Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 22, 1895, page 3

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"V- .L -li-" ' ' lyyp^B^IWh '..VJIIillI"""JL An EnglishPiivsicianfrom the Tight Little Island, HE IS .PLEASED WITH / CANADA. 'alks About Canadian , Pooplo. HE SAYS WE IIA.VK TOO MANY PALK AND HALF DEAD WOMEN. His Exporionce With .Pume'a Celery Compound. Thinka it in tho JUighfc Mcdicino for Building Up Woalc and Sickly Girlfj and Women.. MMMLAtl A Ti'iiln Jjoudcd With KxcurnimilnfK roHiden With a Kroifflit. THE LATTER'S DRIVER KILLED Two Otjunit UetialVn' Injuria \V'hlh Will 1'rovo P'ntul Many Vuhhohuwh In jured mid Niiyonty Ut'iid of . tint(In ti t\\t\ KtdiiU iriiiit Kind. His Health Demands That Jto Run for a Safe Constituency. .SPLIT AMONG PROHIBITIONISTS ' GuTilitiK, Ok., lt"Mh. 18. Through 11 mlw- midorsluiidiui* of qrdorn tho Southbound Gulvmiton oxpnmHon thu AtohlNoui Topokn mill Santa V<j railroad heavily loaded with tiny excursionists nnri a north-bound Hv. Hov, lt)r. MoI,mHl NoniliiiU<l nn Thnlr Can- dltlnto In That )tfdlti "Altlutuclt "" Warn Ntrongty Opjmaml Hon, hlr, I'ujtuloy thti Nomlimo of tho OotiiKirvntlvuM, JUMi'TON.N.n., Fob.lK. Tho prohibition convention whioh watt hold hero youtorriuy proved a very lively ulTulr, and before its cloMo, showed a bltf split in tho party, some favoring a third candidate while many In tho early purt of da unary an Eii^linh physician cf hiipiHtandiu^and ooiiiiiderEthlc wealth, visited tho principal oitiuu and towns of Canada, af tor u tour in United States. Ho was exceedingly we|l ploasud with what hosawoftho Dominion, and flpoko inglownu,'tormi of tlio good uaturo and hospitality of our pooplo. When asked what ho thought o[ Cma- dial) u from a physiological point of viow, ho roplicd : "Taken as a whole you hav a lino, . sturdy population ; hut there U roam for itnprovewont. You havo nplendi 1 iipoji. mens of manhood; your wu.uun ijunorally look faoalthy and vigorous, hub you mauy who, liatloim and half dead lookTnjr, yuoii "~a I havo mot, in tho United States. "Oh, yon I I know iomethintf about Puino'n Calory Compound ; I havo uuod III oaoaslonly myself, aud^Uuow of itiTbaing used in England, I havo recommended it to pale, weak und rundown womou md girlH in 15ni;iuntl, and ft iJun produced vorv satisfactory and plciwinj,' results. From what I know 01 tho formuli of Fuiiio's Celery Compound, I havo no burnt jtiou, an a physician, in prescribing ir. .in oases |of general debility, dyup^ptiia, norynuii itiftio tious, Kidney aud liver coinpluiutu und onorul wcakuasB. "Your pal-j und half-dead womon ai.d jit-In havu a truo lifu-buiUhi/; a/^uut in Paine'n CtUry Compbtmd. 1 horu ju no Othor preparation I know of that ih i-o ucl1 '3aptnd for tlie troubles of woalc fdinalci. *'I am pleasod to* kuow that Fwintj'a Oelwy Cjmpouud ih no nopultir in your midut; ic really doiorvea oyery line 'f praiao now r.iooivod from tho public." stock u.vtra collided at IL-IB o'clock hint j fjood toniporonco men opposed it. Hon. nl^'ht whllo rouudlnii a cnrvo -ilvo" nilhiH ; Mr.' Foutor wan prcnent by Invitation i boiith of Outhrlt). Ono man \vn lnnt.antly ltov. K X (Jlmiit mild tho "mooting war killed; two fatally Injured and 18 iccolvcd cullod lo lay before.tliu party tho iiomln norloiiK wounds. 'I h doad man Ih CIhih. atlon of Ilov. .Ton. AfcLood, who wiw a^ooil Uppl'ihy, ol' 'I'niioka, fndKlit onincor. ( man and true, and Jiwt wtifili a man na tho V KiiKlnoer Upploby of tho'fttock train had J tomperancn pafty wanted. J. AV. Smith ordnra tOKtopatSuwanl, LhronmiloKKoiith j opposed Dr. McLcod, an ho bulluvod It of tho wreck, to allow tho paawniKer to. would reaiilt In a victory for tho Jjilmral pim.4, audit probably will novui- b kmtwn j candldatoaiul place tho prohibition party why tho oi'deru woro not oboyod. To Itulld it Mnunlfiflimt Church. Lo's-dos', Ont., Fob. 16. The Quoon'a avenue people will rebuild at once. A joint conference of tho trustee und quarterly boards was held to take measures looking toward.4 rebuilding. It was decided to build on tho old site a church and locturo hall or school room which wjll bo an orna ment to tho locality and a credit' to Ifio city. Loading membcro of the joint boards Biibscrihcd at onco from $10,000 to $20,000 towar+ly that object, and this action was Bupplomontod by tho appointment of a committoo who will make all necessary arrangement!