^.^v^h^JBgg^^ i: b^lg^P^;^^!^^- ' ? W^f^fl H^ifl FBIDAY, MARCH 16. 1895. ^ffafocre TALK- OF THE TOWN "3i^ i--'H-BJ fc;SSiX -i!rR:'yBMflfc Nxfc SaadayTriU-b* Hi, - PatrJok'a-Uay Chatham la preparing1 for Incorporation .i a citv. Chatham ia ono of tlio oldeat towns la Waatern Ontario. Tiitfrear* .0,940 namea on Boalb ttaaex vofcara'haiand9,H4on North Eaex, an iniroaae on th# latter or 762 it,0 [B9l. Hav. Dr. Sutherland, aantor ot Gentry Methodist church, Toronto, aiad on Tuts- day. Ub wan formerly I" tl" London eon. farenaa. The Ualdimaad provluoial wlootion taKos place ou Tuesday . nxtt 10th mat. Tho flbt is batwean Dr. BuxLor, Liberal, and Mr. John Sana, Tatrou ot Industry, Cedar Btaob, oulako Erie, promisee to be a popular resoit with Eaaox people this aminer'. A unmb#r of th*i have pur- ohanCd Iota aud will erect cottage*. Wo call' tho attaution of fur mora who .wish to borrow money, to tho advertise- tntiul ol the Chatham Loan and Baviug* Co.in another column of thin paper. Now, frienda, if you want to pay your ubttoriptioua in wood, it would bo wo 11 to bring it in aoou, ai the judications aro that the roafle may g* to ploasa almoet any day. Ilev. Mr, Melliok auperlntandont of thw Manitoba MiBfeionu of tbe Bupliut Church 1 s,ve an addreea to tho congregation and the public generally in the Baptist church hare en Wednesday avaumtf. A Kan Ban editor pathetically daforibea his looation as "BO mile* west of a rain belt, 00 foot from water, several million miles from^ heaven, 60 yard* from tho dovil and 300 miles from a ualoou," J. 1). Ahderaon has purofiaaed a lot at ^Oedar Beach and will build a cottage thoro tor una next aanomer. T,, tt. DeOew baa Vatju>_pUthaBed anotbor lot ana-will erect a larger houae than tho one bo already ha* there, Essex MiifHOPihT Lamms' A in. A fuuny bazar will bo bold on Tuesday and Wed- ueflday, the 0th and 10th April, at tho residence ot Mrs. J. It. MaKwsu, Talbot at. Full partiaalare I at dp on. Urn, J. B. MoEwati. M: J- WigU A 0o/8 Urge atera in fall of _uow spring o61h7 ' ~"~ AODeTfttC^yelirog paper last Saturday contained laWoalfeil^rflport'of the Wilaon idvcatigatlou" at Cottam and portraits of U^wyerWiamer and other participants. Mr. Wiamer abonld enter an action for mis- rapreaentatlow, at the-portrait of bimstlf waa aueh in name onlv. There are -i newspaper men in tho legis lature. To counteract their iiifluenoo,thero are 16 lawyers, \) utorokeepern, 7 lumber, men, ft doctors, 2 contractors, a real < aNt* man, au auctioneer, a laud surveyor, a miller and 15 farmers, eo tbut four news paper men will tiot bt ablo to do raueh harm. Hootch tweed suita made to order S1K CO at Smith's. An Illinois newspaper rooently suod forty threft men who did not pay tboir nub HorlptioM. It flot judgments against oach of them. Of the forfcy-ihrue uouio twouty tight then aworo that they owned mo mora than tho law, oxenopta from judf caentH. Thoy woro thereupon arreatad for petit lar ceny and bound ovor in tbo auo> of $300 each. All but six cave bonds, The postal laws wake tbe taking ot % papnrfrom u post offioo, with rslunal to pay for it, potit lar ceny. Brooklyn Eagle, Wanted; at ouoa, a good girl to do house- w>rk, apply at the store of M.. .T. Wialo it Co,' Sxiuuith'Sokool CbmvKNTXOM. A oonvow- tlou for all tba Bunday uohoola in tho townahipa of North Gonfl*ld and North OolobeBtor, and the town of E-mox, will ba huld ib tbe Pro a by tori an ohurob bare, on Monday aftornoon and oveniMg, A>vil 8th. Full particulars will be issued later, but it UearuoBtly bopud tbat all toaohera and friends of Buuduy SohooIb will, an fur ui poaaible, Uoop the data fraa from *thor eugageuienta- Keady made oloabih'^ atxtra low prioos fti'Smlkb'i.