w Ty^pp^yy jww 7 ywwpm in; ^FHEi ESS * K^teFC PRESS, 60 CEN 3EST OFFER lEVER .MADE. ,%*%: j&zn8XXEE& "X luvo falcon Ayrr'u rillq for mim-v-' For Stomach and Lifter (miihl^i ,i (| mr --1(J (.urn or^inndarlin Best all-round family iw-illfhio I liavn ever known." Mit. May JoiiNso,Y,3GtittlUer Ave., New Yoilt City. AYER'S PILLS Highest Awards nt World's Fair. i.....ii _________________________ Av<'Y$uS*trint}utyi1Ut foyihe blood. THE X FREE MADK FimjllIlK And Now the Oil Mn^iuiti's arc Ueaeli- Inir. lor More WILL THE SCHEME SUCCEED? TIui Siundiird Mnn<>pnl\ Now *-<cks to (let Con trul ii f nil Hut 1'mil ii *-in;; '! ci-iitnry JGllHt or tin- MUhoiii i l:iui 1 lie 1-- - tr cunt .Jump in ( on I Oil Chin ) < <l % Hit) l-iunntie < iHM'i-in. Chicago, April ^,>.-Tln Hr.mthml Oil company is en^it^ed nu\\ in (in nto-d slil- poiKlous optu'iitiun uwi* jnnlri'LiUon in its enrcer to tukn from the pncl.et.i of tho -American, people, tlmui^b. the Jucdiini. of oil, a tiimi of money. tho iminotisily of which in not lueM.ured ley the mere oxproHHlon of ii in Unlives: to ac-qulro ii** port-of lis possessions tint do-dniblr nil producing torntnry ol the I tnted Suites iiast of the .Missouri river, unil in -.mining to const liu to it sell supreme und nli-oliile owner (if-arrr-^TnirTprrr^Tiile lltflilMuT and fuel mutt rial Hi thih wumtiy, in ii ii now dictator of its distribution. Hiihurdifiuto to tlie main ohjent Is a puvposu to wrest lir.ivv prullt truiu ad vances nut alone in the hv-prudurt of uH,_Jjnt pos-ubly in nt her pvupcrt les in whieli the Standard i-, lnten'sted. Tliero lira si^ns Di.it tin; ^i^untir plan will Mircei'd. Jiy the ndvani is in.ule so far in the price of n (hied oil, the .stand ard, h ts added >.">() I) iil.fM I) to the st.u uic of prodtutioti it absolutely owns, and will roll to tho penph Till! hlnsin, ih/il M tlio Stiindarii's ] mhi but ptolubh "nt all that iuis Iim a n id up in ihi- i'im out, of the fivr./'i i ,nl\.tin . in ( i ude oil, which, unles-, il i- In st ii't.n in.ii inn is in correct, it h.i- in uupiil n.'d For tlie balance of 1895 for 60 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Show this to your neighbors. ADORES E. J. LOVELACE, Proprietor, Essex, Out WII^EjSiS .tfO tfflE DEED. (ro ni: coMisurii ) A WOMAN'S sCREAM. JAlin I... Sullivan IHM Im, ui*,lien III no-elf In t lio S.i\ ln " oi u l.itr. Iloston, Mass., April '.' 1 *.-< hnupmn Tuliu Ij. Sullivan disi innii-.ln-tl inniM-lf nfl a life--a\er ji steid n ni'teninnn As John was leaMiiM his h im nUn;( hnu-e on Duvei* si lei't, just hefoi. lour u'i lot k, he lnmrd a woman m n imi m the jcar ol the liou'-e. Jhi lau duwii ilii- 'UiiM jijm 1 saw nt on on that tliere un*. a .he in tin kitchen and that Mis M.u _;ni. I J).mm lly, tho molt-- \v'.'is in (Kinder of burning to dcatli, h r eloilnn^ ha> 111;,' Iik-ii ignited liy bill/111,'^ fill on tie - lo\ e. lie ijni( klj wrayjiicd u la^ unit ni-niind the woumn and i net I'.'iji rl in i*\t iieMiishin*^ 1 he fire fcJhn-was b idiy hnriit d^liovv e\t r, hnt tile Thames aie 1 ui r ilile for 1i"eT "n'eTneT^ Sulliwiu's h Hut- wi ,i Imi-ned in M-Vernl places and he w i . nlji;'id lu eil! on .1 doctor, but tlh UiiiiruK .in1 mil -eilnlls RIDDLf D Wi rH SHOT. \Vllltir:ips Deem .1 I iini'i I rum II lloiiht .Old lii.ut II lin. Nowlon, Ala., A5.nl ." \, J! Hl.n I rlu-ai, a well-an dn iiuni. li\in^ 111 it town, ^.is (leeo\.d h 11 1 his hmw In Whlteeap'i Sitiiid.i\ 111 bt .ibnnt ldo'ilui I, nnd hall -i do/.< n lou's of s'mi point d 1111.11 Ills lace, breast and abdonmn, killm;,' linn infitaidh. lJlnoh*-lear was intluteil to 1 nine out oi Ills hotlse by *-etl in/ 1 1-. Innr (111 llri1 11 ,n nvurderoi'.s bavnit; Kindled tin ihe tor ih.it nurj) ise. lie iiad hi t u wiirmii IuIuim tho t 01. nt ry ahuii t two wi eks n^n, n noti to that eh'ei I. being posted on his Ihhim "by Whltce ip-. ]Us' oil elite W'.ls gi\ \WZ lllfoimal imi apainsi iu'iiiri'l il'nli <hstilJers inf.st ing lil*-. neighhoi hnod. The gang lunl Wlinieil ill in >-e\eiaJ times, but liu kt pt un furnlsliliitl inloiiiuLllon to tlm author- tlos.