Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 25, 1895, page 7

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Natives1 'Supplied With Arms ntld Am munition From Vessels. iron* aeou nrter, 3ir* ROYALIST. PLANS FRUSTRATED An Attn ok by tile Polio* l'reofPItte* tlm Fight AFromlnant Young American ltealilent KIllf>d-Sevarl ltoyal- ........ lit* Arreted Honolulu TJndor Martini X**w, .</: San Francisco, p Jan. 19. Tho steamer Alameda has arrived hero, bringing ad- vIcch from Honolulu. Tho United Prow correspondent writing,uudur <Iuio Jan. 10, says; On tho evonlnieoC Sunday the 6th, as many as 600 rifles Woro landed between Walalaand Diamond Head nearly hI* miles from town. Some 500 nntlvoH woro col lected there and received tfmm and am- munition. The nutlvoa woro under com mand of Bqb Wilcox: and Sam WUen. The , headquarters woroat Antou'Boua'j* houses on the boach near Wulalaa lfwiui the ih-J tent ion to niHh In curly in tho livening and surprise the olty whilo the people woro at "churcln Tho autlioritioa received Informa tion towardw nljdit UwuVariiiH were bohiK 1 landed at Diamond Head at tho" houuo'oJ GcorKollorlolnuimi, a halt whlto royaUnt lender, well under tho lmno of tho head. A strong fjuad of mounted police wan Im mediately Hunt out to noarch Bortohmum'fi house, Tho cltizonn guard wero put on .the alert and tho volunteer military com- panlcH nummoned. Captain Park or, with lily police, reached Bortoliuimti*H after dark. While tho police wero lined upon tho lawn below'tho houyo tliey wore fired upon from tho boach. At that moment there arrived from their houttoa in the park, aomo distance to- ,.'ward town, threo prominent youuo; men, J, II. Ca&tlo, Clmrlea L, Carter and Alfred Carter. Thoy cuiue to,, ussiat tlio police. Chariest L. Carter observed that the tiring- proceeded from u canoe shed on tho bench. to the police Lo cuniu on and with them made a rush on the tdicd. John Lane, half white, tlml on him. with n pUtol at chiho quartern. Carter received three Hhota, one of which entered his rlb.i.' He fell, calling out l hut. It was not scrlmiv bur, ininKiul^tely exclaimed that he wan hard hit. At' the .same moment Ilertol- matin tired With a onrhiucj from Uiu vurun- dah and Hhot Lieut. Holi,of the police, vyho in diingerotiHly wounded.. The enemy were driven from the .shed by a resolute; attack, but ran Inland t.o t lie bush. Fnnu there they ki-pr. up n hoL fire upuii the^ to Which tlie wounded man had been carried together with Lane and two other pri- fioinrrsT ...... Ai;'red'C.ui."r went for a itoi:. n- Ii-aviiiy j 'Oastie in envoi Crairirs. i),r.-- ,i audi Parker"urhdi-"rt-n-uiroi1- '> orive /.. ay enemy hut iouii'. t'nj tiiv> t,\ ,-i [, ,,-, i-nug. .They ran to their hordes tat. i.o telephone for t roups. Unmn lmh in Xolu-r, a mil*) avmy, uml caiu'n for help. Ca,.Lnin 1'arJier kept im'i'Uuu I.jj*.;. oiirin/ every- ivlien: ;.nd w<^{ virtveu into tri biiHn-- \i li 11 oiu' man- 'ini i!..J :: iv;t."h t -. j il ttiti ij^iw,. .\.v',,ut nut- 7\Uivd i-.mus' /.