THE F^SteKaf- FREE PRESS Tliin ahonld bu tho duuiro of ovory nun Your homo in your kingdom find uhnuld bo -jiTFlriiB'conifortHblM nnd buimtlful u your naiatiH will ullow. Ijittlo (?xpoiiHrt|ifi nt'OOH- itiirv to (WoruUi your roimm with our Wall Papers Bund for Miuiphui utitl poiuXcnj.nn Pupur Hmitfiiij,'. Consumers- Wall Pagier Bo. mat mm ojfmooM'K Whulum-, Out. In rc-ft>rahc to thoquimtimi of voting ( b MmnnJ", whlln not pnyilii! UxuH, wbtob wub r*iut>d at thn.-lkwi mtiiiitit^ul leotion in ]jtf. 8x, wi flue) a rferehuu in tbo Mmiioipl World, iiuuuUini-ity on' mioh 0*1*11*, which oov*irn the quoMtinn, Tim l'uferatimi lit uh fnllowri, Tihdi*? Ih- q'lontlon drawer : ,T. W. It. U ntuiifiiori an luuuut oh th HHiioBHiiKJiil roll, but on huini; ohullonfjod tit tho polln dmiliiHiu Iho with *i< Ummt, but m willing to tuku tho o:ith ou iucom under iiootion 10j A.., U tt. 0:, 1H03. Ctin ho vols an Mich V Ho iu not nMuefluerl . for jncnino und paya no tuicou ou uny property, Ybu. Tho Essex Free Progs' ferrr FRIDAY, AVUVU^t ]81)r(. i < M' rfl WNMNfi li 0. ID. Tl)0 nt'i-puytini tilting iho Jino of 'l"lt- Xnwnlmn roiul, ul-oul whirli r;i.]ni:l-'nitilit Inn burn i'-iiv! rlnnrf.: imc p -.!. f'.-w u.oirb'i, huvo lint yt'I. mVilli Dp'lil.- 1' t<Vl t"i:! nM;.'IV. ing )( l- '-r.lll"Hll t,r-ll milK. Oi (lid iM.UOO niiui.'tt!, fuliy 7ii !"rr cent ik Hub.-icribtil by irttimihiul rut. ptiyum uml uth';ri intcr(Bli.;il. unii :i <;n;iriiU"< of thu ifjiniuiiii:^ 'J.". ) <-r t^'i.t it; ;ll t!i:<:. ' *.< iv- qrjirwl liulpri' bfforo bi-^i:iiii.u ihr wuili of putting tlio irirl in a ^'nl. . fir i'"r iruvt'lT The VLl Itivjji.h . -it yjravflk'i.i 1. loin uiieih'i' * ">'i < i v-i't Y/cuther iitnl l.i V- r -ud? :i- t ! It in hopj.1 that if .tj.i<; t:j.;.,_.!.!1.."nam I"""' ueutoil to the Cuuik*.'(V>rn;H; nt-i' '* .Inti.: HftHfiion, which Will i'-J-iltld in it litiln .ItiH tlum two month.-, mid rouHOiiabJ^ rw:ep'i"ii will he innt. \. .ii', T1m- priti'cipkl (ippiicifiit t-j fi'f t .\pi'i!ilUino of; county (iiuiiu lor ussidtimct: in ['lucin^ Ll.i' roiulu in proper condition im Mr. (Jonfe, o! Muldon. Why I\Lr. (Jostc ban nn tm- tipntliy to ^ravcilliii!^ rond.i in ppnornl, anil tblQ ifiudln partic:ulir,irt Imnl to conjrctir <: In his futu-rTVio im: uduiiuod il.uL ilm rood in i;t a oonaiU'-n tlmoreditablo to tin1 county in which ho iivmi, but ho takoH tbo oomotvhut coutrnctc 1 view, that the ooiit of ^ravolliuu itiul urudinu tbo road -rliuuM he borne by tho ratopuyors or iv.unicipnlitif:H dirootly ulou( tho line of that road. s , The li'jirns'PiiKHH", toyothur with tlm rule piiyois aloiif* that rond.taktih itiau with,Mr, CoatoiubiH uxprfchhud opinions. If that or any other road iu this county, in to bo maintained by only a certain tot of con- tributorfl, it would thtTuby bo under Hie. oxolnaivo control of contributuru.'aud uny wayfarer huight bo debarrod from travelling thereon, undt-r thu pluu that ho had not coutrihutud in any way toward it xnaintcnauc*. Tlno viuw is juut aiiBPUhiblu aod juwt ixr worthy of boing curried into ofifoct, aw tho view takon by Mr. fioato, that