Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 8, 1895, page 3

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,r*> "'/ vi--t,::_ > < V*. ^"<" .^,, JET Thirty-seventh Annual Convention of the Press Association. A PROSPEROUSYEAR REPORTED Mr. Kiliru-, M.P., in Ih.fotiro of the Cuhmlliui ('"vrtirht A<d. Sir HaokenKlnotvll Attorid* t\if> Minting Tim "Old Tinmr-rr0)(t,I,tut|jm to Mr. John King a Humnmt in ' ToitONTO, Pub. J. The tlilrly-noventh anhiml convuntfoh of Uio Canadian Pre.w Assoohitlou convened in . tho reception room of tho Parliament, uhIUUiikh at 11.0 o|clook yesterday morning, with President T. U. XVoBton, of the Brantford Expositor. in thocliulr. It was reported by tho Kxeouttvo that tho Canadian PrtiNM Association wjih never in a mom proHpiJron.H condition than It In nt pruwmt. Itu momljorwhlp wjih con- ttnntly.holntfHtreutft honed by tho addition . ofrepruHentntlvo of all cliifmeu, imd lt.4 hoiielluliiVlnlliUfiici'M in now gunc* willy recognized. *-_ Since the laHfcannniil meeting (he mib- Joct of libel lobulation bad occasioned a ttnujldorabhi meamire 'of attention audit mm to.bu regretted.that the moiwuro "In troduced nt the last session of tho Ontario Assembly hud not. removed tho chluf n;rio- vanco-of which they complained. Some measure of hucuukh bad been achieved witli respect to tho duties on Ktoreotypu plates, printing prcsseu, type, eic. Tho Keerelai-y-treasurei-'H report showed that for 1891 tho ivceipU from fees .worn fn9.20, iih comparecUwith &l(lo of 181)11 and H51 In. 1802. Thorn is ;.t present a balanco on hand of $11.05. It. was pointed out that tho Kxeentive Ommittuo meetings wore too eontly and it lias been sul^chukI that horonfter only railway fares bo paid 111 fill it re. The Presidential mc-na^n wan not long but. it was both pithy and iuterestiiiL;. Mr. P ronton welcomed this old "time - members of tho "Ancient Guild", who hai pone into tho ".Senate'^ of life by taking up other calling*. '- 'Perhaps tho most pleasant feature of the nioriiiiiK'.s proceedings was tho pre sentation to John IviiiLf., Q.C., oZ an nil painting (f himself from the brush of .V. Dickson Patterson. No better man in the association could Jiave lieis'n chosen to deliver the pro'sHiita- -tion- adilniss than .1. S. "Willison, of tho Globe, wliu tljd ii in his own graceful and eloquent style. THE "OLD TIMERS." /An Intm-oHTtii;; <;jUliV-rrrrjr^nf<V'Homo Ofu--- t* ytwtlne; HcinliilNrenci'H, Iii the \rnuon the president took tho -shah'K* yi'at two o'clock and tlie nomi nation VToihcers was immediately pro* :ecdcd ^th. Tlie election will bo held to-day. .\ J TIin'*OM TlnTeiw:" When Sir .Mackenzie Howell, Premier' Df r.he Dominion, entered the hall the Qiemhors -ruse and greeted him with an aratiou which was tlmrmmlily heartfelt. He enjoyed, as'did tho other "old timers"- die prompt despatch of business which is :haractci-istic of moilern methods. President Pivston, in introducing and welcoming sir iMacken/.ie liuwell. tin tho olde.-t living past president of tlie associa tion, did so in inosi -feUcitous words ami witli a genuine lieirtiuess that was nmah ipprt'ciiiual. Jfu1 likewise covorod liiin- iclf with k1oi-\ with an. oriyinal parody MR. DALDY S ^STATEMENTS II In AMfttil'tloii 1'liut <.'iaiittlhiilHJ Af N.H OoimrulJy Iiit<r*<atiil lit tlie <jtti'Ntl<iii lCl>tMllIllltlHl <ttlt*r Otlt'HtlolIM iHrimiwHixl <1tli<<4>i- of lht AttMtMiluLlmi* Touonto, Pel). a.-Wlion the Canadian |PreHS ANHoelatlon ooiivoned yenli'i-.Iay T. II. Preston, tho retiring presidenr, called liiHiicCHHoi' In onlcn, Jj. \V. Shaimoii, of Klugstot), to occupy the powt of honor. Tho other oMcerfi U'uro then elected by hallnt; Plvut vifle-pi-OHhhnit, .T S. Hrlorly, S-. Thomas; uocmul vlcu-preiiiduut, Capt J. Tl. .McLohu ; lOxcoutlvtt Conimittce, 0. W. youiiK, Cornwall; J. S. Willison, To ronto; W. fs. Din^inun, Stratford; fc. Stephonnon, \Jjnitham ; A. Laidlaw, (btlt. AutlitorH, J. A. McKay, Windsor, and T. A. Pellamy, In^ersnll, Mr. ,T. I). lOdcjar, M.P., read a paper on tbeCopyrlulit Act. ."We avo tbl.l," hu Kfiiil, "that