fti^.}. tin TheJLi'Wtratlon l)pleffato Apjioara Be fore a House Committee. HAWAIIAN .MATTER^ DISCUSSED Mr. ledge's Roiolutlnn OpP"*d * * Senate Tlio Home committee Takv* Mo Action In Ilotfurd *' Ot - solution*-**" Important Turlfln>'l*!""- WAsniKOTOK, .Ta- ^- Au Interest ing. Incident occurred in the Senate yes- ^ierday whea Mr.^rvl* (Dom., N.O.), who had held an Appointment from the governor to UH the vacancy caused by the death1 of Senator Vance, Introduced arid made way for his successor, Mr, Pritchard, who has been recently elected by the legislature to fill Senator Vance's unex pired term. Mr. XMtchard 1h a Kopubll- can, and after being sworn in ho took,a. seat next to Mr. Chandler, who nubsc- quontly offered a resolution to pay Mr. - Jarvls $2-1 for his hint two day)** service, which resolution, was Immediately agroed to. The Hawaiian question wan'kopt alive by- a speech from Senator George (Dom,, Miss.) ngaiuut- tho Ijodfto resolution, pro posing annexation, and by another resolu tion oirurod by Mr. Alien (Pop., Nob.) de claring In favor of bntmediato otops for annexation, j\Ir. Allen's resolution went ovor till .to-day, when Senator Mills (Dom., 'Vox.) will address tho Somite in opposi tion. A speech from Mr. White (Dom., Cal.) In favor of tho Kicanij;n;ui canal bill closed tlio Hjieruh-mitkin^ for thu day. Tlio Kepuhlieiui members of tlio I louao eomnilttno on foreign all'airs yi'stordny en- denvored to secure consideration of'"tlio" snveral rosoIiUioiis re^ai'dintf J lawailan affairs recently iiitruifiicud in I fin 1 Ioiiko. Mr. Illtt (Ills.) moved that I hey be consi dered al. once, stating t-haL sub-committees could throw but litth; lit;lit on tho subject. Mr. McOreary opposed tbin mid spoke of thu iinpnrntnco oi' tin; mat turn. After some discus.siui) tiic motion was lost and tho resolution was n* fur rod to .sub-com mit toes fur action. Afror disposing of Iliiwiiiian matters the committee hoard W. il. (.'reamer, a mem ber of tlio iiritish I'arliuiiu'iit, in support of a memorial presented to tlio committeo proposing to submit tu arbitration all dis putes bet wee ii tin? United States and Grout, Bi-ilaju. Mr. Hit't^TTIls.,) inquired whether <iruut Britain would bo williujj.tQ give arbitration to weaker "nations, Mr, Creamer sai;l lie could not answor tho mention. Xti action witi taken. \,r-t(.-i,m\y-('..'i-ii';*ai Oluey linn decided o<1- inipo.ct.ed ami mi tared for ivare- ': mi.*.", p'riii^'.to.the inr'.ft act of 1801 and .. i.t ivli c.ilf awu for consumption wifchlu t !i/ei,yciv:;H frawi lIio date of the original .liifinrLiiiioii 'an' unadt'oced hy 'the* new rates ot duty. 'riio-dociHiou uIho applies to nil t;oi .] i/jipntcd prior to lSiii and -mtm-Mibjoct. ta_t-tm tardl' rute?i'of lSlKt. _. SUNDAY DRINKING IN GOTHAM. "TRIaCof'tHE A. Kltf. HfcH. " #bi ittfd Mi AMoefti ArjjWiRnJ on th Chmtjga of Oonii^Irnoy. CHICAC10, ifatL 25. Thoj trial of Rnjiene V- BoIJh and hl asuocifctos of tho A. K. U. on achnrKe of conxplfacy wju* beKuu bo- /oro Judyo Groiwt^ip In tho United Statoa circuit court yut;rorday. The trial In on tho Indictmqiie found n^alnat tho atrikorn on, OotoburDI, wliioh in kuoivn an the' omnibUH indlctmont.-. There were oi*!l- nallyHixty-nluo persons nahicd In the In dictment for conspiracy **_o.hHtrucfc the ~mntlfl7&lnY~Ch(j"({overnmojtkt"couhAel huIibo- fjuently nolle proHHod tweiity:rour of tho camsd. Four morn wore dlmI.sHod at thu oponjupr'nr the trial yuntorday. ^~- The directors of tho Union, UrtHudinK Pobs, Howard, Kellhor, and othura wore repvesonUd by Attorney Gregory. The other defendants were represented by XL A. Wado of thU city. Judge Harper and. Judge Thoman and District Attornoy Mil Christ appeared for tho government. Wlion the case came tip nearly one half bf thnuu named in the indictment failed to appear and bench warrants wre Usued hy the court. Tho afternoon wilh cottMimo'l in euipamiellbiK the jury which wiw not com- pluto when tho court adjourned. FHENCH1CABINET'CRISIS... M. DourifoolM Vail* lu HI* -Attjnl>fc to Kortu ii IvllnUtry. PAKifl, Jim. 2JJ. M. IlourgoaiH, luivln^ failed to form a ministry, ProHldunt Fail re luiH dooldod to defer making any furtlior offer of tho PremiorHhJp until td-day. All tho nowHpaporw aKteu that M^IIour- Keols failed owing to hl.s inability to gi:t a niiul.stor of finance.' Tho Dally Nowh correspondent In Paris Mjiy.s: "Tho uncertainty and confusion arc noiv wni'HO thiin at tho lie^iiiniiiK of the eri.si.s. There is alarming dearth of eligible men. So many ha'vti bi'cm used up ij,r shelved that M. Hutirj.ccoi- wiih driven to solicit the -services of men unknown even to their eollen^iies iu the CliauiiH:!'