no auaiatauce Bhould bo yrauted by the county uu a whole. Such a coutractea and Holfiah propoaition ir unworthy tho repro* Boutatiya of the peoplo of Maiden, and a man of Mr. Cobte'a attaiiiiuontfl. Did Mr, Coato novor hayo any draiuagu work conutructod in hio own towublnp, eincohu baa filled tho Itoeve's clmir, for tho bunefo of only certain ucotiouu of tho municiiiahty ? If bo has had no wuch ei- parionce in bin lonti municipal caroor, ho may not ho-vo loarued that a cortaiu portion of the cost of nearly ovcry drainutfo work, is act apart to b borno by tho wholo muni- ftipahty, mdupoudenfc of_ tho partiou for whOBO immediato bonciit tho work iu con- Btructed, becauuu of a oerLuin amouot of henefiit which tho wholo xnunioipUity will tlorivc in coua-uquonoo of auchcouutruotion. ThiB^ravelli .y project baarn juHt nuch n relation to tlio entire county of IjSbox, When tho partita to bo immediately benefitted have ruined Hevcnty-livo per cent of tho amount required, nurcly it ia not aiikinfj too much of tlio wholo county tn buar tlio re raaininy 25 percuut, of iho cunt, eopecially when thewo pernoriB and oniuicipaliticfi will bo required to pay 'beir C(|uuli/.ba hharo of iho twonty-five per cunt. If tho yiow takon "by Mr, Coato ia a bound one, it should ho unforced- pgniuut all uran'-i of whatover nature Hia opinion canui i oocoriBiitoutly hold whon no objeotiou i-t taken to. grants lor tho varioua a^nouiliual nociotiea, pub- . lio libraries, and other local organizations to which general county ayuiatanco iti fjivon. ,'Ir. Ooute'B viow ia an untanablo one, and > hould not bo taken too ooriounly by the ro- maiuing monobsrH of tho County Council. This townlme madia the dividing lino lotwoon North and South Eattcv, runs nl- itiOBb atniit nt through tbo county, from i uat'to WcmO, and ih, takon aa a, wholoraboul i 'io worst road in tho county. Tlio towa- i ;.ip of r-ln-ldon (bfiforo iiorao of the Iurgr luwnqbpd wero divided), in about tbo only , township iu tho vvhole county that dooa not loueli mis road. If thin townline was in a condition fit for travel, it would probably bo otic- of tho moat convenient aud uocea- Hiblo r"uda iu tho county. Thfro iu ovory good reaaon, why tho County ohcnld grant tbia aoaiutanoe, and thoio are no tangiblo rouaona for withhold-' irigbuuh fiupport. Tho oxjJondituro ia a i ,;rfeotly lonitimnto ouo. and euoh onter- , iiinu hh thin iihould roooivo oncoura[<oment . tho hands of tbo. county councillors, . . .ier than rojootiou on huoIi Rolfiah plotva ,. .iro thoaa that havo boon nut forth Hon. O. W. Ilnsii in probably on* ot the bout ull-rnun.l onvlirj iu Canada. In aro- -:: nt i'diiciLtir;Hij hpnfu'r ho ututod that it comI.h t-Vi(j ^flvornnujut per yoar ^9.11-t to ed- JlKTiU a child, ft'll i?8 to.l'Kop a pruouor in j ail, ^187 to koop a priHOiiar in tho Central PriHon. Kvoryoiii) hitorofitf-d in moral re form nliDuld ktow Ihowit fl[<tirou nwny for ftiUircuae. Mr. Mulork, of tbo Conimonn, i becom ing vi-ry nidicii!. ITn mvt'H nolifo 'of a bill to reduce tho n'llnrv of the (iovornnr-CJ.m> oral. It in uudtTHtnoil thai itpropn-nn to rclucf thf iinl-irv from 55O.0D0 to S-iS.OOD. Mr. .ilulocli altio :iv-.i:t notico ^1 a full rc- t-peutini; tin; ^eiuil.c and - thir* HonMotif (!ornmoni. 