-- turned to PertleniHiin's with Dr. Welters, but war. uuable-to pa*.s the eia-iny. Castle and one policemaiLeaivd lor the wounduil, held tho prisonern and compelled Burtel- mann to order tiring ou the house- to 'cease. Getting B.nnvn.V .telephone before hIx O'clock, the government at once nurru-ii out ill)-BoUHers from tin.' oxi'cuuvu building xvuder Lieu tenant King. The whole forco of volunteers was railed out and stationed at tho must important points". The citizenn guard were, put on their po:-t.s in squads on the street cornern and before !i the city wiuj in full stuto of defeinx*. King and his men were on the ground by i) o'clock The enemy retired In-fun' iliem keeping up a galling lire. Ku.Jj \ .._< in-al morning Lieutenant, Coyne was .-,i:nt out witii 'Si moro soldiers. Ifo aud King formed a line from thu hunch at, San.-?' Suuci to neaatho west slope of lac head to keep tho rebels* from advancing. 'i'he latter loft tho shore and ascended to the rim of the crater whence they i:ould firo to advantage upon the siadiers. A rilhal gun was sent out. tu-Loyne aial bheiU dropped witli ucuuracy upon the uumiiiit. Tldti move frightened the rebeks away. One tthell burst in the group on tho highest peak and killed several men. The ilumber of reb.ols ou the crater was estimated at over Mi. At an curly hour T. il Murray with twenty-live specials and ten niouuted policemen was sent out on tin,' W'aialao ruail. Nearing the ridge back of Diamond Head the force of rebels, open ed tin* on them with a Held pier,.. liob Wilcox handled thu gun. Xu one was hit. -Mur ray fell hack and established a camp. CapLaiu Ziegler was j.tieu soiit out with a iorcTosrJ1%Itii'are:br.:! anrl'^VrrrrT^shouterrt and aviH*d gnu, arriving ut.'J p.m. Pn'rtly by shelling and partly by the direct attack of the men Wilcox was forced to abandon his position. L;ugu .number.'* of natives were in tho chapparnl, both below and above the road. Firing was sharp on both (sides for several huur.-i. Zieglor and .Mur ray's men escaped with a few casualties, man; serious. T'lie natives did not know how to I'aiullo their guns. Several of them were killed and wounded. Toward* night over !J0 of the re be hi .sur- rendered lo Zicgler. At the scene of Ijat- tle, Anton iio^a'.^ hoilHO, was captured 120 t nonorHiount^j There ha* been a demand for tho summary trial and Hon <fl Dwvlsrnn*^^^^.1^ Tho authorities will prouftblyco nncoRsary to'make Harao example*1 Nothing has boon soon or hearjfof any relwla In tlio mountain ttfrjyjfaty-ionv lionrw. Military oporathaffaro probably in, an oiuk Thugnuniyjfof tho city under martial law .may bojjgutlnuod Homodayrt longer. Tho rpyafSta woro supplied wltlj atiuh and ammunition from vessels. Grave Alarm Mfts.cauped at tho aame'tlnw* by largo bodlfc of Jnpunese laborors ou tho plautatloift rlslnpc in mutiny. \^LSHjbjSESTABLI8HMENT. This Will IxHthe First Heaiuro of tliNxt TmperlLl l>arliniuutarT fi !