Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), May 3, 1895, page 1

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JPPIIPI^^ W:: '. t"" '^m .'.",, ' .i'J) ft" lv # WILKINSON'S .von OhoiO* Froah Granaries, ProyniooH, To an, (JofTVeu and, BpicoH. SpeoUl linos iu Orookery, VOL JCI. No 18. ESSEX, ON' (DAY. V > 1805. Christian Endeavor Society "t| Kt. 1'ttul'n Churchy .TUE5DA.YI EV&., MA.Y17TE Uyorjbody Come, WHOLE No. 6S9 FA LEADING STORE OF ESSEX. May has arrived, with its attendant warm weather and hottsecleaningv Our stock is prepared for both the heat and housecleaning. Wo guarantee our prices to be as low as the lowest and our goods the moat reliable to be had. House Furnishings Lace Ourtains 2 yds long, 25c pr; Lace Curtains, 3 yds long, extra wide, 50c; ' Lace Curtains 3 J yds lon9 and very wide, choice patterns, 76c, $1, >i-fi0, $2 pr; Curtain poles, ~" [uleto with fixtures, 25c; in Reversible Carpets, Tapcs- yfy Carpets, good quality, 25c. Our stock of Carpets will be found very attractive at pres ent, both in quality and price. Hemps, Tapestry, Brussels, Union nnd Wool in great var iety. Warm Weather Wants Ladies' black Cotton Hose, 5c pr; Ladies' fast black Hose 10c pr; Ladies' line seamless black Cotton Hose, fast dye, 18c; Ladies' fast black Cotton Gloves 15c; Men's Cotton Sox 5c; Men's Cotton Undershirts 20c each; Men's Cottonade Overalls 35c; Ladies Duck Suitings 10c yd; Prints 4c yd; Ladies' Kid Oxford Shoes, tip ped, 75c pr; Men's Red Lace Shoes ^1 pr. ; Po.tatoefi;t)ff citr, fed ay and fco-morrow, 50c btishel. i' W feCo up 13SBBX, ONT. p?/ / Ife'Y'; lSf r!', . . IftpVvi ' ' 11; ' i i' , aaaaaaVt !A!". ft - UUv& 'M^siJ.- WOOD6LEK. All th woman in town are buwy dicing thoir kilrdonu. Wo aro ghid to nee Men. Mitchell in able to In) out a^ain. Frod Harvey, ul Detroit, visited bin mo ther, hare, hint Wftik, ' Burnoy hiiH tho bunku of. tho riyor till trumpwd looking for flub. Tho WootliiU'o Atholoticn attondrd tho party at PiiHoomb t;iv*n by Mion Ilobinion, of Detroit.. Mr. Will CiiLiit;han had a torriblo chanc aftor'his bonio Sunday evening on tbo Lako Bhoro, and cofc'hira on Monday rnoruiiif,'. Ho'll hold on after thin. Tho Blufl JanoH, of nocoiid lino, attondoil a party at Kuncoinb on Tuonday evening, Mnuio waa furniubfid by ono ol tho club, Whou tho party Wan over ho went homo and luft his overcoat, and camo back uftcr tho collection, which wij.h only ton ooutw. On Tuonday evening tho bridge on Col- urabiu Avo, wan crowded with puoplo watch- inn Frank launch hi a boat. Entfinoor John and Captuiu Charlio huudlcd tho bout, which noted very well. h'ttuik says it will bo a huccoho, and to wait until wo go to tho wino house. .. . GESTO. Miss Ida Wiglg, Leamington, vimted Mrs. linker on Saturday. Mr. and Mm. Baker, Leamington, visited thair parcntn on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Rodd, of Dutroit, word in Gcnto on Sunday, Air. Wilaovi, o(_RoiroLt, occupied tho pul* pit hra on Biiudny. 