'L'hm i'i iTm-jiumro dufiiguod to provonfc mi'inli.jrii travelling on railway paiiaeii and cliar^mu unlju^n at tho name tinio. More pownr to Mr. Mulock'rj olbnw. KARLY CLOSING, . Notice to tho I*uinic or Ksko.x iuuX Vlclnlr.y. Wii,..tho.. nndirulnMl morolmntH and buainoHri in- u f tho 'J.\i n of Khhox, ujirco to cloitn our roupoetiVo-i:ntO( o'clock, town timo, i vry TnoHday and Friday between May .'..ud October UD, A. D. 1WI5: W J'Dowar, mitiohunt tailor. .1 II Alliaii, hardware morchant.. .1 X Iliokii, furnituro dealor, Diobol A Brioknr. W It Itiohardmin, nurdwaro meroliant, .Ia Doujilafi, iihco morehiLiit. CI K HinitU A Co. K riummor, tailor, T II McKlliuntt, tailor, K Ij Park, jowclur. J M IIiclcii, bulutr. H Wilkintion. Foryytho, AndorHon it: Co. W Kvami, baker. M U Wilo per d II \Vi.';l<. . W Ooiiiudl. 11 CMvaim, uhoo innUi-r J E Htom; K Honluy, tihoo niak-.;r M J Wight .t Co. JamoH McMurrtiv, Ilutdwirf. .!. A. Fiaiicm. M"reliant. COM PLET E ________ __THIS APPLIESvTO OUR " NEW SPRING-GOODS! i,,, i &m Kvory dcpji-LnuMit ia now lillfid with choicn new fjoodfi, bright xnd frnsh, bought in tho bont inarlcota, mid marked clnm lor ciudi or iLn cipiivaleiit. KPKOIAL LINKS IN LA.0E'CURTAINS. Tablo and Towel Jjinnnsi, Tabic Napliny, White and tiny CottonH, Pnnta, ChambrayEi, Verona Corl, OlovoB, .TTo^o, Liiccji, Carpet Warp-t, UmbrelliiH, ot.:. I n (lie; byu-elooflnn for the Ilongn of Cotn- moiiH for (i)iie"ao Went constituency held hihl: week, H. P.. Dobull wild declared ulcct- fd by a n ejority of oeven vol*:.*. Hon. Thor,. Mc(.!n-cvy, thu'OoiiMorvativo eamii- hitu, deniandi'd u recount, which waa h't/ld Mou'lay, the riRiilt ln'itt;; that MeGromjr u'u-i ilc(-lai-*;d i.'lc:tiul by " umjoriJPy ot fivu vol: h. Mi:(!rce\ v furiiK-rly roprcHeuted Hi*; i-oi.^tiliKMU-y, hut wao uiiuontcd inn I WJip' irtfiticd in i ninK.'iiiinn with tbo Qii(.-b:r. liiii-'bor w iki ecandnl. It lit now claiui'd by MJino authoritiea that McGrcovy cuiinot rocitttr parhainent after having bgen ox- polled. .Oihnru H'ty h i hnu alroady brin puiuulit'd and may be admitted. WIIEHM OUIt CJAS IS TO GO. :UlfI1l'i>" "Ptl <>hl> Slate to ho Itulit Up.' Dutroit Frto PruHii. Dctruit bua hecu supplied winco hint January with natural linn from tbo Canadian iielln, and owint* to tho failure oft lis nupply from Ohio tho pif-io lino bbtwoon Detroit and the State boundary lino han baon ab.indon**d. Tho pipe lino nt furty;oi[lit mileo in loa^th and coat 8G0Q.000. The abandoned lino wan aold to tho Dutroit Gaa Co. by tho Michi- linn Construction it Improvoraent Co. Tho loan of tho tJCOO.OO'O-thereforo falls ' npon tho preaout ownoro, .Tho loaa, howovor, will bo conaiderably Ioar than this aa the eight-inch pipe can bo takon up and laid oliowhoro. Thero iu now *t poanibility that it may remain, an now ^aa fields may bo found, and a froah nupply bo brou"(jhTthrough ths abandoned pipon, There