-:i'; * "' , "-' ' .:," '*** j1^- : .'."^a #$ ^1 VOL JCL No 5. ESSEX.' ONT., BRIDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1895. WHOLE No. 527 Forsythe, Anderson & Go 'oursrr While we write, our annual stock-taking is in full swing. As we go through, every ar- . tiole is handled and examined and all -remnants, odd linos, etc., which it is necessary to. get rid of to keep a clean* stock, are,being- put forward, marked at very email*prices, to: clear thorn out. Wo qrc giving great bargains also in all Woollen Goods, Buch as Blankets, Flannels, Under wear, etc., as well as in Furs, Clothing and Jackets. KINCtBVILLB. Dr, King loft Wednesday of lat week for Ottawa, Ooo, Cady ih seriously ill will: inllam- caution of the bowoln, Chim. and Ooo. Shirley are vjuitin^ D. Kara Malottand family. 13. E. Hums ih in Now York oity, pro- sumablyJo>fg..i> business, B^iii on Jan, 2-lth, * daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Weir, KiugsviUe. MiHB MEniL MftUfct iu spending a week with friend* iu OolcheHtor. ' Tim Advance OluH gave * social hop to their friend* ou Thursday evening. Mr. fioram iu back with uh again und with k largo fjnng Ih huuthutj in tho ico. Thieves are getting thicker urouud his vioinity every day. Chain up your pitf*. .1. Ooldun will occupy Mr, Whalori'u pul pit at Harrow and La It Front on Sunday uoxt. 'The Gdnioro Brothers icoharvotitirij; ap paratus ia a good articlo arid they aro load ing Hevorul earn daily, A. plniujant party wan held Eriduy ovo- uing; nt tho roHidorice of Mr. and Mm. Gi;o. Jnuporson. 'i ho oyoning was vory pious- untly spent iu social gamuu, # raulna and tl'inoini;. Our ontcrprisiug hardware merchant, S. L. McKay, is up to snuff. Nails havo ad vanced Go cents por keg but Mao gob iu u, lar^o oar load 24 hdurs uhottd o tho raino. On Friday forenoon laut a serious ac cident bofoIlJamcH HoddncU, of thin place.- While unguged in hauling & load of corn- foddor, thu waggon lippwd over, tho bind ing pnjo striking and breaking hm leg juat- IkIow thu knoo Dr. I'Vitd Wigls quickly MHHU'cd tlio fracture arid tho patient ifl uh well as could be -expected. WINDSOR. Gaimral Booth, the head and fruut of the Salvation Ai'my, viiuted this oity on Thurs- day.' The local corps met the genera) at tho station, and delegation were praaant from nil ovor tho oouuty. Tho oiiy council priontd lum with an addroBBat tho maet- in^ m the opera house iu tho evening. For hoioo timo poople have complainnd to Poitmatitur Wiiilo that thuy oftou found their boxea in tho poutoflioo opon and had no doubt but what lettoru wuro takou. Thu oorridor in tho ppntoflioo ih a louotfiw^ plaua for boya mid mo* and a watoi* waa j Hot witli a roHult that two hoyi woruaati^ht pryiutt opmi a box.. I'hoir uainon wero taken and they woru.reloanod. It bus long bbonrltbo domro of military men iu tfiiM oity to or^ani::* a oity hattal ion, apart from tho coutity.