* for building, and alaorais- ing funds to moot tho exigencies. - .... ..Vo^^YoiitUful Hr*ii*rji*.' ^"NlAOAKA VxcW Out., Feb. 10. Mor- . chants havo been annoyed latoty by potty thieving-whlch they and tho police believed waii carried on by juveniles. The polica have arrested throe boys/Hugh McLean, L. Garter and John Potrio. Tho first named was only 11 years old and tho othor two 15 yeara old. Tho grocory of George Buckley had boon 'broken into and jBome ^tahacdo and nuts takon. An ofllcor caught tho boys named dividing their stealings in a shanty in tho village Their caao has boon adjourned. An Ottawa I'm tout Stopped. Ottawa, Feb. 10. Ex-Ald.CIuff Inform ed a roportor that ho had withdrawn his protest against tho eloction of- Mayor JQorthwick. Mr. Dalton McCarthy has boon telegraphed to Toronto to atop pro ceedings. Mr. Cluff waa not prepared afc prOHont to spoak of tho cnuso that had led him to take back his charges, but it is understood it was on account of diaagroo- mont with some of hio frlonds who are backing ldrm Tho frlonds of Mayor Borth- wick say that no ovldonco could bo found to permit going on w|tjUho profcost. No Ulamt) Attaohnd to Anyone, HAMILTON, Fob. 15.-Coronor Brandon, of Ancastor, hold an inquest at Binkley's cornora on the doath of Wm. Davles who was killed by tho oxploalon of a pack- nge of dyuamlfco on tho T., H. and B. rail way on Thursday. The jury roturnod a verdict that deceased camo to his doath as a result of fcho explosion, bub could not auy how tho explosion was caused and no blame wan attached to anyone. Tho widow and throe children of; doconsod aro in des titute circumstances, . tniiiw met, in ndoop cut In a bend of the Cottonwood rivtnv. Paitsungur KngiheerJ[>Vey.Haw a shower of sparks thrown Into tho a!r across tho hlutV near tho end of tho curve. Ho reali zed , In an instant the sparks were from another ongino and- reversing his machine ho leaped Into tho darlcnoss against the nldo of the cut, calling to his fireman to jump also, but before tho latter could comply tho extra camo around tho curve at tho rate of forty miles an hour and tho two engines came together In a terrible crash and vyoro burled into each othor ono third of their length. A dozen freight cars pllod Into a heap and tho baggage, ox- press ami-mail cars of tiro passenger train woro complotoly 'totescopod.' Tho passen ger coaches remained da tho track but; many of tho Texas steers on tho stock train breaking loose from tho wreekago plunged into tho darkness, making it dan gerous for any ono to venturo out to assist tho Injuried. Buried honoatli the engines and crushed to death was Freight Engineer Clnts, Upploby. Lying beside his online terribly burned and scalded was P.issengor Firo- maii Patrick Coldron, who was plckod up for dead, but after hours revived and now lies suiVerin^g terribly but with no chance to'live. .,": "'" - .'ijRerfg^rK woro badly Wulscd and' cut by broken glass hut none injured fatally. Tho injured were brought to this city.' Seventy head of cattle were killed. The loss to tho railroad company will ex ceed $50,000.__________- COLLIDED WITN A T.ROLLLY. A f'rouHlne; Ai-eldout )t*fuiltfiitf In tlio JU imi tli of u Woniun. Pittsiujho, Feb, 18. Last ovenhigtho Cumberland express on the Baltimore and Ohio miiroad, hound for Pittsburg; col lided with a second avenuo electric cai' at a crossing near Kanklu station. .Ther.o were eight passengers on .the car. All. escaped hut Annie Ko.sak, a Slav woman, aged IB, who waslnstantly killed. She had just arrived from Hungary and in a few minutes would havo been with her wait ing parents at liraddock. Tho crossing was not guarded. XVrtioU nit the Santa I'o Hnuil. Kaksas ClTV, Feb. 18. A passenger train on .tho ipaiita XV road was wrecked near Pittsburg, ICas., and night passongoru injured. They are: Slierift' Hiram Adsit, of Pittsburg, both legs broken and badly bruised; George Davis, leg crushed; Jos. EnnIs,' leg brokon aud injured internally; Miss Uortha Garver, side lacerated ; Fred. C. Hamsej',conductor, Injured internally; Mrs. Dr. Johnson and son, badly bruised; Miss Laura .Tames, leg and both; arms broken. The wreck occurred at tho cross ing of tho Missouri Pacific and was caused by a mistake in signals. place tlio pr Tho | Inawovso position than it Is at present. ThlH question was discussed by many present with visry llttlu KatisfactUm until Mr. Grant said that no matter what was thought thorn are a few who will nomin ate McLcod if they.mify got votes for him. Air. Foster then addressed tho mooting. Ho