KVC.'-.'" ;.,- .'." , wwpy^^ THE E8SBX~yRE# PRES8 Waa. GOSNEIX Deslrse to amaonnoe to the people of Keeex and ytalnity tha* ho hu purabaiid the 3roeery and Groafcery Stock of Sersan Bros. AbJ will place a uew time t kaep cm hand atook and cob- FINE CROCKERY und GlaHWaro, FRE8HfcRCERIES f iu.1, TEAS, SUGARS, to otc. Which will bs add at BOTTOM l^UOESFOR OA.Bn. Highest Market Price for Butter and Eggs. The old JFriouda and pMtironi <J thiu utoro, and all others are cordially invited tO Ckll OUol-4MMI^UM. ***" Wm. Cosnell, Next tofcjherrinj *SSX, -^J The Essex Free Press. FBIDAY, S'EBRUARY flt 1695. ' TEST'THE HYDRANTS. . Tho Fhkk 1'itKriH wan u witfi of tho disabtroun fire whioh vuited lini>"vil!o on Tuesday ultemoon,aiid it wuw coupler- ably owing to nevctmlof the hydrant* being irozen up, tliab thy llama* gumed nuch headway before stream* could be brought to play ou tlio burning building*. When the t-resaurfe wh* at it* bout, too, it wa jfouui unable to throw a btreatu more thuu aboub twenty foot hifih, thu probably pumitfto a burnt at Homaof the hydr^nte, whioh werM frozvn up, but w(>ioh oould .lot bo loaated While tho fire wau lu' progi-aimT During tha pant fw weeks* groat'uiauy water ae*vlcei iu private houses in Ehbvx -fcava become frozan up, and It is just pon- ibla that a numb or of tho tttrout hydrants are also froz:n............ No time Hhould bu lost by tlio Aim and water committee of tho town oouuoil in huvitig these hydrtiutu exaomiad and kopt iu & proper condition so that tliuy may bo ~ra^y^orTia^irtja*a-of-a-fitfrr^vliioU-tuicbJL breakout at any time, aud whioh might prove an disastrous to Etiwex, iu it did to KingHVille ouTuasday.if found uopreparod. r MAIL AJYjD EMPIRE- WednoRd&y trjormne'u innuo of tho Empire contained tho following finuounoomout, under the handing "Good Byo." "Au amalgamation having boon eCfoated between The Empire aud Tho Toronto Mail, both of these papers ceoo publica tion in their preauat wlmpo to day, and a new grenur, to bo called The Daily Mail and Empire, will mako ito firut appearance to-morrow. All uccoauLu duo tho Empire for adverlieemautB, tubsonptioua, otc, to diia|1r*ttmiH payable) to tho Enopiro Print ing and Publishing Company, Limited,' and all bubsaribini haviuf* paid iu advance .. will rcoeivo for tho fculaaco ai thoir tfirniH tho nw paper, which tho re in evory noiur anoo will faithfully maintain tho policy in . apolitical matters hithorto advocated, by The Empire." The entire ntuf of tho Empire are brown out of employment, the Mail taking over tbe Empiro bodily. Tho Toronto World nayy. Ouo of the . mournfulloHt, mmorablettt spectacled known to journalism haa oumu to au cud. For over oibt yearn, nourly^nine yoara, Tho Mail ha* Bought to ruin ttttd bodovil tho Couaervativo party, the party that brought it into (ixifltouoe, that nursed it for tho yoara wbioh prcoedod its departure, from tho feld. it now admitn th^t all its efforts havo been in vniu, mid itn pruyer to bu re- ceivod again into communion has boou hear^.t............. ' * "Only Iobh mournful, lonn misorafala, ban' . boon the hovoh yoara1 effort of Tho Empire to offaot Tho MuiTh hostility. That oltort deiorvflda hotter fato. But it wan uri aujtitour and oubnidizod- effort at best, i-., !