Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 1, 1895, page 9

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i-'^V-it'Ji'v-'-^ .'."'v-;- 'v>.>:':'/.w i $i'\vQ> OoilMtofl; Mouoy to Vv^:' f^Wept rotm and host tonne. I$'v ' ' f|tr>^i)rafthtud-prtyablo nt pur at all J, principal n'-'j; ..Wllutfl. I'O:-.: .. .' f^ire'insurance Agents, eJC- ^F TALK f'Of THE TOWN ' ' ' ' " KIUDA>. lMiCJifcUlKK 27, 1BH. , lori'NotoBiNotet^ioi^t-tidwiilHJntdrEfltOdjri tho work ol nS' on ^^SOB at whnlu(la;!|lcl!lby|pjrtlifl &u Itf: 5 \b. oandy Ufi conta, ufr Buiith's. Iff ' *.' To all wo wiah a morry Ohriatmaa and aproHpurou* Now Your, 0. K. Hu)ith<fc Co. ,Rv. A. Tj. Beverly, of St. Puul'milimuli, tj&kw igreuably imrpriHod on outoring the ""' l" vjifit'v^'ni tlin OhrmtmaH morning crWoBH, tc find a rJcili and'uuuful proHunt ^om bin congregation, in tlio form of a j> black-aeiraohan fur coat, luboled "a proa- 7*ut from Santa GlaUH." Tho rVenmd ."gentleman ia popular with iho tsOOUgregatiana iu hla charge!' ^V Next Monday ia nomination day, and Iho ^lUcitizonH should bavo thoir oandidat3H no- $jeoted. 'Then* ura at preacut no now d- HpeJopmontH in tho content for the mayor alty, but It, is liar J to nay what Monday "will bring forth. Mr. J. E. Stone ia a pos sible candidate for the deputy.loovuuhip, it the otiicegoea "a-begging," but it ia not th otic lit probable there will bo a oonteat therefor." Thoru in talk of novem! retirn- 'Jneuta from tho eonuoil board. " > The news of thu Huddou death of Bovt laa. Whiting of Foront, formerly of Eaaex, ': w&a received with wiuub regrnt by tbo piembera of hiu former oburgo in Ehbox, ho rororond gentleman awoko on Thur*- ay morniug.lOtb, apparently iti bimieiml l|P^Jj^^t^J!*yii-HPi.r*-"ri *y& waH attending kia ooalHtovo, whon hn cornj)laincd-of-u ;aqaotboriu(j.Eeti8ation( aat down in a chair >^nd expired without W word. Mr. Wuitmg fbad many warm friends iu Eaaex, l^t'The'; annual Sunday Hahool ontortain- ^int in. conueotion with tlio congro^ution ^ftfcj worship in tht> Intnuu nuliool Iiouho, $Orth ^Gofticiii; wkh hold on OhrlfUtnaH ive The ntttnidauoa wan /'odd and tlio progfamroe woll rendorcd, roilootiop or*,'(]it. Tnnffrr*TTIo took part in Uh pniparation, the oIobo a heavily laden ChriutmuH troo relidvod of itn burden, mnah tu tlio rofjho yomifj people. Thu puntor, iv. A. Ij. 13'evorly, wun prcitontcct with an [lippreciativ^uddroHH, and protieutud with a paino of 20 on behalf o' the conpregation. liudieH1 ooiitH $2,011 worth.810 00, Smithu. ForfioHh oiikcfi and oonfi-otioniiry, of at] [kuida^o to Hhou;niLl(or, tiio hnkur, Make note of l^urk'n ad, iu thin wcok'n issue it will bo to your advaiiuigu to call kud oxumiiio 'bin ;>,oodH liotoro purchuaiu^. NOflCJi: Tbo collator of taxou wilj ' be lib Lho otliceof W. D. Boaman on Hat- 'Urduy the'2lHt und 28tli inot. and ploiuo . note that ooatR will bo aided for non-pay ment aftor the Hist of thin month,' 2 i MrH..AIox Laitifj roc^ived a tnohua.'jo thisi week oonvojiuf! intelligence of tbo death of her father, one of pho pioucoiM of South , Ehbbx, which pcoiir,rt)i< on Tnohday last, Hlh\\. The decooued, fllathow Joffory, wim ified ahnut ftfi .yeurti, and hue lived for more than hulf it uoutury on hia homo- ntead" nitiuitod in (Joviilold North, along -rHv* GofctieJd and WorHoa townline. Tlio deceased.leaves a lar^'e family of houh and ; dau^ht*^H