*if ti'.'nX ^:- ii&":'k^ttiix:T PREB/^^iiis^- -THK FREEPRESS moGs: OITT. Published Every Friday Morning Pr<mi tho cfUoo u tho Industrial Worku Uulldiotf, Talbot Ht. Special attention is paid to thu publiuu- tion of matter of looal importance, rioour. ate aud rehablo ruports of Town, neighbor' ing Township utid Gountjr Council proceed- iner local ml county market roporta. etc, tbo oarof o., and jndioious mimatfemont of Tub FnBB Punas,' w,ith rowpuut to thouo and other ourrunt mattorti of looul Ituportanon, has given it a widespread proHtitfo in tho ocntre of Kbhox couuiy.whiuh in reco^ni^d ae ono of tho bust agricultural districts in Ontario. Tina Fiikis IVishii l tho only medium oiroulathitf thoroughly in thin central portion of tho Cuuuty.-and in eon- eequontly,without doubt, tho only thorough AdvirtiHiii|f medium for buHincmi penplo^ wishing to roach Mint olunu u.onHtonit:rji. ' COMJlKHI'ONWKNCK. Our columns aro alwayu opuii/for tho poaooublo (UHunHHiou.of niiiUurH^c'i-tiiiiiinj; to tho public welfare, j ^JJf^irniHh^uiiublo leports of "oiirrini^in thoir so vera' ng looalitiatt events of lutorCiHt? .sphere; and tho publisher iu at, all timet bleaaod to roooivn intoroHtintf itornii ol lew* from any disponed to forward contri- . utiona. . i All oommuniouuono of a private and jjflduntial nature, nhuuld bo .10 markud ------thoouuido of thu onvelopo. ......-...... . 5100 pur. annum, Ktrictly in advance,-. 1.50 pnr uunum if not 110 paid; ana all irrour" obur^od at that rato. AUVEHTIHKMKNTH. Transient legal and municipal advor tiaemontH, liuticou, oto., charged at tho rato of ton oontH por line, for first iusortiou, and fivo ooiita por lino roroaoh uubhuquent insertion. All auoh advortiHomautdiiro measured by a Boalo of twelve lnum to tho inch. LoohI readinjj and other noticon pub lished among local uowh mattor charged at tho rate of ton cents por running lino for oaoh insertion. All noticoa of church or Mooioty enter tainments of any donenption, at which iui admission foo is oharfed, aro regarded hb advortinnmentn, and full advertising rated oharaod in all nuoh cason. Notices of rfath- erin^s or mooting not for pucuuiary bono- fit or aid, will bo ohoorfully pubhahod free of charge. . .; ' . 1 Special contraok .rates -mode for display or standing advts. All legal orprofoHsion- al cards under one inch, 5 por an nam. ;;.apn on coMuwnout rniNTWO. ' The ITukk PttKflB Job Prmtine Do- partmout 1h ' under tho BuporviBiou of thorouchly oorapotent TMBOtntnicHr and fcpeolal attontion ia paid to thin branch of -tho trado. Our faoiliticfl lorthe oxooation ot all kinds of Book aud Fine Job Printing aro unaxcollftd. Stoam power proftaeo. A call dolicitod. " U8INKflH UEOOI.ATIONfl. AH Job Printing and Trantdont AdVertjuing acoouuta, qtriatly oaah. . AdverUainB ttooounto with rogalar Natrona oro Bottled ciuartorly. Sab- - BoripUona duo in advanoo. No ubttcription to tho FnKK Pbhoh, or aJvoHifioniont publinhod in ft* oolunina will be.diiicontinued until all arroaru aro paid in fall. 1 Ohanga for adyortiaomontH, to Honro insertion in tho onrront issue, must bo banded in not later tuau noon .of the Tuoa- tlay proocdine, arid uotico of nuoh intond- d ohftngo i required* on tho Monday p,ro- ecding.......