Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 22, 1895, page 7

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&: ':> :W ':-/; ill i r ' - J" 'k Ai.iff rlhHK fcuSSB >' :l*RK - ( P1DIIL LEGISLATION \'. If tho Government J)ocldo to Grant It " Thoy May bo Defeated. A BRITISH MAN HUNT. anjni, ana ino natives being muoo in m .tutt*'*1' vr ---* -t**v LOG OF THE EXPEDITION IN THE SOLOMON ISLANDS- BIDDING FOR THE FARMERS While the Parmer* lluvp lleen landed up with Upnecuury.lJux:deiia aUertulu Clnis lltavo linen (.rowing Levied upuii Tl^aiii,^ Ottawa, March 10. Tho Cabinet Coun cil culled for yoHtordny to duuldo tb'u Unnitoha Suhnol qiioMhm wan poHtpomul till to-day owing to tho lndlnpOfdtlon oi' Sir Mlbbort Tuppor, tlio.MInhUorof Jutir tlco, who ww ranllnod to iiIh )iouhu with .a cold. Premier Uowoll Bpont part of tho .'forenoon'with him,- ami they dlaoiiKKod tho mutter Imtwoon thorn- A wittiifc many itn(-thil'friuiuhi'-of M>' GnvortuUuiit mr urgliiK thoni to call a hohhIou of Purlin- mont hrordor to try and Involve tho Lib erals In their Hoh'ool policy. That In thm hope that rmnodlal lojjlHlntion would hiiA'i to be cmdnriiod by tho Opposition by thnh* votes and thou make thorn oquully re HpoiiKlblo with tho Ciovtu-imumt. Thin b [ill Imaginary, howovur, ami tho ohunci:.. aro that If n ftotudon whs hold tho Gov ernment would ibid thomHolvuH in tho minority on thin (judHtlon their. own folio worn would- dotiort thorn. At all BVentH tho Government would run a ahtineo of Iwlntf dofflrtt*d7""Vnd If m thuy would have to rotdgn, anil a now Govern - mont would hnvo a rlfrlib ..of lminwllatn illKKolutlon and tho Connorvatlvos out of lofllco would riot come haul; with a cor- Iportd'H guard, 'Thore in another reason why Parliament will not lllcoly bo called 'together. If It Ih wrltH will have to hu laauod for now oloetlonn Immediately In Quebec West, .Antlgoniidi and Voreheren, which are wow vacant by tho death of Mr. Heam, Mr. Geoffrlon and Sir John Thompson. A prominent ConKorvatlvo admitted the other day that the Govern ment under Riioh clruumtitanicua could Xjimh All Thro* SuU, Tho doopor tho doprowdon In bufilnon and tho larger tho 'deficit grown "{ho Tew* In clined la Mr, J?OHter to moot Pari lament, and thoro Ih not the slightest doubt that tho rumora about a Keiwlon have their foundation In tho anxloty of Hitting mom- bora and n fow others with whom tho wish is father to tho thought, lleauwhllo the Government Ih losing-ground ovory day. Tho uuinbor of mlnlatcrlallrits who are refusing to face tho mutdc at t.ho 'gfinoml eleotloiia .Is qui to large. Tlio Hon. J. C. Patternon, Mlnlntor of Militia, inado dew- pornto efforts! to get Judgo Mellugh, County Judge of" Kk'hox, to conio down from tho bench and boar tho party Btnud- ard in North-Khhox. Ho got tho conven tion to offer tho nomination to tho Judge, but after reflection bin honor rofuKod It, and tho ConRorvatlvos of North Khmix are ill; a WorBO plight.than ovor, owing to the TlFffifillmTund rllKKcntloiiH caused by Mr. Patternon'h attonVpb to forco a candidate upon, thorn wIioho acceptance of tho nom- Thy tiurimd Many ViligB.