7;:r^^^ f r * Hrt*L& j**as<teifc (7pWDAT, FEBRUARYS, 189S, TA1 K. OF THE TOWN I $ ft Division court was held her* yesterday. Next Thuraday will be St. Vftlantlne'a Day, Feb. 14th. Hear the Ooagravaa onmualaal idaiaaa at Peok'aHall to-night. . Laat year \m Euex oonnky there were iamed 464 chattel mortgage* amuuutiun to S199.171.49. The memorial fund to bo donated to thu widow and family of Sir John Thtmpion haa reaohad the sum. of $25,000 aud win- oreaaing. Hear the Coagroves, the tfrtt muafaal apeoialifta, l'ack'u Hall, to-niht. As hood aa mild waathorootrioa it ie hoped that lotitf axpectod new sidewalk from Talbot street to tho Mnthodiat; church will be na)t with agaiu, A word in aua- eon, etc '... Don't forgot the High Bohool EuWtUiu. mftut Monday night m tho Mothodiat ohuroh. The county association of Natrona of In- On*try met hero on Tuesday, and promin ent members from all parts ! the county were proaant. The Fnua Pkksu hay been promised a report for next week'a iaue. Whether owing to eome peouliarity of ripe&lag oK otfar oaUio," apples are hot kaepinjy well thin winter*. The apya, .'- espfcidially. are Buffering, brown ppuoka flrnt appearing, wbioh quickly etUrge nud soon deBtroy the fruit. u M. J. Wild* A Co. are tho aoknowled^d clothiers of Ebkbx, Laib Baturday wart the day oa which Bruin was nup)pouod to inuuo forth from bis hole fied look for hia shadow. Ah Hliadown Were very etieily dtacarniLbio luat Saturday, we may look for nix woaka moro of winter, to use the old proyorb, Tho villatfo of Comber in agitating ii.cor- ation. Comber should have b#n inoorpor ated years ugo, but Reams to have ieeu con tent to remain in the township and he "gobble* up" financially, for years pa it- The change will Kraa+Jy benefit'the viUugo if the conaau lakou finds the population la largo enough. Bread phub fllvou free at Smith's. The Ekhsx lliuatrol Club, have decided to give their first performance on Friday, March 1st. Fpr further partfcplira aee ' yprogrataauaaa later. They havo also de- / oidod to go to Kinguville tho following weok. Any ohaugo to the abovo will be duly announced. Big bargaiaa in mantlo olctlts, twosds yttr coating, rnon's and boy's undor wear, 'a. atM. J. Wigle A Co'a. Oysters, oyster biscuit, eta. at Vnnoa's. A publisher duna bin Bubnoriboru iu the following novel manner- All prsowi kuow- iog thornaelves to bo in dab tod to thin ofGoo aro riqucatod to call and uottJe. All tkooo indobted to this and not knowing it are ra- questod to oall and find out. Tboaa know ing tlioinaolvaa to bo indebted and not wish ing to call are raquaatod to itay at ono place Innj: enough for uh to catch thorn. Cider an swoot as tho day it waa made at Yanoe'a .Tomes Craig, formerly of Cottam, but now of Emsdole in Parry Soupd district ' was in town thin weak and reports his ool- ony all well at present.. They got .there all right atid startod to draw logo. They havo about 150,000 foot of loga at tho mill aucl bavo sIho built a otoro, siuco thny went thoro, and haya raovod in. Ho thiuks they will do very well riftor thoy ^t atart- od. Ho wan iu Toronto Recently to buy a planar for the mill." Tho local oorroupondout of tho \\ induor Record raiunrkn. "There in Koing to bo a lonii" f0K the o1erkRh"*-of tho Eighth Divi* Ho