Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 26, 1895, page 3

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pfffj^^ >MU.^^AMi&&**<^..*i<.,> m-.- ..... ilB;. rn N.NOT SATISFIED Thn Karl of ICemherlyV XniV-|u (hd Nlcam^imn (Joveviimeul. JNiCARAGUA^GA-N-'-T-PAY 15,000 Tint ItrltUti <iuvti|'iniiiitil Will .Not Arlil- trato utt to (), Hl'irlieu n( llrJIIhlt Hul>JU .riiri Ttn-utM of tl.n VUluiittutii unt IiiKlut- vtl I) pan. Now York, April SO Tint text of th roply sent by tho British /mvornmont to Nicaragua, in-an follmvH "London, April JJO. To the foreign minister of Nicaragua, at Monnpiua: I. have had tho honor to receive your exei 1- lomry'B telegram of the 11th instant. Aly noto Wan delivered to Honor Harriott on tho With of .February, with the request that iv copy bu forwarded to ytnir excel lency by tho 7iiall of March ! \ Her nwij- osty'H government cannot ho miponniblo for tho delay In your receiving it. uYour counter porposal ban boon cmi- iddorod, and I regret it cannot bo accepted, Xlor majosty'a government cannot admit there In any doubt"nn to tho rights of tho Brltlfjh nubjooLs, ami must adhere to tho denmniin In my provions nolo. (Signed) Kimborly." Tho noto \vhioh tho Karl of KImberly, tho Brltlnh uoerotnry of Ntalo for tho foreign department, referred to us having boon delivered to Honor Harden, Fob. U(J, was what In known ntt Great Britain's ultimatum to those three- demands : 1. A money indemnity of Xint(XJ0 for ' nllogod porttonal injuries to llrltlsdi mib- jootn, Including Conmil Hatch, who wan banlnhod. 2. Ho vocation .of tho declaration ot ban- lnlmiont against British Kiibjocis. 1*1. Formation of a commission to decide by arbitration tho damage Mono to prop erty of tho British tuibjoctH expelled from Nicaragua. Nicaragua'}* answer to thin ultimatum wafl In two parts. To tho second demand It Ktatod that tho decree of banishment was revoked before Britain's communica tion was received. To tho first and third donmndri it' i.t pYnposod to refer all ques- tlonn of payment of money, whether fur __injuries to'jjpjwmk__or propetry, to arbi tration. Washington, April 20. OHlcial conflrm- ' "alien of Hmidnn de^pateho* that Xieara- ' gna had been Informed that her counter proposition was nor n-gnrdud as Kathsfnc- tory by.CJroat Briiajn^.was received liero yeHlonlay. Ntcnmgun'K.prosiunt plan, it. is understood, Ik to endeavor to reach a ooiiipi'niniso with ('i-reat Britain- respect ing the ultimate settlement of l lie in demnity of &7.V100 to Pro Consul Hatch, * In pui'Miani-o (if this, a special representative may ho sent to London, wlnj will probably lie Hen. Harries, who recently rcrnrued from hlnglaiHl after an unsuccessful attempt to settle tho dlfH- culty. It Is not doubted that In tho ond Nicaragua will p:iy the indemnity de manded, or offer to Omit; Urltaln in lieu ,- of tho f'T.v'i'H, a part of lier territory. Tho rt'p-iri. lias n-ached hero" from Mana gua that. .Minister (iusling^ .til;-. Jiritisli minister :il (Central America; doclarcd in Guateinnlii a few months ii^d Unit, Knjr- land esi <-e]:i!iy witnieil some interest, in Nicaragua with a view in preventing tho Yankees fr>>m cont roliiig iibsoliitely tin; Nit'ar;u:u;! e;m;il. TliU M.'iteineni, it. is said, was made public without j'e^erve. It, was published ill tlin (iuateinalatt nnwspnpius ah 1 he time and a -hi^li nut horily asserts t iiat Jliidsier (jijhling has never Ventured 10 deny it. Tin! particular patch of territory jnost avuihible.for tills purpose would be tho so-ealltid "Corn I-lands," tho possi bility of whose proffered cession by Nicaragua t<j < ireat IJritain in lieu of money. Indeiiiity has more than once sug gested lately. The>o Islands nre situated in tho Atlantic ocean alnnit forty miles from Greytown. They would be of gieiit value to (ireat Hriiaiu fur a co;dinnand 'naval stidion ;::.d an effective iiritihh ^pcntlnel over tb" M'.'ni^iia canal. Jt is Haid tn bn a b.