( l.ut Kllloil Ko Cmit)>iU Mk-<ih TIitwukH th* _WBuijy Vtrt It* ih* VllUr- f'th Hoy N*tlv*a. i The crow of H. M. S. Uoyallst have been on a man hunt In tho Solomon inlands Tho Itoyallnfc was ordered to tho IfihindH shortly nftor a captulu of a trading Vowel imnmd Donald Q^'y had boon erually mur- dored at Kublaiia; New Georgia, by tho Soyu nativoa under their oh I of Kuvorala- ho. On arriving at tho^'SolomonH," after calling at ITgl, Banta AnnjgBiid at a fow other islands lostiwrlved rttMarovo lagoon, HuppbHoa to lit* libout forty mlloM lrom the Hceno of tho mUrirler, wrltna a momlier of the expedition. J lore tho cap tain gluanud all tho information 'pouwlblu. Tho nntlvuH were vory friendly, Illra,. tho A deemed It advliinblo to got out of the river ^AilflBlWC - Ifw.OITlOll Wore dark, and gave the word to retreat, ^j^ pale 0r Sallow completions, We turn Iwick and met the flrat cutter Juat %* rt /mntirtin trying to pan, the peeoud barrier. Their or' WWg-'from pkin ^upUOm boat had been too heavy to got over, tho or scrofulous-blood,Will find qiPK flratVroe; bo thoy hod had to cut tho email- relief in Scott's Eniulsion. All est part of'the tree and get through ,tht 0f the stages of Emaciation, p.n4 a. way. Our p^r^rwa now passed to the cxltral 3ec\\nc of health, are urt cutter, nil hands jumped out, and8h KG'cj" j waaqulclcly towed over. Wo then went speedily, cured, back In our lwnfc and lod tho way down the river, giving orders to tho flnrt cntter to land and burn everything on tho way down, which wan quickly done, whllo we went on and burned all tho villages at the mouth of tho river. Ultimately We Arrlvod back at tho ship about U o'clock without any mhuulvauturo. Tho Boy natives are considered tlio most troncViorouHcaunibalH and dotorm tned head hunters hi tho world. Thwlr chief Is called Man Choy, Several' ihenof-war have at- Scott's mulsion takes away the pale, haggard look that comes with General Debility. _................ ___.._ It enriches the blood, stimulates teiuptwi'tocaTrtu'ro^mV the appetite, creates healthy flesh having always made for tlio Interior of the Island and dolled Tptlrault. During tho burning of JiIh huts several bleached ukulU chief, doing all ho could to hhhIh^uu, .. A i wore seen. ./The small^ stream we traveraod fow days nftor this piir'eiiptaTu adrrrtUtVl- "Mft**'Hi^p^.e'^d^to'm.tvHl^n,, explored by gating lieutenant, Mr. Heovos, took four" .white men before. Man Choy, or Man Soy* utoamboat and reconnoltorod tho neimo of' tho murder, and found It was hot udvlunblo to take our ship farther. The natives hero uro confiriuod' bond hunters and eannlbals and troiiohcrouM la tho hlglioat dogroo. Thociiptaln, returning In the Ktambon,fc, gave ordora for about fifty, blue, jackets and marluoi's to bo ready to luave the ship atS'Jti a.m. Mr. Atkinson, who had taken In known to uh rm Kovornlaho. 'The Idea of'these nntlvoHlngotthigliends In that unloHS two mon's IioiuIh are put. on tholr war canoos' hows directly they are built and launched they will always bo at tended wlth'dinaiitor. They uro confirmed cannibals, and always keep tho heads of tholr victims uh trophies. Sometimes thoy hang up logs and arms to dry; tho flesh Is ch'aigy of tho trading station at tho (loath , Mnakod"*boforo being eaten. of-Mi^' Guy, it was also arranged whoiild be of tlio party, and two or throe natives to act as guides. Wo turned out at 2:110 "the next morning. 'The first, or lurgo, cutter. KING OF-CniMINALS* and brings back strength and vitality. ForCough*,ColdsiSoi'oThroat, Bronchitis, Woak'Lungs, -Consumption and Wasting Disoasos of Children, S/ui/Jof our pamphlet. -Maihd PR EH* Scott U uowne, Belhsvllle, All Druaflhd*- EOaML SEVEN YEARS OF SUFFER ING- PEOUUrAHEXP'lGlttltllQWCB OF A HAMIbTON MAN. r~* T*- "Xa Upon having Featherbone Corsets.