'Mr. Konnody ban paiinod hm exuminu- tionn with uucoohk. Houry McGro^or, who ha bucn hoiiio time, in'tho North tbiH winter will noon bo on the hiko for, another-upriu;;. Mr. Blij/ht ih ha.vii){ a windmill erected on liia farm. Spring opLruiionn tiro woll uuder wny. Tho weatlior koepu lino ancl dry. Tho milk -ounn for taking milk to Cottam oheoHo factory wer dolivtrod hero on Ttion- day. NOIITII HIDOE. Kobert Qiieon, Gump Palmer, called on relative!! hero on Sunday. Sidney Johnnon in at Bollovillo attondin^ Robinhon it Jobniion'H Ontario Buhiiichu College. MrH. Alexander Neville rolurned to hor home uc Pontine, Mich., htut Saturday. MrH. DuHouberry rutAnicd to her homo in Pontiac, Mich., hint Saturday. Cotuo to our publio tiohool uutortainment tomorrow. nifjht (tmtnrduy). No puiua aro bpiufi spared to niako tliiu tho boat tfiveu hero for a lony tuna. Recitutionn, Honpa, dialo^ncn, npeechen, etc., will bo rendorod by tho school childron, and oth*rB of well known ability will bo hore. Amouy thone who will bo proiient aro ilrfl. and MiKu I'aul. of Eaaex, with a piuno; Mi^o Pulforil, Cottam; Mra. John McCrogty, Mra. Hu^h McCreery, and aayeral ohhern whoso joresonc; will bo a nuitrantoo of h good tune. Come one, come u.11. To lle^in at 8 p.m. Bharp. Oil; IN MAIDSTONE. IVlillo lOrlllme: u Well, Kd. Oalcey makOM a K'liul on T* llnrnos' Farm, Mr, ThoH. BurneB, who livon in tho Gth con. of Miudntono, ban juHt had a well drilled for water, by drilUr Ed. Oakoy. After drillinq about 12 foot into tho rook, or a total depth of about 110 foot, a sort of jjorouQ formation was roachod, and water came nearly to tho uurfaoe. In tho wator aro lar^o globules of vory thick heavy orudo oil, which flproa'd ovor tho Bur/aoo, and quito a lar^o bottloful wao dipped off and brought to Eoacx. Tho oil is counidorably hoavior than that usually p;ot ut Potrolea. At proneut only a small oiutorn putnp, which will not draw from bolow .10 feat, io in the well, and tho water m pumped, aa it nhl'h toward the aurfaoe. Kuvo a Great Reputation. .). B. Taylor, Ehci., morohaiifc, Wolland, hay.'i: "Stark's Powdera have a ^roat rop- utation about horo hs an imrnodiato, w well au u permanent cure for Headache, BiliuUHtiOKu, Noural^ia, Livoraml Stomaah CompIainto.OoHtivoueiin. I know of pobplo who .havo .been tfreat Rtii'ferorH, who hava tried alinoat everything, and huvo boon, ctirod by thorn. Wo .havo UHod thom in our own family w)tli romarkablo hucoooh," U'wo preparfttiona in oaoh box, Sold by ull twodioiiift .dealers at 25o a box, G boxoo for 81. NloetofcaW, -5 " ANOTIIKK KOBHKltY. titr. W, Mi. UlchufdMou, Ili.rdxvuro ilobery and nnrak thieving iu boeoiuing provftlont IuEhhox, hikI according to all n- |>prt(i,a bud (,'ang muHt be living iiomowheto in thitrvicinity." Bomotimo in tlio oarly bourn of WodnoH- dny morning, thUven u(T*-olad rin nritraiiac; by taking a ptuiu of glann from an uppir back window. Inmdo tho back ruom, th'-y again took nt u pano of ^hma from the largo window over the doom, aud obtained tuimiHfiion to thu mam room. About forty or fifty dollaru' tvorth of cutlery, revolvcro, otc, wiih takuti from thu iihow canon, and about SllOm ciuib.froui a drawer in the oafe, which wai* unloukpd, au well aii Roma looao chaufo' iu tho tilh, uovoralof whioh wore riflod. Apptarancen indicate that tho vilbanii worp not diuturb- od in their work, an matehtfJ waro Jit and dropped :n vanoun placoa, boxen rillad, oto. Dctcctiyou have tho cast* in hand, and it in hapul will nucoeod in catching thu guilty oneH. Thoy aro oviddntly tho iiamu gang that robbod Mr. W. J, Downr'w nton a idiort timo ug. A farmer Burned Out. Shortly after two