Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 15, 1895, page 4

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!W$P ^ , , *u */*-" m ' K> ffiliL CIBDLIB Position ot the Mhilntry h, Tmi>ondhi Issues a rri'ciiWouH Ono. AMENDMENTS TO THE'ADDRESS UdnioiMl imtl i.uh.>mhT.> Knob 1(hv< Motion* U'liloii Muy jtom) Kiulmr- ' J-h*i.1iic_Mr. CWmiiK-v Tulltn of tlio l'roHjiiotH of Intm-na- tloiuil Arbitration. Txwnoy, Kuh. 11. The procnrlouH posi tion in which tlio ftovornmont hi placed wni strikingly llluntmted In tho HouhooI CoinmoiiB on Thin-winy nlghl, whim tlw whips warned tho h-mlcm on <;ai;h hUIu that If udivision word then taken tho Govern ment would certainly ho doioutml. The Coimurvativim could rely upon a majority of two aKalnst all tlio votes tfff'il, could bo miMtururt on the Mhib.turlid f.Ida, hut no votu wim-tukmi. Tlio vacillation of tlio! ., ,.,, , , , ., , Unionist h-ndm-M lias miico explained , tho Minister'.* own ht.item.MiU then, is no byUH-mKolvi'Miui havinK laicii bused upon P"*}"* ' l"sinK w >U() proposal, in- thouiHvIMh.Knps.ito sciy.0 an iingunfrous lt coublitutional cIiiiiikvh 1>mvc udvaniunoof th.ur adversaria^ Thlrf in- 1MM! 'innoui.ccd-propo.aH on which Un* lusticmitmuliliHl Uu, LihrralwhlpMlo put J' Pnrllunwnt Mmuld bo talcon thospruuVrm ho fllVutually a . to prenont *V'<*"""" delay. PARNELLITES IN OPPOSITION. A JJlvlMo" on an Amendment to tlio A'J- <lr*iNM In tho Iinpcirlitl HmiKH. LONDON, "Fob." (>. Arthur .ielYroyn, Can' m-rvutlvu for tliu North Division of [hints, moved an uuu'iidiiU'iit to the iidilrcnu In tliu ('oniinous n;i Thtit-Hilny eounrrnlutf tlui di-pii'Mdoii of aurlculturit and industry. Arthur Ihilfonr, tJnionlfct hmdor, IiudnUnjx tluidchatc on tho nmondnirut ycstcrdiiy, Kiivn dot ails o tho Industrial (lUlmvi In LancaHhirc. Tho ParnollHoH mipportod Ml. JalTfray'n uniendinoiifcand loft tliu Government, with ti majority of only 1-. Tho amendment was lout by a vot of Ii7 to WJl. The op position contend Unit tluimliiihtry'Hdt'fVnt would havti Ik-mi curtain hut foe Sir Will iam Ilurcourt'n. announcement that the Kovornment would appoint ucommit tee to oiupilru Into tlio condition of tho un employed. Joneph Clianiliorlain, leader of tho Lib- oral Unlonh.N will move tho nOluial or oppo'iitlou anumdment to the address. ThuMilistnnuo of It will ho: "Thai, itf In contrary to the public intcresL that the time of par.laiiiiint ho* occupied wllhthe dlfiijiishion of nnsiisun'S which according In tho fochlu majority upon which tliu Gov ernment continues to exist, but tlio pro- Hunro of oviui this majority cannot, of , coiil-m', bo veiled upon. Tlio amendment to tho address hi reply to tho Queen's spc.ich, demnndin^ an im mediate dissolution of Parliament which Mr. Itcdrnuiid hat announced tlmb ho will introduce to-day, certainly cannot CnATHIE'S MEN AT ABERDEEN. ICxillllIlllMl It O ti) It'll II ClimilllHUloil Mia* IliHiiki'i' to VI wit t hH-tiiUMin. _ _, London, Feb. 1). Tho ciewof tho steam* crCrathif! winch sunk tlio steamer Kilns nro now at Aberdeen whom they are beiiiK examined by a commiHsion of tho Hoard of Trade. 'J'hn-e exn'mined Htnted that b Ovcr&tudy Alio Tao Ram Biwili Often Pfijnyt8_ Disease. W See Sallow and Bloodies Paces and Attenuated and Lan!( Bodies. Mothers Not Sufficiently en tho Alert tc Guide and Uonnsol Their Daughters. Paint's' Celery Compound*, the (Jmil1 Ilium l**ood niitl ll- flh-Ihiihlor for all Yonncr (lulu. malco tho situation of tlio Liberahi any after tho collision tho lights of the Klbo wowo than lb U, nor can It, very well in-1 wt)ro HWU ntitir\y three quartern of a mile croaso Mm -.tram which, falltt largely upon liway Hm| llt, tImt tlrilL. a \ytui believed on tho Lihm-al whips, wholll'ttohllKed to koop \j0 . Crathlu tlmb her engines were constantly on ihualurt to prevent n Hur- .still working Distress rockets were neen the Gov ivhicliM nteWtloTi pviho and defeat of the Government. The imiihidinutit which ^Mr, Chnmhnrlnin but no explosion was hoard during tho two hours occupied by tho Crathio'a crow in haHiinnouiieedhisfnU^rtrmrtfHUbmittinp;, c^arl'iiK Way^tho wr"eckno'on tluiir'own aottiiifj forth that UJ^rnntrary to publfo vessel. 