-.thounb it wan always an honest or;o. - *lTlje Mail ban failed in itn hostility, Tho Empire hua failod in its foil. Tho twou.ro to ba unitud and, tho pattt to bo forgotton." mscouATruoutioic, Tlinrs'ii much indinatlon lell amonj? rauiuH)er alonK the line of that town- line road., ruuniuf _ bo Ween Oolahter North and GoiHeid North, on the one ni^a and Sandwlab South and Uaidatone on the other, owing to the rafuaal of tbn oounty oatinail, to make a granr'ui p- titloued by the body of delegaUg]wh| at' tended to prsieut the ({rievaioea of those people, looaroouuty Iti^falat'jra, a*ud it U not prnpoiei to allow the matter to rebt thf>re. Au itated bsfors in these oolumni, a prl- vat ubatiptln of 81,000 h,tf bueu raiiwd, and the uantlem^n who havo ai^noJ that ubscriptlou lint do nok propose to ba aholved or rebuffed at tho unKriolous ra- caption given their repreuoiitntiVd* at> tho county council. Many vury nelll-.li idnnu uuonrto pri-vull among boujo of tlio tnemhari who cmnpo*a that body, and a policy of "(nub" porvadoi thy votoa aait autibua of'tnany. Eur in- hUnca in royard to t|iu UmValliti[2 of rendu, many or th eldr sottUd diutrluta hnve had -their roads ifratrelled years *mo, when tha county wait being suttlsJ up, and in a I in or t all inataucos, havo rnooivrd coiUity asyi.t)inoo, now when tlio nwar. distriots ar htiin^ gotUad by farmeru who are luborinc ut a disadvantage, and wke want only thoir justduou, iu aakluf! af-uit-tanno for puttie^ tltnHo uew roads in a fcat* of travel, they irooppoasd by tho roproaouta- of thone townships that wero plaoud in re pair in the previous inatanos. Tha eauae of thiu is probably due to tho faut that a urcut many roevos, dnputy-rocvcH, und othorn are olectod to thofe poaitionrt on tho promiue of rigid eoouomy,'anj| thuy mihtako an vxtritvano^, money spoilt for noodod im provement. Thoy also wmh to dintinjiuiah thunJBalvys and to muke aomp show of Iiilv lig kopt their promises, und' tho result in it great lujury to the public. The Fukh PltKbB liaa an altogethor diffvront concep tion of the dutiou of connty councillors in rvgard to the oppninfi up and ittprovomebt of thu county. Theao haou are not sent to Sandwich, for a week twice a year, for the purpona of Uospin^ a juuloun eyo uri all ro- quirod iraprovflmoutH, and to retard pro- Hr>ua to tho full extent of their power. If they Imvo not u bottt-r idea of.their duty, they should bo taught u fuw louiious by the more irUftlli^iut amon^ their olootoru, who can hoo u.t. a qltnoe, that by improving fat in und otlior property, thoy thoreby onliuuco its value, and inoraaso the revenue to thr muuioipalitiea, and auu matter of oouray, -toJho oounty. Their duty is to exorcise a discriminating judgment ou all eonttora of expenditure, whothsr it bo tor impruvo- of roads, grtmt U> eharitubls Inatitatiouo, or any other expenditure, rather than' to oppose evueytbirifi; in the nay of outlay or expenditure. It in hopud that before auothor nicotine of the oounty council in held m Juno, soiro of tho rcprcsentativaa may bo brought to a better conception of their duty to the pub- lio, and that they mav amend tho injury thoy would perpetrate ou an important Bootion of the oounty, by reveling their decision in the matter of gravelling roads fj*u orally. Th Windnor oorrospoudont of tho De troit Froe Frags onys, "The sipeeeh of Hon. J. C. PattorHon,- mininter of militi*. u.t Leansiu^too, ou Thuraday evening, wherein he atatod that bath North and South Eaaex wero to he redeomod, and that hu would interest himaolf iu tho cam paign, sifjaifios that iu tha coming olcotir/u Essex will have a real interefltintf time. Patterson is considered-tho- Bnaootbout po litical alitor iu tho dommion,<und inohair- man of tho whole organization, which is praotioally