in also another po^flibility that tho pipos may boused to Bond natural gnu from its Ontario liolda to Monroe and Xoledo. Tho natural p*aa supply of Detroit comeo three cornpanioa to oqtniumorn,,th.o Ontario or Walker company, winch ownn tho oiht inch pip" hnu laid frum tho (iolda to tho rivor; the Inturior Couairuotion A Improve* in out Co. which ownn two eight-inch sub merged lines in tho Detroit river, and the Dotroit Gun Go., which owns tho city mums. In order to facilitnto the anpply of gaa the Ontario haa deoidwd to lav a second eight-inch pipo from the fields to tuo river, at a coat of SloO.000, and tko Intorior Con- atructiou it Improvement Co. will lay a third aubmorp-ed pipo ut a coat of 840,000. Tho Oitario Co. hoIIu tho f^ati delivarod to the Iiuproveniont Co. at tho Huhmorgod lino connections; tlmy ucdl it to tbeDttroit Co. and tbo Doiroit Co. tiolln it to tho con sumers. Tho Dotroit Gu.h Co. tbinkn tliero ia an iraraGuao f^aa field nndar Luko Erio and aoaumcB that Dotroit in the only practical market for tho Canadian fields. - Proapoatiug for gun is now bcinc rapidly puahod from Corabor. It is thought that this ia being1 done by tho Standard GaH & Oil Co., and aa to tho contomptatod project of anpplyiug Monroe and Toledo from tho Canadian tiolda through the abandoned pipoa of tho Detroit Gaa Co., it ia a fact that tho Northwoiitors Natural Gaa Co,, which iti a hranoli of tbo Standard Gan Co., ih auking for the cao, and will undoubtedly (jot it. Tho Kiclctipoo tVledU'ino Co, 5. Well Mpokou of by tho pruaa and public of nour towua will communco n tmaauu of lloyat Fuu aud KntertttiuniQUt iu l'ock'a Ball Monday eyunini,', April 21). Ailniis- tiiou, free Tor adultn, ohildrou 10 ccnti. Thia company prehunt a lino eutei tuiunmnt, nothiiiy; to ulTmid. Prof. IIi^iaH, the .Muk* jciau and Vntxil(-iui.4t; Jlariy liraco, tlio uniqut) iiuperjunntor of 'Auarnctnrti, i>i aleo with thia company, how MunchuntorisRairl to bo a whole hIiow bimaelf. I'rof. A. liaihy <)i hr.ndon, I'hit'.. ban been enpecially cm- U.h: d to lecture on tho merits cf tho ICick- apim lluiutidiei. Tho drug(*tata ibap tho buiiLlH of ih'j lidvurtiaing dons by thia com [iaiiy. Puoplu too poor to buy ara .^iveu mudiciuolnid of oharuo. Klionniatic caaew him tnuttcd *'froo of ohurgo" to advertise thu rumediea Wcdueodav and .Saturday ovanintJH tho admiHHion ia J.0 conts othor u'lihth free for adulto Dou't forgot ths iuto, April i!0, for two wceku. Short iJourncyH on a Lontr JRoad WE X-jE^.13 HDKCE TRADE fob RELIABLE OIjOTHING. I'jVf.'rylmdy (daiins ti> hnvo. tlio cl*(:;|w>Ht* our atm im th- bfi.'it Inr tho !<:'i-L monrjy. aca what wo arc doing iu Men's Kiinii-himv1. over hfioNYw llatsih tin; I;i(e; I. slvh ."-. IU B OTS AfJD SHOES WE FXCEL--- <.'"% Ili;^li'-t. Vriw* I,wo::L. Try uh. wo buy no shoddy gooda. only sol],", liMI.Imt, ;i nil our prn-es. aro n^,lit. dr'wii to rock Imttom, iina only fresh goods, Fine To as and Cofl'eeu a hjieent ty, X-3CandsoEiiQ !Parlor Gloclr:a arid a^ino ITrGncli 3VCirrors Free- V W*>i \i^.