Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 15, 1895, page 2

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4*6 *5fc .X. FREE .J&VU&&& - t'Hi',- [SSEX111EE fiSS 3SSS3333C. OMT?. Published Every Friday Morning F^ jjiu Industrial Worliu UuildiiiK, Talbot fcfc. Special attention it* paid to tho publiuu- tlon of uiattur o( local importance, ilcunr* ate and re*iublu roporlH or Town, neighbor ing TowuValp imd County Council proutuid- iaite, local *ud county market ropnrtn. uto.. tire oarofa. aud jtidioiouii minmiiomont (if Tn Fmttt X^kkbh, with rnnpitefc to tho'nu uiid otber current matter* oMoual itnpat'tanoe, -baaftivflnit a widespread prentice in tho centre of Kohox oouuiy.which in rcooynizwU ' as one o! tho bent ugriaulturul ditdnoU in . Ontario. Tub I'ukm Pukhu in tho only : medium circulating thoroughly in tub. - central portion of tho County, and in con. 1 po fiequoutly .without donbt.tbooitly thoimnd advertialuf; medium for ImmnuHit. puopio 'wishing to roueh that uIuhh of euiitotuorn. OOlUUSHl'ONUKN'CJi. Our culuuitiH aro alwaju open for tho diuiiUHUion of iniittom pcrtuininti' foliuro. iitn iu all tho nim-ouud- ItilL^ol^k?. ro'tiortu uf rcino, in thuir huvitM "mid tho pwfmhor iu at nil time* -JaBod to reeoivo .inluroHtinn, itcmu 1 lewt. from any dinpoiiod to forward cuiitri- atioiia. . , All oonimuuioatloiiH of a. priyutu and nndontial naturo, uluiuld ho no marked . tho outhido of thu onvolopu. HUIlHCnil'TIOW I'lUCU. 81 00 por annum, strictly in' advance, J .50 pur annum if not no paid; ana all ,}rroara charged at that r;ito. AUVliKTIHHMGNTrt. TranHiont logitl und municipal adver tinomoutH, uotiouu, etc., charged at tho rato of ton c<:nt.[t;por lino, for (ma iuHortion, and fivo oontu P'*r line for each aubm-quent miuirtion. All miuh atlvortiaomoiitn are measured by a eouIo uf twolvo Uiioh to tin) inch. TjoohI reading and other niilieeti pub itfdrud among looiil nuwfl matter ohar^cd tit tho rata of ton uah'a per running lino for each imierthm. ___;AIU>t'.iceHof ohurch or sociuty outer. tainnionta of any doiicnplion, ut which mi admiHBidu foo la oliarwl, aru regarded mm advortianmoutH, and lull ndvorU-dnU iiu-on chamud in all 9'udi case 8. 'NnricoH of t^ttb- orinKa or mooting not for pecuniary, bene fit or aid, will bo ohoorfully p iblndiod fmi of charge, Spooinl contract raton raado for diaplay or Htandmg advtH. All legal or profoHBion- al cards undor otio inch, & por annum. JOll On COMMKIICIAI. 1MIINTINO. Tho FnEK PniiHB Job Printing Do- partraonfc- in nndor- tho auporviHion of thoroughly oompotcut i(iOhanicH, and apooial attention io' paid to (.Iuh branch of tho trado. Our fuailitiuH for tho oxoantion of all IcindH of Bool: aud Fine Job Printing aro unoxoollnd. Steam power proBBca. A call nolicitod. nOHlNKHB nw'aULATIONu. All .Tob Printinpf and Transient Advortiain^ acoountH, ntriotly oaob. Advortimne aooouut with rogular patroua aro aottlod quartorly. ' Sub- Boriptiona dno in advance. No flubfloriptioa to tho Fusis Pkkrr, or adyortiHomout publmhoj ia ita columna will bo diHcontinuud until all urrearu uro paid in full. OhangeFi for ndyertinomonttt, to aooura inaortiou in tho ourroot ianuo, muat bo haudod iu not later than noon of tho Tues day preceding, tiud notico of uch iutond- od oliatigo io requirod on tho Monday pre ceding. Notloo of diHContinuiiiict) of aavoitiHO- xnentH muut bo tlivon at loiiat one woiih in advancu of the intiuo iu which thoy aro doRirtd to liiBt appear. - ADVKIITIBEUB, BubBcriborH and patrono ilenorally are roqueutod to read tho abovo ro^ulattona carofully, in order Unit confuaidn may bo avuidod, an they will in all caaea bo adhered to. AddrosH all coannunicationa to i:. .r. LovKSV^jLOis. Publiflbor tho EHfiicx'Fmsi! Pnufia, Eanox, Ont lii iltM^iH'i', Ihc Mtmiuor In uv wkh iu >in uml lr 1 , Th Uiic- In l.looin, tlio ltti*v on Jill tn'fH i llUL whui. of tlm HUiUhly*', tlio ljruuZ(i alxt th# WUIi.ik IUH- ulrl.tu-loakaft*r tlw ilowri T Hia lianimuult-liMiiHi tuid dMortcil ftildi.lono. Km It tol Uiroujfh tlm wliimr mnl -|H*lHtf tli.t > VliablliHi fin- Urn Jiivimiirtt'k "r iuiV bimn tliln|/, -"With till llttlil IflH III llw"ll.lllllliMlk tO HWlll^l l'ho (rnr In ri-tulv, Hi" "tlH; i- 'l'" "< '. -Thli;J.ln tin. lrtx, !litrh'ici1itW, too ItuL rtlllv to think, li"W f"l'l "- """J1'! '"". Wltliiiollttl(ilrM<'li',l|"-,"l die l-M-cn.