." The Standard's I'aria correspond:.'!!;. .says':' "M. Iluurwoois1 failure has greatly i.'xcited the ]>olit t(_-;il world, where it i:> now thought that only two courses an- .opened one a liotno^eiious jiro.^re.^sivf ministry headed hyThuir^eois, tlio oilier a cabinet d'airaireH." MP* 'WV mS "-) !L%te t.itehuy^w Onvfn\ T.ord Wolnoloy uiuke^ u in out impt-rtant eoutrihuiioii :i. ih> littji'ntin.) o| of'tli* tjhiua-.lttpn.il wr., In mi arriole t r tlio Foburtiirv Ooim>politn, ho di-en-d-* tlntitna'iotraiiddnevi not ihi-c '" In u .** y 11. jy wbut (. !iinit M..-t. ibi p. i (tlii in titin-ua*jl'iJFMt o'l. '" iUil' fi lore'.v'ii xutbom iionVrirnR- lutm-vuduu hi-hoI^.h to thU.mim .btr^ Itorua Wuun.ih-- uiuonii raiiii'n daunfUHi-,'f;ivcH ilif) hiutory ef , tlio bulut, nod HtuJlt) Olliviir telln tb *nlui*'> of tho full oi liniiiti IMnlippi . J'^om i v.iry p.t'i of the world, drawn.uu nod photr^r-i'1"1 tuivo been obtiLiDed of tho inulrumsntii Uto'd to torluie I'onr hunmoity, urid uppo- r y dlu*tr,tninn. for a ulovor arrielo, bv'.hd- iatt Ibtwthoruu, cntithid, "Ralvatfon. via th lUolt," Mm. Uojdnalil do Kovci. Al'iu to]x FratiCn, W. Clark Wiinnoll. AIImuii W. ..Toiircoo, iinrl Willmm D*hh' IIowi-IIm ure aiKioii^ tlit- ytory lelN-rii for tla* Fthniit- y iiliinbcr of The fJimniofoliMM).-----------t NIAGARA RIVER SMUGGLING/ CAN STAND A LONG SIEGE- Muvor Stnmir Alt<l to Van IIU lufliionc* .ItruliiHt Tliln I'rucitodltiL'. Xv.w Vokic, Jan, ^o. A committeo of Methodist ministera and members of tho "W. C. 'V. U. callt'd on Mayor Strong and ur^ed him to close the Halotns on Sunday and use /ill his influencu to prevent tho passage of a law to legalize Sunday open ing. They told tho Mayor that they elect>- ed him with their work nnd tholrprayept and bad a rie;ht to make demands of him. Mayor Strong heard them through and then said that no 'minister in tho city wanted the hiiIoouh cloned on Sunday more than ho did, but it was well nigh impossi ble to clottu tbeni. "1 don't know that I can do anything," ho said. "Our election hist fall wiped out bosses in this city and put me here as tho representative of the people. Tarn tlio ro- prettemtutive of tho grog fdiops as woll aa th.- churches, You must allow mote talk to the liijuor dealers just the same as I talk to you. I don't want to open the saloons on Sunday. I want to stop crime in tho city. I want the legislature to ace if something cannot bo dpne, and I can stand all tho abuse you can give me." The Mayor told the committee in con clusion that to enforce the law would fill nil the station housed, jails and all _tho houses the city could rent. JIo could not bo won over from his original purpose and was going on in the way he had started to. see if ho could not get at a law that could I be enforced and lessen crime in the city. W'i-Hiii-VVi-l Will I'rovii a Formidable Itai'i'btr (ft tlio .InpH. London*, .Tan. ;.'.">. The Times eorrespoii [lent in Chi't'-Fon says ."The Chinese do chiro thuL. Wei-Mai-Wel has gairisun supplies which will enable it to withstand .il_prolonged.. aLtack. -The. Japanese have withdrawn from Yong-Chow wljero they landed merely to .treat e adiversiuu." A Central News despatch from Jl'okio says that (Jen. .Sakunia reports fiiom Yung- Chen, under date of January 21, as fol lows; "Upon the Jirst arrival of the transports the laiaiing of murines began. The snow was very heavy and deiip. The Chinese earlh bnUorles began firing upon rlje landing party, but after observing the formidable array unships in the bay, the Chlncuo troops retreated westward. The llrsL troops that were landed pushed for ward and- heiz'.'d Yung-CJIicn fortress. It was a splendid rush. Field Marshal Gen. Oyamu and stall' will join us at once." TtilHtrfmlnnlu In Ninv Voile Statr, AUUNY, N.Y., Jan. 2S. The state com mission on tuberculosis in cattle made its annual report to tho statu legislature yes terday. . During the year tlio commission ers have visited 21 counties.nnd,eXiUmned '2,417 eatthvuf whiCh t'bey condemned and ordered to bo slaughtered -J(|i>. The com mission recommends a policy of rigorous inspection, first directed in tlio distribu tion centres and