- Refuse all ctibatltutes. _. ----------Sao lhT/ nro stairipnd thus: j^^.t:- PATENTED TvC'PT. 3i'tt; 100*. No 20110. NONt; ARE (il-i^lJIMp UNLES3 GO STAMPED. J. GOTTKLAY & S.6&S, ESSEX, ONT, i jjiatlon would have been nothing short of ndocont. Mr. Patterson told a frlond ire the otbor day that Hn JiIh opinion JiWgo MoHugh was tho only man who had uny chanco of dofeatlngMr. McGrogor in North Kshox. If this Ik ho, then the Government must now give up hopo of getting back what was formerly ono of tholr fltrougholdrt, but which now may he counted as a T-dboral entrenchment. In Vrontonao tho Conservative member, Mr. Carscallen, has declined re-nomlnatlon, and in a number of other conBtituoneh's tho samo thing h)is happened. A charac teristic of the proRont campaign is tho ^number of vory strong candidates who havo conio out In tho Liberal interest, not alono in Ontario, but all over tho Dom inion. Iliddlng for tlm Furmr.' In tholr doflperato offort to bid for the votes of tho farmers, tho Government am taking, oxtraordlnary stops.' First .they otforod to buy tho' buttor at 20o a pound, and send it to England, and now. they havo decided to appoint a farmer to collect agricultural atntistloH, correspond with farmers' societies and, of course, Issue bullotlufl. In othor words they will add to tho staff of tho Agricultural Depart ment by tho appointment of Komo strong upholder of tho .National Policy, who wllli with tho assistance of the Dominion statistician, sign,his name to a number of bulletins of more or loss value. .The statls- tlcal branch of tho Department is at pres ent in duty bound to issue theso statistics, and If thoy wore aoousod of neglecting this duty would probably reply that It had boon attended to carefully, and that tho interests of tho farmers had not sufforcd. A Sharp Contrast: . In this connection it is -Interesting to examluo tho policy of tho Government. If thoy realized that agriculture was tho ' fcroat staple industry of Canada, and acted M-upoh that belief, thoy would roliovo tho farmers of any unnecessary burdens. Instead of that thoy havo loaded upon tho J backs of tho farmers such a weight cf tax ation that thoy havo staggered along under it, amid great difficulties, with tho mortgngo dobt accumulating. On tho other hand-a-cor-taln class havo boon grow ing rich out of tho taxes levied on tho farmer, a olaus which comprises only a ", small proportion of tho people, and whose promt bo to provide a homo market for tlio farmer has resulted in. an- increase of population of 11 per cont. during tho last ten yearn afl compared with 18 per cent. In tho ton years provlous to tho National ' Policy. It Is Indoed a mystery why so much attention Is paid to tho mannfac- ' turer by tho present Govrrnmont, why ho Bhould only glvo a little attention to tho fanner on tho nve of an election, anil then '"only to tho oxtont of 'appointing a parti- t uj to ono of tho departments to print lmlletlnB. Tho trado of tho country con sists so far as our exports uro concerned of only between six and floven millions of ".'dollars in manufactures, whllo tlio ex- . ports of agricultural products run up to between fifty and sixty millions. Tho Government have, however, applied A Ttutt to Their rtiiiewrlty by passing hn Ordor-in-Councll last Nov- *mbor, under which manufacturers will . got back -all tho oustoms duty they pay , on w*w material entering Into goods or-. ' jjnrtod. For,.lnstanco, if an agrloulturi4 machine is manufactured for South