-atn ! Uld away in tluxli m\v <-i' I' '1"-' inn and llui, - Iun.iHHiiivi.ll i noti mii.. nil muni I How i-iui w '"'Jnv l('.....'ImI-hh rltiirimr Willi imllttlu irirl I" J"*" '" t'"-' ' I'hui-liuiiiliurMiri'rciid.v, tli- 1m Not U >.|i'll'r Uf 'l> "Ojutli l<: [.j llllt I.TilN'll'ft till I K't.ilHllll i n-lii '.V'l'li no liulfi uli'!. t*> kl'i'i Hi'.'in i:."i'l-ni:,,li'.,.; -.Sew V ii'ic. 'I'l'ilni . iHMi: ami . I hoy '-"i UAiiOIlT 11LM ON A CAii. Srompt onnwor ana an lionont onlnlon. wrlto to IIJNN <teOO..wholiavn Imd noarlyiKty years' *n>odnoo In tho tiatont bualnnna. Cotnraunl&v tloiifl ntriotly oonlltiontlal.. a II undlmnliot In Sforwatlon concrnlnp I'ntentu ana how to ob- talM thora uoiit Yroo. AIbo d enrnloi(uo of mcchan- iCAl and tkiiotitlMo books mat liou, l'atonw tnkon through jiuim 5c Co. rocolvo WHlclalnotlcolntho Hnluntlflc Ainovtr-nn. and thus oro broutrbt wloely horoiotlio tiubllo with out eoBt to tho In von tor. 'litla oploiidltl nnncr, jsflutitl wookly. oiCffaiifty tlliini nnod. han liy far tlio Sartjnat circulation of any nuuntllia wont In tho world. SHaycnr, Hntniil'; conloa oont Jrco. Building Hdttion;mnnt'.iiy,$3.fiUayoar. Htnnto copios, ti5 cqniB* lOvory nunihur coiuatnn boati- tjful plafon/lii colors, und pliotojyranbB of nnw houfjcd, with pi aim, onabhnc butMerj to nhow tlio latent d^silcnn and nocurocommotio Addroaa Uilti-I & CO., Ni;W YOUK. aOJ UUOAIWAT ' Body Rested, Mind at Ease." That is what it in wbon fravellibfi ou tho fast trainti of tboCbicaiio.Milwa'altoo & Bt. PauPRaiUvay; boNidos thoro 1r no chaaeo io "kick." for tho acoornmodationo oro up to date, tho trains lioop moving right along and got thtfro on timo. Thoao linoo thor- oa^hly cover tbo tomtory botwaaw Chicago, IiftCrttsao, Bt. Paul, Minneapolia, Abor- daon, "yLitoholl, Sioux Falln, BiouxGlfcy. Yankton, Counoil Bluffs, Omaha and Nor thern Michigan. All the principal citien and.tuwnn in that tomtory aro reached by kho '-'3t. Paul" lines, councotiu^ at fit. Paul. Council Bluffs anel Omaha with all hiwfoi; pointo ;in tho far west. 3Vrito to A. J. Taylor, Canftdiau PaHfl'r Apjout, 87 " 'orlc Btroot, Toronto, Out., for one of their y, jw map tiruo tabloa and a|brooh'(iro# fiiving >. dnHonptloji of tbeOompartmout Sloepina ':>r>*. Tiokota furulHbod. by any coupon Hokob a'ttont in tho UuiUd Statetflmd Can. hi, Tlio finest dining earn iu tho world,, iire tub on tho flolid votitibuled, olouti-ic.' lighted and atoam-hoatod trainr of tlm Chi-' cago, MilwaUkeo ife St. JL'aUl flttllway, ll win an iihoini'udily wut day. N - .1 know what that nii-'aiis in L-mdnti -im! dnveis' iiiilleiininin, intits mud ]v- u\n\-.ry.-l'dy.sian lii:id:i, driipnii1 ,ui<l jnti 1iiM.1i. r.iin u- fair podusli iaiiit ' Ml.-i, Ij.'UU-iihI er i,Lntin under I lie nlitiliri* of ;l Iit.-iilHiiMlin: rinniisl.ii'* diitir, hioktjd lur.v, inl and .urnuied. Sit liiinc""" in tn^lit ; ruin ii> Ii'1;1 eiur urn 1;: lier in '.lie jm.-f it' sin: n.dliid mi, ; iti.u u Liei* plllliir wlil:ljit:i't'd t* linr ludlllld-!-ll'"ll|i idie eiilcr the hliop a^.un. "Tin-1 dinpt:iis.iiinii ui t^am is itui in I'm fidi'lu'i: diofiUlt.'," Wil-1 hi:l" 11'l't:Vul't'll! ">l.,-' iniuj4 up. '"Jbi'd inaku ii r.un it tin; pni|,..i linn.:! im- on Nfi M'u'.. L.liuI ii it. u'eru. On, liurlin^' '."' hlu) murmured under her lue-iiu fur a luui-iom lion" m night., lunuuu Wi.isturihiily, li.i/ily wt;t, A .;iusnu>^ "(ildim luiv huiween 1 In* nluifl ami n ei.i, Juhll Jieii-Iit:d lip h;r|iind. Out uti'il licr I'nnbndhi and who tnekcl up her ll'ill.i. Sliu nii*ti.Lii;tl ; he tlrc'.v up .um alio lianlietl otit 1 lie 'inn, carei'nl le.hnv had ijIujumI this dooru und 1 u* tlnwn ihe win dow. All agonized endeavor to open dour hitlanco umbrella, routine idurtn irnni ni'id and HiLVti new hiinuet unsued. Ifi: saw tna', ami with unusual, nntabbyhkn eoui'toaj', juinjind down, au-yiny : "Allow 1110." The lady ijavu a-litilo auream. "Tom ! you drivim,' a Imunoin V" "No wor.11; than drivimj my coacii, in't, \\v. Lanc;uil.;r V" lu: rotoi'Liul. - "On ! Tom, dear, what on earLh are yuy iloiu;^ it lor'.'" Then, with a iu^h-lundud attempt ul dignity : I ask the rii-kton lor Unit nuw iind uvtriLoi'Uin iry metier T It ,it for a hut ':" "A hot? Olr, dear 110 !" A lii.itinut pau.