__________ _________ IT WAS MO CHASE. A Mtiimlhll CrulNcr in l In* \' nlto if u Hi II 1h1i Vr^Mtl < hum 1 m It* i)i<-nt. Kew York, April ~1 A spi'oi/il from KiJir,s-n'1' 'l1!*" arrival of a Simni di t ruher at i-.m \ nlon.o NVeilnoH- il.n " Io)0 lo tlio wakn >i t'lio Uriiisli frult- iu-i * in 11 v Ki! < h ' 'I 11 oni HiMon, 1! now H ul [,, bn 11 coiut Idi u e not a chaso. Capt. Hopkins, rn.i 1 1* 1*1 ihe frulrer, thou' '... he "a- belli ' ptiiMit d into J'lng- H"h watei- and 'u ill ' the hptei.itoi . on hhoi\ , wlio weie eons i'i i.Jily wn u,"hl up iibout it. l-ut the 11 mniumlei* oi tho war-lop exp'iLi 1. ili.11 he put in In < in wmmIi of somo Oiihan hiiurM'"K ^'llO jive '.ltd io liave e-(a)ied la*-;, .^ituuiny, heat 1 1 -or .lum.ihn. The fngili\e. thn inan-oi-w ii-v.ms lonkin,: for lia\x l.mded afely "ii il'i . I.'nnd. mtimUy; 1ml the dmtaniu itcroin tho carve to tlia tow 11 pier wi\u too grcut, mill hu could unlcti out imtlung hut tlio fltruy nolo of a cutnel, now nnd then. "Come, phy up loader, old man; can't Ik*.h. Nn.ioug iiku a hit of music now and 11 1 n I lidt'ti emu Riitjil ni being 11 Hoidior; \ u du have 1 hjiud, whilo wo pnnr heirguru h ui if) e,iir\ a n tin n ulioai. J hit then., a -nun (.nn liion tins wlit'ii lit; hkiH, ami il SO .111*1 l.Lll't ." 1I>* t'.ok a tm 11 or io up ind down, and u'npp*d .tt-J-t111 lo look tip ihti Hlnp rhll - upr 1 e lining h il'ii .ihovii hi in from Lhu 'ihclt mi w I leli his dutt\ 1 iy, this beinir ov1 mio uf l he sjjnis \\ Ii- r u it n fill Id be in (j-nhjc tni ,1 dai mg cr igsiii.iii t.) ^lib.in to thu < ii. ' sliniilda't ininil IL Ll'.asi nf hcei," h" I'lif/lil. 'Ki't 111 thn all, I siippHe \\ > Ii I fun ^t 1 Lli.tt IjY and l.\' l.nul, v. 1 il 'ii t Ii lite, g 'L i) 1 Mil ii" a1) ill I . I luW ill 1 >l ill. il<i (i ii- t 1,11. iii-nb- ' "s ,in,j ,,* m p i\ ' t>i i* 1 . v - I I01 lie ii hi I h l,' tun >, 1 '"1 ..... 'I . 11 1' I' ' llJi_' "I 1 \ 1 l Me HH\V 'mil 1 I'.a 1 ' 1 , , u| ' in up In ni III.mi I e ' ' k n 1 111 i i' ' I ( Minn" b 1 ind ine II in . 1 1 0,1 in 1 ii . mi mi n 1 In* sea n .1. ki 1,' < 1 1 1 -.In I j*n " li> - j ion- 1 '. -1 . Lb 1 mi 1 in, us im m 11 p. il liii 1, i.\ a e I.) 1 ni't )i. ' p I M.i 1 - Mi v in 1 V\ 1 1 , a 1 itno'. ml, lli 1 li ll 1 oi^h. ' S I'm. d. \ |. hi sucn a 1 -f , ho ui the .\ il !i 111 11 mi lui 1 11 r , (-' iiei 1 1 Ii > 11 ">{ in . 1 f ill 111 1 11.111 ip 1 1 1 1 p 111 111 ^ 11' A l.i hi liuli 'T I \\ o fi "tl, tin illst,oit h Hill on t ii 1 I" 1 ll< ui 1 d I 1 I ii" "ii 1 ib 1 , 10 id On U lit !! niil-HiL' \" u . 1 ib 1 1 \ if I v li , 1 wi v mirli*r 1 ,n\ 1 ml' 'l mnoi* t inn II 11 Itlliy In I IliU IliUilt 1 tli <,nld Hunk imihiii^ nt it, and hu lor vr ' 1 li b u k -.une'.vliei" I" ii.ive a hit n' -.npjii , hu: heciUl-e I'm licit; and Mll't get in :i i i-i\ tun! If of l lint nil co 1111 t niMi-i i.io-nly , ui.l ih* ii^lils -el in l;i and. I W ei plst tilQ MINK t|dll III hlllllU * lIlilC \t .U nor hiy old apple ll'i'i', ihe ( !< linel .Mrj\ le, us 1 cm] I I j^ct Up wdien I hk(;d, ni kiiiH'iw as niiiii) dnwii m I |ileisI(| ivitti (u lliel s clnth.i piopH g"tid Ipp" ' llley nut) ui V. i\ s A .Oi 11 .1 I . L-S-t ,.V. 1 I ll'illljis p||'h W.iHh t t in n old liaiU im'.cihj,' pi 11 ra, w liu h Wan hk- nihltlliiL! tlie lu.nli, nil Llin tc*p ol 1 in In dpicls." If' laiif^hid until 'i'i *nniihh in slmnk ' "eoi 1.hi 1 In 11 p mi " ht- mid Inlf nhiuil "Sod In ' 1 1 i\n nimii nf ut pn in [m , on f. 1 MniIiul; Wi.n.ni uli linn s. 111 ol Lliesu puoi hu^gii s It.