$"w .': ,.::\. ^ ^v 'v'l ,V- '?m . J'. 'il' A. I - " k'REE -PRJiSfe | ESSEX FJRJEKFJRESS V;;.-:..;...... ' ., ' Vii: ^ .: Published Every Friday Morning -P*onrili'ecfflioo~u" tho Induntrlal Worka Building .Talbot fit. CHURCH DIRECTORY Mktjioiuht . Dr. -'Pubooo, Pastor. Harvioe -voryKuudttVatll a. m. B<i7. 1'. >. Habbiti 9ohooliita:H0ti. ui. C. 10. Naylor, Huporinturfl But of inhool. Mpwoith J>i*iHUiiy',rinotii| .rubS4lu> vu!niiH o'clock. (lno*al ;n:ctllioii Tburs<layv<inliJK. i'my to jii or KwifjAwn Hoy. A.L,n<w.,rJy, in t, Bt. I'nulii, awiux, DivJliemirvlaa Kuudsy at.. 7 nuloek, r to HumUv OlIUKOl nuuitiuut, uvtiry-Huiiday . , ............ Hohool at 10 a. in. i'rinltv Oluirah,North Hldo. - Dlvluo mirvloM iivury bunday ut U p. , . yUu lay Holiool at l.4flp. *. Tho public aro uor diallyiuvllod. Special attention ia paid to tliopubhW tloa o{ tnattor.of looul importance, aoour- at and rViablo runorttf of Town, neighbor.. ing Towmthip uud County Council proceed ing, local and'county tourkot roporU, oto., the oarota. and jndioiouH management of Tub Fbkk Pnfcnu, with ronpoot to tlawn and other ourront mattora of looul importance, hasKivouit a widespread prostitfi >tllV, centre of Khhox county,whiuh w reco^nlzoU as ono of tho boat agricultural dintnotB in Ontario. Thk Fiibk -piastm in tlio only medium circulating thoroughly in thin ooutral portion of tlio County, i"J m con. . aoquontly.without doubt.theouly tliornunh adyorbiHHiK medium for bmmioim ponplo wiHhiug to roach that claim of cimtomora. COnUKHPONniWCK. Our ooluumn aro abvayn open for the poaooablo diuonwuon of mattora pertaining to tho public wolfure. Ablo oorroHpondoutu in all ibo surround- ug looalitiou furnbdi Yoliablu reporta of -ovanta'ol intoroHt, occurring in theirHoverel tTu^II, 1IN<""' P-JUubr i 'it all timo pWnud to raeelvif interesting itomu ul lew** from any diMponod to forward eontri. -jLionH. t l All communication!! of a pnvato am nnduntial nature, iiliould ho no marked tlio onmido or tlm envelope. hUIlHCltll'TION I'lUCK- 01 00 por annum, atrictly in advance, 1.f>0por annum if not no paid; ana all Arrtiara charjod at that rato, ADVEUTIUKMENTH. TraiiHionfc logal and municipal advor tidomontH, notioou, etc., charged at tho rato of ton oontn por lin.J, for flriit iuHortion, and ' flvo contn pur lino loroaob jmom-quoiit lUBertion. All auch advortiHomonta aro nioaHiirod by a eaalo of fcwolvo lmOHto tho inch. Local readme and other nptiooa pub- tinned amon'K local nowa matter charged at tho rato of ton oontu per running Una for oaoh imiottion. A.11 notiooH of church or HQcioty onter- tainmontu of any description, at which an adminnion fooni charged, are retarded im odvortiHomontu, and..full advortiaiuj! rateu oiiarnod in all uuch <'iiHen. Noticoa of fiiitb- oriufisor mootinKH not for pecuniary boue- fltoraid, will bo oheorfully p.ibliMbod free Ofoharjin. ' - Bpooial contract raton mudo fur dwplay or Htanding udvU All leul orprofoHflion-' alcards under ouo iuoh,.85 per annum. JQIl OH COMMERCIAL ritlNTINO. The Fumb Pinion Job Printing-De partincnt it* undor -tho nuporviHion of thorouchly competent- meohanicn, ttHd Mtwcial attontion is paid to Hum branch* of tlio trade. Our fucilitieH for the oxoontion of all ItindH of Book and Fino Job Printing aro unoxoollod. Stoara power prouofin. A call ttolicited.. DUHlNntlB HKOUIiATION. All Job Printing and Tranmont AdvortiBinC accountfl, atriotly oaoh. Advertising acconutB with rugular patrona ura Bottlod quarterly. Sub- fioriptions duo in advance No HUbacription to the Funis Pkkhh, or advortiBomont publiHhod "*in it3 columnH will bo dittcontinuod until all urroarH aro paid in full. Change!! for advertiBomontH, to oocuro innortion. in the current iBfluo, mimt be handed iu not later than noon of tho Tues day preceding, and uotico of mioh intotid- odobongo id required on the Monday pre ceding. Notice of dincontmuanco