-i.*. "Thai, honuet of ymiiM \-.i ^(jLtiuy rather til-' wiirstof it ; il'hh piry, for ii'.'t rather a tiic" oik:," he addt;dt uviny it eriticiily, at juc wlio know.-* the ways and mean,; of bimni'tH, or rafchur the wayn uf tlie hou- netii, ami tho umann of thoiio wlio can atlonl nuh a ono un ho imw buforu hitn ho eyed it critically, t).iou/n not feeling ueiuly no cool aa he was anxiouu to make her boliuvo, "Oil ! what doen that matter t" uha Bna'p- pod out. "Ho no good na not to make por yonal. romarka; ' I ahall slpoil 113 many bon nets as I elmoae," with .^larinjj iudepen dence. "Jl'ni ! yoa alwaVii uiod to-'do ho," glow ering down at her. "JJoyou refuse, then, to drive me?" nhc faltered. Tliuro wanu't auothor cab m siglit. "Oh, dear, no ! When a inan'n poor and hay to earn his living by the sweat of hi* brow ho in likely to Hud tlio latter mere, plentiful tbun thu former; so I am only too glad to got wliat faro a I can." He gloated wickedly, for eho looked up in bis farro whilt a mint gathered and glow in his oyeu, and nho gave a littlo tnA>, "Oil, Tom, dear Tom," hu whiHpexfi'.l,.Ml novor.knew it waa so bad an this." * _ _ "Didn't you ?" hoaiiHwered, witli hnitui unsympathy for her Hvinpaihy with him in Ida altered oiroumBtancjs. Then he banged open tho door, raised iho window aud stood by' bur iu an attitude ot unlm iiu. piiLieuce. riho guvu another imploring L'iaui.'e. U was eyeing his. udblo heasi'b liintb.piat'Lt.T.s bis nioiuli punolietl up in an amliM- whiatlu. "Colonia never could stand in tin rain," ho said, reflectively, as it taking liu* into his couliileuuo. Mrs. Lano'-Kler aiyhed and stepped int.i tho liansoni. Khe Bottled herself in a corner of the ail with amaher sigli und a furtive glani.-e u' tho luoluiigLiliiHH to her lull, while tin driver mourned buhiml and slowly L-atlieia-d Up the mus. Ho hitngod down tho wimlou und alapped open tho littlo trapdoor over head with professional noiso, and \\."w' "Whero to ?" with profo-iidonal hrovity. "Hume, please, if you don't mind," *c\<- his fare, meekly. An thoy drove down Bond stVed, Mrs. Lancaster's eyes being shut oil' fru'-n on ward aidits, slie turned them inW-rd an, viewed lier whirling thoughts. "What a story tliik-Wouhl make if any one only knew, or if I only had the pen ut . roady writer. It'a roidljnrYUitu a pity thai my gift all runa to seed in correspondence "Poor darling, how wot be meet bo go: ting up there !" 1 hero was a block juat at tho corner a: they turned into Viucadilly. Mra. Laucua- tor prolited by tho occasion. She took hoi umbrollu and piiHheil up tho nkylight. It wan immediately opened. Mr, Lancaster looked down ; Mra. Tjin- caater looked' up. "Do you want to get out V I am afraid you cannot. Wo ray bavo to wait heru ,n quarter of an hour." "It isn't that," she answered. "I wanted to know, or I wanted u aak. Oh, Tom, dear, aren't you very wot and cold up thoro ?" "Thanlc yon! ono could acarcoly ovpoel there should bo a draught up liero, or lv. find it paiohiijgly hot but I'm quito eon? fortablu, thank you, all tho aamo.1' With r male's incoimitaoncy. Down wont the ukylight. Tho greai stagnation slowly uprose and they drove on again. It had begun to clear up. Mru. I^an- eastoK'thottiJht una know" her way- ahoului town, but Mr. Lancanter nhoiild h.i'fo known ' id still batten, and yat ho took hr round Groflvenor place an, a moanu to rouchiuy Tark'lano. It acemfid aa if ho took a ploas- uro in driving by the moat .opposite and roundabout route She had money of her own, a goodil.oOQ a year, and when Aha Onal aplib c a trio a bo had boon ton yurouil to let hoy know bow liiii niouuy mutters stood, muKo it came about- that husband and wife haxl not mob for quite a yaar. and tln*t, during tho -last fivo weoka I10 lmd driven a, raking bay about London, harneasod to a luxurious"St. %" liannojn. And liol Wall, lie was thinking of what a thuiidorln^.a^ajhjo.had been and how -ha had tried hot' lovo avid faith in him. t And uho t Wbll, .had alio too, not flirted juat n hit with Lord Kacquo and Colonel Tan;nnl, und whoa ho had -remonsti'aiud cvfti* no littlo lmd nhc no,t flarod out on him and tliniHt. t'uat odioiia, yollow-hiured 8iy- hora SoroHa in h\n I'ac^? . J-| **X wiah lie wouldn't d*':vw .|-i'to no favit," .-ioao uoou. if ho dow." '.'. . , Ttwy wctiy]oa.:dii;j u ius>utaab.'.^Jh ilintod her uinbrolhi toward if ami ho dr'o op inutantly- "If you doij't iniiid/'Bho said, "I am just going id fur u ghiHi* nf wiiioj I fool a litt-U faint." .....It.WUU no auah thing, for lu two minutos *}m was out again,"thu nvitouchod and t!iu ghibs iu her hand. "You mimt have (job no wot and cold 1 wiidi you u'ouhU-yoiiV-.-.ihu.HlMiiiuei'.o'l, timidlv 11 litthi ------- She had taken oil' Imr glov'u, and tlio broad wedding band can .'ht his nyo' A kpau'u of pain eainn upo.. ilia face. It wna like driving your tint thiough a mirror and mmwhing tho imiooth, con tiurfacn iutc him. "Thank you," lie wu\ a little unsteadily, iu a lather husky voice, an ho de.wtided slowly from his pereh. "Oh ! I will take it iu for you." "I could not think ot giving a'lady my (jlawi to jnit down," iio itiiiiwered witli his old ehai-tietei'iiitic coiirtusy toward ' the wmnanjmuil. Ahoiit a (|iiMi!r of an hour later the hammm drew up in Norfolk streel. Mrs. Laueasti'i- got. nut. and walk ud slowly up'the ntups. Heforo ringing ;dic turned around. A In tie ragaiiiiiiliu .win. iuupeclim.' licr. "Would you liii/i a uixponcoT:" idio asked him gravoly. A Hiipiu'lluouH (piosiiun, 10 which he replied, with tho knowledge ut past e.\prrieiioe '" t,'"i"'t him, and a wisdom beyond his winter:- . ".Sixpences were nut to .be 'al fo; unth in'." "Of course nut,:' she answered, "and you have only tu hold ilie hurse's head for u little. Von iieeiln'i'ho afraid," she added, rashly giuranteioii'-' the heist's peaceful nature, "and you shall have ni^ponee,'1 Thus having ml need the legion of un- cmiduvi'd by one, she turned and rang tht boll. ' "Do you mind eoimng in .for a few min utes';" she und, addressing her husband, "I want to toil you something." llo looked at her, for an mutant, then nettled his whip in its bucket, tied the ruins accurcly and denci*niUd slowly. "But the servants '."' "The only two whom you will see are new ones. The door opened "Dinner at once and lay another place at table." "You remember tliis, and this (pausing before some picture or some hanging), and this vase ; do you remember how nearly I was drowned out uf that gondola at Venice -it was just, opposite those glass worky, and you iiiHisud on our guing in and biiviiig Hoinuthing to remind you, and how thauuiul you wen: tlutL it had ended in nothing worse thuu a drenching'.'" "J have forgotten nothing," ho answered gravely. "Not oven tho way to your dressing room," hIu said arehly, turning around. "Not even tin; way to my dressing-room," replied Mrs. Lane-itf;r. "I daresay the gas isn't lighted, though," .She led the May and they entered tho room together. The door between'it and hnr room was upon, and ho looked in ; lio did more ; ho udvancjjijii iew paces and stood ill tho doorway. llc could not havo crossod the thn?Blujnnia^TrT(;eTPli7s~nient carnfat -dtr-- aire. ' He devoured every, object, a thousand memorieH crowding to his weary brain, but his faeo did not change, and his wife watch ed him closely all tho while. She watched as ho glanced at the two easy chairs, one at each aide of the blazing fire. How often had they occupied them in tho