-------------- ' . Notioo of diacontiuuanco ofaavoitmo* men to must bo tfivon at loaet ono wook in advanoo of tho ieauo in which thoy aro doairod to laat appear. xivi;aTi8Raa, . Bubaoribera and patrono cenorally . aro jcquoated to road tho abovo roMQlationo carofully, in ardor'that confusion uoay bo avoidod, an thoy will in all canon bo ad ho rod to. . Addrennall cooamunicationa to IE. J. K.OVICLACIK. Publisher tho EsBKX'Fnim PnEna, W. C. T. U. Tho Good FrleHtV Word*. Tho lliiv','Sr*tlior MoO*llon. of Montreal, oonolu'dod his addronfl to tho Ht. Patriok'N T. A. and 1\, Hooit-ty of that city at .the unmiingof itu uurien of wihlttr otitortain- mentM, with tho following oarrfeHt atfu olo^uant appoul: hat thu btisiitenH men, ihu prorhaiv, patriollo, piiblIo-H|ilrltt>d oitixoim, who Inyo Montmal, and wiuh to loo it prowperoua, loud a hulpin^ hund mul voice, whtni aultud to aid in dimiiiiahiuc thuovilu of Lhat'tmf- noV which him but two ruBtiltfl tho ono to onnoh thoo'uiijiagd .\n it, aud tho othsr to plaou an hiimriuciuntablo obataolo to all matorial prourrjHH iu ouroity. Hut. whilii wo may condouo tho Hollluh- 110HH of C110 fatlmr of u farnlly whoso charity ih oon.Vini'd to thu oirolo of lu own liouun i">Vt'(; wlulo wo may yity tho publio-upint -<fd, pxpt;roni.ivo citi/.on who dovotea all Ihh onor^ioii to maltu:ii prourt,B>( w'ta 'mt httht thought'of the HJpornaturul, tho elornul; what can wo uy ot. iIioho who poHii iiu trui.' Ohrmtitin inim and women and yot leavi- our HooietU'H 10 bai-tloalrnont rtiuglo-haudod with tho alolh, imraorality aud otimo on- Hondorod aud'porpotuatod hy the utiloon ThuuoCliriHtianu open tUoir puraoa and roHpond to our call to aid tho poor, the houiulaflu, tne orphan; but too inuuy o: thorn rofuiio to ascond ua iu Vomoviu^ tut oauHii of puvorty and orimo, Thou^li thoy hnow that tho treating custom iu tha opi-n door to a life of drnnlion degradution, thoy offer liquor to thoir itiioiiti' and calmly aootho thfir coneoieuoo by throwing tho blaruo on thoao who abuHO their ho aallcd hoapitality. At tho bediming of the Now Year, whon all should b oooupiod wich formint; jjood renolutkmH to uvoid sin, thov ulmu to an old tradition and outom, aud mHlta tho 11 rot-day of tho New Year a tiiwo ot drnnkon diHaipatiou for hiah elauu and low. They oauno tho erand virtno of hos pitality to becomo a by. word and & reproach Night ih mado bidooua by tho revelry of tho youut; moti, who, puBHinj; from hnuso to houae and roacHini* out for the luun of wititt or liquor extended to thura by the fair handa of woniaLi,-drive through thu city with Bfiiay, maudlin fiuiifi and ribald jout and retirs at laat to their own homi'H on th drat night of tho New Yar liopolotiH wrnoko bttdwn alon^ tho1 pathway of thoir yonuMlivcu. (j, ChwHtiau wou and womon. in thin indeed your daiarily'.WorkP I* tbi- your enoonragemeut to the aaorad-onuiio of humanity and morality ? Your dofftuoO;ia tradition, duatom? . If it were aouetom to murdor, would you irabaa yonr fair bahdit in blood ? If It wero. a custom to ateal. would you rob your tfuaata-of m*tiy? If it wore a outttoui to iittack anddsotroy a fair narao, would you con newt to beeoraa a calumniator? Worao than trbiryou-luvu done-. You kerit your baud* frea from blood, and yet you. murdered mind aud soul and body. You allowed your guoaU to retire with porao untouched, but you rob thorn of their inteUiceboH, of the imaRe of thoir Qod, ot the position of trait and ro- spoQiibllity which tbsy have prhapa for* feltad. Yen uttered no words 0! calumny* but you Btampod the brows of young prom lilng tu on ..with tbo infamy of thtf drunkard; you invaded homott aud 8*t husbaud and wife and childreu at variance, aud run do onco happy hoimea desolate. Yon would not miss a church service, would not akan don oharitablo association, would not with* draw your name from tlio honored hit of Chriat'a co-workers! Ceano to do evil, loam to do (food. The preapority, happi- noes and morality of our people can never be bronchi about ao long an the drink habit prevails. Therefore Christian men and women, public-spirited