- .......- Tiuh Uvknwo iu tbe M&obaniaH' Insti tute BaadiBK Room thora will bo a Debate o* tbe nubjeot, "noaolved tbat tbo Fran chise should bo GXtflnded fca Womon." Tlio gauntlet, tltrewn dowh' by knibta E. J. Ijovelaoe and G. E. Hondernon, haa been taken *p by kulgbtH J. F. MoQueon and O. JH, Fullor. The combatuuta, doubt lleflH, will all oomo armud cap a-pio and an enjoyablo timoaentirully may bo looked for by the tipootators. Xhq chair to be takon bv Mr. Oliaa. K. Nay loir at 8:90. The eohpso of tho moon last Snuduy ult;bt was the best since 1888, but vim disappointing to a degree to local as. trouomeri who were obielly intoreatod. in detormiuiiiK tbe position at cortain small stare whoso location oan only bo determ ined when the atmoaphero i olear and tbo esrtb'H shadow oiusos a totality of obsour. ation. Tboro was juot auflloJont uazipeM tooauBo tbo outline of the shadow to ha Bomewbab va^uo and to nbaouru these utarti. To the... genarttl publib tba eclipse wau of tftmt inUTost, and many watebod it from nlurt to flniub. The moon ontered tho nhadow proper about 8:4fi a>ud at 10 o'clook the eclipse wan complete. It wa ufter V .rflidni^hc w.hei; the Mftadow had outlr^ly 'withdrawn from tbe moon'n diso. $'*'*' ': M. J. Wiffl"* GJHfh 3Rt received. an(lpaUedintoatofi|? nlBOty-eix bpxea of novr hats aud capajjnoluainftan tbo noweft and boat shapes in Stiff and fodorait. jjr. Jas. EllioH loft Uht' vreek With bin hoaaebold and otberefleota for bis new home near Bangannoh, Huron Co. Mrs. Klhot' and family will follow in a few daya.' Mrs. K. A. Wiamor and Mra. C.L. Crasn- weller enltaIueJ~tHeiir~BnrTday~SoIiool olaisea o^ tbe ^reebyterlan oburoh, at the home of Mrs. WUraerou Wednesday oven- inp; of laao week, and a very pleasant tiaae is reported. "Your choice of beautiful pictures fr#o with every 35a, Worth of aoap at SmitliV. J} A/.A li amp DiNNKli. Tbe Ladiau' Aid of the Buptlit oh(iroll. Kaaex, will ocoupj) tho vacant store in tbo Dunetan block, utxl door to WirIo's store on Wednoaday, April Hrd, 1895. Sale opens at 3 p. m.; dinner from fi to 8 ; admission 2Co. 'l*IckoU good for entrance during; the entire aftarboon and evening. Ijadiee1 flue button boott fl per pair; gentH* flue laoed.or gaitor ahooa 91,25 per pair at Smith's. While driving heme from Kmxo Tues day evening, Mr. 13. Desmaraia, a mnr- chant at Pike Creak, wan thrown fr*m his wagon, breaking his leg and cutting bia bead very badly. Although Mr; DeamaraiH ia uertously injured, ho will likely recover in a few weeks. Madioai help wan soon sailed. The teaua toek fright and ran away, causing tbe accident. Smith shows a fine assortment of priu*s and fauoy ducks for droHaeH. Sco them, thoy ar new. The funeral of Iholato Mrs A. W. Gard- not wau held in tho Method hit oburoh on Sunday, aud wan vary largely attended. Tbo membera of Enterprise ^odge, In dependent Order nf Oddfellows, (to which Mr. GfcrdnorJ}clongn) walked ia pronossion and attended the funeral. Dr. Pascow avu a vary instructive talk, after which tbe r- maiiii* were interred in Nertb Ridge ceme tery. Tba new hotel at