of auvoitisQ- xuoDto muBt bo jivon a-t least onowonkin auvanco of tho ibhuo iu which thoy aro domred to hint appear. _ AIiVKKTISEItB, BubHoriborB. and patrono tjenorally aro reqnoBtcd to read tho abovo re^uiationa carefully, in order that confunion may ho avoidod, an they will in all canon bo adbored to. AddronH all communications to xs. jr. i^ovijejACE. Fabllabor tho Ehukx Fhkk Pukihi, Eiiiiox, Out I'uKiniyrKMUN, W. M.Vlonihiji, Piutor1 Hr vIosb mi Hnbbatli at 11 a. m. nttd 7 .110 p. m Bub until Bdliool Ktil:IWli). ui. I'ruyor m<etliift Hiid I'dHtor'nblblo olnm cm Tuiiuy iLi7.Uu p in Hod'ial Union on Wmhiomluv at 8,1 B p. UAl'TlrtTOllCHOll. Jtuv.M. Y. OnmplMtll. 1'aw tor. HnrviooH oiloIi tlttbbiLbli nt 11 it.. tu. mnl ' l>. in. l'ruyor montlnej on WoilnoHilay tmmitt nl H o'olouU. Houtiifroii. ' All urn urtrulallv wol ooliinil, Itn&iAV Catholic. I'r. D, J'. MeMonaiiih) I'aiitor, Hnr 4oi- ttvory othor Buuday at B,:id to. Hunda/ -lohool at, il p. in, , Halvation Aiimy. T. II. MoLiioil, CapUlit Halvatioii iiiui'tiiii:ii on Wodnisialay, Thuradnv and Handily ovnuinun; Fmo uii;l ]<)mv, Katurda'v uvuninif nuu :i ii in. bunday; llolnmiiu niHuiim:. for chriiiliur.il 1'rtiluy ovuiihik ami Jl a. m. Hun day; Kiiikj Uilll 7 a. m. ovtiry Hunday, All u*v M't'lcDIllO. LEGAL. "Y l. VttTKKS IJarrlntor, *l T'ublio Monoy to Iioau. Solicitor, Notsi.1 y Otllco o^or ^tnitliuni' liaiil:. Kma*i Contiu. I' 7 A. WIKMK1C, HarrlNtitr, Knlioltnr, Not.irj J I'llblio tto. Monoy tu loan. (Jftlcnu, Itun a tun Ulov.U, ti|i-Ktuf) M,,10ii)nu. 'i-l > C^IiAKKt:, HAUTLKT it J.i MtTI.KT, llarri. J tuni, oto. Olllui'u, Mcdbury hloult.AViiidia. 1'rivuUi Iiiiidit tu loan. A. II. CbAllKlI, h. h. II. N. A. IUutlm A. It, IlAltTLKT, li. A. HENJtY C. WAbTEUS.UL.U., Attornoyano CouiiHtlor ut law;with Atkinnoii A lltii^hfi1- Ooiifirofin lit. wont. JJotroit, Mich. (Canadian cluiran iifftiinut poriionn In t) UuiUMl KtatoN oollnctod.) Itctfuruijocni IniDfliial Jiunlt. Knnox, Ont. .1. I*. Potom, It'Hfj., IliirrJiitdr, oto., lOimnx, Oi E.A. WIfimor, Kn(i llarrintcr, etc, Kmiox.'Oi T MEDICAL. \U EN, M. 1).. Iv. H. C, V. A 8 JKiiisHtt McJinbur OolUiyoof I'JiyBloluiiH iu d tivt- U o. One. flrndiiatoof Now York, Pant Qrad- uta Mctdical Huliool. All oalln promptly ut- eluded to, Also npcclnl altPUtlon given to dlnofiflUH of the Iuiirii, throat, nooo.oyo and oar Olllco ovor I.rlpn A Co'n, Dra^Htore, and all calln. nfRbt or day, lort tliuro. Tolopfanno in cdiiQoctioii, N. Ii. ConHuUiitlon roouin oround 11 )or and IS rut Hat abovo. I) its. dewau a Mckenzie, I'.A.DiiWAli.M.D.C.M., F.T.M. H. Griult to Trinity Unlvonilty. Member Collopo Phyi iuI.uih and Hurjjoomi, Ont. Jtuiiidoiice* Talbo ' t Eaut. G. MoKkhxuc. M. D. O, M., Follow Trlnlt^ viodluul OolloRo, Graduato Trinity. Uiilvoniity ItonlditiKio: Talbot hlroot, woht oi M. 0. It Ollkohouni Btoda, ni.,1 to 3 and OtoHn. n "'fllco in liupuriuMlarik hlnck. nrouud lioor noxt to Tliorno'pdruK ntoro. Tolouhouoin connection with oflloo ttnd rciit- donco. . . Ordora-loft nt-Thorno'a druer atoro will' bo promptly atcendail to. DENTAL. HP. MAUTIN, D. I). S., L. D. 8. Gradnnto In Dontintry, Iloynl Colloce ol Dontnl Huvjioonn, Ontario, and Uuivornity of Toronto Ohm-Gun, moderate. OUlco, ovor Urion Ai Co i Jrur- Btore^ IH-Iy _ CA\ I OIITAIN A PATENT? For a Srompt nnwur inul an hnmiht opMilon, wrltu to IIJNN Jt <M) who liavo hail nearly 11 fty yeara' fiX|)DrlentM In tlio tiatont buuinH. Communico- tiQiiHfltrictly coiilklonttal. A Jhinilbooll vt In. formation corwrntnp I'utfiut nmi bov/ to ob tain thnta sunt tn-o. Alton cm nloijuu or mcclian. leal and HclcnLlflu br.u^.H M-nt itini. l'ntontu tatton tlnnutrli Minin h C% rocelvo apodal notice in tin; Sci.-niiilr jl ni:.**l(*iin, tu)il thus aro bromdit wUli-iy li.:i(.;-,i t1 c puhhuv.-ith ou t oont to tlui Jnvcnr.ur. Thi- ;i,li'inll(| iifipcp ienuodwoetrly.ek'Bniitly illn;mi t.hn-i tiy furtho ,!