oitboun, islflsli parents, whoso lovo oxtenda not beyond your own for it is the causa of Qod and of all tha people. A Younjr Japanese DUchartfes .ft I'lHtol in MiH l"uce. THE WOUND NOT DANGEROUS Tho JVuciti Aii*liurtu(Ior iloHiItlnrliiK tt< Will CiitiMimt to I'lkd tlto War JLonaM* **f tli HE WANTED DIAM0ND8- Cnptitr* ut 14 (Hover- Iklnitionil Kwlinllttr at Ht. Mr>B, Toronto, March iI5. On Vrhbiy nioru- ln^ auvoral of tho lar^u Jowolhiry ilrmM of "thin olty, Incliidttiff I1. W. K114h& Co., <!old- WulthH Humk Co., T; H. I-00 8c:H<>u, Kd- ,jnun(i,. ^tphouTir and iC. &, A. f.untnor, rooulvud oaoh u oopy . of a luttbr aaklntf thai two diamonds b mint to Mr.'T. lint- ton, a loading broker and haukor In 9t, Maryri. It ao happonod that tho Now York JowolorH* (Jlrctthir of March iJOIh oonthln- (ul n\\ uxpomiro of tho modiia oporandl oj n diamond thlnf who had awlndlod the Jowullorti of tho Hiuto of (Juorfflu out of ?1(),(X3(]'worth of jowoIh In tho upjioo of a wm*k. LottorH had boon Hont /rfmi.SwahiH* born, Gil, tdgncd .T. (J. Coleman, to many of tho hmdhitf jowolloru In Atlanta, Ma con, AiiKHfitJi, Savuiinah and other Oiior- Kla towtw, itulcliifc that oortain Kouda h< RMit by oxpron.4 on approval. Tim fctrlklim; Htmllarlty of tb lottoi faint by Ihla man to tho ono rocolvmlby thnlr llrm ci'i'iitod HiiHpbdon In tbo minds of Mi.-^rn. lOhiriis Co. TlioKo liunplclons wm-o cMminiuniruLtod to Inspootor .Stark, and a imp wan laid to approhond thu liwlndlor. It wan iirmn^od that MuKHru. Mllla fc Co. would oxproHH a doooy puok- uku to tho niuno Klvon at Ht. MnryH, jmd Dutoctlvo HliMnln nhould nccobixifiny It, MoHHVri. 10111s & Co. wired tho oxprOHU onmpaiiy at Ht. - Alary'r not to dollvor tholi jjiu'uoI uiitll tlio arrival of Dotuctlvo Hlo- mln. Whi^n )iu arrivod on tho morning train ho wan concealed in tho oiYIco of tin oxprowi company. A few mlnutoa after 0 o'clock Coleman prosoiitod hliuhulf mid ankod for a parcel uddruKsod to Air. T. Huttou. Tho Ellis paokfip;o, which purported to bo wortli $7(U>, was handed him nnil ho al/rncd tho rocolpt book. }Io had turnod to loavo tho olllcu, when Dotectlvoa Grcor and Slo- mln Htoppod out and placed him imdor ar- rofit. * Colomnn, In'ono of n tihrowd pranp; of Kwlndlors, whose headquarters woro for 11 tlmo at IIopkliiHvlllo, Ky., and whowi oporntioiifi extended fx'om tboro to Nash ville and Cincinnati, Tho gamo thrived olVoctlvely whorover It wan operated, al- moat ovury Htatn in tho south and south' oaat bolng viHlted. Colojnau'o wlfo and clilld woro also ro* KiHtorod at a St. AIaryn hotel and wero Uikbh into cuatody by tbo officers. Tlis prlwonor arrived in tho city 011 Satur day night In chargo of Botootlvo Slemln. TrJml It hi llumlltoii Too. Hamilton, March 2fi. Georgo P. Loos & Co. and the Levy Bros, Co.,,Ijtd., al^o rocolvod ordcru from tho aWlndlor for valuabloH, and detected tbo fraud at onco. Tho Artorney-Gennrnl'H .department was communicated with, and Government Do- tectivo Greer, accompanied by Dotootlvo McMnhon, took train at onco for St. , Marys. Thoy woro concealed by KxproBS Aflfont Sharp In tho oftico of tho company over night. Mr. Huttou, of St. Maryu, whon noti fied of the parcels, after examining thorn, wild thoy wero not for him. . Tho two Hamilton Anns say thoy did not lose any tiling by tho operations' oi tbo Rang. Tho jewel lord and police autho rities have littloto'.aay in.reforonco to tbo mattor and wore trying to koop tbo gone* ral publio from havlngaknowlodgoof th affair In order that others of tho ganp, might be trappod. WRECKED ON TRIAL ISLAND. CAW t nnAYH-A--PAVKMV..-Vora lt*tmipfc sobwat autl art boneat opmloa, write to MIIMN it <;<.