droppedall political questions. IioHiiid ho spoke as a temperance man on the pro hibition question. He mode Kovoral sug gestions to'Mr, Grant and his party anil called their attention to tho .manner in which tho conference States across tli* border had secured thoJr law. Mr, Grunt then said that It was cjvhlout t-luit thero was nothing to bo hoped foi from either political party. He furthei tmld he would endeavor to defeat, tho can didate tho Government now intended u, put in the field. It was after 11 o'clock and they woro interrupted with howlff from all parts of tho hall to adjourn to tho Conservative convention which was called for eleven. Tho chairman tried to gel order with little success. Mr. FosttFr nuked that tho motion that had been made by Komo ono during tho row be put to tho meeting and decide whether it was best to put a third man in the field or put their resolutions before tho Conservative con vention. The meeting got. so disorderly that it was impossible to do anything uftet Uie disturbing element had left tho hall, Mr. Grant collected his little band around him and passed a resolution offering the nomination to l)r, MacLeod. At'l.he Conservative convention George \V. Fowler moved a' resolution asking Foster to reconsider, his determination to retire from Kings. This was carried. Mr. I"n.itr<r in reply said it was just twelve years since ho first contested this comity. Ho thanked thorn one and all and said it was npw_ with regret that be had to inform them"that in accordance with" advices he had received from the bust doctors in London, that ho would bo unahlu i6^,tHilTtrMtrirnTT-crnTTTty thtreoiHny election, as it would require more physi cal vim than ho c_ould. put in. Ho said that he would have to look for a con stituency that would ho able in return for his .services to elect him Without a light. He spoke at considerable length about tho po.-dtion of the Coaaervatlvo party. '" " The committee on nomination then con-! sldured tho selection"" of~ti successor to Mr. Foster, and after deliberation roportod that Hon. Mr. Pugsluy had received 71 votes and Rev. Dr. AIcLeod'll, Pugsley's nomination was made unanimous. the formula for making Scott's' Kmulsion has been endorsed by physicians of the xvholo world. No secret about it. This is ono of its strongest endorsements,.-- I'n.t thfc strongest eridorsetncuL possible is ih the vital strength tl gives. Scott's "'iVUcfV'JiiSs^i Emulsion. nourishes. It does more for wr.*ak Babies and Growing Cluldren titan any other kind of nourishment, it Strengthens Weak Motbel-s and re stores health to all suffering from Emaciation and General Debility. For C^.'hB. Colds, Sore Throat, Bron chitis, Woak'LungB, Consumption, Blood DrSoasolTand Logo of'Fiosh< Scoll&Bowno, Bollovlllu. All Druoflit 60c. ^ $1." "Body .Rested. Bllua At EftKC." 'I, hut in what it is when travelling on tho fiiFt unit!- of the Chionao, Mllwuuliet) <fe fit. I'mii R.iilwi.j; b^kiduH there is no elmtieu io ' kick.'Mor tin* ucconjinodationn aru up to diito,"ibo iruinH kut.'p tnovin^ rf^ht uloiitt ('hd ypi ihoro on l\\uv. Thoao' IItibb .rhnr- oue,h|y eover the terrf'ory b'itwonu (Jhiu/:o, Jjii C!ron"f, l-it. Paul. M niiieujioliK, Aber deen, Mroliull, Hioux Falls. Kioux City. Ytujltton, Council Uluflu, Vmlin'i-i.d XoV" thorn Miebljrun. All lh pri^icqiil -A ii*it und towim in thut territory are rtmohi.d hy the "Hi, Puul" linnj, ci;Uiieotiii at fit. Paul. Cnuneil lilnff,! unrt Omuha witli nil lines for pointh in the far west. Write to A. ,f, Taylor* fJutiadiau PuhhV Agont, W York fitr'eot, Toronto, Out., for ono of their i new map time tablon and alhroclinro, Mivnq; a dfHcriptton of tins Compitrtmont filoephi^ Citrrt. Tiokots furnishud by any coupon tioliet nyent m the United Htateu and dm- udii. 1 lio,finest dining enm in IDs world ato run on tho solid ventibuled, eloutrio- !n|hti.-d h\h\ KtoBUNhuitted trains of tho Chi- aixffi, AlilWHuUno A' Bt. Fuel Railway. BY-LAW No. BADLY MIXED UP. ;if" .' fe Xlohir Mild Al>rod. It Is the July of ttvoryon*, whothor itt Uom or travailing for pleasure or bunittiflfl, toforjeip himneU with the remedy which will kop tip trnelh and prayoWHn"*, and onraoh.i)U u *r* liab'e to oomo up. odftllineyery day life. Hood's M*nap. arilla keeps the Wood.pure an3 less liable to absorb the fpma af diflia.e. f'HoodV.PnUarobanll undo, and p*r. feet in proportion and appaarauoe. '2t>a- pr box. WOMEN AT WASHINGTON. A Groat iiuthorlni; of Koinalo Workers of tho United StutuH. Washington', Feb. 18. To-day witnesses tho beginning In this city of the greatest gathering of representative women ever held and Washington hotels aud boarding houses aro filled with those who will bo In attendance. Tho second triennial session of the National Council of Women of the United States ia tho name of tho convoca- tianand it include!