-^ in tdiLt way and then \m ni on iliinip 1 ' iimyb. , \\ 1 11, limy nhnil <1 lm\e kinmn 1 Ilii " He cceitiiuie l hii inu li up a*id dmvn foi a \\ lnle, and Linn >i. ppi o i.m < nn.i e L'l (Minded hi i pi m*, and oioii 11 nt nut win pu'i.tuk H \*. as not Ui at ha was par! icnlaj 1^ W.1.NI ing in coiirajj*, but, nli'iit in ihtrn hv lie dukmht, It was impoutililii lt> lu*. p iMLktb.' tinu^liL th.it a dt-t'[H>rute m.oi uli" li id btnlen out or hidden migtit b. bu k u li em-u by ruady to mi nig upon In in in in tingii nth d moment, duve luin oil the i, ill file-it Hineh formed hlh bea', ami uli iMMihl bf uvir in an instant. 1'nr a fd tin-ii.....mt i 1'iuli liy tlrownuiL' or Lin feulf d C. iftil nil lh<* lock* hi'l'OV " Ti i v fihmi't take lin- unaw ar* .i," h- tlm .giit, ".id tin n hu luisiiaud art in win i ii* In. Miould gi\ u the oltirm hy In ini* his pi, oe In in. mutant lie I id i.in-ur it nu 1 hi m { i wiih on tin 11 1l>t. hut le- did n i ii.iki i ,s (1 sli cut tlie (laikiti s tni a ani ni. ni and liu rfpoi t I un H* telmitiL! a mv 1 lie ilfi *' W J i l I for , ' lie 'i ild tu lil'imiilf, "hi n.' t lie fi ! low s I i i e Lu la igli at me Iti-eatim 1 licud a I ihlilt on the mow. I idinllhi IIiVim lunu ihn I isi if it " IT** ay..ti' yroifidi'd hio piece, but m*iI'ofllv, and sloo.l uith lint hiu'k lo : In- st ,l, Htr.uii.nc( Iim < > .*s m I he .dirtct i m fmin w lie in ' i 'i'" a und had emm , hnt tin* slnm h that tow i t en tip u i*i e all hiuir-d Iol' i Ii * i ..... ..... IH, i ,IM g \.^hi.|LdHl.eU>ll,'f,,'t* "i,uk I"", "'.1 lh.M.,dl I. -flUHled .... i . .ruii.i.. ..ham.( ll. ul I^-uiri. B.veml tlun-H n%.i lint l.u couM niakunui A i . ooi ' an, ih ine-tc-f ue. hn.g, i ih fiKuro of u man h .Ii hidd.-n by mi, . prftjectmn, hu v*. n lam to i-oiih sa din mly after t Imi it w aa ad faney. "lllll f mcy oi not," I . s u I lo linn i - f 'I don't mean to ho t 1 'ii or Mi* l;. hi.I Imp" .ind lie did imi sin f on, his [in,i ion Hl..|t In* al < el on I lo Oil i'il,'i' nf Hi i tl uki li b. l kt i.l "i ,_' .uieiii^' if) il 'hi ami h II tl nj in* si 'in path, and btti epinjj tin. m i|i in I. "ill T, a ininllli ['. s .1 ll!..' til IS Lt ii loiiy i|,\i i inhM l n I I in -iiiil I in n l he in in II ii in his I tl . 'd ii." d I. a K , fu.lmpni ii,mui atrafl', e 'i t un now I ha' tin i had heeu goo", n i o i !o I I e Olsh il^etlH lit i tin* sloii'* l"U limn ni ' ll up (o (hu tup ,| uli nt I In I an '. - nt J i 1 inn bn liu ll.jj- f -ioi'iiI tan. o.ii ui ii-li Mtit l thnll lhiruie;h ! 'ii- \\ .il < In i i ( i \ . Ii \,,is (In- ulain. Ind I, u'hieii mi^ht Nl ui I In si . pe ol pr. union oi an n tt iid' f in a lii'.nliV i in my , out u ouid nm , i- t he lal li r, hit I In I e w as III) I illecl loll of a I I X"**. for I' ! inu M i i -il I In man. it it li |,i , l nLi I oil I he ll IfiiMM pn j an '1 Int the I iir 'i id a man or in on, ami m> lh>.iinht ,,vci tin hamuli In: mil it u'hr In fun* ae In i . *i iiiin'l Mant tn hint any laxly," henuil ' , j \ t "out 'in on** ditill di im) nm ov. i u li I < IK ei'tnne n ni"l h llin; |p M I.'tHthllt 1* i ubll IIil' i\\a\ elinp lu his [ lines >ilii I >.% ish i In ' '1 ' l,,y 'llm "r Kt'l,d hi t. Huiin* u hi it: i Ue. " And lin i]ii>ih;'iI of a uiuilu i\ ho hail i i ii dii i lib d tni life, mil in nil in i mm "in livistlde-to i li\ inn- i f< |,s ,,( i u > l\e nmnt ii-, hnlli Holtl injui'ii't it*liny uVountr Jfliiu. Win n fio vet wn oihiI) iiniiro h\ mi nliento I we.jitn li'i't nnd u"U-. ' imI im 1 it men' rutliit In fan t ' t". "ii no "nt ei i o * V OV" Wit - fttriO Oll-Tnlo'a l*'hll 8:o"j ' K iU"il6u. went nil ihlnkiii,i am.nt tin tm.n (l( |,(] lioud of lie* ba\, in d tin inu-n, ami o| ln,w tillm \l aH filing; and I lien hi , I li.ni(/i w -ml buck io tliu |;ieat body ot nun: i 'in cutninaU hIiui' up in liu. hil^t , yt m, Im In- anj.f.1, and ot hou much tlipeadid m, tlie pai'u and iltli(*iunH) m1 thotu in clin^t _fl inu to handful uMiiparud with tin nt, i\u y guuided. "On'y \W)'vo g'it tho law on our Hku ,u ] they haven't," ho thought; tunl it > p.