* wboTinvo lind r.ol/Ofty ytara' o>brloao in tlio patont bualtiejia, - Cotnmunlpa- tiommrietly confidential, A KIundhoUorin* lorautlon concuraiitir Pnlettu and bow to otw talji ttuua ttont iron. Also n catnlouue o^ iuoclian- ,. rteta taken ttirouuU Munh ft Ca resolve epftcUl notlcttintliu Kcleiiiliio JlitteHcaM.iuul iJiuj are broiicut witiulr boi'trothe public wita- jrat c6t to the Inventor. 'I'lila ttyleadld bnpor, uaue4 weekly, oiocautly llhutratttti. bun briar tlio Iinrfl*t circulation of nn/BGlootlUO work in tlio world, git ft year, tiatimts ooniiutscut^ee. -.- ' liulidlttfl lc.lition, wonthly.icljattyeitf. pincrle SSBSP Una eoplsa. *JS coots. aUtae j.wltt dwljn _______ ____ ... ______ U0KJ& CO., ttKW VOltlC.301 BllOiDWAY _, ..________ kvary number eoatalmiTjtjau- tiral plAtoa, In coloru, nn4 uhoto<{Tptia.of nw bouMd. wltti i)]nH ennbliutf bulMw'i to show tbo, lfttVBtd^|(mNiiii(l necufoeotiti-w!tJ(. Addrogs "Hotly It^ted, Mlsd at Kasc." That it< what it is when travelling on the fast truiiiH of the Chicane, Milwavkve A St. Paul Railway; basialsB thero la no ohanco to ukb k," for tho accommodations aroup to dat* tbo trains koop moving right along nd. J!i.' there on time. These lines thor. fifthly cover the territory between Olnoago, " iiOmsBer St. Pasjl, Minnoa^oHs, Abor- .^steeL, ^itobon.^SipUt Fajln,, BiouXiC^y, " 'Yauktbh; dounoil Bluffs, Omaha and Nor- f"';':')' theriV Miohigau; / AjX\ the p*teoipal cities } .t '. VifriA'tiJ^nBin' that Urrjtoty are reached by K ,'lhV A'Bfc, Taul" litis(- oouueotiuR at gV ' Pau'l/Coancil Bluffs end- Omsh* with all Hb^'^ot points jld the rfatf'-w^afc; Write to ' A. J. Taylor, Cans^iai Paae'r \Ageut,| 87 : teifk fiiriwi^ Toronto, Out., for on* of tbei* i.jwloapiime table* aud aJbroobtirf giving h description of the Corapartmout Sloeping - ' lara. -Tibkots'fnrnihhod by any coupon ; i.iokot agont in tho United Staton and Can . lulu. Tho ftncHb dining oara in tho world .ire ran on the solid veufcibulod, oleotrio- bfikUd aud sUfttu-beatod traips of tiio Ohi- 'it'-"' PEODTJCTS OF S0IEN0E FOR HOME USE. BEAUTIFUL AND BRILLIANT CMS. Within the laet few years soienoe has beau at work, and the results are the Fast Diamond Dyes for Gotten, Turkey red, Scarlet, Pink, Unoosen, PurpIe.Ssal Brown, Orange,,Qlivo.Gr#u,a*d other oelort,; Thesadyes make colors *o'isyUhsfceven washing iu attouK wsp-sscls will not oaHSe them to fade, If wbuifiii will ask fr Vnkt Diamond Dyes'Uv Ooiton, and sea that they get them, they will b able^to dye ahy 0! the above color* absolutely fa*t and tin- faslins;, colors tbafc will remain until the foods are worn out. D'aat Diamond, Dvee for Cotton give grajad and brilliant colors to-oarpet raga, and aro tkorfor# 'invaluablo to country paopU who mike Kag.c*rptti,.^ho'ar|WiSf; ular dyee aro far ahead of all other foriwB of dyostuffe, and many largo dyo bonnes use them rogulariy. Common psoka^e dye werthless itui- Ut'ionH are uow sold iu uoiile storM^bfi war* ' them; iuelst evevy titbo uroo get ting the guaranteed Vast Diamond Dyes; trisd, sure, true, brllliut not unfuding, " Tbat lhr4 aVellUK Is* dangerous cotiditUu dJreotly due to depleted or lutpur* blooJ. It eheuld not lie-allowed to oontinuo, un fn its 'dehlllty tho ayotom in cupooially liable to serloiui attaokfl of illubhu. Hood'a BarHaparifla ih tbo remedy for euoh it oondlti^n. aiidwaltJo' for tkjat weakoeev whn.L (k .* i\g ttt tht; Jiondon, March 5.