our Act of IHSi) Is incousisletit ivith (he provisions of a prior Imperial Act and therefore is ultra vires. You may have beard of u trial In wx& nf rim< 'Li>uis Kiel; He wjis tried under aCaiiadiuii Act, which was lnennsistunt with,no-less than three prior Imperial statutes, and (hut, oh- Jection was argued JiL-foru the Judicial Committee of tlie Privy Council ou his be- liall'. They did not suspend the Act, hut m>y permitted tlie jilim-IlT to hiihiiend Riel. "Jt is too lato- in. the day for Canada to he told that she is not entitled to legislate us to who shall bold a copyright in Can- ruln. *WuHi'o uiiltucl w> a man in saviui< that we must Iwrvo* that point mado clear" since It, is held by the Colonial Ullice to be .Inuhtl'ul. I think that, the Act of 1KS* is riiin to Inddersof Knglish copyricjlit. It gives them d hnyith to tnke out their Can- ii7linn copyright/if tlicy valuo it; and if they neglect to do so it dm* for thorn what !s not dune under' the existing law for a Canadian author; it provides that they ihall be paid a royally of 10 per cent, ou the ivtail price of all copies sold here. "Although the Mrirish author sells out Canada to thu .American publisher u-henever he e;ets the chance, yet will we return him e;ood for uvliriTe will lincl that, sveii ii we are Cohmists' we are neither pirates.por utter harharians. Mr. Daldy uiswercd a'letter I wrote to the Lond-ui Times, in which hu .-ays :' During it visit, to Canada last-yeuV I lotuid all tin; Cana dian put lie, except I he political circle, uu- uwai'e thatrsuch a demand iiad been made In their name and anxiously repudiating any connection with' it.' Cu.dadiaiiH all know ho\v absurdly.incorrect his state ment is. I know that if necessary Parlia ment will speak n^ain as it has often -9p^tkwirbeforef-wU.hHuUUjd^jn^ihiuUi^l_ Air. A. P. Putter, of the Employing ['iiblishers' Association, read'a paper on tho samo'(piestion, and Mr. It. 'J'. Lance- fiuhl, public librarian of Hamilton, i\lo ipoko to the question. Mr. Jamiesou of the llellevillo Intelll- encer Introduced tho Hiihjuct of inaillne; priviloKCHOf nowHpupurrt. Air. Willisou of tlie Globo favored their entire abolition. The matter was left. t the Kxecutivu Committee to consider and report. The question of anonymous writers was cousiderud and an atU-mpt was made to clutn^o the name of thu association to the Ontario Press Association, which was not successful. After tho reading of a paper hy Mr. J. 13. Maclean on "Subscription Ittites," the-eouvention broke up. Overstudy And Too Rapid Growth Often Prcm^te Disease. See Sallow and Bloodless Faces and Attenuated and Lank Bodies. Mothers hi Sufficiently en tlis Jlkrt to Guide and Counsel Their toHitors; l.'aino-' Celery (jtnnpiniinl, t^Civiu IV'aui V\i()d nh'l (1 sh-I'ui t\{>v all Votui" (iirU. .. Faced Dcatli'in tho Onfnfnir Hospltit, by ilrr Patlont/H Wide. FOUR DEATHS IN THE F*RE Tim Nhw I>i'Hi:oM,Ha'l(7>npltHl Iii <in<v-lHilil Cuto.M-rt ip'irw Wlillit l^Jt-urly rtlln<l Wltl* l'l.tUmit,, M.v.i-iil rtho l<> I'llllontK Illjlll-flll, hut Not ^4>rl<iurily, u* Imnit' hml r Mnclcen^io Bowoll, in replying, after batting every charge and holding his own choerinu; had suhsided, travelled in a with grunt hugcosh. Tha cuniinissiou closed Sill MACKKN/.IE JUfWKLh. )n Sir Joseph Porter1?* little ditty in 'Pinafore," "When I .was," etc., but aow "I'm tho Premier and a K.C.M.G." was the (Irst pub- Co mlnW *y'/' Sir Muckeuzio ilnco hit) call to tho premiership and to cnUchtly honor by tho crown. Si "" iho c rapid manner over thoyvound occupied by the press aince the inception of tho Ah- lociation when ho had assisted the late Air. Gillespie and others to form it. Hia per- lonal reminUconces were, liowover, the best enjoyed and altogether his speech was ii deHxrhtful ono'for such an occasion. Mr. E. Jackson, Kev. \V. P. Clarke, II. Hough. Mr. Jumes Jnnep, M.I1., Geo. Tye, Wvn, Watt, jr.,. Air. J. A. Davidson nnd Rev. Dr. Dewart, all past presidents, mado aioat intorosting flve-mhiute addresses. . A MiirderoiiH Awmiiilt Ciiho. Omemkk, Out.. Jan. U. About