'After tho. wrockaK" had been cleared away tlio Cnilbie .steered back for Hotter- dam. impress Predoriek has invited Anna Boucker, the only woinauhaved from tho Kibe, to visit O.slxime to meet tho Queen Interest that the tlmo'of Parliament uhould bo occupied by the discussion of meiwuroa, which, ncconjhi^ to Uio minlstera' own Htiituniouts, there Isnopnmpect of pas.sinp;, while proposals involving ureat constitu tional chanpeos have been aniinuneed, upon which tho Judgment of Parliament fihould ; iuul ia.lS(.if bo taken without delay, will also be very j-------'. .----------------------------------- likely to prove ahoiulwholl in the political Tlio Olnc Slurdir Trial. cil"fip'T ' I MiXNKAi'OUS, rob. 0. Tho interestiiip: Mr. T-abouchere, too, has n'lvon notira i feature of yesterdaj'.s session in the Hay- that he will introduce a motion to deprivo ward trial was thf statement by Mr. lir- tho House of Lordt of power to vote upon I w[n thub Harry JTa> ward would o on to ' a bill that has twice been passed by tho I t]10 stand and admit purchasing the liquor House of Commons, but this motion will which Ulixt cl.iiiusortbinks was dniKp-'l- not be debated until it^etsapla< e through The testimony of Jh-toclive Morrissey at a ballot for the consideration of motions | the afternoon Severn was of. interest, for 4)C private member'-. , i(H hearing on the hebavior of I lay ward in I-iml Uiiiitlulplt'M Siirei'Bsor. tliu pW'soiiLC of olfit'ers l ho nlt,'lit of the Mr. Fardcll, Conservative, was elected ! murder. Miss Irohuid, MissTJin^'.s niece. to tlio House of Commons for paddlir^cmr to fill the seat nuule vacant by the death of LnrdKaiirtoIph Churchill. He was not opposed. I*r<inpeetw of Arliltrill Ion. Mr. Win. It. Creamer, M.P., secretary , 'to tlio Arbitration LeiLjue, I who has just. re:urnetl from i'lie United States, said in an interview : '* I am con- ildont"that an arbitration treaty will | o.xtra money shortly bi'fore.the mnnlur. Overwinds in icliool and m lhi h"ii,e, oonlluemout for houn. each duy in hid > ventilated htiiltlin^a, anil a two rapid uiov.'ib vf hwdyr very often - p rot no in -Im oiiHii uinl.mitfiinuiy. Tluiiiii tndH . >onic' tjirl.s aro Huffi-rin^ toditv. .TIim.m mdn inny bo Been t|oni(* to and cum inn li'ui Hchflol. Thoi'r tmlJow, IdoonJem fuetu.tlu ir attenuated or lank formn indieute discing Mothortt arc to hlaino for tho uiihupp> and <1 macron i condition of their ^irl-.. Kponterio and turn down collar allowing -told-f>f(he intinmcy between Miss Giiik and Ihiyward, hut s.iid tho condnc*. of Uaywar.d and her aunt was always proper. 1'he witness said t.liat Miss Ginu told her that Hurry-did not want their relations to be known by the witucsiir--Mihs~ Ireland had neat m-vctiiI teh-^rains for her aunt, t (rClri v i\<j.\i-ii nd-w i 1+ HlH-ntit^-tdiw-t^-littrrr She had not noticetl her aunt Tiaviu^ any Thov Htronjly (mccura^o their (Uiitilii';i in ouu diioction but neglect to warn thrn of tho rocltn Mid jpucltMiudu on \\liicli tuaijy precioun livtu ure \v reckt d. The rt miltw uro oftui ternhle. H.ud.ciu-. iji-iviiiH proiitration, dehility, ice^iiinrii i.'M ot ihu nyiitom, dyHpupiuii ii\ej tn, uiiil other forrnu of dinea-e KATEGAKDNJKli'S CHAT. *, . I.... TO DRESS WELL JUST'NOW COSTS A LOT OF MONEY. boim^t, Mill iaLfrit inVfliMeH iti Ct hui-.u Its oliiof feature way bo* snirttobo a" col lot of heliotropomoiro, cut In (loop points pointH aro veiled under rmim tinted liu'o, t!i det.itfn outiiiied in jet, Tho otfoct of thlH collet friimwl in fur ii u ,. ,, t .