-d1 in el y impossible for Nlcarai/ua to immediately comply with Great Hrituin's money demand. She has not 7.*i,UdO iti her treasury, and her popu lation about. :J,ij;i;),(iiiO people, two-ibinls Indians, have no developed resources upon which they could raiso tho n mount. Tlio proposition of a I'ncilie blockade of Nicaraguau ports to enforce payment, is quietly hnigiied at. "Niiarajrua. " it is . fiiild, "has no .ships ; the blockade would only hurt the coiinneri'e of (ii-momy, Franco"'and other countries, us well as tho United Slates. " 'J It is suggested that If Nicaragua should ; propose to cede t!io Corn I-laini.-, to lli-eat IJritain as an equivalent for the "sjnar:"' money, this ijinnctiaie puvmeM. of (v.'hieb is demonded, tl-ir. p.roposli ion mi^lit ho regarded a:; a shrewd move io force tho ' hand of the I'nitcit Htate.--.. Nicaragua is not; fnilTeriej; from the lack of diplomitt in . adroitness in her representatives, either i abroad or at home. , I WORKMEN FATALLY HUtTr. t'hrr.i ,11<fki lClll-,1 umi |r ,! br th . . 1 ullut'u DnrrloU, Chicago, .April1 w. Tlm Uvoh of two workmen we:o Instantly crutdind out, three others fatally liij'tmid and one seri ously hurt by.i he f:'.!! of a durrlok vester- day in Lho ya.ils 'of tho South Chicago Ship Ilulldlng Co. Three othera were JiuiT, about the head and amis, hut wmii ablo to walk tn IhnlrhoiuoH. Those kllleil were: Harry lllako and I'ati'lek Hiirvey, foi'uinitn of tho Iron workers. Those i fatally Injured wore John Conley, lcg:i ! and arms broken, and Hplne injurod; J.'I .1. . Hhitdr-. Kplno fraotiivpd and llmba,<| broken; Wllllain McCalHon, Internally ; Injured, leg broken, him wince died. | Michael Cuslek \vnn fiorhniHly hurt,, hnv- j lug his legn broken and hack injured. Tho accident, occurred on tho deck of tho big stool merchantman Arcadia, | which Ih lining built for John Corrtgan. j Tho derrick wan used for hoisting tho j Hteol braniH and platen that were being ; placed In tho hull of the vessel. Ono of j tho guy ropen broke and I ho varlonn partn of the hoisting apparafun gavo way before ' the victims employed uiulor and around th'o machinery could have themselves. I Harvey and IJluko! wlio were Instantly ; killed, were together in a stooping pusl- i tion, rivet Ing platen and a lUU-fuob iron j beam caught thorn as they rose. OSCAR WILDE COMMITTED. l;".e. '-: No let -.Mit^tiHi Cuiild I'iiit *- i it'v .V:;iiitml II lit A ' *. ' W|:in . .!-, Ao-il 111,' 'I'1. vll! 'i.i no pro- ,:-jr-'i. j,"*-)-'1.. r'-o I " i' '. '. ,,> f<nodev sur\ni!bMi<'i" .-mi! .:oii t "dc Mftf.3.-PAHNELL ROBUEO- iit.r UhA* *J. *. Mi's. t'.Vi, III ill . , miii.'ti;: Tdolll pon.tia-.i on In ,n. tO I'll I' Who [)! .to Iitm,;, OWill!' io SI'V'T.ll of ' "e n.'ll 'ji rim of the,. " \'<v.- tho | ;;.'; he , con] \' n-i'ii rd ;.< 'It' ii-f : :'i n l ! . i I !m ,' I I'll 1 i:;:;;'- -|. be (j;i; t Hem. ( lie J::: I" lb< -111.'! uioy robbeil now /mil ' t ben Io ' * :t bfiilal .puni.dnoent. l" I -.- * n ! }>ihim ot i lie time of 11* * rob quoin ly ; he people will drop F\f\Z AT THE'[--ALLS , ,-:u. .. i . d !:nr .-Vet, : ' tiuo 'i . r ' i"i'M ' Lid I-. lie. . bbors, til !< ' M-i by l-rrli ; '"elng t. eld IIIOJ'O . i-jl: t'-d on ii r ,'. v.'onso- 1 >iti m alter. Thn Mother of tin- l,il 11'Uh I.* Itordimlnwn, N..I.-, April Holla T. { . i'.irnell, motlmi' of the lain Chorion iin .v;lrt I.'arnelJ, win inutile,-- nirnty a'inaubi'd hereby blKltwayiium, wim rohhod in;r of a hlaek ^ilehol and a small mini of utniiey, and ercaped after (oaring upon ihi'.