viz.; GoortJo, II. P., liMgar, ;,4Tohnaud J anion, Mm. Goo, Evana, Mra. P.HutchiuB,all of South Ehhox, unci Mrw, [." A, IjttiVji of Esaex, The ftmoral wa hold [;. \'OB, Thuradwy, and wau largely uttondad. It will piy yon to floo nnr ovc-rooata for I.; ,1)py> $2.99, mb 8B.0O, G. E. Smith & Co. \Mwhaol Shrumm, a wollkuowu fanner 3r-ol^Goefleld North, Jiving near North Itid^d, ||i' died at bis bom (j about f> o'clock on Ohiiwr. ViaaedaV- ' About, eijJbt moutha a^o the de l,j',^-oeaBed,, w(io( was iu^appBlirancu a robuet iSj'i i^ftu, waB..tiekedwbout..tho abdomon by a * ' ' "^^ily injurod.' Ho mau- ^^roonut tho animal and l*f hoiifle, hut booatyie uiicon- - -^ay, and on recovering, be < '!j,lano. Ho ban '.nevur had- ^L'e, and to thi injury in "1 hie ilhiL'Dfl. Hu liao %'nat time* union, bd> ' s'->pth in thofull. Ruthv^n,'^lh^nocii laut .ffw with hid out a hiil* LlVlllniotlH, although mtnoned. -1!> yearfl, i diiu^btor. lie fcv m IMuob, Poar, Quiuoo X'rooH, Berry Bunhofi, I and Gurrunt I feroisea. , nftfiinm In the second IrBohoel waH well filled uoon limt by pupils and ( thoMehool, Annual Com- muiKwamufr ExeroiHea, After a VBry in- toro^tin^ dumb bell exercino by a number of tho boyn and nirle, both led by Mrr Dent, tlin chair wan ttiftpn by MriT.'H. 0Clew,- Cliairranii of tbo Hifih 9oiiool Board, who, in a neat apeeuh exnrosHed his pleasure, at eoein^ tuoh u lar^'e attendance, aud spoke with honest prideof tho position which the fl.ihool oeoupioa in the county and m the proviuou. llo referred alKO to the ituprovo- numtH that had. bpon made during the year and hinted that in tho nuar future a bettor fl>H!etu of boating and ventilation would bu put in.- After a oJioruH "O'como with me," and a bOtiKi "Flooti u% l>nyH" by Mian Cualor, Mr. (). h, OruHBWtdler, Jl^ad Master of tho sohool; u,h\'li a Hhort addrcmH. Ah thin Ih the tenth vear.the Hubool hah been in ex- iHtonoo Mr. G. madu Homo timuly eorupur ihous tiR to thu attondaiieu during tho do' onUu.. During tlie ilrut fall term the (\v oraji? attendance wab lfi.whihiithu full term of 'i80i> hIiowh an average of H.I, The Hpeakor aluo uiouiioned tlio ehair- mim'ii rel'erenco te thu iK-titin^ and vontila- tiou and hoped that -tupa would bo tukou. soon to iuprovo.the preaunt ayrttem as the dar^e attendance now proaeut made uuoh an imprevemunt imperative. After a short and ploaalntf addroBH Iho Mayor, prtiaeutod the following Buuooaaful eandidaturi with ooriifioutoH.-r- " " Eirat yoar Examtnatiou, Toronto Uni- vorriity. A." U,Culiin^. Matrieiilntiou : Minn M M AUworth, Jut GlaaH Honors in Germuu,2od CIuhs Honor a in English,Maihematicu,UiBtoVy aud Geog raphy and I'Vonoli. W. W. Cunningham, 'And Clans Honors in Mathematics, D. II. CHllius, tat Clans HonorH in MathomaticH and /oology, 'Jhd CiunH HonorH in English History and Go- ;>;raphy,- Botany and Chemistry. D. >~1. Trimble, lnt Claim Uunora in Histocy.and Gooyraphy, 2nd CIush Honors in ClaasioH and Eiigliuh. Matnouktion, Part 1: Mihh E. M. Smith, W. H, Knmtor, G. W; MoKoo, B, Turvillo. Senior Jjoaving: Mihh A. Gardner, D. B. Gillies, D. II. Trimble. Junior Leaving: Misseii II. Arnold, L. Bird, B. Lyppw, J. Mills, E. E. Bold, aud F. A, Leak. ________.. rfillllli-ynV. .tli!L-nian,.J. Leei'muT, Wise E. .1. Dodson, AHhh E.DorHOtt, G.A. Jones, MisH h. Mills, Miss M. MoGorman, Miss S. Meijaughlin, Minn A Ouellette, Miss K* Sinclair, Mi'sh"R. Young, B. MoMulIon, Ep