Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 15, 1895, page 8

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"^vwqwr* rT' :i------'rWrt TTHB U^SSJfiA KWFl h PKP*^^ 51 - DOWN IN TORONTO. 1 , TIEDEMANN WHO IS A GENIUS AMONG GERMAN SWINDLERS. A Sample of III* MetUodi-HoW He <)<> Sevon ThouMmuI Itollnr* from llnrmuti nronsol 00 n irortrml ll<>,M How tin XVa Capttirntl. There la a clojm ot Gormanalu New York whoBo hjivIdhh, it; hpcnm, uro destined for the pockota of advoutmoru. Some of thoHO nro Gurnum uoblmnou, according to their own Hhowinpf, imd ofchora nro oaMawyorn andox-morchanta from tho other aldo Jill glib und fluent tnlkora who dllatoonblK financial achomoa. They ^ot a good llvuitf diverting tho accumulatlona of honoab, hard working Germans into tliolr own leaky pockota, A man who In mi excellent representa tive of tho oiinb Hido Gorman adventurer a mau^KjjflH accural of putting intoprua* tic about all tho J-rleka I have enumornt- d, and a Rood many more has juafc boon run to life hiding plnoo In Toronto, Cana- I*vby-oiic of hln vlctlma. Ilo la nccuaod f aurhidlluR nlmoat every one with whom, ho came in contact, of robbing tho pooroat of what little thoy hud, and of acting tho rolo of a hoarttoHH tlilat IIIh niuno I*i FrctltirlcjAiL^mann and hia hailing TiTlannmWrtf, which ho loftbocauao ho had to. Ifc la wild that In Bromon ho waaongagod to marry a young woman belonging to a family of high jjtnndlng, but hla arrest, conviction and aontenco to five yearn im- priaonmont foraomooffonco porhapa per jury Interfered with the match. Tho man who kuowa most about him In thia city Ifi Ilorman Bronzol, who litat week wont up to Toronto dUgulsod as a bsteetlvo and triumphantly captured him. Brouxcl la ono of thono Gormana who la adwaya looking out for some swindler Who waiiU Ida monoy, and tho awlndlor flnda him movt accommodating. In thoao dayH Browzol bad about $10,000; In thoRO ho baa well, about enough to pay hta faro back from Toronto and a little over. In hia cany going way, whllo mokirig Ha pipe ono Sunday, Brenzol waa looking vortho ndvorthements in tho papor of doubtful financial operations. Ho found <tnc calling for tho Instant appcarancoof * man who could apeak English, French, German tind Italian, and next morning bo wont to tho ndclroaa indicated, puld la $1,000 as security for tho proper discharge of bla duties, and began work an cashier of rather suspicious looking bank, Tho Tproaldonfc of tho hank waaa aharp financier uamod Gottachalk. Breir/ol Rat at a window pver which wan painted in largo letteWrthcn'vord "Canhlor." Ho felt very proud for two daya, but on tho third it dawned on him that tho whole "hank bad been organized to got hla $1,000, In Ida rago ho tore down tho sign "Caah- Jor," kicked over bla stool, and after tolP lug ProHldcnt Gottschallt what bo thought of him, demanded tho money back, aud, of course, mob with a blank refusal. Whllo Hitting at his window "Cashier" iJronssol made tho acquaintance of Tiede- Wiann, who had been banging about tho promlaca. Bronze! now thinks, looking for itoino one to fleece. To htm. Breti/el con fided hia troubles. Aa it now appears, Tiodomonn resolved that ho wanted all the JAS. D, ANDERSON & Co r BANKER3, ~ ~r Noxt to Aberdeen Hotel, Essex. Monuv tA 1om on Varmftm Motno; Nt*u boii|[ht or ColluoUd; Moimy to loan on MortjfiLifttH at lovsfotit niton ntnl bout toyniH. Fire Insurance Agents, etc W.Ladzon, living near Teonmnoh, wan on Wednuntlay cotivietud of plaolng an ob atructlon, in tb Hbttfe of a Btoul rail, on tho G. T. It. track, Tho mu|t(Htrato and proieoutora did not rfflrd him at quite heluo and ha way allowed to go on utpeud- d MnUnao, bull for 8200 boiug