^ri;flBfc circailutiou of anv pcm.*. .an work In thu world. SlSnyunr. tJu'iutili- i;n mjuiont lror. UulldlnK Kdltloa, nnmr.ldy: :.Mj a your. Hlnclo Conlea,lift conta, lOvury m:: o:ui- tlrul platofl, in colom, imU i'iint.ofiio[)hii of mnv Moubch. with planfi, oniiliUn;: iiull'li'v nhowthu latent "^iIkiib and ner:aro cjn:rnntv. Arlrircnj MUKiJ&CO. NliW YOlUw, a1 IIIiCAIiWAY VETERINARY. Wll, ItlCUAltDBON, VotiTluary'flnr . Keon, Graduato oi tho Ontario Voter Inary ColU'fjo, Toronto, troatn all diooaooH ol domontloatod nninmlfi, Tolophono lu connqo- lion. Dontiatry a npooialty. Honldonoo, four dooro Houth of Grist. Mill. Offlco iu poiitolHuo buildiuc; Iuflruiary diroctly opponito. aAKER. TIIE oldoat btiulDooo in town, EfltabliBbo- 1876. Fimt-olann broad and oalteB of al Kindii. Woddinp caltou a rtpooJallty. Gj-oocnnc provinlono, flour, food^oalt and pork. Goufoe- tionory, crocltory.Blaunwaro. Canned fruitu and voRotablonor all Itindo. GootUj promptly do llvorodtoallpartiiof tho town. J. JJ. HICKH JOl-tf SOCIETIES f O. O. F.-ENTERPRISE Lod(jo No 91fc L* mootiiovory Thumday, oveninn at 7.lit) in OadfoUowu nail,in third otoroy DmiBtan Ulock ViuitiuRnaomborHufotUor lodfienwill rocoivon iratornal welcomo. .1. JOIINBTON, N. G, UENTKAL ENCAMPMENT, No. 00, niootnlt Cbldfellows'nall.Duuutau'u Uloclt, on tho urnt *ndthird Tuondayinonob month. Viflitorn -oj lially rocoivod. Mora bum of nuborninate lodr-ot In thti jurindiotlon, invited to join C HANNAN. O. P.. G. F. HILL, G. H. tpaaiCX CKNTBE LODGE, No, II), A. O. U.W lli Mootiinecond and fourth MouilayH in oaob nonth.in the Oddfollow'ii Hall, at 8 p. Ja. Vioitina brothrou will hocivon a fxatenmi wol- conio, JOHN LAING, Mautor Workman G. H. PULLEIl. Itocordor FIRE HHIGADE.-Tho I-Iro Brifjiido mcotf aiitiond WoduoHdav uvftniiiR ovury mouth, atft p. m. in thouoimcil chiLinbor. All (Iri'ruac roijuobtod to attand. .1. MaMUItltAY, Chiuf J F. McQUEEN, HucruLnrv. CpUItT ROYAL, NO. 2'a, I. O. E. Atuutii Hocnnd and fourth Tuotulav'ii iu cacU month in J. O. O. l\ Hull ut H o'clock i>. m. Vi&itinR brotlmrn will bo fjiven a fraternal wol- coino. E McCanMand. G. It., W. C. Khaw Kucy M. J. Wiclo.C.l). II. O.lt. ' :Sorty Itosted. Mind fit Ease." 1'b.at'iB wlnbit ib whon travailing on tho i trainn ol jho GbicaRo^Milwaukop & Bt. .' ilRailwn.y; boaideo there in no chance luol," f"r tho aocomuaodationti are up ate, t)' ' trains Ueop. moving ripht alou^ : I get f h re on timo. Those Hneo thor- , > .... lily oc-'er tlio torritorybotweon ChicaRO, -nOroaai;, fcifc. Paul, Minneapolis, Abor- . ju, Hiioboll, Sioux. ITalln, Bionx'City. "i inlctob, Council BluCfo, Omaha and Nor< 1 'rn Michigan. All tho principal citioo . i towiH in that torritory aco.roaolied by "u "St. Paul" linos, connecting at Sb. ' ml. Council Bluffs and Omaha with till en for points |in tho far west. Write to r- Ttiylor, Canadian PaaaV Agout,; 87 . StroetrToronto, Onfc. for one of their .v.' *ittptimotablOfl antlajbronliut'fl.fiiviny - -drjption of the Compartment Sleopin^ . Tiokots furnished byuny coupon '. - -ML^ont in tho United States and Can a-]i. "X'hb finoat dining eara in the world uu ,bu, tho solid vehtibuled, oleotrlc* ': >>ud and ateam-litlatud trainn of tho Chi- ..^ "TMilwttukootfe St, Paul Railway. AND AND LOAN AGENTS C^EORGE J. TIIOMAS, Convoyoncor, Com- X miuoiouor, in HIrIi C.'ourl of Juatico; doalor m ltoal Entato and Mortgaged, Monoy to loan at tho lowont rato of Jntorost. Farmn bought ami sold, inouranoo taken in Ibo montroliaole pompaniou. Drawinp of-deotlB, mortfingou and loanon a (specialty. Cbarrstia niodorato and all buDincun j.romptly attended to. Gnll at the Central Tolunhono oflico. EnuoxCtmtr^. 