Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 8, 1895, page 5

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^fJr^i^?^^^^!^!^^^ \ " it*m Kssjfcx:. xfkjs^e: .jpRjffsa. >H"'- wtti FRIDAY, MARCH B, 1805, S&2^ 'TALrK OF THE TOWN Maroh ia civiofi uh a variety of weather. Town Council met on Tuesday ovonin^. Minutee olbewhar*. Now wall paper from 'la. per roll up, at May's Bazar, Tho Prenbylory of Chatham meetn at Itid^ttown on Monday next, Bpoolal Boryioon afo utill heintf conducted in tho Methodint ohuroh by Kov. Dr. I*aROOQ,, face our clothing before you buy. CJ. E. 8. and On. Mr. A. WilliamH, of. AtuhorHtbur^, hua scoured a position with Momtrn. For nythe, Auderuou, A* Co. Tho hearing of tho argument u juriM- diction in thw Ehhox protortb cnuo, ban boat) in do (In it oly pouponod by Judo,o Horno. Owing to tho enncortof tho Ekhox Min- utrirt Club tho Hih School Board did not hold itn regular mooting hint Friday itlit-. The Chatham town council ban voted oaoli of the iiowdpupurn of Mint town $100 for reporting thoir prooaediugH during tho pant year. The ooototfihero uro . kept y*ry busy. Thtro fa a ^ood daal of Hiokncna in the Hiir- rounding country, priuoipnlly of diphtheria and la grippo.-- Tim te>wti council havo puV-tod a bv-law requiring all towu bar-roomn to bo elofuid fnm nine o'clock in tho ovmiing until 7 o'alook'hi tho morning. Hootch Twtfod HtiitH for men miido to or der at Smith's, $15,50. Mr. S. Kritton.who iu confined to hin Houro with cancer of tho Htunmoh, waajrory low for'irfcvdayfl lust wook, but ho- Ikwi bou renting oaoier thin weolc. A child of Mr. TJriuh Bearoan'n hay bdon vary Hick with diphtnoria. l)rB. Brhn & Brion hiive boon troatiua it with tlio now diphthoria remedy, antitoxin, with aplandid roawlta. . A publio mooting of tho Woman** IWp.- tiutMjimon Circle will be bold oh Monday evening next. A good profiramme will bo rendered. AH are .invitod; tlio Mito boxes will be opened. Get your fin* nhooa for apriru' at Sraitb'a. Many of "the boyn" who compriHcd tho Ebhox MiustroJ Clob are mourning tho loan of raoUBtaohoB, Nobody over hoard of a "oullud" man with a mouutaolmi and thoy had to oome off. Linen rollor Blindn, eix foot long con:- pUto 23 otn. each, G. E. Smith & Co. Tho council at ito raootiutf on Tueuday night docided on tho recommendation of tho Fire and Water Commitfceo,,to place an Rdditiouul boiler in tho watorworkn riant. - Another boiler ia badly noodud. 33ruflaelu carpet GO eta. par yd. atSmithH, ' Humane Inp*ctor MoE ^rau, of Windsor, will muko a tour of the oaunty of Etiaox, to proaccuto furiajcrR and othcrn who turn playod out horecH iuto tho roadn aud iivldn to din. Ho uilyo thiucrutd pructioo ib quito com men. NOTICE ; Inspector Aluxwell hafi call ed a meowing of tho County . Board to in quire inio ODuipIaintfi niado ugainst D. A* Wilnonteacher of B. S. No. 11, Goalleld Nurih, at 10 a. m. on Fn-ayrMa:ch the 8th Ibflii. All who aro concerned pluuric take ucriioo thereof. .. Evurythinq will bo in reading for tho extenaion of tho M. O. It. into Amherat- burj; town about April lflt. W. S. Kluuoar, divisional cu(jino*tr, and Mr. Plunkutt, of thoM.C.E., woru iu the burg laat weok in