Maidstone Croat Is an asBured-^fjwt, Mr. Wortley, -of Essex, tba'obntricfcpif/fcfTaii-Wwdll under way uow, and la to have it completed by April 20. If it paHes inspection it will be ready for oc cupation if tho lioanso ia granted. Mr. Gllboe, of North Ridge, will bo the new landlord, and will open out on May lut, Ho lntoude to give a big opening which will be aunouucQd later on. Liuon roller blinds 3 ft. wido 0 ft. -long, mounted, 36*o. each. Smith A Co. At the last meeting of the Ontario Fish and Gifflo Comuiiaafou it was decided to make the doer ueason tho same an it wen iniq^-Tfiromthslatto tho Uth of Nov- owbe>\ It was also decided to offer ft bonuty of 50 ceu*a a hoad for foxes, becauno of tho damage they ieiliet on formers' poul try. The proposod ohan^us will oomo up before the prtsout setaion ia oyer. New spring capofl for soys and (jirlft in eadlesu variuty at twanty-five to fifty cants Oaoli, at M. J. Wi^lo &- Co.'o. ' Mr. audJttM. fi, L Craaawoller eufct-'f taiued tho tod til) era and pupils of fchf Eshox High Bchool last Friday and Buturday evenings of last week. Tests wero made reqainn^ ihn use of tho fivenaiifn-x aud priaou wure ^ivon thoa who proved moht proUoient. in tho rfxfrnuo of thou faculties. A very enjoyable time is ro ported by tboso who ware prosont. Wall papar 3o. roll May'a Bauar. Thore was a paokad bouea at the Coctam town hall lent Friday to boar tba notorious Brooker uoliocl case aired bofore Iupeotrs Maxwell and Girardot. Mr. Wilson'a law- yor, Mr. SutberlanJ, of Windsor, pronented a petition signed by -17 ratopayara, asking that Wilson be not removed ; he also claim ed that tho boarihgwas irregular, thutMr. Maxwell should first have Investigated tho char^ea baforo culling tho County Board. Mr. Maxwell thought tbe objeotioM a quib- b|o, but adjsumed tho hoarinc for a week. It therefore comos up to-day again at ton o'oloc]t at Cottam. * ..THE COILS TIGHTENING." " 7 Oamncliitf Kvtd^nne Afrnlmt tbe I*rfaonnr HfinHorHliott. > St. ThonmM, March 11. Tho Woltur and IfondnrHhoit trial for miirdor wiw con- tlnutul on .Saturday. John B<itfg Uiutlflod that-ho wvw blood from vyhoro tbo Imdy wiw found lying to tint Htump of tbo troo, and poolM of blood In other plaooa. O hurl on Joiner Bworo jKisltivoly that dlfTurout laVfro poU of blotvd found woro counnoUxlby tmlln of blood on. leaves and atlrtkH. Wiittor Vunlnll toHtlilod to finding hair on a utnmp i'iO foot away, which oorros- pondod with tbo docoutUHl nondorsbott'ai Imlr, Noll CamplHdl duaerlhed tho location of tbo third iixo wbun found. Honry CroiiHti tostlllod to fitting tbo notch In tho blndo of tbo axo to a Hlmllar notch In tbo troo, whlcli tallied oxuotly.' Albert; CblvOrs oorroboratod thin ovl- doncn, which i>rovi'rt that tli^^Kt axo found was uftod In <diop[dng down tho tri^ lylnp; upon tho hotly of tho docoanod Henderaliott. .T. Ifortnor Idontlflod the handlo of tho axo uh bolnif bl mnuufnoturo and that ho hiul Hold lb to John Hondomhott two yojim ago. Mm. Duncan Ilondornhotfc tostlflod to washing two (thirty and a pair of Hinmond- ors of tho dpcoawid. Tlio Hhlrifi woro Htjilncd with blood On tho neck, uhoulrioru nud ouftH. At tho aftornoon kohhIoii Mrrt. ICmlly MoCounoll and -Mrs. Ann Ifronch, two uouulnu of prlaonor Hohdorshott, gave ovldonoo to tlio oitiwt tbat Hendoruhotfc bad told thorn that bo uald ho did not Intend to work hard all hid life and that ho