Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 8, 1895, page 4

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*>* ' v t ^W^^r > i <\. -*-t<,&I fc. V - fHE I^SSXtftf" FREE PRE88 7 /5.' The Essex. Free Pres?. titlDAY, M Alton. B, 189.1 JZO. 1DS IJTHjSSTJJrOS 00 UJVTT At the recant mooting of tho Good ftoa^a AjHooUtion7"(3r OiiTauo^ hold in Toronto, ' Mr, A. J?. Woody, ox-M. 1*. P. for Halting county, R.T a vory pruotiuii.1 nolutloii of tba Rood roads problem, Tho quantum of better roadu Cor the country diwtnotn of fthia Province* ii oomh> bufore th people mor forcibly year nftor year. In uddrruf- tag th* Awoolation, Mr. Woodn a*id that in Hastings county there are 300 miUm of flratol&ia r<md>i, 'X'ho coat per mil* bo pot at $2 000, with itmiiitjimnofi at 340 pur ruilo por unmnu. Tho cunt to tho oyunt-J y in 812,000 per nnnum uud llio roudii aro ireo. Tho work in tlomi under ft load hup- erlntcndont and gaii^u of u*pmt (oad-muU en. A committal ii( tho Ounty Council auporintcriclu th work.iwTbe uxpnH u saved twice over immmllj to tin* fan mm owiti^ to tho leiiseuintf of tho cobt of mar keting product'. WniROSKBffiY RESIGN Cable Despatch Hay* Probtblr. m Iluit It is CANNOT SLEEP IN LONDON 1IU Iiithiittto l*t IoimN I'mit* Tliut No In- flilniMiii Out rmvotil It~<Jt'<mllv AfTofitrw) l>y tho AttitnkU (tf Members of IIU Own 'irty, MUNlGDiAl COUNCILS. HrWWX TOWN. JjHhi:x, Mahuu fiur, 1895. Council uioliu regular hohwui, thu .Uny or.m tho chair. Prtuuit: - Mayor, Uuiio, Doputy-Iteovu aud couuciIIoib, Goo. Baith, J. A. IliokH, Dr. Pottn, A. llaiu, FrmJ, llobltiuon, and G. J. Thonian. Thu iniuutoH or tho prrviouu meotmj and uppoml iTJLctin^H Wtn n ud and uti motion adopted in ruKil,, Dr. PoUti ioho to it que, turn ot p.Tvik^i. JQo oalk'il the attention o[ thu uottnoil to uu itora in thu Khhi.x Fnus l'nunii of Fob. 8 li, oonuurmg the b'lnanoo corunjittuo and h in. B*](, uti-it member of mud conmntttH in particular, iu laving ovtr certain uiumntH which ware promonte I at tfao buti uunlar XDflotin^ of tho cjuncil. Xhia action it, " RbollJfl (1'd not_ mi'Ct tho anpiowu of the oditor of our local paper, iujU TiTUu con WontH Ihoreou, ho (tbo cditoi) bat] ktiado Dtatomoutkj which wora uot in uccoi auo witji fucta. ""^"oTrntttiniioatiou wuh road from tho mayor of tlio towa of Borlin, nukiu^ tho council to sijjn a momonul to tho Luui^- tivo Asaembly pruyiut; that body to rupml tho olaUHo of the muuicipul not, which cou- fcra power to eouuoiln to graub oxoiuptleu . Jroca taxation to manufaotunuc autablinh montfi. Filed for fucuro roforonco. A uumber of acaounto wore pronuitud which, on motion of Mr. Laird, aucondod by U.V. Bartli, wuro rnforrQtl to the Fjuanco ooramittoo. In tho matter of G. U. Naylor, J. U. Wo- Ewin, aud IX. WIntmoro, tho comiuittoo ou Firo, Water, and Light ruportud uu follown; - - 1. That C. M. Naylor bo required to puy iwodollnruptjr month for tho oloaniug uud filling of bin boilenj with water from waUr- workH ainco nervico xna pub in. 2. That J. It. MoFwan'u application for ollectin^ water rutoo b'i not ontortamod. 