* .,. i i -* i ! vory beautiful. A oft puflln of tho Hmul 1 I'nrtiim'N Ciiti tin IiiVvMtnd In Trim- i * * ' , , . , , ' . , i ; heliotropu vejvot in viihlo above the UBTnoiufcT. Dr. Pubruh, laator. B ry Hunday nfcli a. m. find 7. p. m. Bab! Bohool at '2:ah y. m, (), K. Nuylur, Buperial ont o/uobool.' Ki'mdth<IjflU(jiiAnray'.rinef Tntisduy uvonhiK lit K o'clockt pt,l meeting on TbuitiluvovaiiluB. \. Ciiuaon ov Pmoi-and Iu.v. a.J-JBi OOUlbtiiit, fit. 1'uttln, KhuoX. Iji\iljeflerf ,, , ,. , , ... .. ... flvui-y niiirlitynt v n'oicwk, r1 ' Sundi ulo Shiil..H fur Wr A Word tiro CUfiU lit liiind With Hiitlll malcblli^ HohoolutlO u. m. I'vlnltV Church,North 1114. i tlio vK'nr in color i \>. ui.r AlMiut Wrupn. - TUO \onot in uunr. o] ut ^ Thu ^ ^ Mtnlt will ho u popular fin- tin - v r. iiuiiyinviua. To rtriiha fMHliionahly IhoHo duya ro- t(r, imd aluo PorHian lamb mid Aalim- niinifn ff MyiUh Wlntr <*ow-)jt- h|Kh (itumlinK collar o fur ami the on- CHURCH DIRECTORY. "<iTiiroN~irv a Mimical of Htuily null u griov ouu oxpoiiditnro of tnoiloy. Thcro can bo no doubt about tho olahorato beauty and extravagant ritihnefiK of mntorlalaor tho vuinouHamount rorpiirtid tocomploto ono garment. Ho milady can indulgo hor inclinatio.i for whopping with jiorfoct ansuntnco that it in impojiHihlo to f-ob too, much of anything, But bo muut waivo all hor eommondablo idoaH of economy and lot no thought of ImnklnK aceountn Htay her tlowiroH F,ur and velvet aro tho roignhitf favor- itcM for ohi^aiit ooHtumoH, and nearly every p;owi) which in nob made entirely of velvet has a touch of iur aomowhoro upon it, Huble and chinchilla being tho favoriti'H When thin trimminpfiH not couoidorod rich enough in iiolf it iftcombinod with liandnomo jet in (IioxnoHfc novel niannor. For iiiHtanco, a tfown I buw thiH mnrn- ini; hiLd tho broad bimdH of fur trimming ornamented with rasuttos of flnofit cut jot hold in phico by a wifely twinted ropo of jet beads. At bhifi Hamo placo I Haw anchor dross which HurpanHod in oleganco of dchie;n and matoriul anything I havo luloly. Tho gown wnB of dark groan velvet with panola sot in tho slcirt, oml>roidercd all ovor in Jiilkin tho Btyloof Madoira worlc, tho IioIob din- playing "" under-petticoiit of dark brown iialin. Tho bodico, which wan much frilled about tho-hips, waa mndo of Hoaltikin withjoroud rovoraof jotpnuao han in tliQ order In which I li.ivc named thorn. Tn wpitrt of till prodlrtioiiH to tho con trury tho abort jacliot of poill is to be I'jtKllliVI'lUlUN. W. M.Flomlnjt, Pas VlaoB op Hithhatb at II ulid 7 .Wl p. in Sal tmtli Hobnol ittii:110p. in. 1'ruyur nu*tiiigan I'uutor'H bihlo oIilbh on Tu<iH<fny nt7.Ua ^>, (m| HoolalUnion on Wodiit'cduv ut H.15j, JUi'TiurUiiuuoii. Huv.M. 1'. Cnintiliell, Pi, tor. Uurvionu onh Kuhhitlli ut It n, jjk 'and \y in. Prayitr miwitint! 0n'vv'<jiliiij(t<fay evetill at U o'nlouk. HuatH fnm. All ate eordUlly w< corned. n full cravat of huntor'n Rtoon chiffon. Tho vory largo sloovos woro of tho cm- broidered cloth mndo over a lining of Hoal-brown mifcin and finished with doop pomtod-enffsof pnHScinonterio. A fetch ing gown, delightfully oxpontnvo and appropriately crownod by a umall toouo of Hholl pinlc(t.uirror velvot, resting on a narrow bandeau of aablo and tiod held in phico by two small pasto buckloa. Many oftlu! hamlHouiOHtAvintorgowns aro mado in combination with soino unfm- fipoodily be ratilied I found no seditious oppoiirhm to it in Washington and t.'ie Lest men in Congress are hearty support ers of it. In Kuul-'Uid it is probaliie that Parliament will. not In; consulted in the matter. The power ot the crown to mako treaties without; the consent of Parlia ment i.s not wii bout daiigor-n, but in this instance it would be put to a purpose; which would be truly beuelleial. Still, if a election supervene, and Lord Salisbury is returned to power, the treaty mi^ht f.dl to the ground. Lord halisbuiy is so little in .sympathy wit h t he matter that when t he original resolution was A s.u:ip.ii;<'iif lit trail. Sioux City, la., Feb. 0. J.,Matihew Aubrey, of Chicago, tlio .son-iu- luw of Chief du.