notou, tot, null. tu.. , i,. "*, has boon clork ovor since tbo conrt wan'cfitabliHbcd, but hince ho ban tukoii up A. O, II. W, work hm oon Arthnr, has been fiilliuf; tho otlioe, and it was thought would- Hucoacd him. There aro other candidates now, however. H. \V, Allan; M. T., in oanvauDJuc for tlio ponition, and J. E. Stone io also a candidate, i Only a fow loft: Wo refor to tboau. UvIcb1 fur capefl, collars aud ruuf/s at. half prion, at M. J. Wifile A'Ce'a. It may not bo conorally known that , poMudkoopora ara raquirod to file with tbo clork of the municipality, on or bororo J'an- -uarylfith, a -iitatoment for tlio past year showing the unnabor of auimalsimponndod- number of animals nold and amount recoiv- od, tho saiu ropoived an poundapo foon and coat of koop by poundkeoper, tho amount oj. damatie paid by ..any party, all diabumc- montaandto whom paid, and auy other receipts aud expenditure*! in connection therawilh. Tho penalty for noglebt""tb^fllo this otatoraont in an amount hot cxcuuiliujv -Buckwheat flour fit Vanoe'tt. A writer in an axehango, naya he rooeiv- cd a letter from ft lad, a^kiiijy him ,to find him an oaoy berth. To thin hu ropliod : !"you<juuhatboaii oditor; do not try tbo tlaw; do not think of tho ministry; lot ajono all whips, shops and merchandise; abhor /feolltioa; don't praotioe modlciue; be not a farmer or meohanio;,WHftr^b*^ aolaior jior a (.ailor. Don't work. Doa't study. Don't think bono of those are easy, You have come into a hard /world. .TLoro'. xa only one oasy pjactt in it,. aud that is the S Couaoil mel last Tuesday avanln'g. Fare, freih, home-made ooufeotionery of all kinds at W. H. Evana'. TO-NIGHT -rOoagrove Coueert Co., un der Oddfellow's auspices, in Feok'e Hall, . The local branch of the W. O. T. U. ara asking for a redaction of the hotel licenses in town. Tho QIf{h Bohool Entertainment will b* the beat ever given iu Eaaex. Don't miss U. Freeh froxen fUh at^Vaaoea.------ WANTED.^T'he subscriber wante any quantity of aort muple saw legs 10 inches aad over In diameter for which he will pay 14,00 per thousand delivered at hie saw milla. T.Hrf>BOEW. The fire brljiafte had a run en Wodnea day aftomsoM. A honao ocanpied by a family named Johnaoa, on Laird aveauo, caught flre iu the attio, and narrowly es< osr>4 destruutlou. The damage was slight. Broad, OakeU, Pastry all freah aud BWeot W. H.' Eyuus, ii doors west of American. MiiH .Tohnaou is a Mohawk, and her pride in her race in amity ^aroalved iu all her reoltatloun, which she reoites to perfection. Liberal, Portage*!* FrairU. Borne very bad man will kick and swear when they are paying an aooouut, some Very good mou will uotawear, kiok or pay au aooouut. 150 sore farm for sale or rent. G. E. Smith A Co., Essex. Patrick O'Counell, aouth-eat qnartsr lot n, ccin-U, Sandwich South, will sell hi* farm stock aad implement*] on Tuesday, Pub. 12th, 1805. He will also offer his farm to rent, FOlt SAM, BOO white oak poatn. 