i .America, no duty is collected on tho ma- ttn*iul entering*, but if it la mnnu- faetured.ond-flold'to a Canadian farmer * "he haH to pay full duty. It; Ih surely not '; a* .wlwv i>lloy to tai Canadian farmorfli ' for the benefit of their ooipotitori li '.foreign juarkots. It is nothing abort o aii outrage. , t. ' ;K"' -i' Lunenburg, N.S., Llbemlfi have'nobtlii- Sp^'J,. li. Klnhuer( ex-M.P. w thelf Nity '; k ' fc-^"^' B&m^itte^cWs." ' THiiour.n Tnsi BWAMry vorestb. with a seven-pounder mounted, was in charge of First Lieutenant Smith and the gunner, The socond, or small cutter was in chai'^e of Lieut, Cousett and Midship man Wllliums, and carried a. dvo-barrolod NoidenfcltrBtaff-Surgcon Qunttio being with Lho captain la tho steamboat. We proceeded about thirty or forty miles, pushing between islands, dodging reefs and other obAtructiona, until wo saw a large river near the scene of the murder. The StuHlIni? Curwor <>t 1*. W. Mudett Aj(luB II. XI, Kloltnu*. Of course you liave hoard of H. IL Holmes, all-round swindler and export crookP You have also read about other frauds. Porchanco you luivo oven Hpent nn hour or two with Sherlock Holmes, tho wonderful creature brought forth by Dr. A. Coii an Doyle's genius Sherlock Holmes, thovman who dkontanglod mor .mybterioun knots than nil tho Scotland Yards force put togothor. But Sherlock, of imagination, is not as pro> foundly Interesting as Is II. If., hid oppo site, at present au Inmato of tho Jail afc t ,T Philadelphia. H. H. Holmes, swbidler,!Mr' Kcbfiirt, who hvw at No ghoul, Incendiary, porchanco murdcror, M lUilwuy Ayenua. found him very out- is unquestionably the most daring and i ipoken in bis RdmiuaUns an to the bencnt NeurmltflumMdelXlH Llto aiUi>vDb](r- Itltuy KteititfdlcH wre trl*d lu Vain At Mjnt relief Cm-IIow be ObalM. t-dlt. " - - . H. tfrom the Oanadiutt KvatiflollBt.-HHmiltoii. ' A roeuiberof th stuff of Tim Canadian Dvangllst in oouveruation reaently^witk / ^\. most eccentric criminal of our time, Herman W. Mudgott, subsoQUontly known oh H. H.Howard and H. H. Holmos, was born a short <dlstanco from London, N. II. When but sixteen years of ago ha ! taught a country school at GUmartin, und \ re0ftjy-[j frdm thuui that begun to save money to study medicine at | . . .4 . , , . , , , ,. , M wL . Turlington, Vt. Just about thin time he >d'J^ hlu d^ to lcfc othors Umow wh* mot a handsome young, woman, named j Pink Pills have done for hiin- Mr. Hethor- Clara Lovering, fell intolovoand waamar- ington wau a nevore sufforor from noumlpjl^ Hud. Soon.afterward the couplo loft Bur- f0r boot fi.vea years. It' bothorod him ^lington, whore Mudgott had started Ills he had derived from the uso of Dr. Wil li am** Pink PHIh, and anxious that their aaod qualities should be mudo widely known. He io ho thankful for tho good be he nayii ho con- Hero r cHPi,d a canoe niakhig towardI , ^^^^^^^:%TrZ,Z \ >*"* ia tll h"d. ^W* With two tiiitiTCb In It these-turned out to A , M, , wlierfl, Infcmuled to the pain was often ua excessive, mid the he two guides scut out by a friendly chief ...,....,_____ ..,...