-tLico Fuller, who eloped faix yean ago from Chicago with Pauline Fuller and married her in Milwaukee, i.-. in jail here for deiraudiitg a hotel-keeper. When he \mis arrested he declared that, he brother of the bon-in law of Fuller. Tho police have received a letter from Chicago which told hi.s real identity. When questioned ho admitted the truth to the odicers. His father is (J< neral Western Agent for tlio Murchaut'.s Fast passed by tin: American Cun^ru-s it wa.s ' Freight, line at Chicago, and is (.\pt i U d not even presenti d to Parliament. If Lord Husohery continued in power the treaty is safis Of course, if the llnal t'-'riu of the treaty continues any vote of public inouisy it be referred to ParlianiiMii." Sm alley on tlio s| t nut ion. here to help him out o: the scrata'. Americuit 'I ratio Iti-pm t. Xi:w VoitK, Feb. [). It. G."nun-tfe Co.'s weekly lcview of trade says: For a n hole week the confident expectation of the -.ale of bonds Iiii-i kept back exporLs of ^cold. Ni;w YOUK, Feb. 11. Mr. (1. W. Smalley Hov to ai rest the gold outgoing is a prob- cublcs from London to the Tribune |L.m u iaLM ,UI jssll0 0f iJnnd.s may possibly Twelve majority. Tint is tho figure by solve. in other relets tho domestic which tho ministry Friday night escaped money market is decidedly encouraging, defeat in the House of -Commons. When The condition ol industries if notdethntoly Mr. (Hadstone took oflice his majority was better, at lea-L present* Home points of IIS. How long it will ho a majoriu at all ciicuium^:iim-iii. Failures for the past is the cme-suou-which occupies all political week have been 2S1 in tho United States minds. I ayamst;ih-> last year. Tliu .session opener! ominously. The , --------- ------------------------- Quoen'.s speech is perhaps tin- most 1,iconic A Ti Ipio irn^rdy. on record; a speech of le^d-ves, (if e\t remc \ Poutlakd, Ore., Feb. U At Hillsboro caution; a deliberate effort to .sai as little ' station 11. K. Ueiit, a veteran of the civil as possible and to commit the minis! ry to war, GO year-, old, .shot Mrs. John Mueller nothing ut all beyond good intent-. It is1 and her daughter, Mrs .'Manniug.and then a bundle of compromises, (he offsprings of lcjlhd himself. He bad paid the cost of a cabinet divided against itself and on divorce piueei'dings for Mrs. Maiming in some vital questions split, hopelessly and consuleiatioii of hc*r pi'omjyj to marry him. irreconcilably into two nearly equal sec- She. rei u-,ed, mid in a'Tpiarrei irr which tions, j Mrs. Mimller took her daughter's part he Lord Salisbury remarked in the IIiumi committed the deed, liuth women will of Lords that Queen'h speeches usually recover. promised elllgieucv and economy in tlio I - ----------------------------------------------- estimates hut thiss'peeeh promisesneii her , Tliri- imiuned in l.alto Michigan. "I can only constrm* that curious omivdoa I * MIMV.VUKKK, Fob. it Three men from by supposing that the party for economy the Intako crib peushedin Lako Michigan and the" pnrtv of ufllciuncy were equally on Thursday night. They had just roturn- balanccd in the Cabinet and that alter a ed Lo the crib from shore with a load of lengthened ttonflict they determined t<> provisions, and while they were landing say nothing about either efficiency or the boat was washed'away with one of tho economy" ; men. Two of bin companions tero doors On Monday or Tuesday will come Mr. from the crib ami weru also bwepb away Chiiniberlnin's resolution that the House on these in a heroic effort to save their ought to have an opportunity of voting [ companion, on tho ministerial House of Lords' pro gramme without delay. It may not be carried. But party disintegration pro- coeds apace. The two sections of tho.Mc- Carthyites nro more hostile than ever Tho Dilhmites ,UHi Hoalyites aro at opuL war. How long will tlioy act or vote t,o- gothcr ? Notu that, aiiuthur Liberal mem- beV of Parliament, Mr. Clement IHggins, nwoll-luiown Q C, has severed his con- noction with the party. He is a good An Kmlnmit Al'cllteoloy-lHt Jlmid. LoNlJOS", Feb. tl. Prof. Reginald X3oolo died in Kensington yesterday. Prof. Poolo wa.sbora.iii London in lti.W. lie was edu cated privately in Kgypt and interested himself in arebajology, and in 18fci9 was appointed iiroi'essor of that science at Uni versity College, iMrtiti*Ai.