- thought t .in tlirongh hiM bniin h" fell ii >- blood puhiato nharply and (l|i-tr, nh a in l> y tin oh ul his Inmit, tor ih. n u ,.'i a pi euliai i M)iind away to lu-s right, h^h up (I c ntcep j ill op o of tho cllfT, an if a ulniio had lieen dls indgi d and Imd nllppaJ dow u few yauls heforu ntop-pine i n ch ft. ifo r.tood If a ton nig intontly, but tho Mi.I'U b> iMiuigi' lilute whom all tint in -ii li at ed Aii'.thei ni't'aiit Old all (hiuhtfi mdui at jUl in.i, Im there u a t a hi ie;ht flush, uiui tiin 11 ly jfti t llm In a\ y, n*\ nheraling mar nf a ^un. "MiaipN tho won! !" (ninl the lniin uofily in, i inuht hy tiauung, hu liut;era \iivalun- tauly fH w- fmth a loud clieking fumi 'lio halt of tlu pur.! held; ami ati hu Ktood th"n>, li.rutluiin; Imid, eveiy iiei vo ntid iiiusulu wan on thn uiiuiii, far Im oould lit*ur httipii enining iiipnUv in Inn direction, and llinv inuat pani iiim tin in wuu no ol her wav; and tl nnatitn deHpuiato al tack madu hvtiifii ai nnd with hainmuia and Imrn, jj r- liapii only idomii, and on tlie wurdor'n part tint v und Lelf-diifciieu. ".SotneniKi'ii aiutihel* croHBuil oit," ho Tlmii n. oliang* catno over him an, with ni Inteiliu fi ellli^ of HiiLlafael hill, hu ^i uRpnl ihn f ml til <t I l.u iii.-itilllt ad limit, ot fnet WitH tliar of i heir nv>rit it etc piinud moo. Km oiial iiuLind, .iii'i Llo'in \ui thn rmin* Hill In^ 11 i.potitii- "Aoyni n I. mi ih,ii u,Uy " ui nd a nor- K'"!! la mi hi tedy an h<f Intltud foui ni"ti ' '" l. .....f'tun init put and hulf lulled two imrdeirt. Tliey caiiio ftlon^ tliiH way, un 11.mil " "4\*'d> ily he.*n liu t yniy." *K> i p a 'inn i p I (ink oil 1, 1 hen. VViV fi inn; on. ('h ilb ujm', or o.-nrHc, hilt if tliey dni.'i man t 1 t ilu-iii Imvc it. Th**v \uri I Upaie ynn. U ll'IV, "In t n ; we'll h ll t' ill' liex pox|, unit eollie hick (lll'iielil. "Slop!' ind tin1 si'iiiiv Hindu y j "I tliou!_d i I hoiml a '.toiKi ro I down 'nun up yoii'O i l fi u niiiuiteii ap;ii," 'Tn ** in n t Iuti', lion," eried ihr . r- Km ni, "nalo cumuli. Nou", tlii'ii," Im ih||i>iU'0, "lio- I'.nni 'i up, my ia'hi. (IlV< In N'i h mii'H, l* I'll t^Uo oitiPiit to fil'e. Hi on , i in i e ; pi nm in !' '1'h a as a de id iil'inen. 'X -di ennui ll 1 mei I he fillll here,' (Iliad.1" n <)t 'lie itico " Mo.iki'VH ililj^llt, p. rliai "s i inn! i i ii d i Im it n >4<> < ui " 1 in*y llin i n- I ni 11* \i.\i, Inn, will you en inu ibm n, in an* \i in p.. it Y' u oil ," " Hum ' Wiilli'. I Imi ?" The UN nm uk ible (.LT 111 lip; of flliUlt'K und iih laini'lin^ >*oiind an if nmiiouric Imd "lip- ped " If di ' I nal'ii jjond OIlOllRll. N'oW, ihuil, m 11 Ml lendei ?" Sib ne .' un, and tno *larl:ni m> in front ack I th .u ever " Vou nil! have it, tin*:!," eiid llm 'wr- n*aiit. '* Oim an 1 tour, m. do7flii paceu ie;i.l and h tt." l'lie uvoltttmii win rirrfornieil, and ilion u/llll a mull on eaUl Hlfie of htm t he no e,eimt OIIC.) IllOre Blioutfd tn till) uoiiVietH 10 L^IVo III. "Ifi, look out !" roared wi of tho ivaul- in. "In tin* Qiici'ii'ii nntifl, Biirrond--------" A dull, heavy bluw, nnd a Rioau were 'hpar'i ihnniit, injjni liur, cutting iilinc L tho jot fti> iui'h challfiiue, for a huavv pu co of '(ic.i Ktniil* hurt full in tho fucc, udulu a tn i I ail i of I i llie appi *, \A\ t ' *^" - / iV-* ^W'tt&f'W'^i^, eoiiple mmc hloelm wIii/7lm1 by ihn othurH, ( > tall hnmly far bclnw ivher-t thuy_ Htond. .Siuiuinintioti.sly ihrt'i-dark figurns hounded on m ihe t'dgo and m.uht 'it the httle- jroiip. The atinuk wan uo suddon mid tlirufnl in Itii roHtilln that the M'nnlcrn f; iyo way nyhl andhfl, whllo tin ennviuts lUof.pid, lucrulhijdjdi tl over tho eii^o of i ho path, and lii (|.iuV) d.i),ci*iid thu lion ihly Hlci-p uhir. , *I)i>u*t kucp tegt'licr,'1 tried a imaiito vouj" fiotu no o\v. I'lvury man for hinuudf now." "Km* ami a mo-l mnvthyr tin i u rilh s ihidiud on t tin ir e mil flit h, t olio a ed by a d i l.si\ e laii; li I lien the w'ardio? who had hi en onici i d oil in ihn liejll il it'll, and in tij.