was going to tu/k.o out Insurance on tho lives of Koveral perMouH and pay .tho pro- mlumn uml that If none of them died Koon onoup;h It would bo un easy inattor to Kt 1 rid'of ono of tliom. Tho Chief Justlco roeotvod hiii doolHlon until to-day on tho admtsHlon of tho testimony given by tho prlHouom ab thoinquoat. Tho medical men of tho city and vicinity mot at the ofllco of Br. Lawronco and it In currently roportod that after careful oonHiiltntlon tlioy liavo unanlmounly conoo to tho con clusion that tho woundn found upon tlio ekull of tlio'tlond man Hoiulorshotb could nob havo lioon produced by tho llmba of tho troo and that thoy woro inftletod by Homo nhnrp lnstrumout. Also that tho blood marlcR which woro found upon axo mmilior three bad boon submlttod to a chemical analyfil and found to bo human blood. . _____________- A POPULAR VERDICT. Kiiitillit y.tmey Arqfiltted nf tile C31mrc nf , 1'olkuiilnif lluby Vtanii Wllhur. St. CatharlncB, March 11. Ijiiolla Lncoy was on .Sfttnmbiy acquitted of tho roHouh 'ninrm)of pxdconlng Frank Wilbur, tho Infant son of Mr. T.-Pearson, of North Grhuwhy, Tho court Iioubo waa crowded to Hh fiillest cjipaolty. Mr. M, C, Cam eron, of Toronto, conducted tho Crownvr <uiw) while K. A, Ijinciifltor, of tblH city, looked iiftor tbo Interest- of tbo accutjcd child. Tho ovUlonco of four physlclanH was corroborated. Kach wan of opinion tbat dmth waa caunud by carbolic acid. Mr. LancnHter brought forth ovidonco to bIiow tlint Mr. Harry i Hurst, brothor of Mrs. l^nrsou, "was tlio- laat person that handled the bottle previous to tbo child's death. Tho jury retired at 11.00 and re turned to tho court at 11.40 with a verdict of "not Riiilty. Hln Lorduhlp oxproBsod hlfl witlflfuctlon with tho vlow tbo Jury took In tbo enra, Tho crowd In tho court room gave vimt to tliolr fcollbgs by Incip ient band clapping. r THE HYAMS CASH. Anothek* Ailjnurmmtiit n Atfalmi the I'lllowa Wltlirtrawn, Toronto, March 11. Crown Attoruoy Curry on Satiirday formally wlthdrow tho warrant for conaplracy against the two Pillows, who woro arroHtcd in Mont- roal a pw daya ago in connection with tbo Ilyaims murdor caKo. Tbo twodofond. ante batl boon dlHoliargod from custody wbon Mr. Curry wont to Montreal. "--^1 ' j Tim Tltlrtitntitlt urn Jubllmtt. . Hamilton, March 11. Tbo Canada Ga- stotto announces tbo returns of tbo com- poratlvo cillclonoy of city battalions of in fantry. Tho lflth Battalion of Hamilton with 1CB.25 carried oft* tho much covoted priKo tbo GKmvHkl cup. Tbo Queen's Queon'fl Own Itlfloa camo uneomfortably olowi behind with a record of 1CS points. Tho officers and mombora of tho _l!Hh Battalion arc erwjatly olntod at tboir succors In again winning tho Gzowakl oup. It le probable tbo 10th Batt. will wind a team to Blfiloy next Bummor. Tho 13th.has four men In tho Bominlon team and by eond.- lnp; two mora rm*n at itH own cxponso it will bo ollfflblo to shoot in tho battalion match* tho teams in which number six men. Killed by n Knlline Tree. Brantford, March 11. Fred. Chnrloa, agod 40, marrltd, fanner, living one milo north of Burford, was engaged in drawing and cutting, tlimbor in tbo biwb Satur day. A tree foil on him, killing him'tn" etantly- Bincn By Rav. WJH(. Shaw, at tbo MathodiHt Parsonage, Cottam, ou thaGtbinat:, Willmotb Birch to Mary Jane Trimble, all ot Goefleld North. Nbwman By tbo Eev. "W. H. Shaw, at the residence of tbe