happy pant I Only then, to uc sure, thoy had been drawn cloao side by side and they had proved tho fallibility of the rule that "two bodies cannot occupy the aa'iniv apace at the aamo time." She watched him as his eyes turned to the d'ichess toilet, taldu, with itu largo cen ter glass in front of which hc^ad often made her stand while bo lmd<P^ior mark what a luuidnome couple they made. Ho drew a sharp breath, and a spasm shot across his face, leaving a a ghiu)o7or two whiter. He glanced up lii.i wife waa look- -'-"_ ^t 'iun m breathless atillnesa. Sho turned qmcklyaud loft the room. He found his way out about ton minutes afterward Mrs. Lancaster took a little longer. There was a. soft dewiness about her eyesas flhe came and Blood heside him. Iiusband'a and wife's hands met in a' quick, cIoho grip, and a feeling of infinite love came nestling around his heart, "Tom," she be^an wistfully. "Yes, Cecile ?." questioningly. There was no tunc for another word, the door handle was slowly moving around. "It'3 my sheep dog, Miss Meetou,1' sliu whispered, her breaclr coming and going,for. a sudden puzzlesnme question had arioeuTn her mind. She had forgotten all about Misa'Meesun to tell tho truth she had. no' taken hor into.account at all. What was shu to do and say ? Introduce Tom as thu afternoon's hansom cab diiver aud nothing else ? Ooodiicss, Shu raised hor faco us aho npoko. No need to explain tho meaning of t,|,y wordx to ono who loved her an did this ntrnugu cabman. Ho" took thu "golduu crown" U& twuun both his hands and liianud her faif, forolieoil tundorl^*. Husband and wife wore rouultod, uvr to part again. It was not until tlio if mutual teairi, of joy hud ceased that tlio littlo 11 rehIn iu the street-WaM_.reiiH.-mloiod. Ho and another littlo imp worn found talc -iuf.;-iU-iiuLimiH Ilol- graviu. ~" THU SLAUGHTER OP WITCHES. InicileaV ltm:oid l>l<) Sot . A p|i'iuieh lit lloiror l'liut of I'lU'ope. ily and by, however, when tho revival of :lasii: studio* tilled ICiirope with scejitic-t., dii! Kiispicion ot the ehureh was direcied igiiinsi a new dnngor, till the iiamu' of a ichnliu had nlnioMt lieiiouio a iiynniiyin of lu'ii-iie. I'Yom rliat, nligina it was only a * tin* ehar^i) of Huromy. Not ptliloHO- phefii ami iileliiiniints only, but jirelaies, priin'.i'ti and at loam, Lwn.Popi:.'i iuo'.irrcd tin .Niirtjiicion of '"hlaci; art" by thu unusual ox- lent of 1 heir'ernditioii. [11 lo.'iD -i witch was formerly tried in AiiLfMutii'L,', 1 It.'rmmy, and eniivictiid upon tins \i:n\ luiiiLiy of uiiMitouil witne:in(;'!t who' elaimeil u> have i-n her perform all sorts 0: trielM in ihe sh.Lp.: of a lilacl; oat. Sin1: had liiiuti iMii-jli; i:roui:hing o\i;r tlnv-'Cradle 01 uincpmg i;iii!iii en, who laughed in their oii-iiiiii 111 ii'i.iuer Ui the hlaspheinotts si.'in riiity of hor Wiii^pijred. remarks. She ii:td .i,s(i iKi-o mci'U luduiolildilg with tho d'*vii and stirring a cdiuou of witch-brntli, Inn in fpii'1 ut t:n- c.t ruii'.rly .nupported i-vi- tieiicit the ju il;..i ln-^:tah'd for a week he- ;ore they nu'.-'-d on thu fatal TiiiLii Kiiuilitr euniM wi-rc tried iu Padua, Linz (Upp'-r Austris) and St.rasl.utrg in tho , nun.ii of iho ii>.'\t leu yi'iivu, and upon iho iMsis id ' lion: [ireeedeuls the Christ inn \t o'.id'Muoii ai'lirr ;i ppcared t<> go cra/.v en 11 uise. \V.ien eiuiiinissioii'ir^ with 'lu:rc poMsi; of Iii'lln-H roamed from village to vil- ln^f, the j.uli uere crowded with prisoners, who in niiiiiv niHe'i *eciu to have his' their wits mm foinohiiidy a^ their poraocut.ors. 11. .itii hy tire hi'caine tiie usual form of exe- .:'.:'...'n. Tiie terrible name of tlio l*itri li :mher aiib-nte or tiro court, would havo applied to thousands ot triiiiinals iu West- 1 - 111 .-ud Smlt lo'l'ii ICxroiiu. rile idia-itly insanity r M'died its eulmiiia- iii.n jnjiiif iitioiil tin- loi-i or ihe iitteeiitli - u: i'i v. iinn it, hi'ciii.-. ,l .in ui 1', W-"ii'i.'Uec t,:t ;!. oi'o^ru s 11; A iii'.rii."ui . <1;l " of e:M:,i.|n- t o '. in- ;;i(- : ..1 is iifciiri 1,'d ill 111.