-aic'eul and r;r:uterlr.i;r imen- teitt: "ir aind tiie groom' TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES, __m THE TOWN OP ESSEX. TOWN OF ESSEX? Wf/e.niua, by Vfrhto ol a warrant itiHttod by tho Muynr of tho T-evn r V.-.wy., iit tho 'Conniv of yulwi, Hiiil iiutlioiitiontnrj by the uorporafco noal of tlm nttd Town, hoariug lain tho UfHh duv of .J'uiiiitry, IH!).r), and to taa diviictod, commiiu ling aio Io luvy.upou ...t.-t -rff. when help rcju'hod her ninl h'canio ml- , [ |lul 'JyjA con.ieiuus. ,si.(i was <:ai-ried ton bvriii loi, Hutinduy, tin, IHtb day of ftl.Ly, 1H!).>, tit tbo htiiir of 10 o'clook in tho foronooj^tr ,' :./' nri7 CoiiiiltiMlon of (lit) rritllmlmiry JCxunilnu- tUn Tim AiTtniHficl Decllney to Kpttak. London. April 20. OHcar Wlldo and id.s friend Alfred Taylor woro arrjilgned in tho JJow street Polico Court yostorduy for further exam 1 nation. Wildo looked greatly fatigued and really ill. Hhi hair jThe lire department. Tho Oi plo-ie. I'tti'l; ' In iihc lllm'lf tliirm'd In | In- <o'<>Miid Nil? ;ic.i |-'i!| , ()i|i., April -.IO. The Drpheii, I'm-k ii:i';ni" bhei; at I^r'^nra ' .. 11:-. v . V., wii' itiirned io 1 bn fiiiiid enrlv ibrs cornlllfr. TJie i heal re proper . . te.f of ground liner and gallery, wll h .s"ai ne: < a: acity of I.:ji'), In t lie Id nek was nickei'tV, cafe ;i,nd refro^hmeiit, rnoipH and t' i-rli ;i;nl Smith's curiosity store Tie- ui.|.,-i' Jlnt Itein^ oeimpied as tho rnoinw of Orn1..',.-; -i!i;.'iii'4 socie, v, Tho block \v;h 1 *' 11: i- Mime twelve years ago by tho OrpIieiK -nclety. The los^ to tiie hlotdt Is ostini itcd at C-'-'.-i.u.m, to occupants f Ifi,- IHV). Tho Tnii'i'tWit inod holid, which Is situated clo-'e bv had a narrow escape, ond oiily saved by strenuous efforts of housit of or.e of ]ht b tives Kovtsroly biulnod on the Ivu lc of lie Dr. ShI]pH vlHltcd Miv. I'liniell and d- "dn rlared thai ids patient's '.Lull is not frac tured and that her condition watt much lmprovod, Shu had regained <:oiiHoioun- ne'ss. Two tramps were arrested In tho vtcln- 22!t Ity of Mrs, Paruell';; bouse as suspecis. '-'jib' 1 here Is no evidence, however, to connect 2a0 thorn with the assaull. tituiiit.y I.'roseeu- tor Jitidd ordered Ju.-iiee. .- n-eic to leave not hi ng ii in :oi:c (o bci on' ale on tliu aiptliro of lli** hi;:cwaymen. 'Airs. l-Vrmdl is Bi years of tige. u\' or.e of her b cant.-., and restoiu- Ih.ek'n Hull, in. lho Town of Ehiiox, pruourd to mill by publtu auction Lho Hind I'lMWgC-'-/' '^ were applied. Mrs. iMinell wn an nnieh thereof an rmiy ho imfuoicnt to pay miuh urrouru of tuxon and all lawtoutaUvi '-;,' ll licad. nicinred: I'lau. faitM, KSl 110 7 'ill 'Jo 20 21 '28 ') 70 U H 17 ii ii )<) was rullled anil bin general apponranco In dicated carelessness. Charles Parker was called to tho utand and to billed that Taylor upon oiiq occa sion told him ho had gono through tho marriage ceremony with young Mayer, he (Taylor) wearing womiui'fi clothing. After the ceremony thorn was a wedding breakfast, followed by an orglo, thn dis gusting details of which woro fully re counted, A detective testified that he had searched tho rooms occupied by Taylor in Chapel Ktnvi, whero he found cheques payable tn Mayer and', telegrams from "Wlhlo to Taylor arranging and cancelling meet hips. Other witnesses wore culled to the stand and k;lv" similar damaging testi mony. At the conclusion of tho examination Wilde and Taylor were fully .committed for trial in the Ontral Criminal Court, Old Iluiley. Appllcat ion was made fur bail but It was refused. Wildo, in reply to the question whether he had anything to say, said: "Not at present," A \<*i;r IhviHMitcd. Winchester,. Vn., April 21). Thornton Parker, colored, who assaulted Mrs. Mel ton, a white, woman,- was executed hero yesterday. ITo exhibited wonderful nerve nn-ihu scalTnJ.tLmui pcaved all the time, even after tho black cap was placed over his face and the rope adjusted. His. Just word's were:."