3. That R. Whitraoro bu oxouoptcd fioin paymH water ratob z.h ho Uu,n movod Lii Iioubo out of towu and ^eta no bcni-ttt from wntorworlca. 4. That tho committee timber rtcom- jiaond that a now deep w .1 pump ho put in i-lucu of tho umull one now m uao. !i. That a now boilur bu placed in thu watorworkfl aa soon aa ouo cuu no obt'iiuud, an thu pioucnt boiler ih in a vory poor coi.. ditiou. Alt of which in lenpcotfully uubinittcd, JSifined.) J. A. Uickh, Chairiaun. Movod by Mi.*, Laird,'aacoudod by J. A. .Hicks, that the roport of tho Firo, Wutor, and Light comemttuo be adopted. Carried. Tho committoo on Publio Praporty, Po lice, and Pounda reported, rocommoadinu tho appointment of Mr. Wm. Bjubuu to_tho poHitioa of Chiof of Polioo for tbo year 1895, and that ho bo inntraoted Ito use lna boet efforts to ko9p tbo Btroots clean of loafers, <jnpeoially uvouniga and Sundayn, and attond to tbo ouforoQmont of all by laws which aro pusmed from tiuio to time. Wo would also recommend tkat owiu^ to tho Btringont tiraea ho bu puid ft33 per an num. All of which ia "Jfcpoo'.t'ullyjjubraittod, (Biflued.) A. IUinkb, Chairwats. Kkw Yottit, March -i. Bullard Smith cartiw from London : Tho Hpuiwly nstiro- nifint of Mr. Glmbitono from tho pout, of Prime MlnlHtnr I \mih nblo to preiUct 14 nuinLhq upjo tii well an tho corhiin mir- ccshIoh of Lord Houubory. Tho poiMbjhty of tho latter ovoiit Inlly wit'i seoured at thufc time by nvery promiruMib Kntiii^h umvipiiper of both pui'tio'i uml by all tho KiifiHsh rnrroMpniirtoiitM of Now York mnvHpupcis. Now I can assort, tho vory iilroliK probability of -Iho i.puody re^lL'ini- tion of Jjijul Ilokobory for poruonal rou- honw, ovon whilo tho pretiont majority In tbo TTotiso of C'onunoim vomaln u'l'-ured to him. Ho hi f.tlll MiiYorhitf fiom n Hovr attack of in(luon/a, but (hub wmikl lvu HNlo (ont'L'rn to his friendu iind physlolaua If It woro not coiuphcatod by Inbomnhi, which hiii been almo'it, chronic for a year or moie. Tho sleople'iinosM bo^au aftur an attack of i.cavlntlim hovoii ycawi iitfo, but it lui'i increased lately to finch a di'Krou Unit for several mouths bo has found it impossible to sloop in XjoiuIoii. ^oini; nearly every mizht to ouo of his two country seats near Jjondnn, to Brighton or to tho resideneu of bin Itnthschlld connect inns. The depu-stilon which is tlio iiivuiiablc fouscquuuco of tbo InHuoiiza lui'i so alluded, bun, I have hlj;h ESSEX MINSTKEL 'CLUB. TiiKinnRsr appr^rancb UltlCKTICD BY A.BUiWPKIt ThoTovvnol' ICiMKYhl'roiid of Its iiOullud" ICnt.-rtaln*ra. i.oi:ij jiosi:uicnv. authority for Hayhif*, that only tho Influ* ence of Tjord Tweedmoutb.amanof strong will, lobust couimi*o and highly truiuod. political kuou Iediiu, has prevented tho Pnmu -Mmister'.s ros^'uation within tho pnst few days. Both Lord Tweed mouth and other iutiumto friends fear that no In- finance can prevent it u Ithlu tho noxt 2t 'hour.s unless Lord Kosebery'n present tem per changes. Tho touowed bitter attacks of Mv, Laliouchere aiul Kir CharloaDUko inthollouso of Commons tho other day, both bclnv members of his own party, have, hi his present