the came petition a a ^ouerl in the dominion, The woatorn constituen cies uaed to bo uoarly all Tory, litft ono by ouo thoy have boon drifting into tho Grit folel nutil thoro aro only ono or two in the eutiro western -paninanla that fiond Tory members to Ottawa. Tiio goveriiraont in, no doubt, determined to undo this condi tion of aflnvra, judging from the remarks ot Mr. Pattoraou. Mora than tliiadt ik felj that Mr. Pattoroon will run iu a western oonutituonoy. He ban at fife diHponal, ua tbo (ioyernmont oryan suye, a half dozen plucoB iu which ho aonld win in'a wulk, but an there iu no miniotor in tho west it in probable that in thiu part of tbg province ho will isliy hu ouBtor." pRKESpORPfNCE The ParsonaKe, Ereit, FebJ 4th, 1895To Editor off Fnaa Pas-s: Dear Sir, Will yon kindly permlt.ttie to ooi root a couple of errorp in the report of the Union Meeting of Young People's Ho- ciatlea as given in Uat waok's pap^r? Tha first is "the am m association not heiuc fully onraaized,*' and the seooud ia the wroug Inapresbiou that "Mr. Allison aa lVenldeDt of the Meihodint E. h. of 0. E./< ooonpiod tbe chair. Permit me lo any that the organization \<* cotnplated and that the ofllotru are us foil j Pre*., Mr. Alliaooj 1st V. P., Mr. E. Lain**; Dad V. P., Mr. H Shaw; Use. Sao*, Miss AU worth; Trout*., Mr. J. Jobusteia. TbttMo^ofilaoru wr bUotad at a ro^ehir mutug held Dao. 12th, 1891, .when tho majority rtli*repr*o"ufctivoa were pres ent. Forth, henout of thoau who do not un dwrntand the. Local Union prwit-ino to (fiva a brief uoiuuiit uf it. The subjact of uoiou whh )*roseutd to eaoh oltha Young Pnople'a Sooiebies, and each was asked to ditiotiaatt thoroughly, then, if in favor of uniting, to eluok fWe raprouesttatlvou, to- Luther with th^ii President, to met at Uihs Geluman a, Wadnonday ev^niug, Dta. 12kh, Tula'wad done by vach hocioty aud as I said bvfore the majority unfit, efoofced ofn- cars and completed the Union. A.t that mentin^itwas duoided to hold the Uuion mootiu^s every two mouths and ulno that thu urut- tnuotiny should bo held in the afuthodibt church, Jan. '28, 1805, Aa far. i-i the programme ia couoorned thiaiuleftiu tha bauds of the Executive Committee, who woro alao appointed Doc. lath. At the Executive meeting hold Jan. 1-1, tbe arrangements for lbs programmes were wade and it wiut deoided that aa thin was ths fir tit of a aoriea of Uuion mooting, the minMtoru should all be mvitod, that we the young membeiii of their reappotive HooUa, nliould than publidy show our-alle- Uianoo' I truat thiu will latiefactonly explain mutters, but Hhould any doubt a till exiat, tho officers or any mnmbor of tlio Exou> 'tiv'eSriU-glhdiy outer mto an arrangement whoreby tho organisation and its woro* aan bu mom fully explainnd. Very ronpeotfully yours, Ada li, Pabcou, Cor. S<soty. of the Loo^l Union of Y.P. Societies.. - .' THlflSUN."" )Dr, SMamaoii JTmIUh to a tfull IHouue About Hiai Grant il'xly* Peck's Iiall wa*( lllled with & lar^e turn, out of our oitizouB laHt Friday oyeiiiui; to hoar Dr. Samnoj, of Windsor, yivohia talk on "The Sun," under the auapicea of the Mechanics' Iustituto of this town. Tha Br. appaarid here under tho lame liiispicco about a year^ago, aud hia henrere at that lima wore well pleaaud with tho intorcatinp; manner in which he lmudl- od bin aubjoot, ut that timo, vis;.; "Tho tJtory of tho Bocks Bsneath Ua." Rev. M. P, Campbell, of tho Baptint church, occupied tlio chair, and if tor a brlvf addroau, touohiuji on the good work the MoaliuuioV