facl timi Si mi tun hail followed bur lo lhn iiiHtr-iiment, 'igajnst which im leaned, with t ht- l "ii'-rt llniliinjj hia ncrvca, tonea net vib:-iliiijj by tho touch of hamln that he would hnvo given worldtf to claup in bin own, while hu poured forth tho word.s Birugghng for exit. ' . v "It i fate," ho sidd to himnolf, a ho Htood there g*mg - down nb thu beautiful roumd In hnr a well thosa terrihio ttioaghta of ihvt tin which hound hr ; ana, with a cry of anjer nwd'deMpaiir, mIi.i thruut him awav. :^\ m ii i V..-A Id! i" WrM* - "-r-:l / "... hlWX&.'jZ ' ' -------"" ' "It i't luriuuult. Vom muni he mad." Then, villi tii" ii.bri tanj.w'y "f an irijur- d woman proml of iv-r h-nur mi.I h'-f uiaio, elm wild vo\<\ y, nu m\t*< poiai^d to the door : "Mr. Htrauon, you huvii t.Uen a cruel a'lrantngo of my lonidiufaH liore. I am Mr. riirron'a wlfn. (Jo, sir. We nro friundu no lougor and c-t\.n nnvor me*t A^iiu." CMAPTI'-U XX. TIIK WOHNINfJ rAI'lSU. No one by any mreioli .of tlm irnaj(iua- lion oould have called th admiral a flood h-ader. In fact, a person might verv well have buvn emiiiderwl to hn Ntrictly within the lirnin of tiiitb if he luid de- clarfwl the old oflicrr tf tie t.hn worut reader hn over lH*rd. But o it wim, n orn ' thn crookednanci of huuun nature, that tio nlwayn mado a point of roading avtiry pineo of iiown in the paper which )}** oon- mdorod tntoruHting, aloud, ftr tha btuefit of tiir>Ho with him at tho break fust tablo. Mat tor*- happen utrangely quit* m fre quently * thoy go on io tho rt'gulur groov.of routine, and hoaco it happened, una morning at. Iireakfnnt, thut iu to auy,on tlm morning of tho tragedy nt the convict priuon, tliat Sir Mark put on Inn gold upec- UcIeH an ^oon an ho bud Jiuinhud hia eggs and baaon und one enjj of eofle", and, tak ing the froalily aired papar, o|miie.| it, with a good deal of ruhlling noise, and coughd. - Kdio looked acroNd at, hor counin with, a niinohievoun huiiIo, but Myra wan pasting thoughtfully lie fere her, and tho glanco uiUiicd iU murk. ..... "Hum ! ha!" ^ruwit*il Sir Mark. " 'Lon don, South, uml ('n.^niei Hunifi at ruiin- bur three.' Confound number ihreo ! Who wanu to refer t" tmit ? Oh, bnr wo nre : 'bight wind", rthifting io n,nit, Finn gitnor- ally.' Ciimate'ij improving, girli. Aforo coiToe, Mvru. I'asu my L*lIp. I'-die, dear," He aitimmed ever t,im nummary, and 'lien turned to llni police nation, found nothing particular, and went on to the nAfution.i, slopping to rufruth liimanlf fioni tinio lo timo, while Kdin wondoriMJ what hor oou- nin'n lljougliiii might bo. "Dear mo !" t-xuhutnod tho admiral sud denly ; "how Biiigulur ! I munt read you tliiH, girhi. Here's auotlmr forgery of foreign hank no ton." The'-elickof Myra'i teacup an nhn nudden- ly net it <lowu nude the adminil diop tho paper and rcid in his child's })lunk f.ico tha terrible alip he had made "0 Myra, my darling !" be cried npolo- gotically ; "I am aa.norry V' and ho-.turnad to K'liu, who looked dag'je.