bndo's ' fathar, on tbe 18th inst., GodrgaS, New. man to Susie Ettie, only daughter ot Stophon MUlon, Esq., all of Cottam. While At the Voaidonoo of ihe bride'u mother, Ebbox, on Thursday. March 7th. 1805, by Rov. M. P.Campbell Mr. William Hoary Wifile, of Blind Tnlocfrnphla Tapnt Dr. A. S; ThompnonT of Strathroy, was on Saturday gazetted ,lfl n' coroner for Tffinst Mlddloflox. Gen. Harrlflon'a condition 1h jnuch im proved and bis phyfllcbin is hopeful of hla rapid rocovory. Tbo Dominion dairy ntatlon at Bolhv vlllo has shipped ten tons of wlntor made butter to England during tho Reason no\v oloslng. Tbo tug Graco, sol/cd and condomuod by tbo Canadian authorities for illegal fldhlng and imprisoned in tbo harbor of Port Colborno, has boon reloased. Tbo Govornmont. have docldod -to-iutfliut Hov. Father Paradln' expatriation Bcbomo , to tho extent of $1,000, which amount thoy ' | havo ordered to bo forwarded to tbo Col onisation Socloty of Montreal, Tho skipper, of a trawler, that arrived' Rivor, Ontario, to Mias Aunie ISlI^abeth, ' at Lowtrntof t yofitonUvy, nays that bo raised | olaost daughter of Mrs. Idn F. Flickn, Ilia net a decomposed body, whloh was iiUintided by pnporu ou It as that, of'Mat- zap Vitnezas who wnb dowii with tho steamer Kibe. A grout surprlwj in commercial- circles In tho.iiflHlgrimcht of tbe old Ann of \VJi, .Clark' <& Sons, general Btoi-ekoopors and wharfingers of Sarnlu. Tho Arm was rated for about $100,000 and was supposod to have asEots away a)iovo that ilguro. GAitnNKu At Ehhox, on Thursday Muroh ' ^"do debtH amount only to $17,000, Tho - 7th, 1805, Acloliuo, beloved wife of A W^0*Slltn B0^ ,, U nn*An .;,iw uuvoa wiiooiii. vv, The pant wook has boon marked by tho, Ga.duor, agod 30 years, 9 mos, IS day*, aoath of throo very aged ladloa, who.apont -----^~~-----*----- the greater portion of tboir lives 'j Bow-- Heart DiseftBO Rulioved in 80 'Minutes'| 'nianvlUo, nnmoly: Mrn. Gatborlno .Stow- -A.l-^oanloor>yM^Wto $$'*$$>$ ^ S MS diaoBBO relieved In 80 minutes and quiokly Anno Macnab. aged 81 yoar, niHut of tho ourt'd by Dr. Aguow'H.Curo for the HeaH. late voncrablo Alex, Maenub, D.1D., woror Ouo'do^ooonViuu-H. Sold by J, Tborno ()l' Darlington over 40 yearn and honorary iw.w^t . , ' eammof thJi>'dloouHuh cathedral of St, i^ruMgi". AlbSS^HeT MaHvr. The la?t two won 'i Ht ^HeT Martyr. l. POTTS' liliUNOKRBTTM. ICUTurucd on tbe Kdltor of tbe f/ree Preee llilaTlme. Tho following paragraph appoare in tbo minutes of the last meeting of tho town cou noli, aa recorded bytho olork:______ "Dr. Potta rose to a question of pririlcge. He called tba attention of tbe council to an itorn in tbe Brhkx Fhkk PnicsH of Peb. 8th, ceiiuurmg the PinanoH committee and hltzi- aolf, as a member of Bald committee, in particular, in laying oyer oertain accounts which wero presented at the laat rogular muotiag of the council. This notion ib neemn did not ineut tba approval of tho odiior of our local paper, aud in bis cnutktiottta tberonu, ho (tho editor) had kuude Htatomonts which woro not in accord ance with fucta." A mau's brain must bo very badly dla- eused .when h can get aueii an idea from anything that haa over appaured in thin paper. The harmless little item our friend aomplains of reads au follow*; "Dr. PottH. tho now member for No. 2 Ward, is after all tho other members of tbu totfii council, with a great big blunder bus. 