-"' Tho matter wan brouchb up laut yoar and <h Hon. Mr. I'attoriion, iMininteruf militia, wuamud to ho favorably improoaod With tho idui, but tlioru waro curtain couditiouu to hu cum- plied with boforo tho chnn^a onuld b*t uf- fctoil. Tha.Hohoiwo now in mooting with coiiBiJurablo opposition from thoHn intoruHt cd in tho county oompuuiuH, and buwm Wiglo iH in Ottawa to prenoui tJ,ioii uriov. ancoH, Windsor lian now two oompumon out of tht nix,, hut thy will, huforo loriu- in^ u city battaliou, cioouro rjuartor^, aa tho prencnt council Jiave doolarod thomuelveu in favor of helling th building nuw unod iik a drill ahed. i ALIEHABOR LAW. Wcllaml County Council Wants 0u Worklu^nion Protcctod. TO MEMORIALIZE PARLIAMENT A tlixmlutlon Ufifln-f . tlin <.oviirmii*ni(- lit l'l'xwfi'Vti Ciiuudhiii Yjtl>r for Oun- uiIIdii C'ltUoiiH -- Animlmnu . \V*ti-k In (Jumiriuiit Ktar- vutlini Wu^n, SOUTH GQSL'IELD. Mioti Buchanan, of Harrow ban hecu visiting Mrs. Wm, Viokor'H, Mro. Graontrod. an old lady, aunt of Edward Barnot ia at predentin vory feblo health. David Cookoll, of Duuville who wns .working in thin vioinity has ({ore taut to hi* horn*. Mrs. Jamea Barnob baa be cm in vory^j poor hoalth, bub htir frionda fool very nan- guinoof bor rocovory........ Robert Allon^one of tho early settlor* diod on tho 17th January. Diioeaned had boon in feebla health for ioiso month* pre- viouo to bia deatbV""" gniFi of thfn ohiidmT hftYe thn yyoipathy /{"of the wholo neighborhood. Tho fuueral BurmoiiB will ho preaobed Sunday next, I3DGAK MILLS. On Wodnogday, Jan 10th, tho youngeot boy of Mr. and Mra. Ezra Picket pained away with mombrauoouB ciroup, aged two yearn anil x montliB. Wo uudtjrBtand that fVorthy Gould nan bought tho houno vacated by G, Kay, Mr. Socord haw movud into tho Iiouho whioh Worthy hah' ijuitihatidd and A.Iy3C. Gampbull baa moytd into thu home yaaatod by Mr. Si'cord. On Sunday 20th, the younyodt daughter of Mr. and Mni. Wm. Mayuard ,dopart*d thinoarlh, u^od four yy.arn. Sho wan af- lliotfcd with diphtheria. Tht boroaved par- Wj:m-AS*I>, Out., Jan. Ufl.-Tho Welland County Council, on motion of tho rcovcu of Fort Krio and Jfntornation'al Bridge, uuiuiimniiHly adopted a ronolubloti to moinorinlizo ParliiuiKiiit to enact an all on labor law. Tho roKolution iw aH followa: " 'J'lia't In view of tho tfontirnl doprcHHlon exlftUn^ ut prottont iimoriK tho laboring ellipses nud inechftiiicH in tlihi Canada of burn, owl rip to thu fact, that CiuiadiaiiH aro oxcliuh'd from employment in tho noIfj;li; boriiiK rtpuhlic of tho United Stntca with out llrst di-'clnriiiK thiiii* intuntkm of bo- comhif,' citizuiiM of that stato and to tho fact thiLti Iui'ko .niunhiii'.H of workln^jmon mid niuolwuiicM aro coiitlniuilly coining from the ncigliborinff Stuto.i to work in Canada ufc ftttirvutlon wafjeu, thua aliut- tirif; oir our own citizens from thoir nuniiifi of imbKifitcnco ; therefore, ho it re- Kulvud that tVfls"eouncil mnmorlalizo tho Dominion Government toenact.such legis lation upnu-thiij. Huhjcct as aliall preaorvo Canadian labor"for CajWliiin citizens," OA.MP PAliUER. While unloading a bad of log* W. H. Robinnon wu* crushed under, a skid aud rondered iuteuaiblo aud is likely very ori. oaely iujurod. Mm. .Taa. Itnnter whe was aiok with in- ilaiumatin. We ar glad to Bay in hnprov- inf. The mill yard in ra>*idiy Ailing 0]b and if the Rood road* oontiuua.J Mr. Mlnonor xpaot* to put in 4,000.000 foot of loge. Everett Moddou^h out bin foot in the inntup quite aeverely whioh will lay' him up for some tiium Both be and -John Bums aro doing well undor tho akillful tro*tmoiitof "Doo."' Mc^rlnn. Ho pro pone* takint; Doctor MoKonzie1 .into xt>art uomhip if bumnouti contiuuoH briokS PECK'S GREAT Mid - Winter - * -'llirf(triiijra at South Huron., BruiCBFiKHi, Ont.j Jan. 13<I. Tho annual meotiii^ of tho , Ileform A-'iHnciation of Soutli Huron met . yestordny for tho purpose of eloctiny ofllcorn and transact ing other hiiHinusH. A fair attendance, coiiHlderinfj;, the .statu of tho roads, which In niluVy chhds were almont impnHHiblo. Mr.