60-ly MARRIAGE LICENSES. W.D BE AM AN, iDnuurof Marriaflo Llcnnnoii. Innumncu anpoo- Nifjht oillooat PwitllinR. TALIS OT hTItEET. EHHEX M BARRETT. ioDiior of Manitjo LiconBOB Comminnioiior ir O .J., oto. Gonto, Out! MARRIAGE Lioonsonor Wedding Hini'ii can bo prouurod at E. L, Puiflt'ii, tho old '-*- llahlo juwollor, Ennox, Ont, __J-AND SURVEYOR. TAMES 8. LAIRD, Provincial Land Rurvoyor fj and County Engineer, Eouox Ooutro, Ont Ollloe, Dnnatan Block, upntalrB. ARCHITECTS. TOIIN A. MAYCOCK, ARCHIT,EOT, Ac. Room lOandll, riominn DuildiDR,' , Windsor, Ont 'Phono 010. w,... .. UNDERTAKING. % |^ I'LUMMER? Gi.(' " ^ J I * IValcr. Cotllna'I.....- row *i' to $30. MoGit.xULui.;. ttm.ur " .irdtf- l)-l THEVVAK IN THE EAST - EniprniMf.Tipan OrdiMsiiToiiiimrary Armlstltie Without <"vi'ii<Utloiia. HOSTILITIES TO CEASE AT-ONCE Tint ,)npaiHikti Al'OilfK Will Mnkn No iKnr- thiif AiIvuikhi iim I,oii|: n*i th#i Ariiilt< tl<]<i l.ii4tu->,Vapi*li l>ow Not WUli lo lluhtJUutn Clllllii. Wiwhiiirttnn, M"irfeh 110, Tho f/ollowlnff tnle^ram wtm rcwdvod yoHtorday at the .TapimoKu Ije^atlon liy tlio .TapanoHo olllo- lala: "On the oponJitfr of tho noKollatioim Uio Chlnmie plenlpouinilniy propoMid an armistice, whloli tlio JapannKn Uovurn- 'inent worn wlllhiff to accept on c^rlaln condltlnnH. While thin negotiation wuh golue; on tho unloward event hnpponetl on the pomoii of the Clilnnw) plenipoten tiary. IIIm Majofity the Kmpnror, lmvinp; In view thla unhappy nooiirwuco, com- nmiidotl the Japamiho plenipotentiaries to consent to tompnravy nrmlKtlco without coiulltloiiH. ThlH wiw conununlcatod to the Ohineao plenipotentiary." , MlntHtev Kurlno wiyn that tho effect of the Kinperor'tt onha' will ho tho imnie- dlalo cessation of iiKffre-Hslvo liofltllltlorf," and that the Japanese armioj* will -niakn" no further advance as lonpf a^ the armis tice IantH, The mlnlstor is of tho opinion that tho action of tlio Kniporor wiw In fluenced by tho conflduiico Ills Majesty ro- poned In tho Micceflsful concluHlon of tho pence negotla(hiiiH,and tho ultimate accep tance by LI Hung Cluing of tho tonus Htl- pulated by Japan. The Kiiiperor'fl com mand of temporary arinUtlco lo alwo a re futation of the Idea that Japan 1m dispos ed to humiliate China or merely to rrc- qulrn territory. Japan haH gained tho pud of demonstrating JnpnnoBO importance In Eafltorn aiYaliu When Mr.Yu, tho Clilnoso Mlnlater, was handed tho news of tho armlatlco hetwoon Japan and CI>iM*1ia wild It wan tho fimt Information'ho had received on tlio mib- jeet, as ho had not yet boon notified by his Government of tho mafctor. Jlo wan very thanUful for the nowfl. St. Poteraburp, llareh CO, Nowa ban beeii received from mi nuthorltntlvo aourco that tho Kniporor of Japan, who Ih ox- tronioly'lndlf<nant on account of tho at tach upon LI Huiik Chahp;, lias ordered n temporary KiiKpeiiHlon of liostllltlcfl. ENGLAND AND FRANCfc IN AFRICA- Tlio French J're.M on Mc Edward (Irny'it Htatoiuont in tho Ifoiuo of Cnmiunim, .-ParlH, -March 110.~Tho DolwitH-ways In commontlne upon Hlr Edward CJroy's Kliitemont before tlio IJouho of Cuimnoun last evening: "Those' re'crlminatlonfl aro unfoundod. Wo do not admit that yranea'H Hlleneo to' Kngland'H clahnfl to DIG r Wiw ut Di'uDi'h Door with a Violent A Modi (tf Inllucnzii. THE ATROCITIES IN-'ARMENIA Yliw Cliltrwl Outniiulitti 'A tlrutithiif XVhli Tlitt lUi^l^n ttt 1> l'olUitfUt*<4l Im It II DlrlUlMkWII Ouuutry llrltlkh Autlior- Itlwu AnxImiH. the Uppor Nllo region meant, consent. Pmncd^nano-rinrrrto---KBglandVtiaty--Ktmiltry to the rescue of with' Germany and Italy.'ln- which tlioso hU besie^nl escort, Ihe Ijondnn, April 1. There him been an unniinal and very welcomo dlaplay of tact with n-Kurd to tlm Duke of Yorlc'H UlnwHH. Now that he Inui recovered it hi permitted to he known that he has been almont at denth'H door- with .ii violent noisnire of inlliK'ii/.n. H a hint of thtir had been jjivon ol. tho l.lnio the whole country would luive worked Itself up into a Htate'of ox- i-liiiment ovor threatened complication!! In tlio line of Hiiecetiwion, It may be nald without; the least. oxau'Ri/nition that a ureal- number of people would havo had iulliicn/n, too, who, u;i It is, eiicaped t,hhi cuviomt ti'iidi'iiey to imitate nin'onsciouHly royally iu .diseases. It. 