- Ho published many works on anciout history and old coins, ilo wa.s vice-president of tho *JTIret, wtalc, Nervonw, jVIeiuni impure blood, and overwork or too much Htrain on brain and oojy. The onlv way to cure is to food the nerves on ptite blood. Tln.UMimda of peoplo certify that ho best bloud pnrdier, tho beat ncrvo tonic and Htren^th tnuldi'r nj Ilood'u Sarmiparilhi. vV hat it has done h.r othorfi it will hIbo do [or you IIood.H (Juren. tne j.....,. Jt^ ,, ,v Jjiboviil and even Radical, but he writes Egyptian exploration fund. .that lie cannot support the Government in ~ yts "itgrossivo policy m;amst tin; Muiisti of Jups Slarolitiiff on Chmi I'iki, jordfl" and Unit no more narty w hips nei-d p.Ous, Feb. 0. Tliu Kuic peon edition of Shicl. again may lu reduced at'a c.'tieai . nonieut by the abstention of snub iude- Joiideut Libiirals .*ts -Messis. McKwan and Wallacu jind.perhaiis others. , A\ III settle l With " wmdH, . Pakis, Feb. 11. fjpii. Uillot, to whom was 1 uft. the decision of the controveisy between Marcel Cunroberr,, sou of tin late Mar.slial, and IJeputy Hubbard, bus decid ed that M. Canrohert will be" justified in respondent saVs'lhat tliu,Chinese Admiral" Ting i.s holding out. at Wei-if-d-Wei with v.-liat i.s let'i, oihis sqitadron and that thi majorit.yof tho .lupaiiebo troops aro ad vancing upon Cbue Foo. Uullwuy St:itit>n Hu rued. AVindsou, Out., Fob. 9. Lako Erio and Detroit River railroad station at Merlin has been burned. The of tlio Uro Is lighting'a duel with'swords with Ji. Huh- unknown. Two fi-elglit cars, onu loaded bard as oou aw the latter recovers Irom with.salt, a ere caught by tlio llames'and his pre.seno-sickncys. The trouble aroso tlestroyed. Tho building was insured, from llubbnid'b eriticthiin in die Chamber "-------------------------------------- ot Deputies of Mir.-dial Canrob.'rt during . .'I'woiity UovHeM Creinuted, tlio iluhiito mi the proposed grant for a FtbicrLb Lanims-g, >j, Y,, Feb. 1). Fire tatato funeral and Hubbard' seconds dc- hero dest,royod Uuattiu llrothuf.s' livery (ddeilto leavo tho cjncHlion as to whether stable and carriage repository. Twenty Ilulilinrd had exceeded bin righN ana perished in tlio II l.uo.s, A block of memhur of the Chtuiibur to tho arhl.trution ot Gen. Billot. buildings adjoining the Huh to with (huh* VintentH wiu-oalHo burned. . Loaa {itOO.OOOL in my ot young jarL to the J nudor tlio chin by blade eatin ntringa eiuVe ( very \ ( lil" Wi e u* t pru unt ruotliorp, when~nnhjnipioms et danger iiiibuil their girhi, in- vi i inbl', m-o profit bruin tood and lb idi-1, nil.iL i, Painu'n Ctlory CoiupTund. Thin W'<iid* t ful mod let no enrichen the blood and nives it a free and healthy -ciroulat ion"; it braces the noiveii, t!ivpH pbyHcial ( treu mh ,proninti h jjood digestion, and givtJK H.veet natural h]eep. - K>v-othor mtslictiie in tho world can t!'vtJ. the {JiitiHfuctory renultH that How fro in""'tlio iiha . of Paine'w Celery Compound." It nhottld be the cho-eu medicine for eveiy yotuig girt who in delicate, weak and oiok- ly. MrH. A, 1\. Kinichconibc. l'.J William St., Loudon, Out., write* hh followa : Di:.ut Hikh: 1 tluuk*it u duty to write you for tho bene lit of all *bo liayo deli cate children, and to inn Its known what 1'tuno'n Celery Compound has done for my girl. She has been dohcato all her lite. I have tried mmiy mtdictuca, and have bud hor under allopathic uud homooputhia treatment, with on' hule benelit. A'miist in dt spuir, and as a hint i en itt, l ti -ed Piluio'h Celery Coirqjouud, and ufter iihing Lbioe butllu< she if now peitectly well and tt.iong~. I have al.