Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 12, 1895, page 3

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HP T'W HP? -,1<" I**.' "><< ?>," , V* 'S ^ *^7/ji; S!?f^^ >'/r- V" ' V'\>.U rv^ ^V/f)',^ '1.., .: & j&fil V , 'Kh ^v >.-.. r- (Ilillli SU1CIDKS. Siiiiftf^--#tiltVriaiiip sTmiTis a. r.nllH y\n.....trl iriM UriiiH. J2il_0Lj-AN____EX-AI- D E-U M A N- T)u< I'-tyhie; 'I'i'IIim- ol lit,' I omit: nf Ttnuiitn .Miouit, lllm><ill In *)-<. : ivM'iiHMif u j>i/(-n oiiH'i- cii'ii.-. *'"i< or - 'i lio iW'ia i:iiipiuj ) tii < ii). i iiK n-.-pi'i'l, hill her nu'dlenl advisers tay ih.-.l v. u li'pi'uprc en iv I'x'.V M'u no ro.i-o:i u l.y *- ho .should mil .coin inuo In hvn hi l.on-r.ilile 1'iini fori j,oniu }> hm li ii;", i ZlimiK-i'iiutit in Ccini. I /I'luxinin, .^ | i'il;. -A rlhur ']'. /'iiiinn.' MiMii w*i- Imu.,lil. 1-' :.i iho (li'iliTal |{n;;- . <.....i i Saturday on tlio I I'hiir; o of hi.\ in-.' IV Ion lullsly won pili'i -Lmilii^iiMl nlf.i) \\ Mil li:i villi;1 .il Iciup:rd lo J t*ritj11jii( suicide nf. lliu ."ainn l-iiiui at. li . I house. ' i In phaili d not, guilty on b<Mh rhni;-,e , j111 I :c tin) (!mv,'n w:i>. nut, ready llll ; 11 m I lie evidence I until Thur- Turonto, April S.-C jf'hamp, pay in;,' it Hit of rontn, mmihUhMl Miirldn 1 SI.IM) Hiitimlny aff-T......" win ciiiictcd u Iilun tli'1 ^ oilier Spi'iwi-r Milll- lio IhlllU of To by H)lOl)t llljlf ill Tho- tr.p^cdy H"i (if thil K'l- lri-'is c:i|;n ill (lie head oflicc of the bank, Church and l-'innl streets Thu haul; hiid burn elu'-i'il I'oi1 bii 'ine-s ill. I anil llm ilfti'di < lei'l. > i mptnyi'd wi'iv en;r;:i;-;eil id their 1"n I. - '1 heir ta -U:, \\ eio almo-I. coiiiph ti'd and 11 c i ime wa . draw in;: nc:ir for clu>in;r tl.c han!., when Hector, jvcvivlii't iiltiT, who was at 'work cln^ In Millleliainp, In-ml a mhhhI rr-omblin^ a moan or Milled '.roan. Thinking it w:i-. iliu cry ot a child lie mbed his eye-, from his bonks ami was horrilh'd to yen Ids fellow teller flourish in;.? a revolver, whllo lilfl fiieii showed tlie inner desperation of bin mind. "O don'l, fur (bid's Kike.don't," hhout- cd Head a*. Y illleliainp'ti purpose flashed to him. At til - i-aine time ho vu.-dicil for Ihoeajjoin which Millieliamp Mood, In tho hope nf intercept hif? tint arm of Ith mission of dealh. Millieliamp raided the revolver to hit, head, and ns Head reached the eAfio ihjnr Iho report ranj^ont and tho vintmrroT] inn nrrirss heap. Tho hull ontercil the head Immediately uliovo iuui hefore tho rif^Iit ear and lietiif^ of il heavy calibre passed completely through.tho brain emerKin^ from tho left Hide. Death was Instantaneous. Dr. Adams Qneen and lit mil streets, was summoned by a, telephone and a rne- ponjjrer sent, In heareh of a police oilieer. Tliu nu'dlcal man was the to arrive but tlie unfortunate man was' beyond tint reach of his nklll, -- . - Coroner Alliens was called and after learninn; tho ( Ireiinislances of the shout in^ ordered tho removal uf the body to an un dertaking establishment where an inquest was formally opened at B.IIO ], Due.esM'd had In on mi a protracted .spreo for a weelc pnst. Whether \\U aeeoinits at the hank are JiceiiraU: or not, can not bo ascertained ponding an iuvt^iifi.iiiim into tho ac count:-. J-atfJn <"T ten lUyn nu;n Millieliamp made a nolo In lavor of 'Plionins Muimid, cuub- hloni- ht-uker, fur.y.ib. H was diMConnt^d by Mr. (jharle^ A. i'ipun, and Millieliamp on 1 he note, juidsuh-eiiuenlly I Mm I <t l> cd lift line- III (In' I'm III', YVindMii', March tf. '1'Jo* bie-inc . done lltll'in;; I he pa 1 quarter t Jirnit'^Ji I'm 1 'jll- p-rl Ciiiisiil ojiice 'amounted lo -*-l*.M,'_'-)'.*.1,' !i;,:i ill i ' i l,0i 'J.'.- i for I he i aine j , nml lie,I yi m: Consul 'I'hairlin* n t ri itto . t he ini lea ' to tin- icdiicti'ins In :iie i.u-iif. A< fm* ."Vlunt <'l I \, -v Vorh, April <, 1111 -111 A.etiM' 11 j',en , tn j I ol I'oiii-t l'< i" i.i , r\ , h; . I'ce'i In Co 1 li. i! ii i'. n 11: t j rd I.'