-A; -Muutaj^v BmcotleUl, yvau elected Prcaldaut; .rus. Suull, Londeylioro, Vice- Prosldent; TIioh. Kmser, Brueollohl, Secre tary; ^Tr. Geo. Walker, TuckorHinitb, treasmrer. Mr. Mustard, tho newly elected president, briefly addressed the naming. Ho called on Mr.'John McMillan, ALP., | wlio waa proaont,' Mr. JlcAl'UInii re!.jjunil- od in a Bpneeh of coui.ido.jihh) loiij;l,h, dial ing witn the mnn: liup'*jrtuni i.^u.!.4 Unit aro before the country, Mo Uoait fully with the tariff. Mr. M^Umii,M.Lj.&., who wojj present, delivered an address of notno liiiiRth, cnnt.Ohlnf; rmmy ;(>o-l p ihits ind Biiyyentioiis und wa-. weil received, Tlio meotuig clo.iod with uJieora for tho Qucon, LiiUrler and McMillan. BUOOKEB, Bwv. W. II. Shaw broujjht hiH revival 'UQ'.'etiufjs to a clone laut Sunday night, Miiiy li.iv* profcHned conyeniion,aiid much (jood him been uocompliahod by tho reeot- in*. Thr-r^iH-a rumor-in thiR uoction that our ncluicl toaoher, Mr, D. A. Wilwor., in tlin anibor of the "Sinuhty Avalancha," and that the editor of tho FriiV Pit#nn aya he can awear to it. How 'm it Mr. Eihior? [In reply to tb'o ubovo,' tho'editor iif thu Ftu'.is wiHheu to uay that ho ban n'uvor (jivon any peniou.autjiority to make awcli mato- ment and thai he Vba-n never said to any perfion that-M'K Wilson was tho author, or that he wa pro?ared to take any affadavit to that fiToot. ..Whatover opinion thoodi- tor may. have in tho matter has rot been oxpreaoed to any portion.] '/'. 3V ON. 'M COTTAM. Mr. Ittaao lijloy. haN moved bi family into Cottar* and occupies tho houno built by Mr; II. Hill. Mrtt.llubflit ViokerB has mbyed into'llr. libHf{Iay'ti houno, M^JS.ekr ha*kmnvod into Air. K'dl.ntV houKc, ami io lIki houHCi w-rfl biuj; filh.d. Mr. IVultor Jaiiuis miu Miasou'-'i loultinc f ftur hia nmlnr int*r*.6ii;. Every OvercoLfc, every Suit and every pnir of^pants in our Men'K and Boya' Clothing Department if* included in this Sale, You can now save from : one-third to one dm If from reg ular prices. A chance you cannot afford to iriisH.* Many cases of new goods are waifcing to be opened and put into stock when stock taking is^over. Other ship' ments are on the way and soon we shall.be getting ready for spring trade. With you the winter is scarcely half over come and get some of the plunder in winter goods ! , r A&dQetaoBi &s Oo.r With tho good *loig;hiC|; of the la*t two Wfiok*, Bopiul ontertainnieutn have hoen qmto numeronB. An old folks parly occur- *d at Gordon WiRlo's, on the 4th. One ovenioi; lately about thirty young podpln aflBerabltd at Mr. Robert LeeroincH. Tho oaoanion of thia gurpriao boinu. u two fold purpose; the young men me* to con gratulate Mr, Looming on hia re-eloction to tho council, aud tho young ladiea to. ex tend thoir friondttbip toMina Itobecca Leo- iniuy, of Glouford, Wontworth Co., who ia at preseut Hojourninu with hor brother, aud hor Bister Mm. JameB GrAuger. EBSEX, ONT. BLYTHEBWOOD. Frank McCbarle* aud wifo of Hutbven vpeut Suuday in thin vioinity. \V. G. Daifciy bag nettled flown to regular houno kospiut in the village* Elmer Scratch carries the mail between BlythcRwood and Goldamith. iJru. BttE^ocQ, wr started for hor home hi Miw<i ou. Mooday, the Mth. Tin? p'.'puIicioD of ltly*ihowoo(l ir. atill on i"' r ini:ib'o. Thin timo it hayipened at thu homo 'if G-ao. 