condition, affected tho Prime Minister gvoatly. On tho other hand, it is well known that Lord Itosobery is intensely amblLious, Una woiked uu- ceasiiifrly for tho premierHhip siuco his entry into public life, and therefore would not throw it. away lightly. Nevertheless his highly excited and uorvoiiH condition makes bun obstinate in his present pur pose. IJ IInut; < Iuiiii;'h l'eitrn CommisBlon. Lonpon, March 4. There iu a general feeling in the Foreign OlTlco that thopoaco comniissiou headed by Li Hung Chang will be successful. Russia has absolutely vetoed tho proposal of Japan to annex Cotea and Japan now wants possession of tho area between tho Yalu and Llaorivora In order to form a buffer atato cxtondlng to tho lluHshvn frontier of Amoor. Rus*' Man Manchuria, which now forma part of touth-western Siboria, waa acquired by Kussia from China and Japan in 1858. This move, if successful, would sccuio to Japan tho total withdrawal of Coicli from Chineso influence, possession of Port ArthuiMind command of tlio Yellow Sea to Pekiu. Japan also a-des for possession of Formosa. Tlio details of JjI Hung Chang's credentials,-which will bo com municatee] to tho xvcstaTtrpowers, dooiot empower Mm to cede either .Manchuria or Formosa to Japan. D'U)onHtrntlon to Itlny <>Hrur, StocknldLM, March There wns a furorooOmthuiiasm on tho arrival here of King "okear from Norway. The ma jortty of* the memberi of tlio Chamber and a crowd of ollicern, Htatu ollicmls, courtlcra and ladiea assembled at tho -atiujoiii Tho president of the Chamber led tho cheering. The stieeis to fho place were packed with people, w ho gave An Mr. Siason dfclmd to accept tbo'~hTs majesty an enthusiastic welcome position of Chiof of Polioo, tho abovo re port wub laid over indefinitely. Tho Finaiici oommitteojrportd, rcoom- moudlngpayrutiut of thoifoIlowiiifjacoountB whiah ou motion of Mr. Laird, sooondod by Mr MoDongall, was adoptod. B.J. Lov'ilaco, printing,.........9 1 0 Wm. Jjiifui'.alectrio Hfiht forFob.'Ofi 03 31 J. II. r oEwan, robato of taxes Wm. Milled......................^. 3 00 W-m. Wolfe, wood for lockup..*..... 2 00 A. W, Gardner, ealary for Fob. '95 40 00 - ij ' froifihtpaid.......... 1 bO Mm. mipul World, 3auB't rolls, 1 ool'r roll aud asHfcwor, gmdo.....^... 6 1C Moved by Mr. Laird, o*condd by Mr- jVleBou^ail, thai the collator's time bo ox- tended to uoxt regular mowtlug;, April 2nd. Carried, Mr, Bweot addrcpsed tbo council, ro re fund of taiOB whioh bo oluims wan illegally piid by him ou a cortuin lot bought by him a tax ale, and afterward* rcdotwadby on'ei^al owur. Kaforrod loFiuance con.. knitto. Movod by Mr. Lhd, conded by Mr, Thoman, that W. It. Peak bo authored to attaob bo alt clean injj injector to wntflr- work* boiler to be tested for sixty dayn'aud if the* It naa given latUfaafclon, to bo pur* ohn-ml fc 8afl. Carried.! Oouncd then adjourned to April 2nd. Thn FiiiMox Miuitml Club rundu tlioir lhfut appearunao laut Friday ovimlu^ boforo oiif o( tho lar^ont autli-nicoH that evorau- notublitd m Puoli'u 11 .11, Tho boyw had boiiii miduri;oiii|j a tl orough ayatem of