Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 26, 1895, page 2

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ESfTv- <' tf . ".,,;i,,r ' ^i/. ./" A. < .\, *'*,** -T1IM PfeSSEX FREE PRESS ITbllshod Every" Friday Morning ?.(,i'tbocH"Siruirio Imluntriul Work.. JiulUUiiK. Talbot Bt. 1 1 ),et S Ui , inn ilv in thn. mid is con- PSr Bpyomlattention iii r:!i to k^on itf'&iiUor of local importance, iohi - intfU, ;DA*riirto..nty market re, .i . <"-... 'Cm VuYM Jv'".H.i, with repent to the*, awl ^r^ntu.ltUM.M.f^.uli.npor-H; ilUHUiVOIIlfc II Wlfl'iH|r..Ml.l JilH-htli'" " * centre of ton* onun-y.v/ln.i. ..* n--n! ; an one of tho be,-L a;:.! lO'ihural '".- Ontario Thk "I'iux I'"11."'1 medium ciruiiliiitHj; 111.1-><i couti-iil portion of Urn (Vaiu'.. ...... advwHitHMjf medium loi . wiHbuui u> roach Mint c;h*. coiuu; 'r)Niii:Nt"i ' Our column.* are nlwii.> ;i '._fliimiiH"ij :i lM mat* Fj" the pni IfrrwrV.' ' "K ' "'-"'. . . (.von -i o*' la'.oi ni"l t -,l(.-|lriU'l *" ' , ... ,, 2lioii:.'. AH commune" *! ( Im..l.,nti-il l.^n-; :'" ' the ou-1-itoni'.Lj.L_L!.l.V",,)v ' .uni.-fiill'ilttM I'l.n r. rie'lv CHURCH DIRECTORY Mi-vrJiinmi'i'. Dr. Pumam, rutlnr. iUtvvwv *varv Itiinttny nl U ii, ni. and'!. p. in, Huhbut M'olK-.".' ii l iJ:io i>. in. (J, to, N'nylnr, >'ii*;iorhito:il i'iu>f.iiii>' cvdiilmnitH n'ulnnlt. tMitio.'al Uiiiyui mi ThmmluyuvonlnK. CiuiucJK tiv KNor.AND Hiiv. A.l'.llnviMly, Lii smuliniit, Ht. Palihi, lOtiwox, iMvnmiinrvice iiUiidaiuil '/ o'clock, p m tsiitxiiiy Kolmol at ID a. in. TiTniiv ('lum-h, North UMii> 'Diviiu* iiorvimar nviiry timidity ut ;i p, hi.-. Pur: lay Kohnnl at. LlfilVni. Tliu_ public urn cor Inilly lnvltful. Pit iHiivn-'-iiiAM,- W. ?il. I'l-'iniiijif )."Uilin- i'"-> vP'utuin utll a. ni. iii'nl V ."U p. m h:ili "tl;U Hclinnl ut.'J:!lll p. in. ' Pmyw Jin iitini'ii.i.i. V'ii hibtn olailM on Tinr-.lfiy ntV-lli) p"'ni Hotiinl IIni(hi on \Wi!ii":iitii v ni. ;<.i.ri]i, v- iiAi-'n-iT (Jmriicir, pnv.M. P. OninpPi.ll Pi>, I.wl*. Hnrvictm I'lioh SuPlinUi at U u. in. him . p. in. I'myrr iunot ini; mi V. ctiu'i-ilitv hwi.i; at ii 'I'clCcJi. .Scutiifivo. All am intnilh v.- ! C'U.lll- I, mm One of tin* OTHERS * _ .*___(... Ar!!:iHtoUcmaliiJTli. *lVnn-* of Ton j^ t.o ill)' <"/lll Not, Acci? on Cliliii'>ii boil, TO RETUiaN TO JAPAN <:|iUiji Knuiii-iU fn.|iuim runjl)lUwHjJ^ll lis lliM-nsHihlc iiinl. ' *<!fMwif ' '" ji,;.n JiiH!r*-*-nlli. Kinmlu U'111 (>).,<>..' Him An- i-MilUm *>r AMlallc Ti'i'iimry. GOfA MOST VIGOROUS--PROTEST; <irMil. Ilrltul.i'M ,Mltu\" Will Ihi Om. of " OhIH, VtUai..l s^l(4','"""".'n -Til" .Inpunvso *;i-..rHiniiiitVntnl.H "Hmt ,i*.l||lmi-f Huh ll-"'i lorui.-.l- A (ir.ivi- sltituMiHi. Saved Her Life SurgioiiS Oporaf. Soti8 and Boat Pi2edic^3 Trcatmont-.- An Almoat. lUIivacutous cutro by Meofl'w" Scrsaparllla* r FlTl" : i nnl'. -i' ' .jtlMllM.'l-.M p""pl" ui i:iiittoiin-i'.', opca 'f"r '!:' , | .;.,' i-iin'oiunl. ! ,1 ""' i ..' . I ! M'i.',UN (:A*J itOl.i". - - ] !'. I, I'. LUc -' vi,'>. i-vni'v Dt.ln r ."'. i. : -11*j<I.i / -i.-noijl ni,,! p. in. h. LVA'ih':; Ai :. I.i'"il i-\ti\\ iiLijii n:i" l.i'i:: t mi \\ <' : rifn'l! y, r.iul hliii'in v l-v ; , t 'vimiii:' iLi,11 ;i 11 in. hu!;iu;y; hdlun^ui tin' L'hrit.ti.ii.ii I inl.i.V cn-nitifi iiinl 11 u. ni. (iny; Kiien J rill 7 u. WcllIOIIIU. ll MlMil) i. i 1-. : '[ Ci.l I, : lilll r-ir. i'.il i:' lil<-. urn .11 i,i. uvi'iy Hi.iiiIil:'. All ri L^CAL. WtiHlilimton, April i;i.-('nroful inquh- ; liv-c l.wtb ill, tho r.lilm-riu ii in I .l;i[nnu'.-,n Uo- , i^^ - _ ..