...! ii in in - il- ii'i'iiin * ' 111 1*1 ' ! FAiAL I'OWt-I.I; LXI'Li A HI ui! nit 1 ly \\ ipt'il Mulls. New, "*April *"i. - Shurll', ;>',[* v . o'eloelv ye terday jnorni u^ an e\|i'ii on tmil: place lu a'^bi]) chandlery ' sianli-h- ltu'iit run by Charles Sal lie. The .-n-'i w.e Inc.di'd in a three luroy lanhli iil:,* which \;n< cnt ircl\ ih'M rnyi d. Sal lie, With hK wite, one child, and three t-er- vants, were caii'r'tii by the tailing walb and killed. A --nlnon, run by 1'linile iiuu- lel, situated next, dour, was crn-hed liy (he tiiniblin;* ruins, and live or six (Ishcr- itii'ii, who weio hleepln^c upslair.-, mei the sahmn, lire supjHc-ed In have been lcliled. M^iebael Ibri, wiiose body il wu*- roported had heen recovered fn nn the ruins, turned up nafe and sound, he liav- In;; left, the. Iiar-rnom Jlv<> ininuie- be fori the explosiim oeiurred. Mdward-.' fnulyU which was badly crushed, was iir-.i, iden tified as Ibal of liiri's. The dam.i-^- by explo.siun and lire is estimated at cio.iiim. H is believed now that only one mori' body is in tlie ruins, which would niaki nix ])i:rsoiis \vlm jji'i'lshcil. '-'1'he origin id I'xplosinn U a mystery. The. pro the trtulo in i 11 kind., id' uinfr Mutorial, Wowlworvk Por Iiohhcb, mid unKMuontul), Barn J timber, !t!ih of all ^raduM, Do irs, S.hkIi, Cli-slimt Coal, * lie ea-.u wa t a lay tiexl. WINDMILLS. \\- I.I iido Afi'jiitii in Hi" County lur . . Hi CitioiLfO, wliii b took Hi;;hoat Av/aidn a. ilie V/orldV, L'liir. Ciui fnrnibh oitliei; ruinpingor Power Outfits 31 fc price:;. . iili i '.( ry Oiitfit. I'.illiie,] 1!, 1 .. n ' _l .Mill, ' ' ill. 1 i I til il, 1 . < .i.-l 1 > hi-, i l.n l.n ! 11*1 '.. , \ ' t ,, , M" ( 1 a1 ii : i.i dd:e, Sir l.dw.ud ( li t in ii c.illin,' I l.e-m- j > 1 i i 1 I * '1 H he, Wilde'-- entlUM'i, had cotne lo 1 he | ; nihil i <i!n 1 u -i'lii thai in \ iew ol V, ihh 1 e la < ouhl iml exi ei i the jury 1 u lil.ll 1 he .\iiuqills of Qll' ete hi , r'v <:tii; ly of llbei nil t he o'*t lial words ih i d bv 11, e d< i'clidanl. The jin\i : 1 i n I e, Ul'Oi d a \i idi. t nf not i-TUI II \ , In U li li'h I*--' r I'.nw a rd < hwi a - the liirht.'d hy lei'i burnin; in ~fiud a small ftie *Htore" at ^ .11 >:\'.l by Wat.-on. Ahlhcliamp iiir or two Sat urday nioi tiiiif^ . to tind Wai.son Xo raise mi nds, hut. wa.s uuubh- to 11 nil i.i t he t Mril son of- ex- i iaj). iln was about "leeii i onnecled ijin v.ii.s e iJlIIn-l. a-e. lie -].ml Jiani, of Tni*'aiio .since l.s-ss, and . I'hi.s stiii was paying tel- fun ion. i 'rc\ inns to hi-i killer insl it ul inn Jut unci Central Hank, i banking ri-'Oeived was y.: . Hpejit in _ in ail 11, dinm'ui him The .u Aid. Wa '2& year.'. With ilu- at the inn lot- at that connection wilh tin: was teller ol lint de Hi: had hei n coiniceled ^\ it interest-; (' die past Id years. In P-s., (j, ri. lsi,,i t-nten d t he employ of I'\jrbe.s ^ liiiiiii.ihnrouj-di. \Vlie-n tliis Jlrni dissoI\ed lie lefl fur New York. On his return he s- e.ureil a position in the Trnd- er.s' iJatik, bin left lliat inst itut inn for the Cei.I nil, \,be;i the latter coiomencrd buniiu^s. Wlteji the Central became de funct lie entered itjoi employ nf the Jlauk of Toronto, and was lur some limeeou- neeied wilh tim Culli!i-;w<iod branch, suh- iiotpieiit ly beuiLc iraii'-Iurred to the Toronto branch. JSallicham* ', abiln> as a inatheina- tiau \1.."*' rei>i,'i*kable, he ranking as one of ino.-i ixjtii men w nh (Inures eMinloyi'd mlses Were li'-dit was nif,dit. Tlie powder which v.\phded was kept in two ke;^s of :.Ti pound-, en b, and wcri usually kept in an ic bo,. The < hvk says the powder wa-3 left under : lie. counter las|, ni lit. AliH-lioiii Tlllde Uf'iiiti I. New York, April 0. Ilrad-tnrt'> Rnyi: The i]t]iearan< e of initre set t leibu cal her. with the aniioune.'d increase in prire fill- lle.sseiner pi/: Irai and suel hlliei-, con tin tied m ren^i h m i ut ton, - (Inuik.i ii.;- nianufaetut'er.s to di ninnd hi{ her piice.- for fall delivery, rain-, in ilie north western wheal regions where ly ed, furl her ineivn-e.s of \va;,'es of itidu- trial einjihtyes, hea\ icr k,lii]ijui-nts o. wheat'abi-nad, and t he-rtisl'i nl ihf'Volinm of the week'-- bank oleariu).