'lieid. It u a piri, and iJ.'in^ jvtll ; otgaru aro in order now. rvTnv.-T>. Uoid Ih still in a arttiaal oou- ditiuu. Dxa, HutfWfj* aud OhamburJ*in, of and Dr. Brieu of Ea*x, aurformed a aur- Kioil eperation ob'hiw ou Friday, and now there in no mo hope* of hu recovery/ NORTH RIDGE. Miio Lottie Ann Johuson, f Maidstone, was Htaymc witu her grandmother, ..Mm. Charlotto Colenutfc, laitweok. Misa Sarah Ann Coleuutt wai away to tbo Oity of thf Straits, visiting cousinH, laut week, A torriblo snow otorm truck us laut Saturday; the wind blew ani rlio snow flew; the mercury fell to Kero ou Sunday morning, and foar doureoa below xsro en Monday uaoruing. Thomas I). MnCroory, of Talborslreet dairy, has built an ico Iiouho and filled it with bard water for next summer's tteo, wheu the moroury is away up among the 80'b and flO'u. Ho will be prepared to sup- ply hia uumotoun cuutomern with a pure olioioo, eool artiolo of Uotoal fluid; wo wigh him abundant suoccsn and patroaaRO. There ban been a wondorful luoroauo in the number of pupiln attending our uohool oince the Ghriotinua holidays; all tbo little men and womon talk aa if they bad fallen m Jove with their lady teachor, who bun ho on a uucofiHr.ful teacher in Esuex county for sovoral yoaru. Wo netioe that several ot our most pro- ^locBivt? faruiors are hauling tile; we are ((lad to nee it, aud helievo it certainly will We a paying invistmout iu years to come. COTTAM^ PLAINS. On Wednesday tho 31 rd, insfc., tbo dwelling house of Mr. Joel Whitney came witbm an aee of being cons'imed by fire. A suall child got bold of some mate boa, ignited them, and threw them among sonio alotlienlu a closet, whoro soon Mr*. Whit ney's wraps and homo other garmantK wre m a hlazo. Mr. W. wan about the bam at tho time, but fortunately a gentleman who had beou eroctibg for tiiom a mill to draw water wau in fho houae, and by hia nkilfutl mauagomont the fla'aaea wero boou extin- jr;uifibed, and the house savod from the de- atroyitog olemejit.. '. ' ; * ' Mr. Jamoa Mkeouit reoeutly sold HKjaaa- tity of hay for SG a too to some geatl^uau who are now pressiue it. Mr. M. boards all the men and thoicboraos free of obarge, whilst thu pressing operation last*, and be ia to deljvor^be hay at the .Essex station'/ alio free of charf** <-. ..SOUTH WOODSXjEE. Mr. Peter Cotter is at {ireDeut bumly en gaged iu pressing hay in this aeotion. .He h"tj already shipped a Jarjfo quantity to the Extern Biatos una to the o\4 oouuttv- Our village boasts of an organixod tbe- atvi'jiil troupe, oompriuod of locid talent, who will noon mako their dobacin*'Teu Ni^hta in & Bar-room," hut aa "n propboi hath uo honer iu his own country," thoy, no doubt, would receive a mora fair anc impartial oriiioinm beforo a Htrauge'au dieuoe. Our enterprlaiug