- -Imi tin- t'btl tliniii wan a ten mlo civ I I hi wed Ij\ a ni.sh an of hoou-t Ini.e fallliu '*?i*u\v, iln-n, nut under !" ernd one of i in- u in ii>ra, t. hu wiih i idii.nlnij* rupuliv, )u i* as t ipid btups iutu heai de uuiip; a hni{j iln paili 'Uheio aro tluy?" ahoiii nl an uuilou i- wiii\e vuici' in ten or a <h/ ii iimiu men Weie now haltnl nu tho hhelf like pith "KijO.L b- ]ow here, sir linn uf 't in d n v, 11 "Ililt, iln-n ! Dtyou h ai, nun? Sin* 111nb i nt on* ' , piii i ni'i i .| < ' \o leply, but tli......ilion1 i onlil l.o.ir tliu n nllhiiK tmiji of ihiHu ih n ending und thu i ni ih* tit a hea\ y sttme, follow t d by a dull piling) " \ "ill" hi nod In- on Jdir dm ii in ads t urn,"'said t tie nliiei r, who hud now turne up ' Omc mm e , in I be rpn cii' i mime, nili n inn '" No an-\n i. hut the Inu i M d i us tie of ihn duse.1 ndiu-i un,' ' i\ e *. S| ai p uiih i \\< I i) ejivi ll, and then uune I If I i' .1 Until ' 1 ii..... S-'t i i td rilli i lattleil out lln:i deadly einilh'ii*L;e now , nm is tho w ui.lei h [.find n\ei into tlie dm! ne-s up lhnutL;h l n In iVV Sllloki i Hue i pi I'll ll lT siillil, mile 1 ko ' hu tn y ot l sa *. ii go her t I li ill liu ul i in in in- n t a 11 li man tnrnat, m Inh- tin . i 11 v iti i i, syiuhng t tin ill or hoi i oi I h rune, ii I ho I ii it ii who weiii l"okili| down, tin in Hiii ( ho Hound of thu hea\y phinp;i* at ot h,oinetlnn^ f illmu f inm a gio.ir Iicion; into i he hi a. Tin* sili hlh , Have that t li < lii'ii\y hiealh- in:* nf the \\iii dei 4 was atidih'e an they Im.n.'d fin iln* ei \ "iTi p !" u hu;b i h. v , \pci tud to heal ft mil tin- Water wui-nilie w onioi il nun io i' tn lb i mii f iea, not cue of I In- e,'iaid da i ni; l-i I i- i)n inj-id to think Upon el lilt l of t lie hlml s Und as beinp; fatal. At that [limine., r I i * i * j .nm n fl.ish ftoiu nf] tin a('a a (jiim (. I "t it nnleiiui1,, anil a in llit UWi.y, and a fen llliiint nlii late I .lint HIT (dan), li'iili n inline a in nhitiit pin h of In;lit iieiotui \%.<v nim . h wt.n r. And now, plainly neen in ilit* n.liltu nt a bluish lialo on tho black nighl, ihe.e ntoi.d mil tho i igjjinp and hull of a ship, with li^uren moving linn! ahu thoie ; two lioalo woi o Inweie.l (Inu n, and directly u'tn tho ttntei 11 o in tl nnd hpaikh'il a mn were dipped, mid tlio man of w ar enl Itih, wtLli llii'ii i ininlciiMn, ui iu niMi'il m tuwiinl thu niel.s, Hv turn itiuo thorn w i ro fri'hli arrivahi mi ihn lIiII p.i'h, i h.t firing having drawn tinea men hearing 1 vnteiilH, und tin: ollicei in < h.i. r. -limii' 1 I on I lllll'l I "No, hu," aaid tlio (Irut ofiluer r<",])i'i't- fully. " S.-rguatiL laS^iHtlowii biidh hull with a titouu, ami K.ul|hn's '-hmildei ii hurt." 'Hut tim prisoner*, inanV" eimd tlio iii.ueonnir, ovidoni ly oivo hifgh in aiithonty. 'lin aft ind, i-ii---------" '*'Jlhe pu mieia '{ ' "lleloiv heio liomuMiii.'ie, hir two of tlum." , "Vns, nnd the ot nor ?' ' "Wo Weioubhgeil t tiro, tor, and thoto v/t\a a ory, und Wu Imanl onu fall into tho Bua, ' I Hountl waH not fopuutflil all wan "till uu I mutior.id flfrcoly, for tliero was iu fculiii(( j dtiatli ;-hufc tho inau'n piilflen had boon | of drortd now. Jtirta'd. und his hwrt boat) in a nmnnor.tlu*ti ... /r: ". yMrpCfffc CIIAHKH XVIiL riticii'I It wiib a Bliin, gruy-httlrod, wiWtiuy look- inu man who liKtmiwd to Uit>o wordt* with tho light of onooftho luntorns full upon, Ida face, which contneted dutoa hou*vy (rawn. . ' -warned thfm wUt" ' vA^uhi nnd iiffiiii, nir. T^ waw not until tliey w*t ii njf'it down him, t.flrr tho nor- U,,iii I'^l Ini'ti unit, tlutt wo lirud." " in' ( iveiuoi, for hu ib wan, nhiuj^ed hi* Bluei deif und 'javH htu ofdoiH. Then foil-' of li e iiuihI uetivo of iho Wnnhl't