__. . .. .) ..... guides scut out by a friendly from a place called No-No, situated up tho same river, only on tliu opposite-bank to tho pinto wo iutonded destroying. ,\Vo took these two new guides on board and followed tlio large river some miles, until we worn told that the best the Soy natives was up "Wo found this small stream and the steamboat was about to steam up the mouth whon she grounded, but was quick ly got off and was moored in tho centre of tho largo river to prevent a surprlso. The offlcors and guides then came on in tho second cutter, followed by tho flrstcuttor. The stream hero was just wide enough to allow us to uho our oars; tho troou and foliage, bush and shrub wore so tbick and dense on the banks aa to hide everything from view more than a ynrd from tho water's edge. The captain now gave orders for tho guns to bo uncovered and loaded. In a abort time wo passed a large deserted vil lage, arid, rounding a bend In tho river, we wore stopped by a large obstruction thrown across. . This proved to bo a largo gum tree, about two feet in diameter; it stretched from bank to bank and com pletely blocked the stream. Deeming It impossible to pass this a landing party was formed, the othors remaining behind to .look after tlio boats and lino tlio ban Its of the stream, with instructions if thoy heard firing to follow us. We hnd not j gone along tho banks of tho river moro ' than 000 yards when our guides dls- ! covorod footprints, showing plainly whore some of tho natives had boon to watch our ' boats through tho trees, so wo started to ' explore tho bush. Finding nothing, wo ' resumed our journey as before, tho under growth, mud, nml miro being almost im- ! penetrable; treading on fallen trees which I looked solid, but which were merely rot- [ ton, spongy masses teeming with Insects and malaria; through swamps In which wo.sank knee deep, and tripping over creopors. Tho heat of this tropical forest ' was fearful, although the Him could not ] penetrate ovurheud. After about two miles of this, when wo cumo to a village; but it was again deserted, mi tho natives watching our boats had spread the alarm ..and we could hoar tho "toot-toot" of their war horns as they rushed through tho i bush well ahead of us, Wo searched tlia ! village, but found nothing but a human arm bung un~to dry tlio ghastly ronmins of a cannibal feast the rest of the body having been eaten, We attempted to push furthor on, but found the bush had grown practically im- ; penetrable, so wo set fire to tho village, and retraced our steps back to tho boats, ' resolved to penetrate further by wator-if wo ; could not by land. The captain accordingly take a degree. After living for a time at j aorouoBs no great that bo could uaiiracly walk. He tried, as a matter cf courio, to his wife's expense, Mudgott formed an In tlmato acquaintance with a follow-stu-1 n ., Mft dent who seemed to take . considera-1 flnd rollof' *1"1 m doiv* fl0 "Itd rnany " bio interest in insurance frauds. Whon. tllfl* ranMOdios. but aone of them were of b'wav "to",got"at" *!U0 coUeK*ato-torm Wft3 ver, the two men ' ftuy'beEifft' to him.. In Augueht laiit his-1 a flmall stream. >Vtint3 to CI/lenK*^lh^ ^udgett's. frlond ; a-tentiou was called to Dr. VVilIiat--' ..P^j HAULING II. M, 8. ROYALISTS CITTTJEIt. gave ordors to got the boats ovor the tree, tho marines remained on tho banks to pre vent a surprlso, all omcers and men strip* ped, dismantled all gear-.irom the small cutter, and by stronuoun exertions nmuug- cd to got It over. Tho gunner and gim- nor'a mate wore ntmt Into tho flrstcuttor, and trained the sovon-pounderou the bush. Loavlng Instructions for the first cutter to got through If -possible and follow on speedily, we pushed- on about two miles, when a second trpo, slnillarly pjnecd to the ilrst, waa observed, and the. same perform*^ aiico liiul to 1k) t?ono tjfrough again. Aftot pjiHidng five or six minor obatruotlpns tile, istrnam bdgurt U g:et .vbrynkrrow uud'idua^ low, the trees mot overbtiod, and1, the^t! tercoustatitl.x grounded. .' i .'It wim now getting late lu tho day, the nWu hud find arttldhg to at for slwmr-four; fiu houru, .the Urol cutter wjw not iu ' was insured for $lQt!