- :::d.-lil'T^ ill .ill'.: Iv.l'iis'i et t liMiients, lni_t 1:1 '. in: 'iio.i; tin' .-,i>; l!< : or the New W ! id wrro, too Iidi-v with . te.rrtMtiai- pnib- ', _i,..h to wiiie inii'-ii t!:ii': L'ji tin; mysteries '1' 1; !;nr,i'ur;di/i:t ion, Sotno forty or fifty li..i..i:i I Moxieini in i-v have ht:t:u Inirned ,m a 1 -irii-jt! of muck urt. during iho first tlireu I'Miinries ol thu Spanish dominion and perhaps .'{,<)' 10 person j in all I'.ritish Nerl li America, for .those aggregates aro .Ihu .vcriest irillo eompi'ired witli that of uH'diie\;il Ktirope. l'lofmsor Hitziii of Uar- Im, after a careful comparispu of all tho .iwiilahlo records, estimates tho total num ^t-r-of, victims frmii tho and of tho four* let nth .to the hi^iiiuiug ui the eighteenth .rrntuiT al 7.o0'*,n'> >. ilsviiiistiu hiii "Ms moir do la M.i^ie" iissuui-'-i a much highor ,i,."ji ('(.'ate, and ])r. Sprmi^er in his "Life of M'mammed" may come very nuar tin; triu- .iitdiiim iu computing the total fur all Kurupc and America at 9,000,000. San I'VuicUeu (Jhronicle. mer'-'il'iit 'lispcusa- )>y that limn the jiu'.'-i iii'Lt 1 op'Miod a \iTst, Wiieherafr, 1 America and hero y j)a,;un( un ; it would not bo pos sible. Introduce him as a friend only ) Yen, but what if there were to como a re- concilation ? How horrid would look! But introduce Tom as her husband.! (A quick throb at hor heart). What if lie in- muted on their retnainiug only friends 1 What if ho should reject tho projected for giveness? What if ho Hhould exclaim: "Pardon mo; I was hor husband at ono timo, but Mra. Lancaster desired to dissolve the partnership?" What agony and humil iation ? Tho door opened and the dear, humble old sheep dog entered far ion mock of aspect to cow any ravoniug wolf except by hor old-fatdiionod tatelv Hweotnonn. "Miss Moeson, miid Mrs. Lancaster," faltoringly, "Miss -Meeaon, dear wo have n guest at dinner to-night; let mo introduce Tom my Tom ! The man who wan over and ever will bo the doaroat and host of men. There there was a slight mnumdor- Htamling, almost all my fault; Uut we havo found, liu and I I mean he Thoro waa a puekor on her face, uho faltered, and then said tromtil* nusly and with exquisite tenderness, "He in my dear husband !" Then sho.smiled uj. in his face and luid her head on Iuh hhouldor, an much out of tho fullness of her lovo as to hide that awful cabman's badge,, which bln^od hug'dy on bia breast. Thou' sho bundled a queor little laugh, thai had a.gliiup.iu of tears in it not ho vorv far oil*. Miss Meeson huM out her hand with a much puzzled air, hut Mr. Lanuantor saw neither that nor the look. His cyan wore moistened witli uriuhed tears, and bin wife's head when ho looked down uotwnoil to be some blurred 'mans of golden h*uwit on his shoulder, mid the lights seemed sud denly to. havo got misty and to lliukor up ami down. . "I left iny upocladeu iu tho other roam," said Mifla Moeson softly, though'una-was peering through tliom as nho apoke. I think that thoro wan uomethlng vorj like a look of rupture on both husband und wifo's faces. "V'ou have iorgobtou to pay ino my nun," ho said after a hit,' "Do you chisel iLJl..ybip'-cal;hieu out-of their farun, dear !" Sho laiigliod up into his face wlth-ti' mur- ujur of \uiniknlytondo.ruuua, : : "Wull, your teal faro ia twoahillinytf, l>ut C will giv you *'golden orown.'" .Stuh KntlH or TltoiiKtit, Love is tho iutaugihlo unrest, tho quint essence of whit should bo but ia not, the ji'.iM.