taken. Luckily thd obBtrnotiou w onoimutorud by a freight wlnoli preceded tho oXprosB out of Windsor, ~~~ ~ SHE IS ALWAYS RIGHT. FRBDKRICIC TIKDKMANN. Amateur cashier'a monoy for himself, and to bo began negotiations with Gottachalk to got It back, and by tliroatii and sharp practice lie gotib back. Tiodemann didn't care anything about Gottschalk. Ho was looking out for himself, for Brenxol had 0,000 more in the hank. Having hecurod complete pos'.efialon of Bronzel, our hero carried him off and mnde hfm go into partnership with him in a money londing eHtabliahmcnt, Bronzll supplying tho capital. Thoy loanod money tit fine rntos of Intereat, and Tledomann aald they were getting rich, but ho madolt uo unpleasant for Btenzp.l that tho latter gob out, leaving his partner In anlo charge Before doing ho, however, Bren/el dv manded a bond, f,o that ho might bo sure tho othor man would not leave town with hla money. That didn't worry Tiodemann. Ho came to Bronzel one day with a hand- ttomcly engiosaud document, In which one Carolina Nussbaum certified that hho was worth $-10,000, aud that who would be re* uponalhle for Tiedomanu'a peculations. "My," exclaimed Brenzel, "wbatapenu- tiful pondl Bat'uall right, moin fround," at.tlio aamo time alapplng him on tho back. Now Urumiul Baya tho bond ia tho ugll- *at ono be ever mtw, that it ia a rank \oy{ gory, ami tlia* Carolina Nnssbaum iHn'b worth ten cents any way, and it would bo worthle-.B cvon if id were genuine. . But not knowing 1 but in thoae daya, Biciiy-L-l ga\e TiedL'mitnn a poxvor of attor ney that, enabled him to collect about $7,000. Then \u skipped. Brenyel, aa haa been said, buiauie an mnatour deti'ctivo. Ac found out by exorulamgaomo ingenuity that bo mo of the fugltivo'u furnituro had been ahipped to Toronto. Tlcdt'imuui all tlin binio waa living In a ftmall houHoou tho ouukirta of Toronto, under i\\\s name of Alfied Schutto. Be tolluwLit tho lowly occupation of pedler font pitiuro frumo lumsu, and as ho wont from door to door Hollciilng bualncsa ho looked x'ory unliko tho prosperous, koon Goiman ex lawyer for whom the Toronto -filcuth hounda of tho law woro bunting. Xn hla lipuso, where IiIh wlfo and three children wumud to bo living almost in poverty, thoro wna only ono room that could lie aaid to be comlortably fumluhtd The mooting of the ihl'ii waa qui team uh- ing, Breuztd juiuped xip unci down tlio room chuckling and occasionally omitting riea of genuine plcaaure. '*! (tin delighted to aco 3*011, my dearoab ' friend.- Uiwo you your money with youf ... Oh, how charmed I am to nee you* ouco Hxnot'e.\ Then ho clpingcd'hla tone, and becoming black with vagu yolled oubi "Oh dogl Oh, you tiiiolf' Tledemami loudly pro tea ted hla iuno- . 'ttence* but Bii-nki'I wjta raaolved that h iu>*tooinoui New York mid Htaml trial, 'M | >w!t*t>J^-. er_^. ^OOAI&JpCRSOHaL Hairy Wiglo roturuod to Blind Kiyor, 'lipoma, on l-Yidny laat. Mr. A. 13. Smith win in Detroit and Windsor on butduoBB Ihiw wcok. Mr, .7.C. Whitney, editor of tho ltoduoy Maronry, rotumod to hmliome on Monday. Editor Churlm Clark, of tho Comber Ilrrald, paid allying viHit to towu yoater. day. LaHt wook'H AmborAtburg Kcbo: Mrs. W. lining, of Urrox, iu vimtiug at Duniol Botaford'a. Dr. J. W. Brion, who baa boon ooufinod to the houfio for a few d&yfl. iu, ablo to bo out ngaiu. Mr. Waltor Jamas, of Cottam. roturnnd on Tuesday from an oxtondod buflinona rip to SonthMBtctn Mifloouri. Mr. uud Mr. John Albsfl rotumod on Mcnda> from an oxtondod visit with friutida 111 Simcooand tho Oiiut. Gitmo Wurdon Quallmi, of Loamiufiton, in companv with deputy gamo warden Gormloy, paid an ofllciul visit to Burronud- iiij; points thia wooU. Mr. Jolm Milno loft for tho east agiiin on TaoBday to rcBumo bin work of A. O. U* VV. organization, from which ho bai bcou haviua a nhort vacation. MIhb Stroohn who baa boon on an ox tonded vitiit to her bomn iu Southampton, roturned toKuaox yoatefday and will tako <h*rgo of the milliuory dopartiuont ut Metnim. Biouel und Brickor'a storo. Mrs. OraddoDb, of Wiarton, Mm. T. Sunypo ^r^hfl(^fiHoklHit*7*f-BftrriwrrTnr tivua of Air. A. W. Gardnor, woro in(tuwn for a fow dayu thia week, and attending tho funeral of tlio lata Mra. Gardnor. Mr.