ru- horia) for aoveiul wekn, nd iiv their friundHto uudorutand that fchoy wore KlBIi to providu a bill of faro worthy of tho repu> lalinu that Euhox bnH for furnhdituii ^nod musuiuins, anil thuv miaaeedod fully. The v< ry best voca!iwtn ot thu towu took oar* of uhoiutuiH, hoIoh, uLj., while tho orobouttn. provided iouhio tlut may bu praHtrntud in any Optra houuo with credit t tbUB<?lvcjc. Thcflrut unmbiir wuh 'in ovrrturu from thu opor*,"Il Tiovatoro," ivn by tbo or. _hoHtrn; followed by an invutiblo obonirt, "Mipiich'w in do cold, cold ground," by tho o >lno comtiiry. Plantation oViuructur hodU'i and tolofl woio yiven by^loHHrf-. C. Knejdioff, Alex. WiIcojc, J. W.Gihaon- A1-* Walhifo, U A. Bharriu, Johho White' B. W. Hawyor, and \V. J. Dowar, ax nolo i^ta Tlioao wero also asiuHtod in dtiottu, (jUiittottuH, ami chorutio-t liy MoHarH." W, A, Gardutr, Burt Church, K. N. Luiuy, .7. A. Gardner, W, Bbaw, Waltor Lame, L. StotU, and Juo. Lainj^. M. W. MuGuiro wu mimical director, and proved himnu]f a predi^y. Tlio welootionu weio exceedingly well rmidtrtd throughout, aud tho appro- omtiou oT tiio iiikHomco wai nliown liy the unlilt run i and hourly omiorefi, Waiiv H"d lucul bitrt wore woiked aii by th'tiidmeu, who were Mchiii. Walliiei, Wi'co.t, Giboon, and Krit-gbofl, with our own, luiimtiiblo, W. A. Uobblowhito, nn interlocutor, and .luuuo Wluto, piniiuelo. Tlu oiohi'fltra was composed of j\lomrs. W McGuiro, clarionet; A. Uixou, llut^, U .1 Thrusher, cornet; \V. Chattorton, trom- i ouo: Gto. Millar and ,1. C Dixon, llrHfc violin; W. F. .ifud^o, Hfcond violin, and J. Cunuiugbuir), himti viol. Mr. Kriejihoff, 'ia "Potor PoGouh, ' umu* -led tlio audiouco t;i*atly by hn funny in- oiflenta iuu epirtfidoe, whilo a character Hkutuh and utump nutiuch, by Gilo Hon aud Wbito, fairly brought down,thd llOUKtf. Tba program closed with a grand tab- Iran of ihe whole company iu tbo oliorun, "Good night and happy d"oama." Mr. Gibwou was ata^Q mana^or during tbo evening. A qreditahlo featura of thfl wholo tutor- tainmcnt waa tbo complete abRonce from -toythinL' portaiui-ic to vulgarity or ques tionable lancuu^o, and where evorvbody iillod their potntioiiHtocroditubly, tho Fiiur Piikhh nndf* it diflioalt to praiao anyono in particular. Tbo Club aro grateful to tbo people of Fonex for tho raafmifioont reception they reeoivtid, and may produae tbo entertain- mont hi;uin in tho neur future, anthoy have boon reqiioutod to do. Tho Club purpose vioiting Kiufiavilla m tho coarae of a weok or two, uud our fi ioikJj down by the lu^ce uhould not fail to paok ihoir hall. 1895 New Spring Goods 1895 * siir*' >/"4*ji*r During the past tan days "we "have heen very busy receiving am passing into stock large consignment of new Staple and Fancy Dry G-oods, G-ents' Furnishings and Shoes. Other lines will follow in a few days. Better Value than Ever. in voriiii t of fcliofjo who havo aoou our now Prints, Now GinghainH, New Clminbrayfvl^w. Satt'ons, no Wliilrt Goitoni, now 3hh'Linp:a. now CottonaduH, now Laeo Curt liri'i, now Lacoji, now-Voilih^s, how II Our Men's Shirts at Twenty-five Cents