-nlPu,:;, and of ..l\ii-i:t!s nf ni Main < " pni'iincnt, ii-mi-nllici'i's oT tin* nuvy wlm, by | lvsblouro in Imtb Ilu? r-mti'iulinj? ' '>"n- ll'ir-,li;iV! lii'OMtiir I'lllllilULr Willi MhiU' i ii,-!;. ami cui'itiicv sin-in t* Inilirjilc a .iiMii" imilnbiliiv Ibi'.l I bo indnnniiy U> ]. i.nbl l,v ChiniLluJapiin will I"' panl H> silver mul i..t in /-^l.t ib..i..rli im H-dniio hliiiiMiii-nt. in thivt, oiii'iT In-.-. >"t ivociviMi In-iv. .Si.iiioHdriitlHbiri-t""'!- hir^'xlMHiiH tntboincunliK; ol I bo worn ' iiicr' in wbicli tlj(t indemnity will lm imld Tlio "tn.-r" U mil u imiii. I>< wei"bt. II vmie. in vnlue to tin' I n">' r , ilver. in !'- !-i-i al lb'" ]ii-r:.:l.t lUim t.!> ! 1 dpi ii (' ;., pi;".' )'i:ln.i' :iii .-r-' ( M.- I'. Vr t,i U> iM. ' ' lM' - , ' "l licr.V !.lp &UJ0 n.-r ittM.mii, 1.f.0l^r ;-.:iuui.i '- ' U'rcar-cliaf^li'.ttb;'..'-'-'1' ' !.l-l ! -Is v in a :l ia: ,, pal- Al' r-^tiiie 1'. 11' niiii P' 'Ibvuihit.i'. ( Iri'-iJient!-, tho vat.-* ;i inuvtiioi., ior ouch niiix .pi R(Jvurtinciiu-i.t,:i m .tWtilvti UlK'M tO tb 1 j00o.l r.-a'lit"! Miioii;; !'>; tiu ratu of iusii c All uiiUi:(.n of i:lii.:-"ii tainmnnts of 'tiny ib-^iiiip; udm i::iioi). feu in ol'urj;. CI ud.vt'rtir-'i::u(;i]tM,;- n 1 fan clunked ]\i nil rw CL'in;;.-! "i in.c-tin,!' i.-'i lit oi' mill, '.vill li" .* of clitii L';i!. fSpcci'il cant pidj Or ^LllKllll^ ILl'lVl1;.. Ul Oal'dii UMib'T Olii' i' i' 1 . i >: > i te. ) Rll'l 1' o in J h: lb- r j II .l'.V ... iii K' \^,"' i. i',. . :.- ' ..1. .' , .'!< 'llniry i ilu.- i V. l : i; 11, l. >' . ll.L'i,; m.i A. Wiiiin,' ;.\ilp: I,: '1 |(. 1'. \ i;-| i,i:t. p.. ; i;:.uv c, \'.'-Ai/i'i.i:r'.. 1..L.1-, A:ioi'iHt\ -m fir. 0('i:;:ii' II l '4111!.!n ll i'..u Aildni.oii \: iliLf, 1, t. l-'fir- ll, Mu:li. ((!,uii; (iii.i i!niii[,-i ....uiiri1. [mi; on.i in t! I'idti'd StiiU", indai' ti 0 I J;, li'ivj.,',-..: I'litili, Iv.t'tix, (Int, ,1. Ii. I'iMci'i.. ! '.ip, l.-'Miiit.-r, Ltd., Kmi*\, Or l.;ii., pMLrii..t('i-, etc., I'.-. y.!\, Oi t'i.1; li,t '.- 'I'! Hllib !l i ;;n[ in 1 in'i- j'i:rei \ I'd ;i :il.u 'il ;e-i 0 in M>:;"k': f i in' .i; p: , ,ii i 1 111'.. mi I." il'!;. hi- iti urn* iMp'ully :i;i :U- .I.'elei'sbiii'j:, Api-il fj^. -'JMin nnwti- lu'i'iMu'M iiii'ininiciUH In iliMapprov- iri;!; ul i I ui eiir.dii ion.; I'm- ibn fdiudnsbui 4 il' praeo bei ween ('biici and', lapun. 'J'lniy aril upitoM'd |o Ilu- .bipane.-n nciiiilriiiK torrllnry on H.e mainland ol' ('hjiia. 'i'bo Xovon Vr* '. i ean- IlOi. I 'ill Til U' Ilu', ! . inn oi' IrlT'll'iI V 110 ill ol' I be (lull" nf i'e. Iiili, iiiiiltn,";: ".laprm i nay luivd V.Yi- i la';-Wei and aii y P'riilory in ibirsoulb. A r,..i:-.ioa of treaty l*y 1 ho European, prnv, i !\y, as wo hn-- IbiVo Mini t ireii!' i[.'h:iin indini-.-i ta u nop- arliib tuiiler-.tiiiidiii.": witb Jiipan." I'M ni illy, lb.- \n ',*m.) Vreinya, sayn i:m- lib.-it ienlly : "In i.i eaniiut. allow .rapnii ' lo adpiirv i !. .,' inminsula. " : i .:i". lulled Ul'l-'i'S pViilllpt. L^> '"//,v'V ";-',, i " .';; . $SWiW'W!Z'-\%;viiHV*!n'*t:-} Sri'&tti Your.:kiiiLl,til!in 'an it iiiiuohUd, fro a lm tin ni, v.iiiln 1 foil fori yon of tlic i sci Hi io. viritia of our colo- bfutod 'Derby Condition Pcwders. vt ll '|'|.,.\ b v laol tin- | ilroinilV H.'inir^i.f a v,u mrv. VnwW. pr;r lb. ] If Ei. > s i ckaiv . Yoni-'t truly, C A. 52-3RRIN, *: al 'Hall. A WS Eoiier , i ...i i:-.-br.i I AMI'.s NAYI f J ;i'i :: HI IM! IT) 1-e: 1'. TllO lie\V: IM]"' and \ i;o.-"i-; h'li^-ia. unoti ibu I'ai'L ut il I. >1 11 Iir a kimwieikie ibut llie peace n<- W":"! pi'ai'i iinlly e.oiii'.luiled was l!n' i'iiine.-i' le.-'alinll yoterday li.nidoii, .\or-n-'. inid- I liai. I ;i'>"'11 In lake. 1 lm in'M ;ai Cbina mul .lapan. ll, iiild.-", want, lo JH'.'IUK, lot. ibl'tM -, I'lilO'V. -.VI",.. s* :i ii;iin d . in in',' ;i.'n t.