live miles sast of here last nlht Thomas Foster,, (vho..]iad "beerr'Rtayin^ with Ids friend, Andrew Faulkner, latoly, took up an iron . poker and struck Wm. Faulkner over tho Iiead and laid him out. He then went ac Andrew and laid his skull hare in four places and pounded away unmercifully at Ids arm and shoulder til! life'was almost sxtinct. Then he left, tho house. Faulk- ner'H sister ^ot word to another brother named Samuel, who procured medJcal aid nnd then he went to Lindsay and swore out a.warrant. Foster was arrested hy County Constable Short and taken to [nil. Andrew Paulknor's condition is serious. I'luiitu in <?ourt. - NAKAIMO. li.C, Feb. a. Police Magis trate J. I*. Planta was hrou^ht back from ^cattle, Washington Territory, nnd was nt onco admitted to hail in $ti,<KH). The j commission of Inquiry then proceeded - t with Planta in the witness box. It was anticipated that he would make a full confession of all (ift^inyj irregularities, but lliotookun entirely 'different stand, com Ovrr*h:ilv in > c!hm,1 mid m tlie OOttiincnifiif. for linui h cueli (fity in vrnt.iiuUd btphiiiM^. |.i>i| a two nn.iJ !.inw|h "_!' h'ldy, v. ry of'm, ;.r>wtl ire *ln '0IL*i' Killl UUlfiTMIu'. Thullt) if.d- - t! i r 1 n are Mil'lVrin,; l^-day. '.rinw.n.u.n* mi}' hi liaon yon;^ to nud wn inn iivin Hoht.ol. Their bhllow', i.looujeflw iuc u.l h^ir atteini.itfd or hifiU I'mhix iinliiiire MotluTHnre to hi ini-i for thu uuhupp) uiid ii tn^erutn eon lit ton t>[ thuir e.irls. Thev strongly enetuiniize their dau^hiein in ouo diruutiou hut in glfet to wain .th*m of tho rodtu ft no quiolthmui>* on "hichnmiiy precious livto nre wrci;h.;.'i. T1>g r-t-u;tn rc often terrd>lc. IIciul.ujliH, n< rvoiiH pruntrutuai, debility. lrrujfiil'iritieH of tho fyWrnl_jlyu|iflpHiH, liver tmu'-h o. an:! otiu-r rorins of dinGaHc hrmii (put.- m, i.rmy ui juiunj Kirl to thr< liriivn very \i nv. W'it-fi ii'Ml ptii'leut inothcrhi, wliou n.n \Miptoinw ol tirii^ur B(*nil their girln, in. v.inubly WMfj that grunt brain food nnd nVulj-Wuihii'r. Paine'u _ CbUry Compound. Thin wonderful inedieniu euricheu the bloaf) und yivH a fro uud heulthy uiroulnion; it braciit tliu norvtu, nivea phji-ioul M.rt'iiuih ,pi(wiotftn (jiiod difljchtion, "and uJvuh Bwet-i Uiittirid wleup.' No o:hor imedieitiein tho world can \vo tho hatiafuotory ruHUlto that How fronv-th*' iu* ot Paine'H Celery Compound. It should ho the choi.en nicdjciuo for every young'^irl who in dolicato, woik und hiclt- ly. Mm. A. It. 8tiuohooriibo. P.) William St., Loiidoti, Out., writOH nn folluwn : Ukah Slits : 1 think it a duty to writi you lor tho benefit of all *ko hay deli- cute children, and to iuuk*) known what Paiiie's Celery Compound hufl douo for my Kirl. She haa boon dolia&tt all her hfo. I have tried muny uiediciuea, and havo had her onder allopathic and horocoopathia irwutraont, with but- littio benefit. Almost in diopair, and an a luat. resort, I tried LVino'u Culery Compound, aMti'ufmr uuiut; ihrou bottle* bho io now peifeutly well aud juoi.g, I havu nhio imud your meclioiue tmy^-K I^r complication!! arming from over- woik und Iomj of rcot.-andara greatly btu. tliiuj UitiL-Ly. I would strougly ,urf>a all who are iu any way afllictcd to do ai I nuvo done, "try Paiua'a Celery Gcrapouud', mid bo couviiiced of itu woundor/ul curing over.. Cm.;vkt,AVD, O., Pub.' S. Po1iv pirnon u-er,! burned to death hi a lire at the IJeiieoiuwH noune.|in*.p,hHl yesterday. The dead are Jacob Krauso, n."i years old hurned ; John Allmeyer, tt'.t y'eara old. hurned ; Minnie Haunier, nui'Me, ^r>, from , Chicii(,'.n, burned; Clark Walter, i\ month'i of romarltkhi. bura* teffiotod by the uuo AGUIilCOUra AN r lMI'OBTANT MTATIC- *M.ENt' FBOM A WKbt *,- JCNOWNFAKjaEB " Tr|U|U^Rlo-y of ItltfliC Itvmr* .