^\ma^/ \tt4MjF Xm^c]; MtVi-MubAij %unxii, __ r*v u Is thi charaoteriitio title of u profuae;y il- lufitrattd book containing ovurono hundrad pact's of charmingly writtou dcaoriptuina uf aainmer rsuorto in the country nortli and west of Chicane. Tho rondiu(* mattor in new, the ilhiBtrationa aro new, and tlio in formation thorein will be now to almost ovoryone. , A copy of "Short Oonrniyt ,on a Lon^ Road" will b wont froa to anyqno who will ncloiio tan contH (to pay posta^o) to Oi:o. H, niurpoHn, General PanHen^or._A^ept Cliioarjo, Milwaukog A St. I*aul Railw^, Chioa^e, IU. Iron aafo fot aale, at; J. & J. '/ ylor make, 15x21x32 lnaidw, with otael laU drawer. Apply nt tho JUaaux Fmau \ i.xkb ofiloe. During tha past few day a slick young; rmm with a ncut appearance and ^emall valine has boon nyBtematioully doinn uftthe innocent oitizeua of Bnmtford, Thiayoum; (*flntleman, on the protcncQof lolIiB^aunw oomont, gained an uutrancoto the borooa of aovoral citizona to uhow tho ma^io in fluence of hia article upon broken ^luaa; crocksry, etc. While allowing tho prcccua tho would-bo it^Qut canuully took a puir of gold rimmed apootaclcs out of hia pookufc, remarking that ha found thorn iu a G. T. II. train, and had oom&iuninated with tho , braltemau bnt could gob no owner. H then remarked upon the quality of tho artiolo, which aooahily camo into hio poo- aannion, but waa of bo littlo use to lura, and if hia hcarora soemod mteroated, mado an offor to part with thou for 81, an exceed ingly cheap rate, bub uudur tho circum- ntancofl, eto. An ai-alderman waa worked upon, and hover&l other pcacoful reaidtmta. Tho remarkable part of tho atery ia that tho vouufj man found uo many pair of upee- taclon in ho many railway tra-ino, 'i'ho oi- aldorman waa tho firat to auapoct aomethin^ wronj*. and ha took his ulnaaunto ajewullur. who pronounced thorn to bo worth littlo lena than nothing. Tho police havu boon notiflod, and are now on tho lookout for tho delinquent. Bi^ btrpuinn in ladien' plovoa aud hono at M. J. vvi|*lo & Co. Sturk'u Powdors, oach package of which contains two proparationa, ouo iu u round woodon box, tho oovor of which forma a meaauro forono dofio, an irnmodiata roliof for ooativonoiio, Sick Headacho anil Stom ach, alao Neuralgia and all kindu of nerv- ouh paina, and another in oapauluo, (from I to J of one in an ordinary doao) which aotu oa tho bowola, Iitvor and otowach, forming a nt-ver failinR porfoot troatraont for all Hoad aud Stomach oomplaimii. Thoy do not, aa moot pilla and so many other mediohira do, law thair fffoot, or produce aftor constipation, thoy aro nice to tuko, U!id & box at all mudioine dealcru 4 pr. ladies' fapt black Iiqbo or 4 JadioV voata for 25 oeiitu ut Hmiih'sv Do yon Intsnd bnyinun auit of clofchoa this aprinf*? It will p.fty'ynntp'un toM. J. Wiulo &Co. FarnicrH. Get Ateadj'! Far mora and others liavinfloorn plautorH requiring repairs, aro re<juoa6od||to bring thorn in oarly. uh tbo ruah willj aoon com moner. I will bo in a position to hnndlo a lot of repairing, during thonoxtfew wooka, and will alHo havo aorno flno now pluntors for anlo, wo have promifioaj of ten oarly aprin^, ho don't delay. VnKu Rouinhun .Talbot nt., oppoiijtoDr.MoKonxio'u rcai- di'non, Kaaex. tf COMPOUND- Aneont dlMOOVory br an old pbyBldau. Siu/oeHfuHt/ **d icaHw. H flie only perfectly _____ Mfoaadwllablowfldlolaodla- covered, Wowaro of unprincipled drustrUts' who offor Inferior, wodlolaw la plao of tbla, Ak for Cook's Cotton Hoot 4?omtM>Bn& t** ho suhtti- tuta, or incloae *1 and 6 twnU In pMtafio ltt letUr and wo ?