! tun going to make'my homo in heaven and 1 want you all to meet me. I inn the man that done tho act and I warn, to go homo. " A mi it a It fil hv'l'oli licit 1 tl iu'liwjivtnmi. Cowanda, N.Y., Aprir.-JO. As Wilkie Collins, editor of the Cowanda Herald, left his ollice yesterday lie was waylaid by two men, knocked down with a club, jumped on and pounded In a terrible man ner, leaving Ids head one mass of bruises and one eye elosed entirely. It. is believed t hat the attack was the result of political and personal articles that have appeared in the Herald. \',\ Jin t:i-lie. nt An-mclul ion's \ niiiiiil. HfoLlnir, Selkirk, Onl., Aprjl ID: The Canada contercncii of'tho Evangelical Association met at Sotiih ('ayuga ycstenlny for tho ADMITS HE IS MOmtlSON. VItit Mm, Hiiiti DriilrH tlinl. SImi lit Tlnurty McMllliin ill < Iiicnun. Hamilfun, Aj.rll :Jo.~Cimvles O. Joiioh, the nvu as|)ii| er artist, of Chicago, wan positively identified as tho mysterious (leorgo Morrison, dealer hi counterfeit stamps. Mrs. M. T. Mack, who Ik In jail hero awaiting tho result of extradii.Ion proceed ings in tho counterfeit United States stump case will nnfnduilt tliatslio in Tln- sey l.-eMlllan, of Chicago. The woman has not oven confided thh; much to her :i07 'ill Ml 'Ji)7 Ml \VJ '.'.'Mi 170 Jftfi 1100 2l\"t ^H8 2HH 170 200 in n m ,14 r>r> no hi m ;io ;;l (i o J o :i"i 7 o TllXOH. .13 11 Ji 08 a I 02 .10 00 71 a:i ii ai Hi it ;ir) ti :jo it u on Ml 19 35 aft 1!) H7 !1H 80 OOHtH-. !1 00 i Br, i XI '2 n u 07. 1 .1 71 2 1.7 2 00 :i 71 7 07 li 7H 2 ;i| i:j 82 -1 2!) H 10 .MOO io wi 170 i(7 2'M '2H ijo no o 11 counsel here. She acknowledges having 'JH;> been hi many of tho Jargo eitlen in tho United Sates and all along lias been suh- C tramorihmof annual faisiaess! Confer- ]iected of knowltijif mom aliout, tho (stamp case than site pretended to know. Hho said positively.fcho had imvor seen Mor rison before hIio camo from New York to HiVLiro tho situation hero, but it has been learned that sbo had an, interview with him In the Queen's huttd on the day he- ; foro she was ongaged. Tho extradition ])roceedlngs will be continued befnro * .Imlgfi'Mulr on Monday and tho prisoner will make a hard light to ho nlhnvod to remain In Canada. nice .was opened with dovot innal exercises, Uishop ,f. ,T, I'lslior, of (Jliieiif'o, ]ireslding, P.ev. 11, Matt ill, junior publishing agent, gave nu Interesting report, of tho llourlsh- Iiik condition of our -publishing establish ment at Cleveland. Ohio. Ho declared on onnual dividend of a:M to the Canada conference. I lev, J. C. Hornhergor, of ('!ev(r*nnd, Ohio, odii or of tho Hiving ' 'n's-le and the Knglisb Sunday school i era; ure, addres-eii t he conference hi tho inten'S's of ill" same and advocated a lti" aior circulation of t bom. Tho fullow- iin.' breibern were licenced as preacliorg on probation: Hiistol Hardy, of Strat ford; William Hom*, of Walherton; Ilonry liolt/.tiiann. of Mihbnay; W. O. Ilehn, nl Avion-; Win, Witlaufer, of Tavistock. l!ev. C. C. ]<aat/. of tho Oregon con ference presented his credentials and was received i nto t bis conference. ,T. Umbach resigned ollice us president. 000 A'.tl2 'J 00 Mil '2~> *J0 ICfiHt part 11 10 01 12 0 0 7 8 0 2B 2-i 2a 22 .} 27 2H 29 :ifi HO 37 118 1(9 -10 -12 43 U -15 40 47 -1 40 }" Dlock 122 Itloelt 92 Dlock 9H DIocltH-lo 415 47 fJO Bfi' Hot fi, phid2C7 Bloalt 109 U9 1K1 24 V- 24 af 00 10 15 15 15 00 2,*1 0i 42 02 88 01 20 7U 2/i 85 20 42' r> 41 41 00 2 HO H 20 1?" 2 20 1 08 It 48 1 87 3 05 8 51 1 88 2 00 1 81 1 G5 0 20 $#& 25,25t. 49^0'. 75 00 la'86 IH 15 07 !)9 32 14' 48 39 07 15 08 13 23 20 41 12 48 XI 42 23 27' 41 0! 