'The trouble is that the Dr.'a weapon iu ouu of the kind commonly known au a "kiokcr," and in the hands of an amateur, sometimes tho recoil is mor difmntrouH tbftH tho discharge." Tbe ouuuoh loadiug to tbe publication of tbe item Wore furnished by tho Dr. him- nolf. At the Pobruary uioeting a nug^es- ticti was brought in by one of tho council lor* that tho A par coot, fiuo on taxes on tho property owned by novoral widown in town, amounting to about 81.25, abould be uct enforced, and that tba collector be in- struoted to accept thoir taxes ub par, tbe same as if paid in 1891, Tho ftrot man to object was our friend Potts, who had boon burning for an opportunity to distinguish himself, Ho objected to the proposition, aud in a brief discussion that followed, be ia reported aa saying that he wantod to be put on record as a "kioker" against any Hiiab methods of doing buuicoBM, a.ml inti mated that tbe council bad previously been conducting affairs in an unbusinesslike manner.. Ho also made a personal attaak on tho editor of tho Fnuw Pnuns, iu com. mitten, because tbe Faun Ptikss presented bill of 91.50 whioli be did not happen to uudorstand, but this was not referred lo in tho item he complains of. Nothing whatever appeared in tho Fiikk Piiksh to bear but tbo Dr.'g-utatement, or that any body was censured, and it ia strange that a man with tbo amiable and discerning disposition tho Bmi known-to possess, should draw 'atiob ah inference. When tho Dr. say tho Fjiuk PiibtR made "statomoutu that were not in accortU.boa with facts," ha auBumsa what bu known is not the case With all his peoulif.r little idaaa, bow- ever, tho Dr. wilt prove au interaating olo- ment in the town nounoil for lH'JG. If he ancceeda iu furnishing amusement'to the remaiuiua; mombcra ab every noaetlng, aud bait saVed to tlia town one hundred and twenty-five cents at tbo end of tho year bia life will not huva bceu in vain, and tho height of bis ambition will be reached. Go, labor on, Dr. ALL # Lines of ghoes For Ladies, Gents axid Children. r .-**.^.jt *-w.-. It*- All the latest novelties at EXTRA LOW\PRICES .u. Farmer- Qui iteadyt Parmera and others having corn plautaia requiring repair, are requoutod to brln*; them in early, es tbo rush will eoon com- monoe. X will bo in a position to haudle a lot of repairing, during tbe next few weeks. and will also havo some Qua new pi aa tors for sale, wa have promises of an early apring, so don't delay. Fhkd Rohinhon . Talbot wt., oppoiilto pr. MoKou^ie'srost-- d'neo, Eeaex. tf Private Post Cards. Instruotiona have been issued' by the Pont Oil!oo Department to the eflaoc that private carps, prepaid by one caut postage stamp affixed thereon, may bo sent by mail within tho Dominion, under, the fo lowing regulations The cards taunt ba oomposod of ordinary cardboard not thicker than tho material mod for the ofiloial post oard. Tbe maximum hiizo, having regard to tlio variety of form, moat correspond as nearly as possible to tbo sixe of the ordi nary Canada pout card now in use. Tba minimum size must not be leas than 8 iuohas by 2} iuouoa. Tbooarda must not be folded, Ou the address etda, upon wbicb the postage stamp UHcd in-prepayment maaf be afuxad, nothing muy ba written, printed or otherwise improased, oxoepb tbe nam** and addresu of tba Vender of tbo card, and tho worda "priyato post card." Nothing 3nuy bp written, pnaled or otherwise im- pretuiod iorooa tho