-uru of p.tiu; the happinoss of heart- Li.:!ni. the alleged attainment of the unat- lainahle, the tolly of feoling, tlio definition :ii the undelinable, aud about ten thousand million other things we are alwaysneoking and never finding with any degrco of cur laiuty. No bird knows what it xings. Truth should be t.eiupered by expediency Some hcarifl are meless until they arc brokisi. The hor^ca can't be successfully liitolietl iaudem to the inairiitionial cart. Cupid seldom shoots his arrow pi uml* through the centers of two hearls. , ('ontintincnt is tiie pleisant word for do* cay. One man cannot make a heaven that will fit' aiiy other man. Hope seems to sit down to rest some times. Tho prettier a, woman is the more she needs aomething olae. A Woiiiuii'm Wronfi*. liishop Starkey.or thediocedo of northern New .leraey of the Protestant Kpiucopal Uhureh, has caused considerable dianciiBsion by tlenying to female clioristeni tho right to wear vestments or to enter tho channel. His decision concerns, in particular, Chris) church, Jersey City. Tho rector'u-daugi/ ter, Miss Kato llattin had organized a mix ed and _ aurplico chorr, consisting of-t-tu malo and ten female voiceu, and had nop- pliod snow-wbito surpliooa and cups, for tho foinalo choriaterfl. Bialiop Starkly interposed as soon aa ho learned of tho pro ject. He had no objection to tho blondine, of male and female voices, but the ladi<-s could not bo permitted in church with Bur {)liceQ, and could not enter tho ohancol. In )ehalf of tho ladies, it iu stated that sitn:'/u choirs havo been pormitted in. othc Protestant Episcopal ehnrohfl'a" withovi1 question. Hero ia indeed a horrible ex ample of man's cold-bloododneon and tyranny, which 1 mako a proiiont of to my fair' friends . among tlio advocates of " 'woman's rights." Tlui Ancient Ilotvotliul Itlnir. . Tho anelcntu wore the betrothal ring m now, on tho next loaat fingor of thu iof; hand. Many roauonH aro assigned for this as tho erroneous idoa that a voin or nurvi. went direct to the heart, and thoroforo tin- outward sign of matrimony should bo placed in'connootion with the seat of'lifu; tho .. hand ia auign of inforiority or aubjimuon; tlio left hand is lena employed than th right, and- tho finger noxt loaat tlio ben* proteutod, At one timo it was tho custom to pluco iho wedding ring on tho right liapd of tbo bridb. The Anglo-Saxon bridogrooin &t the betrothal gave a wed,or plodgo, and a ring was placed on tho maidon'n righ hand, where it remained till marriage and won then tranuforred to tho left,- Philadel phia TimpB. * I__ 1 - _|___LIJ.I. I !__--.L IJ__I A WIho Karvnnt. "Suppose," said tho lady "now only iiippouQ, undorotand that you worcenrry. ing a piece of ntoak from tho kitclum, ami by accident should, lot it nlip from the plntu to the floor, what would you do in Buch a caso V* ' The girl lookodTho lady gfjuare iu the oyu for a momonk boforo askhig.': "Is it a private family or are thoro boarders';" .,'..' 'Hoai'dm'H," unawered tho.lady. Hok it up tiiiid put it back on plat'o," 'Hvmly replied tho, girl, u!- onjjaged.- . icattaw. no-Jaw, it.comc rrtcw F, S. I/'m';'.' HAS PLACED fit. Ocft:-,\ Xcv After (Li'.lc; No Strbngl^, Wo & miction Hood's Sare^p.-ir!!!:-. Hcatt:-.. The fo1];jv;l:::: \':'.'.:-r li f.-i.m :: v: IIHM'h;iutt:;ll.^ref H. <*.!. .-;;-, '.<. ]*..: "(.:. i.,jiooiKv;'Co., Lowrii, y.n.iH.: "Gentlenion- I ,i:u plad Io .-t.-iy'tl1 Pcrlcct PRICES AWAY OWN - ON - Farm Harness, Trnck Harness AND Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. )r T Kar:iapari!)aand Uood'M i'illr. great deal oT gootl. I bud r. :i , the grip In tho wlnler, a.nt :i.f:s' <: fever I did not \-nn to . v'ii-r :>u-' no ambition. lUn .'. irs:t]i:irir:' Just what I needed. Tlio rt'Mi'.i (tatlafactory, mid I reenjinaeiid \\. all who aroaHllcled v.idi Jii"n:i::i afflletlons cansRd hy pol.vvi and r,f|f"* blof ul. always Keep jiooil's ^:irs:ip;jriila in my \><fi-and use it whoa T need n ton!":. Y/e ah:o let, Hood'H Pills r,a band ami lliinit l',dily of ihn:-.' J. W, Jjvk] man'. St. I'.on-r."-, Ueiv Jlrimfjv.'ic!;. ' ^ .1. Jh.j . provr-i 1 > I V!T(> '. I. medii-h:.' ii-;].) fit* o'l: Sch bit-" Rherrn'iatism Capt.^hnn Tells How 'A% "AhoaL .". y>:s t.y attack 0/ :;ei;iil<' riiriinmtiim and !.ii I oil' most of thn . uiiiiue;'. I west icom I lo St. dohn, M. Ii., lu my pae'.a t jjclioou'-r, curl \%;is Mt helpless and luMit'h .'mlici'ln;; tlirit 1 co'ikl not, /* -' riUotkL'r jl'.'liooner I'-une .:i L "::nl lo mco i.