*;.'. above tie rl,()n:i,iKH),uui) maik are -evidences of \'n cout iiniathui of a holier feel in*: in ti-ai'i einlesand n'luruiii'i eonfideiu'c in irai: lines of business, 'i'liere aie '."." bii-im- failures rejiorted to Jiraib! t.'ei 's tin week, as coinpared with \i'-)i last wed Some Xow l*ai;.'laad col ton n:.i niilact urei have sold n year's out put for <-\.pnri and ha\o cheap raw material In meet the r>,u tracts. Wool and woolen indie-trie-, ivpori less activity, but irapi-nved prosjiccts in iron ai.d Meol, ana advanees in pe." rnletll, and for lumber at e hun-l ail ecui re-, w u li act i\ ity i n the I iiiluin;-; I r.nltvi an ha\ lu;: ui! i nllueiH e. hlxporK of \\ heal, li'n;r lacludeil as wheal, in-m holh coaa? ailed ."-tatis t!ii*. week aiiiuunt- '.I,, b i-hi'l-, iiearlv :i 11,mm b;:-he] *ii, i: i I he tin I'edi OLi' Wei k. lich were tlie J'all Mr. Wilde if i! 11 j '.'. lllOl'i CaMwe with l-i'-i '/', I'M . llll vc-t i i-day 1 l< i nii^h ,i 1 ii^t lc. * I, ()hiii.. \ |.i il ii. A a acciden' resiill oeeiii'ti'd nil I lie iJel!;.ll* a nil ( "ineinna; j Knlln :i-l cai*!" no n'liiu .r, 11 '1 iii ih i 1 I-iitll 1 !i . Wcllc.'--- II. nt Ills lie w.e, 'ic! oiae * a clean ipi iln tes and in iho i :!;,* ! auk . he attended ley .-c ii;. 1 . o i. .. , a'td tliU lah-i wa-. ii n ; r! ol'li' in i hu-e day-. M-ry ] opi la.- . n l lu- chy a 1 youn^ uij a, i. .rk a ed -luht wb slia\Ch l.'lee, li,- -net.line mm.*, his ;.relieiMsii,. i..,.'.e hiia ^ n-y pnpular W'i I h i in- men ;i ! oi., ' o .-. n, \'. bo were his jis.noeiales. \,y l a' '.I, he \\ ,js .-ecn-i i\a and no" l,iw ii t. In i \mi his most intimate.! i< ih1 or In. kindly aboui his priva'i all;.:!., Ko li *.'. are at a lo--, tn know WJii'n ) ;, m; 'od Jiis rash net. s d, ^^ tin is uimia.-ried, has lived with la-, h.tle'i-, Mr. Wallow .Milli champ, at Oli,' Chureii sin-i i. i-'m- muhc time prevhui-ly he resided w n h iii- bruih- cr, Mi-. .Joseph .Millichainp. o' '; Mae Iiher-un avenue. Ale.- rs. \','; :. u.. .\ul'i champ, jr., and (ie(ii'^,e Millirhinip \\ii\- ilIso brother.! of deceased. ; I e i i'liur | i i*-,oiis '.\ i ana one .-non -ltl in pi i h a ol. -el \ i s wil hmil -i \<Ti a i* : N'll h i n \*nii n: l:Pled in t .!. 'I'lia re ; ii e*;f rij- He I n . i .i H-l injury. 'Iho !.i!le> nd 7-\ h li r, <*f Smniii' i-icld ; 11 'ic! ..ilie; llll l.ui.i , .bill <>-, I lie lir in." m. was The road had l-r-i n i nude o in-y brown, ej,i-i m er. .li'-i fatally i njured. tun d. The t ran eon i ie| of tie- mi,-iiie and one coach, !,o'n.:ii.ii:,"c t wi I . e | , -ei 'jvr.. At a pnk.i , .i i 1 he lli-u'l'l i -il .ail I.i feel il i t rack m ilo -> a sin ill i r - e, and the I r.u i .v.i ru:.P I".-; ,s:n\, \\ \ .[ ii -i i-in k i b il" I'r, Tile l' 111 i [! I i'llllif iln' HUilir l1 i'd t lie t IM -1. '1 i e ell"l \ii' Hid eo.ieii wi ' i On*., n t he ei" b 11. k i nen l, a nd the ii.n end i . t lie unit l \ e. ci i,'n h -\. as -mashed by the 1 mo [~ Tin* Oiti'i'ii is ATI itiylit. I'nrh' Nani. New Yo k, April 8. ii astoni.siied in ihi jui-1 week ,-e\eral in quiries 1 mm A men * a <ishin<; i f u j-, i nm that (,>iieeii Nocturia was dead, or at the point of death. It i,-, ill Dicult fur Kii;,dKh- jnoi) to undei'-laud how Mich ba i ie.-s rumors obtain circulation. The Queen lu lu her usual health and heartily en joying her holiday. She is drhin^ about tlio doli^lilinl country around Nice .-ev- ernl hours daily and thosD wlin have seen her Hiiy fibe Is moro cheerful and happy than filio bus appeared for Jiaonth.--. It i,i true onoutfh that the physical inhrmiiias Of ftf?" are t-slo\\ly ouernachinj; ujion b* Kbeuiniitlsin lias - . months, as ieje . I In tluiso dcspaieiics hist stiinnier, mad it ulmosfc impossibht to use herjhuhs for iwallclng more than a few steps;* JVi* nut .robiiblo that slie ever will be betierir i li- \ it s iml U'v i a u -li |. .N:a; an halls, N. Y., April ('.. Tlii- iin h a 111-4 l ho pobco a "re-.11 11 a man w 1 i ;_,i\e William J I. Day a:, his Maine. lb s\ as arrested fur nun-payment n1' a board bilk It has dowhiped that he is a mpM cle\er and sticcessiul . ndlcr, w\iu i.