o'clock, ou WodncHday firs brokooitt in tlio outbuildings of Mr. Miobaul Danihor, a farmer living in tho .'WhiUon Sottlomout,"'Maldutouo, and bo foro it V/a.n exttnguiHhod, all hi buildin^fl, nave tho houno and a pig poti, wore totally dehtroyed. togothor with aovon pigfl, and a calf which were iu tho titublo, and noarly nil tho farm implomcutu, Tho loait will amount to aevurnlhundroil dollars. No in- nurauoo. Tbe firo at ouv tiuiu- threatened noriouv damaeo to tho neighborUood,- owing to fly- iug ciudurti, but prorapk action of .the *?Knl)P. ...^??P^-it--from iiproading. Tlio Ulaza origmatod from a pilo of burning rabbiHli. NtWSIN SHOfVI SHAHb. For e.very variety undphuftoof tho many IligQiUflH-whinh mtank tho- air-paaaagci of, ho throat and langa, Ayor'n Cherry Pec toral will bo found a Hpooiiic. Itu anodyuo and oxpootorant (jualitios aro promptly re- aluoJ, aud it in u I way a ready for nao. Tlio ueuneator for May Coutaina Dance of tho NyrnpliH, Kquoutriun CoHtumcB. Artiutio UouHo-Kurniehiug, CouirroncemonC Coiitumefl, FaBli'onablo Skirt-Decoratiouo. PaHhionable Millinory, Stylish Lingorio, Ladteu' Fanhicnd, iiinHcu' and Girltr PaHhioiiH, Little Fulku' Fuhhious, Boyi' FabhiouH, fUiiHtrat^d Mihcirlluny, Fancy Sntchea and Kmbroiderios, FiiHluouablo DreHH Guodu, Noveltitu iu Wuah FabricH, Fanliionablu Garmturen, Stylish Mil.hnery, Tatting, Illuotratod, Grooliutin/;. IlluHtratud, 'Jim Art of Knitting, llhiHtrntod, Around tho Toa-Tablu, Crepo and Tibmuo Paperri, Oborliu (College Series), Mayoru aiid May Gurnet, Tlio Voico, Modem Ijuco-Making, Venetian Iron Work, Tho Home, Seumnmblo Cookery, JUxporiouco* of a Training School, Lifo No. III.. The Social Code No. III., How to Bo Woll, Burnt Work Part III.. Government ClerkabipH, Kindergarten Papura No. IX., Preaorvatiou and ltonovatiou No. II., Tho DroHwraaker and Milliner, AtiHworu to Corrertpondenta. CAKAU1AN. Tho BlMny (eam'H exponwin to tho old rouniry hixl yuar aniounled to ^r,H5U.7H. Thrco humlred tboiif.and (IhI1 from thn N'ewcnsiMo liatelinry wcrn liber ated In ihi! hay at. Hollevllln yeutorduy. -Mrs. KUcn Urown, tho woman whe iiiudo n violent atluck on a nun In To- ronid on Thursday, - haw lieeu roinaiulen foi'a weclc. Mrs. K.filrurd, a^nd nl.whilo tcniporar- Ily insuni*. wjindi-i'iid away from lioniniuul wjis drowni'd in tho river nt Njijjiervlllo, Qih!boo,yi!stonlay. The report of thn Dominion Rilln Ah- eintioj), to bo prcKonled at thn unniiu) intM't.l11r next-W(!ok, will filiow n balance In haul; of i;."'.). Mcssru. I'oiiporo and Frasm*, of Belle- ville, huvo coniraeunl for 1(0,000 yanln ol Ktono for the Cornwall canal to bo taken from thu Point Ann MiiHrrhw. Ceo Si-It Ion, burgage maHtcsr at the Grand Trunk Htatlon, Pickering, got lilt hand Jammed ycHlorday while coupling earn and had to havo two of hl Jlugon um])iitated. .'David Ijlvlngstono, Alex, McICeo, and To.'icph Sprott, the u'uin who wero arrtiHted on Misplulon of haying eausod tho Simp- Hon tiro In 'J'oronln, were acquitted yefl- tortbiy for lack of evhlcnco. An old man named. J. Dot.tford, ol Madison, Out., on IiIh way to visit a daughter at Point Fdwurd, acciduntally walked off thn car platform of tho train near Wyoming Thurtiday night, and to- coivt.d fatal Injury. Tlio Pan-American CongrcsH of Keliglon and Kducation ban definitely duohled tr