Institute in doing here iu edu cating tho yonug; to higher idvaU of life, and of tho ^onerul buuetlt euuh a work in te the community, intioduocd the apcaker of the ovenitj^.' Dr. Samson wiahed it unslerstood from the outaet, that he was. not appearing aa a Igcturor; ho was raoroly pteuoht, at tl< re- quuRt of tbe president of the Inati'.uto Board, to sptmd an hoar iu having a tUiort talk with the people proaont. Tho Dr. told of many wonderful things regarding "Old Sol," ' which ahowod that ho imiet have devoted a groat deal of timo to the study ot iiis eubjeot, und his uudienco wero profoundly iuttrestorl from be^inujog to end* At tho comoluaion of the addrctm, the thaukti of tho audienoo were tondarcd to Dr. Samaon, ou motion of Dr. Brieii, ex- M. P., sutoudod by lteovo Laird, to whioh the nptmKur hu it ably replied. :-----_----------,-----,-----ifytf.---------------:-----------------------------------------, * 1,. I,!./ iA Iu connection with Sir Olivor Mowat'n appearaiioo at Mr. Luurier'u great meeting at Montreal, the (Vibuese has a lon^ and appreciative nrticlo on hie career. Allud- ing to tbo jjcoaibility of Sir Oliver rotiring , during tho proaont Lenielaturo, it nayH: "He i altofiothor too young a mau to rotira . from public life. H* is cloven year* youngor than Mr. Gladatone. Sir Olivor ^nould tako warning by tho 'grand old man' of England, who finds after retiring that hia youthful fcelinge got tho better of him and v force him hack again mto public I if**. If Bir Ohvor wants to retire from political life in Onturlo he should to in for Domin ion political.1 Lot him hand oyer tho roina of OiJt*rio-to Wr* Qardy, if ho will, but in that c*t* ho ehotild tako tho leadership of 'tho Ontario Lib*mis dud fight ono camp aign with Mr. Laurier, Xf Mr. Clmploau comt-H out is tins province on the- side of tbe OopKrvativeH, an it in said ha will, Bir Ohvor would wuk thinj;e oven by coming out in Ontario for the fjiboraloi That . would be an Oliver for a Hollaed. 'If he onuld only help the Doraiuiou to establish eaah an ooonomioal, houenfc, ublo admiuis- tratiou of effaira ^as that which be has About two wooJis ago two gentlemen from ICIngsville, who poa'o ua nportfimeu, weroBQon shooting quail in tho vicinity of Oulifornia. Their namcB are known and we civo them fuir warning that if they, or any^othsr ao called aportampn, are oaufllit shooting qhail out of Boaeon they will be proseouted. Wbatovor inequalities may oxiet in tbe garao laws ronpeotinc tho clone aeaseu for othor birda tlioro is no gxcuoo for anyone bunting our best game bird in the doop enow of January. Farmers*' who take tho trouble and paina to ocnetruot aholtore for tbeao little birds and fcfld them during the winter wontbe will eortaiuly protect them aguluot the cowardly ruids of tfuaportsmaLliko sportsmeM, Eoporter, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST OR STOLEN.. rN'DETnOIT A.T CORNER OP'DKQUIKDKTl JL and H'l Franliiin nt, on Llio uijjlit'of Doo.. 27, a promiimry note, (ifgnod by Thoa. and Honry Pitpn.trloli, and payabla to 'I'bon. J. MoDomild, at tho Hunk ot Uommarco, Windaor, on Vah. 1, ia03, for tlio aum of sma, Partlon aro warhod ajjalnot ncROtlatlBU tblunoto. , thos. j. Mcdonald. Eufioat, Jnn 21,1896. . GOSEIELD NORTH Cheese and Butter Go. *'< > .,' he would have put-a dome ou ihti fine, edU fic of bid Croat aervloea to tbe people of Canada, He bhau!d end aa he .began by frying tbo whole people of.Canada. Tho plan for tho High Hohool concert which is to be held in Mothodisr church,- on Monday evening, Pobi If, in^pftu at Mr. Sherrib'e,drugstore, and the ohojoo. eauta are rapidly fifoiu. The.usabageqaoQt don- &iderH and wo believe justly, that thoy ata tfojhu^ to present the liceafc entertainment _ __ __ tbrihatf over been given in Essex, Mlaa P^^J0.f.t.!'G!!