- Tlio Comtml Novfrt correapondeiit In Toklo wiyH that an at tempt wiih made to uaHaHHlnatu Id Hung Chang in a atreetof SimonoKokl ycHtorday aftornoon. I>1 wan returning from tho pcuco conferonori in which ho oonduota nogotlatlona In bnhalf of tho ChlncHo mla- nlou and wiih iiccompnnled by novoml of lila Hiitto. When he waa a chorb dlutaneo from lila apiirtinenU a young JapivnoKO ran up to him and flrod a pUtel in IiIh fane.. The young man wan wolzcd and dlriiirmod. ut onco by, iho police. At tho Btatlon houae he gave hla name aa Koy- nma and hia ago an HI. According to a abort report received In Toklo, IjI'h wound la nob dangerous. Tim )'<m(!o ronftirrmne, Toklo, March 25. The I'tiaeo Amlmnna- dora of Japan and China mot yesterday at SlmonriKokl. LI Hung Chnng pniKOiited lila credentials ua China'tt envoy plonl- potontliiry. The crudnntlaln woro oxamln- od by Japan'h i'opronentatlvo Prlmo Minlntor Ito and Forolgur Minister Huteu aud woro found to bo uatlafaotory. Thuroupon tho Ambansadora procoodod directly to tho bunlncHH which brought thorn togother. The condltlona upon which Japan will eminent to end tho war woro atetcd in explicit terms by tho Mikado'a MlnlntorH. After nomo dlsona- dlon.Ll Hung Chang asked for three dayii dolay In ordor that he- mlgbfconHolt tho authorltlea in Pokln upon'certain points. Tho JapanoBo Ministers, who havo enter ed upon tho negotiations with an car now t dcfilrti to reach a Biitlafaotory conoluslon, grantod tho rotuioab. UuIoah tlio Govora- moiit at Poklu InatruotsXl Hung Chung te reject douiandH which Japan oonaldors IndlHponslbla to ponnanont poaco, tho treaty may bo Hpcodlly oxocutod. Yokohama, March 135. Tho Japanoeo nowHpapor JIjl mya that on tho Slsfc tlio Japanoso ocoupled tlio main lalnnd of tho PoKuidorca without oppoHltlon_.._.Tho na- tlvo proay wtya that Japan ban bought two moro "warablpfl. Tho oOlclal flguroa ro- garding tho loi;.so of tlio Japanoso from 8optembor ai to March 8 aro: Total, 1,0M; in tho field M3, in. hospitals 1U1 from wounds and l>8t from cllnunmi. Thoro wero ton deaths from obolora In Mojl, oppoalto HlmonoKokl, last week. TWO REFORMATORIES. t>ttuwu Mliiti(tt>rti Advncata Oiiw for Cotli- 1 ' olles und Onn for rrntestaHta. , Ottawa, March 25. Tho committee ap- liolntivd a fow days ago by tho Ottawa MJnlijtftrinl Aasociatlon to wait on tho illnlater or Juatlco to urge, that tho pro posed reformatory bo not located at Alox> smdrbi but absomo larger town, had an Interview on Saturday morning . with Sir Charloa Hlbbort Tuppor. Tlio deputa tion consiatod of Dr. llenoon. Dr. flauh- dexd, Dr. Compljoll, Dr. Moore and Itev. Mr. Macfcay. Thoy woro rocolvod very kindly. Tho ministers in tho doputatlon a poke in favor of tho orootlan of two Institutions, Thoy thought Alexandria might wuib.fcr a Catholic Institution but folk there Were not enough Protestant clergy or lay workor thoro for a Protes tant institution, and that gome hurge plaoe whore tboro would b many mora clergy and lay workt ew willing to do work In connection* With the reformatory would bo mo to euitublo for tho Protestant Institution. Sir Charles Tupper eoemod to be of tha opinion that the Govornrnent^waB^oom- mitted to erect an Institution at Alexan dria. Howovor, he epoka favorablyof the propoaal to orect two reformatories, ono for Catholics and tbo othor for Protes tants. Ho promised to tako tho wholo matter Into consideration. Four Fireman tturued to Heath, Denver, March &*. All but ono mem ber of Hoko Company No. C loafc thoir lives on Saturday night in n. flro which dwtroyod tlio St. Jamos Hotel. Tho com pany, eiecoptlng tho captain, Is composed of ooiorod mon. Tho hloro woe dlBoovor- m1 at 10,80 o'clook by tbo clerk. All tho oooupante of tho houso oscuped without In jury. Tho unfortunate mon'ln tlio com pany, with four othors, woro groping about in tho blinding smoko in tho ro tunda of tho hotel whon tho tlio and cement floor gave way aud precipitated thorn Into tho Ijasomont. Tho othor four flremon managed "to climb out, though badly bruised and laooratod. The smoke was so utmaa the men wore not missed. It was only whon tho firemen reached the basomont f rom another entrance In eoarch of the origin of tho llro that tbo bodies wero found. Auothtiv Xnfindlnvy Fire In Yorouto. Toronto, March 25. Flro occurred tliis morning in tho ostabllaliment of Wllklo ColllnH, gents' furninher, Queen Ht*oot wost, nearly in Pnrkcuilo, and dld*10,000 damage, insurod for.