8 ft. lou^ 8 cjiHu oaoh; also 2 biimn 1 fJ0xd0, the othor 18x30; cheap; to be romovnd. flay or urain takon in axolmugo. Apply to E. C.'Lewis, Town. Hear Harry W. Fay; the famous Eng lish character vncahst, at Peak's Hall to* night, Tho uc-ntteman (?) who "took a fancy" to two bollu, which wore attached to a ont- tir in the Baptist ohuroh shod, ou Sunday forenoon, may havo the cutter by calling at the rosidenoo of tlio owner. . Lots of barKainTat Smith's for a week. Cull ani see thorn. Dr. Potts, tho now merubor for Ho. 2 Ward, iu uftor all tho othor membora of the towu council, with a great big blundorbus. Tho trouble ,ia that the Dr.'o woapon ib one of tbukiritloommosly known as a "kicksr," and in the bunds of an amateur. Somc- times tbo recoil proven more dinastroun than tho diiiohargo. Great bar^aius in Indieu', geutn* and obildrfin's fine bIiooh afc Smith's. - Tho 17-year old son of Mr. T. D. Mc Croary mot with an aooident ou Tueaduy which will lay him .abide for a timt*. He waa ausintinK to lower a pump and ninety feet of piping fhtu a doep wolli when the loud alippod, and in coming down, he was ntruok a novtro blow on tho head. Qa la recovering bioely. Mr. Smilyia a ganiuti in hnmor and noimiory. Wo have never seen him snr- pussod for orifiinality upon the Paoifio oohat. Woatern Exchaujjo. The cold miap whioh lias provailed dur> mg tho paRt.fortnight ban boon tho moot severe that tlio county has known for years. Several thormomotors in town aud vicinity roistered as low aa 11)9 below zero on Tuesday aud "Wednouday worningfl, ad a couple of hundred mi Ion east and weFt of Ebocx tho atmonpbere loworod from 20 to 25 below zero, thccoldoot in ton -years. Its getting pretty thin. Wo lead tho trade wjth a 25o ten, Smith & Co. "Miflfl BertVa Church, dauchter of Mr. G. Church, Sandwich South, and niece of Mr. and Mrs. Church, Enaex, wan united in wodlock to Mr. Prank O'Noil, Sandwich South, on "Wcdncfiday. Rov. D. H. Hind, of Sandwich, officiating, paly tho rolat* ivea of tho contracting partios were pres ent. The brido received mauy handsome proBontn. The Cestirovcu aro corainc; hsst liigh clanu musical entertainment of the Beanon, uuder Oddfollpw'o annpicco, Pock's Hall to nij^ht. Tho ontortainment at Grace M. ohuroh was woll aitoudod, ovor duo thousand people boinft on hand to hoar Mr. Smily'9 humorous atorioti and HayiiiL's, ' * * hiR appearance to fino * * a riob voico, and a kuawledao of how to use it, plaoen him ahead of the boat iu his liuo. j/roc Pross, Winnipeg.' 2 pair wool sqx for 2Go. at Smith's. Tasks. Tho oollootor of taxws will ho in tho office of Mr. Stono ovory Saturday from 1 till 5 p m, until furthor notice. J, E. BIoEwan. A number of prominent Eshox Couacrva- tiven attendod tho groat demonstration held at Amhorntbare last Friday uifjhfrr'l'he old bui'U waa crowded with pooplo from all parte of tbo ridintf and mush onthUiiinBm prevailed. Tho apoakornpronout wero How, Hon. J, C. Pattor.Hon.'Dr. Montapue, and. Sohaitor-Gene-ral Curran, The ohwirrnan wanMr, N. A. Ooato, who mado a fitting' opening Hpdfjch und gavaway to Mayor Fras*r, who, m bohalf of the municipality, read an addruua of welcome to the visiting Mtnjatorn. It was incidentally mentionoil that tbo river front at Atnhftrstburu naedA 'irodRing to a.dopth of 20 foot, so us to'sl-' low'.ihb.Urgoat vosbc-1 upon the hikes to Viutor tho,harbor, Ex-Mayor Mullan preV BfiiitO'I. tho Miuihtsra with an addreaa from' the local C!onnrvatiyo ortfauixatlan. Overcoats n't about half yrlce ui Smith's. aIe ayrtp'at Vauoe'e. Publio sohool report la unavoidably held over till