10 83 19 08 24 88 45 G7 02 12 25 51 27 91 22 23 C 9C 48 22 271 91 20 40 292 40 127 09 100 00 10 47 4 49 0 12 1 55 189 12 9 73 40 Mil 2 45 133 18 199 12 12 02, 198 84 48 81 W. D. BrAMAN, Trcnuurer, TViwa of Ihuex. ANOTHER OSCAR WILDE- A I'romliiuitt ^Inti Arrihtud tin 11 Churun of Vnlctii:liii;..l.b.i".o ('rhn:>4, Indianapolis, April :ii). Asonsjddon was --fprnng- hero yesterday by the arrest of . Hewitt IX Nay. iifiy-slx yearn of age, well-known In the cily and prominently connected with a h-rgo business house, una charge of practicing huso crimes. __________ j The polico for some time havo been lianuav t:ci,ii:oi)i.mugdbylo. : watching a certain block in tho heart of . Prederlnnn. N,T1., April l9. Tho Ico ibo city, mipposlng tlmt a gambling room 1 iiim in Sr. .John river seriously damaged Wlfl ln 0P"ltlo ""'f- ihl'ii0 oMwm , otioofthe jtiers of.the ?.illwny bridge, l^irst into a mom on the upper floor, and -ie entin, pier was moved down the upon tho evidence in sight the arrest was *. made. The apartment was handsomely lid occupied by a colored man. on t youths there jiuid indulged-in tho prae- niiL-ui foiip foot and the top 'Is con- *imu" nvor-iiiiL-ui loop leet, ana iin; top Is con- " "j ..bhroblv listed, c.niirTly. iiuorioiy.trnW-11^1^11013-11/"1 ,nt;('Upl1 , J* u'-1,lonjd,"on- trodie. The damago is estimated at: f:t,(KK), Tho pluco, it in now learned, has beer /ml ii. cannot bo repaired until low water Crequonted by prominent, iiien who met Shue-Muln'i'i Sl I'iUi! lit. 1111 laid. London, April ~n. The (jrreat shoemak ers' strike which has drai^^ed" on for weeks is likely to mid within the ne xi ten days. Tho trade conference which met to llnd in ioid-aunuier. The hridiro, which Is more than half a milo long, forms a con- neeiir.;1: link Itetween lho Canada Kastern railway and the (Jibson branch of tho C, V. lb, v,;iti CJ.' P. It. west, and to St. .John from this city. There is a largo through tratlic over it, and seven trains run cent-;-; it each way daily between this city and Marysville. The bridge Is owned by the J-tvderiet.oii and St. Mary's Hridgo Company, ol which Ale.v. (Hbsun Is presi- tl-iit. itmi Mr. Temple, M. l'\ fur York, niana^in^ director. The big highway bridge lialf a I'nihi above the railway bridtfo so far has stood the leo without damage and api'arently all further ihun- a|,-e I.-. How passed. A I'lio) ItlHMIl ltllU', a compromise between -tho-^-Chatham, April 19. An ugly row look st rikers demands and the masters reipdro- meuts has found a basis of settlement which is mutually sat isfuolory. Work probably will be re.-uincd on April 29. Two -\ Mifi-lriiriH Ueleu^eil, Washington April 'JO. A 'despatch re ceived iit- the State Department yesterdny fom Consul' liie.e at ^iatanzas) Cuba, in forms Secret ay Croham thai, tho two American citizens, .1 usto (ionore and lose M. Ciirahallo arrested at that place April 0 woro released from custody. A ('iiniuli.'iM Sees rlie I ai'j)l);iii (. Uuffalo, April :.'i). Michael Murray, of Pnterhoro, Cut., a blindismit h, with 11 good sized wad start oil in to, sen the sights last evening in true tenderfoot stylo and as a preeautiou the polico look him in and locked him up.. Sciirci I y nf Men. Nogaimne, Mich., April 20. The Wheat mint! will double its present force as soon as men can be secured and will Work to its fullest capacity during tho entire season. Keeeiit heavy sales of ore to Chi cago consumers have guaranteed activity iu'tbo mine during the entires cason. place in Taylor's liilllaTdand' pool Imll. .lame ~ I). McXnu;;hton, a young man tices that characterized Oscar WIUIo'h affair. Nay rcftiFes to talk, but tho evi dence Beams convincing against him, I Many boys have told revolting tales of i their visits' to tho place. Othor nrroflts will probably follow. Klro In TlHMlTord. Thedford, Ont., April 20. The store containing