pout ago stamp. Ou tho roverse' side of the oard, any communication, wbother of tho uutnro ol aloUoror obhurwiHo, may bo written or priuted. Nothing whatever may bo attach ed to a prlyate pout oard. The Infriugoment Df uny of the foro-noinu rules will render the card liable to tott'et postago. From tbo many advautajroa of tho pri- vato pOHt card tho &alo should be yery lurge; Tho Fiu:i; PititsS has tborofore deciJ el to carry m ulook a, Vurioty of aiiiea, ooj oro and quabtios of tho blank oarda, earn- imbi and prices of which will ba eenb on application. LadioB1 extra good Kid Button Boots $1 per pr, reg ular $2 goods. Gents' Fine Shoes," laced or Congres^ $1,25 per pr, regular $2.25 lin*. Our afcock of Spfing Hats and Caps, just in, are far ahead of any Bhown oisewhoro, in price, quality and Bfcyle. WE ARE AIIB/vD. Extra values in Clothinff, either Ready-made or Mode to Order. We arc aiming to keop on top To order we make a good 8cotch Tweed Suit, with No. 1 Lining, for $15.50. .- ' COME IN AND SEE THEM G. E. &C0. WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX UKETJ ntuiii::n Wheat rod nor buuhcl .... S Wheat, white Corn .... Oats .... Timothy Seed .... Clover Sood .... Alsike ____ Hay per tau........ beef per owt............ Pork ............ Muttou Hi den......... Chickens per lb...... Buttor ..... Lard ...... j(!K0 per dog ...... rotatoos, per buehol Onions Apples TurnifH Carrota Beets Fartmlps Turkoyo per lb..."... BncKr^- ...... Celery per doss ...... Cabbago ...... GJS 45 30 to S3 3 75 75 to 6 75 5 00 00 to 5 fiO 00 to 5 CO 75 to fi 00 00 to 660 2 00 7 13 6 CO to 75 to CO to Bto 8 18 10 IS 0 80 CO 20 W 25 SO 0 8 00 26 nir*mXVttikor&gou:MttrleiBltepo>vl No. 1 Rye, per bushel , .. 4G ~ tCoru ------ 45 * Oata!' ------ 2G Tho above prices are paid by, U, Walker Boos, Walkerville, Out. , New lnitu, correct fltyloa. faehioraH* colore, fliu (futility, lar{{0 asBt>rtmnt, mud. orate.priues, at M. J. Wij;lo (t Co/a. 1-4 OFF Clearing Sale Of Staple Dry Goods, Unclor: Olcth inp;, Boots and Slioos, Hats tind Oapn, Oroclcory, oto, The subaoribor wishing to go out of tlio abovo Hues will soil tho sumo lit 1^4 oil FOR CASH "i* nt a rata on tbo $ for tbo lot, Store and Dwelling for sale or to rent. Pout offleo in connection. A Gymnasium In h Good-Tiling- Walking la a Good, Tiling. Rowing la a Good Tiling. - BtJf 'CYCLING BEATS THEM ALu. FOR EXERCISE 'You should Ride a Wheel/ SEE OCR SAMPIiES, '>i. S^rr- Hardware^ Essex, ( TAMK& NAYLOll *kea this ovportunityoat fJ anuouuoin^ jt> taa psoplo cf the Town an* County of Ksho*, tbat bo bus renodolod theEa- box Roller Ml Ha aooordlua to plana propar4by U.N. ?rJo0,-8t.Thomas, and has also seowwhw tbo uorviaea ol UositbT SruxoitiM, an expert enofld iiud thoroughly oompetant miller. Thanking tbo people of thetown and cwnn^jt;. for tbeimtronasa batowd upon bim lo th*. nast, will uarauta* satlsfaotlon In tho lutnaau Gristing %nd v ChoppSng a * SDecialtv. * THB BEST OIUDKH OV KLOUB, FBSD4KD" OOUNMKAXf KBPT IN BTOOK AND SOfiO AT lUOH'J PiUOKS. Gash Paid for Wheat and OaU* 'S m Edgar Mills P fc'eh 18 Framed pictures Tree .with.every | o( baking noWdar at S^ith'a. 8 pound tboro. SfesS : Fresh arrival of Cream of Witch-liaa^ el, tHe popular rentr e'dy for Chapped \i-fm Haitds 'vaiidi^.all:'-:-::,;'i's"'ifij* BoUghness of ;>>^ - ..the ~ ^ * Call ibr i1?:iia^^ " .saEBBEiiifr' ;&> ' ^:M&&, 'i^'ik *i'! . ., * 96