convono In Toronto July 18th to yGth. Tho CungresH is an outconio of tho Pur- Uaniunt of KullgioiiH hold during the World'n Fair at 'Chicago, Dr. Dourlnot kuvh there n no rigid con stitutional rule to ])revent; a Provincial minister from taking part in Dominion election eontcts. TIiIh ('minion win given in response t<t a que^llou aa to Mr, Siftou's course In llahlimand. -' - VMTKI) STATUS. Tho treasury gold reHervo at WnHhlng*' ton is now i'.d, 170,1351, having boon In- creased yt-sturday by $-11 it,8-11. Kx-Keprosenuitivo Sibley will leave hU bonio in Pennnylvanla to-day for Cali fornia; to open Ids campaign as tho nom inee) of tlio new Hilver party for tho I-'roal- dency. U. K Rof-H.of Toronto, Is looked up nt Buffalo charged with swindling peoplo In search of houses toront, liy posing a& an agent and colluding wator billn which he said wore due. Donilnleu Catuldo, an Iftlllan bootblack 30 years old, was murdered in Now York yosturday by bin mlstroBfl, Mary Darbollo, thJ yearn old. Tlio woman cut tho maii'a head nearly off with a razor. .Jealousy was tho cause. liio Reading Company has ordered all eollierie-i to Mart, nnd work until m>xt. Tuesday evening. All tlio collieries In tho Schuylkill lvgion except tliotio of tin; J,e- high Valluy Coal Company nro working, and for lho live or six: ilnya tliero will hu Buch shipni'-nts of coal an have not been equaled in many yearn. Jiltl f I .1! AND TOltKKiN-. A Tol^io despatch fiays: Tho Kussian and French fleets In thoso waters nre pro- pared to stop .Tapancso communications unless Japan abandons all claims upon territory In Manchuria, Cscar Wildo aud Alfred Taylor worn placed on trial In London yesterday for unnatural crlmos. Both plcadod not guilty. Wilde looked thin and haggard. The ovidence was disgusting. An explosion of fire damp took place In a colliery tit. IJejmy, near Stirling, .Scot land, yesterday, while 177 men were working' in the pit. Thirteen of the number \\er< killed and several hurt;. In the Hritish House of Commons yes terday .-Mr i'/lward Urey, Under Foreign Heeretary, aiiiiouiU'ed thai, the Govern ment had nui. yet Icarni'd the conditions of the .lajiaiwse treaty of peace,but would cmnmunieate tiiem to tho House when- over they should ho received. DR. ASA W. JAYNE MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Haiiux, Arum HO, 18i).". Council met iu upeoial iioimion, Mayor in tho chair. Prouont the Mayor, Koevo, Daputy.reeve und^councjllorii Goo. Httrth, J. A. HiokH, Dr. Pott.i, J. M. Iliolu, I-Vod. Itibimton and G. J. Thomufi. , Tho|Mayor explained thut thin iipoqml meeting wail oidlod on account of tho aii- HOHMorof the town, Mr. W.H. Hiifm-ll, hav- inUHont iu hiu rcHignation, which would uocuiniitaTo tlio appointmont of another amioHiior, Mr. KurhoII'h rci:i/j;nation wan (hem laid bofoui tho council, aud on motion of Mr. Laird, Hocoudod' by Mr. MoDougall, wau accepted. Mr. A. E. Miluo made application for the pouition of auweniior, mudo vacant by tho reaifjuntiou of Mr. ltunoll, Moved by Mr. Laird, Kocoiuled by Mr, Barth, that Arthur F. Milnu bo appointed aLBOSHor of the Town of Fouux at tho muno nalnry that wan to havo been paid to Mr liufiiiol]. Carried.' Mr. Laird ^ivo notice that ho would, at next meeting of tho council, introduce a by-law to repeal that purt of tlio cow by- law that refera to herdiUjj them ou the eommoim. Gentlemen all tiiko of their liatH when they hoc our ..