iF-i-i i ' v *; - -. fJl!f!p| v?ra raeeiBii prbe prbsj .**> nr~i Thin should be the doniro of uVary oue. 'Your homo ii year kingdom and hIiobM be ^ jneS * comfortable uud batutiful att your tfiBaui will allow, lilitlu txputirto'm licusd- kury to deaorato 3 our room* with our Wall Papers Bynd for samples aud pointer on Paper Hanging, Consumers' Wall Paper Go. WlmlHGi-, Out. ! The Essex Free Press. FBIDA.Y, UAROD. 20, 1895. Jb likfiOlbliATlOM. mmtobi volv iKr MiiMtructiouv by D*mlttlM Cruiii*ini, Olfcawa, Maroh 22.-The Cabiuet nmt at 3 p. in. yuitorday, all the Minimum being praaenfc *xo*pt Sir Frank Smith aud lion. Mr. Fentuaon, of Prmco Edward Inland. HU JSxpelluncy, tho Governor-General, wan ajao pren*k. TUB MIWTKB OK COTINf II* The minute* of council on whiJi !ho remedial ordr inbftHed, which la a lt>n<>r.hy document, comprint* tha ontiro history of th oaue, wm again road ovnr and tho remedial ordr duly mgned by bin Exoel- tenoy. In tb* Minutes' of cqohoiI tho committee iUs the judgement of the judicial commit tee of the Privy Council in record t0 tne j&wnr of lh Ooraltoiou Parliament to leg- wale matters o! education ho far an nece. iary to fcroteofc ProteafcauU or minority, and prooaeda: The eorornittao, thnrofora, rooorunMiil that tb Provincial LagUlaturtt be requeu ed toooutider whether it<* notion upon tha "" debifdOU of your Excellency iu council ,hould b* parraitted to bo aaob an. wlalo refusing to rtdretu a grievance wbioh the rtgHgvteoart in tha^ampirehaH declared to 1 iefc, way compel Parliament togivo the wHeJ of which, under the constitution, the Pr*vineial Legislature i the proper and primary souree, therapy, ucoaidiug to thin view, permanently diverting iteelf in a very large met* lira of lt authority, and to on* iabhshiutf in the Proviuoo an educational system which, no matter what obau^eu may take placo iu the eiroumatanoee of the country er the views of tho people, it can not be altered *r repealed 'by any Legisla ture in Canada. T1J XUEHKDMIi OltDKIt. The remedial order adopted by council baled on the foregoing report, is as followe; "Wberaau, on he Slat day November, 1892, a petition by way of appeal, under the provihioni of eeetion 29, of chapter S, of the Aot'*f Parliapaent of Canada, pasued U the 83rd year of Hor Majesty'* reignt Mbituled: "A* Aot to amend and contin ue the Act 83-33 Victoria, chap 3, and to establish and provide for the Govaraweut ef the Previnoe of Maniteba (commonly called tke Manitoba Aot), and confirmed by ike Britieh North America Aot of 1671, wm proonUd to His Kxoellenoy the Governor- General of Oauada ia oounail, by aud on behalf of the Roman Cathoho minority of kef Majaity'i aubjeots in the Proviuoo of Manitoba, wlnob petition among other thingi, alleged in effect that by certain aoto af the I^Kiilature of the Praviuoa of Mani toba, paeied after tke union and by au aopaiaed by tke said legislature in the 44th year of her Uajenty's reign, obap. 4. wbioh may be oited aa tke 'Uauitoba Bchoal Act,* and by the aet amending the a a me, the ItomaU Catholio minority of Her Majoety'a akjacti in Manitoba aoquirod the right* and privilege! in relation to adaoatlon thereby conferred upon tho no, including the right to build, maintain, eqaip, wanage, conduct and aupport Komau Catholio aehaole In tke manner provided iu the s&Id tatutee, tha right to a propertienate antra of ay grant made eufc of pubho fund* for the purpoaea of eduaatiott, and the right of exemption of tmoh mombors of the Uomun -Catholio Chnrcb, nu contributa to euab lioman Catholic