Hiohard'jon, W. Wiglniuau. Commoreial :S Batten. F. H. Chapman, II. M. Choice, J, A. Crozier, M. Cummi- (ord, S. Ounnmgliam, E. Irwin, M, H, JaoltHon, E. A- Jarmino, L. Ksane, A. E. Laiut,', ,I.D, Lens bury, h. Millar, A. J3, Ouollo'to, A. D Potter, L. lvuasell, hi.) Itiwsell, C. II. KuBhell. N. B. Slater, K, Tcimblo, S. \Vip[hLmaii, S. It. Wifilo, B. Y'ounij. Mitis L. Uillicr then sang a bonfi^jyhioh wan folluwtU by an uhtmy on High. Sohool Lifo hvMr, D. II. Trimlolo,which was ex. ocitdiu^ly.weil writton, uud rocuivod, au it ooaorveJ.a hearty vote of appreciation from tho audience Mr. A. E. Lain^* aud Minn U. Thomas favored tho audio_uce with it Ruitar iio)o and a nong resreetivuly tifttr which Followed a lively chorus oniitlod "Jaek and Jill." The olosint; featuro of tho programme oonaisted of (iymnustie ex- eronioa by a olefin of boys. Thoir porfor* luancea on tho horizontal and parallelbava, awnmiiiij: rini; "-nd ladder delighted tbo flpectntom. Owiu^r to tho'fjathoriug dark iif'fin the visitors had to forego tho pleasuro a- tbo last itom on tbo programme "A Miiireh by the hoys and flirlfl" and all din. pursed to thoir liomos thoroughly plousod with tho afturnoon'tt entertainmeut. We play the part Santa Glaus ThiH year but <;oino a littlo ahead of: thin .voriera-blc old gentleman. Our ClnishnaK gift to our cuHfcoinerB oomea in the shape of a .15 y^er cent, diacount on every Man'a Over coat or Suit at $G or over. V.'\i'*ERE ! ." Every Boy's- Suit or Over coat at $3 or over. Every man's Pant at $2.50 or over. Our low prices go still low er for the holidays. Ask for one of our beauti- calenders for J.896. Do .jail want a f?6od Dresa at a low pric< giving spe%l.pricey for-balance of mouth. "' our flpecial ufres: 2. fancy HaiJlterchio'iW lot 5c;- fancy Silk Hi frfney Necktt^for ladies; fancy ^Necktiei and gents' 8^t|fe;. fancy iSlip'pera^. Oth^ Christinas. ' v Ladies, if y'tu want a wtyliahOoat] of our entire Btocli^r 2.09, regulal We are going out'oi\h& mantle bus! \\i(r rt>rlnoti("inM \ ^ . "" ^ ' ^Pi- big reductions. A. job lot boyn OveVa^f at $2,99, the bigge^fc Hiiap equally low pricest / / offe] GROCERIES One Price 7 lba RaiainH 25c; 5 lb Currants 25c; 10 lbn^pHReal 25c; 3 boxea matches 25c; 3 6ami Sardine 25c; 3 oansT^)ina- toea 25c; Scans Oorn 25c; our25c Tea is a treat to drink. Give it a trial. Special reductions in all. lines Grocories dur ing the month Large variety of Furniture and Pictures free chases. . ........ . with pur- WrA^WSrrrM^f. rtQodH,. Save aa<>**th H|do f Big B and ept; HllOtU, G. 13. fe "HI--- and write for lt^ployGd ua fill.*' UMHWr'C V| ... i -rv |nba8 0i)eutt(l the Suolt p^^; Splendid^ '^.. A.i nd hia UBdal Itiea for the nttentiou ApncotH 15 oonta, at Smith'H, China cups and uuuaora at half prioo at Park'o. The Fmcis PiiKBa from now to thooiufof 181)0 for 91.00. LOUT. TucHduy,JJtc. 10, a large Eng. li-h maatiff dofi, property of C. H. Fuller, Ehbcx Town, Information HUltahly re- wardorl. m ' WOOD WANTED at tho Fiikk Pukhh of'iiqo. A number of our nubKoribora may avail thrmaelveH of tho opportunity of pay. inn their Mubncriptjono. in Htovo or oordwood. Bjjocial. for the Chriatraua trade. Silk handkorohiere at 10o, lfio, UOo and 2So. Printed border luudkorchiehi lo, very fine at 5a, ilu'mHtliclicd 'white handkorohiofa only Co.. 