<". rxtNDOK, iau. 10. Lord Roaebery s#1d In a speoch in Cardiff last ovcnlnK that \\relHh dlHeatAhllahmont would bo the flwt moiiKUre of tho next purllumontury se- nlou, Hq did "not doubt that the estab lished church in Wales was doomed, btit everybody tnuat rcmombor xbat tho Ilouse of Lords preHontod a permanent barrier to tlm meiumrun on which tho \VeUh had net their heartH. Tho position of tho LordH was* tho mipvomu question of tho hour. \Vhen tho (iovnriimunt resolution dealing with thin quostion ohonld 1 submitted It would Involve tho dissolution of Purlhv rnont. Hoforo tho dlnsolution, however, ho wlxhod Parlhunont to dual with tho lUjuor LrulUu, roproHontation of labor ant} tho one-man oue-voto Ihhuu. * >- ii ' I i'i i n' i I..LL SS8G ^ONEFuilm^'; and 1=01 "THE CHIEFTAIN-"'"'. An Amtulnit IMaut Otuxirmtod Uiuni tli Atlventiirra of an HujflUh Tourtut Who I> Cnpturotl by fij'ino Spanlwli Ilrl^andi And Ileoomas Their lender. BriKbtness, llghtnosfl, tunefulness, apd looal color may . bo> talyon aa the lending characteristics of tho' now coxnlo opera at the Savoy thoatru, London, by IT. O. Burn- and and Sir Arthur Sullivan, recently. The plot may bo thus brlofly snramor- iEodiPetrGriirg goen for ft-pbbtographlc excursion In tho Spantah mbuntalue, where he is captured by a band of brigands, whoHo chieftain him disappeared. Tho'law of tbeno gentry is that it the chieftain does Antemlc Women .yrith pale or: sallbw4 coinple^fenfly ^tlP?rinjgjfrom- skin -eruiitlons or scro*ftiIous'blood,AVfllfind-quick- relief in Scott's Emulsion., All of the stages of EmaCiatjomafid a gcnerul decline^*of healing.are speedily.curedu ^fefj'- Motes fnulsion takgg' away the pale, haggard look tliN|t"comes with Gervcral Debility. It enriches the blood, stimulates ^'^^W^^^^^- the appetite, create* healthy flesh WBm . l*.|,'r*HlKwi. 'M^1^ And When You Want ***Mk $ and^et Prices and you will be Sure to'Buy. all stranger nrn3tf ng In tholr mldnton a given day Is elected Ipso facto chieftain, imd bo- comeH tho afllanced husband of tho chlof- tnlnoHH. Under prmmuro of pointed guns, pUtol.'i and dnggorH, Mr. rJgg iLccepU tho luovltublo. Ho la at oncu oHtabliuIicd oa HONORS FOnM-FAURE. rritHinittiil Willi tUt Coll in' ut tlm I^'jslim ut Iloimr~Iporii)hii u Culdimt. Gen. X^ovrior Qmmi, Cbnuoidlor of tho Legion of Honor, gave M. Fanro ye.storday the collar of tho Grahil Master of the Order, It was learned hint ovonlng that M, Loon -Hnurgeola after a two-hour conference- with AI. Kauro, had consented to try to form a cabinet. Uo will go to tho Klynoc to-day to report the remilt of uIh negotia tions."It Ih eipeclo(\vthnt M. I^orncnirc will return to tho mimitry of finance and M. Leyguesto the mlnlatry of education. 1 Viul IVytral, I>qui.s Terrier and Kugonc Oudefroy t'aviiignac would accept; cabinet plaeea under llourgeolsnfi premier. CALLED OUT. THE MILITIA- Iliiyoiiiitu Neci-Hwury to ClHKik tli StrlUorH In Itiooltlyn. Huooici.yk; dan. in. One of tho new iiiot(tiniiMi of the Putnam avenue, lino, "HninHt,-lliuii)iol.or^l^* Hudson street, Ho- huki'ii, who was iur~im-.\vay_hoiwi after and brings back strength and Vitality; ForCoughs.Colds.SoreThroat, BronchftiSi Weak Lungs, ..Consumption and Wasting Diseases of Children. Sentljsr our f"tmphi*7. JSfaU.U FREE. Scott 8i Uowno, Bulltivlll* All Druo(jlsta. BOo. &*(. r.itroa and tr hat. tho affianced husband of InozdoHoxas,the chiefialn'H deHertetl wife. Tho gang Ima captured, and holds prisoner ponding ran* Horn, Rita, a young KngllKh lady, to whom Count Vasfpto/.ia engaged, and for wIioho* rescue ho ventures disguisod into 'tlio rob- hern'den. Having sent the rannoin, ho and liitiiaro released, leaving poor Grlgg with the IndronoH. The count thonKomllng money for Grigg'H ransom, the poor man la rub-used on parole, Ino/. and the leading ladrones ko disguised In search of their ion of ~^MH','ffJ**tfftrtainl Ferdinand, whois trying the eh;v;1Ied road last evening.