- w.inted in many places,including Chica go, O^densbur;^ Toronto and Lebanon, l'a. Ito was held lur the O^densbui'jj a ui bo ril ies to I a en a charge of former.; -ented, aurr ,- tipplei'ii'Uied their \'i rd:i t Wit h tlie dei hi rat ion t hill i he i hai,--,'c-. mm e by the apaiiisi Wilde, whiih. con^til tiifil the hi el < >iiuph-iiia d of, \.i re I iMie, n nil that they had hiiliinado in I lie Jilt Id ic iillel esl . Wri ii i he \ i nib t was rendered 1 he .Mir- qui , id' (vm en -berry left, the thick amid loud chi'i'i'.*,, The jud/,r(! p'rauted an order uquiiinp; Wihlc'to liav tlio ebis of tin- defence. >ir. i Wilde wa-. not in court. I The Alartpils of l^ut ensberry'.s solicitor | i-ont lo t he pub! ie pro-ccut or a copy of t he .statement s of nil the wit nc-.-cs which the defeia e ini ended to call to the stunil, io-.'-ihei' with a full rejiort of the trial us fur as li had .';one, hati;; in the d.iy application was made a( the llnwMi'irl police court, before Sir .lolib iirh!} o, the presidiul; ina^i.-1 rate, for a warrant for thenm-M of (J.iciv Wilde, and. the map'i:.irate ^niuted the njpliea- i ion. The eviih'inc in eomiection with this ca-c \\a- quite unlit fi r publual inn, and i"\eah-d :. spite of atfair-. not- tiidikt1 tlie -catidal which v.a- unearthed by Mr. W. T. Mead, the part it ulaV.s of piildi-le t! a h \\ year.s ayu .Mall (hi/et.e. * - Dunn;; ihe invest l^atinn, furui-'hid the lourt 'witli names of prom inent men he had met at \ariotis lime-*, ami w Iio are bel ieved to be eipmlly i:iiiliy. The-e niiuii s were not mailt; ptibl-liv- - _______ Wilde wits Milisequenily found by the del ect i\ cm, win i arrest ei I him and tot >k him .in M'otland Yard. Jit fore heinp* taken to his coll tlio charge indirated by his let n.iony in court was nad lo him. lie stood wiili Ids hands in his puckis.s '-ileal and apparent ly, unconcerned. In hi- interview Ibis afternoon, Mr, Ah"ujnh r.of the St. .lames' Theatre, --aid ibal " Ihe Importance ol JJeimt 1'nrncst" \\iuild hi' ke])t on the hlu'.re pendin;," t lin puidic \ei du t. If be siiuial Jo v. ilhdraw it some l.'ji) j be t hrowii out, of w ork as hi ri ail\ to replace i t. It I- rejuricd that the Criterion, to which-"--An bhal Iltishand" was to he'cned mini tlie Ilaymarket, has de clined in put tho play on the Mu;:e. The mid'eiu i-s at tli- llayuiarla-t aid Si. .laii'i s' I heat res, wlieie \\ r. Wilde's j la; s am b.-in^' y,l,\ en, were rai 1-ei' ? niiiiPt-^ ki-i ui^ld, but they made im l.n>ulr i!r- n.miM rut ions. At l in* M. danie-,' there \\ el'e few [icr-Olls i'\eepl buii'dd t lu ir t icl.i'ls in pal ler\ \\ a- '-niuew ii;i t t ri 11- ree audllde ( oiniueiit p'a.M'i - .-l^dit ly. !: an inter\ iew tho Marquifl of (^ueens- bei*r\ .-'.id: "1 have sent this inc-sapr to W i hie : ' Jf the count ry nllow.s > mi m lea\e all the letter for the ijotiniiy; hut It you take my miii wilh >ou, 1 \\ill fol low w heivwr ,\ on y;o and shoot yon. \ " S'Mirn iiil'ormrit ions have In en Indeed a;raia~i several er.-uns mcnticned in the trial, some of wliir-e r.'itiics were ijot made pubiir, and l!ie i-ivil cllici rs are only wailing t lie authority of the Tren.-ury U(.. {lartnieid to nuike the arre-,is, iJi'troit, April d. Mr. l.e-ie, the niana- per of Cu^lilan, who has been pln,;-- in.--; O-iiic Wildo'--, "A Woman of No Im portance" here this wick, was asked by a repn's!'Muli\i* of t lu* Culled Vre-s if i lie* I lay v.o nd, be shehed because of I lie sean- ihil alVeet inf.' Wilde. Jle said it would he impossible under the contract to take Wilde's name off the play bills and out of the advcrti-ciiu nt i of "A Woman of No Importance," and tfioivforo it- had been llecidnl that the play *-houlil be taken out of Jllss I'oejhlan1*! reperloio' New York. April d.-'-Mr. Krolnnan, of I! * to 1 V Ml \!