'ha .ofl.eir- been Timcil and was i^xomplilied peculiarly iluve years a^o wlien the death of! the Duke uf ('binuiee and tlio conseijiient i u.iiimo: ion and pnldic inniirnlniMjiive to iiiMiieii/n an iniiiu'diati) and prodit;lou.'i impetus ainonj; tho youu^ gentlemen of abuiit- his utfo. lOiipliituI illiiHt. Intcrf^ro in Ai-maiilii. It liarf t.akon a lon^ tinm and an enorm ous expenditure of printers' ink, but Kuulish public opinion isnb lusts hi'itinning to .simmer on the Armenian subject. Four London dailies, headed by The Tinion, are now printing paf-jos of broad sides from correspondents hi Armenia or on the frontier, piling up aickonlna do- tails of the Jdory, which inalceM the llul- gnrimi atrocities paltry by comparison. Special attention is paid to the elabora tion of apparent proof that tho Turlclfdi tninps had specific orduis from Constantl- nople to do what, they did. The nlioer ciunulativo weight of what passoa for i-v'uloiieo crushes Hkepf-Ici.sm into-silence. >.*(ihudy louder dpuhta that Knj,'laud nuwt interfere. Lord-Kinrherley is confident that this interference would bo iu perfect concord with Kusaia and Franco, but whether tills confidence will bo justified no one eairtoU. The Chltrul Campaign. Tho Cbltrnl campaign attraotn moro a,t- tcnllon than Ih generally devoted to any Indian frontier war. It has been expected for mouths, and the Government, in an ticipation of thin and other Northwest frontier dlffloultloH, has always maintain ed a HiibotanthU army in readiness around Peshawur. Within a fortnight they aro able to move 1-1,000 morr* Into tho Pa than hills, and to take them Ktralfrht across Hobertson and, Chltral region Brokfen_in Health That Tired Feeling, Constipation and Pain-ih the Hack.... Appotlto and Health Rostored by Hood's Barouparilla. Essex Medical Ba.ll fc'roflh urrival of Cream of Witch-haz el, the popular rem edy for Chapped Hands and all Roughness of .. the Skin . Call for it now. TItK DRUGGIST. s claims were fiubmltted. Wo imi.st object to HIr ICdward Groy confounding British and Egyptian rights. The Khedive, .In tho eyes of Franco, Is the nolo'and legiti mate chief under the Sultan'n soverlegnty. Wo do not know that we havo an expedi tion on its way to the Upper Nile region, but wo do know that Franco under all circumstances will reeoghlzo the Porto's nn'd Kpjypt'a rights to the Uppor Nllo and nobody'h oIko. " The Paris nayji: "IGnftland la obnorvlzifc with a jaundiced eyo Franco's aetion in WndagaKcar, and is seeking to raise oh- Btaclea to ITronch policy In other parta," Tho Patrlo tyiyn: "Sir Edward Groy'y atatomout ia calculated to strain the re lations of Franco and England. Wo per ceive In It Germany's Influence Ah noon as Gerniany rakes hor voico Kngland be- glnstb bray."'1 Tho I'nHllng on the Coutlnoiit. London, March 80. The Dally Nowa correspondent In Paris Hayn: "II, La- marzello has given notice of a question to 11, Hanotaux, Mlnlstor of Forolgn AfTalrrt in tho Konato, ns to Sir JCdward Grey's statement. M. . Hanotaux con ferred with Premier Klbot, nnd agreed to reply on April II. Tho omclal world does not see any (juarrelsomo Intontlon 1n Sir Edward Grey's declaration, hut tho latter has fallon with startling effect upon those wan ting to ellmb into groat financial and political situations through Africa." Tho Daily News learns from Its Cairo correspondent: "Sir Kdward Grey's state ment has caused a profountj Ronsntlon here. It Is tho absorbing topic, Tho Anglophobn section is especially struck by tho elenr.nrm attltndo of tho Government Tho declaration cannot fail to havo a good effect here," Tho News is informed that a Cabinet meeting will he hold to-day to