- Hia as- to flU BpaTrT^'b-m-oid recognition, Ferdi- s'ailaiit.viw.aped. working j[ill day, was ansaultrc lliree ni'eii Tirihc York atroet Htuti he eh'vated road last evening.- JJ iulnnt.-veseaped. ii i ,k , - i, . ~ .,, , Mavnr Sehieren drchiod last evening Ylch capacity ho fall, in .with and con- hat 'troops- will he needed to pronervo *hictH Mrs., who^has como to search V-derr-'riie entire brigade of some 3.00O iox miHlnflr lUHbaud. 'Jho parties nand assninea tho dlH^ of n courier, in tl ~u ni.': heh or HiO 'li;;.i h.:^;i urdj:r.'U out. 'All will h* in reserve, at the an nor io.s except, (10U who will do guard duty at tho liepois. Severe II iirrienne Olt'l'lji (hIjiiuIii, meet at Compostelhi, whero Ooipit Vas- quev. ami Hita, iiis newly umrried wife.aro also staying, on (.heir honeymoon. The unhappy Grigg, unablo to explain to bin real nponso tho reason- of bin absence, ai that would neceasltnte hisi tolling her of 'Ain.'Ki.Asn, N. Y., .Win. l!. Advicoa his ufTIanccd Wpanish bride, gets his fiiendu fi-.:it*;'iie FijrUiiiiiiUrepo-.-t ihiioiTurpimi'ft to help him get out of the dUtleiilty. ThiH the.-cor." !iun.*ii:ane whioh did great dmn- they do by concocting acock-nnd-bull atnry j, ;,.').i .i:"n;,i;i'; i,d onpiiiy -ai ,-lioiv and 1" which Grigg poshes as a hero, and his (T.'u-i-'l : jOw-^m," ;,;![,, ii .' ^., -'I'n.i l.jii'lv "Wife is tlici'chy haMfr-:ied. X'n fort una tcly, Opiiir, Capt. b'urgusoii, irum Sydney, Im-zund tlie-hulroues n:c)-:.i;; ir tem- N. S. W., Xuvemher 0, for Fiji, was wreck-! porary chief, whom thoy blackmail under edonaieefiiear Lovuka. An unknown ' throat of exposuro to blttdawfirinqimmor acboonor foundered uearTavuIna, and se'v- W)fl real chieftain U, of courBO.-rocognized, oral Kinaller vessel* woro loat along the claimed by his wife, and welcomed by hia coasts of the islands. Many bulldingworo . lieutenants, who wish to nharo In the om- unroofed and otlierwiso danutged, and the | hozzle_d funds and now plunder. Mr. and < /tiitu^t, uluiitntious ww-*" *-ivo('. Thwii* i Mrs, w -*"-****un cliurches at Suva were wrecked, and tlio customs bonded warehouse at that place Wiw destroyed. TJio largoHtigitr mills there were not injured. Grigg return fQ tholr auburbau home Tho play opens with a pretty aot ahow- 1 Ing tho brigands' rendezvous*. Here enter i thotwolIoutenants.SaucboandJoHij. Thoy begin quarreling and uro stopped by tho chieftalnuss, who maidenly appears and. jingH a charming song "Let- othery seek tho peaceful plain" wlih very pretty chorus of'"Vive la Jtoina." To makoeuro of tho "ladrones' law" tlio gang consult Acoordln^ to n Gorman pliyalolnn, thn art of wiiHhln^ thu linndn Is not nxi <m$ one. To hiHiiro abfioluto oleanHnonH thu haudJJ|iiifc ho ilrnt euro fully washed with ; potnuh, tHflnp-ttttd^y'jdji,r,.nnd then with > \ fVper-oont nolution of oiirliillio-uid^or__om. per 1,000 HolutUm of eorroaivo Hubllmato or ehlorinu water, Whun-tho flngor nalhi are dry and break easily, viiHelino rubhe'l en after washing tho IihucIh will do a world of good. Maniorirea llrnt batho tho hand a long time in hot wiitot, then with Hohauirf and knives eloau nTid cut the naila, ra move thu Huporiluoi'm uldu about the onyx, then jjollnh the nailu with buekHkln and fine powder, washing tho baud agnln In hot water with soup. After drying, tin: miilH uro polished witli a flue briiflh nnd jro'linnlly rnbbod with a rosy untjuont to Hive thorn a shell pink. Cuiem 1'or Tlmtiltn. Tho Spnrtun mother was pale and rea- olutc. Ilor bund trembled as it rented upon thu armored Hhoulder of her only, son about lo go forth to battle, her roil lips worn, Bot sternly and her eyes wero dry, **JIy boy,." oho nuid Holcmnly, "cotuo track with your shield or upon it, and thanl: your lucky stars it's only war, and not football." With her benLsoii then ho departed. Puck. ______^________ l.oft llr Thoro. Lecdfl Hello, Mansfield. I thoughT you wero going to spend the winter in ' Florida? -j j Mapsfiohl joaterday. _ -...-.+ , Loods What wati'tiu! mntLerV Didn't | iho'cliniato agi'oo witli you? j Maiisliold j Trutli. __ . I (Sad .V;t ,i\-f'.'- \-ii\ It .'.mi!; l'.vUtrv. Air. Koodlu (who has just boon nar- (-- Kr.=j*j3iy- ilon'fc you laugh? ' I don't beliovo you ap preciate tho story. " ; Alisa Canst iquc On the^^ontrary, Air. JTooflles, 1 havo always said it was a tfood story.-r-Chicujfo lleoord. For tho benefit of every one who wishes to invent in n few shurett of . , . , . Ontario Permanent ^Building: and Loan ,'will Stock, J. R. Oliver, ^eiuM'itl ,.fa ba in town for'a i'ow weeks an be pleaaqd to^ explain the workings of this APrtociation. A post card or letter mailed toEasex P, O. will receive prompt attention. X B. OLIVER, - AGENT. I I I HI ^^^MM^1.^^il^ J. GOUKLAY & SONS, ESSEX. NT. - - s^N~'-.1v.Svi,',w-ir ^gg^^T^^s i should bu formed, but will outer the Vigi lant in the trial races. An Awful DmucHtfO trntindy. KAlIiM'iNT, Minn., Jaip II). Sam Ilotei- i;iKi a fanner living five miles south o. here, went to the house of T. Ik Whitney, his father-in-law, and shot and killed both of the old people and his wife, who Intel left h'im and gone to live with her parents. After committing tho murders Ilutelhig tied to his own house near by and barri caded the doovs mill, windows, in imtiei- patiou of a siege, iie kept tlio sheriff's posse at bay. until morning, when tho 'house watt riddled with bullets. An en trance wiw forced uftd Ilotoling was found dead, having shot himself in tho head. A Now Yurk'llrulciir'rt Hltf Uolibory. Xj:w YouK,-dau. lll. Kd^vin O. Qulgloy, the senior uiernher of'the^vt'll-known linn of Qijjgley Sf Tuttle, bankers and brokers, Wall street, was arrested yosyirdnv ou thu charge of robbing the Memuitilc Nathmal Bank of $M-l,U00 by means of getting loans on liogus municipal bond*- which lie forged., .lie confessed bis guilt and exonerated his partner front all blame. Quigley will probably make no defence, carbines, .SOU