-io ii.iea \uur medici:e m\ti'-tf for t owiplieariiJiiri rising fiom o\'i-r- woik and lot-H cf n st, and um gieatly Jbi n- i li'ted tin rtdy. I would utrongly urgfj ull Who urO'm any way uillictcd to dp, an I tiuve a one, "try Puiuo'h Celery ('( mnaftfid', , . if. i f , 1* CAI>K op VEbOUItS BU NOItD, WITH VUn and bo convinced of ita wounderful curing s TltniMINO. striking color Ktich as dark blue, with fawn tan and black and green with pomponne, a nubdued red with rather a bright and pleasing eAout. Hyacinth blue in a variety of shados is doubtleiH tho m(*st fashionablo nhado at tho present uimuent, and i.s particu larly beautiful when combined with mirror velvot of a deeper tono, 'Tho only objection to this lovely color i.s that it i.s exceedingly trying to most women, and only thoao who aro tlio happy poflsessora of a clear, fair shin can wear it with any degree of certainty that it will ho becoming Next in popularity aro all shades' of green, from tho lightest to tho darkest, preference being givon to bronze and olivo tiutn. Theso laBt-namotLehaden aro exceedingly chic when combined with Aoulskin or sable. __ . In tho matter of materials the nowosfc and nlfio tho prottiosfc is caraculo cro- pon, which has tho peculiar wavy hut* faco of Porsian lamb, and ia especially pretty for ovoning and reception gowna. This cloth combines beautifully with feather trimming, especially when tho feathers aro closely cnrlod and orna- mont'od with jet motifa. Every sort of a= fancy waiafc ia ndmis- 'aiblo for ovoning as well as day wear, and chiffon and materials of tho niry- fairy description itro preferred. Tho newest way to raalco thoso bodicos is with o'ithor a box-plait down tho contro or a nuuihcr of small plaits mado to ovorhang the waist. I miglit romarlt'in jjas.sing that tho ovorhiingtng' front is .quite tho rugo just now in Purisuand most of tho coBtttmOH sent over the paftt fow weeks boast ono. A most original skirt is a black olio striped from wrii'tfL to hem with bands of white ribbon ombroiderod in jot and eteel, with a broad-baud, of fur pjaood at tho homl" To bo worn with it is a whito chiJTon bodico with overliangtng front and hugo rosottca of ribbon orna menting tlio neck. Now wero tho inv garments moro oleg.iut ami, ahui, moro costly than this BOiiuuti. Li'.al ieaKon'H Iur capo tieomod quito oxpuniii.'o enough 'with its rich silicon lining, but tho fur capo of tho hour is brilliant with.glistoning galoon, enriched with moiro and BQftoned by warm tlntfj of' glowing velvot. NOW is tlio 'bchl timo in your Ufo to buy furniture, It will pay you to got marnod, young man, and cimo and sco tho lino assorted stock of fur niture at suUkTIUNU NIIW IN IlLOL'SIN one of tho. favorite Hhapon. The^e an about twonty-oight or thirty inchcH in length, 'with'the fulness in the sl'irl very pronounced. The latest tie ;,_ i uro all tight fitting, extra wide ie\--i srpiaro cut collnr and high sleeves w ttli drop pointed cufTs being the characte - iHtics of tho garment. Tho enormous width of nlooves ha established tho continued popularity o ca])OH which, in any length and materi al, aro a safo investment. There is very littlo change in tlio" stylo us leganls shapo, but thoy aro far moro elaborate ly trimmed than thoso worn lust sea son. Combination of materials seem to reign hero an olaowhnro, velvet, t-ilk. laco and fur being combined in one gar ment with most olugant effect. Tin most striking feature in all tho- newest capes, as well as jackets, is tlio collai t. They aro invariably immenno in sizi'7 Kotno drop at tho c^rnevs with a demure, air, others stand up in a planner trnL astonishing. Some match tho matena of tho gurmoiu;, others show a bhiuj contrast, nn'd tho must dressy ones ar. extravagantly embroidered in sill: an flno jot. Somo of tho handsomV'iit'imporfeu" capes aro all black, but very few jack cts come in tho somber hue. A charm ing model sent over from Paris is in dark green cloth, -perfectly tight iittmy uiin very flaring in tho tkirt. ,\p plnpies of wdiito broadcloth trim th. revers, cuffs and collar, the leaves id applique being outlined witli (iue .,e lalik' cord and daintily powdered win small metallic beads lois applhmo trimming, by tho w.:;,, id tho delight of tho truo Parisian, vn.. very fe\.