^Wm. Cburcl oxpactu to loavo to-day^ for Toronto, to uttend the Giaud Council of CaniLcban Order of Chosen Friondd, which oonvencB in tlmt city noxt wook, Ilu will vinit hm old home, in Pool county, while ubHeut. Mma Ida J. Emonck loft lowu on Tuos- b ly evoning, on hor way to China whara uho will engage in Christian raiatiionary work. Muh Emonck waa for two yoara principal of tho Ehhox pubho aohoolfl, and hxe been highly esteemed as a raombar of tho Mutliadiat church, aud of various ro- I ^ioufl~orgunlzatiouu in towu. Sho will trxvol, via Chicago, to tho Paoiiio couot tlnncuby ittearaor to tho luud of bar douti- nation. A laro number of frionda woru at t-ie depot to hid her farewell. On tho ovoninjj preoedlng hor departure, MiHd Era* oriel; gave a very mtcreatin^ addreno to the lad ma of tho Baptiot Mianion Ciroltj, and singa non^, "Ho LoadotU Mo," in tho Chinonolanguage tihe will be vory much mif-wed in rebfjioua oiroloB in town. in; A MILLER'S STORY. WAS OIVION JUST ONH MONTH TO IjIV*:. COUjsjTV NEWS. Mra. Miranda Malott, of Tilbury, drop. pad dead in Chatham tho othor day. Fivo mombora of hor family huvo bad violent doathe, two boyobein^drownod, the father lullcii at a barn raining, and two daughtoni dropped doad. Dnpuia Bote], at Combor, collapaod on Friday Uot. It in of bnoit, and isuitimtod cloeo to tho Michigan Central Railroad track, and it in aupposed that tho constant jarrin^of the trainu cauned it to fall, Tho in mat (jh had a narrow OHaapp, A Bbookinu aeoidont ocout-red on tho Lake Erto & Botroil Railway, near Morhn, ono day Iuhd week, tho victim being "William Abbott, ajfarmor living near thoro. Ah- bott ban boon ill with a fever for aomo timt, and it waa aupponed that ho wao moat'dly uubuluncrd, and left hia Iiouho with only hia uudorclothiuR on and mado hia way to tho rauway. The onfiinoor of ttiu0:10 train aaw tho mun on tho track,1 *nd bldw tho whmtlo.but inateuJ of Abbott i^o line out of duujvor, ho dehborately laid down on tho railu and the tiaiu pneacd over him, Tho train wan mopped and a phywi oianBiimmonod, but the unfortunate man wai nmuglt'd so badly that ho novr re g lined ootiHCiouHutea. II0 wan a widower % id lea^ou thrbe grawn up dniiyhtora Chancellor Boyd on Tunaday gave judy- moot iu thb Baniwich oast oloctlon can , rivoralnf; tho judgment of Judge Borne aft fir aa it related to Dopury Hoove Kuuniw. aud iiopuut-d him. Tho ohuucidlor. how over, dec 1 (bid that the olcotiona or Ooun oil -hm llcbiuot and Sylyi-stra were legal and ha unnnrmed tboni in their ugiUh. Th' trial ia an on*oomo of tho JiiniMry muni oipul tdtoMon, ulid it wua chtitntd thu Uoatimo uiH^hiB frienda tamiorod with tin1 UntH mid pluctl on iluni'volura who han u-> r idit-th&ro The cauo waa tnjten liefor Juduo Borne, uho fMind for thu iUdendun' and waa HppBiili'd with a rioull ns ahovt* A mw oltt'jiion wid tiow tak't plaoo. ynVtrmt XtUiVlCVfl W'ltU kiirilUkiiuinfot) ICliuiimutlwiu, uud (lion HlrlciCru Willi 1'nrulykla klol> Al>uki<luued hiicI Ho loiiii.dror IKmOi to Ulunw4i HUn% inn SiiilViHntr-At Ijiivt Me Wound u CurnoudUelnieu KBU W..u dek'ful It*'CoV ik'>, fihorbrookn fla/otto, Tho bonefltu ariHinKfrom~U**-*ueo