connection witk the matter. Tho Ontario Natural Gao Co., of Wind sor, uay they havo aa'many pcoplo to towt-i- fy that tho gatt ia as cheap as coal or wood, an tburo are naniou on tlio petition to re duce tho pneo. Many of tho petitioner*!, thoy Huy, Hijjued Undor tc minapprobensioii,' bBiQ^ unaware that it wati olaimoj gun coat 30 to 00 per oout. raorq, Mr. Burton, bha rocont purchaoor of tho Royal Hotel, tooit peneeHuion of that hoteU rj ou tho 20th of February. Mr. Burton oomou to Knox highly recommended an a laotcl-koepor. llowas proprietor of the tirund Union Hotel of WindHar for a num- of yaar*, aud has had considerable axper- j*nce. Ho intoiidu making the Itoyal one of the inoflt pleayant houtolrios of th county. Preparation* are beiDg mat'o for a boom at WitiUVu Cdiir Baaeh luinmor roaort.' r. King and Cariua Wiglo bttvo purchaa- cd from MobBr.%acob and Ortondo Arucr, tho remainder *f tk Jaoob Fox farm, con- alstittgo! all of tho dry land oast of MIpb Eliza Ai-oor' lund and touth of Cedar Or*k, about 400 acr, priou 39,COO. ThSHo witrpimmn gontletueu own COO acres in a block now, nearly 100 acrou of which iu mur*b, but tlitr greater part of this will bo druine:! and mado tho tnoafc valuable part of ikt farpa, ** Dr. Sondder haH_.don hiua- iUr lands on the ialaud. Gruat xmprov- mobtfi will be mado on thu beach, both for a primto and pnblio rort. A oommod* jous rustic tat wl|l bin erected on' the ' grounda iu_tbe spring, size 45 x l& .fent, wbiob will be vury Oouvenient for public vUlton in caao of ashowor of rain. A fine pajlt ^ill bo loldoafc iu tba bautifdt grov on the fwria flrt boagbt, Lively times aro on during the past fW days around tho office latoly occupied jointly by Dr. Potty and dsntUt Blator. The amuaoraotit comraouGod the other day wheu tho uiodloal man had Bailiff tilnolair eiz* the goodi in tho offloo, (aaid. to have beii plaotJ there by the deatiat.) to pay the rent of tUo ofllao for nbout a year panh Tbo dentlat claim a he was to havo occupied the office free, on oeniition that ha teach Dr. Potts cwrtaiii branohoa of dentistry. Tuoaday Mr, Blatar'iBaiiad a replevin war rant, and ai^ain nacurod po8oaaion of biu Ifoodfi which ho haw moved to taor con genial ajUarterH, The WindBor JteoJrd*n Kbmox correapou- doiitaaya: "There,U uonrn talk of Miae Ed^ar. one of tb iuaoheiu of the public Hobool, taking a portion on the nuhool HtaCf at Walkurvillo. Tho board redutiod Mihh Jildgar'o walary at th beginning of the yeur, and it lit ban buuu Ionkint! for a school uviir Hiuco." Aa Mitm Edgar ban U<^in iloinu.Vfry uutialaotory work in her room, the Board ban ninoo dooidod to in- oreiiHCi horiiulary to^HOO, and uhu will liko- ly remain. Tim riiduotioa wau mado only iu viow of tbo offorn of Hoverul teaohtirn from thu otiafc. at 3250 and upwardu. It iu not duoiuod arlviuablo to ohaugi) teuohort) ton froquoutly. MM 1111,1 nil rn Toroiito'H Big: Oeparfcmontal Storo U Totally Destroyed.' An XSlforU Oytrtor Suppor. - ' iCfowdotlout lant wook.) Tho pooplo of Elford and vicinity, gav* an ovHtar nuppor on thu evening of Ftb. SOih, to which thu moro pronjiMiii^flUpporti* *rinlho grayol rend notation wuro in vited. In iqiito of tlie