-inl K..\. \\ i(,ni"i- ;'.{3l3IC'AL. ulivr' note ;>t initi' i' rl ruo .0 nni) for : KPn:.n J. - 'ii/itn nl .'. ru Win:. P.^l. ' i ', In )IMlll!].' i . !,] i'.,i i. atii'iOK/Ji Ki'i < a in.-... evu iti t . 10' in)'1 ... M. wilier 'r-{-:.\,ni. .. " , ,' ii;iM "1 i riir.rv l-,:i li * i - K !0N. M. , M* nil'i c ( { i; . Ol,!., (li. i. it- M.'lioul ! j t.-..iU-ti in A!... ___!.U^ii:^_",.'"i I >! n-it X Sinn c..: Pi, !.u:'il. . . a.i\, l.-ii, liicrc. Tell-) | ci-lllicctnjii. ?. . 11,- l'.oll;,l( !l lii.JUl !l )i;j Jillli ll 1 'il ll..' IllmVlt. lllVi ,u,"o a ' > t'uiti'il. .I'ri---* al'P'i'nuini t b oiiieially ml (Jne <-!' I he 1 raid i hat ' 1 lie iii.- .'i],; iir who v..a.!., at'd \ ii' I 'i ill"-*.' a ' 1 b-y cillU: i ;:, ivi-n uoi ibone lm ,M ii lain l,eria!ion IT !el nt liotll" liiiil rrmn tut) vc^t.'i'day liot, been l. I'd re [:: Klin.C lie;;ol i;tl inn. . .einl-.'t'-'. of ibe mini; tors .-nile cnielii.-iiJii of ibe war v.'oiild 1 i n"; 1 ii. 1 lie ('b i i:e^e pceple , ;. m C i!'l ill','.! .Oidelil.llely .11 neiie'ii* Ui,.; iti'lcr ilu- ;. .'. bet illy ( ninpti'i' i heir loe-;. Tin ei'ii leiiiaii added, b-h eoll- :u,l in ed rif!'! wil li If I lm ol Iicr power.>, I'noilit'y tba I realy of ,........ act. Ureal, IJriialn's policy is oni) of (iniet-, vij.;ibuit, ;e|f-nro- teclioii. that, the Journal des llrfials ('omineni ; upon (Jreat Britain's npi'iu'ent if-olaiion i:i Jut [no-.In pa ai -in, Tlie paper a j ipeals for Knn.ipean cihii: ml t.o pronmlo a inedillea- t ii ,11 of t Ije pc'iet; treaty lii'Uil'n il i ' i on NAY I,I'll 'iHi"H tin - iiili p'^i'il* ' i oiidi v nl l-iMit'X, t-lllit 11" lii'H J '- : I" i k :; . : i I i.i- O'l v,*:i'!, Oi lUlill!.. : -l'l'J / ' ,;,! Hl'i tlinrOM.'l'jl". "MUlu'l- 'i inti.'. r i r, . . '<" ' . ... ' Gristing and . Oi-.o.^Vir^ a Sp.' cialiv. \i ' r,n AND .V.-.Ii h'.iliU and Oats, AttflniCAU MOT-TL, I Ebkox, - Ontnrlo.- '.\s i.r.RN )'( p'.rl'ilnlllJf.l l iij-opriotor. u. e"" '.........' - on i In- eo r. i i.n'.v I iia . I be time bail nrriM-d When penr ' ;-limiI(l be made. ni i V I:.-i. [jKW.U: & MciiKN7Il'.. V-'1 Ol lo a. rnte'i io-h1.'.! f ii' ilii-play All b*;^:il oi' piM.te--;iloi'l- it-cb, '). ") p'-i' ann\i!ti. .1011 "ll CoMMl'-KeiM, I'lOMi:;.!. i,n::>n .) oh na tcr _ tbo of thoroughly r.'jinpet eat and isiil-ojilI ntu ntion branch ui t\v.- ir.*..iii. ___^li-Kuni . partuiciit is !)e- Pi'inUn HUpi'^iM'tHi lii..(:ii;Uiu:i;., [A paid to t bni (Jur faeiliii';-- for tbo er.o.uU'.n or all Modani ^^ 3?ino.Tol> l> unbodied. St,am A. A call holiCili'U. p. a. jjj-wah. ;.i. n. (:. jr.. i. T. ?.i. s. i l'M'.il' U ai vi.T.'iilyi M(,inlni'- < 'ol](j(.j( .]'],_., f ai;'> cjid hiir;:'Mj!i:., On', it<:r.iiiijie:e, 'J uibi.' ' i". nil. O, . V-.'ilic.i) College, (iouhutd '['rinitv L'uivt.riiity l'l'i.iociiCi:'I . ll'"t Mil t.t.'v.'i * l el M. (1. It, Olli"e iiuiirri > Hud li tn ': p. :. ii..l liai-!: PI, t-I*. [{Vrjuinl li( nf ni-'it, *a Tliiiri.ii"- ilru.'i ' I""(!. 'loh'i'b.aio in i,nti!i.'-i:Liui' with (dl'uiu tniu i - deuce. nt, 'llriiriji:,.:, iIi'uk litorn v. iii '. ;i|i.>i to. ,'ie. ii- v ..' ill- liol,ner> lP;ii e\-,-;rel'elal'y -of ^laie .hdui W. i i .-ter. \\ bo l'.;i:, l.'ei-n Li 11 mi;; ("lialnrV no*, i.'.cr d tinia: lb*' pe.iei; n.'Uol in! ions b'l'l ' \\i Ii i i way ;> in.! a Ml I"! eiloni:' rki irilii penee^ jij^k. e- ;n.':ii ) -, l,.i oiilly I'aiuieil and proebdined. Tbo V.k: inoinist, ( ii:f i>i\ ih. ...... (,'biiia-.bip:in .-: i ',; .. i lu ll In!', v or;rani/.rd opinion t bat should ('.,;; :a bee^iia* an ally of Japan, KXI -:-ia v. iaibl he t be only ]io\ver to rn'eivn a .