-(t, "It ifl nothing, papa," said ^^yra coldly, as alio tried hard io mauler hor nmotion. "Hut it iu uiiinwthing, my dour. i wouldn't have mud a word only I caught sight of Hnrcy (luejt'ii name n,\ junior f .r thu defence." It was Kdio's turn now to look ntartU-d, and Sir Mark hurriedly fixed upon hor to hucouio the Koapti^oAt for hin awkuurd ullti- uion, ami divert Myra's itieinion, "Can't congrutulate the prisoner upon hin toil net 1," ho said. "The inuu'ti Imi young and inexpariuncad. Only i lit other day a mere utudsnt. Itu like putting a niidfjipm<in un ojuoiki in coimuiind ui up ironclad." ]vlia' cyo now fienni-d lo d,(r[ fin' t,n, and fdio looked up boldly at her iioeb*, "Oli, yen," hu iianl, 'T iiltmn i*. \"e.-y nicii fellow, Hercy Guest, in a uueul way, but 1 ithould ho sorry to trunt an impor uut cau* with liim. Here, I'll read it, and ltd what iL'y^ll about. No ; never mind, I know you girl" doli't oaro about law " Tim morning'moul had boen comin-iioed cheerfully. There was nuiinhiiie without and at tlio tuhle, JCdio had thoiiKbt how bright und well her ooutuii looked, and augured pleauani time* of tho future. "If uho could (inly feel herfieif fine," v. n.i her conn tan I thought when ilyui gxvt w-.y to noinn lit of denpoiidoiicy. "I'm ur- t h.a fihe l>,vru M.dunlin Strut ton, and. wiiit u the t;oo 1 ufatitupid old law if al i. <!oo:i i.f lo maku puoplii u.'icomfortahh". I wmh I knew the Archbishop of Canterbury or tnc judge of the Court of Divorce, or wtiouver il u nettl*i' those things. I'd uoou m-ike them micmaMoiH .in r\ dift'orftit lloht Pour ."ijyra would li" oDement ttten, irnrl t.Jtrro'd be an und of all ihiu moping. I htdiuvo uhe delights in makiog hor-li n.neniblo. " Il'Wiia just, when Kdii- b.*-l iciohrd tbi- poitit and *ihe W8 stirr i'j hrr loa, nod thinking how easily Htm ,-,.,u. I u>-t i if. nlat ter n if bho Witro It Ibt! heid o! alilUlH, t> as to make overyhodv n.ppy, hetrt-'il in cluded, when her uncte mad.j m mahioropun remark ti. Thert wan no more nunuhine in tho room after that. Myra le.ihud odd and polo, tlio admiral wan uiicoinforUhlo behind the paper, in Whioh he had onvoloped hiumelf ts in a cloud, from which a hand came at intervals to feel abuut tho table in au ah- nurd way for tonal or his cotr*m find, which was twice over rieurly overturned. Then Iio buoanio visible for a moment or two us ho turned the paper, but it closed again, and from behind it then-* came, now and then, a iidgHinjj uorvous cough, whioh was an annoying to tho nttoror.at those who liuteued, "Ooiurt ut today, girls t" aakud