next week. If Id need of boots and shoos, he sure and call ou M. J. Wigle .t Co. ' Hear three perforsaera on bine instru ments at one lime, at Peck's Hall tu-niuWt. - The larse eftave mills helouainfl to Mr. H. C. Hees, Booth Woodslee, woredeatroyad ay fire laut Friday uiffht. Mr. Beea has just beeu putting in a Ur^ stock for the immmer'i work. Don't forget: M'. J. Wlfle & Co. aro of fering the balance *f their nvoranata, over- ihoea, blankets, sbeetinua, fiae fur, pnrsiau lamb slid seulette caps, at great reduutionS' Mr. C. 11. Pullor haHjust ruoflvod some Very dlt'coftraninir; r'-ports from his orungo Rrovee. in the frozen dlHtrlot of* JfUorliln; Uih agout writes that of bin '260 treua, but Vi'i are alive, and Miry are badly damaged. Mr. Fullar'H grovo had just be^an to bnar and owinjj to the a(40 of tho trens, 91,500 will not cover hit* Ions. He will now havo toR'platitand wait at leant oi*bt yeara bofore raturne will be^in to ooino in. m aure farm for uale, 10 con. GosfUId Hortb;.wlll sell in lots of *j) acrtis or full amount. O; E. Hmith t; Co., lf.(.Hex. The High Bohool Board bold its atstutory layotin^on Wednesday eveninf. All ibe membars were prneut, exopt. Ur. Gard ner. The officers were re sleeted aa laut year, vix: Chairman, Mr. T. U. DeCew, Secretary, Mr. E. A. Wl*rnr; Treasurer, ftfr. W. It, llichardhon ; Finance Commit- tfleVMesara. C. White and C. E. Kaylor. The report of tho inspector, aa published in'the Fukis Phkuji some woka s^o, wnu road. Tho secretary was aUo instructed to advertise for tftudoru for wood, a few aocountH wore puftsed, and tho Board ad journed to regular mutintf first Friday. 111 each month, - w Town ok Ehhkx To all whom it piuy concern. Taxes aro uow past duo, and must bo paid before the lit day of JVb. J. K. McEwin, Collector. PARDON JPRIMCE MIKI3. A Kclieiae ou kVoot lis Mlclilarau to> * euro KVla Hmovl Ho Cumsds. A Lansing, Mioh., donpatoh aaya : There is a plan on foot hare to have Prince Mi chael, of the infuMcuwFlyin^ Roll colony in Dotroit, pardoned, The promatem of the sohamo are wot in it, however, heoanse thoy love Priuoe Miohaol, but Jpocause tkey ese in it a chanoe to.rid Detroitand Miabi- s:an of the priuoe, of Eliica Court, and tho whole flock of Flying Rollers. .The plan is. ImplfthiHi-have Priuoe Michael pardoneeV ^yxot^Tponuin. Moved In ainendment en the condition that he leaves the state at ohc, and that as soon as he shall be found wirbm the borders of Michigan he shall ba reincarcerated. It is behoved that if the prince loayes the country and goes to Can- a flu. his followers will go with him, Tbev will follow their loader, and tho psople of North Detroit ueed no longer be ihookad with the doings of their ueigbben of ibe Flyinfl Koll. HoproBontativo Waldo, of Detroit, "haa bsen talking to Gov. Rich about it, and baa also had uome talk with the Flying Rollers in Dotroit on the auhjoot to bog how they felt on the matter of going to Canada with their leader. It is bolioved that if Pf-meo Mipbaal were roleanad he would goto Canada, an most of the converts to his "raligiouH" belief come from the Dominion. The Universal Xnhalor. A roeritoriouu iuBtrument for tko ouro of cold in tho head or Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and consuwiption in itn