milk supplies of munici- palitieri and ilairies supplyfng milk to .cheese factories and creameries, after wliicli examination should extend to more reuiuie di-st riets. It Ht\\\ l-^Uty lint Nnt to u Kurco I^t.Mit- ' An Viitriitliful Itniiort. llnri'At.o, Jan. LU An article sent out from this city does much injustice to Canadian residents on tlm border. It im plies that* the Canadian customs olliccrs lire lax iu their attention to duty nnd give-* a bold statement of cumIoiuh receipts at. this port which is mi-deading. The reference to Hinuggling was ciipped from jiii article in the Courier nnd the alleged facts, given on the mil hority of an ex-dry good4 clerk, limy have had nuiir.- v/iirrant ten .or fifteen years ago. Jim tbuy have no fouiidatfon or vta*y littlr in far: -iiovv. ------- I'cm }' smuggling possibly si ill c?;i-J -. 'but it is a fidghty small aii':iii\ .nid cmulin ed to villages com ilcuous to tin: river, simply because Itidl'aln is tin; ninnj l,(;oii- veiiient'r market. '1'hat it dues notexi,!, is pcrhajis due in the fact that 'it'is lit) longer profit aide. Sliindard art icles of wearing a]iparel and rjf Jioiiseliold eou- siunption are as cheap or cheaper in Can ada and except -perhaps in cotton floods, there could bo but little gained by thu petty smuggler buying here ivid mentions the dillVieuee is not siilllcicii'tly wide to make the smug^lim: by individuals re munerative in any sense. KtwMtvorlnt; from tlm Knmllpi'x, Windsor, .Jan. V-i. A'nder.soH, the mar> down with smallpox on Goveau street, i^ convalescent. _ He liada .very imhLuLtai:.*. Dr. Coventry'says it is not likely h'j will have ro go to the now p ist hu'is.'. Ther; havu hpen seyeu cases of nnailjw>x In Wind- iior, only one of whicu pi* ned .-it.il. 'lln Ilrlili;* V'iotlui Ili-imv-irin ;. . Hamilton, Jan. 12. 1'otci iU gor.i, who was injured by the col lap mot ol*wbri.igoiai" the T,, H. & II. railroad, nu<l win- lu d_bofch' legs amputated. Is still alive, and hid con d>tioa is slightly'improved since [yoster- TSfWiBLE STEAMBbAt DI8A3TEW. Til* Htute Jrr Mlurl Wrflkl Forty *..........-i*ttNftii|:<>" Drowned. _ KVANflVILLI:, Iiid., Jan- 2b Meagre par- Mculari* of a terrible uteambont dlttiuitn'r readied this city yesterday.- Tho oulcers of tlio Hteamor City of Owensboro, of tho Iiouisvllhi and Kvarmvllh*. mall Hue, ro- pnrt,d thtt Hlokhigof Um Mtate of Missouri a short distance' below Wolf Creek, Ky., on Saturday, at about 5.U0 p.m, The Mlnsom'1 left Louisville at 10 o'clock on Saturday inorning. After striking the boat drifted oh" tho rocks and sank in ilvo niluubm hi ilCty font of writer* -The people aboard were panic-stricken when they heard the crash. Thoy had no tlmo to prepare for their safely and olllcofs, pas- songurs and orow seized anything In sight thatwould kuop thorn abovu watur. Cajitalu Joe Conlon, First Clerk Wer- mim and Second Clerk Howard, with live lady pass^igers, and Pilot Poll and non, iruinrtged to reach. hore uninjured. The second matu and onglnour ou watoh wore picked up by Lho steamor Tell. City, nnd the city o( Owoiisbot'o picked up four men and left thum at Owensboro, Thirbthei^ 115 to (() in number, including male pasMen- gnra and members of the crow, It is thought; went down with tho vohhoI," This was. tho. /irst trip td" tho season for the Missouri. The wrecked boat belonged to tho "White Collar Lino" (Cincinnati and MuniphbXPaclcot Co.) Cincinnati, Jan. yi. Tha Tribune's cor respondent ai Jlawesvllle, Ky,t wires tho following: The great Ciuolnnntiaud New Orleans steauiei' State of Missouri went to the bot tom of the Ohio at Wolf Creek postniUee, IlfiU miles west of this eity at six o'clock iSnturday night and !() pcopln- met dee.th. The poMtujHceiit Wolf Creole, Ky., is U iiiilr;i iVoni the railroad and it was with great diiliculty that the following facts Wrfo-nblaiiLcd: At H ircl.i.-k yetterday morning the rear end of i hi' hull oi.' Uir .^ti:;inii-r -was cauglit at. Troy, I:ii|,, .vven nnb-s ladow here and ;;. wi'iv round secundy I lid to the gn.mU At (h-oekotts, two mill'. iitdow here, half of the cabin, the clerk's n'!/jsi,tjr, the ent iri- clerk'solliec and the safe containing a largo sumu of money wile i.'aii-ht.. A suite room was caught at this city containing a dead man who can not lie identified. C. C. Whitehead, one of the passengers who escaped in au old flat-boat pilot, who boarded the ill-fated Missouri at Cincin nati, said: ' The pilot was about half a second too.late in turning tin.' b^at. When the shook came a brave negro jumped ashore and tied it, but the headway of the boat parted the line and sho swung into the river. I sun* the boat was sinking, and as tlaM-c .