* all tho national organi sations of a peculiarly femiiilno charac ter. Every sphere of female effort will be represented, Tho organizations which havo sent dele gates have a membership' estimated at be tween -1,000,000 and 5,000,000 women. The president of tho National Council Ih Mrs, Way Wright Sewall, of ludianapolls, who ban declined re-election, and wants Mrs. ItachaclF. Avery, the corresponding secretary, to be elected as her successor, Tho other officers aro Francis E. Bagloy, Vice-President; Lillian M. N. Stevens, Treasurer; and Isabella Charles Davis, Recording Secretary. Many, women of national and interna* tional reputation aro in attendance, among them tho Countesso-;Ab:'rdoon and Lady Henry Somersoj> &lil>I>o<iod to lltivo FohucIai'oiI. Nkw Yqjtic, FeU 18. The steamor City of St. Augustine which sailed from Jack sonville, February 2, for this port is now. eleven days overdue. The ship Constance which arrived from Dunkirk reports that on February 11 when 220 miles south east of Sandy Hook sho pasead through largo quantities of new pitch pine lumber, rail road ties and square timber covorlng the Hurfaco of tho sea for miles. The fact that tho City of St. Augustiini's cargo waa Idontical with the material rogortod afloat In- such largo 'qiinntitlett-- goes far to HtEongthon the theory that tho mla-dug steamer has founderud. SkntuVii.IlUvo u Narrow Ktcupe. CincAGO,Fcb. 18. Sixteen men and boys, who wereHkatjngon Lako Michigan far towards tho Four Mile crib, narrowly es caped bejng drowned by the parting of the ico. They, wero, throe miles from shore when n Htrong wind detached a large uoc- t Ion of ice and the Imperilled skaters Municipal Mttttoru In .Niuc.ira Fullg Aro Itiitlmr .ilinl<lletl. Niagara Falls,. Out., Feb. 15. The municipal affairs of this town seems to he merging into a very muddled eondition. When Alderman Fonwick, tho P.p.A. candidate elected, .had to resign on ac count of irregular qualification, the work of tho council hoard douo at tho first meeting for 1805, on which Fonwick had taken part in the appointment of com mittees, etc., had to bo done all over when Alderman Peckham took bis scat instead- of Fonwick, ho being tho Jiext highest at the polls. Now it turns out that after his defeat at tho polls Peckham was appoint ed by tho public school board'aa their representative on tho high school board and before accepting the appointment by his presence at tho high school hoard meeting, Fen wick's retirement took place Peckhuin promptly- handed in Ills- resignation to the high school board and took tho declaration of office for .alder* man. Tho faction opposing Fonwick and Peckham havo served Peekham with a writ to show his right to sit on tho Council board, 'claiming that the public school board had neither accepted or re jected bi resignation, that hoard not having had a meeting before ho took his. seat on tho council board. Peckham has retained Charles Itykort, of St. Catharines, to looknfter his cose, while tho gentlemen amongst them, some of the most promin ent' business men of tho town, have equally as good legal talent retained to light tho matter through the courts to tho bitter end, and no doubt tho case will reach a prominent placo in tho annals of tho Canadian courts. ^ BY-1jAW to provide for drainage worh in th<> Township of MnidHlnne, m tbejCojinty of Kuhcx, and for burrowing on tho credit of th* tminioipiihly tho sum of &220.tifl. Proyioicnally udopted tho 1.7th Dy of Nov., A. V., ]8'Jl. WiiKitian, ITonry Ilowrdl, owner of lot20,ln th<iCt)i fon. of thn 'i'owimhlp ot Miiiflntotio.rtorvud upon tho muulcfpal couuctl- of tho mild towntddp, u writton walou thiit the Puce, or No *l(lTnp Drain, orifjlually cooittructtdd undor tho piovlidonu of the Oittmio Drnhtiu'e Ad. wan inucli out of repair, innl rcrpiuntdd tlmt it be rnpnlrml iinmodlntoly and no provunt drmnaiio to hie hinds by aa ovirllow of witter from the mihl drain. Ani> WiiinncxH, thureupou tha nn.liI cvunull liitu jirncurod un exntnlmitlon to 1m mndf by J.H. Lttii'd, RL.H,, brtint* a poruou oompntont for .nuch ptirpoin), of tltn iudd nra proputtntl to ho droinud innl