are very Oheap- Wo avo Hhowing a largo rango of (-JontH1 J^inc Silk Th lb a vo and w Groy* OHC, otc. Wo uIho havo oxtni vuluoy nfc UOd, at /ioa, at 7fio. at $1. Notdc-woiir, in tho nowont uukoH of Kno'n, Dorbya and Bowa. At-Twenty-five Gents Each." Out'iiow BlyloH in Whoa" Ovford and Oongroim Bhoon iro Noat, Stvludi, Good and Cheap, nocnasai'y ? Kxtra valuoa in Men's Stnaipf nnd Fino SIioch and Long Bootn. What morn isj We are the Olothiers of Essex. Ff yon want good Stylinh Olothing at low prioofl, comu to na. Wo do the Grocory Uudo very fine, as our of natron a know. host of patr X-2CcL3adaoKn,o IFa-rlor Oloolca a.aad Biao Crouch, SMCinroara Preo. Yours-for Bnrgaias, iDUlTSTiUtf BHiOOK:, ESSE2T.- 'B'h Provincial Kstlmates. f \ ^ The demonstration was intended to mark tbo popular approval of tho Kind's atti tude In tho mutter of the cribia in Norway. 1'Nmrn for XlJumtirrlc'M Honltli. Bi'ULiM, March Arrangomonts for tbo Biamarck birthday foatlval arc near- Ing completion. Thoy show that the colobration will exceed all previous ox- poctationn. They havo been plmmod on audi uu enormous scalo that Dr. Kohwon- lnser has become alarmed for tho Prlnce'n health and has taken atopa to Hpread the reception and proco^rdon o\ or a week or ten days. Dttatlt of Admiral Hornby, London, March -I. Admiral Sir G. T. Phipps Hornby died to-day at LordlngLon', Hampshire, of pneumonia, reaultln from inlluouza. Admiral Hornby wuh born in 1825. He entered tho Horvlco iu I8a7 and WftH present iih a inldshlpmnn at tbo bombardment of A-re. lie afterward sorved undor Admiral Percy afc thu Capo of Good Hope, aIo under hia futhor. Sir Phipps Hornby, in tho Paaillc, and on VarlouH other utationn.__________' Xnteroudinu fojf ^u X41. SAN FHANClsco, Mttroh 4, Corroapou- donco from Honolulu Btaten ' that Mm. Dole la Interceding Htrongly Tor tho ex- Queen, and UiaJ; Proaldont Dole iw ro- ported to bo wavering between Krantlmr- her a full pardon or letting tho Noutouce fitiuttl*________' " the lMn*niU 6f I^mdoii, I^Nnb^t, MarcJf ^^.vnmj4 mooting (of ".....^J1 ' " '" bo held to- uanuldut* ^Dooalttiofiual**- i kdjurodto April Snd. thij JLiberaU of.4*ftj(%*lfn^lll bo Joiur Walttebu, OIrb. night to pla^h/^i^'V *M tt c Tho Brookor School Oaso- Thr Comity Bourd, to whom id rofanod tho aano of tho complaints againBt D. A. Whhok, tt'uohar of the Brook or Sottlemont uuhool, will msot at Cottam to hayo a hoar in^ to day. D. A. Maxwell, Pablio Sohoal lunpcutuf for South Enyox, has uout ibo following copy of tlio ohurgen to tho teaoh- er COPY 01' CHAH01CH. Ma. B. A. Wimoh, Toachor S. S. No. 4 Gopfield North, Cottara, Ont. Tlio followiUR complaint signed by twonty-Qovon poruona 'who atato they are ratepayers of your section, has boon mado a^ainnt you: ' Tho uudoraigued ratepayoni of S. S_ "No, U Go9flold North, dooiro to call your "attontion to what wo regard an tho un "pnpor conduct of D. A. WUhoh, tho "preeont toucher in tho following purtiou. "lara : "1. Ho baa [jiven to tho papila a olandor- "oiih ntout of printed paper, and had tho "sumo aald aUnderouo shoot hun^ npou -'tbo blackboard