-eetiied to be no one m command, i-heiped tower the boats and helped-all" W. &"&. Moudyln A Hi'F!r4. [ i Mr. r*ntQOki're]ftld th*# following ut a' meeting in Hoolland not lonflaiiioc : "Wlion Mr, Moody> old uumlon wun mi the n-iiith side of'Chicago, two men up*;n*d a X'tu pa'neo. Thoy littwd it up with velvet coayhellcJltilr.ttUi*ulv-Jn*tiorr-*ud marble- tahten, and out ^Hti*' m ^ct.'It oouhl Hot lutyo been worn utiporh. They issued in- vitutimirt rljiht. ihd lft to frno luilch on tb opuniiifj uiiiht. .One of tho pariiieru nt, in fun, do invitation to Mr. Moody, who, ou receiving It, with .his Unas! readi- w-'M to aeize'ftti opportunity ot:-worltin*(ftr- Cbriat, wont down"to thin paUa, whore b* saw one of tho proprietor*. Going up to, hita, ho HHid : . jilgl r* cm veil an invitation to come to iri;o lunch lnut night. Do you mou.n ma to OHUROH DIRfiCTOIt' MaTiiODiiT'. Dy>P*fco, PaitOT/r-l vary Buaday at 11 a. m. and 7. p. nj. -' Sohool aQ:8()p. m. O. H. Naylor. 84M ntofaohool, Epwoith IrfiuffuS* rndjrTeiiinffatB o'clock. nuetliiKouTbtuadftyavenliiif. Gin vaotr UTTWtthA nd tfo v TKlT^'e v'ift\ y,, 0 am bout, bt. I'ftlilfl, Esnvx.. X>lVl^tfH(lrV( bvery "t-oiuhiy ut 7 o'olonk, (r r_nrr.".EnKtlii Holiool at H) a. in, x'rinitv Churob, Nor'h|tidi ~l>lvliio Htii-vlooa ovory Hiia0ay at S p. in.: fenl 'lay Bohool at l.inp. in, Tlio pubhe are txii llally hi v J toil. j'JLt it ?, PBKBBlTTKUtJlN. W. M, Vlotnltjgi PAttor vIoeHon Halibut!) atlU.m, nud 7 .80. p. Hi.I ttath Hehoel utiJ:0U i>. m. Prayer w^tlng PiiHtor'H hlulu ohiBB on"ruo-*day at7.30 p, ti Bootal Union ou WcdirtsdiiV at H.-ltp, : ,< UAi*Ti8T Gntjaoit itnv.MvI*. OampbfiU/ tor. Borvloea uaah Habbath at 11 a. m. aoi p. m. frayor inootlntf on Wfidneiday mft at b o'clock. Hoatafroo, All am ootalallyj ooiued. '. UouiH OiTuOLtc Pr. D. P. Meitt Pastor. Betricb every otht-r Bunday m. Sunday Bohool at 8p.m. HAnVATicN Ahmv. T, H, UoLood. fhdvatlou uumtlnKd on WodncHduy, and Hunday ovouIiikh; i'roe aud Ktny; ovoniuu nud Hum. Buuday; HoltnehT tat alnrlMtlims l-'rlduy ovoning aiid 11 a.' day; Knott Drill 7 u. m. ovory Biinday. alt v/oloomo. A H if lily Itt-Hjiuotubli) Krnln'zxlnr XiAGAitA Falls, X.Y., Jan. 25. In tho days when royalty, dukes, earls and knights were t be common overy-day guests ol Dave Isaacs at,the lJrpspcct IIquh'o, on the Canadian side,, his cliiuf clork wan Morris 11, l'ikc, a habdsomo, well-dressed and gentlemanly person. Ho was known everywhere and highly respected and tho intelligence conveyed in a Cincinnati do Hpatch that lie.had been arrested thero for embezzling $1-1.000 from tho International Cement Company, of -which ho was vice- president^ has shocked everybody. Par ticulars have not been received. To Opn Ksloona on Sunday. Albany, .Tan. 25. Assemblymah Wio- mnn, of Ilrooklyri, yostorday dropped in the bill box u hill allowing saloons to' bo kopt open on Sundnyu butweon 0' and 8 a.m.-nud3and 13p.m. A violation shnll work a revocation of a llconsc. The bill applIeH to nil cities of ovor CO.000 inhabi- tnnts. I'r*apil'Iiig fr War lu Cfliitral America-* San Fkanoisco, Jan. li5. D. Duran, j consul-general for Guatemala, is reported to have beoil recalled by President Barrios, It Is said that Duran, who is a lioutotujnt- colonel in tho Guatemalan army, will as* sumo command of tlio forces on ids arri val homo. Tho statement is mado hero that an alliance has boon iormed by tho republics of Nicaragua, Salvador, Hon duras and Guatemala and tho allied army of 100,000 men la ready to march to tho Mexican frontier. Kscapcd From the Toronto I'oHoe. Flr<> lit n Nan- York llotnl. Toiiomu, Jan. 25. A flro was dlscov- Contral p'isin con\'I-i, who najsurvitig a orcd on tlm top floor of the Hotel Vondorae, sontunce of one your for a highway roli- corner of Forty-iMra.b atrc-t and Broiulway bory, cniiimr.tcd in Torfnto inat.' month, yostorday. All tho occupants of the hotel. ' fewJBpml Irom police heAthiU'Tiern j t-tor- wormiroused, aiKLfled from tho building, day and got cleitr nwny. H htul heoa moutof thorn scantily clad. The flre wits put brought down Irom the prison to ho triod out with sniaH lows. Honry Neville, tho ou another chnrgo and was loft alone in Englbdi actor, who has coma --0-var. with thoceits. Ho pulled a bar off the pustnigo Beerbohm Tree, cut his foot) ou broken that leads to the police court, wont np- glass while escaping from his bedroom on Mtttlrs, through the court ami two halls thoeighth floor. Tho losa will ba about without being seen, and has not yet boon $25,000^________. found. Tho priwon coat and vest w ~ Uftbohlnd. Larigfbrdlft a sirtttrfc crook, No oubfcartbwcwor*'aX.