Sir Mark at laat, but without removing the paper. "Yen, nncle," daid Kdie sharply, for her cousin had civon her an imploring look,and tho girl could am .that Myra^wm greatly agitated utill ; "tha carriage in comine; round at two. Shall wo drop you at ihu club?" "Great Hurr-vensT' ejaaulaterl tha aUlnrmn in a toio that ntartlud both bin hearcra, and no If expoatant from nemo premonition, Myra thritut back her ohair, and at gazing at the paper wildly. "Whub is it, tmele *" cried Kdio. "Kb? Oh, nothing, my dear," laid Sir Mark oonfuncdly, an he ruotlotl the puper and hurriedly turned it. "More, horrora. ThetJO oditora esin to revel in Uium, or tin* public do. Bo Bhoulcing; no sooner ii orm at tm end,, Uian another begin*.." .( Ho bad sort'onod hia faco again us quick ly as bo.ooitld, for ha wan ft mluorablu dia- ewMor, and Edia and , Myra unuhitttffed glauoec Then, riving .ilowly < with bur baud praiwed to hor broat, Myra mad* iu If afao would go to tb other shlo of th table, bol hor ttroDglh faiUd her, und as - l\rtf lulliwC olntil-nil Ills tlirn*(. witlt a in.)lof en- cough, she vluit^ to the odge, erump' ing Up (h Whit** uloth in her dninri liiij,!"- " I'M in rot*1 toot but throwing up ln.f In- >d( M vra iiiolioneil her I'U'k Juipi-i ionnly, i< Hlnbtl for a f"W lnomaills With h'-r |ip ]i vi ed and *^y-u diUttid, (f*/ing ut lit*- p>|e<r. n., if iievtiiiring un iioiit^iitu, whih) from |Mibi.:ii it, ram* ihi admiral'* voluw wuhbnmd i-.n- U^uonn . "Kor my part," h* t<aid, with a chin " efforr io hid hit own amotion, "I orn -. ' ((lulling m tiink that tlm orilin.ny d.ii'. IiimNpap-'is, urn unsuitable rundmg for you .. lud l iv,, who hud better k'ep to t h'-ir inn ; ciim'h ami jotiina! r Wl.ll i h " i here whs no word npii';en in rutin n, a* 4ftr anotliM' euugb, t'ltt old mini conned ' "Whut w.i;j '-hit you i-.'nd about -Ii . mug mn at ibe dull ? lly n Ii m^uu, \ .\|V i*g wan I'-.th.-r bad in t.jie iHLfht. I' uirr no much about walking an I lued." Mull there wn-. no ieply, iid, an if n r e hy tho not r-n \,\\n\ |H) bur) Iw-oii left uh n the |-iriji,- Sir Mark oo^hu.i -gain n<'\'- ,ly, anil, idowly nmv il hnnwe f in hi c..- : lotiiin 1 hi' patici 11 i;r hy iLueideui, no that ho colll'l See beV'i. one 11 dfl, lie u a 1 l here t he 10 KL moment p--t, 1 ,11 'lud -im infill hui d*.Ugllt"" 'it '.vild,v ' . ei.e.ii f....., fin, railing nne hand on i.. l.ible, tlm wuH lnUidng toward him, l> ll.iiol ekii-iided to l.vUi) the papur and h 1 Vl" fJll.-H! ion !ht; hin, w||U<- K'lie, .tookl eillll.V ,ijjil-i'e.| wi;i| ;itft) liMllllig forw.1/1 1'i i I u> 1 < r. '11 ii'-t noiinin. Si'i Mil' I;'k 1 pi jiar ed aud .moved, ' . im in.id. no fiiinn!. I >)ii ri-cii'Vot in.; 1. .in I, ii-i ntitiiiy (dor,. (I K' I'-p'i', diiuolci 1 1 10:1 eh a 11*. "Myr;i, mv il irlii.c ! ' im crieil, ",tre vto. ,11 -.'" It>-r n'|t'i now inoi- d 111 Mirn, hut with'-e" iln-n nh' threw haek h iicaii, in 1 Ji-'i i-y- ^'( e nun't* * i i I rt r rilie crimi hMiii'icly : "I'n.il pn *-i- UiiTt" i.