sobcido from all paymeutu of oeatnbntiona to tho auppork of aay other eeheole.' "That nubaequontly, in the fi3*d year of her Majettty'y reign, two etatutee were itauae) by the Imgielataro of tko Province of Manitoba relatlnt! to education, wbioh HtatateKeame into force en tho 1st day of t'tay, I ft CO, and ar intituled reopeotively, An Act rggpootni^'tjl.0 Duparti'nont of Hi- noatiot.;' and 'An Aot ronpecting Public BoheoU,' and that the effect of the twe Uat naned atatalee wa to repeal the provioua aet*'f (he Province of Manitoba in relation to education, and to deprive the Reman Catholic minority of tha right* and privi lege* which it had acquired under uuoli pro- tion* statutes, and by the aaid petition tbo aaiu Roman Catholio minority prayed, .: tnong ether th'iuga. that it might he de- '1 -'ir^d that the aaid laat'tnentioued acta \ not'affect the righto and priviln^oo of $ said Roman Catholic tmuority of the ubjeota 1h relation to oduoatioh. "1'hat it mip;ht bn denlurod thai to hiti ,1, goMenoyi tho Cflvornor Ounoral in uouu< |Vti l iffloeraa roquinlto that tho provluioiH b( pk; \& ttatniei In foro* in the Proviuoo of Manitoba prior to the p&Htia^o of tho oiUd >Ma phoald be ra-auaotad ia ao far at leaet as inty bo noooaaary to anuuro io tho Rom an CntbolioMln tho unid Proviau**, thori(iht to build, inuliitain, oqtiip, nintiBife, aondnot and support tboir buIiooIh in tl> "inannoi provided for by aaid Htatutoa, to nouro to tha Roman Catholic* iu tho aaid Province the right to build, maintain, equip, Uinii- aga, aouduat aad uupport iboir auhoolu in tho manuar provided for by anld utatutuw, to auour to tbotu thalr proportiouuta almru of any grunt mariu nut of tha public f tinJh for ths furponn of education, uud to ro liuvo uuuli mumborHof tho Rotnun Catholio ohuroll axoontributu to tmoh Roiuaii Cath* olio aoheoU from all paytneut or aontribu* tion t tho support of any other auboola; or that tho nald i)t8 of IH90 should bu no modifiad or amended aa to off not aiiah [mr- poaau. And that atioli furtber or othor dealaration or or dor midlife bi< mada mi hu< KxoolUnoy tho Govoruor-douoriL in coun oil should under tho otronmiranuorf mm propyr, and that hiiu'i direction* might bn l^ivon, provimonH made, uud all things doim in tho prckuieuh for tho purpose of afford inti relief to tho mid Roman Cithollo toiiu onty m tho aauj Provmoo uh tf> hi* Kxjn' Unoy in notiucilm(,jht uuom muut. Aad, whoroaM, the 31th d-ty of Febnuin , 18'Jj. having boon appointed for tha h*ar lug of tho Hald appeal, and tho uarao com mi ou to bo haard o tlut day huU on th > fith and 7th days of Muroh, 1895, n tho praurtHos of oounflol for ptilionr>i (tku aaid Roman Catholio minority of h r M ij onty's Hubjectx in tho Proviuoo of Mamtobu) and aa well for the Province of Manitoba, upon raadiug tho Maid petition and tho sta tute* thereby referred to, upon hearing what wasallo^fid by 0)uhkh1 ou bttb sidna, bia Excollenoy the aovoruor*Gnra1 111 council wad ploaa^d to ordor and adjudgu, and it ih, therefore ordorod and a'djudged, that the naid appeal bo,' aud the nun* m hereby ullowid, in bo far an it ruhUco to rights acquirud by tha said Roman Catho Ho miuority under Ugii-Ution of the Pro vince of Manitoba, pasiod subsequent to the ueion of that Province with the Do. minion of Caur.du, aud his Excellency tha Governor Genvral in oounoil w pleased to adjudge and declare, and it is hereby adjudged ad dvciarud, that by tho two acta passnod by the Lsgislature of the Province of Manitoba on the lit day of .May, 1890, intituled