hefjiiti tfl i]'"ti in I hmti i in ni hand, each look i|i^ like n ul .ill "ll I lu< f'leit nf thn bhu L loi'd. Tliu ttn.U ;arfrpcilluii'i that at thu etui of ii ' iw inintiti). tho ynvV nmi m Ai rod f hr nn"i tn hal', tvlillo ropi'ii hi tn fulfilled, ami in uti time thi'Htr went hruii'dit and H.'cureil < inila if,1 w uluttj, the rop i lii'inj^' puhl Hie w u drill di th" Hh"lf, th" \\\*\\uioii i ii i hi'inj* imu' *-ii|ii<l' on ii tod hv ' tieht-i held til I he mm i h n| f lu fii'jt Mt .; ( lit *'l il \i \ I hi 11 . nnlif>ii' '* \us -ooutfii hi tl> itl: . f oi on" of t lio bout*, ' men i m ap 1 lin; ' ' " Ym; ii ni ," u ui nlifiui ml mi k. 'Ml mi to ami fio. nnd in o if yon < an in ike out a man m', urn I li j' " K ^ i ! S m j m iu itiL', Hide. .1 VVheie'i hu lo <u un I ij '," ei iiiuhb (1 the nfTiCM ; (inil ill a vwnil im ti tin- h'litN uepiirn rd, ami iwn 11. at a wi oi t uislaue tt nm i b mi i 1 In i am a. hall I i nil) iu low, a ml a I nail htnjie, in- lint in In/ ll lo elliub 'lib Uii- io aline uno in*, jnitl hueoiim htaluni ti ry "W.. I ?" finm i Ui, M| df, ' (hie nf '( in, hi r ' "Muni Wait for help nd Ionic out for -tl I' II lie! V." "He t'oii'i chaw no inuehery," mntterud the w.udei, JmhllliL: thn lanteiu over a phimiy fit'i- enni up . il hy u^oiiy. "Well, nmi i, 1 'ii t^n ' in iinw.' "Vt h, ' Mini ih noin with a ^ioan. "I'm* nit It i.ri a d"jj. Ifold inn, I ah,ill yo intu tho Mita. Ct t Ille buck Tim doctni." Tl<' laid uo nun n. H|H yranp of lint lock to wlui li he t tuii^ n-hiXL'd, and he be-all lu vlidi. dm. a jndtw isu i ill tin* ward* r tin nit his 11* bi*n<*alh hi in ninl (.'ranpud nun urin. "fi'ifdc hIuli p " he ti.ud to hi i companion, "Sot tin biniein down, and mint' loo." *'(' in yon buhl li j it i ';" "Yen; all ii^lit. Now initio ilm ropn fron roiiutl tnt*, and mako It fatit under hii arm"." r "Whore'ii he liuttV" mtid tho hci oud war- dor. "I.i'f,', I think Un thingH urn all wot Wll li lil in) J, nit Mini p." Tlie kin.t vmii* nulled, nmi ai tho in* hciuiIi [ , ui.undid in.in wuu field up, I hi! iopi w ii made fim under ni. aim**, and at the until i in* uutortuiiatft uioten iulh caru* full v haiib d u [i, I hit' la font ho wan hidf-wny In llin nh elf tin in wiih a iiocoiid liail fimn eloiu down tin. Uiiier *udij "H"r*"n anothei of 'i-m, cir." "Hint." "Yei, tm. or No simmming." *V\'ail, till, (Uinllinr mn.ii |'eti down to yon,'cried tlio govoi iim-. "I! (.Lit fit1!" Tne man who Imi j^ivon up Mt-* inpe v.Xa" not fur iiImvi1 I Int i.pfL whuro t b> *>. o.iiil eon vict lay; and hu luannj^ed to lower Imusnif down, liriiduin; Lho lantern the uiiilo in im teel I , nnd " .on nfter lidding Ha llglit lo tinii oi Hie oi ner win ib r'n. ' he'n sh.uiniuiig?" ad., d the in in who ha I found luin. 'Iln- tie-di co me i atoopod dnwn without, -iH-ttt-t-a-H-T-ir w-kpiii nf thrownrinHi* IToiii ho\e; iind atttr I'n.lcin^ fp.idly in tiio convict h eh)"eh- ahnveil f.u i , pasi.il his Imp ' hiuo and I ll-rn l*botit tuo pruinn clot In h. -------- '* I)- ,i't feel iiotliinr./' he ni.id, "but thin llui'i -din in tiling Hen-, hold up, my i ul. Wh* te in e \ on (i"t I *:" Tlim win no 11 p y, und tin- eb inl-, < ut m int nm u i ic 11 aiiii 11 of i ha man Inukci vuiy tilout and h\i d '* I don't Hunk Iu"u Hhauiiiuii^, nnte,' whii-pMid .be \iiid-r, "hut cover hnu u lib \ our pi< i e ; I i tmi't w'ant to hu hiu ( " It Wall an au L w in d phiee to tl"e inth, but l l.u \\ a i ni i i i In ssi'd alt*r hi , pm-t i<m U h it le, uid hi uiifdit ih mu/A a of ins pn e toll* ti nu tin inn' -i'*j hi euit. " Wi 11, \ i 11 t.\ n lieInu tlio re," ih nil ted the fniwu nor. "Wb.it do yuu in k i out 7" "(Jne moment, hu 'Ujdi I Kd hii i tntii Kg lien*, ninl-* Ktul Inn liniid." " I' \;t your wmil for it," eaid thu uthei" tjr n 111 ' hm'tihiv* jour ropo, then, nnd red luin ii[i " "II diy hint '" ent'd tho (fiM'innr. "Ymv.m , iiiuitttd tho Uaidei whawm miu.ipiil ii n / (he inpe. "Wait a mimi e,1 he . .tumult d, and, ttnpping olf his tunic*, lift thiew il uvir tliu injlirul inan'u head, and pioiseil tlio sloi vein midor tlio ropo nhoui Inn (luni. "M ml w h\t you're doinn, cr he'll tdip aw.i .