^j^^:Ji!r^,tl ilJJ, mi iTTrr i i.iblreu. A . insular iraiure' of Knpllsli law in cu'U ii her Ini -band is ( on\ iclt il nad M'lib'iieid t<i penal eniliuk' Mr,-.. Willie raniiol 'ei a divwice oil eilljer proiinik Thu- I l'o 'i'eh-jnapli ci im el I y volt esl jaibi;.' oj in ion w hen n ay-,: "It t lie p"'H- eial i onccrn \\ i ie nnl/_\, iib t he man him- -e!f, Ids s[i|li;uiis iCbiaiicy, llillateil cp-oii- m, diseased .and;,', cult mi led nl fee tat ton, and -.ha ui.-!e- s, dl-avowfii of nil morality, tlie besi thine- would be to disini.-s him and his ih-eils witliout a word to the puiwilly of unl\er--al cuii- (leiniiat ion. 1 bit there Is more iban the Individual hiiu-elf to he coiisidond In the matter. The just \erdh I must lie held to include willi bini Iiie tenth ncy of his pe- (Mihar career, the meaning and inliueiue of hi ^ leaching and all I hose shallow and specious arts by which In* anil Ills like have attempted to establish a cult and even lo .set up new schools of lit'-iat ure, Iho drama jitid'mcial thought. To till1" fantastic hc^inni n;: - of the new -whool of ethical or literary priiicijilu no particular dbjei t ions coultl bo ui'ecck iM A i. / I* mi iri' iV* ,'. lirr., , f.t I i r . i j. << > d tit BY-LAW No- '4 A li V h-V\V in |, for .li ii ii.u-^e work lu tin- 'lov/iuihip of Miliclslono, III tlio Cotmty n\ h-f i:., .oal tor hi.riowin.. n the crcditufthc piiiniaipality' tho itnm ot ftTHli.OO, 'M iiibjioin'n puition of tin; c -i < Hyliind druin. I' adopted the Kith day ;,f Mureh, A. D., IHUi. he euinpelh ll r- oils, would had nothing thcr-e men linlnn',- a certain real sense of beauty with prilli/ate. tasics and profane mockery have exercised a visible influence upon the fA'ciierut inn cur-id by i heir pres ence. You may traeo them tu-day, wo are ashamed to declnre, itdo the outlying region, nf tin; pn -s upon which cer tain, (yf juihlical intiH fitl'lvo to nxlht, \."hieh has lor its inspiration the in; pi i ho to fm perpetu ally as ehiM* as can bo to Ilie limits of public decorum and to show its hiuart- V.'nnii A' , Win. I'--ie ten n iuui ol hi i n, * ompo'iiii-! i-. inn jot ity ic Oiot/n Ijy Ihf* liint Kivluod Vih-. - ..t no nt roll oi (he'! nvvie hip a Mnid'loim. f.) the pui ties ith .i-nttov iho coi-.(rnetlon of tho Itvlniitl iirmii uioiehidn, i-etidoiii d tbi> Miunit:l[uil I'otnu'il ot tb.n 'V<A\ in-hi]) oT Miudt-toun to ooa- rmei, uii-b-r t in* piovl.-iiiai o( tlie Pi* dun (a* Act ot IK'Ji, n drain to carrv olf the uurjrltiii wutor nt tltc urea ib-h'-vilei I hi lim ]Milllioit. Ami U tuail A-*, lheroupea tlio mart cfiiucil hnu prnouri'd nn r*viiiii)nn.tIou to lio murtn by .'Jf.B. b.i ird, 1" b.H,, hiuiiy a pemoii ijeoipeient for iincli iinriiOMf. of tli.* until arcn jnoptned to bo "i't' '1 f'" tla- ilriiojin-'1 t heii-di, mill H i 'Imr luiidii uiwl rniopi Unbjo oi mi-tc'-siio" t mi'1 or thiii net, aial l.a - a ho ju h.-uh-o i hinii, np> e iti-ni lumi in id eid limit en o/ tba ilriiinnci- wnrli tit bo iiiikPi by tlat t.n PI .1. H. biilYlfraiKl mi iitihet, nmlit tft lt ill.nil' ltv him of tho lio dH it ml inn ds to liu bniwitltteil I*,' tm.di duuiau'c work, ni|tl of otj.i'i hoels and rendu lhiblo for* '.....t ribution llii'n-to, lU.din1,'. ilh'Im nrly ii'i lie can, tjni iireiHll tp.n nl beiu tit, uiltloC linhiltty and *i.jiirlir* li-d iht v, v. Inch, in hhi oj onion, wil' ha dmivhd ei aienrre.i in const miei)<:o of niuil) (\Yi'Aw .tt:u ivoi It by .owrv load or Int.oi portion nt Jot,the fintd > u-nmriiint i"> Hindu t)i'ln thu iinoei-linlcibt i ert'iiiufbT hj Uiiii nv-hiw eimcunl tfJ tin tHiHehsfd nril h /nd uj on tlie mml'i nml loin |i air Im ol lotn binom'ilti'r in thiit belnilf oiipei'iillv lu-t for'l .nl ip hci Ihnd, nod ttuS l'l-poit of tlm [mpl NeM^i-Uielesw__j jet. h. Iiiilnl, in ii i-ptgt, thorcof, and ot tbn Huul d, u.:.i\n wovlt, lu'inu "U followr,. 