--'rioiis atiac];. Any ! abinn thai is leii in t'.anip.i hvit'micIi a eontin;;eiiey, t!i-' p.i|'er ibinki, is preiini- t u iv", and the lic-'iionii-a also heliovos ! that tin* i!;,duin;c : t remit li of Japan is ^rreat ly e;:a'r'_r":-ai"i!, In (am elusion I bo paper reirai'd'-. l ho t real y of jieaen ' iir* out. evideiicii that 'I It'. l;:: -T I'llillii op l"i.-*f (..*'!'..\Mi;.ii, Kp.i"i in vr it i AT KKlilT 1't K'I.. (Johh Poid for Wheat JTME t id'< k. riioi'uiKVot*. , i,' i^ldy pi'.inlf'l in. ' in np.inr liy t ln> pr-M 'T. i .'.V.I . li \ i- l'ir i l'o.-t. . iia 1 le U'r oil i I'M'i; (J.'dt-.-l lei'L ]u oiojaly liti < 'iii indent rUric-ly ojihIi. re DF:tOTAL. powor prei-eie auhisiviii lii'.iin.ATi.'N'!' All Job Printing and Advortiuinj urjcounU', Aclverbiniiiti luaamiUa wiili regular pfttl'OUfl buttled ipaarOaly. Stib- itcirintiona iluo in advanoL'. No niibscription to the I'iiiik I'lo'.aa, or ndvertifiomont nuhlinbed in n,i columns will ho diwiontiuuL-tl until all iirrcarii ure paid in full. Chanson for adyertihOiucntH, to Hticuro "inaertiou in tbo currout iHsun, mimt hu bandoU in not later tban noon of tho Tuea- day procodine;, tind noticu of mir-li intund- od Qhaugo m rtapiireil on tho iMnadiLy pro- ceding. ' Noticj af flinnniitinuanoo of anvoi Uhu- inontH intiiit hi'-iuveil at haitd <jnc wooU in aavunco of thfs<i in wluoli tliyy uro deBirtal to latit appear, AijviniTiauay, Subnciibei'R and ptitromi t^i.-ii ti rally arc requfcatocl to read tho uhovu re^ulatioiiH carefully, in ordur that con fusion may bo avoiiioil, itsi tbey will in alt bo adhorcd to. Addreiw al! conitiiunictLtioiia to K. J. lAyVlihACK. l'ul-lihliur the Ki.iix'rur.r, I'iuikh, UfifitiX, Out "="T P. M.-MlTIN, 0. D.S., h. 1). S. (frioiuiitu i a a in Jini.iii-O'y, lcoynl L'olitaa- ot J)tmtitl ':.':i'f.'ouH'-], Ontiin'i, ini.l liuivoriaty ot Toronto '"IhiLr^ftri, iiiiiai'i'Kto. oilicn, uviir Jirien it Ct> t Jriif* ideve, PVIy ' i ^ he ' ii in : . tb.ill 1 Jo-no A : i;u:-i ,- (V for *-'l:nnp,liai orr. lined in tlH'ib'-t-aUibw.a.s . ... | , iinnrCba,;,- n main, tbo simulator, in a M,ai-p_ .'.mi u -. will be di,ap[n.iaied owin- to tbn.e.uA p-nns irraiifdio (jhina in Unvpayimiut of the lncemnily. The ^intihl; believes L'blnaeoiild borrow tho oiii.iro.imuMiiiL. of tbo iiuU-nmlty at, 0 to 7 per cent. Tho Speaker sny.4 that i:icist oi Uas ln- demnily U likely to ivniain in iJoidoii the pcoVermiieni. eniployiiiK .it for tlui A,U. di-frayiiiK the. cxpi-n-es of m- rrf~-u^r_.;i-ai i^-basetl in I'biro].". Tbo'].apt'r'/il^i ibinlv:- U mi ll krlv thai more t iian tho r-nmnl' JJk.'.i-i.'O,- uni) sterling of imleumiiy will be paid in 1 I,-don, -'. p/il KS.-The Monutif,' ......, i'ri,:il Vokoliiiiaa-ibai-trnli'--^ ponn- ,.ded ilurinf? iMe l I'.^-nl arni- .|;.p,iu.'.-e i.rinie... wiM a.lvaiien ,:u as MJim as the aniiistha- hlmll d.ltj. !i o'idiv 'V l^lrs - smtt T-'.J"* Of ,. V. [ei-l,ur^ April bU '- ,i. ,|:.pi'i*!',. 'conditions id' ]'eaeo_as im-_ ..' v-'-dn- taking 'diplniuatie i , ,,i,*(ai!i i'hu'ope'in interventou. il,.- a .>;.. ei..l app-al lo Ku,.,ia ;. vi.r.i d up"ii e.r.eelient aulhoriiv ii.- da is Ilrndy re-.nived lo oj-po.-.e ; tdaus iii niuii'--: territory ui llm ' eoniiiient. Tho iucrea.^o of ' , !,;i\al and aiiliLary forces in the -, loade t*i enforce i'<"-iieet, of this ^!/-..y\ '^S"i TiU p"-'_____ _____. stoi't^"aird inuiTTJ t'arly ai;il. li '. .' llii1 ' i^t"-- 'r~.. st, -.'- V f" r ~ _ _ ,_w T VETERINARY. 11. IUuTIAHI'ISON, VetunniLry J-,in- . . , kuuu, (iradnatu ot thu Ontario Vetrr iniiry Collt-fjo, Toronto, troutH all (Usoiim^ ni domut'ticatnd iminialH. Ti:)<i|ilioiio in coniu c> lion. Lanitiutry n lipccialty. Kiaitilonce, Iniir doom eolith of Griiit Mill. OtlU't- in pontodiij'- huildiu^; Iiitlriuary dircotly oppohita. BAKER. 