respectively, 'An Aa rApbotinic tha Department of Hduaation,* aud 'Au Aot regpsatir g the Publia Mahools,' the rightu aud jarivilecas of ths Roman Cathoho minority of the aaid Proviuca iw relation to education prior to the 1st day of May, 1800, have beu effected by depriv ing the Roman Catholic Minority of tke following rights aad privileges, wbioh, previous to and antit the fir at day of May, 1890, such minority had, viz.: "(u) The right to build, maintain, equip, manege, oouduot and support Reman Catholic flchooln In the manner previded for by the said ntatutes, which wore re pealed by the two acts of 1890 aforeaaid. "(b) The right to share proportionate y in any (rent made eut ef the pablio fund* for the purs-one of education. "(0) Tke right of exemption of each Ro man Catholics as contribute to Roman Catholic lobools from all payment or con tribution to the suppert of any other sehaoli. "And his Excellency tho Governor-Gen eral in coanoil was further pleased to de- olare and decide, and it is hereby declared, and iI seems requisite that the system of education embodied la tho two acts of 1890 .aforeaaid shall be suppkeaented by a Pro vincial aot or acts which will restore to the Roman Catholio minority the said rlghtb and privileges of which snob minority ha* been ne doprivad as aforesaid, and which will modify tho said aots of 1810, so far, andse far only ua may be nocoHBary to give effect to tlio righto and privilugei in pura* graphs a, band e horsiubefore mentioned- "Whereof the Lieutenant-Governor of tho Pre vinos of Manitoba for the time being and tke Legislature of tho said Proviuca, and all persons whom it may concern, ure to tske notloo and govera themselves aeeordingly. {Sifnud) "Jouh J. McGkk, "Ciork ef the Privy Council." M. J, Wigle it Co., have just received and passed into stock nlaoty>slx boxes ef aaw bate aud caps, iaclading all tho neweat aad best shapes in stiff aud fedoras, THIS PWSIMITION Hor ItlieinnatlHin Ha Extended to the Rack and A nun. THE POLITICAL SITUATION 1a>*A iCrtarhary's Hwlr ns rwn Whit* lu tho 1'iwt Muiilh tfux u Mr. OlaclHtoiia'x H*turii VwmMli Troubb M Oymt HORTOftGE SALE ! OP VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. TN THE TOWN 03T M8SBIX, IN TUE COUN- J. ty ot Iaaex, there vlll bo sold 00 Friday, April 5th, 1895, at 1 o'olocU in the aftoraoou, at tho Koyal Hotel, 1 tlio Town of Reeex, by virtue of powers of saloeoatalnetl lu a certain wertcaga, wbioh will bo produced at the sale, the followiatf pro perty: * Lotnfi'/aiia (.0, ou the aatt ld of Cimerou ftvo-.ln the said Town ef Uattox, having a front- atfeof lOOfflet by adopth of 100 foot, aa shown au plaiit&o. 170, Tho following building la Hild to be areoted'on tho proyorty; a two-story brick uUd dwollim'. TKttUH.-lSper eeat of tho purobaaa moiiav to b* raid <lowu on the day of aala. Por bulauce terms will be made known at the sale. ov fnrtbni nartlonlavo apply i* JONKH/MiOKJBNKIK AXjEONAIID. tiolleltori, tdroaittf at,, Torauha. Il-ar or to OVO.J.TUOUiU.Haias. COMPOUND. X rweut dUeovety by au old physician. SfiUMufoiUf v*i& tuohtky^ by towju**E a/ ZaAhg. -U A* ouly porfodtly Bttfoondfollabloittctllrluedl*- eovoroiL liowdro of unprtuclploil dmnffliits who ortor lurorlor Micdlolnoa In pluoo of tld*. Asfefor Couk'it Cotton Root rnmnoiiml, litlo ki md>i/(- tutt', or lijoloaoSlimdO CDutBln pontOKO In Kncr awl \yi)\vil\R(i\u\, uoalod, by rtiturn mall. Full soft! od parttoularti lu iilalu ouviilojif, to Imllos ouly. 2 utumps, Addrota Tho 4'<>u\z Cn-iiiany, V" - if.,Oanada. Boldin