* ' r<ttu!iu tt< uKii Ma\v nil* <:r*ut ltou wuh i InuMj Obtulnr.d. Vrow (In- :.U uford Monitor, Known i; the Dr, WdlUuw .Medionic Co. ko bo .nhoiondilu and rUiublo lirni wo had htiUiruiry rtjRuou to t'oubt th ontiro trfHhfuiuoHaof thii artiuloa appouriu^ from fcimu to tiitte wetting forth th partioulara of old. allocated Several other patlonts tho.t nil|kI> lu~' Th.rViaao'arJely a lo- injured but none seriously. ,. ., , , . . , / ., . It was 10.110 o'clock wlun Hose Corner, u*ll'A ' Canada which huu not fnrmahod one of the laundry girto disenvnred flames - Cllia "' "'* Of Ioi>f protuiuouoo, and if hi M;t' b:uiementof the hfxtphal. .'Idere wero the purticuliLrii, au ^tilled; woro^uVit iu: h^M><'I)l^iiithenriNMlb.irlHlodaUhetii: o. Clinu,.. ,t ^uui n(J impowiMt, that tha I be (Irst persons to arrivo heard hcioh i h , .,.', L , L, ., mi.I saw ih.mi;s from wvry !'ll"|,,: l",uK1 "*"' 4ili(l lt (Ult a"a tl,u"* llia window on thf) second and third (lours. *> would bu diuuyoUitod. There iu Siiddi'iily ii woman's face nppwired. at. one iher forovety (,'rrju.nd tob'-hoVo that iho ofthewindowsa.idshewasseen tosnusli .'.-Il4 .llt rc^iir^t i.-in .'.ury pnrtiuulur. iiitU' ii'iw hcut [lit. iu:o ii jJOMtion to i.u of thcim c:muii fur ouniiH'vt^, nink-^." io heavy ghi-s with her list. Then she' leaned 'out head and struck on her '.' let'.' I'hc^Ji'i; (l'-p:iri.inent, was slow in reach- in ; ; he\ius|)itnl, tlie su.jw ntid ice iu ihe ^. reefs prevailing a quick run,. \nu. wIhmi. ouciMit work the lire-was quiclJy sub dued. Thei'i- nre only t wo i-xi't-. from I In: upper part of the buihliii1.'. on-- in the i'mntjind one in the v^.iv, ' The nurses got; odl^afi-ly nl in oit at. 1 be stai't. with the c.\- - cepilon of .Minnie Runner. When her sUtrr nurses called to her that the build ing was on lire, j-.lmeried : " No, I will nor, leave my patient.; I wilUlio llrsi.." Shu was nursing Knun.e, wbo'v/as also burned todnatli. Sim sat hy the side of the sjek man 'until death came to both of tluan. The 'injured wero takutt^to tho other ho-i- ihnnmutiou of the ntomuch, caiminj' me pitalsof theeity. . oxtremr. pain and hinmMiuenH. I wus at- the Deaconess hospital is iimltr this . , , ,, ,,. , __ , direction of the M. K church. -:It was tu"d'll u* Ur' L,ttrhtf (it Mnntartl, who opened last October and was m-aily lilled hroiiuht mo around, and I Imvo uhvayti with patients. Tho front part of the {jiv-'ii hi.i the credit of saving my life on \ I'inlc l'.i.t i u wiiui i.f pritiiiit-iiot uicrileil iu the; -Ui'tHi.i. I-', C:arltu it Co., drug^iatii, < M utird4 wiiu li'ivti noltj very htr^u qniin- t. t- .i..( ;be-e bimouM pilla. di-w our at* t.* f-rm11. to-thir'r.uiio, givin^.iiH Vhy natcu of m '. H<i>r,\ Jjniuh, it well Mi own und r.<- r. ti< tru fuinn-rof Si. Vin::eni. triwn'uhi]). lUvii I-' I'Iluik: with Mr. Lamb wi s'uiLvh' an icUtvihw, and the following iu tin- Hiih-uunen of Ills lestlnr-nv ; '* A r>.,iit H >* inn ago L milfured from an attack nf in. ;, ^JCHOROH DIRECTORY Mj.TBoDiaT.-Dr, I^Afeqef, 'Paator. BerfioaJ YTary Sunday at 11 a. in. ami7. p. m. yabbatb:- Rohoolat3:80p. m, C. W. Nayjor,^npflrintaMTil tat of aaboal. Kpwoi th Ltui{uo uraf'.cnlMtbiP . Tn*ady,*vonintf at ft o'olcqU* uea0iudf.i mention oDTherBdayoyeniDit. ^c.lf: CETOBCH OF EMoi;akX>-~IUv, A.LJIeVBi-ly, ln- aqmbODt, Ht. Paahi, Haaax. I>i7iotiaofyioe aorr bundayat 7 n'uloek, p jii riunifay Bohoot at 10 a. ui. irfulty Oliuroh, North Uldgo Divine aarvIo very Kunriay at li p. ui.: HiA* lay Bohool at M6p, b). Tho publla aro cor- '. Hally inviUd. i I'AMaurTRHUN, W. M. Klouilntf, I'tuitor-Hr- vIomod HubbutU amt 7 .30 p, m Bh- nafch (tehool ata;3*p. m, Pmyor im tlpft,and, "aator'nblblu olaaa on I'uominy nt7.:!0'p,'im. HoolulUulon oh Wodnoudiiv at H.lftn. -----------------------------------------------------------*^---------------------------------- -..............-' miTUrrOuuKcii. itev.M. 1*. Oamiihel), Taa- tor, * Mitrvtat'H euoli Halihatli nt 11 u. m. und 7 li. in. Prayer inontinu on VVeiluubday ovoning at tl o'nlouk. Uoatu trmi. All nr<t cordially wat- comudv. Uouas OjLtiioXjIO. Fr. V. 1*. MoMoiiamtd' Vantor. Har/lot- ovty othtr Huni^ay'at8.30 m. Hunday dobool atiip.ia, HiijVArioN Aiiwy. T. H. UcLood, Captain. Halvntlou moi)tluB on Wudueuihty, Tluiraday mid ftuiidny ov<i!jIi)om; Si'toa and Kuay, Wttttirday ovmiluu ttiid .'j ii in, buiiiluy; Jlolhuma mootlnga for olirfiitiunt! f'rliluy avnnnittand II u. iu. Huu- tlay;Xuuol)iflll7 a. uh ovory-Btmilay wolcome. LEGAL, Y Ij PKTKItH IlarrlMtor, BollciUtr, Kotaiy, el -\ tyihilo Money to ljoan. Oihuo o%or. iJ/ KranixCotitiru. Tj* A. WIHMKtt'/Si^aJSi, .