inclemoncy ot the wcintlur thoro \va: a lar;j'j numbor prchont and a very enjoyublo oveuing wau upent, H upper wau nerved at tho roiudeiico of Thomau Broa. The Elford ladion aro re- niiwuod lor tho oxcolluuoo of tbo repaitu which thoy provide on iiuoli ocoaaionw, and the pro^(/ut wau no t-xcDpiion. After am ple jufitico )iikI bueu done to lbo inuer aiat)f tho pt-oulo repaired to thn .ohnroh, where an oxcollont programrao wiia rouder. od. Affor tho umiilI opening oxorcisoK Mr, Win. Elford took thu floor and in a brief way explained the objeot of tho gathering ouding by culling Mr.T. H. DoGowforward and roadioR tlio following Mh. t. ii. SbuOK.w, " "' . * Dkab Sm.-rWo, '.tho people of Elford, tako this opportunity to nhow you that we LOSS WILL BE-OVER-$800,000 All your fornsn at Yo|ibs ntl Queen NtmetM l>t*troyo<l SoVdral I'lromr" Injured InnoudlurlHin Sn- pctd )Liri Oruwdit thu H<)ti. tingnished. The bcoiio ot the flro was yos- tortlay und to-day visited- by; probably 100,000 pooplo. Tho congregation of Knox church hold Horvlctw In tho hcIiooI room, there being Rt111 all day h fllcknr of flro In tho tower of tbo church, which In not, however, consldiTtid llkoly to Bpread. % FATAL FIRE IN TORONTO. uppreelutfl yonr ansiiiUnoo in helping to ne. euro & good road. Whilo not forgetting tho oouuoilfl of the various munioipulitioo who amuuted un, nor MoBBrB. Barrott, Brown, Morrin, Fox, and obherawhe eo ably preaonted our claim to tno County Counuil, or tho liboril uilp- port given us iu tho Town of Ebbox, both by private parties and by tho rown, y*t wo winh to ceoogmzo your ablo services aw leader in thin ftfjitatinn. Being mtoreatod, Uk6 ouraelvoa, you woro tho firt to bring our griovaoop keforo tho publio and wo aro mire that it in duo to your onorgy and per- sevaranco that the Bcbcmo'wafl bron^ht lo no fiuccoRHful an isuue. Beinrf foremofit in onr effort a TOKONTO, March 4. For the third time within two months Toronto hnH_lM.'On visited by it disastrous conilagrji^Ton! On Sunday/Jiiiiuary . K, the Globe howh- paper building, 8. Ji^\JiICIniioii*H whoUs-( , wilo mlllinory entabllHh'nient itnd ndjacontr plucufl woro iloiiti'oyed,-wlt:)rii toful Iohh of about $700,000. ThriMi ihiyn later (Ire broke" out again In a Knot ndjuuunt to tho ruhni and diimngo wiih done to tho extent of thrt'o-qunrtord of a million. At hulf-pjut twelve Bunduy morning n third flro wiih titurted, tlii tlmo at tlio corner of Vungo and Quoen KtrooUi, tho central feature of It beliiK fchoniawnlflcontuowdopiirtinmiUil (itoro of Holjort Slmiwon, which wiw burn ed to the ground, building and Htook being a total Iohk. Nunierouu buildhiptH arouuil were burned and the total loan ',vlll umount to between $800,(100 and $1)00,(100. The in- Hiirauce will probably reach two-thlrdn*bC this amount. Tho origin of tho fire hi a mystery, but thoro \n grave ruruion to bo liovo it' wan incendiary in character. Simpson's tqro was a slK-tttoroy building, fitandbig on tho south-eaHt corner of Yongo' and Quoen Htroets. It was put up last HUtiimur and u portion of tho'Ciirpentorlng work wan hardly finished. floQi'H woro stocked and two empty. Tho building was worth $ 1115,000 and tho stock