consider foreign affairs. Cunudii'fl Iluttor Policy. London, March 30. Tho now butter policy of the Canadian Government was made a point of special interest in the House nf Commons yesterday whim John Kcnelm AVinglleld-Digby, mem bur for Doraot NoVLh,drew tlio attention of the members to what, he termed t-ho unequal competition to which the home farmers are subject, owing to i lin large imports.if cheese and butter which wore greatly assisted by boimi.ics. lie nr^ed 'ttio Brit ish Government to iiu]iese an equivalent Import duty on produce thus bonu.ied. The Uight. lion. Herbert Gardner, pre sident of the Hoard of Agriculture, in reply, flatly refused to embark on such a policy of retaliatory tariffs, and urged tho members to consider the effects of such bounties iu France. Municipal I1 Ire IiiKiiruiiuu. The bill to create a municipal bureau o( fire insurance now before the Ontario Litfislaturo, has boon much, criticised here, and tho Birmingham and Midland counties Master Printers' Association luis decided to ur^o-tho Toronto proposal ttpon- the town councils in the Midlands. 'l)it> llniv(unlly lluut Itu. The Oxford-Cambridge boat raceL which is to he rowed on tho Thames to-day, is tho only topio among university men and others Interested in aquatic sports. Tho prospects seem even more favorable than usual to Oxford. Hpth tho goneral piibllo > and bnatlng ojcperta liavo boon for weeks *[ of tho opinion that 'Camlnddge's defeat was certain., Jiiiist night the hotting was I) to S against Cambridge. This gives some idea of tho 'confidence felt In the Ox onians. to he penetrated Is a terra incognita. No Englishman bus travelled between India' and Chltral by tho short routo. Its pauses and doflltM-liavo been mapped by a low of tho largo liodyof-ilatLYO^eographers train ed la tho Indian survey olllco,. who for twonty years have travelled into tho least known regions of India, whoro a white man or n Christian would not, daro to show his face. But the dllllonltles of the ontorprlso are- not only topographical. Tlio oxpodltlon will enter a veritable hornet'sanest of tho. wildest hillmen -in- Asia, There In no tribe iu Afghanistan moro fanatical and warlike than the Swatls. Tho chief ruler of those regions, Urma Khan, wlioso"forces are nsslstlng in tho Investmjint of .Chlt ral, is an adventurer who raised himself to Ids present potdtlon by tho sword. Ho has enormous influence and It is not im probable that the British expedition Infly find Itself confronted by 70,000 to 100,000 hillmori at various stages of tho journey. The British authorities are naturally ex ceedingly anxious about tho outcomo of this enterprise. It will bo a great achieve ment to secure a short cut.from Peshawur to Chltral, beyond 'which Is a compara tively easy pass Into Kussian Turkestan, for tho command at that point' Is tho real objeotlvo point of the campaign ; but this result can bo obtained only by an enorm ous outlay of money and probably a largo sacrifice of life. Chltral may prove an other Afghanistan. Calcutta, April 1. Shor Afzul has closely Invested Chltral, whoro the Brit ish agent, Mr. Robinson, now Is. The British relief force, numbering 11,500 men, will cross tho frontlor to-day. It is ex pected that the expedition will meet with resistance in tho snowbound mountain pusses. . Tlio Dubateif in I'arllnmunt. Last week's debates luPnrllamenlrcteTilt chlelly with Welsh disestablishment, but It was purely a harmless gladiatorial dis play; nothing will coino of tho bill. Tbo" dubato showed tho hand of tho assailants i very clearly In ono respect, namely, that a successful attack upon iho Welsh church would bo Immediately followed by an as sault upon tlio churches of Scotland and Knghmd. The discussion upon Mr. Dalziel's pro posal of Homo Hulo all round was hardly a serious business. Tho only English speaker who advocated Homo Rulo for lOnglulujl was a Mr. Novlllo. Tho most prominent speaker on tho Government side in favor of the resolution wum Sir George Truvelyan. Mr. lledmontlopposod the scheme because it would delay tho ac complishment of Irish aspirations. No Cabinet Ministers woro present during tho debate, and though tho proposal was car ried by a majority of_2U, thoro were only JJW members present, or about ono-thlrd of tho House. Mr. Chny.. .S.VWn HI.C:'.::i:vk*<-M;-Oiit. "f\ I. Hood ft Co., LnwiiU, Mans.: " Tor anuml'iT of.yars 1 have been troubled v.'