* "lit II slip iwiiy it I do mind," tnuitetnd the wjiiihii "11' u, Mtadv, niate ; i . nlv wauled lo kiep llio roekn fioin clnfiin; you " l-'or ihn eouiii't had midden ly lorn at t e tunic,, l-ut hi*, hiinda droppod~ntrain dirier -- "ind ua-i triv-n lo haul ce,itl\. ami -ni|' on i.y uiuni'i ki . i tt i'."p am il) tlio pi iumu i'ti hr <i"t, fie wur.le.t eiuulnd in tho inpe hu*, baillid, and k *pt Ihn tin* Jfortuuitu inau'ti lieiu". from thn imi, T'.it la nt \\ a'i i id )wr j i ul* m i ban thn unildlnjir up of tlin lint pi 1 ouei . hut tho TCstoPtln wirdeio win Miiu-hmu; abMit still, tiHjM'ondly doun thum to the ed-n .f the wea, in tin' o'xpeclatlon of tueinj- tlio -third man huliu^ among iho mckn Imlf '. ovoitid witli tno long otiandH nf thofilimy tuoufl that friiigod the tidu-viuHhud uhoi'i'. And all tliu whllo llm two bout a mado thu UMiter glial en, und 'im blun lif^htH threw up tlie faeo <>f ilut.'nik un nlearly that, unlo-m ho Iiad found flomo deep, dark, cuvernojia niche, them w iih Lut ll' tlo eliauun fin nu (sHcaping eonvr* to cling any whom there noHeflii. By tho timo tho ni*oond man wan taken to tho nhelf u fre-ili nrr.vul waa upon tho hcohu in tho p mnn of Ihe jail miie-ooti, who, froah from attciului'j; h*. i ue.uit and warder, made a raptn exnuiiaiion of thn fir-it pn* onor, and tlu'n begun io upon a oaso liy tho light of ono of tim untcrii**-. " Dangerouo!" (laid tin* (jovornor, ahurply, "No. IJullbt cloau tlnougli (uo tlutf!) nnd the other reguturly plowod. Send for trotchurn." Ho knoll down tin ho npnltnr ami with tho convict grmuiing pnm mjly im lapully plug ged one of his wouiidn and hiitnhifjinl both, und ho tun ed to tlio Huoond patiitil, wlu) Waa lyih^ talk* liiK quickly, a fiw yarda away JiiBf ihen tlio govornor hailed thu inun below. " You muit find him, my laiiu," ho cried. Who lioiud hiniplun)4 int" "X did, iiir," onma buck, ' Well, then, ho io ashnro ntrnin Homo- where, holding oiU-y tho 'rn<t.H; no man would nwim out to noii with nu*h a tido on, Mb would hoent rliV ii|d7t away. Kcopayoud looltotti, and if ho'ii wtbo Im will mirieiidcr, Woll, doctor, this onit nniuh hurt !" "Vt'H, iiotrihly. Head crimlied." "N t hy a hulUt !' fall. How lonR *re tlir.no Btrotclu-rn goin^ to bo!" "Somo diatatiGo fur tho mini to Ui "ync- tor," Hind tho govornor quickly- ,l\ ou fotgiit thoy wor being umu f*1-" go ant mid tho initti.'" ptlRMITURE.. It ivill puy M^oun to call nnd oxiiriiiuii out I,in,.-,, nd Woll un. united^ hltuck of KINK l-'UItNI- JJLlUJt-'WaOljj'y-jttoU-Jju-uiit-ttiiy_______ thin iiptit't!. JUST READ BELOW: Finn Bcdroohn Sutt (nil oomi-lotn) Fltio extomiolon Tables- un. \nnK~ 5O0 Cood Bedsteads - i 76 And ftvorytlnrip- nt .. CUT PRICES .. XK*t All \',c od.i di'Uvm ed fn'o of cluircfi (iond Lumber tnl.oii hi otclumco for fumituro Undertaking; and Embalm- a Spocialty. Pi icon an low, If no* lowoi, than iinywhorooliio for quiibty. J. 4, HICKS I KHBKX, ONT. ^riKiM/i*, Vti ,t-Jj h. r^. ^ /- A, *-rri*rnijv -*- ** t ^ o Cure SICK HE AD AGUE nnd Nf iinlp.1--. iu i-O MINUYCS, .u O Lo .li d 'lu**-i'H,faT-JJi7/t- ni 'i., Mil ion in * *, I'.liii in tim Si'!.'t(^oiiiilipnltonlj I jipnl I.tid. ll .i Pri :i'ii. to jt.iy cure.i ahu rccuhltii tin b'.v., I ,. vcitY NIOU TO TJlUB ^PRtat* CO Cz.'jts at cnua Sto/vco** A Born to HorHcmon. Ono bottlo of Eu^lifih Spavin Liniment completely ro moved a curb from my iiorna. 1 take plouuuro 111 renorniueudinu thn reranJy, na it acta with inyntenouH prornptnonH m tho removal from Iioihoh of hard, 00(t or cal- loufcd lutupK, hlooti HpuMti, uplinhi, ourbn, nweeny, HtifloH find HpraintH.