*, and Has nerved several torma la prison be- . Bkhton IlAHnpn, Mich., Jan. 25. Part f0rfi( ofthe cargo of tho ill-fated ateamor Chl- -----------------------~^~ tora Im wjwrted-to have como ashore, lu- He.umfid Th-lr MarrU^* Vowa. cludltiK flour, vnllsefj, pantry llitnre>i, eta . BWAX0, Jan. 35. In 1891 Houry Her J- & Morton miyu in a doupatch there is no mana and bin wife Joannatta were aopara- doubfnow that tho Chlcora wont down, ted by judical proceeding* on the part of "Measagea to that effect have been sent to the wife. Since that time Hermann has the friends ot the crow. ______ been a resident of Welland county, Ont. ~ ~T~* Yesterday.be returned to Buffalo nnd . v joinedhlK former wife H an action to annul Sl-OKAKM, wash., Jan. 25. J. D, but- the limited divorco which sho had pro- troll has received news, accompanied by cured four yearw go, mid Judge Springev ProofH. fc1mfc he bnj '*Heh heir to a quarter on learning tho facts ordered that tho of an 18,000,000 OHtato in Ireland, left by former proceedings be annulled and can- "Is undo, John liUttroll. Tho othor bolrs "Body KcRtfrt, M\in\ ut Ease," That is what it m wbontrnvc-lliug on tho faiat trains of ihoChica^o,_IVHjwau1coo A; Bt. Punl Raihvuy; beuidcu there is no chance 'to'Jihlolc," fcr tho accommodations aro np to date, tho trains hoop moving right .along and /jot thero on time, Thaso lines thor oughly cover the territory between Chicago, La Cromer, at, Paul; Minuoapolia, Aber deen, Mitchell, Sioux Falls. Sioux'City. Yankton, Council Bluffs, Omaha nnd Nor thorn Miohigatt. AU 'he priuaipul cities and towns in that territory aro reuohed bj tho "St. Paul" linos, connecting at SV Paul. Council Bluffs and Omaha with ali lines for pointH in tho far west,' Writo to A, J. Taylor, Canadian Paaa'r Agouti" ti7 York Street, Toronto, Ont., forono of their now map timo tables and a|broohare, Giving a description of tho Ooropartrnout Sleeping Card. Tiokota furoiHhod by any coupon tiokot afiont in tho Uuitod Statoa and Can ada. Thefflnoflt dining cars iu tho world aro run on tho ielid ventibulod, elootric lighted and iteam-heatad trniunof the Chi cago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Kailway. the lady u;e , !."v iii number, into u:il! Ot Iht: 1, 1 . <, v :n ,viv,-, 1: " III h'HS 1. ii,.I 1 1 rii.'. 1 ('.* b'l-it ii/t'i .' ) t ' i Mi'^'v) J.ud whon^r.j/ju^^i; 1^. -. t' I' I "lt*il:.od nnd " . 11. . -i ' 1tiir ; ,|i> m ti gt . i- .' 'm)' . .-. .it. . 11. 1. i.r . y .ii(jpoi-i, I, 1.. t" ' : -iv . 1 tin' V'v:m* :. ' Li r 1 in . ii.'v J;i 1 ( I 1 ' .. . . > . . J. ^ LEGAL. Tj, P13TKHB Uurrliter. Bolloltor. No! ^OJq Mouoy to Loan. Oflloo 0fl ,Te3aiioiCoatre.' ^oa f7 A. WrHUKir^Barrioblr^pSi^^c K ll/ i'ubllo fto. Monnytoloa Htdll fiJock, Up-HtldrH.KfiHOX, r*ET, bS ClLAHKlfi, IlAKTbKT & UAIiTTi / tern, etc. Oiuuca, Mmlbury block, Wim I'livute fumln tu Irian A. il.C^AUKis, Ii.'Ijril. '"N: A,-l>xa' A. U, IlAllTM'/r. J I. A. " therk ilowanl, of Puducnh, Ky., wiw Haved. Captain Copplor was uavod but the rescued passengers scored hint bitterly for not attempting to save tho.bont. Poll and his nn were the pllota and both wore saved. Tho young man was at tho wheel and it was Kiiid thathiscarelessnosscaused tho disaster. One "of tho engineers .was saved. Tho mate hy fighting drowning men.,ouanaged to save every .woman on tho boat and when he was found ho was waist deep in tho mud and almost dead. Tho boat wits 20 minutes In sinking. Tho boat was making 18 miles an hour. . A STRANGE PHENOMENON. CerUinly we do,1 wuh the reply. ," 'M^y 1 brmg.ii few friondH ?' inquired llr. Moody* . "'Yo*. of couVHft:J^5J*ll be glad to Ho thorn/ ittiNwr-rfid tho pin-ntf^'- ' 'I'll ho round williHamo frV,ll3".'r Mr, Moody. "The other puilner, who had beard pint of tho :;<<uvomitiwi, ihonrht this utrunyo, and callod aTter Ali/'MnniU . .'What is your tiumbi sir? " 'Aly uiiir.o is Moody. I have accentod your invitatjoii, iind wit] bg Jiti.i tiy und by.' "'Oh. but what do ypu mean to do pruy '?' it.i|iiiroil thu 11 an, Homewlnit n|. armed, for lie hud hemd of j\lr. Moody " 'Wi )l, i:> in probiiblo I hut a fi w m'"i will to jjiglil uh'.00(1*8 tiamo in \!iin, ai.d wo will bo hero to uh* Cod'n nniiio in 1.n* o!l:er.way/ replied tho ovunjjolint, " 'But wo can't sl.'ow tliat,' said tho pub- licun. 