-i newn Mouieihii. tliotl' III V hn -Malifl. ' "Jidi-, Vlnji ! Sim- iu ill," cried S M-itk. ".Vn, Hon !"-eih-d Myra. "I um ion . ' hii.i oou-. I.ther, I tull yon thai Miei ,. 1 -ihout mv buubati'i il -.a-." Sir M iilt w u ..h -. if it at I'd now au i-i. vlll.it, --til Wl> / 'I.ll'.l'.'l Ullde. toe el I C-IIOHi llhtT' 'i, llU llirilut" I II-- p 1 ot ben in 1 i turn. "Xri, no, 1-'V eii! .1," ne Rliwiiijiui i-i|, w IT. ii inn llorid !**: - yr" > 1 ng moll hn 1 -iini Htiange. "J n y tb-ra i, father, utui you are d ctjiving me." " Well, \t, ^ litt.le, my darling," h Bald bint ily. 'A litth-. Not fnf y.o'ii '-Hi h, )iear. Ali'iltoM 11 til n wiien Vcj'.i j i 1- en- 1 and calin. ymi know. Kite, my de.ir, Com,' I in I It to tier. Myra, mv Cili'd, h'.*VO il !.) III.;," .Myr.'-- ii^iid went, id hur ihroa', 11.1 if .-i't wn-. i.iilliiiy bm .unco -non- alio /o:*,-i.o I'ln-k liel-mo;ioii. mv Iu.'** bind '."' * "t <.-', )'<* *, n 1 v dt-ar. Nothing hn v>-i0 iri miliar. No a' do- - do )v. a'c it to me. 'Mill iy 1 . III! i (ii-i-i-, t ll"I-e, in v p- t.,r dig to r..,k(j h'-f tin rni ; for a. hit with 1-1.It-, .iitM'n," "i!i v< me ; Uk ['ajwr. ".'" , no, I iMiniit, iniiecd, in', .dear " ' .-In !" i-r.-d tin- ii^uauid (-in wihlly. "1 ',11...i- 'iti-v b i-. i'-i-I. iiiiu Iron?" Si M.uk ^'.'iiee-i at iiia in.-c-, nnd tli--" ",ifrti-d 111'- han I over hn b't.'rded fi,|-.;iiead "Yr.-. _\t:>J, UiV deur," he I-iltfird; "in; Im ii.. v. a tii l h il p.itii" il ii: it i (i Hi"'. I v^'l Voit ir.gbi'-n ui". Iio eoiiuiiit'-d, try "g" l'- your loom and yiM, yr.nt ha "he p.iid hoariiflly. ;',\ '.I ! um! be wi ', '.iid ! '; t) ------" * i: iri .1 i.:i . i w i ; ! - .o r im! a, an.. 11 .nc . nt eonio . Iiece and i tai';i ' \ i- u,.' .,i >, i.r in., , ii'.u >-'" i ii|, ii In, 11 e W I to 1,-1'., inn her ff.r.-" ol . ' , ..UN l1 -|e HUI (*Oi',-il il'-r i ..,.-.i f..t w iij-u . i.iid aei/eil t*i ii.i -. in arid .' I.' .. '-.'ruin r. i.i.*'il ik.t a Lttoi1 i m *- 'I in.r o\ "i i V a f>".v ui". i-it: ' bre.i tii, r.nt) I I) \ i n ' i-i iniii [U r-H her ill*-* lllld lend WJlhuLIL u iti-nioi- '1 HAiLi\'d .\TT;:Mt'r!;i) K-'.t'An-:. !*,'.'.I'li - , :: ai. o-ir ' iirn-ijtati.l<-!it. ai *;; . i'li:f I'-li-frrupln nl i> 1,.. ! i . .it ! r l-'un-L.ti'l la-t lllir'i' all"'11. el;:)|l. o'elurl, lo .' < ,i. i i-. 'it il." '--lit nail ii.-eii -. i'M'c.l n. ,. . : . , i-.i '.. I t1..- , IV,1. :i:i,l ..,-,lI,.,1 . ., "l . : ' i,' nt, i |'.-i- -. n-.i ift ' l.i-.r .*-iv iiiii.iM : . m 1 i-.-.-.-'ii.-'l : in- >'i,.'t i ' ' l',"i. \ .i... Mte'l i', t h"i' f'V:v.l'i:i ll'.'