1 lo tin* Ktiove, Do-mtv-fi-iivo arm (Jounidllot'Hof tho Towntihlp of Miiiilutono in Cmiucil aoiirunblnit: fir.N'iM'Mi:**'. In iiccordiiiico with liiiitiiictionn from your hnnoriihlo body, I hnvo tilion tho I'dtitu u iiieucd by Win. ilntiMiiiui uitd ntln-rH, untl li.iyn o-auniiinil die loeiL'ity duHurtbotl In Hald , i; it ion anil bu\i to report thereon mi tolln-v--.: I Hint that tint Hidd dtiiuribudl lauiiIHy lu vory i inch tn min'l or dnifn j^o. I won Id thei ofoie re com in nml that a dilch bu (Iiir on tho north nUtt) nt lim townlluii hoiwitun MaiilstoiKi und LVilclieHter N, rth from tho went side of tho MiohiKau i enlTlil ttallvaiy, went to tbn i wit 'mlu ol tho townlino biitwuen MilkIkIoiki and Haiitlwlcll Boutb. mill on tlie oiut hide t>l tho road idlowiincf betwi-on thu titli und JO'h eoiifi. from tlio biiui inwi.hnn bt'tweon St a id nt ran* anil (.'olciicntur Nto tli to tlio iiriutn sjilii of tho rear road (toi)tb of. Tidbot routl lotti. t-houeo wtjiitcrly nloiif; tim ditch on llm nnutli hido of Hrud roar road to tlio riltoh en tlio oitiit nldo of the towulliio betwofMi Miml-iorni uinl Kitndwiidi boll tli, tlnuico north along tho hist iiiiiitiomid ditch to tho cimlro of tho runfiii of lota iiouth of Tidbot iond, Juvini; tjio Rami) eiit4 mid bottom widtlm mi .shown on tlio aariexo.i proldcii and hpnoinoatioioi. I llnd that tlio cei.t nf tin; nalil ilia in, nil c.-tpr mum incladti I, will he JO.'i'J, Of tbtn amount I have taxntl tnn Town- V/"i"iTinnV."in* iu.iiioi't fi ro.nia with s^"M*i' tho Towtnjhiji of (,'ole.licntor North, for houont ness by imri-rj-iifo, ylk-d iulelica.;y and . , , a '^ ; ^Vii ^7' 1 .u ImVVvm-.rab ip f Huinlwulb -oath for bmiottt to tlio vu.fc as far as it diire.-, by violation of tlie J"'1;^;""^ und tla. IiukIb i-acretlne-s of pi'iviib- life. The trial of ,' f M,d"utnn.*ror oiitlot with ^'.i, an hhown in tho iLimoxod hisln dulon of nuiiofihinutiti. Aooora- 11 it j e who had ad\ani e. '1 1 c ii al and n\u ur 1 old Used the His scheme was to ~Tirc\v. '. the byecutn lined re, where t). ear Wildo's and larceny pun. is Mid ionium, which lie would sell. \ play, "An Ideal JI iishand," i.s now run- Day wa-. known "to ,1. Hatlerby to Co., j inn/;, has decided nn account of the ter- Mnnire;J, as .James John*-on; to A. K. rniiudion of the suit, against Wilde lo have t 1 nie., ,S: Co., l'o runt n, as Charles Baker, Uho playwil^ht's name erased from all thq ^iaI by tho i-aiim name to the TadpoH jiiilUaial prop-ramnies of the licit to after t'j'iii.i^n Company, (jf Napa nee, Out. Ills oilier- alia-a's would fill a j,mntl .si-zed di rectory. 1 lo is a well-lire-" ed, slicli b okin;: iitstoiner, .Vi to (ill years of age, mid ' , son in Canada. lie fetid fashion han penetrated to oui In-ails. The shaitio and dis^rncu ,,f \i have invm>d art, and wo are .asked to iiilinire nowadays specimens from the im- piT^hinlstTinrttleKiil-i'-pillt'rlTBwliiciiaroof a true and serious art merely a-burlesque and mockery, (t. has pas-ed with heavy damajj-e to ^oful ta-te and rightful amilso- nient into tlie domain of fiction so that wo see novel after novel aspire Lo anibment'ri popularity mainly on tlio grounds of pru rient .sexuality or uf i^nprapt disbelief." The Chronicle recognizes the wide ex tent of the evil and says-: "Foiu^a. lone; time past London life, or let its siy a small and obscnro section of it, has been under the shadow* of a black cloud. liver-,- body lm-s suspected und feared; nobody, no decent, pen-on lias known that there was some centio whence deadly in- fectmn spread. Jt wa.s apparent, iu a certain class' of literature. Now a jury has declared that ev.en a man of unatiroc- live character has done a. iiublie benefit in brai.di; - one of tlio ino^t- pa-ominenf uri's m o.:.' drama, our literature and by no meau.s an unfashionable seciion of society.- Sullici- ilj to know lhat as miii.u I return for tho utiduinln;; of the jiuirid ' .st 1 earn our life is rid fo'-ever of a ne.ti- forotis poseur. The way has been clear-, d for the increased wholesomene.-s of lib-. Public opinion has been so 9 sharjdy screwed up in the past two days that ccr- 'ain thin^'M in current art and literature no less than in conduct will he Intolerable for at least a lon^r time to come. " liejraidin'T iho liicasiires which soidety, "now tlioroii,.hly aroused and exasperated, W ill employ for i.ialin,',' wilh thu evil it may he s-aid tlntl. iho (lovernment ha/, wi-'ily decided iijion .