*.. Newtityles FOR SPRING, 1806. AN EDITOR'S EXPERIENCE. ASUFFKREK FOB SKVJGltALi VI3AKS FXtOM ACUTE IDYSFJEPHfA. Voon niuirenNcil hi hi ami It IJcerm < VInvo Wealtonliic: Ktfect on tlio IKrl -Irtuiiy KKcmodltiw FalloU < " foro it Cure Wu* found. Prom the C nno, N, B.BroGKo. While nowspapor man aro callod upon m their capacity au publinborn to print from weolc to wook wordu of praine upoltcn ih favor of proprietary modioim-n, it ih uot often,tho editor himnolf fccln it hit} duty to Tho autograph Iottoru toHtifying to ourea made by Ayer'ii Sarmiparilla und other projjuratioun aro kept on file at tho J. O, Ayo.r Co.'h ofliQo, Lowell, Mans. Thoy are Irom.all ovr tbo world and aro cheerfully iihown to auyono doBtrouo of oeoinfi them. WAHTEB ! 200 oordii of goad inorc|iantablo Bofb Maplo Boltu, with bark on, dolivoro) on earn alon Imo M. C. It'y., not latin than 12 mohtn in diamttor and i8 inches long. JCUi T. H. DoCbw. v TENDBRS WANTED. QEALED TRNDEUH WILL Illil ItEOEIVED O will be roccivodup to uoon on Saturday, May 11, for tho Improvement of tbo Poiitor drain. Tbo tmidorii will bo oponed at tho Town- hall atiio'olooU p.m. on Saturday. May 11. The work will bo lot In two loto, No, 1 ou tlio Ihrunh niiloroad, roar road and 8tli ooi..;.^o. a on tho MoOiirUytddorOiul. llftoli tondnr must bo acorapanloil with tho nninoH of two i(ond and imtinlaotory imrollon. IMaiiu and ap()ohtoatlonn oin bo lunpaotod at tho olorU'it oftloo, Goato. Tho lowudt or. any tonilur not nootinfiarlly aoooptoil. Ily oviluror tbo oounell. '. . J. A. OOULTJ3U, . TowHublp Olork. flcato, April ffi), 1R'J3. .. JH-2I Appi-nrn li> Iluvti Simm Trdiibltt With tlio Itllll'lilf) Coill'tH IhiiTnlu, April 27. Accusations of n ^ravo natiiro ;iro mudo against Dr. Asa W. Jay no, lu-altb ullh.'or anil coronur, uf Tun- awiuulii, who was rooontly arrested on h ohurgu of porjury for Iiavlng testified In tho caso of one Albert II. Knowles, it native of Wolland County, Out., who II- logally obtained mituriillzatiun paporn on tho Btnuifxth of Jnyno'H tostirnony. Jayno was up boforo the United Stiiten CommmLsHionur on Urn perjury ohargo yeHtorday and wan admitted to Jl,500 bail, tho ease to ^o on to tho J^oderul tirand Jury at Kooheator. A Touawandu man fitaton that Jayno In really ono William AdaniH, of St.. CutharLnoH, Out., that ho Una not and novor Iuih boon a citizen of tho Unitod States; tlur there aro douhfu us to whothor ho Is or ovor was loyally qunlUlml to practico modlcino. Two I^Ittlti OJrl* DiuwiiimI. St. John, N.B., April 27. AfiiwliU'own- iug aeoldent ocourrod yoKtorday n Hhort dlHtanoo from this -city, In which two little ffirlH, UROtl six and Rovin rofipcctlvo- ly, dauglitors of John McCavlor, lost their lives. Thoy loft rho'city with John Wells and on reaching Coiulohi Point Wells Rot out of his ciirringu to ring tlio boll for tho ferry, In order to K'd, to tho other side of tho rlvor. Tho liorsn doBhod into tho rlvor and both'wore thrown into tho wator and drowned, as was also thu horso. Tho. Ailiuixatlmi KooIIkIuhjhh. Buffalo; -April 27. Tlio dovored Its loadin"oditorlal ytmrurday to "The annexation foolishnoiV' uiid suyu that thu answer of tho Canndian Vromior and the Liberal loaders is what lntelll- pjor.i; Anioyieatif) iiiipfht have oxpoctud to UULJ' an 'u::iiM'.i'iy and uiiwni'rantojl hit of llhp-dondlo a.; Alr'.O'.