of Br. Willinmu' Pink Pilla aro woll known to the Gftaotti*. It in a fie<ju<mt ocourr#nce that people como into tho oiTico und itate that they have boon reatorod tc health by thoir nao. It oooanioni]ly happoua that extraordinary inatancea of tlnur curative poworo oomo to our notice, and ono of thou waa related to ua rocoutly, so aatonmhiu^ in ita nature that wa fo]b tli oloHOnt luvea ligation waa required in order to thorough W tout tho accuracy of tho atatornonta mado to us. Wu dovoteol tho nncominry time for that pnrpono aud can vouch for the reliability of tho following facta, won- durfulIy-uuuHintf belief au they may appoar. Thoro aro f^u-moti moro widely kuowu in tbi acction than Mr. A. T. Uopkioa, of Johnvillc, Quo. Pruviouu to-,hiH romoval to Johnvillc, Mr, Hopkina reaidod at Windaor Milla and was for throo yoaro u momborof tho municipal oouucil of that pluco. Wbonayounj,' mau Mr. Qopkinn wau noted far hiu Htreu[[th and hia aotivibaa a wreu^ter. Hia utrunyth a'anda bun in good ytoad for ho works hard at bin bueincnii, carrying heavy aacka of flour in bin mill tor many bourn during the day and frcqUoutly far into tho niffht. Ac tivo aa ho ia, and ntrong o,a ho ia, fliort wao a timo uot long diutant whon he wuu aa he)plena na an infant and anfferod intol orablo ai?ony. About tliroo yonre agoi whila roaldiug at Windnor Milla, ho was attacked bv mil unmatot^ rhoumittara. Xt grew worao aud worao untib in spito of medical advice aud proscription^, aftor u yoar'a illnosu bo had a atroke of ptralyma. ilia right arm and log bocaroo quiio, uho- hw\. Sorto broko out on both loua. IJo Buffered oxcruoiatinu agony, and had reat neither day nor night. lie nought tho boai medical itdvioo. thai, conld bo obtained, bm no hopoa woro held out to him by tho pby sioiana. "Ho will ourtuinly die within a month," one well known praatitioner told hiu frionda, "Ho will bo a cripple for life'" Baid two other doctori. It ia no wonder that, au ho nays, life beoamo a burden to him aud ho longed for death torehsvo him from hia sufferiNga. This waa in Aut;uiit. 1902. About October of that year bo hoard uf Dr. Williurau' Pink Pilla and aa a tor- lorn hopo dotorminad to try them. Re did so, and before long wuh ablo to tako outdoor oxotciao. Bo poraovorod with the treatment, oloaoly following tho dir^otiona^ und io tu-dtty nearly au otronR aa when a young man, and.ia ablo to follow auooeaa- fully aud without diflloulty the laboriouH calling by wb'iolilho getH a living. Snob wan tho Wonderful etory told tho Gazette by Mr. 'Hopkina, who attributes bin recovery nOlely to the use of Di. Williams' Pink Pills, aud bo in willing to flo-tiuy any poraon who may cull on him aa to their wonderful effects. X depraved condition of tho blood or a ahattorod aervoua ayUrem iq'rtho aeoret of moat ilia that Mflliotn^ankiucV, aud by ry- atering tho blood and robuildinu^bo nerve a Dr. WilliamV Pink Pills atrilco at tho root of tho diaoano, driving it from tho 85 stem and restoring the tsaticnt tn hoalth aud atrougtb. Iu caHoa of paralyuia, Bpmal troublun, locomotor ataxia, eoiatioa, rbeu matiam, eryaipolas, Rorofulona troub|(-a, oto., thoco pilla aro uuporior to all oth-r troiitmont. They arn alno a upeoifloo foi the troubleo which make tho lives of bo many women a burden, and speedily ro- utoro the neb glow of hoalth to Hallow abooka. Men broken down by oyorwor'/ woiry or excoflnea, will find in Pink P1II0 a oortain cure. Sold by all uoaloro Or utu* by mail, pompaid, at f0 oonts n, box, or nix boxea for tf2.fi0, -by addreauing tho Dr. Williama' Modioina ^Company, Brookvillc, Out., or Sohoneotady, N, , Beware of imitatioua aud aubatitutea alleged to bo "just aa jjoodV1- Mri. I>r. Hhorlotilc lli>lnntN h iUnul t* !