Dr. McKdwards dru^ store and Hell telephone ollice, Walter Kobsnn's jewelery store and tho Oddfellow's hall was totally destroyed by tiro early yester day morning. McKdwards had $2,000 in- Miraneo on stock which fully covered his loss, the building being Insured for $1,500 and the Oddfellow's Inst, everything, the hall lieimi1 r.eidy furnished and insured for 150. Tia lire started In tho coiling ..!' the hull and as there .has been no ono In ibe'hall for days an investigation is tho trade in a]l lundu of Building Material, Woodwork Por houses, (plain and'ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, " " Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS. . W 0 are Solo Amenta inttho County for >_?:o::H3 A,_a_a.i^ig:QT?o'ET. Of Chicago, which took Uighoat Awarda at tho Wbrld'it Fuir. Can turnislijeither Pumping.or"Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written guarantee with every Outfit, ft well nmneotod here, was "stuck" foi-a li'hfly to follow. W. N. Ironside.-; largo i'au.e of hilknrds and declined to pay. Win. M.'ii'-liall, the billiard marker, wtMit i<> Mi'\at..-rhion to collect tho amount, and i;;!,-rry words passinl between the two men. Marshall finally tried to forcibly e.;eet, the Ml 1, and McN'augliton, MMziag bis heavy headetl enne, ^Iruck Iiim vepeaii-dly over tho head and face, indicting some terrible gashes. Ilu then turned ami decamped. The pnlien im! looking up the mattor, but it Is believed MeNnughion has left town. Marshall's wounds nre serious and he lies in a crit ical condition. IMCE m COMMERCE Tonovr'o, April -jo, is:).-). On tho street, wheat, while, sold at 72 ' nats -11 lo barley V.) to oOe, OlHfell yestenlay from .'MO at opening to 223 at noon, with the prospect, of going lower.. At Chicago, after Selling l'.e. higher, ' whoat; closed at tho lowest point of tho ,_.dtiy.--q"t)mtionH being unchanged from yesterday. Corn closed a >dmdc higher and oats lj^e above closing lifpnvs. Ksti- matcd receiptsfui'to-day; Wheat, la cars ; corn, 200 cars; oats, 218 cars; hogs, 8,000 , head. , During tho post four days C. A. King & Co., of Toledo, have received replies from -l,1.".':,' reliable grain dealers 11 nd mill- >ovh covering - every important, wheat county "In the six principal winter wheat, ptntOH which raise two, thirds of that crop in the United States. Present-' pros- . pooi.3 for the growing crop are very favor able. Seven hundred and twelve dealers roport pilftspcns excel lent; 1, 5r: I .rood ; .1,050 on average crop; -\:iH< irille below average; 2W1 poor ami ;jwfj ball a crop or 'les^.'-' JUj^wmriaiul illionis'slinw rtoi.luv.t condition, Ohio e.nd ' Indiana-:Jpmmiso over *t1 avera ' and M.'hili.igan a trifle. , btd'ew; Kansas a ut, poor crop, l-'arta- or.4 also have mini) less wheal .than a '.year ago. ' ' , At. i'ltist-- lluli'ahi,' cattle ebwii dull. IIogH closed steady a! the decline. Shbop "ttiicl laiubs e|o?-.*d >\<-:\^'At' Now A"or), inoni y on rail was easy nfc W'.V/a'U) *':< lU'iuti' 111'I'ciintllo |:ii|W-ll_ HV.-'tO 6.' I^ar silver ijtlj/j. . Slerllng ii.-adunigicf Bj^flyita; \uiJiiml business .^I.s^jy' m -y;, f(,r "gpiity.dftyHH*id .fl.H'.>Ji ttvii for douuid. Vfc1' .'i', " I' > ' B^,v-;". '.' An Ineiejine In \Viii.'i!H. 1'rovidence, II. I.. April i.'U Tbo Woy- bosset Jlills have posted notices of an In crease in the wages of 1.25 a week to tho shearers and other finishing workers. These hands have been receiving lower wages than are paid hi the other mills. HmitrmM'il fur T'orji^ry. Now York, April 20. Jacob ' S, Hersig, a well-known furrier and a reputed mem- assistance could Viienm-los I'llIeU liy tin- <;m'erniii<-iii. Toronto, April 10. Mr. Donald (huh- rle, Q.C., .\-M. P. I.'