'Tim thmnl dolle in thu dominion. Hue them. tiu thu beautiful jyoods in our window, J!rn. (janditH, Nuta, Fifta, Itaia- i-mr^-eto. The (iueiit CJont'a Tiou, jUovuh, 3io.,apeoial vaUu-H. M.,.l. Wigle tr (Jo. I-'iirmorti ;o you want money at fij per cent.? If ho w'rao-A. O. Baker Loamitfg- tot), Addrcgfl and ProHnintioii. On Friday muht, 20 th iimt,, Chief Mc- Marray, of thoX'iro Briyado, treated tho membora thereof, and their wivoh, to an oyHtor auppor at bin roaidonoo. A very plouoant, time waa apent and during the nvonin'f! thu memborH of tho Brigade pro- nontod Mr. McMuriay-a very fino fur cap, accompanied by the following Ai>nni!8fl._.__ To ooit. Woiithv Chiki". Km. It afforda mo intonno pleaauro to ropreaont a committee who in turn rep r&iuiitu your numerouH frionda and ad- mir.e\%imd on thoir behalf, to preaont you -villi thin cap, aa a vory alight toko of their appreciation of tho admirable and pruiae.worthy manner in wliioh you have 'liachar^ed the otieruua aud reepoti- niblo duliea apportainiuc to your ponitiou. Your high ohara;itor, mtognty, and zeal, have not only won the oHteom aud oonfl- douoeo! your ftienda End of tho^o brought into immediate contact with you, but have radiated far and wido, ho that you luivo roaphod tho position one that ia not only aorwdit to youruolf but to tho town at largo.' That you may long contiuue in,tho iiorvico-which you ho udmirably adorn in iha winh at tho many to whom vour vir tuea arc aa household wordH. With tlilit fiouvcuir, let mo, on the part of tboe whom I ropreeant, wish you health, happinesQ aud proiipority. (Signed.) Tun Ehhrx .FiniiiBniOiUK. X,' <i\\* of payment of principal, ^ to riui^iiurroworti. Saturday prioea ub fiiOitl>f'y;"^Toaatoeat com, p^-au, bouuH, pumpkin, bluo berriea or uardiuuH 11 eutia 2>*> eouta, 2 oauo beat aal- men, t) botileyiolioioo pioklua {2Bt conta. Did you mb tbo big dinplay uffine table otitiery fancy apoona, oto., in J.^ark'e win dow. ,.' Giun IVaMted. ^nerul houae- work, in tm'ull family. Jilmjulre- at Frbk Fhebb office aker is uow prepared to de- tuJ to any part of the town, To Tho KUuttors of MaKlstoxio. Wm. Ellin, dopufcy-roovo of Maidatono; wiahea to say, through (his modium, that be ia again a oandidato for tlio ponition, which ho has l!el for a oontinMOua period of 19 yoDra. Ho alao wiahoa tl warn bin -aiipportera u^ainah certain fitlno roporU which bayo been aot afloat uiiainst li1,u- Ouy ia to tho ef/uot that if ho in oledted for a ptrjod bf 20 voara, he ouu aftor that time eompel.*lhfl%towuabip cuuhoiI to ^i^e him, a pension for MB-Ieu^.uqrvioea. .There i ua law authoriziuu Htioh peiiaion to member tj of mummpal counoila, unVl tho rumor ia Utterly .without foundation, Promotion ExamIuntlon Tho following panned t\\fl oxamiuatlou for promotion from Miaa IlaU'H to Mia'a Shuw'e room : Boy Iloudemon, Poarl Beeman, Arthur Leo, Wcbator Rliyndreaa Julia Tumor, Frankie Brown, Edna B.touo Gordou Foreytho, Franluo Hart, Alary Sinclair, Willie Hamplo, Erie Garauor Elmer Paokham, I'earl Oliver. __Tbo_followiuf,' will be fiivou an sxammu- tiou in spelling xvhon Hohool ro-opena and if aucoeasful will alno . uo promoted* Maudio Boau, Ernio Bank, Malcolm Mo- Kay. Tho following pupilu in Miaa Shaw's room have pasHod into tbo Souior Fart Bocond in Miua OraHKwollor'a room. Kdwin Boaman, Ada Hioka, May VVy- man, Itoy Hannon, Delia Klinqbile, Stella May/Gamo Bobinwon, Maudio Willahor, Lily Hormon, J3dfllo- Irwin, Olara Hall, Lena Wortloy, Walter Batne, fiotbio Gardner;. Howard Ooll, Jay Siononf'Goorgio Allen, fjily IthyndroHa.. ;' The following.pupiln in lytiFH RIihw'h room have p&K*id from tlie/junior' Parti Second to tho lntormodiaUj Fart Souund Gortie Ley,,Goralrt'Lairdi Boatrtee Elford Azilo Groen, i'ordieHif-'ka, Frankie Youu^, Ezra Beattie,' John MuDouijall, Maggie Crow. " * / ,/ Until we draw your -attentiornto what-we.