-.h-irp raised and Keve'.'e ai lion. lOvideiice has uivuiuulated in t lie la ,t lew da., s ,11:1; lo for the coil- demuni ion of m-m-i .' '-. ^dei--. of tin; abnni- inahle loterle which .a-, its rumideuliuus Ihniu^hout Kurope. J1 n y v. ill lii'i.ntsa d, "aiid in New York police parlance, rail- roaded'as fast us possiiilo tn penal M'rvi- l title. The Cuverinnent. bi-^;in Saturday ly arrest io-.r Alfred Taylor, whom the |*olico say ha.s lottf^ been Iconw 11 as t he leader of this lnlaiuotis band. Ijike others of his class the development of his mania hhs" billowed sudden accession of wealth and luxury. Ili.i father, who was .prom inent, In the. city, and was once, clos-e to the Lord Mayor's chair, left him an im mense fort uno which lie Used to gratify every physical appetite. . Ho spent tUo.oon furnishinjj; his house, which ha.s been the headquarter:-! of I his of sensualists. Thu victims of himself and his crow were - an>tnn >ou will nml phuut, oiellie.1, Hpiintlculioiin iuui uiiBCHhiutittHaud all papain iiccouHitry tox liuidiuico in tho copntructioii ot thti hajd dviun. - I havo tho honor to bo, fioiitleiia:ii Your obc'dlont iiurvant, liinox, Nov. S.!, lb'Jl. _. 1. JAH. H XjAIUD, I'.Ij.B. And WirmmAH tho Haid f'oar eil hi of opin'oit that drainado of tl*.o aroaa'doi,cribod in do- 'driiblo. 'Ihornfore tbn naitl municlpol eon t,(.il nf the mid Towiihhip of MaidKtone, purauaht to the nroviflinmi of tho Draituuj't Aot, lYJl, ' niictii as- follaw-i: Int. Tho im id roport, plant), Kp cdicatioiifi, anhi-hhiiu'iitn iiial.t-nthimten uro horoby adoptodHM-J tho diuinugo work hh huruiti intliciitint and t,t.t lurtli pli-dlbnniado and oomitructod in acuoiditneti tla-rowith. llnd. Tho Ilci'vu of tho nalil Towinbip may borrow on tho credit of tbn Corporation of tin, paid TV wnfihip of Maidntoiio tho sum of -. 7'*,J.t'i)h.tiii| tho nn omit ni.coiV'ii.ry to pay Alrtkh i'oicS |.<n'..i)n tr tho coat nf tho smd andn, und inny mstio [lolii'iitun-H of tho Jovpoif- 1 no: to Mail iini(jiii|t, In hUinfi ot not p sh tluin s-'H OD mcli, mat piiynhlo u It bin live jeiirii liom .....iLt-_ 11 en-Ob with inton t at tin ndi- ol ii pi r cent. pi,r atuniiii, .tliut is to nay, lu tivo orpial o t In uit'i, hiiuh dtiboutUH'li to bo pn) ubie nt t nn Ini-'i'iiid 1 hi,!i m tlm Tunn 01 JOiiiic^ niut to 1. ".o aLtitcheil to thoni coujioim Inr tlm pajineuf. ot ii.tun t.t. .,id. 1 or pa\ int.; tho mini 01 .-Ml'-, iho itinoimt elm 17;. a ,if iiiina this mild lainbiihnl rrtndH toit em lit. 1,1 il the nun of fiU.0), iln* ' r.iouiiL chm-a'd ufatiiii.t, the said hu.dii and jromiu tt r out hit ? , the i. inount clniriud ii|!iiiui>i tint haul laiidn und roatlit loi liijiirhi|j b biht'v, n|-ui i lii'io tho lainhuiml um,ls bohaieni'; t.'i or controlled hy th uiunfcip dttv, and foir '... nen inie....." thm-enn for llvu yoait. at tho into oftiix yav cent, pur iinniun, tint- total 'nt'iiil iiL.iMiai'iiiul idiovo all other rut* 11 i-lmjl bo uhM sued, lt,v iud nrid cnlloutcd (lii^hn mirno in-o.iiii c.ijt) i.t the n,.ian turn* UH taM'H am levied nml i-olleutod) upon and froiu tlm umlor* ii'i nt n nit d hit 1 or part!* of loti, and road 11, mid th i amount ot thu tun I total tipechd rut en aud 11 ten ht hbull lea (lividijil into tb'o tnuiLl narln, und 0110 mudi pnrt i-hall bo astaii-iit'il and 1'Jvied 1- 11 Jin Cuiil, in ein-di \e-ii fur 11 vo ycjij-ujiftiir tbn fhitd imuhiiih n! tliia b*j, daw. tlui'iuf; uUItili tho 1 e Ie > nn Si.-lu-dtpo of laLutlH AfiBessid for tho 11^ bind Drain, u ^_, a =1 v. ^ r. -_ " 5 <( i- **-4 'J t > -' tf- -. ri K *" Tt <y j a *-. " Q v *S -1 7L -M ' 1f3 C- j z>_ c -^ 0 3 " A '^ .5 6^^j 5-, 0 5 0 c "-p c ^ s il .,- C P 3 O i-l <, "** r-* 'r- f-OM H 0 H <^a K -r\---------- rill :10 00 1? 10 00 0 7 CO $J7 (iO 8 ! W Jfs' J] |lt ,\\:\ .'j T-s 00 7M 0() 1 I HO 112 HO X8 fifi "S H 1.' iV '.".' "0.....Ji-". (Ki o." 00 12 .".5 77 Ilu 15 -17 1 '1 "'is |. w p t :to:j 0 jo ot) 10 CO 7' no 17 hi) i) 52 ! \v J it ;io;s a 10 tie 10 00 7't;o 17 110 9 52 *'S e it ;ii 1:1 ii ;'.