-.c, and Wi'.nU.d .:j t:> ECt Hood'.i -aarsaparilla; h'j s:dd it had Safi'sapariHa cured 1dm whon ho W113 so bad that bbi wlfo had to food him. I sent to Boston for. two bot tles, which did for mo all I had boon told Hood's Barsaparllla would do. I [jalnod rapidly and whon 1 had taken tlio two liottloa I was ablo to work. A great many pooplo hero havo taken Hood's Saraaparllla ulnco It cured mo, and all speak highly oflU" Capt. 8, McOiiakauak. Margarctvlllo, Nova Scotia. Hood'a f5aruapnrllla \n sola by all dniKBlats; $1, six *-r C". Pi-iinrcd only by CI. Hood &Co., Lowell, Mus.1., II. a. A. A Inrrjo nU.<\\c and it must &<. Call mwl hoo me bcloru Iniyii.g eleewhuTQ Everything in ihe Horse Furnishing Line. !* S. Adams* Two door,; ount of Ilato'n CmrlsdO Worlm, Kkbuic, ESSEX Hood'9 PIHa i*r*> purely vejjotable, and tfa ootpur^o.painorcrbo. Sold by aU drunabikL AUCTIONEER nENUY- IlKDUICK, Auctionoar. Baloa promptly attended to. Addronu Houth VVooduloo, Ont. Poruonn donirlnn to eoonro m inuy loiivo word at tho Fjhse Piikbh otHco. tf U. HUDRICK, IOnN GORMLKY, tl LICfcNHED AUCTIOKI5KB for tho County ofEnuax. All kinds of fatm utouk sales, etc., comluctea promptly and on pliort notloo. Ilatun ro;iaoi ablo Persons denirahlo to iirranuo falon inuy by cnlllnn at tho Fnurx I'nusn 0IH00 or by opplyinB to A J, GOrtMXEY. P.O.Box 1 Kunex.Out. IjWANK M0CLO8KKY, MaidBtoao, thirty- r Bfivnn yoarn* ostporionoo an an iiuctioneorm sho County rtf Entiex. Bidouoondnoted promptly, tnd on re'uBonuble terms. Parties desiring to l\x tho date for a sale oan tnivo thotnaolve? 11 .Irivo by calling at tho'FiiKK Phisna oflico. Wo linvo nrrauifod with Sir. MoOInnkoy niid will Ax rbo dates lornalOHby toloei-aph.ontiroly froo of ill ohurgo tc tho norcon holding tht* niilo. Atl- Irona Frank JloOlODkov.Ualdstouo Crosn.Ont, 1UB THE AMERICAN HOTEL EssoxF - Ontario.- 0. Lucnt, riioi-iujSTOit, has ueen thnroiifthly pnlutoil and roplrnlubotl with now hirnitu-o by tbo proiiont jirapriotor. I-Aliai! BAHN IM OONNKCTIoil^ Firat-Glans Accomodation Guaranteed. Has Ju( v Receiveti The Finest and Best tesdrtiRent of Boofs end Shoes \. In E'*scx, Great Value in Men's Shoes and OxfordSi Ladies' and Children's Shoos and Oxfords, The Cheapest in the Land. Call and Eqarnlno and bo Con- vlnood for yourselves. das. Douglas, Sl^ti oi iii Golden Hoot, Whitnov Block - Fa-^ei/ E. Qoorge I Jones, \ff A TWf WTCTTI Looftl " n(1 TravtIIna W Xlll JLJCiXJ KuloHOH'ii to hsndlo our Xlnray Caiiailiun Oiowii isinserv Htoclt.' Wo KUiirantoo Bfttinfaction to n jneiuditfttlvon and utintomojB. Cur nursorlirn mtt tlm lnrvoafe in tbo Dominion, ovor 700 uci-oh. No nubhtitutiou in ordors. Exoluoivo torritory una liboml torma to wholo or part timo aRonts. Wrlto im, " HTONI5 * WKhTjINCITOK, (ITeiid oillcu) Toronto, Onfc (Tbo only nursery in Canada naviim t^ntinr; orehardii.) ii :im '^W-^'iT NUItSEUYMAM, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Poaob, Poar, Plum, Apple and Quinco Trooo, Hobos, EvorgroosH, Borry BnshoB, Ranpborry, Blaoltborry and Gurront Buulion. All firat-olaaH titooh. Sayo agentR* Big Profits! imd write for prices'. Wo will cbeor- lully answer you hy return mail.. . M^litest. En <s lest Workliifif, Most Accurate, Compact,. Moat Modern and progressive I'i>r mtuW'ipio or Information wrlto to THS MARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., Now Hnven, Conn. FOR TWENTY-PIVE'Y^ANtS s Bha tli" waa Splendid Apple Trees, AI ai ovory roHpeofc, $12 THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND Largest sa(-g in Canada. Pluon in tho world for youna won nnd women to boo are a HuBinettd lfiduoatlou, Rljorthand ,oto,, In ths Detroit BuhIuohh Uulveraity. De troit, MI0I1., IlluBtratod outalopua Frt'o. Hofot-micfB ; All Detroit, W. P. JEWELS, Pro. l\ H. HH-JNCKK, E*o'yt Best On uoou* pmdnotivo Firm Proporty at fti} it 0 por oout. straight. No Valuation F^es, tat* Gonvoyauomx Don<j up iu Neat 9tyl Fira anci Lifo nsuranco. -a:", loveUc, ' ' I>:s$ltXt,ONT ', ^^^^jj^^ 1 tli lUU "" $.ty^&M WylM 15

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