'But you will allow ouths/ 'That's (iifforont.' -Well thon/uaid Mr, Moody,'I will give you tho option cf kneeling hero jiiht now with mo, or I will hold a prayer- n-jttiting here tonight. Which will you prifor?' 'Pray jiififc now, thou,'" Kneeling down, Mr.;Moody prayed that thewe men might voluutnrily-fiiva-iip trttfuei- or that they might b ruined. Tho bnginesB. , i*. i-DuWAn.M. D.0. MM V. T. M, if. Or, wud not givn up, but in a' few wooku thoso t tt ?-rI?!fc.Y ^'dvureity^ Mfombor ColIoe P wn wpro nttorly ruined, Ono ntartod a ,mt drinking sh p in nnothar quurter; the otlmr rimn wmt Into tliff* nt towns try- U'if In htn-tt uImo, but Mr. Moody's prnyor iM'ti in his err* whorovor he wont. l,A Jiiot, ono day, iu. decpair, ho wont .lit (0-ahihuly pluo to kill bimnalf. Ho- .....' u knifi. out of his pocU<t, and wit* -T^JTnamtrip/|>luafta-it~into--hiH-heftrtrrwheH his Christain moihar'u words oumo back to him ap^cloarly as. though they had just been uttored ; 'My boy if you oyer get in to deep trouble call upon God/ "lip did ko, and now he is going about the varuus towna in which; ho tried to ruiu men, preaching the gospel. Hia old partnorfatlisd ib hia bow ehop, and is now a ruinod man." Holootfld. HK.VRY 0. WAM'KJW, ruj.h\, Attorney rt <:tiiin.cu:ln/ii.t lnw; with ArltlliBOutt' lialcf'J Coiijirein tit. wont. JJotiolt, MIbIi, (Cuuinlutri olnfiiifi iifluinH porou in 11 Ijintml Ktiituu c(il|(i:tC(M , ' ltii/tu'iiiKjCdi Jm|.f.|ul Uiiiilt. Kmox:, 0,'it. .1 I, IMtui-H, 1 i'Q ,lliiirliit,.i', ijtu., J.;hhox,0] I.. A. Wiimiur, i;m(., Uniiiiiur, (Jtc.IObHox, pj MEDICAL, 7 It KN, M, D..L. It 0. P.*H Ki *J i\rniber OoIUijjo of 1'hyRfciunn "itL4 _ ; o , Out. Orwhmtoof Now York, Panto into Modlcal Bchool. All otttln i>romr,tr cjoilod to. Alto ni;ociiil attention uivot dlHoanoHoMholuiifjfl, throat, hobo, ova and Olllcu omr Jirioii & le'it. J)rui; fltoro, an< < oallii, nijjht or day, h-;t thoro. Tolophoa *' conuuatiou. N. U. Cciiinltatlouroomsnror. ll?or and Oriit flat ahovu. r Whilo-pillfi and other purgativi'cjonly ro have hi'iouHneHfl aud reuot, loavin^ their victims more pro no to elugjziihuesa of the liver, Eaoljay-s Livor XoeeD^B cure peg' itively aud permanently. . NOW is tho bosi timo in your lifu to buy furniture, It will pay, you to got niiu'nod, young man, anil ccmo and boo tho frno asorted stock of-fui'- nituro at..,,.. . called. are Mra. Luttrellj Alojcander Luttroll and -----; ' ' "-----------;------------ Mra, MaryDunlap, who reside atICincar- . Short In IIU ArcounU- - din*), Ont. Guelwi, Jun. 26.-^Wm: Duncan, bead " ~-----------------' ------------ teamster for Thus, Halllday, btewer, H v A Hold-Up Iu ArkauiiuL .short in hU accouuts ahoutt3,000. Diuican , LTttle Hook, Ark Two men has been laid up with a aevere cold and; hold-up the bouthbouud Cotton Bolt fcruln while ill It was discovered that bis returns "<* AlcNoll,, Ark., last night. They went did not agree with th brewery's customers* through the express car but tho amount of pansbooks. It was bia method to receipt money taJceaJiittot known. Tho men yrera for tho proper amount iu u botolkoopor'ai coiniefllert In the blind baggage car. . passbook and turn In a smaller amount. ^ flMttUj>oj: emMm |a 0uwlpll/ . Manitoba Hahool* os. . GmcLMI, Out., Jan: 25. The report {hat Lonpon, Jan. S5, The Iniportanfc an- Miss Turnbull, 0110 of ,the nuraes at the nountpuivbt Is matte, that the Manitoba General Hospital, has smallpox, is with- lools case Judgment In tho Mvy Coun- ' *>u6 foundation. Swartx, the patient who U;wlU be uilveu on Tuesday next, bai It, Is improving. WaREROOHS, ESSEX, PridoB Iowor than nnywhoio olao, for quality. Nearly all mado at our own fiiotory, and fine y finished. All gooda dolivorod froo of oliargo. UMDERTAKINCS AND EMBALMING A PricoB right down blodo in both linos. ...... . < Kindly call and see for ~ V yourself; J. A. HICKS & GO. Essex. XJglite, .Stronger Tlian Two Noonday Kuttn, Jji'Mi hy u Mtuiiinor on Lulto Atlohliran. GlUXi) Havkn, Mich., Jan. 21. Tho De troit and ^Milwaukee fttoumer wiw ,moro than half way ncros,'* Luko Michigan on Friday ni^ht wbon-the pilot saw a bright light oir tho starboard bow. JIo could not account for it, and culled tho captain. The captain, too, was. puzzled, and thinking: that tho boat must liave veered.from her course and that the light way from Grand Haven, ho ordered her headed for It. It was calculated that tho light was flf- toon miles ahead. 