> * ttMltlvtl It* Hill' Hllftl>lUlt(. "f-oL him unfurl" ItwitMiMiH. Dr. bburlock Holuica who roculvud Old Klotith In hor Initiatory, whom lo waa cloudy fXaintnlng tho brlablea of 11, spotted bog under a powerful miero^ropo to how wherein they differed frnn tlib haira of 11 black cow. "You haw route to toll 1110 that you have fullimI In tho gioiit Adamanllno inurdor i*jiH," him wild, us tho (U'Lcctlvu (.lit tlowh on tho odgo of 11 chair and gaapod for hrituMi, "Yes, iimm," "And Jim want my help? You have ao ninddb'ii thu ciit.o (hat I am dingmted wllh tho i\ hole mutter, but ii'i I feid aorry for join uilV ulid (Jiildien I will help yon out Mr Adamantine waa mtndorcd In hla lad, and a Htmrch proved that hhi money and watch were taken. You, there fore, pirjirwlcd on tho theory that robbery wmh thu mot iv* " "Yea, mum, I urn auro that robbery wai the sulci and only------" "Silomc, alii You are but it novice in this work and should hang on to your mouth I Bid you delvo into tho paatllfa of tho vlcliinf "Of com so nod Bad you done aoyou would have discovered that twonty-two j earn ago ho fell in love \v 1th hia mocbor'a cook and bcnimo engaged, 'i'lif familvop- posed the 1111 tch, antj he gave the girl the cidd threw over. Confidence could not ba fpiietod, however. Ho married hla typo- Hi iter, Uftuino rich, waa elected to the Legislatmo and waa apparently content and happy. I say appaiently, forbid con- wienco ovi-r iiceiiheil Mm. On tho night of the aupposed murder what happened?" "He uas murdered, mum " "Oil, he waal You had hotter go and aaw woodl On that night tho cook waa in hia garden. You could have found hor tracka there Sho throw dirt agalnat bis vtindon-. Ynu will find aonio aticklng to the glaan When he oponwl it sho accused him of henrtlesancaa in breaking his vowm jniU'nf making hor life a dreary deaorfc. Slio loft him for tho river. Conaclenco drove him todenpoiation Ho dropjicd hla watch In tlio aoap greaao barrel, throw hla wallet into tho ope 1 lire and 'then took n Turkish daggor from the wall, stretclied himaulf on tho bod and deliberately plunged tho weapon Into hla body behind the left ahouldor and died with tho name of Mary Ann on hia lips " "But, mum; you hoc-----" "YevI wo it nil. "IinbocHo, go look foi (ho tracks and tlio dirt On a goosoliorry buali you will find n bit of Mary Anu'a calico dicss. On a IjoiilIi iu the aummer liouyo there atlll remain f>cvoiiof tho hcidd- Ing tearatdio abed tlnit night Sho llmig herhelf into the river fr mi wharf No. (J. and at the pref-ent. moment her body la floating In the Atlantic Ocean, exactly 213 J 2 miles southeast of fcnnilv Hook." "Thou it waa a case of spicule. I could havo told you ao six wooka ago had you como to mo. That ia all, an.I yon may now take akate I am working on tho grout Cobblo tragedy, whttru Mr. Cobble Is sup posed to havo killed hia wife and seven cliildron and then committed Hiiicklc. In two houra I shall satisfy tho public that they weio ttmothered by escaping gas ot died of heart disease No thanks como again good morningI" M. Quad. New Spring Dress Goods! Diebel & Bricker i 1>) WONDERFUL OLD MAN. Hon. C. 1\ Vllllr,, 1 uthur of thu (IiltUV* IldllHO ot CommoiiH. C. P. Vllllora, the wonderful "fatlier ot tho houso of coniuunii," celebiateil hi? ninoty-thirdbirthday loeently. Whatever may bo tho effectof tlio house of commons atmosphera upon some coriHtituticns it evidently *ipree with Mr. Villiers, who baa sat uninrerriiptedty for thu sumo con stituency for a period of sixty years. What a marvelous kaleidoscope of con stant cbnngo muafc be tho memory of a Stark's Powdore, oach paokago'of which" oontuim) two