oitiitn Mr. B. O. Keen, who, for a number of year* past has run a large luseber atad htave mill here, aud who recently purchased the lumber and Bpoke mill haretofor* ow'aed and operated by Mi 0. S. Hauas, purposes putting mere ma chinery id hi*, now, well equipped mills' He is, already, iu receipt oK a consignment eousistlng of a new planing and matqhiug maohiue. " Kntwithataudiug the cry has f one up tho last few yeara that the supply of timbsr was about exhausted; Mr. Koo* HtilV foolt confident in being able toaeoitre mi ample supply for some yeara to comb. Tho pre* oiib atook'bids fair for a good year's reut and a proujftorouB spaaon for, our village, which also mk* otir tuerohauts wear a l*leaa'ht Btoile. ," iFanyuud Fret Jul Habv. "ThiB Uuow quite unueooflsary 1 tiike many ethora, you may have your baby fat, laufhiugand happy, if you give it, Soott'a Emulsion. Babies take Hllke cream. Tho V. M. C. A. Conventlnvi. -Bellrvillk, Jan. 20. Yea to rd ay' a kcs- slon of the Y, M. O. A., convention was of a blfiibly Intoroatlng nnd divoralflod cliar- iLCtoP. It consisted of three excellent nd- drosaon, namely, "Tho present outlook for railroad work % thoRo province," by W, J.j Orr, St. Tbomaij; "The worker and hia Bible," by Jamea Gibfion, Ottawa. Those papers woro read in the abaence of thoir authora. "A pointed diuciiaalon took place on them, which took up tho time until four o'clock, when M*. Fred ^Good man, of New York, gavo an instructive IJIhlo rending, which was much appreci ated. Tho evening neatdoa was woll at tended. Prof. Canflcld' again led tho nor- vlco of HonirrHfter which Collogo Evahgul- irtt F. S. Goodman,' of Now York, gave a long and able nddrosa ou "CoIIokc work In our association." Tho acision was wholly devoted to college work, which In- torcuting department wan very fully dia- ciiBHed and itfl rapid growth and furthor expanslva commented upon. Many practi cal and helpful nuggostlona wore made. Trade In the Dominion. | New York, Jan. 0. Bradatrcot's saya: l Geiun-al trade in tho Dominion continuoa I of n'mderatH proportions. Toronto pro- | l't-.ssirs to (hid Lho outlook for buniuesH fairly Mutisfuetory, but at Montreal no such prospect ih iu view at this timo whilo collections aro alow aud spring goods are being ordered more alowly than ono year ago. Halifax announces Homo ltytlo en couragement in trade circles with a mo derate sorting up buHlnoan. Canadian buHineHH failures number 38 this week agniiiHt tu last wcekr 48 in tlio week a year ago and 43 also two years ago. Bank clear ings at Winnipeg, Hamilton^ Toronto* Montreal and Halifax aggregate 118,480,000 thin week compared with $31,159,000 last week and $17,8113,000 ono year ago. Gono But NotForirottcii, Our Tilbury oorrospondonfc writes : The truateoH of Ht. Franoia aol^ool. aro, looking for thoir lout teacher, and a number of tr,u*tiuc villages aro bewailing tho sudden disappearance of tbo youn# FrenoU Can adian whe was instructing the tit. Franoiu youth under tbo dispensation of a permit. A few weeks ago, a stranger calling himsolf J'oitraH, ntrolUd'into Jhla^Vioinity, and "after mgriating himttelf into the gpc.d graces of a few ratepayers of the above" namod sootiou, raooivcd t rwraitjto toaoh school, and eatabliohed hironelf, in