Kaeax by ah ^i^^^ta. Loudon, Mnroh SB Mr. Kmlly Crnw- ford contrlbutoH to Truth tho llmt public montlun of Quwui Vlctorin'H Korlous con dition, courorniug which there lu much prlvntii dlsoiKslon. Mrs. Crawford wrltetf Unit on arrival at the railway etutlon at Nlwi the Quuin "MMmuul unablo to mla her hoiid. Sho looked up and around un do* hor oyelhlH, us if umictnu; ftronfeth to look otherwlwo. One mlffht lmvo thought alio did not feel her feot under her as with tli aMHlBtnnco of her HorvaJnfctf sho tried to descend the sloping pum^way from tho train Into the Htatlon." It is wellk nowti anions those familiar with court nffulrM that rheuumtlKin of the knooH linu lately not ouly developed cemploto Ions of power ovbr both logn, but luis oxtendod to tho hack and nrniH, and that n fatal Issue la to bo fonrod at ulniout nny time. The roports of tho Queen's con dition wrlounly affect the Parlla- montary situation. With the death of a sovereign Parllnlnont in hu- mediately dissolved. This contlngteuoy Is undoubtedly an Important factor In nil the preAeut caloulatlonfl. Tlio political atmoaphoro, in fact, Ih chiirged with hou- Biitlonal poBlbllitloiJ. Tho Government organs have published thlH week very In volved and evnslvo denials of tho reports of Lord Rowtbory'n lntontlon to r<uilgrr tho I'roinlrrHhlp but tho Opponltlou jour nals ropuat the rumor daily. Mcnnwhllo Ijord RoMtbrry is In almoBt comploto re tirement In tho country and tho Projnlor- olilp practically In out to communion. Ilia physicians glvo only tho guarded opinion that ho may coon rooovor. Thoso who nnw him at tho brlof Cabinet meeting tho othor day say Ills hair lias turned qulto white within tho past month In concequonce of hie lntonso aufferlnn; and continued Insomnia. Of course this situa tion cannot lout and unloss some rollef is npcodily found ho will certainly resign at no distant date. There has not boon an hour in the pant threo weeks whou ho would notyhlpiwilf havo dono bo except for th e oppoHitlon of hlfi friends. ~"~ Hun ion t of dlsuolution lnoreaso. In ad dition to tho Cublnot's anxieties over tho veto bill, tho recalcitrant Liberal browere and tho Irish Nationalist!), fresh troubles lira developing over tho Speakership. Mr. Campbell -Ran norm im does not caw te> undortako tho .drudgery impoflcd upon tho occupant of tho chair, and hli oolloa- gues cannot spare him from the War Office. Mr. Leonawl Courtney has refus ed to tako tho place unless ho can have tho iwaurcd support of tlw whole House. Tho Consorvutlvea wlnh to pub Sir Mat- thow Ridley forward as a candidate, but tho Government side would feel It hard to hand ovor the Speaker's chair to tho Opposition. Consoquontly tlio latter nro discussing tho pondlbllltics of Mr. Lock- wood or Mr. Gully. There la a feeling that the chairman ought to bo olocted by acclamation, but thero/ Is an apparent Impossibility of ac complishing this result, and the prob ability that the Conservative, Sir Mat thew Whlto-Rldloy, may eoouro tho posi tion adds not a little to tho worries of tho Prime Minister. Princess Baatrloe, who la now tho Quoen*s constant companion, has of lato been always present during hor interview** with tho Ministers, and is recognized in offlolnl circles aa practically the wlelder of nil tli* royal prerogatives. The return of Mr. Gladstone would have been the occasion of it great popular demonstration on Saturday but unhap pily the dense fog In tho channel delayed his steamer, and ho did not arrive till dusk. Despite the hour and the gather ing rain