about $:.'irU),000. Tho flro started In tho roar of Simeon's and tho flamcH spread 'with Hi'uat rapidity. A general aliirin was rung at 12.35 and tho full furco of tho fire brigade was noon on the scene. By one o'clock tho flames had spread to each of the four corners and tho (Ire threatened to engulf several blocks. Tbo steam flro engine was In action and gave valuable aid. The water pressure wna good,'but the Acumen could not protend to cope with tho (lames at tho top of the high iSin'ipHon building. Wall after wall full and myriads of sparks wcio scattered over the southern portion of the city. Tho clothing storo of P. Jamlonon, north west corner of Queen and Yongo,.wan soon a total ruin, with all its cmitents. Sutcliffo & Sons, millinery and dry goods, Imcdlatoly north of Jamioson's on Yongo, was gutted with a total losii of wtock. G. Mcl^liorson, bootu and shoes, next door north, wiih half burned, nnd outh ol Simpson's on Yongo Wauless, tho jowel- Icr, suffered suvoroly In the roar though the front wiw not much Jmrt. Nell C. Eovo, druggist, noxt door south, HUlIercd sliirhTly. _____ "___________ Over Jautieson's store opposlto Slmp- Hon'y was what Is known oh An;rlcultiim1 hall, tlio property of tbo Ontario Agricul ture nnd Arts Association. In it we're a very valtiahlo collection of recordirof. cattle pedigrees and oilcrofllclnl Htock- brecding records which cannot bo replaced. AH were a total loss with the building. Further west on the same side of Queen strcot was tho Queen street front of Sut cliffo & Sons, which was gutted; next oamo tho Queen'street front of the T. Eaton Co'h great departmental estab lishment, which was but little injured. Across Yongo street'the flro ugain did grct damage. At the north-east corner stoOl) tho Hcndorson, block, occupied by J. Bonner, -gentlemen's furnishings, and MIhsM. K. Brlsley, milliner. Both were burned out. Tho C. F. Adams Co. came noxt north, and tho roof of this place was good road wo liavo naked you to help uu badly burned nnd their stock 'greatly in- oguin. by being with* ualhia eveniDg, and, Jured '>y water. A Worn it it llu rn nil to >uth AnlnlBt * l>u ll.-bl. -t-Tohowto, Tho'houiWtifrAT" Dicks, upholstorur and matiufaeturor, 32S St. Holeu's-avoimo, ooruor of T)ora-treot, was dofitroyed by ilro at 1.110 Saturday morning. Tho Are conimonced In tho lower part of tho house and tho family were sleeping upatalrs. It sprad wltb^ groat rapidity o'wlngltto tho Inflammable natum of \.\m material usod In tho mat' troKH butiiiinns. Mr. 'Dicks and bin four children escapod. from An upper window with tho aid of a fowclti/.ons, but Mrs. TMeks In ho'roxcite- -uiont ran downstairs and was Bmothorhd. Her r( mains woro found'hi tlio atoruroom oh t.lje ground floor. .She nnd crawled on her bauds and knees into tho thickest of tho Are in hor bowHdormont. Tt la reported that thero wn no: iijsur- aneo policy of ?.ri,000 upon ^irH. Dicks' llfo in the Covenant Mutual of Galeaburg, Til., taken out about lbmnnths ago. An Inquest will bo hold at tho mur|iir> on Monday "afternoon before Coroner iTohiiKon. A I'ltMinmir Vro*in:v,t, Xodd iy intl iliilu'i spend a cunt. -Todd Well, wait till to-morrow, when die