our southern suburb, St, Franois, and propOBBd to grow "nob on sixty pctiade a year." Boing somowhat short of oh an no at the beginning of tbe term, be found uo difficulty in hav ing his temporal wants supplied by kind hearted residents of tho *eotiou,e.ud every. thing went as merry an a marriage, bell. After a few weeks work he took a ruu down to Wmdnor for a day, but unfortun ately has forgotten to return. D, King is miaiing a fine fur cant, Er. Langloyi has I laced 910 on tho loan fiido of profit aud Iuhm, and various i.thor partiei diacover small diacrepaiiciea in thoir cash aoctMinta, hie may return with the robin in the spring time, but hia confiding frionda mourn for him uow, as one lost unto tbom forever. Poitrhfi was not long with us, but is to be hoped that his short sojourn will bo for our good, aud that when a smooth-tongued etrauger again comes amongst us be wil be dealt with as he ought. Another Swlnaier. ICflcajnid From, the Asylum. - [ ------ MoHTliEAh, Jan, 20.~JoHerh Dulgnonult, | The Petri liu Tonia contained the follow- ofSherringtoibJUwwIjsd on a charge of ' Um , ftBtw#th ,_A e.rtuin >mart U. forgery and aruou and rcmovod from tho | u . . . . St. Johns jail co tho hongue Poiuto asy- lUichuwboeu viofiwiaing u number of poo- lum, has oscapod. Ho hits* 1a.hui stun bulk- jelu erouad town. Hit* ipcciv'Hy wnfi sold lug for the frontier. Oftlcjrsaro ilftor him '() M.ctncltMj', and ho could suit any kind and hope to catch bin. Tho medical men . ( . . t j^,^,. ib lJflv od a RlMBfronfc iro convinced that Daigneuult whs only ' j * shamming InHauIty. Aoeldeut to an A^eil Ounliih VL'omun. GOKtrn, Out, Jan. SO. Mrs.' McGluues, Aged CO, an oldreaidenfc of Guelph, full uiuj broke her arm arid leg ih comlngdbwirthe- U. O. Church bill after uttundlng the funeral ot the lateMr/s-.O/KloepferyeHter--' day. ktttault of th* Ottawa lCout. Ottawa, Jan. 3& The mayoralty re- [ count was 'completed )ioro yoHtorduy. Beveral ballots have been hold over, but the recount will not aft'ect tho olectlou of Mayor Borthwlck. ; ^ Qnlglwy Gt* flftiiiHi Youi'h; NKW YORK, Jan. 2fl. Edwin O. Quitrloy, tboboud'swlndler, hn-s. been aent^u'eed in IB years, six mouths' imnriaonment* BHKUHAri*M...Omiw |m. \ Pjiv.-^-9nnth AtHfirtian Bheumatiarn'Ouro,fo- Ulv'-nio*) - sm'Nonralgia, radically .t-.rea1 1 o 3 day.. & aoitlpb upon the syatom ia re markable anil myb*erlous. It reinovoa at once the oauae aud the disease immediately disappears.* This first dose s*r*-""|y fits. 75oenta. Sold by J. Tborue or not If hia warou did not hole the pus* ohuor thoy could apply to Dr.- Maealpine aud cot|tbeir baruEioleB changed, er the mmey rofuuded. This storyso ended vary niae and a number ot people were taken in by it. When they found that their seeo* taoles w'r* not quite what tho fakir rep resented tbom to be they hied thorn to Dr. Uaoalpine'* office, only to find that he knew nothing of the matter, and they, as well as the epeolaolee.were very much sold. The plaiu moral of this story ii, if you toaat npeotsoles go to a reliable local dealer get a good return for your money, and sup port your town's inatitutionp, Instead of auoh transient trad ore, who carry light oonscieaces and amo6th tongues. The same fakir evidently passed through EtiaeX a