a hugh crowd assembled In tho station and out on the Strand,and volleys of hearty cheering were raised as tho car* rlago finally emerged. Mr. Gladstone himself Boomed physically vigorous and wolkod aorosa tho platform from tho car to tho curb with orocfc bearing and Arm step. Ills profile Is a good dual sunkon, but to look him In the oyo, ho Is as alert and strong faced as ovor. Tho prediction weald bo foolish but It nan at least bo said that men*s thoughts liavo boon grow ing accustomed at a rapid rate tlio last few days to tho idea of Mr. Gladstone's re-assumption of power us quite among the possibilities. Upalu's Naw SfluUtv'y. Madrid, March 25.-TM Ministry was announced late in the afternoon; Csna- vas Dol Cauttlto, President of the Council; Navarro Reverter, Financial; Romoroy Robledo, J untie* ; Gen. Axcarraxau, War; Admiral Beraugor, Marine; F. Cos-Gay on, Interior; Duke of Totuau, Foreign Affairs: Cnfltellanos, Colonies; Bosch, Public Works. The names were submitted to the Queon Regent and were approved by he. _______________________________ Fmlorntimt of AuutriiUu. Melbourne, March 25. A farowoll ban quet was given to tlio Earl of IXopotouu, silica 1889 Governor of Victoria, last ovon- ing. Premlor Tumor said in his flpcooh that ho hoped to seo boforo the end of tho century a jrovoriior-aancral ovor^ u united Australia. Lord Hopotoun urged that federation bo mado tho foremost quostlon of tho day. 1895 New Spring Goods 1895 .-' During the past ten days we have been very' busy receiving and passing into stock large consignment of new Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings and Shoes. Other lines will follow m a few days. Better Value than Ever. Is tho voulii t of thoflo who hiwo aoou our now Printu N.wnimvli.m. \r , nd White Uo,tonH, B0W 3Wrt,I1RIl now Wton^^^^r^^'CS^ Our Men's Shirts- at Twenty-five Gents are very Cheap. Wo alrio liuvo oxtra valuofi at JlOc, ut !"> nt 7f>n nf 41 \xr* .,* i * t i No,-U%mr,.in tho newest mk.H of Knot DrtJ. and Bowu. 8how,ne B 'B 80 of Gents'Fine Silk At Twenty-five Cents Each. necolVyT aty,eB '" r"UhB' 0X'f"d 1V"d C,>e""m 8h0f! & Cheap. Wh.t wore i.. Extra valuofl in Mcn'B Strong nnd Fine Shoes and Long Boots. We are the Clothiers of Essex. l...BbXpaUnVkifo^ Bt7liBh Cl0thine at l0W pri0M- ": Wo do tho Groory trade very fine, u3 our Handdomo Farlor Clocks aaid Fin Fienolx Mirrors Free, Yours for Bargains, Dtr2TS1\J*r BtiOOK. E3SSE3C- MIIBDKll_AND SUICIDE A Womnu mid Hor Paramour Found Dead With Their Throat* Cut. N0~EV1DENCE OF A~STRUGGLE The IIeudn Almuut Sovorotl from tU Hodloii '! tt YouiicThllilrcti luund I'Iii>liiC In tho Itiiom Wlinrn tli lljlloa^ \Vrn--In-__________ FINANCE AND COMMERCE Toronto, March25,1805. ^jferfj'lU-fr t^j id Kn;ff, now laid, 17o to 20opor doz.; llmod, llo to lUo por doz.; butter, pound rollH, cholcci 17c to lOo por lb.; tub, iSo to I6c.; chocw), llo to lie. Potatoes aro up again. ' By oav load Ma wnn puld to-dny \wv ba^. Ah high nn fltfo 1b paid for cars on tmok, Votfotablofl aw acarcti on ucooxiut of cold wonther. Droned hogn nro udvmielng in pricon on account of a gonorul ficzrolty throughout tlio proviuoo. To-dny In Toronto thfty aro *5.7fi to *fl por owt. Ah h rosult hdg protlucta aro on tho upward londonoy. Tho Ohlcngo pork market, whloh him nlo boon lluotuatlnpr, Ih hIho ndvanolng aguln (ho past fow cluyH. 