has seen what my wife bought, " nOBERY"ViWSON,S DEATH- The fuller Iiookhi^ for a .Siipiioinil Mr*. llllWHOIl. London, March *!. Tbo mystery in enn- JTour of tlwn) ncction with tho death oflloborfc Hewson becomes intensified rather than dimin ished by tho liipfioof time. Tho police arc eudoavqrlnu to bring to light tho wliuio- abouts of tho supposed Mrs. IIcwkoii. Tf it can be proved that silch a person exists, and that lie was prJicti.sin^ a Kpocies oil "orcod deception, wns out of work and d(.'spondi;nt,_tlien the cjiuso of doath may bo sot down tin suicide, despito tho disap pearance of tlio watch, which Is admitted not to have been very * valuable, and tho fact l list two men were seen in tho neigh borhood about the time the affair is mip- pnsrd-to have happened, It seems more t.buii pnhsjblo i.haL Ilewsou was sand bagged by tho tramps, robbed of whatever _hc_puii.ili*;sfd and loft-insensible upu__Lho_ rnils when'the locoinotivo ran ov_rand killed him.._ . ------ '*_'.. ^> Spring- G-oods ARRIVING- DAILY. ***-"*M_tr-7, THE DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATIUIN. Mt an it is the decjire of all to kindly tako the chair. Sigued on bnhalf of tho poopNriv'"""-'- . Jamka Mabon, Bout. Oahlick, W. H. Kwisktjun, J MO. A, Tho.tao. In roply Mr. DoCow rofuntd to tako bo j rouob credit to hiraaolf. churning that thoir !KbSl7-iu?&c^wh^ about thiv,- At. tho south-east corner of Yongo and Queen stood tlio Imperial Bank building. This escaped damage iu tbo Iciwcr part, but IYif. Brown, with a large -took, of luruitiiro upstairs, was burned out, and Milne & Co., next south, stove merchants, was burned out, and C. M. Henderson, next adjoining;,'n'Iso lust everything, Dunfiold <& Co., goiitlomen'H funiiflbhiga, .-^(Jv-.tho "Tri;moriJ, House Tho Convention!! Concliulotl Vostonlay Nnwmnilcflt. Kkwmaiikkt, March 3. The Dairymon'a A-sociatlon of Western Ontario concludod its hci'Ich of local convontionH at Xaw- mwvket yesterday afteruoon iind'ovoning. ThisKorioK'of meetings waH arranged a possible to roach tho dairyman in -tfcn7so~?ee-tion whore It Jg difficult for . lnlrynicn'- nnd farmers .to get to tho an nual conventions. Those soven local gatherings havo been attended with good success, though tho northern meetings owinj; to tbo Know blockades woro'not ns largely attended m thoy would otherwise havo been. They have served to stlnnu- late and promote a moro profitable lino of dairy farming, in Western Ontario. At the afternoon session A. I(\ Mnclnren, Toronto, presided. J. W. Whcaton, Lon don, addressed tho meeting on tho osbocI- ation's work and tho profltablcneaa of dairying in thosesectionnwherothey lmve made a buniness of it. J. II. Nomrad, Illinois, gave a practical talk on tho coot of production, which brought out much u*.