.iii^' I'l'i-il 'lin'in tie 1, '. '. "i-it- l.r.ai^ht i" t"i' I>y n party "I the i.i .! _.-.ii'_. v ii il-'i"-" w '.-I-i' ' tm::' r- 11 Iv won a i led with i-lo'ie *, .1 ' 11 ii 1 1 11, I'll!]' Il'l- "'"I" I,I ' IU' i.l'.'l V.'lll'H ul'll'l !! e ii.eli u-vi ? !< )! il 1 :i,i|" 1 to ! ,11^ ilu'.vii ,t .liiie.-!, - 'I t j (|'| Itl.' ' ! ih'-n en- IT-..i,::! i;: ' Heir way iluM'a tlei '. ., \\t i't: ^'i veil to Ilr*- ll'n' ' ti, n hile in the il,- i':i' ii Hi'--, tin- o! I11T1 ni'in lii-rj' .vliii' a Il.i- l'..|.-i:.'nl. > ' il.i, lll.r' Hi: i| L -!!.,! I i:,'1 1 ]' t la.I'lv fru 'i.i,- ,l!, il, M. S. lleihn, 'lie I",iiy .( :;. ,1 linen lis-iril m plitii','1' into 1 !i- boa. uarf in.1 i. mr-ril. 'il> e i-'.;!",' I.....t 1 '11.1'. !,.* i - fill! nX]ai i' i i 1 He tun ,ni.i .i-.-" oil I lie '.'. av h. 1 i' pri-OII I! ' '"i - il"' le ." <. ' ,!,-, n-iit < !,. '"t In i',".en h.j.',' p.nal m-rvil.il. ii'. a iwi-h'eiii'iinli i>,; ,. tm' I"' il-ii'l.i',' Iran i 1,.'" riilni.'J.. h> llii' ...i-i.f hil'neil I ii"' 'lit \ 1 ,1 a I ! Il i-j L.X ^11 , s, irid ,a Il'lifi'it |y mi n;a -he li.ui I "lid. Tliee- ueoi "111. llei hatiii t t lie i mnbii iiit- ii"'!; in , 1 ne (lapt-r l- ih a no I t \irit- Nl"' 1 "i \ ('d by I h" t ah niii,. >.1"W.\ , h ! r. who ol't v- d .',. -., 11 -i.i ,"i 1 i"' fi .rii the dud ig room ti . ; ui\ 'i I'i-j.n.h-r We hout a win d. \i \ 1 ,1," - he m hi - peri'd 1 h-*n, and slo fe-!,ni el sriv lutt.d'ii l"T ruilrtill, wboto- 1.1 :- ii"W parted, an.] she heaid ulmoat lllie 1 i-'i'li : . ,._fr.-e !" "'J',,Ik to i-u\ dear, talk to me,"' whispor- sd Kdie. ~"It. fiight-.-u.s me when you Uol like tint,.'" Myra turned lo her, caught her counin t- ll-'i bn.-artt, mi I lii'-;eil her rapidly twie- . Tiii'ii, tliriiuting her uwiiy; hIio wluupured faintly : "Un now n, tloar. I can hear no more :" and when, a few moment*- later. l'Mit- looded haitk from the door nlm w- ..ii)our. tochmtr, Myra wan in the not of fdnk ilium her kur.-t by the bed ui tie, where .-do huried 1mm- face in her handa. Hut, Inrdlv had tlm. ijoor dorml when kIio Honing to her led, and hurried iter"*-.-. lo shoot the boll, and then stand with her liitiidH to her head, nnd start-iuu cyi-i, pi<- . iiir.ng iu imi'i'inaiimi tho la-em.- of i)im p.--,i niirht. Tho daiknoan and ,7itiiien I'.irroii the man who had hiMine,i lier night and day, in oimnei.-tmo wiih rh- hour when Iio would come hark ami eltuo> I,or, not at tlm nnd, .of, imv-n yeuni, bm '.arlier, re'loum-d hoforo hia lime that in -.ii ut. i|,, pi'tiu-. yuH. illlu. I'i'C'illed vieiolv >-V{y: IllilllltO of .the pt'evi'Uli* lligllF ,'ibr n'U iiWving 'I'O nn-leilli'-i of oli] ludlnd-t. t'.ivoi. .