aud ^avo Lho punilo "lcuHonu in grammar from tho namo, thus "impioEiiun^: on thn mioda of tho children "falno ideas ro^urdinc tho moralu of tho "tatepnyora. Wo ro^ard auoh conduct an "improper aud insulting. "9 H in Uiing unauthorized boolco in "tho school, Arithmetic being one. ' 8. He in reported aa uiiinc improper "lanRUaKO in tho bearmj; of tho pupila." YoU aro hereby notiflod to bo proiont at the Town Uall, Cottam, tor an investiga tion of thoae olmr^ou (aud of your t^nnbral eouduot) at 10 a. to,, or an uo*tu tboreafker uu fho County Bord can UHiicmblo, on Fri day, Marab 8, 1805. Youra Koapeotfully, D. A. o-fAxwjntdi. AinnciiBTnuHo, ran. 36,1895. MORTGAGE SALE. AT THB AGBDBHN HOTKIj^iQBSBX. ON Thursclay, MAROH 14., 1BSS. at o'clock, tbem^iUU sold tlio oast half or thnorth half o( lot No,0, in thoCth oou. of th Townohlp or Gofleld Nofth, 50 oro; auj tbo nor.u-wstarli 86 aens of let No. 10. tn tbo Bald 6i H con. ' For niriharpartloalavi BMmWnor "ppW to JOHN OORMUCY, or to OHONYN * BETTB.. AuotlaBMr, Ka. Vnd^ra' floltoltort, Larndaa. ObI. i* Tbo totill Hum which tho Jjo^iuhtturo ttf ai'tod to \oto for tho udminmtration of the allaira of tho Prcvmco for 1H05 in JJJ.-iOl,. 90j.43, aa enmparod with S*l,4U.Gti3 0U lantyoar, u decroaao of #13 757,(1(1. The Hums aro 5^,018,285 01 for currout ex ponditurr, 9U2B iO for capital ioconrt, aad Sljl 082.82 for other purponoii. Fur oivil government tho voto js 321(5 102,50, aaaffaiUHt 9211,2.10 in 1893, an mcroauo of 92,273,50^ for le(iielation, 1Q8,GOO, an aaiuut 8121,800 m 1804, an incrcjtHQ qL 81.300. For adimuintration of juatico the voto ibB 117,317, an upainut 8-11G.GG0 84, an lncsaauo of 87fi0 10. For uduoation., &002,- 379 4-liB naked ae apmnut 8G85.102 10, uu inoroaao of 87,137 28, Sorao of tho itomu m Huh larfjo imra aro 9242,105 41 for Pub- ho aud Separate Schooja, a deoroaao of S299 22 from laat year : &100.000 for Ilitfh Schooia and Collo^iate Institutca, m which there in no charged ;901,300 for Hiiprau uuatod and Publiuaud High School tcach- orn; 815,000 for aoboolK in unorganized diHtiioU and poor Bohoola ; 83,000 for kin dergarten rchoolo, and 82,400 forTcacbore' Inatltutea, in all of which tboro ih no oharun ; 89.H00 for Modol Sohoola, an in- orouoo of 9150 ; 800,1150 for nohool innpoct ion, a docrouHO of 8H20 ; 822,050 for depart mental examination, an incronao of 82,100; 87,000 for tho Ontario School of Pu3afj0(jy, an lnornanu of 8103 50; 82-l;451 for tho Toronto aud 822,200 Ottawa Normal Sobool and incroaao of 8204 , $5(!100 for tho library and muHf-nm, a ilforoaao of 850; -821,220 for tho School of Practical Sciouoo, an in- creaso of 81,100, aud 855,050 for Moohanica* InutKutos aud literary and acientiflo art flohoolu, an itiereuuo of 81,250, For maiu- tonanoo of puhho motitutiona 8787,150 ia aolted, uu compared with 8772,063, au in- oreatiQ of 815 387. an iuoruaao of 821 000 in tho Broultviilo Auylum larcoly acceuntinn for thin. For immigration tho voto is 88,125, an increauo of 8200. Iu agnoulturo tbo Hum aidtod for is 8138,180, an comparod with 8182,025 in 1894, an lucroiiBo of 