~Geo. Dobb armor, Markham, ^Ont. Sold by John Tliorno, Uru^^iHt. TiMllnir liltu IXouciity * You** clrn^y iHt im hoiient if when you ante liitn for a bottle cf Scott'n Emnluion ho (^ivoh jou jtiht what you aak for. Ho- luiowiithio ih tint hntit form in which to- litlco (Jotl Livor (ill. V^cs Michigan (TENTg^ " Tiia Niagara Falls JRouic." ooino i;ast PitkhiK elfucl Nov. 11th, lfiOI. Mini I Up. Kxp. 11.in. a 10. p. m. 1'flHI X H I.l 7.-J1 10/J5 Wood** en. Hii Coin be* H 10 10 ai Hii If; ;oii 11. l.r>0 H. Ij 11.6ft St. Tin iiuni 11 1.1 '1.50 IM flOWO WI'HT. Kx|>, IL. 111. Mall p.m. r,Hhi*x 11.11 fl.30 Man li touo OrosH . . fi.:io Pldti mi il'O- Windiior r-i.20 7.00 Ijeantl 11 <rto 11 uiui WiiKluor. Noian GOCTII IL III. [Mil a.iu p.in r e.r) r> id Wuidftor H.'H fi.'Jil II (0 1 r,> I'nltnn Kbi(j U.M n..ia 7.ri? hit MaidHtotit) Cl0--'l 0,01 D.15 7 17 l.:ti Knit ox 0.10 ,V.l 7. ill 1 -if Woodnloo !Wt O.Otl 7U7 I l> ItUHOond- O'lO 0 25 71^ in) ... Comhnr.... 10.00 is;m t! ^1 :i bo . Itoaiilvil ... , 10.1(1 0.10 0 r>o 1 r. . Htiiplon 10 10 0-10 ti 11 1 :i' ... . OuKlnud..... lo.m 0 51 ii iu .1 :v% HUlhonwoori . .... 10 an G.55 u:u :j i;'i "W'hIo io.:h 7.01 Lalto K & D It'y 1 'j.-i .1 -io Ij3umiii(iton, , 10.10 7,10 "lla '4 htutiou, AinhiTHiImrc: Iincnl Trnluu. \\ 1,ST r-Aai- ]) in. a.m. a.m. p.m. li.'2-i ".Ifi F.u a ox 7.1.1 i.m f( ,! . '). iH KdRiiid 7.00 '" 4.03* t, V2 'i :ia L Y, ^ 1) It XinE O.&O t) II >iur> MoG*.-ORor 0.1H 100 7 0.1 10.00 " Amhorfitburft 0,30 a.-io All tialmi aro m 11 on central ulcmdaWl tlmo, which hi uixty mlnutoa nlowor than K-uox time. For information arid ratoii to ooton- lotD movinR wont apply ta John 0. Lavou, I'aa- t.oiiKor Afiont, Bt 'J. bom an, O. W. IttiifKlOB, Gou- (irul PaHfloiipfflr ana Tioltot Acont, Cliiaii|[o, IU orA.O Btlmoru, Auont, Entsox, L. E. & D. RH -RyH Tl.MF.TABLENO.lV.taldnfi offoot pn Monday, Nov. C(). 1H0I. TyuiiiB run hy Fastorn Btaud- urd Timo. Dallv oxoopt Bumlfty Oil"* H 'A AM A M 0 25 11*00 :I2 11. l'l 0 .Tl 11 25 ii t:t li.iio flfiO It.Ill 0.11 u ii 7111 m fi ft Hit "J 12.0.* 7 0:i 10 0!) !*.!.'.! 7.10 lOJti PJ-IO 7.1* v ii li/20 0.27 a :nMl inji7 10.J17 10-15 I0.r.r) U.H ll 'JO U.Sfi 11 :ir- li.-IJl' U Hi 11.A'i imu i w it ja.10. iu y 1 i.r.| l.'U T.H 1 itl) 7.IIH 1 -ir> 7 1 fl RTATIONfl. Dop Wall-orv'U) Ar WulUorvilhi June. ..... IVItoti........ ......t Oldcimtlo..... .... t 1-iiqtnitto,..... Mcrtmnor..... ..1 Now Canaan.., ... f Mnmlillold ... ... narrow ...... ........I Arum*......... .....Khifi'ivlllt)...... ... . Untlivtm...... r.namhicton ... r}jr> 0 lUf- .. Whrntlty H.05 fl.~'l 115' J.lb 'l.l'l .1:15 r-.i ti .1.10 r. go 0.11) 1- M.'r. m H.IIll a-u strt H.M 0 05 0.1a ,17 .'J'. .'ill P.M. I ItullWlol- ......(.'oiitflworth ... . .. -I Oli'UMood .. .........Merlin ......... .....+ Ihixtou........ ...... Himilltioii ...... ...ICetltirfinrltifiH.., Ulonhnlm iTmiut'n ......Bhmhiiini...... ........iWilklu........ Ar Uid(.;otownl)op A M 0 10 n oi 8 B7 HfiU H-17 H-l-J H ltd H 211 H2J ((11 ti 01 7 CI 7 40 7 21 7 IC 7 10 7 00 0 r.j a. M W A II fi.00 4.4B 4M\ U.-17 7.01) 0.S1 4.10 l.U l.rn a,m *i -ti :i.t!.i B.II tttffl U.-JH l.ilO MiH l.U 1.(10 0 i.vioirt 11 -lOilunl) ai 0 a 10 000 A.M n.iiH n.ao U,1B 10,16 10.00 Pill. (U7 0.!JU tt.U 0.10 .12 (1.01 fi.GL 0,11 fi.0 W4 ft.0fi B.0O ISO 4A' 1.115. 4.110 4J81- 4.11 4tW ,*J00 y 8.B0'r .1 1. ... 1 JlK^\iiies!ii Ji^i*lSito^^^ ^^Mm^tM n"'"*i,,i,r'"f(dii';wH'r'yos.V ' aitl tho doctor, r -puliv o-xint inunnj Ida" lnttiilpulatloiw ; "men., thnt. ivalll *n <* " 1!-^ t*. ho fiomhU Una-Band BtootJ looking imi at 1 liv boati below tnKalng the wrW 1 ' ! *' I I1 . ' 'l ' M' I* l.lt'liiK StutioiiH. Tmi))it Htop only when f-hera,^3 imi piifHn'nnor4 iLtOrfor tliolio BUtttoiiB. KflxaQfti trahm tuu at al thu oh huhjoot to b oancelltjdl^ |hi,;H;;nomhUUn.i.d too4 looking I WM WfiOT^ATT. General BnpeHntqn^M .....--------u ^iw^jf .' -f 'f&wM J:i 09