'J'lm vi'fiovory which win duo In wlimt 'it C'li|cnKo, tools plnco cm Saturday. Tho 'igjrrngato Npooulutlon van of fair propor- tlun. Corn Bhorts oo\i)n*d roni becnuso Mint ohiMM of tmdory In whoat worn Hinil- uvrly bent ltuatlon .presented no QUt to b Hold. Toronto, Kfaroli 25. Tho city was shocked yesterday Jy tho news of n nhook- ing murdftr and BQlcldo. Tlio viotlmH of tho tragedy aro John Boll and Surah Swallow, who Imd boon living togothor iw man and wlfo, and woro found dead lu bod In tho morning with tholr heada al- moat hoverod from tholr hodion and an evbundanco of evidence to whow that tho woman was killed by hor paramour, who had then hnmodlatoly slain Jilmsolf. In kt cornor of the room whero tho bodloa but* found woltorlng in their blood a couplo of lunocont children, four and nix years old, woro In tholr cot plnyliiff with picture bookw, all unconscious of tho hor ror In tho bod ndjacont to thorn. Thoy wew tho ohlldron of tho woman by hor daooAKod husband, Sarah Swallow's hus band waa klllod by a fall from a horoo In AugUBt, 1809. Tho animal had boon frightonod by a trolley car and wmio time aftor flwnllow'fl uuath hla widow wcolvod a small amount in damages from th*, Btrot Hallway Company., Sha invested in a light doltvery waggon and a horse, and John Bell ban lately been acting au hor driver; also later coming to live with h*tr. During tho last fow wooka Boll had been drinking hard and Mra. Swallow had become anxious to got rid of him. She had also taken up with another man named William Gorrlo frequently of lato, causing jealous romonntrancos from Boll. Lane Tuesday Gorrlo was at hor house, which In located on tho lowor end of Jarvin Htrcet. Boll and ho mot there and had a fight, somo windows bolug smash ed. Since then Gorrlo has not boon at tho houije, but Mrs. Swallow had spent every evening In hid company and wasi With him Saturday night, Gorrlo loaviug hor at tho door of her bouse as late as 10 o'clock. lie is probably, therefore, the last person who saw tho woman-alive gave the murdoror. A woman living in tho same house with the couple ho* been in tha habit of taking milk and leaving it for thorn. Sho got no reaponne when nhe called thorn Sunday morning, and pushing open tlio door boyOnd the kit chen, used aa a bedroom, saw signs of blood. She Immediately called & neigh hor who notified tlio police, -and entering a few minute* later thoy found tho two lying dead on tho'bod uud covered with blood. The woman's head was si most liovorod from tho body, tho throat being cut throuRli to tho spine. Sho had ap parently been killed in her sloop, thoro being no vluiblo ovldonco of a struggle. Tho man was lying on the broad of his bank and his windpipe Kovered. Both had been'dead some hours. Tho children woro playing In the room as described, Tho right hand of tho man grasped a bloody ru'/or, the evident Instrument of death. Tho half opond drawer of a bureau ndjaoont contained the raxor case. Coro ner John aim wan called and after a oloao examination satisfied hlniself that no thTi-d party was implicated. An inquest will bo hold this afternoon. TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. IN* THE TOWN OP ESSEX. TOWN OF ES9EX TO WIT 1 Wikbkaii, hy virtu* of a warrant lmuod by the Mayor of the Town of Khhax, in the Oflunty of IijHBox, nd authenticated by tho corporate Hoal of tha aaid Town, bearing tiitte th 35fch day of January, 1895, and to ma diroted, commanding mo to lovy upon tho folUwing lota or paroel* of land for arroarH of taios duo thereon, with coata I hereby giv* notice that uuUae the aaid taxed and ooats are soonor paid, i shall n Saturdav.