tho monno mij,'j;out<l fair tho tlridi)(i(;o tlioyor, iuhI of oMi/ir laurlri ntnl rna<ln linhla to nuaoMitmint undor this act, and hail aliio prouured jiIuiih, wpooillentlonn and uutimatan of tha dmiimsb work to bo in ado by tho uaid J. H. Ijaird. find an iifindiiwinniit to bn mmlci \>y him of tho huidn and rotuls to ho honniHtod by inioh dniiuuco work, end of othor huids und rom\n linl'Io for contribution thereto, ntntiiit,', an noarly as liw oan, tho proportion of bonollt, outlet linbllity fiinl Injuring If ability, 'which, tu bin opinion, will ha doriVAd lu eooN^cpiuuco of ouch druinuue work by ovory road or lot, or portion of lot, the uatd aunoHFtniotit mo id ado bolnj; tho nBnonninunt liornlntftor by thla by-law ruitotod to bo itf!fiiiHiid and lnviml upon tho rondit nncl lotu and parts of lotn hro- intfUr in tliat bohalf oHpoolrtlly not forth and dosorlbod, and tho ri port of tha auld jJur. B. Luird, in reHpoof. thorenf, and of tho rrnld diahmfjo work', boinu b follows:1 J.C ' To th lUovci Doputy-ruvo and Councillors of tho l'owimbJp~otfliufdf>ton lu CorfHoTTaHunmblod: Gi:ntIjKbw, -Ip ncrordanco with instructions from your honorable body, 1 havo takon tho notlco nlunod by Hotiry Howoll and havo oxiunlnod tho No. .10 Tap Praia, known an tho Tnco Drain, from tho townlino botw*o>i Gonftvld North and Maid/ttono, north alonrf tho cuntro of tlju 6th con., MaidBtono, to tho Afaldmi road, and beg to roport thoroon an foil own: I find that the iinkl drain wuu oonutructod about Ifl yearn nfio and th.-t tlioro inn bi'on nothing dono to it idnoti, oxoopt a f*w lo[;ii takon out ovnry fow yearn, I also find thnt tho uaid drain in crotly nllod up aifij muoh In nood of improvement. 1 find that tlioro aro only about 350 aoroa In tho nald town- nhlpof Maidstone timtoan ua* the wild drain, and nomof that to m very rdinlit ox tout, Thoro aro 7'20 noron in th Townnhip of Gonflild'North nud13 iicroa in tho Towir of Knojethat will uuo oufd drain iln-ouiiliout itH ontlro lonutli, I find that it, will coat, all oxpomios inoludfld. f?757, to put naid driin in a good ntato of repair, Of thiu iinioimt I have taxod th lands in Maldntono for hnnnnt with S0!> 10. and for nutlot bailout with SJD/.Jfl; tho latnln In Goonahl North fov otith.t SHfeO.00. mid tho lundH i_n.thft_.T.oyn of Ermx with %VM 05 lor onilot, Aocompanyinu you will find plann, proflloH, np^oifiofitlonfj, a shop runouts, OHtimtttos aiwl all othor paporM nocnniinry for Riiid anno in tho olonumKoutof tho uaid drain. Thii drain Hliall bg kept lu repair ]>y a tax on tho luiidH and road a uowaaaoftuod, and in tho namo proportion, HKoupt tho onaiHGor in charge of tho cluduin^ out la of oplulou that tho proportion ought to bo clianod. ......Xhavo th hDiiorto bo, gontlomon Your obodiont worviint, Entiox, Oot. Int. 16D*. JA3. P, X1IRD, P.Ii.B, Ann Wiikhkaii, tho nald drain nVin.ll cxtond from tlio town!In* hotwoort tho Townshlpn of MaldHtono and Oesflold North, north throueh tho contro of the 6th con. of Middiitoncto tho noutb uido of thoMiddcu ^cad, a diutmioo of 010 rodu, iind Hhnll Imvc a bottom width of I) feot through* out tho ontirolfliiflth. Tho dopth of tho said drain' shall ho as foil own: At stake 0 (planted at HOUth mid) 4-7S foot, iitak* U 6 10 foot, ntuko 11 4'o0, ntako 4 ^'70, ntako 6 4'hfi, nUko (I r.'lO, fitalto 7 4'fiO, Htnka B -i'B.1, stake 0 I U0, ntako 10 4*00, ntako 11 filO, Btake 12 4'7S, etakf* 13 B'4R. stako 14 StiO, etako 1BB*0, HtaUo lft tl-00, staku 17 3-4H, stake IB <'CS. atakolOfiMfl, BtakoiiO K60, ntakn '1\ o'Cfl, >tako W fi-40. Btake '23 d(Jfl, Btako'2l fl 00. atako 2B fi-fitt, *tako 2d fi'80, Btako 2fl6'fi0( dtako lie B 15, iitako 20 4-fl0, . (dak303flo. otnba HI Cat Maldon road) i 20,and uball have an ovou nlopo from tho top of tho { piaoiwt-dltflh-tcrtherijotiora of tho Uninhod one.- And WirKiiKAB thu muuloipal corporations of theTowmHiipaof Maldutono and Oonflold North and tho Towu of Kbnox aro nBaosuod lor tho rpn!ra of tha nald No. 10, or?uca Drain an followa: irn:d(itok. for bonoflfc S92.