^. X j* i'Llillo Jtio. Monoyla loan.' O Httiti Ulrttik, up-Htalru, Ktiuax. fMiXUKK, HAKTIiKT A IMrt'irjl'l', Ihurie ' \J, otfi. OillubN, Mcitbuvy lUouk, Wiudsa. I'rlV'ite luudti to loiin. A. ILCi.AiiKii.h.h. H. N. A. tUiviwr A. lt. IlAnTl,KT.'H,-A.- -. -i..., * HISNKY C. WAr/lM'IltS.J^.L.lJ., Attonioyand. Louiineloritt law; with Aikinuon .t HafuhOS Ccni(;ruMn tit. wwit, Dntiiilt., Mich, ((hmndiiui clahiiu mndiiflt pornotin hi tha United htatoii coMik tnd.j Hofaronouni Imr'ndul Uiinlt, Kfiiox, Out. '/ V !>,V,t,jr,i' """ b'-nint.-r. ttu., Khhiix, Ont li.-V. Wliiinor, brci., banifU-r. cte.,I';ti!ox,Ont; uuildine; is entirely destroyed. CONGHESSMEN FIGHT. A Quarrel In tint llmtsnur Uenreafliita- tfvcH I.imkIh to III<HVH, '. AVasiungtox, Feb. y.1 Tbere'waH a moHt exciting .m;:mu- iu the House of Represen tatives yesterday afternoon when Repre sentative Jh-uukinrirtgu, of Kentucky, and ILcprcseuta'ivo. ilwird, of .M.issotiri, came1 to blows hi th<!.centre uisle in tho middle uf tin.' hall. liepresontatlve Heard, who is cliainnaii,of the Conimitteo' ou the Dis trict uf Coluuihia hecamu anijered.hucauso the IliuWiilaii rjiiestion was belntc brought forward i\i \\u\ timo devote<l to his com- nvittee and at teinpled to secures tho Moor. 'The he;{in'iiiui; of the controversy ' waa no:, Jibuti, huu- suddenly both- members spiaue; toward each other, Mr. Bruukin- rid;<e shoot in-; "You cur, scoundrel und liar," striking afthe member from Mis- sotiri a Ilereo blow, which missed him. Instantly they were seized by other mem bers, who each strugglod fiercely to got at tho other, uhoutiny^" liar." Mr. Pence, of Colorado, seized. Alt'. Breckinridge by ntaut'paiu in my stoinuch, an well a* from weakiicww imd coutinuud debility. I trid m-uiy auvortiHed rcuie.lioM which I thought miuht bu'Riiited to my oasu.^liuti without n luf. I at Ungth decided to try Br. Wil- liamii' Pmk Pilla. I ooon folt tho pain m my stomach raliBYod, and after I had uuod ttn bpxca tho ptiin waH entirely i^oug nnd I xpY. feel liko a mow man. -t-entr now-work if If a day at a tnao without fntitfuo, and as I um still umnf( the ptlla I coufidontly cxpaot, aa I have vary richt to do from the grat rosultn thus far, to bo ablo to do ray work n forraorly. I uns 57 ye aril of of njp.and befora tho attack Ju^ht yoarq _______......r^ ,, ago, I abvayH oiijpyad coodhaiiUb. I havo tho throat, and Mr. MoGleary, of Ken- ] atato 1 my experianoo to many people and tucky, climbed over Keyeral seats and I invariably rocommoud a trial of Dc. VVil- thai ociuiHton. Tho efftctn of thu attack lfown\'cr rtmained and I "full iTtfo a atato of chronic poor health, which completely unfitted rno for my ordinary work. I wna____________^_________ n a!l> drnt<[pntf out a mioorabnS exihtaneo. X)Uii- DEWAH & MoKKNaiJcT I Hiifferud for over noven yoara from a c m- Pi kt DlJWAIli M/ D c ^ J?^ ^ R_ g^b MEDICAL. 7 It -I3N, M. I)", L. Jt C. f. .t H.r,Kinfir,to, I MciubrOnllirn of I'bysicljina arcl Hur- I i Out, ttrniltuUu ol \'i w Vorlt. il'uHtiOrnd- "to Medical Kcbnol. All uulla promptly at- u.idL'il to Abo ni'ofdul iittrntion ifivrin to illnoaaun of the Jumrh. throat, ijoho, ove hmI ar 01 loo over brfen a fo'ii. Driiit HtonvCnd all calhi. nlht or day, w.t thoro. Tolopliouft lu connuction. N. I!. f'onmiltation rooniaRround' Jl lor and Unit flat above. . - .h'"uut ;ito Trbdty Unlvornlty. MomboV Collooo Phyi iqIuqb and Wurcoona, Out, ftealilonec,. Talbd St. J'jHflt, G. McKi5N.UK, M. O. 0. M., Follow Trinity o(llcalCollo(io. Graduate Trinity UnWuraity -UOfllilouooi-Talbflt-hlraet, wpi-t of At. 0. It. '., Oliloahourn-a to n a. m., l to : aud flto flp. m. Ofllooi ini impovhd Untik blrck. cround floor. Uflxt to Thoriio'fldmif utorc . . ' 'lolonbonoin oonuaotlou with ofllofl and roe!