early stagee. It is used und recommended by tho raoht orainunt living physiQiann, as tho only hucc&flsful method of curing tbooe in- ti-Hotable diffcaaos of the rospiratory paa- ace. Read what Dr. McLoay, of AyJmor Elgin, Co., iiaya of it: Having oxaminod the Univoraal Inhaler, na sold by Mr. D. M. Campbell, of Eaat Loudon, General Agent, I have groat pleaaure in recommending it as an admir* ablfl instrument., oleau, neat, light and nat bulky, aud can bo uccd mofltadyanta^eoua- ly in tlio treatment of Catarrh, Dipthcria and all Nasal aud throat diseasoB. I car- tainly believe it to be up to tho require ments for which it is iutundod, therefore I havo much yleunuro in advising those who need its use to try it. Mr. Oam.pball tho General A cent is now in town and can bo aeon at the Abordeeu House, morning, noou und evenings, till the 15th iuaC. All suffering from any of thoKO dinca08 should eea him, examine tho Inhaler; and bgo the lar(o list of tosti raoriiulu of curon from roHpocbablo citizens of London and olaowliora, uuy one olwbum oau bo eommupiouted with by euolomng a three oont stfimtJ for a reply.' THE GREAT SOUTHWESTERN. ANNUAL MttETIM'G OFTH12 UtiO^ OFFUJ^Uft ASD l>ntfc:cioit^ The Pair to e II14 n eet*s>er 19 * ud3, 1905- Fok's Hall, E<i*x, Fob. 3ad, 1R0.1. The following; members wero prusont. From North Kiding Agrieu!ti>ral ocloty: A. W. Cobou, J.Fl'liuMtun. 1<S. Plant, T. Phillips, T. F. Kane, J. Murray, Go>-ge Jj-nk, D MuAlhatAr, ffm. EIHh, John Greaves, Jatii*s MoH utid J. .1. Dnwhint, From Bouth Riding AKriowltur*l Society; G. W. Ooateworth, H.Witfle, W\ G. Bald win, S. Millun, W. Uillen, O, H. MllU-and J. Lookhart, From GelohsBtar North Agricultural Bo. uioty: M. Barrett, Wm. Campbell, Johta 'J'lirmim, Wm. Pasniiifham, John Ijain^, W. U. llussall and E. J. Russell. Moved by Mr. Baldwin, heaonJed by Mr Murray, llmtHObe paid the retinut! preni. dent, and 15 We paid tbo Carn*d. Moved by Mr. Milieu, seconded by M-. Ooatawortk, that W.B. Balfour Eiq., K P.P., b pr-iJent of the Grsat Soutbweai- ern Uaiou Society for 1895. Carried. Moved by Mr. Ellis, scoouded by II1 , DewhUHt.'tbat Mr, 5, F. Kuatoa^ be firm vice-prtsideut, and that bt* take the oLuir its the absttnoo el the president, Mr. B^l. fuar. Carried. Moved by Mr. Barrett, saonnded by M r. Millon, that Mr, W. H. RiolmrdBon be hecond vice-presieout. Carried. Movod by Mr. Baldwin, sioondad by Mr. Wij/la, that Uosure. Cohoe and Milten be Kuner-iutendtints, Carried. t;,Moy,iil.by Mr. EIMh, soeouded by-Mr. CoatsWorth, that Mr. Bamaa b oeoretary for 1895. at a salary of *60. CHrri^d. Moved by Mr. Coatsworth, seconded by Mr, Greavearthat Edwin Plant be treasury or for 1805, wt a salary ef S50. Carried. t)uo. F. MilUn acd Michnel MeAulilla .vera appointsd auditors fer 1896. Movod by Mr. Barrett, soaon<Iod by Mr. Wigle, that two members of escrr-HOoiety bo eppointad an Exaeutive Ooumittev, aud that the Proeidcnt of ,lho Uaiou b6 ohsit man. CUbrriad. Tbo Executive Committee was thon nho- sen as follows : A. W. Cohoe, J.J, Wow- hirst, O. W.Coatawortb, Wm.Mlllen, W. Campbell am> M, Barrett. W. O. Balfour, chairman. ' V"; _,.;_ Moyed'by MV. Plauti'^bat.the marab'a're of tlw ExBcntivs Ootyuiltt*# be paid ftl.50 per by Mr. Wigle- seconded by Mr. Mxldwiu,' tfiat tho 