1IM oldcHt biiBinciiH m town. KiUalJlitiJto mm& COPYRIGHTS- ^ COPYRIGHTS I OUTAIN A PATENT? I'or a -fnrtnutlun i!(i:i<-.thhi i im-,..-......... tni.1 tbtim n:ia, ii'fi;, A\"U ;i cuiiilo^ao ot median. leal nnd scuniiiMi: im',!.-< i-i-m, ii'i.v. tk Cn. Ttic.vAvn eo t I "liotly 'Kestcd. Mlnrt ISuho." npi*-.......................... --------_________ X lH7t. l-'irnt-claht. bread and chIick ol kimPi. WoddiiiK cakcb a f)|iocliUity. (ji-ocorna- provliiionu, Hour, fuoil, unit iiliI pork. Oouicc- tionorytcrtJckory.fjlufiHWuru. ('aunodfruith ntni vofjotabHamf all kiiutn. Ooniln promptly 'it Uvorod to all pai'tmif Llm town. J. M. JI](;!\i7, J'Jl-tf SOCIETIES !T 0. O. K.-KNTKHPJUSrc I.od'jo No il- K . iina-ticvcry Tlmri'dii.y, ovoniin.; at 7.:Ui ii Ortdfollawa Hull, in third ntnioy Uuuhtnn JUocl; VinitiiiK uioinlioi'ii ol othtir lodueiiwil) rocoivo u -mturiuil wolcmnc. J. .IOHNHT0N, N. (i. I3MNT1CA.L K^CAMPMKNT, No. liU, uiootaii Oddfollowh' Hull, Duimtiui'ii Illoclt, on tho Hint nnl third 'i'tioiiday jnoach month. Viiiitoi h -oi lially rocuivoil. Muuibui-Hof nubordinato lodf;ia in tin. jnrinilioHon, invited to joiu. i.'. JJANNAN, C. I'., (i. i\ IIILI., 0. B, T^BHKX GMNTltK LODOK, No, 10, A. O. U.W Hi Rlcotruiocniid and fourth Moudayn In o:i<:1. tho Odillidlow'ti Hull, at 8 p. m VhdtiuK hrotlirun will luifdvon a fraternal wjI conio. JOliM I^VIKO, ftluutor WurUmaa 0. H. PULLKlt, Jtouordur T^HtK IIHICADI'.-Tlio 1-Mro Uri^nio nienti 1" K(u:ond Wodlleiiduv eveninf,' every inoiitli, at ti p. m. ill tliu council olmanlier. All lio-nnu niijiioHted J. McMUitHAY, Clilcl J. l\ MctjUKKN, f-'ucrtitiivy. . C(h;kt itoVM,, no. ma. i. o. iJluiits aoraaid-iind tointh Timndav'H in eucii Uaontli in l. O. O. i>\ Hull ul M o'clock p. in Viidthif- brothorn will he^iven u fi-ut,tvmd wni- conio. M MuOuUKlaud. ('. H., W. 0. Hhnw, Hoey. M.J. Wifjlu, u. it. ..AND AND LtJATJ AGENTS <^ KOUGK J. THOMAS, Ccnvoyiuiuur, Curie OT inlHtnoiior, in iliKh Oouil of Jiu'tico; dual.-j lu itiml liHtutu and .'Mortiju^t'B. Monoy ta loui. at tlio lowuitt rato of Inturnst. b'uruiu hou^b; and iiolil. liaiuriincii ttitiun in tho most ndiuble iioinpiinioii. Uruwluf; ot duuitH, mortKa^tiii* and limfUKi ti, t*poaiulty. Ghurtjoii roodorato nnd id) buiduciiu i>roui])tly nUondcd to. Call at tlu- Ooutrul Tnlupbono oihco, KinioxContro. (SU-ly MARRIAGE LICEMSES. iloierininai ion. W-i-hhfduii, April bl.-U'tbo Japanese in(1).nilliiv is to bo paid in taels of Mlvor o, nvdienr.-. to bo tbo cuiim-hsus nl olbeial 'opinion in WasliiiiKUni Miin i <>na of the ( inada m China which were re ferred to in the ollicial advice* received ychtrnlav. RUnlKtui* Kurlno has stated- to M-vcrlil persons recently that Jap;vn tlcij.anded a paihl indemnity and it, was by those who conversed with hilu that Japan would insist on tho more mvchms niotal as silver was unsulttal lor tlio very u.-cs to which" -Tapaii wanted to dim. ihc s- in that is to payment or iuivl<*n ' ... i. :i...... {......,..| 1 ,.,, 1 1 i- tin, , nilVlll'. " i Tlioro 1^ no A IlhilH'<I Vol:ohamaf April ^. 'Vhn Govornmnnt ' has issued a statenienl dcnyinK' that it* 1 has concluded an ol'feiisiva and defon.sivi) ' alianco with Cbina and dcelarinp* that tho i conuuercial advantages secmrd by Japan under tho terms 'd" tho ir.