>00. Some, time later i tho couplo procured a corpse and sent it to Connecticut whore It was "planted" inn secluded spot near tho seashore, and In due time "Identified by Mudgett as. that of his friend. Tho insurance company paid the face value of the policy to tho conspirators, and tho two young frauds wont back to the university with $0,000 apiece. Tho successful issue of this swindle mado Mud gett, known frqm that time on as Holmos, n confirmed criminal. His accomplice lator on turned ovor a now leaf, and is now practicing medicine in New York city. After graduating from tho university Holmos had charge of a department la the lcob' Pink givo the hi a IL W. MUDQETT, AMAB nOLMEfl. Norristown, Pa,t insane asylum for six mouths. Later ho was clork in a Phila delphia drug store. Rut ho could not for got tho success of his firat venture in crime. One day ho resigned his position and went back to Chicago. HIh first wife and boy had since returned to New Hampshire. Ho assumed the name of H. H. Howard, hunt ed up his medical frlond, who was then located In Chicago, and before a year had Pillii, and he determined to trial, and procuring a supply bv^au their tl^o. Iu about two weoks ha found him- ii.tlI much roluvud and found the paius [disappearing, aud after uniug Pink Pills for a few wiiciks longer every ventre ol-.tb* pain had disapptrarud, aud he wan ne well aa over. ]Vfr. OeiheriuRtou ban refraiuod from mckiug any public statement before for the reason that be wished to bo con vincod that bin cure wan oompleto, and hu s bow satisfied upm this point. In ro ily to ii queation Mr. Uotherington said ho Was aatiBUod that lint present ooudition is due nutirely to tlio una of Piuk PilU. Ha- foro beginning them he- had diicontinuod o'.her roedioinos, aud whon he found thm bulpiijg him had continued tboir uno until h felt that ho wan fully cured. Ho fur tnor remarked that ho now felt like a- now man, "Formerly," said ho, "when I got up iu the Morning I was so stiu and tired I oould hardly walk, while now I fjot up fooling froab aud ready to go to work. I have not felt any of the pains aluce last (September, and I wouldn't again suffer for iene day the pains I forraorly endure a for I the price ef twenty boxes of pills." Mr. Hetbermgton in not the only mem ber of the family who has experienced tho beneficial results of Pink Pills. One of bis daughters, a grown up young woman, wau quite ill for a month or six weeks, and aftor a oenrae of Pink Pills is again fully restored to health. Dr. Williams'Ptak Pills havo a remark able oflloacy in ouriug diseases ariaing from un irosoverisbed condition of the blood, or passed "tho "two conspirators had" swindled .,rom fcU impairment of the nervous lyBtem another insurunco company out of $10,000. With tho money aocured by this operation ho purchased a drug store and entered Into various swindling schemes, out of which, he claims to havo mndo tUO.OOO. On October 18, Chief of Polleo Harrlgan, of St. Louis, received a note from..Marlon C.