^"!h5#0.y*R.lr,Jor P*teli0%$j^iM3ohnm to Indian poeteea and reciter, is aloBe^ndduiquo in her profession and Mr. Bmily isa talented and;/pleasing humorist, ' :v- ' 'i"-i' NOTICE. "fHIG ANNUAL MRKTING OF *niB HIIARB J. b ildcra of thu Goaflrdd North ChotiBQ and Butter Oo, will bo hold at tho TOWN HALL, OOTTAM.OU Wednostlayy February 13th, At I:ao o'clock in tho af to moon, for tho olootion of olHoora, preaontlua uudltorB' roporta, etc, Persona winning to Ueeomo1 obaroholdors in- tbe above named ooinpany ou do ua by paylnn 110 per eent. on tlui utooh thoy wUli to subiqi-lbo and may have a vote at tho annual mooting, JOHN 8, IUMjIHG, 1'roBldeut. PiC'l'EUlNMAN, Boerotory, Oottam, Jan. 0, IftflS. * , '.' TENDERS, FOR WOOD. TKNDKUS WXItii 1)13 KHOBIVBtt BY THIS umleraluued up to February lUth for thirty cords of room body, hlakury wood* *U hiobei in lontttb, uawod ourtB. Wood mneb be ilollvnreil a at 1'iHsex High Bobcol (,'rpuuda on or beforo July 1,189C. a * B.A.WIBMER, Bob. KbBcx High Hohool Hoard. W9 do xLot-waat to carry over any winter goods and in order to effect a speedy clearing our prices are . . . CUT TO THE BONE. In many instances to 26 per cent, below cost of manu facture. This is a rare opportunity to secure season able goods > AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES, We name a few of the linea which are being sacrificed: Ladies' Fur Oapee, Collars and Muffa, Heavy Cloakingg, fine opera Shawls and heavy Wool Shawls^Q-o at just Half / JPrice. iiingaville-Blankets and sheeting at less than mill prices. Mens* and Boys1 f* Overcoats at prices that are simply ridiculous. Men's and Boys1 Underwear and Top 'Ip Shirts all slaughtered. Mon's Waterproof Coats at exactly half price* Men's long Boots and Overshoes all reduced.^ Tweeds at a reduction.of 25 to 4.0 per cent., and many other lines -which wo have hot spane to enumerate CUT PRICES ARE FOR SPOT CASH. Handsome Parlor Clocks and Mirrora Free. ^ Yours for Bargains, BrriTS'rAir BrjoaK. essex- Going- Out of Business irtsr Essex:. - THE - TAILOR, Will dispose oTTIs~"entire Stock of Cloths and Men's Furnishing Goods at cost. We want to close out rapidly, It is our intention to leave Essex andt tjhe^ present prices asked for our goods will make them goj We welcome all comers. Don't wait till you nee> the goods. You will not make money faster than lay ing in a supply for future use from our stock now. CASH ONLY CASH N. R--Ail outstanding accounts must be settled at once. W, J. DEWAE, Dimstaxt Block, Essex. MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY In CostloUi and Maldstono. f rTNDKH AND HY VIUTUI3 OF THE TOW- L' orfi of Aula eontainod in two lwletittinia of mDrtaaf'Oi wliloli will ho proJuoed at tbo tluno of gain, thoro will bo offorod for sale by mibllo (UIOtlOU.OB Wodnosdav, fob- 20th "95, at I o'olook In tbo aftornoow, ftt the Abo'rfloan Hotel, in tbo Town of Ehbox, the following vory valuable farm preportieH, trnmoly: FMIST The woHt half of tho iioiith half of let No. 271, south of Talbot ntrooh. Iu tbo Towwibtp ofGosttold, lu tbit Oounty of JSswa, r-ootalnlno bv nilmoafluromonb fiO aoron, nioro ox Iosj. Thorn 1b Hftld to ho a-flood email tiamo liouiie and ntablo In oood order on tUU