-thc rath duy of May, 1895, at th* hour of 10 o'elook in tho forenoon, at I eok a Hall, In the Towu of Ehbox, proceed to sell by public Auction the aid binds, or as wuch thereof au may be euffloient to pay suah arrears of taxes and all lawful oontw incurred: -PhoC-Xofcs. 181 SGI 67/ 26 25 26 37 29 90 70 8 0 33 17 44 J) 1/J U0 H 55 6 7 58 28 29 30 33 G 231 247 307 i!i!3 236 286 307 277 177 207 277 170 386 176 285 300 235 298 288 2 S 35 T 9 8 10 170 30 247 72 300 236 207 176' 2OT 334 385 S00 203 200 26S 28 20 30 31 2S Beat pari 1) 40 01 la o 6 7 8 0 38 34 25 22 ) 37 28 30 35 30 57. 38 80 40 43 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Block 122 ' Block 93 Block 98 Bloks45 46 47 50 66 Lot 2, plan 267 Block 109 w ~ v. 4G MA 2 45 W. D. Buiuiw, Treasurer, Towu of Emex. Tsxee. CoU. Total. 52 11 3 90 50 01 5 38 I S5 0 9S 21 02 4 23 25 25 40 Op 2 30 43 20 71 83 tt 67 75 00 11 81 1 55 13 86 16 44 1 71 18 IS 85 22 2 17 87 59 80 H 2 00 32 14 44 C8 8 71 48 S9 59 18 7 97 67 IS 35 35 2 78 38 13 19 87 2 39 23 9* 88 86 9 2G 41 13 43 81 4 29 48 11 39 93 2 30 43 23 21 21 3 20 27 41 24 21 S 20 U7 41 36 Hi 2 20 38 34 15 16 1 68 16 8f 15 60 ft 48 19 0 Si 01 .1*87 24 88 42 02 3 6o 4* 67 98 01 3 61 93 13 28 73 1 88 25 1 35 85 3 06 27 91 20 49 1 81 33 38 6 41 1 55 6 96 41 06 tt 36 48 33 371 91 20 49 392 40 127 09 4 49 1S3 IS 193 00 6 12 199 13 10 47 1 55 is 03 189 12 9 72 198 84 48 81 3= F To J'k-uiuotM Trudii IV1 tit Sfw*tla. Halifax, March 85. Among the passeu,- gerH who arrived by tho steamer Labrador on Saturday was Mr. K. Ohlon, Coiumls- slonorior Canada of tho Gonoml Kxport AHBooiatlon of,Swodon,of whloh tho crown Prince of Sweden and Norway Is Prasl- dent. Mv Ohlon, who for sovoral years resided In Winnipeg, him given a number of looturoH on Canada in bin nuilvo coun try uml has Induced a largo number of forolguors who lntondod to aottlo In the United ^ Sfcaios to go "to tho Northwest Instead. About 300 will como out In the Labrador on hor noxt voyage to Canada. Sho hud umoug her paKHongorH a dozort people, who will wileot plaeon for them to nettle. Mr. Ohlon, who Is to rwsldn hi Montreal, will oiuluavur to build up In Canada a mnvkot for .Swedish Iron and steel and to havo hides, fur and fruit ex ported from this country to Sweden and S. ADAMS Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES, A largo stock, all now goods and latost Novelties. I talco no bach soat on pricoB. SCHOOL BABS, I have a large stock* tnugkfc at bottom pricoa, and can beat thoni ail (at price and quality. Call and Bee them. PRICES AWAY DOWN iw - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness AND Heavy JIarness 1 M A'I * W, H. EVANS, Baker, Confectlonir.ete. Fresh-mnde Oandieti, Bread and Cakes, PaBtriea on Saturday a Spec ialty, , ^ < i ~ " All Gooda delivered promptly, \- ^^ Opposite Book it iVahcln' Meat Bhop, B|flx, "^ , '-------------------------------- rwoodslee^ n. ' -ft. > J* A Ml* '>>'M OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largo etoolt and it must go. Gall nnd ago mo boforo buying olaowhore - Everything in {he Horse Furnishing Line. W. G. SMITH, WIIiL NOT BE UNDEBSOLD* The best ef Leather and firat-olaae Work- manahip. All hand work. Svery Ham sold by mti mad* in Woed- b1., My Stock of Licht and Heavy- Heisbej* U now cdmplute, and a eplen- did itteek of all Horee Qooda. , Repairing done promptly aad cheap. F. S. Adams. Twodoora WRIGHT C. SMITH, South Woodsloe. \ , LudioH* walkihg ahoun 75 peh,t(i. hotton hootH SI per putr\menM duo lacedor saiter ehooil Sl.aS per pair at Smith1*!. New hots, correct at>leB(, fadbiopabh colors, fine quality, lar^e ttunorlmenb. *k >