-Hedgapeth, tho Glondalo train robbor, In which was given an outline of tho plan hatched by Holmos and Pltzol to rob the Philadelphia company. During ono of his eccentric visits to jails and prisons Holmes had met Jludgftpoth and explained to him Ms manner of swindling insurance com panies. The train robber gave Holmes the name of an attorney who, ho thought, might be willing to manage a crooked piCco of work, und'in return was promised a reward-of $500. TIiIh reward Holmos never-paid, and to socuro rovenge tho train robbor "squealed." Holmes was arrested onacliarge of conspiracy, but may bo tried for murder, for choro Is some roason to suppose that "Pitztil was Ida accomplice, although Holmca claims t}iat tho body found in tho.;CiilIawhlU.: atroet iiouso was a corpse shipped to Philadol phlu from New York. Much that-ls hor- ; Bold ,n h(||k Qr by the doaon or hlir. riblc will, no doubt, bo brought out at hla * . trial. Tho crimes cohftissud by himself .d b *ny ^**** *toH o*ltllU^ <iro swindling schemes to tho amount of ni this form should lie avoided, AHk lor (1150,000 or $200,ooo; The ' brim** of which Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills far Pale People ho ia suspected arc; the, murtlera. of Annlo ; umj^r.pW ttn .^ifttlons unci eubstitutus; v . . THE TRIUMPH CJ^N SHELLER M . 'P'-i-j Machino consists of a horizontal c'aut.cylindor^'with. wrought.irort." bnia, with Rtcol teeth boltqd to Lho C)Under Bi> as to bo rovorsiblo...whon ih< tccih. l-(!como w( vn on tho iVonfc fliclo, running in a performo'd concavo iron -hell, which tlio hIioIIocI corn paseoa through into a shoot iron ciiho, with a fan cr clc nor ntt ;chod behav, which takca ail tho-diiBt from tho grain. Tho ohoajiept, bo*!, nvflt Him]>le and durnblo Power Com Shollor in uso; flholls coivi perfectly clc 111 ir> any co- ditic 11 ^helling and cleaning from ono to two . thnuBa-iicl IiiihIicIh of oars per day. according lo nowor. Pimknsionh. Pulley, 10 in. diam eter, rt in. face; Motion, 300 10 800 revolutions per minute; Weight, C50 lbs. EVERY 3HELLEK V/ARRANTE0, _ J. GOURLAY & SONS( 200.000 WEAK MEN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS- XGTGURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY I "IOC-Vfl II *1 Nftrvou* and doBpondontj woalc or dobiliiatcul; ttwl niornlnait; nsm-,, AllL I UU I hltioo ouaily futigned: oxcitablo and lrriUblej ( oyos fluukee, rod and bfurrod; p-mploH on fnco; druma and nlaht |mhm; roatlwa; hapftard lookltiifi.wflnk hnclc; bono imini-: hair lonn; ulenri; sore throat; varlaoclDi dpouit in nrinn nnd drnhm tit stool; diHrunlfal; vrimtoioonadenco; luck ox |.W<>rtf>-.tmUBtMnetli-tVE' OAN CURB YOU 1 WE'JSrOJfETD TO MANHOOD BY D/?S. K. A K. JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN A. MANUK. CHAP. POWEKS. 0HAS. POWBUfl. m* lilia/OHK rmuTMXNT. avi'ku 'iiuatuknt. nxvouis TllKAUlKN'r. AW-m. TUICATMUIt. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. V VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AHb IMPOTENCY CURED. John A. Mnnlin mtyn: "I wnaonnof tlio ooantloca vic tims of early iff nor unco common cud tit 15 yonru of atfo. I tried sovon modicnl firms and npont $iM!0 wlthont avail. I ijavo op In dnHpntr. Tlio drnhiH on my syat-m wcrrt ' wnakonlntr my intellect as well an my soxmd and physical lifo. My wothoriulvlood me nun list roaort to commit Dro. Konnoily A Korsnn. 1 commoncad tholr Kw Method Treatment nnd la a row woolen wila a new man, with bow II fo und ambition. Thin wna four yonr** n^o, and now 1 am married and happy. X racommottd the*a reliable upOclallBbi to all my aflHoUxl followmon." CURBS GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.