-lmily worked off,, In Komo poliMelnns' iiuurost,. In tho Ashoiu-- lily on Wednesday. Tho Commorolal .luWiOK ihat t/liu roliftlous quostlou, now ilomlnanli In Canivda, would bar any eay a, good word on behalf of any of thefio preparations Aud yot if a nowapapcr man has actually found -benefit from the uho of a proprietary medicine, wfay nbould ho not mako it Unowu to hiu readarB, and thuu porluipH poiot out to fiomo of them the road to renewed health. Tho editor of tlin Broezo believed it bin duty to ay a few wordo of praiflo in fiivor oT a remody that hits proved an imuttiraablo boouto him, und to eay thorn without uuy snlicilation on tbo part of tlio propriutors of tho'modioiuo, who, an a matter of fact, hi*.d no rcinon to leuow that ho wan ailing or wiia tuunn "thoir fried- iciuo. For eVL-ral yearrf the editor of tho Breeze had beou fuibject to that aistrGsmu^ compl'iint, dyapepuia, and only thoso who huvo beeu similarly troublou" can know how much miwury ihin trouble eu- tails. He bad but very littlo appetit,o,._and what bo did eat caused au unpleasant feel ing of fullneAB, und made him feel languid and heavy, often caumntf intonae puia in tho atomach only roloavod by vomiting up th food whioh ho bad taken. Ho wanaho troubled with pulpiiniiori of tho heart- brought ou no doubt by lho dyaptpwm. NuniL-routt ru-ihoilies alleged to quro dv- pophia v\ero tried, but without hucoosh, and tho trouMu W'ih approaching a chronic otato. At the Bu^^uHtiou of a friend Dr^ WllliiLmH' Pink Pillu wero tried und relief Boon followed their ubo, and after a few boxnH hurl been taken lho oditor wim ablo to aoaert poHitiyoly that hi! bad beon enrqd of hiH dyspepma by-thiu remedy that has proved ho grout a blowung to mankind. To uuwnfj'.por mo particularly they will be found jutt the thine to impart henlih and vij^or lo the whole ayatem and enable thorn' to pimuio thoir work froo from that tirod, deapoudent foelinff ao provaiout timoug tbo craft. Tho editor of tlio Breezo firmly be hoves that'what thoy havo dono for him thoy will do for others, and ho givoa thom hiu hearty and unsolicited endoiHation. Dr. Williumu' Pink Pillu aro an unfailing cure for all trouhloa resultiu^; from poverty. of the blood or nhattered uorvoa, aud whoro Riven u fair trial they novor fail in caaou hko thitjabovo related. Sold by all deal, orn, or nont pontpaid at flO centti a box, or 0 boxea for 82,50, by addroBHinfi tho Dr* Williams' Mediciuo Co., .Bronkyillo, Out., or Sehouootady, N. Y, Boo that tho refiia- tored trade mark in on all paclmnoB. WE are sole 'agents in Wind sor for the following Cele brated makes: Lincoln Betfneif &Go., Giirisfy&Co., John Buckley, Wilkinson & Co., Henry Carter, which includes the best frjata made in England. .__- THE LEADING HATTER. SHEEP EST RAY, MFT MY WlEMIBKa.B-W .i LOT 18, CON. IJ IX, T|>. OenOelfl North, on Xuunjilay.Miiroh 11, novon owouhoop, four bolni.' yoavllinjo, bal- aueo older. Iflaoh of thom bun a nolo in tho oar, andu-allt out. Ono ban ruthor a brown faoo. HuitMhloroward will bo (jlvon for information hrtuUnrito thuir rucovory. KOKT. 8. VOX, . 