., Huelph, has been appninled to tho vacant ollice of Inspector of lieglst ry Ofhees, made, vacant by the ilealh of the late Hon. <:. P. Prasec. Mr. Thomas South worth, lli'o<d;vil!e, editor of tho Urockville Ileeorder, has been appointed to the posiiion of Chudc id' A10 Porostry, the other position which lion. C. P. T'rnser held. The l-'orestry bi-ancb has been transferred from the Agricultural to tho Crown lands department. l>r<twiling A<uilloiit ut IN'iiibrnloi. Pembroke, OnL, April id. A sad drowning accident occurred yesterday about three o'clock, five miles from Den .muchis. A young man named Pdrirk (Jhnrbonnouu, while on^a^ed gnivoHin*^ ono of the dams at Pino Sault t'rtiek fell into the water, and was drowned before, be rendered to him. i-mue block had a very narrow escape, al>o Mr. dos. Carrothers' bakery, but tho heroic efforts _of tho citizens both were saved. lion. W. II. MontiitfOii in HnJl'alo. Hnffalo, April 20. Tho. Hon. W.. II. Moata^ue, w*ltli his wlfo anil a party of Cl.'iiwidinu friends celebrated tho Haldl- niaiiil victory by attending tho produc tion ol the ".Milk White Ping" at tho Academy of Mu.-de here, remaining in iiiiii'ab) until ye'-.terday, when they re turned to Dimnville. IJeferring to the Haldiuiand cdeetiou tho doctor .said : "It wos n.lively election, but Ihoro was.uo polities in It." J. R. OHVES Cmimlt-tml Sulonhi Whilo Iukiiio:. Cliatbani, April :io. ln tho caso of Mofios (airnie, who placed bis bead en tho Kric, iV" Huron railway track, the jury returned tho following verdict: That do- ceased, dieses Cnrnio, met his death by throwing himself In front of an b). & If. freight train, whilo laboring under a fit ., , . . ut temporary insanity, and (hat no blame "'ufhod sound- Cntntcrfciito m oveiy guice For the benefit of every one who wishes to invent in a few shares of........ Ontario Permanent Building' and Loan Stock, J. R. Oliver, general agent, will be in town for a few weeks and will bo pleased to explain the workings of this A' Kociation. A post card or letter mailed to Es9ex P, 0. will receive prompt attention. Ag^nt True aixl False Coins.- lUdlion linf^fl, laltio coma einitn u dull, her of the firm of Hersig & Co., who was convicted of forgery waH Hontencetpto six years and six months 'in tho States pri son.______________________________ A Wimum'H I'.yrH Itnrntil Out. Heru, Intl., SO. Mrs. Hannah Darby, age*'. 81, who lived alone at Con vene, this county, wns found dead with her eyes burned out -and her body badly burned. Tlio supposition Is that nho wan tortured for her money. Mini* Ilmiflrcd Men IHmIiuikimI. New York, April till. Thu dock hoard yeMi-rday decided to di.-chnrgo HJO iiu^n wjio have f^oinc years heen in tho employ of the department. This act ion wi.ll bu a saving to tint city of about .^1,^>J a day. U a 11 _;< : II i,s M Iht ii'N^. New Orleans, April ;.'0. Kid lor, eoloivd, \;a-i haii^nl ye'-tenlay for the mui'iier ".' iiemdeiia (I:.i'dnel* on. March >. i'-d. The l.iardner wuinau lived with .urn as his wife. Charbonneuu wuh il native of St. .dose Ijival County, Que., where Ids remains will bo conveyed. Ho was about ~'J years of ago and unmarried. can be attached to any one, either the railway company *;i' the family. A V. s. Schooner Sold. Halifax-, April 20. In casa of Unltod States schooner Henry L. I'liilllp.q, soizod by ti Canadian' cruiser, on north side of Anlicosfa, Juno 7, 1WM, for fishing within tjircu miles of thii fo'ist, und sidd with its contontH by Marshal Archibald, at Syd ney, N.S. The Chief Justice hi Admir-. alty Court yesterday gavo judgment of ' bevo no drii{?giBt or Btorulteeper who tells forfeiture against vessel and cargo with you that uomo prepurtition he luui iu etock nre mtt with fr.qutintly. By the gulliide thciio tiro recoived as tho (jeiitum) article Trader* upon the puDlic credulity lira moHt duii[;orouu