-' tug to radio, ami at. thut timo tld'a 111.mi \va- fighting to o-cap9 tliii- man, her imrror - And hatl ho fuiciioedcd ho would havo 1:01m- 1 en-, ' ' 1 - . ' Sue shuddered as, from" the brief di- ['rtption.of tha iitruggli- who nin\' liim iiv ui-/ to di'Hoend tho rooky faoe of the elii: 'u.uhiUo when nbots wt-ro fired, sad -fa'. Iieadlong upon the nruolw.ionofl. Iti .wualiorriblfl- tun' hmriblo tohea mil yet ahofult obliged to"dwoll umm -i - |a)|v-an(l go over It again andagain.-ihudd- mmi It A'lli ptiy Uiii-t.f. to niii nnd examine rnr lam'.' ....id \Veil.nn- miit-ri Si. eU nl KINK VtTRN-l_______ 'I'IIKK, il tiir-, v."i t to i-,.-, any tlil^Hprui;;. UUSTREAD B ^ Flnui DotlfoomlSutt (nil iimtiib) Flno EntoriGlon Tnbicn, *louo h 11. If.'t:|' R An Good Oodfltcadu - I 75 And uvorythiiig (lt ..CUT PRICES.. XXX All ft rj I i ilellvercil Tri ( ol' ebari'e ('noil I. ninh ei ti-.h'ii In r\r.lMn,fo U y [iiiiiittire Undortakin-^ and Embalm- a Specialty- i'rii,'Cin aa low, iPuof lower, than anywhero clue for (jtuility. J. K & CO., KHHKX, ONT. '(-.iiu)ii.'.-r-" "i.-r.jii-a.-r. > ,. -, / / /-.; />:'A vo POWDERS Cure SICK H8ABAGHE "d Ncirr.lr;la in SO MINUTtiil, al-o 0> iTeil Tonj'iie, UiK/i- he-.'i,Hui.ju--iiu',, r:iia in-iliu Kid'*, Coestipation, Torpid Llvur, I'nl Kreaiii. to -ri.iy cunai also reculate lilt: laivvei:;. \jcr.V W/OC TO TAKtl, **Pniotz zc Cento at Oruo GroncsJ ------- *.-*-.i*- y A. Boon to rifirhemtM), Ono bottlo of Engliuli Bpavhi Tinimciit cmjplelcly *ro moved .a curb froni my librHe. 1 tnko plcufiuro in recommending tho remedy, an it; uctti with inyiiturioiiH proinptnumt in tho removal from Iioikch of liurd, o(t or eal- lotiHCf,! luinpii, blood Hpavin, HplintH, curhfi, Hwet'tiy, HtitlcH und t-prtiincfi. - armor, Miirklmm, * (.JWtTT fioliTt-by" -Tobn Thornu, Drtiggiiit. 'rewdiiir lily IIoncHty Your drn^gmt-i-tdioiitirit il.whon..yoii_aHlc_ liim for a bottlo of Scott'* 1-lmtilniou bo givoH you just whut you an It for. Ho JtuowH tliiEj in the bent form in which to talto Cod Liver Oil. wmm "Ths-Nsusara Falls fiouis." OOINfi KAflT Taking utlfjct Nov. lHth, ISM, .llnfl .......Ksp. KXD. . .. . ..a.m. ___li.lii.______ ____ ..lii-ia. KHtie.x..... Woodti.oe... Comber .... Itid-'i'toa-n. Kt. Tl.oniiiti h.i:j M.'IO *].5o n.ir> 7.-.'l !i.a.pj 10.IJ5 las-i 11.55 1.05 IIOINU Wl'KT. - K-Xp. Alajl KfilioX.......... .Miildhtniiu C Polton ........ rofiii ... a. m. ll.fli l-i.'iio P.m. tU'O fi.ao (1 -10 W'iml.HOr ..... 7.0U Lcnmlii-ztoii mill Xt'iiKlwor. NOUTIt I10UTII a.m. p.m ii.ni H,u.r) ri.io Wimhinr fj,:t.') H.tfi 'l.fia I'elton Xing 8.M 1'iJ \A:\ jMiiidHtoneUrosfi 1J.01 7.'17 'l.:i:f Kanex !U0 7,'(l! l.'-'.t WondHlrio El.lil 7'-!7 'l.lf. Kuiicoiiih I) -10 7.on l.dl) ... Oombar.... --3fJ.no f>..Vi :(.fl(j ...... Itnoalvu ...... 10.10 daO :.-i5............ ytniiloii ..... 10 io i;.ll :i:m .........* Oakland...... 10.S1 ti I-) .'l..'1-j ......IJlytlionwood ...... 