-". (uj :;."i 00 ii 11c -11 <>5 H H.i _.- 1 - L _>i| t;:i hj (to h-j 00 15 i;o '.17 tld 19 fri s T 11 -jtki'.i^Kr " .It'-iV y LO 0(1 L0 00 :i no i>:i m 4 7a 0 N "i ri 11 f - '20 * 0 CO X J ;;u 00 5 70 :i5 70 7 11 *t,'ti H t 1)1 :,0 l-"> 00 la no 2 KT> L7 85 :i 57 ^ii'iii > j - JSt) H W ip _'u7 h hf .".0 1(10 7 an \r, no 7 .-(i lo 00 1 15 J H5 H 1)5 1 70 17 H5 . 3 57- *2f*M H w tp* .'i0 7 of) 7 f.O 1 i5 H Ur> 1 T) 1 S Jo :i 75 ;s 75 70 -I -in 8!) JK'J W l.f ri e qi' *>." :i 7o :; 7.) 70 4 la 81) il1*)!! 0 lit h w. JH'J H w J, ll'.KI H Q pt qi *-' "' b~> 25 H 7o M 7-r. a 75 :: 75 :t 75 3 75 70 70. .'70 1 -15 89 t -J 5 . 89 4 45 ftp J'.KI h w pf AA'i 00 10 y-"/ 10 '25 1 115 , 13'MO 2 41 Toial on huuls fin 00 5(1-1 00 95 75 r.fjn 75 U9 % Total on rotiJfi 285 00 CO w:> 00 51 15 ..Tli) 15.'7 as Tob'.l on hinds A-trp'nlH 7a0 00 7R0 00 * My no 9:18 90 187 7H .....,. - :h^;^ ?^ -^^i-v^'^^^---"-'- *" s'^^ ^^v?/^V^ ^,r^y ^^^? -^^>^: S*K!^ tuat th- n '^ for Willie if they were made over and dyed with Diamond Dyes, the great home money- saver. The children's clothes the ' Tided cloak, wrapper or dress can be made to lookiilccncw, at a cost of only 10 cents, and no experience is needed. Tv K .' > DIAMOND &YES a--- Pi: Biairion come in more than 40 shades, und the Fast Blades are fast. ;t Direction Boot and 40 ample* ol colored clijth. Ire*'" Wells & 'Richardson Co., Montreal) I'.Q. 'limu without, h. division. -.'.nd u Mvnml Tlio Uiiii lii-iiry I nul hnlldis ip rni'Jinniontiiry olcctliniH ivht'i'ii no i.illfliilnln ivi'i'ivcs nn nl-Holuto najorlty. Tlut vofo was V,kiU>7 ,1i\\tvx llulfnur In V!ry Much Depriiwuml. Lomlon, April 0, A despatch from ilui'noR Ayriis tuiyn that .Tjihuz Hponcur iJnirour, thu L-lbuiutor wroolcor, lian nr- Ivi'il thorn iipnjinmtly vory much tlu- )rt'^sl:(l. Ilu In oxpooteil to will noxtMon- juy. ~==~ ____________ 4)ul<iU Atlmitlo niull H<*rvloti. Lnn'don, April 0.-*-Tho new and quickest \thuititi "fill Horvico will bepclit to-duy ,vith U10 tU'imvturo oi! tho Luonuia from 'jlvorpool. ________' I'.dorutloiik In Houti* Alrlnu, "CapotoWM," April ;o.*~In a Hpoeoh hw KjiiVBVS^,f ( iwtbVonlng' Premior: Cooil -Rhota fiatd K^dltoTw i \vh proparloff tho way' to federate th* v |,y wjwjJ Sovornmonfc or tho oolonj- of Rhod*l* ho hua done 111? nml liulult;nnco and Wildo hs nun-h ilc- iniM* IjiM uipht, pnsi-cil .lainca pressi-il aftor it nielli.*n i*oiiliiionu'nt. Tho hil/.irl's motion in favor of foo- pulicn bnvc n-ason to bitlimo lhat, iho ix- posuro Ih nlivmly vauslnga panic-strickon nxodns of many puron.s from JOn^land, Hindi |UK fullowod tho Cbivulaiid struot hcivnihil a t'ow yenvx tij^o. Thorn aro koiiio who uro not, unknown in hoc lot y among-, thorn. Tho iift'oct of. tho WIlilo cano Iuih liiiun intoiiHifhul in tho public iniiid by tho trial of Ijtird UuskoH's nuitrljiioulnl Kii)t at, tho hiu 110 tlmo. Tlio sa'iuo charge h; at tho ImihIs uf Uihs caso and if it, wuro not ovorrilmdnwed by tho Wlldo*Quoonn- borry hiundal lb would luivo nmdo u grout Bi'in.Uion. A Wllclo Hyniputlilatir, London, April 8. Sydnoy Grimily, tho dnunutiot, lia** wi'otu tho Daily Tolo^m:ph il lotlur rt*);:i'illn(? tlio rnmovul of Dstuw WIUIo'h nainn' Timmi 4)10 progr/nimuiH of JiIh pbiVH. J'....... t)t jtiHtfeo or utied to loucivoa 00nlmifiidou nf mh for iho tiuo comi 'uno tipcc ill oil in oaolilmiiih toioccdvoa raonluihiftlou or , por cum, mi ...v. ...... -..- . ..... ----- - 1. That tho ComrainHlonor lio vonulr<*d forthwith to tntor into honilH la Iho mini of a. . 0 tiuo completion of tlipwoil: uceordhiC to tlio phuin nud BiiooinontlonB, mid within tho .nul iiltrr tho Ilj M. Udiuari, Olorlt. GKO. A. WINTEMUTE, Reovu. I mini loi ^KSK^^K'K^M jSfO^IOE!- igSHtiS:* abovo>=^ W a. Written notl*>,o* 'uoh ipiioibbrotboVwlBflho Ami further uotloo Huoh by-law, or.any B-rwlsa no win o wu *- h^ p , \,. loo la bereby iBlvouthat "Jt^7St5tnn tn*> aflor the .final MMtoff' .'; ' VrnP.*rc^' 7412 37

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