(18,000. Tho flro is supposed to luiyo boon of incendiary origin. yaher>nn Xee-irttTiTul ou LUh Krl*. Saudusky, Ohio, March 25. For thirty- five henra, from Friday morning .until Saturday afternoon, a fishing fleet of -;-.,, ,. , ateamers, conaialing of B0 men, wore ice-' " tmi<l* whon^henrrlTed, tho eurvlyow' bound in Lukti Krlbl Tlia weather was I imdB being. eagerly. gmsp^d .over and cokl. and for a time their position wae v am by atl*io!1,l ^Jonda. Tho barg* tromaly perilous. During the past several fitlll llos osboro and at low. tide will U weeks the fishing steamers have boon 'high dry.______________________^ putting into Huron, where the crows i . would diapoao of their catch; On Priday I MR- PATTERSON'S RETIREMENT, morijhjir^ piled the ' T|ie MllI|a|-wr f Mllltlu Ways Ui Nws .. floating ico up along tho piers sovorttl; Pr.ii,str but !..not l>My it. , feet In,height ana.jor- mlloa alonu thai ,, Unn r, n% 0r tt t ^ -r* * shore. The atoainors. after several Eoura . Q^. Mawh M.^Hon J; C. Patter- Hon and party Ibft for Ottawa by tho C. Like a" Miracle In Verv Low Condition With Consumption Was Physicians Said Sho curable n- Wondorful Rosults Frorrj Taklnj.; Hood's Saroaparllla. ^Froflh arrival, of Cream of "Witch-haz el, the popular rem edy for Chapped Hands and all' Roughness of .. the Skin . Call for it now. THK DRUGGIST. Mltrn Hannah \yyatt Toronto, Onl. "Four years ngo-wldlo hi tho old emniti-y (Kn(dand), my daughter Ilaiinali waMsent ;:.v;iy from the hospital, a.i tho doctm.'i them could do nothing to help her, and said she would never ho any hotter, fcho wnn in a very low eim.lll!o:i with eoiuiumptlon.of tlio lungH and howeH, a:.d we ale net Inn of tho hfmrt. Tlio trip aci-ua.-j tin- water to tills country seemed to iimkehorfi.'H hotter-foc-a--whilo. Then she hcjian to pel wor.se, and for 11 weeks who w.ia unnhle te 1*01 off tho bed. Bho grew worao for live months and Lost tho Use of Hor Limbs' and lower part of body, and If alio sat u;> hi bed had to bo propped up with pillows, fihe would i;o ten days without a movement of tho bowcl.i. All medicine seemed to do her no (,'oodr BI16 would havo spells when her heart would pain her, and then, with the outside door open In mid-winter, would faint away, rhy&lcluaa, after holding a consultation, Said Sho Was Past All Holp and wniitod mo to send her to tho * Homo for Incurables.1 Hut I aaUl as lone as I could hold my hand up sho should not go, and about this tlmo a kind nolfdibor came In and asked mo to Kctabqttlo of Hood'a Sanmparllla ami try It. Wo did' so and she lus taken tho medicine rc^ilarly. She Is (jetting Ktroitf*, walks around, isoutfloo'rVcviU'y.daj'; hr.'i no trouldo with her throatnndno'c6ii(;h, r:vl 1:.t Iir;:;-t soeins to be allrlidit again. Hho h;*.s a' Iii*:it class appetite, Th TtiEf Vttlmis Carried on tb HoeU bj the Tldtt Losn t( l,lt*u Victoria,March 2Ct Tho tug Velos with tho bargo Pilot lu tow, loft this city Fri day night for Hoddlngton Island to pro. euro a cargo of Btono for tho now Parlia ment buildings. On board tho tug won Contractor Adams, Capt. Anderson, Mats Gherlston, Engineer Low and throe othoi