/illpotttl, soatod, by roturn malt *ullaealod partleuiars lu plnln envelope, to ladiofl only, 3 titamnV. AddroM The Cook C*oniiiuuy . I ' Wlndior. Ont., Oaauda. tioldin Slsaex by all dru^rfiuta. * And it Roncorna all the purrh^irnr public in aud elsewhere to know that J. A, Francis has.{jot his n ., :... gon^r in full blast.--,His stock is up to date in each department, comprising Novelty and Staple Dry G-oods; a com plete line of Hats and Caps, and Gents' Furnishings...... Our Clothing Department is one of the leading features of the store. You should see our Men's and Boys1 Suits before purchasing elsewhere. In Grrqceries we have^a full line. They are arriving daily and are absolutely fresh. We extend to all a cordial invitation to all to come in. No trouble to show goods, Vance's Old Stand, Essex, Ont. KiuuI^ilSuDWriT COME HUT urniture Store Harness Emuorium. TRUNKS, VALISES. A largo stock, all now goods and latest NovoItiGs, I take no back noat on tfricos. SCHOOL BAGS, I havo a large stock, cnught at bottom prices, and can boat thorn ail for price and quulity. Cull and soo thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largo afcook and it must go. Call mid ago mo boforo. buying elsowhore Everything in the Horse Furnishing Line. - o-------- ' ti' I\ S. Adams, Tiro door* oast of B*t<k' Oarrlaae Worlu, Kswx. of t:b:ej west, Our success is duo to our motto, "Quick Sales and Small Profits," FOR THE SPRING TRADE--------- We. have used every effort to make tho boat selections of all clasaos of Fur niture to suit tho buyer. In the past wo havo mado you prices to- liyo and lot livo, and now for the coming season wo will go ONE BETTER. Wo have just received a large consignment cf Baby Carriages which wo will sell at $5 and upwards. Our Drawing Room Sotts, 25 and upwards, of many.designs. Dining Room Setts, Loathor,CobbIor,Cano and Hardwood seat Chairs, largo varieties Eitonaion Tables of many stylos; also Oak, Walnut,Cherry and Hardwood Sido-boarda. """"."' *j0o Bed-room Sui ton to. select from. Wo havo a very largo lino of all kinds of Furnituro at yory lo\v prices. Come and see ns beforo buying and judge for yoursolyos. Kou will aavo both roonoy and fcimo. Window Shades, bostiu tho market. . Curtain Poles, Oak, Maple and Hardwood, 25c upwards, comploto. AS FUNERAL FURNISHERS Wo have tho largest selection of both Caskofcs and Coilins Walnut, Onk and Hardwood always on-lmud- PROFESSIONAL EMBALMINQ?- TT'ay 'Pliono, 115; night'Phono. 103-211. All orders promptly attended to.;: I WHITE AND DARK HEARSE t 73 and 75 Sandwich st., Windsor, Opp, Crawford House. ; liassaline J; ^onsi jb^*^^