property; it in all oleaved and thoro lu a younc. orohurd on it. Thla la un oxooUoiib proporty. In a oholoo situa tion, about ono nillo from Cofctarn and flvo from tho Town of iflaBa*. . .. , BUjCONB Tbe oasfcorly 100 noron-of lotNo, 21, la tbo aoooiid oon. of tuo Tcwniihlp of Maid- utone, in tho County of Khbox. oxoopt ono aoro sold off for anohoof hoiiBo. Tnoio lp said to bo a good Jrame boUBO and framo barn an thiu property. It In noavly all otoarod. Thoro In a Lood orchard on 16. It lg eaid to be woll funced and In o'otl ordor.ln an oxeollont nolRhborhood, about ono and ono half tnlloH from Woo'.IbIlu, and four froitftlTiiTo'wu' of Khhox. TBHMS 01' HALK oulllo- lonb to Hiako up ono tlilwl of tbo purohtuo mnnoy wllhlu two wtiobti from day of Halo, and tho btLluuuo to bo ajjrood upbn at tlmo of oalo. TIiobo tormo may bo varied BiiitpiiroUaBoi', TIiobo tormo may bo varied on day of aula to For all further, particulars apply to 33. A. Wltnnor, Efq DarriBtor, toiiiiox, Out., or to GlUBON, UAItTIN & OBUOimH, fl-2i Vondora'flolloltoiti, riaiulltoD- '. rJ0he fawaous (Jonurove family oE enter- talnon will appoar at r^oU'n 1UH ^ii-l^ri-T day ovenmgniixt, Feb. 8, uiitlny the aus- pioeuof XlD.terrttioe LoJt'o, ! 0. 0. Em" of thiu towu. Tho OoBrovB have a nplcbditi reputation, und "having added to tlitflr numberu Binco tho> uppaarod luBt JnKBseXt are prepared ,t (five their p^troos entirely new entertainrneut. TREASURER'S SALEJF LAND FOR TAXES. IN THE TOWN OF ESSKX. TOWN OF ESSEX TOVVIT. Wukwcau, by virtue of a warrant iuuod by tho Mayor of tbo Town of'Efmox, io tho County of Ktmcx, and authentioatod by tho oorporato Haal of tlio natr! Town, boarinff .diito the 25th dliy of January, 1995, and to mo clirt=ofcod, communiling mo to lovy npou, tlio /ollowin/x lotn ov paroals of land for urrcaro of taxou duo thoroon. with oostti, I hereby ({ivo notioo thab unloao the said taaceo and oouta aro hooiioi* paid, i filia.ll on Saturday, thoXSth day of May, 1895, at tbo bout of 10 o'olook iu tho fornuoon, at Pock'fl Hull, in tlio Town of Eaaox, proooed to Roll by public auction tho naid ]'indn, ot au much thereof an may be sufficient to pay euoh arreura of taxo and all lawful coate momTQcJ: Plan. Lota. 181 BO) 234 07f '247 20 . 07 2i> 20 37 28 29 223 70 2SG 8 9 2.U 3!1 307- 17 277 4*i 177 -11 207 29 80 - ' 277 54 US' 5G 67 58 179 28 29 - 2fl0 30 :*2 170 0 285 2 a) 800 a f 285 U5- 2R8 7 a' 283 9 10 ' 170 200 2i7 73 300 28'29'SO 31- . " ' 280 2 207 25 20 178 I3nat paft 1-1 207' 40 234 01 285 18 000 9 293-0 7 8 0 200 28 34 35 22 ) 208 27 28 29 35 1)0 87 88 89 40 43 43 44 45 40 47 43 49 j. Blookiaa .-'.. .. Block 02 ..-'. Block 98 . ".' . ;. .Bleoks4B 46.47 50 661- Lot 2, plan 267 }i '.' B!ockl09 ; ";' '."; ' t - W. D. Bkajum, Trewnrei i..~.. :,.VV v'i<"l V-i'"' V',,',-"vVl Tax on. Cof*tn, Total. 52 11 3 90 50 01 5 118 1 55 ' 6 93 21 02 4 23 25 25 .. 10 90 2 80 43 20 71 83 3 07 75 00 11 81 1 fi5 . 13 no fc 10 <M 1 71 18 15 85 22 2 17 37 B9 00 14 2 00 32 14 44 (18 3 71 48 89 59 18 7 97 07 15 85 UK 2'78 B8 13 19'AT 2 39 23 20 88 60 2 26 41 12 40 83 4 29 48 It ' 89 93 2 30 43-23 j 21 21 8 20 27'41 I 24 21 3 20 27 41 J 80 10 3 20 . m se J 15 IK, 1 OB 1& 83 I 15 00 3 48 19 08 23 01, 1 87 24 88 1 42 02 8 05 45 07 i 88 01 3 51 92 12 28 73 1 88 25 61 m 25.85 2 00 27 91 .. 20 42, .1 81 22 23 ' 5/U 1 65 . 0 96 V ,41/95 6 26 48 22/1 27U01 20 49. 292*40' I m flo 4 49 . 132 18 J J)3 ,00 6 12 199 12 t! 110 47 1 55 13 02* ^ 189,12 \^' 198;84v^ij 140'SG 3 45 48ji?3 Town of Eae ,s'v',.V* -i'M Pil