9501. Ouo foaturo of thijiin that no praviHiou is mado for tho Central Farmera" Jufltituto, which formerly abaorbod 8800. aud which Hum Jm oavod. Tbo ttunl of^91,800 f^oea for practical instruction iu fruit spiaying, a now departure. Tho voto forexpanmoutaj fruit HtatioiiH m 82,000, uidtoad of 81,000. For t-xponuea of leoLuroo for Farmers' In- atituteo tho aum of 85,000 ia act apart, in stead of 83,000, and tboro ia a droranno of 91,500 for tmndrios. Tboro ia a alight i*- creiuie, 9250, for tho Ontario Experimental Union, For lionpitalu and oharltieu 91f0,- 415 57 in ankod, an against 918S.059 07 lat yfl&H, un incroaao of 17,357 50. For tho maintenance and ropaira of Govorntnpnt and dopartiOGHtal buildings tbo voto in 876 290, aa ajjalnfit 879,814 61, a deoronae of 81.024 51. The pubho buildiufta voto ia 8240,020, of whiob 827,170 ia tho eatiraatad revoto. Last yoar'a voto wan 8250 010. a dooreaflo of 99,714. For public worltn tho out i to at o Is $34,103. an againat bll,B'.)2, a dstircuuo of 99,981, For colonisation roadu the voto anlcod ia 890,920, aa ogaiuat 8101,- 370 a year ago, a deoreaao of 97,450, Tho charges ou crown lands aro eatimatad at 8107.809, aa agaiupt *12M09 in 1901. * dtturoaim of 817.600. Tho gr-vattiat decrease ia ona of915 000 for Huryfyo of townuhip* in now diatrioba, Tlio refund ttoooimt 1b ((hMmated at 921,083 82, aaayainat 853,314,- BO last year, an luotenue of 81,009 90. For miscellaneous expenditure iho eaiimate ia 9)14.00910, aJtK*iuHt 9214.890 BO a y* ago, JhVdecroiBfl heiwR 9100,202 40. Fac tion expodHcs will bo 976,000 Uni than Uit year, (/ratmties I7.12C. the "Wettarn Dairy Bohosl 8,B0O, Columbiau Exhibition 97.600. mtuiDft development 17 000. Th final iUm i 850.CUO for qnforowou and un- providBd far txpenaM, and it lb* lame aa lail/ar. TREASURER'S SAIEJF LAND FOR TAXES, IN* THE TOWNOF nfsSEX. Kid'Aii, by virtus of a warrant mmiod by tho Mayor of tho Town of Fjhuqx. in tho of Khhox, and ailthontioatod by tho corporate weal of tho Hind Town, boariug 25th day of January, 1805. and to mo direatud, oommun lin/r mo to levy upon TOWN OF ESSEX TO WIT WlIKKVAU, b}1 C unity of iiato the tbo followiuc lota or parcoln of land for arrears of taxou'duo thoroon,"with oontn. I lioioby fjlva notice that unloaa tho Raid taxea and ooata ara hooner paid, I ahall on Saturday, ths I8th day of May, 1895, ut tho hour of 10 o'olook iu t!m forenoon, at Fcok'H Uall, in tho Town of Eaaox, prootod to soil by pubho auction tho mud landH, or an much thereof aH may bo auflioiont to pay ijuuh arraarn of taxoa and all lawful ooHta incurred: Plan. Lota. IS! SGI "Sffl 07 f 2i7 2G 307 25 20 27 28 2'J 223 70 2*0 8 0 230 33 .107 17 277 .14 177 i- 20? u'j jju 277 54 55 60 67 58 179 28 20 230 30 32 170 0 285 2 .<! 300 3 2.15 35 288 7 ft 288 9 10 Tuxoa. 52 11 5 38 21 02 40 90 71 3.1 11 81 In 41 35 22 30 H 44 08 50 18 35 35 10 87 38 80 13 82 170 200 247 72 300 28 20 30 .11 230 23 207 25 20 170 Bant part 11 207 40 231 01 285 12 .300 0 292 0 7 8 9 200 23 21 25 22 203 27 28 29 3a 30 37 38 39 40 Block 122 nioclc 92 Block 98 Blooka45 4G 47 CO 001 Lot2,plan2G7 ) Block 109 30 03 21 21 21 21- 30 Hi n 15 n oo 23 01 42 02 88 01 23 73 25 85 20 12 0 11 41 90 Coatti, 3 90 1 55 1 23 2 30 fl 07 1 55 1 71 2 17 2 00 8 71 7 97 2 78 2 39 2 26 4 29 2 30 3 Q0V n 20 2 20 1 08 3 48 1 87 3 05 fl 51 1 89 2 00 1 81 1 55 0 20 Total. 