- doiicu, . Ordcm loft at Tlioruo'fl d?nu atoro will Lai promptly attended to. DENTAL. - HP. MAKTIN.D.D.B., I/. r. S. Oraduato In DftntiHtry.iRoyal Collofie of Dontal L-Borfjoonn, Ontario^ and Unlvovaity ol Toronto. OharGon.modurato. Olllco, ovor JUrlon it'Co* iriiR Btoro. I8-ly flhortiy before midnight, nothing fuvthor huhiK done, after Planta made Ids state ment. Planta will come up for prelimi nary hcarine; on tho charge of embezzle ment next Friday. Smallpox in Ouulpli, Guklph, l"eb. 2. Another case of small pox has developed here. Little May Mac- tlonald, a three-year-old daughter of Wil liam Macdonald, drygoods man, of this - . --, . =ity, has contracted it. Symptoms of tho The pleasant afternoon had arrived at. diseimo were nhown on her, and sbo was i iTlred, weak, NrvouN, Aloana itopuro blood, and overwork or too muoh ntraita ou brain aud hady. The ouli, way to euro' in to food tho nervea on purV blood. Tliouaandu of people cortify that ho boot blood purifier, tho boot nJrvo touio and Btronijth bnildur u Hood'uSaMaparilla. haa dono fur others it will altio do for yon Hood.n Guroa. liuld him by tho ahoulder. For three ot four mluutes there was a wild scramble reaemblluga football scrimmage and thou peace was restored. Ainn'rleim Tradu Repm-l. New York, Feb. 2 BriidRtrcots nay a: Special telegram to Bradytreet's from many or the more important points of dis tribution tlirouuli the country make it plain that the uncertainty as to tlie out come of tho financial tdtuntion based on tho rapid withdrawals of gold 'from tho treasury bus had a dopre.^siue; ell'ect on general trade. At nearly all larger east- orr; cities niton for money havo advanced, mercantile collections* at the best aro char acterized aa fairly satisfactory but in moat Instance! aro ulowor than usual at this season. Tho number of buyinesa failures In the United States coutinuo to comparu' favorably with weekly totals ouo year ap;o, there haylnu hiiefi-!113 tlTls week compared, with IMO in thu week a year ago andjail ill tho like week In 18011. ibout flvu of thu clock boforo tho "Old Doya" had had their pleasant and profit- ibloaay, and Mr. Willisou asked that the mooting bo adjourned hiHtead of taking up Bin paper on "Law Reform as it Affects tho Ontario Press." Adjournmont wna accordingly mado until aix o'clock, when tho members of tho association and their, friends met at Til Hnuqiiflt. It tho Board of Trade -Building. Th material portion of tho banquet was all that could bo desired but the intellectual ^att more, as such notable and distinguish ed men as Sir Mackenzie Bowel!, Premier f Canada; Prof.' Goldwhi Smith, Hon. Tunica Young, N. 1\ Davbij M.P., Hon, G. W. Rohh, Win. Buckingham, .1. S. Wil- Hson, D. Crolghton, II. F. Gardiner, A* Pattullo, :,T. Brierloy, II. P. Moore, and fttherH, aollvqrefljiddroHsoH. ProHidont Preston' Ociiiipied tlie chajr nnd delivered u most able addroWon "Tho Canadian Press Association." , f nccordlnRly removed to tlie same quarters lis Miss Mills, tho other smallpox patient. It appouro tihe contracted tho disoaao while visiting with her mother near the college at thcvtimoSwarlz first took sick, and siiico thon both havo been quarantined fchoro. Dr. Bryco is still hi tho city assist-. tho health authorities. linat Grey Itnformor. FLKsnEitTON, Ont., Fob. 3. The Ro- f or mors of Kast Grey held 'ii convention' hero yeHterday for the purpose of choosing ficandldato for tho Dominion Parliament. Among the principal delegates wero Dr. Landerkin, M.P., G. W, Partman, James Pyo, P. McCulloiiKh aud T. D. Morgan. Tho attendance was Hmn.ll on account of tho roads being blocked with snow. No husiuesH of importance was transacted aud tho mooting was adjourned. Hroko Ills NtittU by a Fall, . St. Catiiaiiinics, Ont. Feb. i!. A man named Melvin McPhornon wns killed In Smilh'HbuHh, a fuw mlloa from the city, yesrn-day afternoon. A tree that ho bad piii;b(!camo lodged. Bo cUmbcdan adjoining treu to freo tho lodged one when bo foil a tllstuncoof 4d feet, brflaklng his nook and ; both anna; lie loaves a wife and four i l")ilhm' und Son Drownml, GujUckstku, Mush., Feb. 2,~Capt. John O'Brien, of