propurationa, ono in a round wooden box, tho covor of which forma a, measure for ono douo, an immodlatA relief for umitivt'tuMH, Biok Hnnduohn and Stom- tioti, ala JMourul^ia and nil kind* of ' nerv> ouu painu, and another in oapoulafl, (Ftom t to of ono ia an ordinary doao) wliloli iotn mi tho boweU, Xjivor und stomach, forming a ur>ver failing perfect treatment for all Bead and Stomach complaint*. They do nor(, as moat' pilla and 10 many jtner medioiuea do.JI lose their effect, or iroducc after oniietipalioD, they are nice ,o take. 25o a box at all m<(djoine dealers. I c. v. VILUKlta, M.P. man who lini been continuously In public lifoovorsinco tlio daya when the "auilor king" aat upon tho throno, and all tho amazing products of tho Victorian era woro ottll unknown and undreamt of1 Tho venorablo member for Wolverhamp ton must havo felt Mr. Gladstone's re tirement keenly, for with the departure of tho ex-picmior disappeared tho Iaat of hla brother menibeia who wan alfao his brother member in those far-off days when he sat in a pari hi mont convened by King William the fourth. Mr Gladatone who, by tho way, la nulto ahoy compared with Mr. VIIHers being no lesa than eight yearn hiu junior enema to boatill aa prono to awkward littlo ad- venturea aa ho was before his lotlitment, Hia heavy fall at Ha warden tho other day might easily havo boon attonded with very ticrloua results; but tho wonderful veteran HoeniB specially fortunate In such esca pades, It Is no doubt hla mental absorp tion that render* him ao prono to come to physical grief. When ho was constantly walking about in towu there waa seldom a day In which he did nob place himself In more or loaa serious danger of being run over, though only two or three of hla nar rower oscapea found their way into the papers. A I*drwkl Btory. Tho story la told of PadomwakI, hoof the 1.RUK locka and auppte fin row, that ho wiw Invlt d to tea by a Now York millionaire. Tho planlat rathor coldly refonod his iu- tended boat to hla agent. Whop tho agent wai soon tho first question ho asked w\ai *'I suppose Mra. V------ will expect Padero- wakitoplay?" "I auppoao so," "Thou Mr. Poderewakl will aocoptyour invitation aa an engagement," "Oh, vory well, If you proror 10 put It that way," returned tho millionaire "What are the terms r "Thtoo thousand dollars for one piece iwo Mr. l^tdorowakiwlll cQhaont' to ii single encore ," Tho terms were not aocoptod. X.lkp HI* lmpitdenoe. ^'Excuse mo," paid the yodnrf hiwyer, "I cannot/'replied the learned Judgej "I should have remembered," roflectoxr tbr young lawyert semiandibly, "*-- woe of the law excuses nobodv." . , AUK NOW KXUriUTING EXCLUSIVE DESIG-NS IN HiaH GLASS PARIS DRESS GOODS..... The assortment includes the newest effects in Tweed Dress G-oods, Cheviots, Satin Cloth, Silk and Wool Novelties, Venetian Mixtures, Black and Colored Soliels, Shepherd Plaid Checks, etc. PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS r In this department business is boom ing. We are showing new and exquis ite colorings from 5c yard and upwards. Fancy Crepons, warranted fast col ors, -worth regular 25c yard selling for 12^c yard. The Great Corner Store, JD1E BEJLiSJBJRIGK E R. Have you seen the Solid Oak Fold ing Furniture we are giving away. A number of tho prominent farmcra of Bnadwiah South and Maidstone townnhipo have formed a joiut atpok company for tho manufacture of cbeoao. They have all tho U'Ceniary capital atock eubnurihud for tho buildinR of thoir factory and will furnish it all ready for operation by May lat. Ah th&ro arc u tmmbor of now fuctoneH Qiuu up til tho countv thia opting, 110doubt that Ehox oounty will he one of tho loading dairy counties an tho