1*em ber n of the Exscutive Committee bo paid ft2 per day aud expouses. Amendment oarried. Moved Wy Mr. Campbell, acaoudsd by .Mr. llDsitll, that the Irsasurer be uaid V2 -for caoh day's attendance at Executive Commitlee jnsfetinga. Carried. The dates for holding the Annual Eihi. bition for 1805 waro fixed fer October 1, 2 aud 3. Mr. J. Lnokhart sn^geHted that "Golden Jeint" ontH be added to tho pme list, and Messrs. (Joat*worth and wigle auggbttsd that "Rcipeotive" instead of V'JDominion" be inserted in oUuio respeotingpnre bred cattle. Theoe matters will bo referred to the prize JiBthoiamHtan. Tbo moetiug thon adjourned. A Comfort sometime*. r . - ..... Whon^iealthis far i;ono in consumption, then aomatiaio only casa and opmferc can bo noou rod from tho uno of Soctt'a Emul* nion. What iw mnuh better is to tako this in time to uayo your houlth. _. J'V host _ UAOUS3 RUUOW TCDMErCOU' Four Oenerationu of Koyalty. "Four neuerationn of tho Royal House of England" 111 tko title of a handsome pamphlet just issued by tho Dr. _Williama' Mo'dioiuo Co, Tho cover 1h a work Of art, und huA admirably executed pDrti'aits of Queen Victonft. the Prinoo of Walou, Duko of Xork, aud the infsnt Prinoo. Edward .of YorJjL The Diji Williams.Go. have a rep.' utatton for diet-'ihuting t1)q,( 'hundHomest piimnhluts ta'sua'd by auy proprietary -wed.-1 icine'lioUH* in Cauuila, anil |-Jio present work/amply HUBtalns this rjoplilktieu. The p^yn^lilftis woll wortfi baw'rn'ij.'ttnd aodpy wiilbo.Wttilfld fo to any of onr 'readers wljo Will Heud their address (plainly writ- tori) on a-past card, to the Dr. Williams mediditte Co. Brj>ckviile, Out, , I S, ADAMS HAS PLACED PRICES AWAY DOWN " - ON - Farm Harness, ' Truck Harness AND Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. T TlilS MONTH'we will givo the Greatest Bargains ever- o'ffored iu Earfox. We mean to Turn Our Stock Into Gash If cIoho prjeca will do it. Wo have cut prices to Costand Below on a groat many linoH. To appreciate the great cutH we are giving you mutit see the. goodU. Values speak for themselves. All linos of Dress GoodR from 25o per yd up, one-quarter off" regular prico. As a special inducement "we offer our-reg* ular 86c Serge in all colors at 22jc; also a job lot of heavy dress goods, regular prices 15c and 2Qi5-rjpr yd, choice for 10c; XAadioe" Coats --^^ Wo-atobound t-ot to oairy ono ovor, and oftor tho ba!anco of oar- Bloclc at about half prico, l'to^ulai' $5 Coata for $2 SO, $7 for $B.75 ' $8 for $d,25, $10 for $5 50, $1 for $7, $iG 'or $8.25. Oar stock it jotting low in abovo, but, wbafc wo have aro tbo latosfc and oyory on*- now goods. FOR MEN AND BOY3 Wu liavo had oxtra ^ood suocosh ii tbofo linos. Tbo bulanco munt go thin month rogartfloflB of profits, llogular U Ovorcout or Suit 2.90, gf .50 for $4/Jfi, $8 for 5, $10 for $0.25, $18 for $7.75, l<i and $10 for $D.5(J. Odd pants and other linos in pro portionate reductions. . ' Boots and Slices Mil Theso we also eiicrifico on to mako room lor now spring goods. Wo carry the boat linos made. |i5 percent on all fino linos of Lauios' or GontB* yboos, from $1.25 por pair up. Our Apacial dino men's long .Boots, guaranteed watftpronf, scotbom. 