-aiy will also ho enjoyed by the other powers under tho "Most Favored Nation" ire-itmeiit- Intend* d lo Allay IToiin. London, April iJ:J. Tlu) announcomont by tlio Jnpunesu Covcrnrnent that no offensivo and tle.fensivo alliancu with China has been formed as a result of tho conclusion of a treaty of pence betwoon the two countries, is intended loitllay the openly expressed fears of Kuropo in fren- cnil. It was generally uadorstood iliafc tho treaty would contain no clause to that iri * r-'tip ) x fords, AUCTIOrJEEH HNILY HKIHtH.'K, Amaiuiiuor. Sul ur promptly uttomhal to, Ai'nlroHH SuiiU. \Vtionnltie, tint, I'einoiiH ileiJrintt to him.-iiih nic may ltiuvo word at thu I'mil-i i'l'.ta.s oitie.e. t II. 1IK1>UICK II LICK-N'SKi) AUCTION KVM i * * inr iiiu uLuut v ofKiiitox. Hiiililf of l'iinhtli iJivinion Court. All Iambi of I'nviii mid othn- mil the ri" m that is U> payment oi nm-i'-ii pni ireaiy -."... ........ ......- - - j, v 91,m court, ah i" " '",,",""" n.uLhle a Although silver is pruc.ieaily ti.e ,.,Tl, ??" ..Viv ..y ot Japan, the standard of the p,rhaps will nnl bo alto^etbor cal | ,,' ftiraud.e. o ^Xo. *,r t^ tno m: ivisil^ Kuld ven, tho fixed vahm ,lV tl. dapanesc Covennncafs denial, , "in^ft w.-Jourt cu.rli| Mr. Juim Milin.-. nf which is W.1 routs eompnrud with the ti1Iiri tlu-ro would lm several w-oiyl airrca- t ho included m - ------,------------- ..- L "' *i. . ., Statu "I Triido. 'New York, April lit. Bra-dsl rccts to day i-ays: Tbo feature in tmdo .circles is found in thu price movement, more par- lieularlv I huso for catllc, dressed beef and PrU-oleum. Compared with February, March returns of (,'ross earnings of KJiJ mili-oads may lm construed as favorable, tbo increase, over March Iti'M tmluK .ri of 1 per cent. Thi.s is to bo contrasted with il V'ebruary decreasn this year from last nf *- !l per ecnt. and of tho January fallinj; idl'tbis year from last of onu half of 1 , .[. rent. When it is recalled that ^ross railway carninK^ ih March; 1HIU, fell off 1 :i iier cent, from thu total that laonih in lso:i an inerease last niontli from March, ls.01 of ono-iU'th of 1 per cent acquires P-mii'ieanec Kxporb of wheat from bulb Vriits of tin* United States tills week, llu'ur iraluibat iiH^vhuiitJ_Ji,olflH up a. bi^ii lvl.r;,.ri.__^1!);M,l7 bi]shi]lHaKainst-J,s,->:i,p:t;i inihlitds in the previous week, j.itoO.nuO busliels in iboisecond wuek of Ajirll, l^'Ji, i ij'.jk o.v iaishcls In the wcidc in isu:., ^iui)':ir)S bushels in 18<i;> ami ^.-irid.nso bushels in the second week of April, 1n.P1. Aii improved crop out look, on weMeru mul nurlhwe-iern Kraln states areninoi;- tlui more si^iiHlcantly favorahle features. Tliero nni :-:- ' business failures In thu C nlU'd States renovted this week against a year nyo, lWi in lWWaiid 185 in ltf.Q. \\j ix hi;amam, Iriiaior of Murrlufai LicomjfH. Itauinincti afip'-c- NlKhtolUooittlJwwllliiK. TALIIOT STHKM'P, F.HSP.X jl* BAUItKTT, itiiiuot ol Man.^o Xjlconttoa, ItX Cinnniiuidoinir ir II ..!., oto. fJunto, Out. MAHHIAfi'M Liciinhi'is or Wtddin;; ICinj-a eim |.ij proourod nt K, I,, Turli'n, tho oPI *-*- linhlo jo\vo]lor,,MniU'X, (int. . That i- wlmt it ih whou travelling on tho faot train., of tho Chicago, Milwaukee A- Ht. l?aul RtiiUvayi bahidoH there in no duiurjo i.j 'HiieV," for tlu tieeorniuodatiotifi are tip io dat1 ho trainn Iwep moving ri^ht alou^ -Lud y,-.-. rlioro on time. Thouu linta ihor- ougbl - uovoptho territory butv/eeu Cliioa^o, La (Jmi'^o, Kt, Paul, Minneapolis, Aber- dooi., '-Utoholl, Sioux Fallt*. Hioux City. YaiilTtiiu, Couiioil Bluftti, 'Jmaha and Nor- thori Michigan. All tho priueipul cities and ,"i,vn in that torriiory arc reuched by Hie "-it. Paul" lines, eonnectiu^ at Si. IVir. Council 13 luff a and Omaha v/itl'i all bn*1" for"pointfi lin tho far west. Write to ..T.Taylor, OSVHulian.PtiBs'r A-^cnt,* 87 * orlt Street, Toronto, Ont., for one of tboir , ivino ! daaonption of tbo Cpmimrhnaut Sleeping Tioktitil furniHhed hy any coupon . ilpot at;ont in tho Uiiitod Btaltui and Can. . . ai. Tho flnont dining cat'H in'ho world ; i.o run on tho oolid vchtibulud, uleotrie. | ......._;_..,.