when they prejudice health, Thore ure hoHtti of irrcnponmbld detiloru who do not beaitate to repreaent choap noatruniH ua identioul jvith or akin to Btuu- dard remediea, rmd. tliun iniltct.irreparahle danntgo upon tho invalid community. Bo- costs. Tho schooner land, Maine. balongod to Hook- Be . . Guarded when (m >. bej - .",tl r* ill 1 1 ia fluperior to or'tho aumo thmg an S?ott'c lilmulBion of Cod Liver Oil with tho Uypo- phoHphitea oMn'rno and Soda. Ho la.try* inn to foitit fnlho coin upon you. Demand and only take tho trno vvhieli beutH the utatnp of gtmniuencHu, and Iuih received tho oiidoraemcitt of pUyaioiaiiH uti a remedy for throat aud lung dhiQueu, und a iiomiulior of tlic-foehlo, nervoun and dyapoptic. Pur- ticularly adapted to children ih thia famous husttiincr of strength and mcrouae'r of flcull. Thin youngBtcni grow fut .thronli ila'to- -uwjnjfcit detail, toother with mauy fuctw ip thn t ', 1 ui.du \iv onrd'.'ider ' eot II',!. i;tiui'i:x'il \\ i I Ii .Miuilio . .' T'li*- coroner'H jury yesici'day idiar;,'ed Theodoiv J)in-ant; . vh'h the murder of Minnie W'lllia'tijs, ono of the ghir. killed 111 toe I0i:.a:p.;el baptist dnirchj__________' ____________ ^ 1 lii|cti of O.WIo to \^ ed I'l'.lii'i-n'M. ISel.oie, ' hoiulon, A mil The IbiUo of Aosfa tneM.'iluetisii Holene ot Orleans .will .0 mitrrhul^it Su)we.hou!e, y.'wlckenham, on Juno U. " . because their clothes look new qjid neat. An old frock or suit can bo chnn^ed' into a iicV/ one by a ten-cent pr.cktn.e oi' - .-Dlamomd Byes ' 'forty .uamplQU! of dyed clotij sent ' WKi.ts Si UrcuAkDSoN Co.( Alontioal, 1^,Q. Diamond. yes 1N8IBT,................. *... i.Tbjlb. mini actiop, and aiuuo it in ua pal 1 table an uiillt, they uover regard it with the aver inon they have for inedioincfl unacceptable to the tiiHte. Aniumiaia tho natrio giwin by tho medioal fraternity to a condition of the tiVbtem indicator by'a loun oE Heidi and Htiinnmi. The teatimony in ubundnnt und ooiiviiiDini*'. that ScoU'b JHuiulaion of God Hivcr Oil piubi tho hollow pbiodn it) tho hu man frame with ilrm, healthy fleoli, aquiu lity wbioli CKpi'oially aommdudfi Itfoludiet* xloiutouu of rounding imin^ffid uiifjlea in tho iiiiure, ;iijid ao^ulrhu'- a captivating idnmpnoun as woll as lieakbyetaminii and 'uoutid, digestion. ",- ......' .,, <5,O0O Feet Above the Clouds. Naarly three unlea above the tea, and o.OOO foet ahovo tho whito, ailont clondu that lio in sweeping plain,beneath you, is Houiothing to think about time and tinio iijruhi ufterwardB, mn't it ? In tlio Gummcf of 1891, tho PaHoongor Department of tho Northern' Paciflo ilftib rotid fitted out uu expuditiou to climb tho luglicot mountain aouth of tho Canadian boundary on ibe North Paoifio Coast, and the qriuident peak in tho United Stutflfl * Mount Rainier ur Tacoma. Tho party reached tho hhjbont point of tho mountain, after a long and dangeroiio climb over rocltn aud (mow and gluoioru that woro gaitbedliy orovnnBCH, and returned iu trntoty. Thio magtiiliicont peak ia hotwoed 14,000 and 15,000 feet high, und indood may ha fouudin the futuro to bo over. 15,000. foot, or nearly three milca in hoight. In n.. beautifully .ilhiBtrutod hook, jutifc. inibliahgd, the story of this nflcout if* (;ivoc About thin eld mountain that van 01100 ooetliiuu volcano, Tho Yellawutouo Park and other partP of tho urcat North-Went are iilho illtiBfcrat'eil and written about. " in ovory roupoot tliio book in now, and noutaitm nothing thin Ilailtoad Oompauy hua heretofore publiHliecf. ' ita uuino.ia "Skotohoa of Wonderland" and by tiouding three two-cent BtatupQ-T- hix oouts oral PftHBongor Agent of tho Oohapapy.-ntV St Caul, Min., you will rticotvo the heoK in.return. " . 1 ,ii. m liSisyi^ y::-:MZU^,^^^^^^

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