**^UNflioii. J- C. Snell.iEdmonton, read an excellent papflr-'p"- *'" <?BentlaU of successful HWlnohusbandry." Win.Mulock, M. P., gave a very instructive addreHa on tho benefits of tho silo and fcho vallio to nt food for farmers o woro well pleased with tKo'JcSiuifiution ni|t^ turned out itr-troorl ~iFiniibe'iM. -At. the o veiling nieotiu-^ addresses- were given ,hy Mosara, Nomrad. Wheaton and otherB. ' THE HYAM3 TRIAL- uucoeacj wiw to their nuitsd effort* Spooking of tho Mute of the roadii of Eh box he aoked tho influunce of tho pooplo with quarters burned out. Around on Queen street oast again tho Pythian Hull was Homcwhat damaged but their ropreuentntivos in tho munioipM and :fortuiuitoly craped ncvoro injury. Tho 1 ., ,, , , ; two features of tho lire alter the Miiuison county counciiH to socuro the needed grant buiklin{, h|ul ^mii W(jr(.- the -qucstipns ,is for the north townlino. | to whether Knton's great store would hu Latarii)tl4oovoi-.iii(!the- County Ward- ! ftvfed, imd tbo bnrnin- of Knox church __ ,f next to ou.Mr.M. Barrott, of Goato, took tho floor, Simpson's on Queen on the south sido. A explaining bia part in thin Hohomo. Thut firebrand lit on the stecplc_u.hout the Mr. Barrott is popular iu this vicinity ib middle at 1.-15 o'clock and burned steadily .hown bv the ptoplM'H notion in tb !*- ^r nearly an hour without making any ., * l l t. ... great bla/.e, Tho liremon could not reach election when every vote n tho noigbbor it( amlit was a foregone oouuiiiblun the hood was polledjUiid withont exception for -steeple would yo in mt hour or two. Air. Barrott. From the first Air. Burrctt Tiiousaiuls of people stood aroundanxiou.s- liuatakun'nn'iicLive part in carrying out y EJ^'K upward. A ilmna.u triud to 1 , j , . , climb up, carrying an extmgiushor, but tho Hchome aud it m duA to him and wua unfiuceessful in tho attempt. Abouta MeflHru'. Brown, Motrin, aud] Fox that tho quarter alter 3 o'clock the steeple loll over county was luduood toV^ivo no largo a .into the street, the bell having fallen out t . . ' (a' few miimtoa earlier. . WHh l-egarcl to _ ' " '. ; Eaton's the storo would undoubtedly have The programme oommittoo woro fortn- ueou b,'lt for Uio aid roudered tho natt ia fiooarinu tho ablo utrvico* ot Prof, fli-o brlfludoby thospijciaUy drilled Ju-igudo' Miller, of Detroit, whom performance on of Eaton's employees. Theso woro-uarly cno net)outs oi cue sno ana w the farmer of .lyiVing sueonlen Hioclc.utEVJTO'ojfl' round. Tlio Our Stock will soon be re plete with all the latest goods for spring trade. To make room, we have re duced tka balance of our Winter G-oods to Cos! and to We mean what we say,. '^re wiiiixWOT be undersold." To arrive in a few days :;- S60 Beautiful Art Pictures and Frames, which we give free to our customers. We don't want all the profit, so divide. WHITNEY- BLOCK, ESSEX ftUKETJ tho violiu delightad the audionce. Mr. and Mm. Paul and family, and Mi*, and Mru. Mtidgo, of fl^aex, took part in the program with thoir tmual ability. A recitation by MiflN A^hi, of Arnor, and a chorus by Mrt Barrott, Mim Barrott and Miwn,White, of Oonto, wore wall rnndtrod. At a late hour tho mwotiug broko np aud one of tho bettfe HO'jiilB overbold in Klford mwg to an ond. WOOD'S X-JOfOHP'XIOOINrXl The Oteui ISu^lluli Vtemeily. fita rtiakaQCJi Guaranteed to on the spot, and, with strenuous exertions playing ou the roof and "front of their building the. flro was prevented from apreadingto it. It was about 11.15 bufore tho llru was fully under control. Three flremon woro Injured somewhat seriously, by falling wallrt