18-41 South WoncIflloor.O. Tlinlr M'fiddlnc; Jnnrny. Tlio old folks had gone to bed nnd SIm nnd'Mandy wore In tbo dim little parlor* whore burned n slow lire of fiizzllng; hlolc* ory lo^'H in the old-fimbioned flreplace. The wintry hlusU bIiooIc tho old farm house and tho windows rattled, and a puff of Binoko now ami then camo down tlie chimney on a return trip uiid circled familiarily about tho room,J)jit._SJme and "'Manuy didn't mind it. They were sitting rory close toKothor. Sime, with throbbing heart, and faUerhiK trm^ius had declared himself and 'Mainly hud listened .shyly and with downcast eyes. Sime'H arm titolein a casual and appar ently accidental way alone tho hack of hor chair. " And you'll have me, 'Mandy f " 14 Yen, Sime." It'wan Kpolcen softly, but Simon heard 1t, and .there wUh abound Hko that of a Quart of cold mush colliding violently with tho side of a brick houno. Then tho stalwart younp; man recovered hiuiHolf aud rone to bin feet. "'Mandv," ho said, with tho assured- bearing of a man accustomed, to acting with busiuoss-llko promptness hi all tho great emergeneicH of lifo. "I've got to ro to Chicago next "Wednesday with four *ar- lcmdH of lio^s, and we'll got married In the moniin' and mako the trip togother." CJiicago Tribune. A Dni:tr'M Y7iilqut Collection. Dr. Luys, a lending Parla physician, has mad is what ho considers to bo a unique present to tho medical faculty. It con sists of a collection of 220 mummlfled, cerebral lobes, which show numerous specimens of tho various forma of brain disyane, from tlio to tho most complicated. Ih*. Luys organized this col lection iu tho interest of Bclonco during bin long connection with tlio Salpotrlere and tho Charito hospitals. Tho bralm' aro Uiostly those of madmen, idiots, paralytica aud deaf and dumb persons, a few lobes ' from tho KkuIlH of normally intelligent subjects beinir added for tho pm'posoaof ' peiciitlllc comparison. Got It. , Xjoiiiod The boss wnntod proof thabl was a walking delegate. Soltzor What proof did ho mdcP Lemon tie wanted to soo mo walk nsro'riOEi. Eovision of Assessment for 1895, Townslaip of Goafleld Noi'tli. TAKE NOTICM THAI' VUM 1'IttST WEET- I Inn of tbo Court or UovlHlon on the Ahhohh- mont roll for tlio Township ef Gonlleld North, lor tho jour 1MB, will bi* ael.Vwt tho Town'Hall* Cnttftm, ou Battirday, May US, l^Oft, at tho hour- (tfl o'oloak-fi.ui. All uofctoas of appoaJ afialuBt tbe mitd usaoBouior.t must bo'sont to the uudor- Blyiifed oot Inter (hau tho 14th day of May, J8U5. Sil ISA AO JACKSON, 18-31 " ~ Olerk of ,(5oaflolcl North . At Llborty, Mioh., yostorday,. tho two- nnd-a-half year old son of Mr. A* Browor, wlillo watching tho burning of somo dry gmRs, was hiiruod to doath boforo hl father could rosctio him, by hia olotlio* cntohing llro. Ir.Kurlno, tlio Jiipanoso Mlntstov ?>t .. Washington, has rooelvod from IiIh Gov- . ouiimuut tho' duuonition of tlio Bdoond class of tho Order of tho Hiding Sun, tot his' porvIcoB iu oouMcbtlon with tho ne gotiation of tlio poaco treaty, '. . wagon load of nltro-glycorlno, con- ' talnhi*Hwvori hundred quuris, oiplodod' .. throe miles from Iliufton, Indlann/yea*^ tordny, with a'fthbol: that waa ifelt tut ' forty mllotf. "Wllliuni Klmor, tho driver, wiurhlowu to atoms, and of thotoam^nly '. a tjwrb of pno liowo'ajiook could bo found, *' '.-^i ,1 '. '. /:^^g^

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