proviudo in the noar future, hor abippinfi facilities to any part uf tho world oau't be bnut, by both laud and water. Sho baa tbroo railwaVH to the HPuports, and can ship her chooHo dirt-ob to lis old country from hor own fuctorien. __ A Rallwuy niuuH&er utyi t "Iu leply to your queation do my child ren oblect to taking Hcott'a Emuluiona, I btiy no I ou tho contrary, they aro fond of it and it kecpn tbtm picturot* of hoalth." Thu new method of preventing and cur ins; diphtheria by anti-diphlhentio serum or antitoxmo, contmucn to attract the at cetitiou of tho medical world, and if canes aru tioou early, Rood roiulta may bo ox pLcttd from thu method of treatment. It ia now beiutf tried iu Detroit aud Toronto whero diphthoria ia prevalent. A cupply of tho Horura haa bocn aocured from tho Provincial Board of Ueulth, by Dra. Diiwur A McKomsie. A WciCo-y view. One cf thu moat noted pbysloiann of inaiiurn timca tiaie : 'Whtn tho eyBtom ih HurtharKed with bdo and the hvor neda a powoiful atin.uliiD to exoito it to duty, then it in that wo use powerful cathartic to obtain tho necoaaary rohef, often attended, however, with proutratitit: effects," and ho might alno add, "ofton oauainii by their re- action worao oonatipatiou and bilhouaUGna than boforo." Now thia ifl not thu oaso with Eaeljay'a Ltvur Lozongoa. Thoy do not proutrate nor ro-ot. Thoy act gently yet powerfully. Thoso troubled with ahronio oonti patio ii or a bilioun habit that has laatod for youru muab continue their use for aomotime: but thoy will do their work and permanently oure those thu9 tiflboted. ____ Hood's Pilla aro tho bent aftordiuner pillu. uBmat digoBtiou, provont conatipation. Teitnybou on Spring. \Sohavo tno word of Alfred Tonnjaou for it that in npring tho young man'o fanoloa linhtly turned to thouchtaof lovo. Ifc ia uuigular that tho groat laurate oraittodto mention tho fact that it ia in tho spring that a oouaidorible portion of tho human race turna to taking Hood'a Baraapanlla. Probably nothing but tbo dfllcultv of find- mg a po d rhymo for that invaluable re medy deterred him. Cortaiu it lathat the old-time domeatic remedies aro qoaerally din Liu re! en iu favor of thu atandard blood pnniler, tloodn Saranparilla, which haH attained the tjroatoht populttrlfcy all over tho country ka tho favoritu opring modi- aiue. lb punnua the blood aud givoa norvo.menta) bodily and digoativo etrougtli, Etieljay'p Livor Lozeu^GB do not wnakon ono like pilla, Eaoljay'a Liver Lozon^08 aro *no odB*; blood pariflor. _ * May's Bazaar, tfOU ALL KIKDS OF Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bnc-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. ;. 'lienor COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old phyctclaik. SuocetafulU/ J monlhty ty thouxmtt* <tf LaiHtM. U the oaly porfootly __ Mfo ad tollable modlcl^o dU covered. Bowojo ot unprincipled druggUts who offer inforlbr wcdlolno* la plooo of tbla. As* for Cook** Cotton ttoot CoMpoamL utk tu> wbait- tute, or in6lootandc6uUln poitago In letter trad woWilUpttd,ioali)<l,byH)tunubftlt Pullaoalod borUoulor* In plain envelope, to Mie* only, S aturipft. Addresg The Coolc Company, WladJOr, OqU Oanada. Bold in Kawx by all dnnjgiaU. To Smokers i i To moot tho wiabca of tboir omdomera, The Goo. B. Tuokett * Bon Co., Ltd., HamiUou, Ont, have plaood npon tbo market A Combination Plug of "T $ B." SMOKING TOBAC00 This supplies n long felt want, giy- inir tbo consumer one 20 cent plug,/ dr a 10 ce^t piece, or a -5 cent piece * of (be fatooae UT Sc B1*1' tand ofl?l pure Virginia Tcbacco. The tin, tag "T & B" is an ffvwy^ ,"h tfjj&L 1 ' ' 1 I . ana ' 'tikf* ^W&A'yrl'

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