<fO, and for outlet 311)7^01 Oonneld Ncrth, bonoflt 4.00 for outlet $8s0.Cs \ Totnl 717.00 Town of Kmjex. for outlot &1M.03 J And WnKnRAB tho- eoid Counoll lu of opinion that dridnafie of th aroan doscrlbod in do- oirabla. Jt Th*rforo tho said muuloipal council of tbo pnld 'r/jwnr.hip of Malestono, purmiant to tho proWntonuof tho Dralnogo Aot, 1804, ormolu nti f.ollowii: 1st. The said roport, plauu, nniioifloatlonD, UBiioBHmontH nral oatlmatos aro horoby ndoptod and tha drainage work tta herein Indicated nnd not forth ahallbomado and countruotel in aacordanco th*r*with. 2a&. Tho noflvo of tho said Towimhlp may bnri-ow on th owdlt of tho Coi-poratlou of tho. said Town oil I p of Maid (i to no tho sum at 9'22\).tia hning the funds noooBiiary for Maid- etouo'fl portion of tho coat of ropairiHR tho suld drniu, and rony innuo dobonturn of tlia Corpor ation to that amount. It) sums of not lean than 3ftnt)u unch, ond payable within two yearn from the date thereof, with ititorout atthprato of 0 in r cent, por aunum, that Into pay, In two lutittilirianta, uuoh debontures to bo payablo at tho lniprlnl rank at tho Town of Essex and to havo attaohed to them coupons for tlio paymont of iu to rent. Hrd. l-'or paying tho sum of 902.40, tho amount charged agnlnat the paid lauda and r^odn fo* honctlt, and tho sum of $187,40. th amount charged againnt the said Inndn and rondn for outlot liability, aud tha sum of 3 , the amount eliaraed againit thojaiid lauds and roada for lnjurlug liability, iipart from tho lands and roadn bolonguiB to or controlled by thu municipality, and for eovtrinp i ttirflidt thoroon for.two voara at tho rato of nix porcont. pur annum, the titUl npccful ru.yii, ovorand above all othor niton ntinll bo acnonnod nnd lovlod (io tlin same mntintr and at the sttmo time as taxon are levied and collooted) upon the uudormeutiouod lots or.panto of Jotn, and yoada, and tho amount of tho naid total ypoohtl niton and jqtoront shall bo divided Into two eoual parts, and ono biich part idiall bo aoeoBnod and lovied an a fore uaid, in qaoh yoai for two yearn after tho final panning of thin by-law, during which tho paid debentures havo to run. , CHURCH DIRECT01 MTnoDi6T. Dr., Paflcoo, Pastor. Bervu every Sunday at 11, m. and 7. p. n).'Sabbat Bohool at 2:!)0p. m. CI. EJ. Naylor, Buporlntei' ont of school. Kpwotth Leagufiprayermaatl TubftflnyevoningntB o'olook. Qeoe/al Pi ay moctinKonTburadayavonitig, ' -.. .----------.------------------------r j:ij OflUHOn QV >*MOT,AND JtOV. A.l|,, oanjbout, Ht, 1'auln, Ijijeox. PI every t>unduy nti 7 o'clo<Tk, p in Sunday 't Bohool at 10 n, in. I'rlnitv' Church, North Itidgfl 8Un'*^ day Hobool at 1.4Sp, m. Tho publlu are corv'i) dlully Invltod. pBKBMTTPinuN, "W. Rf.floniing, Pastor Sot- ,. vIooHon Hubbuth ntll u. in, and 7 .110 p. iu. Bab* '1 bath Bohool at ii::w p. lu. Pray or m<tirjgan4 1'uHtor'H blbla ulusn on TqaHday at7.30 p, ,m, Hoolnl Union on Wodnnaduv at H.l&p. .el JUrTwr (Jnuaou. "1' tor, Horvlotm oaoh Habhatfi at 11 n. in. and- 7- p. in. Prayitr iiiflotiuu on VVixlnooday ovonlDg-,^1 at H o'olook. HoatM iron. All am cordially wel-;;:if iiornod. ' " ,'jf .------------:----_--------:------- -J! ItowAS OiTiiorjia. )'*r. D, I*, McMp^Mj^a' Puii tor. KoijIoi- ovory othr Kuuday ' in. KundiLy dohool 9cKp.n1. i, and'I) i> for ciirlatinniii'riduy ovoHingund u a. di. Bui-" day; Klin(j Prill.7 a. in, ovory tiunduy. All are welcome. LEGAL. J. Ij. PKTKKH BtrrUter, u..^___.. I'ubllo Mouoy to Loan. ""' Rolloitor. Notajy O tit 00 ofer Htruthorit' llauk.Kiisox Centre. A- WlJ^^^aWio.l8"ir, Solicitor, Notary;j JjbinJBlglK, up-Btalra^1" E. **>y^ CLAHKK, IiAIITXjIST A BAltTIiET, BnJrriir^l tora, etc. OhIuoh, Mcdbury JBlook, Windaox I Privata lundii to loan. , r.; K. 11. CijAhkis, Ij. h, Jl. K. A. BxaixBtr. , A, It. iua-ixi:x,U. A.. HENIIY O. WALTKHH, Uj.B,, Attorimy and CotitiBtdor-ht law; with Atkiuaon AHaigbf* (jangroFia nt. wctit, Dotroit, Afloh. (Canadian chUmH iigulnnt povioun in tl Uuitod BtatoncoUoitod.J KoforonoDHi Imperial Ilnnb. J-'uhox, Ont, .1. I*. Poim-x, liBq , Jlarrlhtcr, 'etc., Kfinx, Ot : K,A. XVihir.ur, Ei.ri,, UiiDibtor, utu., JJbbox, Ol MEDICAL. T (It EN, M. !>-, 1^. It C, P. A B [KittcaU *; Momhcr Collcj/oof Phvricintia aid Bur- ; jOij Ont. Graduate oj Ntw York. PaatOratl- into MfdJcal Hchool. All cidhi promptly at- cjudod to. Abo nr-cciul attention . givoo to dlnoaHDM of the longH, throat, uoao, oyb ar,d ear.' Oihco over Jlrlon & Co*n. J)ru Btore, nnd all cutln, night or day* lo:t; thuro. Telopbooo in connection. K, B. Conmiltatlon rooms ground . floor and firiit ilati ahovo. . :. T\HH. DKWAIt &, McKEN2Iil. *"". P, A. Dbwah, U. D. C. It., V, T. H. H, Grada ato"Trinity Unlvorslty. Mooibor College Pby< ioiarjfl and Burgoons, Ont. Kooidoncc, Talbo* Bt. Kant. . G. MaKKNSMB, M. D. C. M., Follow Trinity -I Medical Call ago. Graduate Trinity TJnivorelty,. i ltdflldonco; Talbot Rtrcot, wei,t of M. 0. It, Ofllcohourfl I Ofllco in fmporhil Hank bltc.k, ground*Jloor,- . next to Thorne'Rdrug ntore, ' ,] Tolophonciti connootlon with ofllob and reel*' donco. OrdorH loft nt Thorno'a driiK etoro w)ll,be ' promptly attended to. Sohodnle of tjanda AesoBHed in Maidi-tone, fer th Puee, or No. 1G Tap Drain RepairB; 43 O Cm U O D 1-1 a > t* Si s5 a d . a** O rf a > 5^*3 5 -S js o d 5" III %> V ID t-l ri * !f2 U "' ^j 01 j O u 0 H 43 Li a a] 3 a DENTAL. HP. AlAUTIN.D.D.B., L. . S. Grndunt* in Dontintry, Royal Colloge of Doutal Bargeonn, Ontario, and Univflmity of Toronto. Cbargoa.modorato, Ofllco, ovor Brlou Jk Co-h drug utoro. 