- CONFIDENTAL- *^rlieTicp of early boyhood laid tho foundation of m;r ruin. Idifar'on a "eny llfft" and oxpmaro to blood di- DtiUea computed tbo wroak. I hnd all tho lymptomti of Nftrroii* DebiUtr-Hiankonoy.emUsionR, drain In nrlno, kinrvoanii6firi, wetik book, oto. Byphilirt canmwl my hidr to fall ont, bono pain*, ulcer* iu mouth and 011 tonenn, ____ blotches on bfidy, nits, I thank God I triad Dr. Kannndy A Kran. Th*y roatorcd mo to honlth, vlcor and happlnosti.' Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. CHAS. POWEH& flnoh ,! of a^potite, doproeaioti or wpiri' b( auoQiuia, ohloroois or ^roou uicknoay, ({anorai wmoulur weakusoR, diKniuoBN, bus of- moiuory, locomotor ataxia, paralyses, J tmiatioa, rhnuxutism, St. Vitus' danco, the j after effects of la grijnpo. ocrofula, ohroLij j iryaiplan, oto, They aro aUo a npooitlo } for tUo toabloa paouhar to the Comal0 ' ByptorjQ, correcting lrro^nlaritiei, mippreu- moos and all forma of female wcfiknunD, baildiiiR aiitw th bJoo^npd rentoring .ihu.. fjlow of hnaltli ttr tho' pilb/'krhl' .qoIIow! clieok. In thooano of mon thoy effect 11 ' radical nura m all oasov atiHlng from men ! tal worry, overwork or xcesueu of niiy' nature. Theno PiIIh are not a pur^ativu : mcdiciDo. They contain only life-giving ^roportiov, and nothing thut could inpi-ro . tt\e mout doiicata nyutiom. Dr. Wilharaa' PiulcPillfluroaold only in boxoa bcarmfl tho firm's .trade raurk un*t wrapper (printed in rod Ink.) They lire tSTW* treat an$ curs Varicocele, Emissions, Ntwous Debility, SiminaiWeakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syf>hi/is, Unnatural Msc/targes* Self Abus*t Kidney and Bladder Diseases. ^__________ 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. READER! Awf yon n vlotim? Havo yon lost hopo? Aro yon cnntmplating raor- *"" hhI bf endiBooflad? Ilavoyonany .What it ban dono will do for yon* navoyonany WAnynanH? Onr plating: ilcnanH? rltujo? Huh yonr Blood Iw on diaonflod? Kftw Method Troatmont will euro yon. .What it ban done .....------ . . BU^^0MfiA6^D'2^HWRlTTEN CONSENT. PMr VATB No medicine Br nt C. O. 0 No names on boxes or *nvel~ orVso? Everythlrur confldontlBl. Question Hat and cost of Treat-, merit, FREE. _______ DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, NoTKS.T- ; """v"-'*,-u. WUUftmi), B;-F. Plfcssdl,'* und AUco, Nolllo and Howard Pltzel. Holmes Ih a iiorvy . man/but ho will nood ullhlnnorvo to clear. liiniHclf of thoflo tcrriblo suspIclouH. , . It had boon HutfgcBted tlmt tho contrast iMitwoen the bihcKtftnd .whlto of a prlptod page would hts Ieaa trying to tho eye if the Dr. WiiriamV PmU Pilla may b.t had or all druKifiattf oif direct by mull from Dr. Wiill*hM- MaJioTuvi' Xotnipany, Broakvdio, Out<, or Bahnwtady, N, Y., at fifty oeuU a box, or aix box*ia for 2,60. axure,'yellow or grown. been received a to tha a twriuient amoqir diaiute The pbpl amokly rccgoiW merit, and thia la ib rW>o thaa|ea el Hpod'a 6r- aparilla are voontiuoilly incrMin^ Nd reports bar* -^ .*.- ^ SifVIhoVx' '."H***'* >a **on op." Kinsr-of.iill ,v Bicycle. Light Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma> chlnefully warranted Absolutely , the Best. Superior flatertal 5 Styles HlghB$! Honers it the World's Co Umi twMort -Alt. Monarch Cycle ^mpaiiy^ Rctatl S*derooa, fc WalwA Ave. ,'t. fCbtma ited uurchaaera ___________ .'(V; x *., ijL-."^-.'

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