.;;i aitoni'rnl U:\nl hxUiiK.iihnrtin-s:! of In-rath, ,'in In tins back, ami oomiU|i:illmi. I could j-ct :ily 111 tit; rest at illicit on acooant (if the \y.i\-;-:id led no ammtUc whatever. J wnt tli.it. tl:< <l.i i:iy llmha t'.uit I i;jivo out Itid'cr:' lull Hie d; y \.:'.i gi>ne. I tvb'd a nvv.xl ji i;:n !><*r of ;n<-t:ii|;-:j I Lut -Mil not i;ijt any jiermautnt relief from aiiy r nircii until, upon rocmnmnndittlon of a friend, I i>M'v)i:ei"d a luiltlo of ifood's rinrsiiparllla, v/hleh uiailo mo feel lielter at o:ice. I have ivm- li nii.d l'.s use, liavlnj; taktm tlirue bottles, and 3 Foci Liko a Now Man. I IiMU a ijo'od appellt'", feel as strrmjj .-.i over I ('.id,..-u.d enjoy perfect r^st ;:t t:l;dit. I have laatdi p'ea'iiii"'! in rienmnieinllie; IPio-I's S;irsa- nivilla." I'lUi.'i.i:.'! Sti:i;m:. with I'.rie l'ro- .'.' Co.. St. ('nilicriui *s <),d:ir!(). Hoocl'5 Pilla "'*" ln0:'>t (Mil c.nrlent.yct -.-'v i:i aci-i-.ta.' Stdd bvall ilru^:!.'it:i. -ic. Iloma anil Ahrond. It in tho dnty of ovoryoue, whoth or ut homo or travelling for plouauro orbuoinoan, to cqnip hiuiHolf with tho romody which will lteep up ttraugth and prevent illnetia and euro such ills au aro liable to corao up on all in oyory day l.'f*. Hood's Saroap- anlla keeps the blood pure and leas liable to absorb the gomu of dinua>a>. Hood,s Pills are baud made, and perfect iu proportion and appearance 2-*jc. per box. A Torr.nto ladyflaya: "I have tried a Croat many rgmedios but novor found one to givo mo so muoh rehof as Kaeljay'n Liver j_,02onge, I would.not ho without thorn," Thoy aro sold at 2jc a box at drugginta. A bettor liver.regulator and Health ro- atoror than Enoljay'd Liver Lozungcii ia hard to bo found. This is the cxperiunoo of a Toronto family who had tried only ono box. Tl fv u-HnUporo stint on at" onco. They aiu il pltmauut and uufu mtdicmo,' Sold at 2oa. il box at draf mstn, AUCTIONEER HENHY IIKDKICK, Auctionoor. 8 a 1 a t promptly, attended to. Audroiw Houth Woodnloo, One. Portiona deidrliiR to nccuro me jnay loavo word at tho FaicK I'liuna otllcu. tt H. nEDIHCR DBINOLAin, LICENSED AtJCTIONEEH for the County otEauox. hailiffof l^iuhtb Division Court. All klndu of Farm and othor Haleu oonduoted promptly, liatoii reasonable and fnrniuliod on'u.iftplicition, Enmilrom may apply at W. D. Uoaman'n oilico, or at tlio oillcj or Dtviaion Court Clark, Mr. John Milnu. JOHN OORMLKY. LICENSED AUCTIONEER for tho County of Essex. A-ll kind a of farm stock salon, etc., conducted promptly and on nhortjiotioo, Katoii. reasonable Pornona doflirablo to nrranco imlon may do ua by calling at tho Fm:n I'iikk.i ofllao or by applying to 4 J.GOIIMJjEY, I*. O. Box 155 Kimox, Out. TAMJib NAYLOU *jiIian this opportunity ol annouiiopi., -umopooplo tf th Town aad, County of Khbox, that bo ban romodolwd the Es- mox Itollur M111 n aocordlUK to pinna projiarodby H.N. ?rloo, Ht. Tlioniaii, and Iiilh h-Iho Hoourod tlm Kflvvlcon of KniiHUT H'raACifAN, an oxporl- enoml und thoroiialily oompntiint miliar. lhaiikhiH thu pooplo of tnti town and count] for thu imtroiiiiRo bonto-.vua upon him jiant, will near mi too iuit.,ifuotlou in tlm Gristing and Chopping Soecialtv. TDK I1KNT OKADISB OpVLOUR, FKKol COItNMKAL KKl'T IM HTOOIC AND BOl AT ItlOU'i PIIIOKH. Gash Paid for Wheat and 0^ THE AMERICAN HOTE Esr.ox, u Ontario. J7 C. LUCK, PROPItlKTOK/ HAS UK lim tborouqbly painted, and roplnuin^ with now fumlturo by the preuout nroprlotf r,Anon uinvt in connjxtiom. Firnt-Olarin. Accomodation Guaranteed. 