members of tho crow. When passing Troll Island, which is a barren :rock, about tws mlloa from the harbor, tho captalnfound the outside passing too rough and decided to take tho inaldo passing. This Island Is the most noted place on that portion of the coast, dn account of Its fierce tide, Whon in tho midst of those tldo rips tho tug's ruddor chain biroko nndnt full opeod sho ran on tho rooks. Tho bargo Pilot brought up against her and as the barfee passed Mato Christiansen sprang aboard of her.l Tho bargo had twonty-flvo stons cutters and laborers aboard, Tho barge drifted past tho tug, breaking tho bawsoj and wont ashore on Trial Inland, all who had boon aboard of hor escaping to shoro, Tho mon who bad roaclmd tho shoro had no boat and could do nothing to assist ;tb unfortunato sbc loft alioard tho tug of whlob Oapt. Anderson la now tho only survivor. JTlnally tho tug wont down ;utorn first, loaving-hor bow partly ttlwv*i tlio wator. Controotor Adams 'and throe of tho crow woro quiokiy washed away aud drowned; Oapt). Andorr-on and Knglnoer Low, hpwovor, had lashod themselves to tho davits and thbro tlioy roraninod for eomo time, being exposed to a flerco. gale accompanied by rain and slofit, , Finally Cnpt.' Audorflon announced his: lptohilou of abandoning tho wreck and trying to roaoh tho Island by swimming, advising Mr. Low'to do tho samu, aw otherwise he must inevitably soon, perish from 0* posuro. Capt. Andorson followed out his plan and bolng caught by heavy boas, WW carrlod in on tho top of two big wavoa and thrown oh the shore In a half fro^on con dition. Tho body of Mr. Low, who.hod ronmlnod on tho wrookrwa8roco,vorod In ths aftornoon, Tho doad man wan hanging downward in the wator, he bnvlng cao- eumbodJ^o tho terrible tuciMMUra. -," -,- None 6t the other bodlofl:.havo been-w*- covortfil and luaH prpbabllUy novor wlH bo. Tho steamer;Maud broughi in; all of tbo paved.. Thoro was a wild, joyous HOOD" Sarsapanlla Is Raining In flosh ns well as strenRtb,- nnd docs ' not look pide. Our doctor s;*;.1*. he I.J [jlnd who took IIooil's Snnmpnrtlla as i'^ t- ) iIoikik;) niueh for her. %Vo rccaril her et:r<; j '. iiutliing short of a miracle." W. TVv.vtt, M Jrariau Streot, Parkdiile. Toronto, Ontario. N. V. ff yo-t dn' Ido to take I.'ocd'.i .'Juraupa- rUkt, Co not be induced to buy any oilier. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and jierfccuy harmless. Sold by all druggists. Cc. AUCTIONEER HENItY HEDUICK, Auctloneor. Saloi promptly attonded to. Audrosa South Woodeloo, One. PornoriH d^nirlng to socure me may laavo word at tho Fhe Pbkbb 0OI00. tf U. UKUK10K. DBINCrjAIR, IilOEMBED AtlOTIONKKltt i" for the Ootmty of KsMJXrBiiiHff #f Whthih DWiaion Court. All kluds of Farm and othsr Iftles con due tod jirouiptly. 3tato< ro^ousbls and fumistittd on auplloatten, uqabJrs may tLpnly m% W. D.Baauoan'senles, or At tba ofllei of Dlvlsloa Court Olsrk, Ur. Jobu liUn. r YAMiflB NAYLOIl *aK this' opportunity ol County of Kirninc, thatliu hns rupiodolcU tbaKs- biix Holler Mllbi accordIni: to |ilumi prtniaroil by K, N. ^rtcn, Ht. ThomiiH, n-nd hun itluo boorod tho HovvictiH'ot boui:iiT HTiuciiAH, an oxjiorl- oucml unci tliorouiilily cmiiotttut niULeW Thuuklnr.'tbo tioopiout thu trtwu and coaiity for til* imti-onuKo httutnv/nd upon biui Ih tlie paHt, will euuvsutoo Hiitlsfaotlou 1 the futaro. , Gristing ahd , Chopr)inp; a Specialty.' & THK BKH1' GUAPKH f>V VLOUU. VF.l&V AND COIINMKAIj K14PT IN HTOOK ANP HOLD AT lUGIlT PKIOKH. GqqH Paid for Wheat and ObIb. THE AMERICAN HOTEL ! Essdx, - Ontario. -Y^ C. LUCK, PIIOI'HIKTOK, HAH KEHN J J thorouchly pain tod aud rnplptiiuuod with now furnItuo by tho preuout proprietor. LAllOM 1UUN IN CONNldOTION. First-Clnmi Accomodation Guaranteed. ESSEX Has Just Received The Finest and Best Assortment of Boots and Shoes In Essex. Great Value in Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shnei and Oxfords. The Cheapest in the Laud, Call and EcfarYllrie and be Con vinced for yourselves, das. Douglas, Hiscn ol tho tJoidfm Boot, Whitnev Block - Pm^v JOHN OORMXjEY. LIOKNflKD AUCTIONEER for tbo County of Keaox.. 