18-ly W. VETERINARY. If.TTlCHAIlDfcJON, Vctorlnnry Bor- gcon, Graduate of.tho Ontario Veter inary" College, Toronto, troatn all diFuunoti of domantioatod nninmlH. Tolcphouo In couneo- tion. Uontlntry a upeoialty. lUutdonco,. four- doom Bouth of Grlnfc Mill- Ofllco in poutolllco, building; Infirmary directly opposite. JBAKER^ Tm^oIrtOHrbunfaoaa in town. Kntabliuhe 1873. 'Fimt-olano broad and cakes of al klndo. . Woddlng oaken a apooiallty. Groceneo provlulono, flour, food, ealt ai. d pork. Confec tionery, oyookery.glaBawaro. Canned fruits and vagetablonof all kinds. Goodn promptly *ie llvored to all partn of tho town. J. M.-HIOKB; 101-tf SOCIETIES Ait Incorrigible Tblcr. London, Ont., l^ob. lC.-rFredorlck Scott a mun in )iin prime nnd a painter, with a family, wan urrontod on uohnrgeofJinvlng broken into the Rectory jitr/eofc' school on Monday night and Btealin llfteen boxew ot pencilw. Scott hnu a vory bad record nnd la Bald to be an Incorrlglblo thjof. On January 30,1601, bo was sont down for aix months to thjeuCentrnl-prison for gottlnp; advertisomenta for tu'i"tilloged concert pro- g'ramnio. Prevlouo to that ho eorved a term for robbing tho faro boxes, of tho fltroot cara horo and again he received eighteen montliB for breaking Into a house on Dufferlu avenue. KTR S-i w jj . 2Bw hf' '25eUf 20 w hf" SQohf 27 e hf 27 w hf 28 w hf 33ehf 20 w hf 20ehf 28 pt w hf 282 n pt 100 ..813.60--8-4 00 100 12 00 11 10 100 0 00 100 12 00 IS 00 100 b00 100 00 100 12 00 10 00 On 12 00 48 00 97 COO 01J -4 00 _15 CO 811 '2 00 A 00 2 08 1* 80 Total on lands..........03 20 135 oU Total onroada.......... 108 Total on landa and roadaOS 20 180 CO 817 50 211 50 GC0 27 00 0 00 COO 52 00;r. 00 00 0 00 19 CO 2 00 '2 88 80 228 78 108 229 80 5 52 70 IS 82 18 18 : 1'50 " 1 80 18 58 06 08 02 6 86 OJ 818 02 24 20 G 18 27 82 G18 0 18 63 56 CL 80 ' 6 18 19 58 2 00 8 00 82 235 U 112 8 9 01 12 10 3 09 13 01 a 09 3 09 20 78 no 00 son 9 Y9 1 OS 1 53 41 117 83 C6 6 90 230 7G*~ilB38 Young Child VrlffhtruUy XXuroed. TlLrnmv Ckntrb, Ont., Feb. 1K.-A -------------------------- .....^......_ ________ shocking' accident oecurrod hero yoator- driftod lakoward. A llHhermnn who hap- *?; A young child of Mr. Charlea Qrant, pened to bo near succeeded In getting nil of t'"a viIlKo, foil on a hot stove nnd tho Hkatom acro&a the wldonlng breach of whon *<rand by- lta mother wnH partly wntor, I cooked. Its face And side were frightfully burned.: Slight hopes.are entertained for it recovery. Another |K fitvlk*. New Youk, Feb. la Another strike is expected to take placo to-day when aome 1.200 electrical workers will stop wttrkr The inon^are the Kplghte of r..fcU'fth AlithoCrew. HALIFAX, Feb, IK^Brlgantlne Nelsoh r i.j _rtn 1 -v , Bice, built In 1801 at AVevuiouth nndl tabdr.- they demand; that elgCt hourt ! owned in that vicinity, weat 2K .Hhall constitute a day's work instead of ready reported February 8thTt iX Of nine ^heretofore. Both s d W<W- Man and became a total w^cfcrW mined.uidtbe.reH^fc *Aay -be of of ta* drowned There wa*$5,000 Jn.SrauIn tet^l^^^^* Nova & Ub. Vor paying tho mm of #1.08, the amount assessed agalmit tho nald roadn (and lands) of tho municipality, and for covering intercut thereon for two yeara at*the rats at eix per ceat. per annum, aopaolal rata on.tho dollar* uufllclent to produce tho required yearly amount therefor, Hhall, over and abov* all other rate0,bo lovied and .collected (in the same manner and at th 8am time aa taxofl are lovlod and collected.) upon and from the whole Yatoable property of th* Bald Townnhip of Maldet-sne lu each year for tho period of two yocirg after the final paining of thin by. law, during which the nald dobautaros have to run; .....'. 