the Frye, and his son, who was mate, wero both warned overboard hy a heavy sea yesterday aud drowned. Some of tho crew wero severely injured. The accidont happened in the vicinity of tho Western bank, and the sailors had some 'difficulty in bringing the vessel safely into the port. Capt, O'itrieii was a native of Newfound land and one of the most capable men In tho fishing fleet. Ho leaven a widow and \\vo children.' NOW is tho best timo in your Wo to buy furniture, It will pay you to got married, young man, and pemo and see tho lino assorted etoclc of fur niture at ...... . FIANCE AND COMMERCE .Ward MeAllIatAtr I>ttm!. Njsw Yonic'i Fob. 1. Ward McAlllstor, tlie well-known soeloty leiulur, dldd in this city lut nighr' at half past nine o'clock. Wr. McAllister was taken Ul a week ago with tho grip; T.hero-woro no alarming ....... -:v,V - lymptomsaurroundlng his Illness until i.Bniall.chlldreii.____________. nn^YtirV1^, H "ujtered.very | 8 .th#ri H-r Cl.liu, h%it ^f1 toV**" "***** . Dmuwillii, Fob. a-A woman uamed WAREHOOHS, ESSEX. Prieos lower than oleo, for quality, .Nonrly all mado at our own factory, and fine y finished. All goods doUvorod froo ofdbargo. UNDERTAKING ANb EMBALMING A Specialty JPricoa tight down close in both Hnoa. Kindly call and see lor yourself/ J. A. HICKS ot CO. Essex. Toiionto, Fob. 2, . - On tho street hero 300 bushels of wheat sold at OIlc too-lc for white and 01c to 02c for red. One load of spring broujiht (lie. Somo 1,200 bushoLs of barley chanced liands at 40a to >18c, and BOO of oats ataSc. There was some improvement in barley and sales woroat better figures than has been offered hy buyers previously tb.lo week. Five ears of No. IS Ciniada barley sold at G3o. Supply continues to bo de pleted by dully Bhlpmonta. Wheat was weak at,tho opening in Chicago but rallied on advices .from Now York and Washington relative to tho ex pected bond iasuo and closed 1-lc higher. Corn and oats fallowed tho course of: wheat and clouod.flrin and fractionally higher. . "' At ICast Buffalo tho sheep and lamb market closed strong and all Hold. Prima fat sheep and yearling*, $0,00 to $4.20; host lambs, $fi.fiO; Canada;] In bond for export, $5 to $5.15. Speculation at tho New York Mtook ex- clinngo again turned on tho bond Issue. A groat featuro of the day wuh the break in the actual ratoa of sterling 'oxchango of about Id to thu pound which led to a gen eral cancellation of orders for shipment* of Kohl. .The gain in prlcca ranged from 1-2 to 1) per cent, and was most marked in AnHM lOlluHUKll^,GliIcn|^^l^^ftX^uls^9, and NiiKhvlllo, Ijcod; tho Grangenf/Soitbh-. era Hallwayw, Western UuIqilUCordaKo; Lake Shore and tho Coalers. ThVmurket closed strong, v u ', The Txtnaon stock markets were better. Consols wereiMttet at thaolpae, AmerlDuns worv stronMjffrbe new China 'loan of three millto^otfnds ^atpctd on Tut* liamo'Pink Pills." Tho uboyo i-* tho oubatauco of Alr.-Larn b'ti story, to which tho Monitor may add that w consider bun a reliable and trustworthy poraoa who would make no otatorapnt ihtu ho did not know to b correct and truthful. Dr. William*' Pink Pills oonttiia all tho elenaantu neotifipary to cive nowlife and ribiiueflH to tho blood, and reutoro nhatterod norvoH. They aro au unfailing spooific for such diuoasor aa locomotor ataxia, partial .paralysis, St. VitUJ dauce, loiutica, neural- i>in, riiciitiiatium, nervous headache, tho after effccin of ]a grippe, palpitation of the b*art, nervouD proHtration, all dinoaiicB do pooling upon vitiated huocoram tho blood, Huch an ncrofula, chionio eryaipalas, elo, They avo ulao a'npecifio for troubleB pecu liar to femalon, such ua imppreuHionn, irreu- ularitieR, and all forms of waukneiia. Thoy build up tho blood, wai restore the glow of health to pale and Hallow cheeks. theyelfoota radloul oure in all cases arm" ing Trom mantnl worry, overwork or oxcta- aes of whatever nature. Dr. Williamn' Pink Pillu aromanwfaotur- ed hy tho Dr. Williums* Wodiuiuo Co,' Brockvillo, Ont., and Schenectady, N, Y,, and are sold only in boxes bearing tbsir tradu mark and wrapper prinked 4* rod ink, ntBOo a box, or aix bo is s for B2.50, and nVay bo had of ull drua^iata, or direct by tnuil from pr. Williame' IVIodioino Com pany, lrom nithor uddroHB. VETERINARY. WH. KldilAiffiaONr^votorin^ Bu-, . floon, Grnduatu or tho Ontario Vutoi- .inary Colleflo, Toronto, troats all Ulsoiuiofl o| (lomofltlcatod unlmuln, Tolephono in Conner tion, Dontietry a nQOQlMty. JttHlumioit, fonri jloors south of Grbtt Mill. Oinoo In pontoUlce buihllnc;Inrranry dirootly opposite. 