'All kinds of farm ntock sales, a to., conducted promptly and on short notion, Kates ruMsoiuble. Persons denlrable to arrange haIoh may ao na by oalUnR at tho Faaii PitKfis oftlce or by npplyluK to 4 J. GORMhTCY, P.O. BoilM Kssex.Ont. FRANK MoCLOaKKY, Muldetono. thirty, sevenyeava'experlenae as an auetloneftrfn .he Oevuty nf Kssex. Bales oonduoted promptly, iud ou reasonable terms. Partlee deibrlujf 0 (be the date for a sale <utu save thomselve' a liyo by callihtf ut thtTFnKH! Pmvhs oflioe. Wo have arraucod with Mr. MoOleokey aud.will ax ;bo dates for uslns by teloffraph, euttr*ly free of dl ohartfe to tho perflou hohUbg tbtt sale. Ad- lrofis^auklloOIoikev,UaldBtonp Cross, Ont* lets ItKT A *HITnnt*T"fc Looa, ftnd Travollna W J%IM JLXdXM Hulosmon to-haudls our Hanly Canadlau Grown Kuraory Btook. We guarantee sstlsfaetiou to rtpreaontHtlvoiund customers. Cur Uuraorivu aro the largest la the Dominion, over 700 ncroa. No nubHtitution In orders. Exeluslve territory and llhoralterms to wholo or part tlmo ncontn. Wtllo ua. , BU'ONii & WKLIilNGTON, .- <Erbttdouloo)Toroato,Ont tTho only nursery In' Cauadi-intvlnK-touUm; orohnrdH.) 44-llui Qeorg I- Jonoa,, ateaniers wapted to come into'llurop^oud! lor four Hour's attempted to mate afpjw-' satfe but failed. With nothing to eatjautl unable to gob into another porf ouaocpuut: of drifting loo, they were .campuUd..t*>,re* main out on tho bike. Mop frdtn the ateumors walked to uhbro ovorthe u6atlrig rather. pMiunturo," tbut would not say whothor It was truo or not, H^oU^r, Mawh Siibday morula* about/1).^,. it was dlsw>vor^l tlu^t tho Main stroot ohuroh was bri flro, and by NURSERYMAN, WUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Poaoh, Poar, Plum, Apple and Quinoa Xrooa, Roses. EvergKieJQfl, Uerry XlusboH, JUspberry, BUckbprry and Ourront Buuhou. All urdt-olass Utoek. Bavo agontn' 1' Big Profits ! and wrlto for prieeti. Wo will ohfler- fully answer you by roturn mail.-- . . 5ufest, Simplest,- Strongetr Solid Top Receiver. REPEATING RIFLES, &C^&\i!ii2sa2 LlBhtest, Biulcjct Worklufif, Klost ' Accurate, Cobdpoct,. Mo*t Modern mai projjTBlv* Jfor cntaloauoor'Itifortmittoit 'rtrlta to THE MARUN FIRE ARMS CO., New Hsven, Conn. .................... ' - i roK tWEHtV-riVE y^aws THECOOK^SBESTFRIENO tAnaCBT ^Al-** CAHhOA. IMaoe ia the world for young; ni aud Women to'Mura * bnalnase Edfiaatt/io,ffborthftnd,eta;,iBth DotroitliUBinoBS-.tfniverstty. De troit; Mlob. IllaBlra^dta]oue free, liofereiici*! : AH DetroltL W. P. JKWMIjb, Vn*. P. B. BPBNOKIt, fieo'yt On, KO(fd;pr"Mrioiive Ferpp Property fc 6^ AG por cent. BtraiRbt. ^ . ltiifni'ik\ ^'opviuitliiii f Kiut IlruriM. I^twios7C;""Marflh'~5. At Fonnowi ou ftalhod dh'-wivory, but thoy proyunted tlin ilr< sproivdlUK. It was aoton flro, as thojuhnd boon no ilrw In it.since Friday, , Tliorti U Splendid Apple Trees, ^l in every roepecfc, a . . , Saturday Aroblbald UUlle^ of. Twwater, , , , A , x , ohiutfiof seaso., phwa^.^Kliw: )\ Wiis' jmsiibmonslr, choWen >/i^tUt >*odo^}t^^^ vti'.' UeeUuu. bolW,0t)0rlniureaft>r.B00, No Valuation Fees. IS- OonveyanoiUR Done up lb'Nea't'Btyia ,tf Fire and Life nsutanoe^". A.E.LtiVELAC&:m mOmkm'w"-' wlf fr-h'"""" VffjfilliHfc^sMH68"*^^ 1"" iriia 4719905642