25 por aont. inoanH a pair of $1 for $U. No fcrimblo-tii-show goods, don't bo afraid to aak to se*--*- wbat you want, purchasing or not. Cut prices spot cash. HO., WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX "1 Whoat rod pot buiihel ....8 AVheatr-i*bito ' .... Con/ " .... Ontfl V j .... Timothy Seed .... Clover Bead .... Aldikjc ...- Hay por tou............ litof per owb............ Pork .:.......... Mutton ............ Hides ............ LiliiokonH per lb.......... Bnttor .......... Lard .......... El>(!Q, por doa .......... 'Potatoes, por banhol .... Oniomt .... Apples .... Turuirft -v .-.-.. C&rrots v,r .... Bootn ?... ParHnipn .... Turkeys por lb.......... Ducktt .......... Culery por doz '.......... Cabbago .......... AUKETJ 55 5S 10 25 to 20 2 00 5 fiO to 5 50 6 00 4 fiOlofi 00 6 00 to 0 50 1 75to 4 75 5 00 to GOO 200 6 7 15 10 45 to 7fito -10 to bto 15 10 1G 45 80 00 20 SO 25 SO 8 7 00 25 Hiram WuHkcr& Noiiu'ttlurkot Ucvoft No. 1 Ryo, por hnahel .... 45 1 Corn- ' .... 4fi OutB .... 20 Tho abovo pricoH aro paid by, II, Walker Soon, Wulkervillo, Oot..... _. Skates Sleigh Bells IN CASES Carpet Sweepers Fancy Lamps Are seasonable goods now and cat* be bought cheap at 1 "' - A largo stock and it must go.,w Call unci boo mo . boforo buying ftlBOwlioro Everything In the a: Furnishing Line Horse F. S. Adams. Two doori iut of BaWa.OarrUgs Workr, Kuux. At May's .-Baaiaas? Tlio Holiday!) aro 'ovor, hut wo have yet ou haqtl.- - Some Rare Bargains " v l ' In Celluloid, Plnah, nnd othor Novoltipiv, Brio-Hbrno ofo.', RUitaqlo forwotldiiu' or -hirthday prRHontn, uhwoIIos Topn, DoIIb, oto. Wo uro " lioiulauartoro for . - . School Books and Supplies Andjteop all raoh requinUoH. Cfull and hi'o uh. u Hardware, Essex. TAMKb NA\LOIt *akon tlitu opportunity of auuoimoinn uu tnn pooplo c( tho Town nnd. County of IOabox, that ho hani-otnodolixl tboEa-. mox Hollur MUIr tiocorclliic to pluimprojiarotlby It, N. ?rloo, 8t. Tliowian, tvnd htU aleo Buooreo-' tbo BorvlooH at Uonmvv Stiiaciun, an axperi- enood nud thoroucUly oorapotonb miller, , > ThaultlnK tlio pooplo of tiio town and ootinty foi-tho patroimpo Lostowod upon hlui lii tha punt, will uuuruutoo uatlufnotldu in tho future. Gristing and , Chopping a Soecialtv,r THE BKHT GIIADKH QV SXOUtt, FMlflDANtt'; OOItNMISAL KIjiPT IN STOCK AND BOLD AT ItlOBT PUIOEH,. X Cssh Paid for Wheat and Oats. WOOD'S) ]P>IXOBI*IIODlN'IiX. Tho Grciii XBuuHnXi llome.ly. Six T<wlut0ea Guaranteed to promptly, and purixiauontly euro nit forma of b'urvou* ' Wet&tWta, Rii\l*iiioM,ft0orm* otorrhea, impoUne j/atul all Weott'uf-Abuw or Eaietsao*, Mantat Worrit Moeaalw Una lief ore and After. lant$t w^ eO0n Uad t0 In. UrniituiJnmnity, Consumption and ai. early oraye. HuiibixmiproBcrlbtid ovor lifiyoara la tliouKantls of caacaj la tho only Hoitabta'and JIamt iledtottla tnouM. 'ABkdruBitiatfiw Wood's Plionphodlaoi If ho effort flomo Worthless modlclno In placO of this, lncloso prloo In lottor, oud wo will suml by return MAIL Price, One poolcflKO, 8D lx, Q&. One wtll v\e<wtoUi>u>iUouwv VnmphloUfrpotomayaddrcaB.. Tlio"Wood,Obo,)pany-: ' } ' 'v., --Wiiiaiiop,Oat,. CAnoda.' -. Hold in Kaaez by oil dragfjiata. s > i' Chamois Skius,;; ; Ohamois Vests, Lung Proteotors, SpopgeBags.: ,Exoenentyida'*, .vOu v 'Ai' i'. THEYDRUQGIS*, ': n-j'-itvi'J - l:>-' tatlVTflir-i 'XlhW. r:.:Z'^:::::':^