'After proceeding ten miles a companion light appoarod sonic ilva miles to tho wqiitward. Tho pusaonr gera, who hud by this time boon aroused, gathered ou tho duck and watched these lights, Which now began to flash tit Inter vals. On went tho steamer and as alio ap proached tho light the pitHsengcra wore obliged to hold up '.liubrollaa and othor objects to shads their eyes from tho Intonao glare.' So,, bright was It that Steward Waltbew; over 30 years old, was enabled to road tlio Lord's prayer from tlio fine print of a Bible without his glosses. Sud denly a mountain of darkness seomed to avfyo botwtfon the boat and. tho light, but tho blaze was unshed over its top. Iu a fow motnonts the mountain sank, back ward aud the lights woro soon still too brilliant for tho eye to endure. At just fla.m. by tho captain's watch, tho lights flashed, th n*o wiuu torriblc rumbluiu: li'to a quadruple ponl i?i! thu:jdot', and then tho Jl^htf'di ppi'M'. d, Abuont on tho tu.uant n ti.l.il. way-j ti-i'iiiii zho .hip iuid tha -phi'iuiiicuoii iviu, nVt.r. Kouuo.uti"ii[il tn x'Kplnfn tho airunge oocurrunco. 'Iho. uo:a, 'w.hcb wnt liftoon miuja outi of h!?j; so,_\vjli ovor aa liuur Jato iu arriving heiv.' A commercial traveller named Dunn, who yviw on the bout, said that tho glaro was greater than two noon suns .and that ho roully bolleved thpondbf fcho wofldbadcomo. The,capi tain has made "an ofliclal" roporfc of Uie pbohonionon to tli4<sodretary of the com- papy and these faotsir* takou from that roport. 1' -- -I 1 A NtajfiraFutli. Wontuii HtiioldbK. NiXGAKA FALLfl, N. Y., Jan. 91. Mrs. B. 0. WootaoiL oommUted suoido by cut^ ting hor tltroat with a razor, Mrs, Wool- sou was the mother of I)r. Win. Woolson who waa for a millibar of ytars a tele graph; operator in Buffalo and who took his |lfo hero by cutting, his throat about two yoarsfigo while homo on a visit, trllugjmmoii* Ihdloted for AlHtislaUfihtnr Sf. Laura, Jan. ai. Bob Flty-ahnmons waaabowu the despatch from, Syracuse announcing that ho had boon bidiotod for manslaughter in tho first degreo for caus ing thd death of CoriBIoirclon. He( sajdhe had not expected such a.rosUlt, but is will ing to return to Syracuuo or to furnish bouda,just as thoy niay elect. Orlvnrta Went X*a FrMtiaW. LoWbx, Jim. 2l.-rlt is reported that the Due d.'Orleanj|t^iJiii.wnfc to boverdiirlug tho crlflbrin Frailc**, el'uded'tlVe' do^'ctlVea" it Dover nn,d Calais and succeeded In get ting Into France. The story fa that he hod got as far as Amloqe, whore be waay _|^B8._WiWAUjyioKEK2IK. y-. loUnn and Hurcoone.Ont. Uoyidonco, ,Tall Ut. Kant. ! ..a;.RM?,NZIK* " D.-O.'M., follow Trb UodlcfcUsoUono. Oraduate 1'rinitv Unlvtesfu Honldtnftu: Talbot BtMtot, went of M. O. It, ,1 OiUoohourii-H to 1) a. ui., 1 to H and ti to 8 iffleo In bniwWiiI Hank blcck, oroandfio noxt toThernn'sdrudHtoro. ', T^wfadno in conuoellon with oflloo and ra ttiinoo. .Oi'dorB loft at Thorno'g draft fttorawttl t preinptly atlundM to. . / \-^~r DENTAL. HE KM F PJirEOTION. . Diamond Dyes Superior- to all Others. Colors hoar a relation to erioh other uomo- tiling like that of the musical notes, and there is a harmony of colors, analogous to that of muflioial Hounds. Au oxquisibo tauto in tbc combinatioo of colors may bo tho result of a nico perception of the r'clationa of toausioial sounds. It is unquestionable that tlioro aro some combinations of color which aro ardvumally pleasing, and othors us univursa.lly disuc^oablo, iuderumdently of any asuooiations or acqairod habits. To the cotinoiflsoau and lovor of colors, no moro lovely or'beautital^aight can ho pro. sontod, than tho tasteful arrangomont of over forty standard colors of Diamond Dyes, and the one hundred rich ebauos ana! tints which ar* produced from tbemj Diamond Dyo colors r nciodtifloiilly pre1 pared, and when used according to dlreo! tions in the homo, the results aro pleasing and truly grand. It would require a good 81*20 uolurao to doscrlbo their uses and pos sibilities, and to toll tho comfort, joy and ploarmrfr thoy are oup&bJo of giving, Mother's anddftOKhter's drtisce aro mado new by them (Jthiif wjap*, jacUots, shawls, ribbon* and hose are with httlo troublo re- aewed for homo aud atreet wear. , Father's ana ion's suits are made to look braud new; and any oast off article of.warinf! uppan-1 can bo made lo blostiora as the rose. This work of traueformatiou, remeuibflir, can etoly bflBUcceiafully.aocompUah**! by the iuyincible Diamond Dyes. HP. MARTIN, D.D.8.rL, . B, Gradoi In Doutiiitry, Kqyal CoIIoga of Sex RuiY;ooi)n, Ontario, arid university of Toroi Chui-fioii.modorato. OiUoo. ovor B drug atom. VETERINARY. WH. KIOHAIIPHON, Votorlriarj . Koon.