^,....,.,, Jiyhtod and I'toatu-lioatud trainttof tho Chi- | H tM'AIMMI'.w. i!l : oii((o, Milwaukoo A St. l'ul llaihviiy., Vw S^to'siS.1-L': -i ", 'VaMEH H* IiAIHD, Piovhicml Lipid Hurvoyoi t\ and County Niwin -*. V.mox Oonti-o, Out nmco,puiihtun,lpol(. iiPhtalrn^^ .________ ARCHITECTS. -roiiN A.' MAyimuK, " AiicnnKc"!', &' .. 'Boom.i.n....iii.'nl-m...flli;Mi>;.'.i)ri0n| 'Phono ai'J. ____._ UWOERTARINC lUddh'd 'l'M '*"l]y With Hull.its. (jorsieana, Tox., April Kb Nelson Calhou, a negro, \vu arriisted yesterday i>u KUhpU:lon of lmviiiR assaulted Mrs. ltosa H.ujrhes of Ihls city last Tuesday ni-dit. 'l'hls niurnliiK bo was takon before Mis. ilu},dics ami identilled as liur assail- nni. '-he oilicers stiirted hack to tho jail followed by a passe of citizens on borso- Iku'U. On tbo oiitskiris of the city ilu; iu'"ri) threw opnn tho door of tho cmitImko, hi id tried to escape. The citizens ihed on him, riddling his body and head-with hullits. The body was placed on exhibi tion at- tbo inurKiiu and was viewed by hunilreds of people. 1'revciiUal Fium Cuttiiij; Ilia Throat. (litebec, April 111.-A yountf ilni^i^ ai templed to conmiit Huielilo yestenlny by cuttibK his throat with a razor, hut was ( jiuKht la ii"ii> to provont him u'Mi fatally Injuring himself^____________ Ciuuil iminauod hy Wiitiir. Kastori,- Pa,, April lll.^Tho I)olawji -anal has been greatly damaKod by bi^'h water and It will. ho noiirly two juowthe. bofove trafllo can bo resunioil/ ^ inonts which-would imt bo imdudeit in the ollicial treaty. 'l'hls special point aroused such unanin*ons opposition that tlio Japanese Ctovernmeiit ipudo haste, tbrou-b its-Tiiinlstcr lo France, to allay tho apprehension, lie doni.-d, with au thority, that tbo trea'.y contains any pro vision" for an iiffuiihlvo and defensive allt- ancc Ll in believed liiat tbo treaty will b- ^ccrotly.rovisiMl by the Kurnpean cabi net" before it Is rati (led on May 8, hut whether any surest ions which may bo made will bo accepted by China and Japan Is, of course, . impossible to say. The helleef is strong that both lUissla nnd Kn;-dand will niabo an activo use of their inilucncn and the impression pre vails in tbo diplomatic circles of London that Japan will ho -shrewdly willing to inakn important, m miotic concessions in Asia, to those powers in order to seouro liberty to carry out her plans without Interference. AUoyclher the matter In rerarded by tbo Kiyiu powers as of tho rra-vrst. iinpovtance of any diplomatio event since lho Uerliu treaty was sifcined. (ierniaiiy's Voice, \.despatch to tlio '1'imes from . Berlin savs that the North German (bizetto ( '.ini-oillcial) liuhlisbey an artlclo of tiim- Wf '.Mpwrt te tiiftt contained In tlio Oilo-nc (ai^'tteou Hut.urday. Mlbe Co!o-ne Cazntte on baturday said ! ' viewof'tbe pressure belli- exercised 1,v tin. war party in Japan, Cernmny at the bcKinnir.e- <>f March enjoined tho imM'i'inin'iil to bo moderato In .i'. ii'.rins demanded for peace, urKlnK ilnl the cession of territory upon the nainlnndof China would be uspju-mUy c Ided to induce the intervention of U .powers. When it was shown by the ,, ,1, ished terms ..r peace that Japan was not dbpo^<. to t"\\i\w t.enuanys advice it Is w'-re innuediately taken to eslabhsh nl with the powers and a coiu- ms heeii reached with JOHN ('OIeMLKY. f.LUUNMSD AUCTIQNKKII for t\w Comity of Khkox. All liiialH of farm htrick nulon, etc., (aiinhicted prmjiptly and on Hhort notice, Hatcu