'pHE oldest bnnlnona in town. UlaUbllakie I 187. First-olans bfoad and onkos of 11 kinds. Woddlnfi oaltoo a spoolality. UrocorwB provisions, flour, food, salt a*<l pm*. Coafeoi .tlonory.croflliory.RlaflHwarP. OnDiioiUrultaand vogotabloa of all ktuda. Goods promptly nil Uvorodtoallpartoof tho town. J. M. JiXOKuJ ' ** 1 t X SOCIETIES Y O. O. I'.-ENTKltPIlIBB Lodfie-Ko ttt 1* mootsovory TbiuBday, ovenbic at 7.U0 1&, Ofbiroliowa Half, In third storey Duneton Blookl ^iBltlnBmoniborauf other lo(ltnnwlll tocoive jratnrnnl woloomo. J. .lOIINBTON. N. G. OBNTBAIi BNOAMPMIflNT.Ko.ttb, meotaii, Oll(lfellowfl, Hall.Dnnntim'u 11 look, an tho Qn( *iid third Tuesday Inoaoh mouth. Visitors <>ok| illally rfloolved. Members of subordliiatn lo'dsei in tin, juriftdJotfon, Invited to join. Ol HANNAN. 0. P., a. F. HILL, G. S. 8BICX 0KNTHB L0DGK, No. lO.A.O.U.Wl Mootfl aoaobd aud fourth Mondays In oacl snotithjn tho Odtlfollow's Hall, at 8 p. mJ VlHltlnffbrothroM wlllbagivmi a ^ratonial well oorao. JOHN TjAING, Maotof WOrkm O. H. ffULLKR. Rooordor. FIW5 BRtQAp.S.-Tho.Flro Brloailo meeki Hocond Wednesday evening ovary month] atHp. m. in thocoaBuil olnjudmr. All flrfmati puURT ROYAL, NO. 210, I, O. P. \J .Moots soooud and fourth TuoeOav'd iM oaci month In J. 0. O. P. Hull at B o'clock p. m ySjtta^rAfclVSif,1>IHJbaIvon * ^ttttmarwel-i RnisosiATiuM . Gunun in a Day, South Amorioan Rhoumatiaro'.Cnro. fj^Rlioumal. am Neuralgia, radically euros in 1 to 3 day. Ita action npon tho nyHtom 1b re mark ablo and myatorlouB, It removes at once the oatisb and tbodiHonuo immodiatGly dwappoarH.. Tho first doao ^r.ntbiy bene fits, 7C cents. Bold by J. Thome, drafi- Kiat. A Boon to HoriiGmoh. Ono bottle of English Spavin lanimout eompletely ro movod a ourb from my horse, Intake pleaiiure iu reaommoudluK tho Beme3y, as it aotn with mysterious promptnesii in the removal from horses of Hard, soH or oaV louood lumps, blood spavin, spliutu, ourbs, BWteny; Rtiflefl und Bprainos. Geo. Dobb . armer, Markham, ^Ont, Sold by John Thome, Druggist. Koliof in Six Hours. DiBtrosBiog Kid- noy and Bladder diaeasea relieved in bix hours by tho "New Great South American .Kidney Cure." This now remedy ie a Aireat "eurprlBe and delight [to physioiaUB ob;ao-' ount of its exceeding pr^mptnefB m reliev ing pain in tlie bladder, kidueyp, back and very part of the.urlnary paseocCB iu male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing U almnat immediately. If you wint quick itlief and euro this is your .remedy. Bold by John Thome Drog giut. 'I UNDANDLOAN AGENTS GKORQE J. THOMAS, Oonveyanoer. Oom. iM iStyW*' b High Couri of JuBtlca: dealei in Uoal IJBtate and Mortcagos. Money foloi attholoweat ^ato of lutoroBt. fi-arma bona and sold. Immraaoo taken In the moatreUal pomBanioB. Drawing o( deeds, mortgager! leases a Bpecialty. Cbaro moderafoMd buslecBB promptly attouded to. Call at MARRIAGE LICENSES. V^T D.BKAWAKT, Issuer ef UTavrUKe IiIooowk. Inauranea asptS Night pffloo at Dwolllng. ^" _ TALB OT STREET," ESt MBARRBTT. Issuer of Man;** Lieen* * .CommUaioDerlrG.J..eto. Gito. 0> MARRIAGE litoenees or Wcdcllno HliibVeasil bo procured at B. b. Park's, the old '<M liable juweller, Euae*. Ont> LAND SURVEYOR. JAMKB B. LAIJtX), Provincial Land Barreyof] and County SnRlnaer, Baiex Centre, UnfrJ Oflloe, DohsUnBlock, npataira. ^, .YOHN A. ARCHITECTS. MA?COCK/ AROttlTBOt, *c . Boom 10 and li, Fleming BaUdinlZ, ' " ' Windsor, OnKl Thone 310. UNDERTAKING. HpttJMlOB^Dhaertaker -gfenrt. ^pealet. qofflna.botae and feesOty uzdi 14

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