-giirmeiits sent over from th . giddy center of fa-liion but what boa-t of it more or les*. Lt is ono of tho d liisiotis of di'cs.sinaking, however, am should m vt-r ho attempted by tho am.i Mir, for when applied by unskilled hundb tho result is always tmsatisfac tory not to s.ty ludicrous. Fashion Kaa sot its decree of approval and also a fancy value, on tho now side lined suedo gloves. It is claimed that they retain their shapo longer and wear much bettor than tho ordinary kid. and they are, of course, much warmer. An oilier advantage claimed for them i- j that they slip on readily. The thicker j makes for winter wenr, -such as doeskin, .i;e also lined silk and heavily em broidered on tho buck. Tans, browns, fawns and reds are tho most popular colors for street wear. For sin-irt ocL'u.sious tho tinted or clear white glo\o. is preferred. Somo of the newest ones aro enough to bank rupt the most resolute woman. Some have threo rows of narrow insertion ^ot in the back, while others, especially those for full dress occasions, havo row after row of fine laco insertion running round the arm. Sometimes embroidery in used in place of tho laco with beau Uoius (UTiioXjio. *'r. D. V. McMonomU V nit tor. Hinrjlot cvory othur H umluy ut 8.80' J m. Humlay School ut a p. in. 'J Uaia'A'iwx Aumw T. II. Mt?L.!f-e, Cnpt< Hidvatlou ineotliuiM on Wiulnehduy, lhuridJ uml huiulay ovt'iilii|;n; i-'roo mid ]Oany, buturdl evimiii^ nial it a in. Huii(luv^Jluliii(i.a moetlDi lor (.In In tin ia. i'flday evciifniiiuaJ 11 a, m. Bi din; Kuec l^rill 7 a. in. ovtiy Bumlay. All wolcomo. LEGAL. Holloltor, Motw: IU11 HtwithiirM' Jlaiik.KHflox Ooutro. Y L. I'KTKUH IJarrlntor, nui.ti.^.. *J PubltA Mouoy to Loau. Ottiao ot( Btuu llloclt, ui-ritaljflt Jib LBtor, Hnlioitor, NetM i loan. Offlcei,Da; CtbAIIKK, BAUVIiKV & IMItTLKT, Bar / turn, to. OtWaou, Mcdhury lilook, Windecl IMvatn innilii to loan. A. ]I. CnAiutii, L L. H, N. A. JlAUTLiE'] A. it. Ii.uar.Kr. It, A. HKN11Y O. WAIVnU(H,b.b.n.(AttOinoyBn ComiFiLloi at Inw; with AfldilEOD Allafthf U(jnf;rnui ut. wor.t, Dutreit, Midi, . (Ciiniidhtn ohilniii iiunliint for conn la tl United Hffitcd oojbutctl.) Ktfoi unci in Inipciiiil Ibmli, I'hiiox.Ont, .1. 1j. IVte|>, Kufj , ]lm liDl^i', bto., y.Hhtsx, Ot K.A. Wliiuor, Kh(i,, Hiurintf)*, oto., Ktnox.Oi MEDICAL. Jilt KN, M. V., U It (1. P. ft 8., IKIhrnK Mfinher C'oIujh-ot I'lijdciiuiB aril Bbi -o. Ont. (iiiithnitt' ul Htw York. I'dntGrat otto Medlcu) Hehcol. All cilHh promptly *1 tJi.dert lo. Aho hjtchd aUfntlnn civen (liK)iinon of the hiijf.n, thront, nbwiv^yo urdo OJllto ovor Liii u it to'n. muu fitovo.una okllfi, uifdit oi dii>, hin tlioro, 'I'tilciiiione 1 connection. N. IJ, Connultntiou roorna torouri ttooy uud tlrnt Jluf, hIjovo. D UH. DIlWAIt & McKKNZIB. F.-A.DiiWAi^M. D. CM., P. V. M. BTIHiulL atoT-rlnitji Umvornlty. Momhov C'ollotjo Phyl iaiaiin and Huriioonii, Ont. Kcufdoncc. 'l'alb< Bt, Emit. G. MgKi'.nzih. M. D. 0. M,t Follow Trlall Medical CoUoro; aradiiutfi '1'rhiitv Uiiivoraitj IlthldoiiceiTulhotKtrcot, yrehtot M. C. It. 0111 cobourn H tot) u. in., 1 toljjind dtoBp. Otfico In linperiidUxadrbUek, ('.round Hool next-to Tlionwi'mlriiB utoru. 