nnd otherwise,'hut nonti fatally. Chief Graham sustained u sprained ankle. v The losses are estimated to bo roughly about us follows: Simpson, an building, fcU!5,000 to JlB0t00u\ on stock *n5O,0OO;i In- Hurance, on' building 4*100,000, on *toolt t^CiO,6oo. p. Jamieson, loss ou. stock $1:25,- D'JU; iiiHurcd for on building (twnnd by tho Arts Assoclatioii) *15,000, Insurance -Insurance on atock. wm^MdWnwwiy ! yrovainK records, etc., $45,000, Sutoliffo & eur all forma of Wrvou$ |bon, loss $100,000 on Hl-ock; lnHUmnce, Wfa3cntu,Kit*hio*ut8erl' :M"-M0. LnBTTf( two aoparato buildiuga atarrheatXMiMtMtiutinilaU ' facing on YongH and Queen rospuctlvoly,, fjtaoiM trf Abuse or ceot#a*a, . ftO.Of):) each; liiMiranco two-thlrdH IjOhh VtntolWom/,*woualv*w DU K.iX' church, $10,000;- insiirotl fully. (i >u.riay, Winter & Learning, nlunos. Iohh -by water mid flro, $,1,000; -lusurod. Troinont houwj, Iohh $18,000; iunurod for $10,000, Dimfleld & Co., fl,i;W; insured. Hendornon & Co., uuctioneorii, 85,000 { hi- vuroil. Milne & Co.,. -iu,(ii>0; iiiHurauce, fc20,0:.'0; J.: V. Browji,' ^1,0001 Inmiriinco, US.OOO. MIkm.M* E- Brlsley, suick Iosh, i'iit0 :--liifcUrnnco,.ri.00tL* J. fionnor, *8.000 on 'tr.iK'.k i iu'.-Jlimnce, *i,00O. Vyt^iau ball,' U>HBIO,0OO, The Hprend to St."Michnel'H hoapltal t$iil the Ale tro noli tan chtircli, but only for imouioutT^boUx forturitly quickly ** ^ J ' lantg,\9hiohiKionUadtoIn.* fltwttUy, JfrUanUtf, OonMitmpti&n and an. earty (fl-av*< Hasbe*ttpttM(crlufl(l over 85 year* in thouianib of euNCJii is the onlj/ JltHable and XIanttt MtdtoiM known. jUkdrogsIst^Wood^PhosplioAlDeilf hooirertfuomo worthlwj uedloleb in plaoo 'fit thUf ltioloHD prlco la lottor* sad Tro will Bond by return malt. Prlao, oao paokapj. lj su, $5. .. One wUJ yUa^ais) itrtlt ouhs, VamphloUfroe tomnyaddroa. T^b> W*ofl Oompany, i^oldin SSutfx by W dra*giW. Kvldonco Favorable tn the I'rlHonora Tho Crown's <;imo \Vuk. ' Toronto, March 2. Tho third- day of tlio Hyams brothers trial was opened with tho cross-iexanii nation of Dr. K. K King, Tho doctor' testified that tho prisonora woro apparently much distressed and anxious for him to Kt thoro and when bo arrived the body was Htill very warm. Ho uaw no evidence of a scu/Ilo or anything which would lead him to suspect the truth of tho prisoners' explanation, lie Hunt for tho coroner because that was his custom in nil fatalities where there woro only one or two witnesses present. Robert Wright, a friend of ulcQoased, do- posed to inspecting tho -cellar after .tho death and talking over tho occurrence with Harry Hyams, Tho ugouts of Cove nant Mutual find New York'Life Insur ance Co. swore to the circumstances "of tho issuing of tho policies on of W. C. Wells, and both sworo they solicited Wells and ho had taken tho policies with out any assistance or urging from tho prisoners or anyone else.. This u-vldonco from tho orown witness caused something- of a sensation In .the court, n It was con- fhlontally expected the crown would 'jihoW that tho insuranco had boon takon on tho instigation largely', If not on tiro-' ly of the HyamH. There was no suspicion of this in. the.evidence and at this stago It looks as ifthiM