50 01 0 03 25 25 43 20 75 00 18 18 1! 87 3D 32 11 48 39 07 15 38 13 23 20 41 12 48 11 42 23 27 41 27 41 38 30 10 83 19 08 24 88 45 67 92 12 25 01 27 91 22 23 0 90 48 22 (2 43 U 15 40 17 48 40 271 91 20 II) 202 40 127 09 103 00 10 47 4 49 0 12 1 55 189 12 9 72 40 30 9 45 132 18 199 12 13 02 193 81 48 81 W. D. BKAitAtf, Troaauror, Town of Bahix. Baker, Confecfioner,5tc- Fresh-made Oandien, Bread and Cakes, Pastries on Saturday a Spec ialty, All Gooda delivered promptly. Oppojlto Buck & Frauolii' Mont 8Uo[). >]bs6sl WOODSLEE Harness Emporium. Political !NoteH. Tho canu of Mr. McNuill, Patron and P. P. A-, morabor eleot of tbo Ontario Le^io* ia'nro for South Porth, caiwo up Saturday moraine in Oa^ood Hall Toronto, for final judgement. Tho cawu of the petitioners wn dismiBHod with couta. In the outimatoH of the Provinoo which wcro brought down hint week, tbera ia con.. turned a rathor important announcement' by tho Minister of Agriculture. He pro- 'p&aouto uHtabliah a apdoioa of traveling fruit aprayiug expedition;* Homewiiat on tho lino of tho woU-kuowu traveling dairy. By Bending out throe oxpoditioua tho Province will bo fairly well sovarod, and farmors whoao fruitn aro a uttering from tho ravages of tlio fungi will have an opportunity of Boeiug how the cipray ia prepared and ap plied. Th writ has boon iftHUod for th Haldi- mand election for the Local Uoun. Hora- InatioiiH willtako place on oho 12th of March and polling ou tho 19tU. It will be ruonllaotod that at the fionoral oleotlon Mr. John Bumi, the Pabreu oaudidato, dafoatod Uou. .laoob Baxter by 11 votes, but wa uuboatod through having beon an-iHauor of marriage liccoeoa at tbo time of hia election. Tbo BttinooaKdidatea will go to th* polU a^ain. The Hamilton Bpaatator, a well informed CouRtu-vativo paper, said lant wtiok ; "Thoro i u now no doubt that the Domiuiou enorJ I Uepalrms a0ao promptly and cheap. oltioUous will be brought on boforo another eatfion of Parhameut, aud |t will t>p i the iutorabt of the CoiiBorvativa party at Umax- itton to complete its organisation nd st it* oaudidatea into the field with tha Ifast poBftiblo delay* Tho Uoulranl Gazette, usually vroll informed, U of opinion that th fcleoliooB wilf be held late in May, hut wo atiQuld no*' b* aurpriwd . it ihmj -wwro ooo- W. 6. SMITH, WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Thi beat ef Leather aud flrat'-claBa Work- / mamhip. AM bund wprfe, Every Harness sold by ma made in Wood. Uc My Stock of Licht and Heavy Haruo** ia now com plate, aud a splen did Mtook of all Horse GoodH, WRIGHT C. SMITH, South Woodstee. - rV DKINOLAIB, LICENSEt) AOOTIONEBB- ^ * for the County cf F.bbox. BaUiiIf KIbli ptylalan Coortu All Undiot Vvm itid Dlni Sale* coadaetad1 promptly, Itatat Mon*t l '*' ii* uibaaam. a. ^^^ff^^ 2

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