'i obmboiie in uauftoetion with oinoo imd roi dnnue, Ordou loft i.t ThoiJio'n tlruir Htoro will rromrTiv atrendod to,' DENTAL. HI', MAHTJN_IL.n. S.,- Ii. D.. 8. Grnriti&jl ^ in Uoutiotry, It oval Collofjo of Douti Biuccoun, Ontarin, mid Univoruity of Torunt OhnrfiCH.modurato. Ofllco, ovflr JJriou db Ct &YUU ntc.rfl. Ib-ly W VETERINARY. II, lUCHAbPfcON, Vetirnmry Bui fton, Oraduuto ot tlio Ontiiylo Veto] ( innr>" Collt-Ro, Toronto, tinitii nil diboiifctm iJomehticuted unumiln. Tl.'cuIiouo in ceimc^ lion, lientihtry it i.pccialt). UfEiMcrmi', foi ooo/ii bontli of Griiit Mir] OJDco in IObtdllU huildiitp; lulli umry dtroulli epj omle. JAI<EKN "I'HKoldOHt buninoiiu m town. Kntabbhui X lfl7ti. Kirat-oIanH broml imd oakus o/ Uindu, Woddinn oaliou a npooiidity, Urocorl provliiionu,flour,food, suit in:d pork. Court tlonory, orooliory.Rlnnnwaro, CannudfrultNai voijotabloNof oil kin tin. fiooihi promptly fij Uvorod to nil pattnolfcho town. J: M. HICK] Wl-tf SOCIETIES. TO. O. F.-KKTE1 PHIBE Lodfio No S raootiiovcry Tbmsday.oveniiifi at 7.H0 1 Odd Ml owe TInlbln-fbird ntoroy Duuttim Hloc| VifiitiiiRmomboni oi olbor Jodpepwill rooolvi ii-dtevinil wolcomo. .1. .milNhTON, N. 0. CI'.NTKAL I3KCAMPMKNT, No. 00. uiuotB, Oddfcdlowfl'TTnll, lUinntitii'n Block, on tho Or .iral third Tuontluy inouoh jnontb. VliiitorBrol dinlly rocolvcd. Meniben- of HiibcirdluatAlcdgf In tbh JurliHlJofctrii, invited to Joiu. nAhnah, c. v.. a. v. mi.h, g. b. Yj^l-M:X CKN7I1K LOEQK, No, 10, A, O,. U.1 Cj lleotfl Bocondond fomth Wondiivw iii urn tho Odo/nllow'ii Ball, at 6 p. _ VlnltiBpl-rnthrcn will lu-nivon D fmtt*vnl w< como. JOHN LA1NG, Mmitor Wo/kun O. n. fi-UIXKIt. Boflordor. - TflUK HIUflADK.-Tho Firo BWfiiulo nioe J. ucecnil WcclKcndav ovcrifiiR overy \tiant at a p. va. ia tho con null fbnmln'i:. All tlr*uu rcijuuhtfd to utttiKl. J. McMUltlUY, Cbitf F. McQDFKN, Pcorotnry. WMEE100MS, ESSEX. Prices lowoe than imywho.ic olao, for quality. Nenrly all mado at our own factory, and fine y iinished. All goods delivered free of charge UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING Pi ices right down cloeo in both Imofl. Kindly call and soo 1or yourself. J. ii. HICKS & GO. Essex. COUBT B0YAX, KO. ii:2, I. 0. F. Aleiiln Bccnncl and fmulh Tuouduv'H i cl moiith in J. O. O. F. Drill at H o'olook j>. d VJbitmp brt'tlifin will bojdvcn a Jruvaaf*e| coino. V, McCiiUPland. 0. It., \V. 0. flhaw, Kaoi M.J.Winle.C.D. U. O.K. A STYLISH HVXSNTNa OOWN. tiful olTocfc. Ono pair In partionlar"! admired! Thoy wore poarlgray with tho entire arm portion covered with om- broidery dono in white ailkahdontlfnod with tiny pearl beads. Katie GUitDNiStt. LAND AND LOAN AGENTS GEORGE J. T1I0MAH, Ccnvoynnoor( ^"or ndHdioi.or, iu High Court of Jutic: dealt -n Hcul Efltutc and MortfjngoB. Money to lot at thn lowent rate of iutoroflt. Forme bounkj und nolci. Innnrjirce. toUon in the moatrt'liabj uouiponiofi. Jit&vluaot itoodK mortgoefifl auj tetiBUfl a i.pccialty* CbarfioB modotuta and t lunliiOLii (n-omptly attended to, Call at tl ("cumd Toltfliouo ell)oo. KnBuOcntro, 80-lJ MARRIAGE LICENSES. <C%7 T>. BKAMAN, Him oi* of Xfiirrfnptu Idooniu'H, IiiBuranoe aiptf Nlfiht oillco at DwiiIIIiik. ^ J TALT1 OT BTIIBET, BSSM MIUTUtRTT, inuut-r of Marine Lioonrtj * Coinmhiiiionorb' Ooato, QOf MABUIAOK LtewnnoHor Wcdjllng Biiiea lm proenrod at H. Tj. l*ark'a, tho olU'i- liable jt wollor, Kraox, Qjit... . ^__^; Hot Vine car TV 111 Do It, Alortor and paint may bo removetT A ur cupo cJaasod "amopg. Lthe band-, from ylari-witb' hot, sharp vine&ar;" TAMttfl H. LAHUy, I'tovlneial Land Sm*vyr and ('otnity HWHiniior, Kbbojc Oontro, Od| MiHc(t, J)wMBtn lUooIr, upHtnlra. ARCHITECTS- TOIINX"5AYCOCK, ^"* , . jyj _^ - AttoniTinor,&c . ,\ ' }h Boom 10 imd U, FlomiHB BuiltHnff, ' '74 ,___ , rWIodftor, Oifta riu)n 210. I | n.UWMjOB, UndortoWor and Furota*:! II .b'tiilif.CallliiB.hoinomidfuotoijmydli Ui eato30, Mcdruyor.Ont, < 'H'-"-.1 -"t ' . I ' - ." ? />,. if-' \"A ~&&iA'*r si .."/.. rii' I.,',', . Jit.,-' \\yAb"i ' sn;V' "^i1 -if.'. M* t'^'&ffl^ift^^'*.*.^-&^ 782417

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