^raduato or tha Onfearli inary ColIeRo, Toronto, treats &H dla douioaticatod hnlmalo. Talopboi)? la tion. lioutiittry a spoolalty. ftouldoo doom outh of Orlnc Mill, Ollloo In building; lufbraary dhootly ojipofl^te.; jSAJiERN^ rPIIE oldoHfc buslnesa iu town. KBtabiiih< 1 1878. Fimt-oHflB broad and eakes'or-'i itinilH. Woddint' eakea a fipeoJijllty. Qrooeni provlflloua, flour, food, Halt aad pnrk. Coafe tlonery,orocktJry,Ia88wai'o. Cami(idfryjt*i vouottibleaot all klndv. OooiIh vnanwllj liveredtoallpavtBoftbo town. J. M.yHIOKl JOl-tf / SOCIETIES ' XV*' f 0. O. F,-ENTEIlPni8M "lodge No 11 A raootsovflry ThurodaJv, ovoniug at' 7^0 L Oddfollows UalhluthhdBtoreyjDuuBtanBloel Vislthieraomboi-e of othor lodfjeawill receive! jratorua] we I on mo, J..JOHNBTON. N. G. r' 013NTnAti BNOAMPMKNT, No. b, moetali, Oddfollov/B'Han.Punatan's Dlook, on the flnj and third TUosday Iuoaoh mouth. Visitors od dlallyroeelvod. Homburnof aubordinato lodai In th* jurlBdlotlon, Invited to joiw.' Gl HANNAN. O. P O. F, miili, O. S. 8BICX OBNTKB LOEGB, No. 10, A.O.TJ.wJ MootflBooondaud/om-th MondavB In B month, In tho Oddfollow's Hal), at 8 p. Vlsltirig brethren v/lllboglven a fraternal i come. JOHN XAINQ. Maitar Worki O. H. PUJuIiBja, Eaeordef. moni p. xa. iutbdoounollehatuber. 'All firc'ic requesUd tout too J. J. MaMUHBAY, Chief F. McQUHKN, Boarotary. CUXJUT ROYAXi, NO. Q10, X. 0. . Moots second and fourth Tuesday's In er= month in 1. O. 0. V. Hall at H o'clock p. VJiil tin fib re thorii vlll be given a fraternal i eoino. IS McOaualand, 0.11., W.O. Bhaw, M.J.Wifilo.O.D.H. O.H. A Boon to Horsemen. Qn bottlo of English Spuvin Lmiment completely rt moved a curb .from my , horse. Intake pleasure in recommending the remeJy, as it aota wjth myateripuB promptnefifl in the removal from horses of hard, eoft or cal- loused Jumps, blood apayin, splints, ourbo, sweouy, stifles and sprainea. Geo. Dobb armor, Markham, "Ont. Sold by John Thorue, Droplet. . Belief in S Honrt. 3DistressiDg Kid ney and Bladder diseases relieved In six hours by the "New Great Sodtb Aroerioan JCidDey Oura-" This new remedy is a great snrpHse and dobgbi Jto phyeicianB on ao- ount of its exceeding pnmptnefS m reliey-: ing pain in tbe bladder, kidneys/back and very part of the urinary passages ip^ male or female. It relieves retention.of water anrlpain In paaaiogit almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Hold by Job ThoraeiDcug: cAND AND LOAN AGENTS GROIUiK J. TitOUA ti, Ooneyancer, C< nilneioner, in High Court of Juifcice-fleK* in UeAnOat^te aud Mortjjajjea,, Mouoy to'le'l at tho lowest rate of intewst. Farms bdt"" and sold. lusaranou taken in tn*. moat re^l oonipdOleB. Drawing of.deeds; mortgages" leaaesa apeoJalty. Chargas modenrte; *n< jualueaa uroroptly, attended ;to, Oajl a>| Oentral Telephone office* .BasezOeutevJ. MARRIACE LIOEHSES. W- D.BHAMAH. " . G burner of Marriage yjleenua Ipinraqca*Bp#|i- Nigbt ofFoe at DwelHugW '-" . - l"" 1 " -- TAfjBO-DfiTBkET, ESSBI, , BAllItBjTT, Isauor (if ManAg* . ComroUiaionrlriO.J..Btc. Go ABKIAGB XitoAnaaeor Wedding BlngB-da*1,] be procured at E. b. Park's, the old w*-'.| liable juwoUer, Eaaox, Out , !vm ' -tV ~------~~< f LAND SURVEYOR. IM TAMKB 8, I^ABJD. Provincial land 8 fl and County BDpineer, Baatox Oentr^, Offloe, Bnnatan B^pok, upiteirs. ARCHITECTS- ^TOElJ* A. MATOOCK; - ,' / AROHITBOT, &o.t symsj^JBoom-iflrana lbfiemlni Building,. '" Winasor.q Tbono 910, INPGRTAKINO "i,r %^'k^M^L:M^j>^ it Dover an,d Calais and succeeded in get> yon wamqaipa ,reu ana ean.uw is -_. V-r^^aBfe * i^:^"^ *ij&l ting into France, The story ia that he ycairwtt^y/^HoiabyJ^^ "HrSm^HH8iSS^^ had,gpt;aa te..M/A^o*fi;W.hw.ni.w^ v^'1^"^^' ' wm'Wto^tME^M'at;;V:. xffi'M, -aught and compelled to return UXBug*? W^-i^A^r*;'-' \,-^'-:^"l r' ^^^