5th. Thot J.U.Lttird.rx.B., is hereby appointed oommlsslonor to let the contract for repairing said drain and worku connected therewith, by publio to the lowest bidder (not exceeding 1ho estimate); but every nuob contractor,with two good and uatlufaatory Buretles,iihaU be required forthwith to cuter into bonds for tho doe porformaiaoe *nd onjploti^ of ccntract according to said plans aud epMiaeatlobB, and wlthU tlietlm* meutleuad wltkld naoh^hond, unless dtkerwlso ordered by theeouhall; wd It ehallbo th-duty of such ooMmlwiob^r'to caune'eaid drain and works connected therewith to bo made and oomrt\ratd In accordance with Buohplaus aud spoolriaatlonM, not later than the A. D., 169 .(unless otherwise ordered by tho aounollVand to grant oertiflaatcs to the lUev* from time to tlmo to each oontracter.lenB . por aud for due porforntanoeaf these ftUd allotber duties of eommisiloner, the uaid commissioner shall be en titled to reoelve a commission of l>or cent on the aetual ocst of the work. Oth. That tho CommieiiJoner bo required fortltwlth to enter httobomlK lu the sum of paBaics lav," M.MoHtfGH.OlDi*;;: -. 012:0. A. WINTEUUTK, Kaev*. . mimic I ml IlKUKHYOaiHiiyy that the focoIntf la a tme copy or ally-law provision illyadop tod by tb'Lx^t^TT^r^X^^^ ol^ul cfuaed of the said township of MaIdtoue ob 17th day of Nov,, A. D. 1694. - " ' - f^AMBaa LAmD. Provtoo^ luwd Burr U, UoHUOH, Towa'ablp^Uerk. MOTlOrtlfl h#rhyitlv#n t4iafca Ceurt ofKvieio bald pursuant lotbeprovlaloueof thaZ>jrab>- Aot, 180*, for the hear J to tf an*> trial, ot ay*aJa Mfada: acaiast the above aaeesseaeat or aar l-uri tko/, will hold Ua flretBlttluss atOi.'fown Hal), U*fdrtB. od Satunlay th* lflth.4ayof March. 16KS, nt the hour of 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, and that any yeraon Intending u*o appeal aoairjHC the ohovo aaaoaBment, or auy part thereof, musttuot later thantonelayB before the tlm* flifld for the holding; of mid Ceurt, gerve on the OUrk of this Uuniolualtty, a wrlHn> notle* of ocbappea'. or otherwlte ke will be too late to be,heard In that behalf,, ! ^ ' \ And f 1" (her riot Io is hereby given that any penan lataaeun* to make application fo have sM by-law. r>r ui y partiheieof, a. no eh ml,* Utr*an-ten4ay after the final pasaU* IO. O. F. ENTEIirillSK^/Lodge Ko IU mootflovory ThurBdayr<rvoni(i at V.30 in Oddfollows Hair.inthirdBtoroy Buna tan Block Visitingmomborouf othor lodc^swlll roooivea " jratornel welcome. .7. .rCllKKTON. N. O. OENTRAIi KNOAMPMKNT, Ho, 60, meets in .. Oddfollows' Hall, Dunstan's Block, on the Oret and third Tuesday Juoaoh month, Vialtorscox , u dially received. Members of sUbbrdluatb lodge* '/In thf< jurisdiotloii, Invited to join. C~.. -,| UANNAN, 0. P., G. F. U1LL, O. 8. 8BBX "03BJNTBB X.ODOU, No. 10, A. O. U..W ,. Moots second aud fourth Mondays in eaelr>L. >a month, in the Oddfollow's Hall, at 8 p. m. "'| Visiting brothrou will bo given a fraternal weK- oomo, JOHN IjAINO, Master Workman- 0. H. gPLLIiin, Beoordor. _______________ IttH BBIGADK.-Tho Flro Brigado meeta I Sflcond Wodnoaday evening every month,. , | at fl p. m.Intfaocouiiofl chamber. All fireman roquostad to attend. J. MOMUBRAY, Chief J. V, McQOKKN, Bocretary. COURT ROYAL, KO. 212. I. 0.-JMoots soaond and fourth Tuesday's lu each* mouth In 1. O. O. V. Hdll at 8 o'olook p, xa:.. Vlbitingbrothoru will be given a, fraUrnai wel come. B. McOauoIaud. O. B., W. O. 8haw, fiecy^ M. J.WIgle. C.D.H.U.R. * ' UND AND LOAN AGENTS *,KOKGK J. THOMAS, C'onVeyiuc^tfonK" VT mlssioner, lu High Court of JuBtlce: dealer lu Heal Estate aud Morttfages. Money to loan at the lowest rate of interest.: Farms bought and sold. Insurance taken In the most reliable eomptmles. Drawing of deeds, mortgages and leasos a specialty. Charges moderate and all; business promptly attended to. Call at tha Central Telephone office* BasexOeutre^. 60-1t- ....... ... .. MARRIAGE LICENSES. m D.BEAMAK, IsBUorof Marrlsge LI censes. Insurance a spaa- Klgbt oillae at Dwelling. v^i TAI.B OT BTBKBT, BSBBX. ': ' $ BARItKTT. ltiiuer of MarrUge Idoenaas,, CommisBionerfu O.J-.eto. Geito, Ont: TlfABHIAGK Licenses or Wedding Blngs eaa 1V1_ ba procured at B. Ij, Park's, tho old***. llftblo jeweller, Essex, Ont LAND SURVEYOR. I O and iCounty EDcmew. EaaexOontro.'Oril Office, Damtan Block;, npstaira.: ,. t m Dasadat UaUateoe tava 18th*ay of.Feb^ Is*! aaeaikas! aluflaa "lal^HjSlf JOHN A, MAYOOOK, v.^ '-. ,,J,:>il : .. ABOHITEOT.'Ac, , ,_ \}^% Boom 10and 11,Flemhig Building, ' :'$& :- -,:. .TPhonaMO. , '..-' --'AW* UNDCRTAKING. iTT. PXjUlOallB,.Undertaker i and FwW, '* v">'d !- :ri ifi- ." -j

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