'C-^Z'^ ESSEX Has Just Received The Finest and bfesf Assortment of Boots and Shoes In Essex, Great Value in Men's^ShoGS and Oxfords. LadioV and- Children's Shoes and Oxfords. The Cheapest in ttib " Dand, Call and Eqnmlno and bo Con vinced for yoursolvos* Jeis. Doujglas, Sl^n ol tho Ooltlirii Konl, VA/hitnev Block "-"~~Fair77" WANTED thirty- moor in FRANK MoCLOBKEY, Maidiitono, novon yonvn' oxporlonco an au atiatlo tho County nt Ebiiqx. Salon oomhioted promptly, tnd on roaaonablo tormn. Partlon doidrin^ to ilx tho data for a iialo can savo tbomnolvcf a drive by culling at the Fuke Pjuihu oiljco Wo havo arranged with Mr. MoOlonlioy and will hx tho dated fornalosby toloBranh.entiroly froo of ill oharfio to tho poreon holdinu the ualo. Ad- droOH Frank MoOlookov.MaldntoiioCronn.Ont! 105 g X. OToxabesii NTJ.IiSEKYMA^, RUTHVENt ESSEX COUNTY Tlio I'jirlu Award ulll l).i A<I1ioi*m1 To, London, .March' 110. It Ih learned ofllol- ally that whatever Canada may desire in reference to tlio enfhreemont.of tho.Borh- inp; hii'a rep;uhitiouH of 1K1KS, the duohdon of.ilio Vaida arbitration will ho Htrlelly adbirod to during the onmilne;. tma&in, and no tilde laBUewill bo allowed to aft*oc that doeluion. : Frtriioli Tioopti Cautioned. Taris, April 1. Gen. nnchcmie, in com mand of Ihe.main force of-tho French expedition in Madagascar, lias issued an them to respect the per.sona and property of uativcH and the foreign ruaident-H, and to treat all j,[hwo peaeeahly diaposed In a friendly manner and their oneiuies, on being dls-. armed, justly and kindly. ICxti'itt of tho ArmlutluK. London, April 1. A apeeial despar.tdi- oin Slniouosekl says tho'three wee'lis' iiriuirtiiee agreed, to ' between Japan and China applies only to Ihe lo-,.l.tios. ot Moukdeu.tlu.'f.'ulf of Pe-Ohl-Li ami thu -.-Shantung peiiiuiitta. Iiici<isn In tlm lluvtimn'. London, April 1. The rovonuo rrtxirna for the year ju^t ended are .inuijl'.nv Jt>I, an hu-reasoof. II,m!0,UW nscompar- ,id wltlV the reiurnHlutho procedlntr year. M'>i Atoitiu>ihi <ietx IJl'tt |iirItfommmt, T.ihlo, April iT^tvoyahia. the youiuc JapuhoHo who Hhofc LI Xfuupc Cluing, bun , boon ami ten cod to Injpi-bonmout for llfo at *ium1 linhfir ' Poach, Pear, Plum, Apple and Quicoo. Treon, Bodoa, EvorRroo^n, llerry BnnhoB, Itaapborry, Blackberry and-Currant BuhIioo. All tlrul>ola9B Htooli. Save ngontn1 Big Profits ! and writo for priooa. Wo will oheor fully aninvor you by roturn mail. Looul and Travollnn ____Hulunmi'u to-hiLudlu our Hardy Canadian Grown Nuihory Htook. Wo Rnnrantoo nattHfuotlou to rtiireiiontatives and cuBtomorn, Cur nuraoritn am tho lareoei lu tho Dominion, ovoy 700 ftcron. No aubatitutiou iu ordora, Kxohioivn torritory and liberal tonus to whole or part timo aKoutn. Write tin. HTQNI'i & WELLINGTON, .rHsad ollloe) Toronto, Out (Tho only nursery, in Canada naviofi tentinfi orohari 'Um aai',tz'-'Hizt UjrbtcBt, En.ilcit -Wortcin^ Moat Accurate, Compact, Mnst Modern and progressiva For ciuidoi.'iio or Information write to . THE MAftLIN FIRE ARMS CO., New Ilven. Conn. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YGARS THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LARGEST SAt-C IN CANADA. Plaoo in the world for young rasa nnd worn on to senuro a Buaiueu E:duoatfon,8hercband,eto.,is tho Detroit IIubIiiosi ITidvorelty. Do- trolt,'MlQjlf' illustrated ouUIokho1 Free.. 'Ke/urtmofii: All Detroit, W. p. JBWHIjL, IVor. V. H. BrftNt*J3n,.eeo'y. Best On jjood proihioiJvoFsrui Property at . flj A G percont. straight. Splendid Apple Trees, At itv every reenoofc, $12 PER 100 - $12. No Valuation Fees- RS^-Oouvoyanam^. Dou'o un in Neat Stylo Fire and Life nsurance. A/EUoyeLAQEr:lS"6ffibn: Whitney-'Bloolc/uMtainfi ' &$$ -JUtK'ftiiA'&tltfls