1 ti.li.* tl,:il :i.iiu ...... Wifdn ...... 10.U1 ................. Luko K S& D Il'y ............ ti'j.'j :iaj ...... Laumlni'ton, ... 10.10 7.10 "Mil! ' p.m fi.iid o.:m n.-ia fl.Dl . O.Ofl (5.25 o.iiQ (5.10 ii.fii C.55' 7.01 ]i.in. ti.'Jfi U.iJa tl,-l'J (i I i 7.05 "I'-ai .... ; hlation. AtiiiierHtlmrir Jfjocnl IValnw, v.i^T - KAliT a.m. n.ni. !i. I,') KfiHox 7.10 !U!i Kdgani 7.00 u.:w 1, V- it U H X\na O.o0 U.3.) I\IuO70(!or 0,-ifl lo.ct) Aiuluivfitburg (l.*J0 p.m. -1.23 1,10 1.03 1.00 3.-10 All trainfi are run on central Htandavd timo, whlcli hi Bixty minuton ulowov than Khhox timo. I'or information -and rat on to oolon- iiitu niovirif* went apply to John G.' Lavon, I-urj. itoupor Acont, Bt. Tboinafi, O. W, nugglon, Gon- oral PafiHotigar'aim Tlcltot Agout, Chiofi(;o, 111 or A. O. Stlraorn, Acont, Knuox, L- E, & D.R. Ry. TIMKTAHLl-1 NO. 17,taking offoot on Monday,' Nov. mi, IfW'l. Trainn run byriaBtorn Stand- aril Timo. Dally oxcopt Sunday M-3 A 6J . 1h O & 'A V M 11:211 H.y? 'i,:tii (1.11 A. M A M !).i!5,n:oo l).fl 11.1!) U.Illl ]] il-i i.-i:i li.'iu H.fiO 11-10 (J.51 0.B7 llA-i 0 5 1II.C-J 12.OS 7,(|J| lo.oi): 12.-JI) 7.m 10.111 l'.'.-lli 7.17 ll).U7i 1-,'d T.2H 10,37 1.J10 7.I1H 3ll.4fi| l.-lfl 7.-10 lOifi, !i.im-7ni; ii.li. y.jfi H,ia n'lio1 n,i,r> fl/Ji ii.ufit ;i.:i^ H,:i5| Ji.-rii li.-Uil 4-i'> n:r,oi * ll.ofi -l.-Jfi 32.11 ID.lfl iu.y-1 1.1I5 5.-10 n.fj.-i ii.in ! \t !T" Hi H.W1 H.nn H.'li MTil B,Bft (i.l^i 1*1 05 r..ifi 'O.i a M I'.M. Station*!.- nop Wrilliory'Io Ar WulUorvlllo Juno. ......... Poltoii......... ......r Oldcaiitlo...... ......I Vr.qmitto...... ..... MeOrtiRor ..,/(.. ,,r Now CamuLU... . ) Miniihllold ... ..... l-(arrow ...... ... .,...1 anier.......,. ......Khinuvillo...... ...... Knthvnn...... ... I>un)iti|[ton ... ......Wliofttlr.y...... ......I lCotnvloU ...... ,.....Coatnwoj'tli ... .:...> 1 Glen wood...... .........Murlin......... ..i..,t Ilirxton...,..... ...... ft and hum ...... ...] Cedar Hjulnrfn... Illonlinlm -TunuL'n ......Bluuhoim ...... .......;.|Willdo......... Ar lliduutovuDoit M W 5 A "" 0 10 11 01 s r>7 a fin H-17 ti 43 fl 1!0 H 20 ti W 0 11 fl CI .'il 7 -10 7 ill 7 I 7 10 7 00. 0 fiii'lUJlO n -ia!-is.i A M coo MS 4.84 l,i!H o 1.11 1.01 :i.ih IMl n.'in Ml a.on a.'io 1iM> i,iw 1.4M 1.00 0 -10 (1JU 0 20 It 10 U 00 a.m; t% M. M w 7.00 O.fi-1 n.J7 o.i ;i .:i7. o.na fl.aa o.io 0,12 o.oi ts.fi t M1 fi.lW M-l B.Ofi fi.OO 1.50 lA'l A.'Al l.U 1.10 i.(HJ la.oi) n.nH u.a) ii.ir. J 0.15 10.(101- 1),G0 v.Mv,: l>*lii|t stiiHomi. Tmhni utop only wbon tboro ; v' '.'^'Sj uro piifHruKorri at or for tlicno BtntlonK. MfxoU '- \-r,'.-Kix Irnhu- tiro at al Umouaubjoob to bo oancollodj :'; /'?f War WOOLLATTw Genoral Bwi>qrlntendntw^-"';;.# Si^;;^^^ ;llaiik ' V/JVt tito/ttf^-.i' ^i-^M^ 1700