l'l'iirioeablo I'orBomi dcr-iraljU) to arran^o iMili'ii tnuy ilo mi by clilliuf; at tlio Fiu'.m Piuasa olllco or by upplyiat; tu .J.UOUMLKV, P. 0. liox l')Ti Kanoji, lint. Men's Shoos an Lr.dics' ami. Chll'JrcVs Shoe"-' nnd Oxford?. The Clienpc-st in I.Ijp. Land. Call and Eqamlno and bo Con vinced for yourcclvos. das. Douglas, ,M n it I t Ir Lot (It'll tt>*H , Whitnav'B'nr.U - 1: s.ft*> v I.o'ml] nnd TvnveliiiR our Hardy Camidiuii liiuwii >diH'nn' Siool;, Wo Kunruntiai taitiflfimtion to i cj')' '*-i'nti;tivi.,i',iiUil-*' custoniciii. Cur iiin'HiiricH aio tlm laicoat in Dm Dominion, ovor W\i acieii. No nubhtitutlon in ordniii. KxcTusivo territory nnd ILlinraltoriua to \vholo or part tbno utltaitri. Write ua, (Head oilier) Toronto, Ont iTho only nuriicry in Canada liuvlrifj teatlllK oiehiLnbiJ -Mam 1?KANK McCLOSKl'TX, MaWBtono, thirty- V huvou yearn' oxitorionco an an auctionuorin. thu County o( Ehfiox. Haled comluctml promptly, nnl on raaiionablo termu. I'artion dutdvin^ to !lx tlio ilato for a i;alo can huvo tbeninclvee u. ilrtvjiby culling nt tho Fai-'.l". Phkhh olhco. U'u Imvu arruiif'Cd with Mr. MOOloiikoy and will fix the (liLtimTor Halniihy toli^niph, untiroly fruo n( ill oliarfjo tQ_t,ho_i)ovhoti hoMlnt; thn>. Ad- droiiti Flunk McClotdicY.Maidutaut' CroBH,Ont 105 ' ..,:.^ lJr;i^fc!'t, Simplest, i^^l^fe^ I-I::i^lt * w^^M0iiy:,la8 " It,p ^^W^feC'^:v' Accurate, .iuccivix. ^Js^t^^ Compact, r/I-itit Modern unil pro^r.^r.sivt*: * V [* .-.e-tloirnu or Informal ion v. illc Lo :. ."-iarlin F2RU arms cow NURSERYMAN, KUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY 'jw- ed rinrrt >ir , otoiyou'tlo 0-1 . LuiHlou, Aprlll'.l.-l-f'fd Mudwiiy tlimlqsi'. tlm roporfi lluit ]io lma beon, riiileutod for , tt,o GnVornowlitp of N w-tfovth Waloa. .- . an aecor iilete aureeniei)'. Ku^ia and b'ranro. Tho powers, (ier- inunv liiis-ia and Ki'ance, will m.-.v take steps to protect their intends m l-lmaern \sla Thu qno.ah'n of lerciturlal ehjm^ea will be 'first Ui-pt in view apainsl, Jajian's dnsire to hiiui. befell' iihu a solid (i-ii-illo a round China in order to shut uii Uhiim entirely from Kurope. in cm-o of. need, tho threw powers mentioned intiMiil to avert in good timo any injury to their 'interest.-, H was added, however, that Cermanv would he f;laiL to f-ee Jnp<m- enjovib'ef.mltsof her milliary prowess [on that it dous, not injure Gei- nian Interests. n-an-uWUnnil TirnP'J. London April ^ tho Times from Kobe say* Unit tm Aiuil I. th a, Mib, r,S (r(ln.pnvl:i.]oft UJlna for Tullen^Vun, wUb-JM,()(H) Japanese troop, I, Is beli.e.od that. Ibesn troepsnro des ined toiuitfcu aduseent upon 'i'liku and Mhui- halUwan Ultootly t.M Ump'of the unnlstlca rfiallliavo pxpiwfl.- Poach, Pear, Tluni, Applo and Quiuco TrecB, Konog, Ever^reei*,n, Berry BuhIioh, Haapborry, Blackberry and Currant Buahoa., All flrut-ohu'B Ktock. Suvu agenta' Big Profits nnd writo for priuim. We will cheer fully aiiHWiir you by return mail. FOR TWENTY-FIVE Y*' DUN EMS BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND Largest sai-e in Canada* IMuoo in tho world for y >* L nnd womon to Hooarn ti HuulueBa:! Krtuoiitlon,Pliovtlian(l,ftto...-Aii |j h-olt, Mluh. JlluoLratod oDtaloBito ij Vr o Knforoncfn: All Dtroit, %W K JEWKLUPr'o". 1*- H. BPKNUKlt, Sop'y.' Splendid Apple. Trees, ' Al in ovnry niHiioct, $12 PEB 100 - ."$12, On eood prodnotivo Furm Property at", |j CJ. A fl por oout. utraiht. . ISTo Valuation Fe<ssj \f- 'iii" CouyoyauomK Dono up iiiNeafc Btjj Fife and Lif hsuranceJ, x a:e.lovelaq$ cyQflW: Whituoy Blooic, ;;:;-i . ' 'ii.;i,1j.,.i ' ' Vlirh,*'! 85 2132

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