part of-the crown's caso will fall through. LUMBER YARDS DESTROYED. .' Heavy I.ohh of I^imlinr tn tlio 1'lrm of lluirhuoii & iilhnpwr. Ottawa, March y. Fire in Gllmour & Mutthson's yai'ds at Ironsides 'destroyed fivo millions of lumber and caused a loss of $80,000 to S100.000. Part of tho lumber- bolougcdtb the Oswego Lumbar Company and McArtIiur& Co. Fresh footprints In tho hhow lod from tho rowl to the pile which caught.lire and. back to iho road again, It ia a strange colncldonco that tho fuiio- mlH took place tlio samo day of the1 Into Colonel Allan Gllmour, Who. waa tho founder of tho firm of Gllmour & llugh- Bon, and oi! Mr. Mo Arthur, of Quebec, who owned a portion of tho lumbur'Tloat:oyoil, LUELIA LACEY COMMITTED. Sn Will be Trld, for k>oHoiilit|C Her In rant Cliar^n. GniMflWY, Marcli i).-*Luilu.Lac/ey, the tblrtoon'year-old girl,.Waa^committed for trial on, charge of poittohlug tho ten-month- oM son of Thomas I^earson, Jt was proved that tho e;lrl was the ouly person with tho child when It got tho cnrbollo acid which catniccl that notion Wheat rod por buuhel.... 8 57 Wheat, whito .... B5 Corn .... - 44 Oats .... 28 to 30 Timothy Sood ...". 2 SO CiovorSood .... B 75 to B 75 AJaiko .... fi 00 FJay por ton............ 4/lO to ft 00 Hoof per owt............ o 00 to 5 BO Pork ............ 4 75to4 75 M ntton 000 tlv.lCQ............ 2 00 t.hiokooB per lb...,...... Bnttor.......... Lard .......... Egge, po r doz .......... j Potatocu, J>or baohol .... r Oniona Apploo .... Tumir.M .... Carrots- "* BootB ,... ParHnipo ,.,,. Turkeys por lb..,,...... Bto D'ueks.......... Celery por don .......... Cabbafio .....;.... 7 15 GOto 76 to 40 to. -7 8 15 10 30 00 80 CO 20 25 so ' 0 8 00 25' TXIEj !ti Branfford A" FOR i895 ISA BEAUTY. With Wood Rims 25 lbs. Call and boo (ampleH' our phtcbs aud uight-. Illrnin XVallcoirik KoiiitJMurkeitRfiiO}'! No. 1 Ryo, por hanhel ,,., 4fi 1 Coru ,,'.. 45 " Oats .... 2C Tho nbovo priooB aro paid by, n, Walkor SonH, Walkorvillo. On. Hardware, Essex. 1-4 OFF Hearing Sale! Of S'aplo Dry Goods, Undot Ctcth ing, Boots and Shoos, Hats and Oap^, Oiooitory, etc. TJie subscriber wishing to go out of tho abovo linos will soil tho sumo at 1-4 of FOR CASH or jit n rato on tho $ for tho lot. . Store, and Dwolliug for sale oi* to rent. Pout ofliuo in connection. "-.-.-v;* JAMliS NAYLOIt *alcoR tills opportunityo* annouuom , ./ too pooplo c> M)oTowi>Noo4 County ot Krrox, that he ban r/r>iodolt>d tbeftfr hox Uo'lbir Milla aocorJliiK toplaua propare3|jv U.K. ?rloo, St. ThomaB, and bus also Beauftfc* tbo uorvloofl of Kohkut K^RAoitAN.- uu export*' enood nnd tborouffbly ooaipotent millor. Thankiort tbo iitioplo ox tho town and oann^f" for the patrontiRO boBtpwod upon bltn in Ol pant, will cuaritutoo aatJufnotion In the futortu Gristing aiid , Chopping a - "*A1 ttrwM^Hr^7ftXT)KFr'OPii,rJ0UB, pbdan- CORNMIUAXi KKPT IU RTOOK AND BOLO. AT KIGUT TBIOWB. :I Cash Paid for Wheat and Oata^M Edgar Mills P. O. Veh 18 1800. :" Qnt'B, ' hive '^yitrn'ot- Cream of Witch^hai el,: the:'p6ptilar renfef'a edy for Chapped 5" Handsir and all ;" : ': Roughnegi9 of $ : :,;,,; ,iii f.-al 5l 120216

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