^ are doing for the Holiday Trade. W< have been very busy this week in opening up our new stock of Goods, and have made our store a veritable jSMiite Elans' jieadciuarters, Tlio Cantata' a Grand Succohs. By flpouial.roriuflnt theoonimittoeof mo.u- agemont have 'denidod to roproduoo the cantata (jiveu in tho Mothodiaf qhurch on ChriRfciuftB evening, under the auupieea of the Bnuday Sohool. T'he^Voproduotion will bo given ou New Year'a night, for the banoflt of *he poor of Fjaaex. The proceed a wvll bo givon to tho W. 0. T. U.'lnr cimtri- bution. * Nearly 850 waa reali^odat thu ahuroh ou Ohrintmaa.ovoniiig." Everybody ia invited to oome on Now Year's night, Adraiaaiou '20 oentu, otiil drnu 10 conta. . ' ' < Wo have the biggest and best selection of Holiday Novelties ever brought to Essex. We know what this declaration means, as we have been in the trade for pome time. The stock consists of M the ]\[eW things Maldatono; Deo. iill,' 1805. W^LJGLLIS. Wm.Bbo liver tresh b give him ca For young as well as for old. We have an endless number of Toys, Dolls, Sleighs, Baby Cutters, Doll Carriages,. Doll Furni ture of all kinds for the little ones. A,nd just see the prices. They are put so low that every boy or girl in Essex can be made happy at Santa Claus* time.] , u'- uJ<. Ii[ m Bcol^s and ^bunis DOgTOHS AND FLY BtjISTEIlS FAIL. A Foi'ULAn Wjcbki,Y4 Among Okpadiau uuwapapora the commanding. poaUiou*pc- oupioii by The Toronto Globe iu universally uoHiiowledged. In enterprise ib ib unrl- vatledt aa u uewb has nV equal, an a leader of public opinion it e9i orbiaes au influence that ih felt from, one oud of the Dominion to, the other. The Weekly Globe with lta varied depart- ujeuta agrioultural, commcrolal. serial etorles, cablsand general |newa, editorial and upooial artioloa makea a moat ex- celleut home paper, Knd i daervodly pop- ular iu all parte of the country. But One Done of Sotith Amorioau Itheu- matlo Cure Relievaa and Half n. ^pttle . 0urea. .-. ', 7^t itbbert E. .Gibson; Fombroko*fl well- known merchant: "I contracted rheu'raa. tiam iu very aevere forna in 1886, and have Buffered uutold minory eaoli aprjuu eince. I bave repeatedly appliad fly bliatera with but little BO/coBse. Dootora whom I oou- uulted, UkewiHo failed to relieve. I; was in duced to try Houth A-tnorioan JRiheumatio ere, by Mr.'W. F. O.' Bethel, of the Diok- ao\Druj Company. The fi'it doM gayeiu- afa&t relief, and'halt & bottle cured." '. 3 aoure for rheumatism tbia reinedy ib oerf^mly peerleM. For sale by J .Xhorne; .-------------------------------------------** i i '.I.,... , i We have an endless aaflortmeht of all kinds Our stock is of the best and newest design* and we are prepared to give some great bar< gains, r Don't fail ; and look over the stock",'""' '..-,"' ":' -. r-:::4i i 'A: , - ', *'..>, !&& Makent we have oh< f/f? r: liatake in baying, grocerlw groceriai, Smith1 A Co -ymm '., 'KSrti v.. tfi'M ;:S.".;,'-v--vvti: :,/SSp 8072

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