few Weeks ago.; If he victimized anybody^it haB beu kept. awfully quies. The beet way is to ahun such' cUaraoUrs entirely, or turn the watob do* on them,' .. '," H^art Diseaso Believed in 80 Minutes All oaaoa of organic or Bymrathetio heart dieaase relieved In 30 minutes and quickly WiND30rt,ONT, Windsor's Load I no; ClothUnr. The XU'lliicator. The Deliuoatcr for Marob "is the great apring uunibor and in our opinion Is the finest itnue of this popular mtgaziue that has yet boon published, Alt the do part- men to are unusually well filled, and the fashion* have an.increase! value through boing tbe first authoritative pronounce, mont of tho Spring modes." The chief,; feature of tho literary matter f a compre hensive ahapter on Cards, their Uses and Etiquette,-by Mrs. HogorArPryori this be ing tho firut of a neries (-milled tbe Social Code, There U %Ua a very lut'brostlng first article ou the 'Exi/rnpncon of Life at ay Training Sohool for Nuynoa, with an intro- . duotiou hy Mm. EreLlerio Rhinelandor Jones. Woman aa a'Musician is the *us>- ject of a "Conversation*' between Edith M. ; Tl oaas and Dr. S. U. Elliott, te which ia ; appodei a delightful bit of Verne by MiiS'^j Thomas. Mru.. C^rnu M. Dearborn, ex- Prmoipal of tho Boston Onokiug School, writoa of tho Teaching of Cookery, as ail Employment for Womon, and Jouephme Adaran Bathhouo of A Girls Life and work -^ at the University of Michigan, Mrs. Long-./, street has an instructive paper on the Care of the Hand* and Feet,'Mrs. Maud C. Mur ray contributes another chapter to ber in- tereatlng serieeotxthe Relations of Uotber aud rieM, and Mrs. Withcrepooa ooatinuee her entertaing gon*ip iu Arobud the Tea- Table. Pleasurable and profitable employ ment is found in Burnt Work H. BL Porbe*, Venetian Irou Work J. Harry, Adamu, and Oropo aud Tissue Papers Tillio Roorae Lit till. The housewife will fitid much of value in tbo caroof SiWei1, CoOkcry fur the month and hints on serv-^ ing liOmoaa, aud tbe fai cy worktr will ap- "': prtoiats tho'new ^Hig'js in'Kinltiug, Netv;; tliut* Tatting. Etc - . .-" & MIA ^ Aw Aid *e tommutf. "Prou* trouble* with any of those kin dieeasee wb,iob qfun mar the flnsst coBBpleotjoes and disfigure the rnoet cenift- ly featare*, su6b bJotohee, tub- ,. erolea.eta, generally,mdalge Jm. many.ea- eerimei tabefors finding anything te. ew* their particular case, and we have, known. ^ many to give up tbe attempt to persou- " eutly oar* the ennoyiug treuble, la look-' iugover the many preparations for beavti- fying and olearlug the comptexloe, In tbe drug stares, we are informed .by^Mr. Q. A.; Sherrintbat there is nothing better, for this purpose, nor bas there in his eieeri^.y,;^ enc bee'a auy treatmVnt equal *o the nae-^: of Esoljay's Xiver;Leicens;sr",ThiJr 'pokr^ stant U8e, oue or two alter eyary meai;^ iciDJB .^9 ,pn.rjfy. theWeoiand build p l.h*iii'ri^ whole eyMem. They are'sold at' .afio^'aVj:) .box ,or ;fi"boxe;for' X:00.*^;', V:;.; -;;:--:";' ^ , *. When health 1* far gone m oonBOmption,', .c then Bometiaae.oniy ease and comfort can 'v. m^& d'a**'y corad by Dr. AgnbwVeDre for the peairt,; bq (woured from the use pf BootiV Emiilvjpl ' 5-BP^ One aiwo oonviiiowi,1 : Bold by J. ThornW aiooi ' Wht i tntioh better is to take. *hi .^ iasWtft.,tewi.