pounds of cartridges and aa \ but follow- the, example of Seilley aiiu dynamiiu hand grenades of foreign make, t plead guilty in order that ho may "begin A native was captured with a note from I his sentence at once-. Wilcox to Koweliu, proposing that aa I , .....7~7~^~"~T~* thoy were defeated they should sei/,o the . ,r l^frCuuuiu' Trail. meamt:r Kaala which bad anchored six MAiiiiw. Jan 10 ~1 ho members of tbo ,,'iiiertup.mJ coupon be.: way to Kahuka, Iphamher of Deputies from Porto Ulcc K to Maui and tneroset up a government ! h'iv. u^cd tuaf lor lv f0/11' "ot "^ <Mn move w^j.vcveiHed. i ^n tho lnoau, v vondi between bpan ,ii i- i . .i i. ,ii,- i ' and. the United.States upjm the. ground (Jharlo, Lamb tarter died at ;> a. in. and ,Llmt Purt0 Kict) sllL,fU. tircZui>\:i miC Ma. death c.eauuLa proiuund seusat ion. not t0 thu UniLtiil States.' Apart from this llu was a young man ol line, presence, uu- the oppoIrioi to the ne* commercial in-, usual ability, and high i t-lullrilll<a,lC U not .serious, njJ,Uougk some 'iii Uereitd Aniorlcn'u Cup. Xkw YortK, Jan. 10. The syndicate formed to build a yacht to defend tlio A.merica's cup, composed of W. IC. Van- deiliih, K. 1). Moroni and C. Oliver I.selin. will award ilni eumract for building thu Pcilro Gomez, the lawyei* and astroi->gur yacht to lierivrdiof. Jbi'has two deslgiiw j of tho ladrones, who "expounds the law randy,'nnc for a keel boat, and the other a on the usual conditions" and explaina'.iow, iv :it re-hoarder. Mr. I sella has not yet i why, and wlion tho first stranger who announced which kind of a boat will bo comes into their midst Is to bo dieted built, but ho is known to be in favor ot j chieftn>u. After a pretty trio the Iwllita thu keel model. It- is possible that tho : clear nit and Klta coinen on andsljg.s a other ilesigu may be taken by another delightful song about "tinkling dieop-1 syndicate. George Gonhl^vill not build a bulls,".tho while.the Angelus is Jiui-d in ' yacht or eiiter auotlier syndicate if one tuneful tintiuiiab;nlation. Presenly en-. i&ZSif tors Count Vasqutv* in tho guise of ifcmop- hord. After singing in a quintet will tho bandits Count Vastniez and Klta joji in a fine duet, during which Vasquez dd'-s ids disguiso and appears in the linifori of a Spanish otlieor. Having gono o| into captivity the tourist Grig^'appears q snap shots bopt. Ho explains liiy objec:t*u an I oxtremoly funny song, "Froip U'd: to Uock," and as ho U taking a photogiph is liimself.takrm ]n isonel^ This scon ends witli a very comic trio and a Holeroiince, j Thu second "act opens en il very;retty typical Spanish scone, representing le ex terior of a potiiida, or inn, in a pictinsipio Kheljay'o Livtr Loneuneo are not briiiR- i-jff tho doud tii bf*i or porforrntuii unheard of miracles, but tt: y are bninjini* healdi imd Ruiihlnno to many -a b(ime_pr^y_ioutdy clottiU'd with trrmbles resalrui^ from h;V iism-rtf and Loip'-l 'ivi.t. *io eta. a liox * at ull tlrug tt >ie. lo|>nlur Sv er ywIif r*. I Be^iuoin^ wi'.li a humII toeal nale in a ro- i tail ilru^'.fl'xri', t|.o biim.enf; of Uond'a Bu- ; napariJbi h:i3 steadily incre^H-.'d' until then.' ' HIS -TfiJUIVJlP.H ... ThiH' Machirio consists of a horizontal cast cylinder, with wrought iron bnis, witli ficeol.'tooth bolted,to tJio cylinder a.ias to bo rovorsiblo whon tho. ' tooth Itocomo worn on tho front flirh*, rnnningin ti perfornied concavo iron flioll, which the-shollcd corn paasoa through into n-shect iron c-iho, with a fan or clouior attached bch'w, which'takes afcl tho dijst from tho groin. Tho cheapest, bos fy most simple and dnnihle Power Corn Shell or in nab; ehoUs corn poi'rcuny oifcan l. any >oi cliticn shrilling and cloauing from ono to .two... thousand bushula of ears per day. according la puwor. . - ,,>J' Dimensionh. Pulley, 11) in. diam eter, fl in. face; Molion, 300 Lo 800 rcvohitione per minute; Woh'ht, C50 Ibsl EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED- :- .. ____ J. COURLAYB& SONS. IOXF0RD Zr- FUMiCESl ft*** m-'er. <>t five com- in-M'j.' k\ illn^-or hamlet in tho Uui'eif States whore it is unknown. j To-duy.IJoodn Sariiapurilla standn at tho ; ^j^, bond in the medieino world, adtnireil in 1 ff** prosperity and envied la rount by thonn- audaofwoii] competitors. It bus a larger sale than any other medicine befare tho American public, and probably ('renter than ull oth^r Hfirpuparh'bitt und blood.pnr- ifioi combined. Ruch Buccova provos merit. If you aro nick, U it. not.the mediomo for you to try? Huod's Suraapahilh't Gurus. WOOD and... COAL ..FOR ALL SIZES OF BUILDINGS.. Capacity from 10,0(30 !o 80,00 Cubic ^ecf- 'CVCLONB STGEL RADIATOR II.: l.H-i , . ,. ' .11 ( ,..j, ji, ,,-,. i.Miii .-1*. oi i iie ..'.nnvcutiuii ,voii-u liM.jtfii i.iu.i.'new eoustl-' iuhoa ut.-r year and v.T;i~'.';'.tpee|i'i[ i.u 1 j*- a leader in thu ;:ombit; ^i'.:sion of tim Ivgi'.nkL- turutali.:niu^h harjiy tlih'Ly yuiu-a old. ilo Was the eld'^t sou ol! the into Hawaiian minister at \Vasliiutoii, I Tenry A. Carter, "iiaii.1.. nephew ofCliijf .lustiee Judd. ilo icaw". a wido-v and two cbihlruu. . Jmig Widumim'fl bn Carl was with the reVioltt, < ;......- ,..--.......... .-........- id^ii'Liu. hiw was doclurodearly Monday ; iiintress annrngtho people. uioiniug. Aboutsixty arrestHorBUspoctod . ---,_---------------------------- -------- pcoiuus have boon made, including many * N,> H-.vnuin m <-r..M.. teiuling loyallts. 0. B. Wllsou and Hum ;Vienna:, dan. l!k-vL)esp;irenoH fro r L'arKurai-onot Buspeotud Of'comphuity. Athens w-y that mass'lheotli.j:;* am ludd llenHuiHl i aiiioi nJ l-'<-,-:m .'.iian r-i, lii:i(','.V'-n,rt.- l-'.j ;i . 'i.u;-';, ineei'T'o'i;', of uiieiunloycd '.i".,.rk..:::".i. '.lie !.i r ;rst emu- of ^.','V'i l.n:f.*..t:t -i1.!'. brewerfi, were held lu Krio'lrieh-shain ye.sterday. The entraiiees to i he.'park and the roads luad- i:i;; thereto won- ^inr.-il d b;' stroni,' I'f.rcer. Vte- Kolutions were adopted declaring that only active MueiiiUHin can relievo the proBont Uiek.irdgot tho gunsMont bore nod will daily.In uuiuy-paruof Grerf^c to^protesb , will alsoBuvl^AvholancW tbtm. agamat. tlio increase ot taxation. VV+rrle-, lioththe'AshfordHureln jail with Pytorr ' I'luch .excitement U nuvn If listed. tber have Hod, Crelghton, Wenden>urg .aud Testa. ;Uuii up outhratkaiwyap unci. -* revolu- wUo,wordle*dta--witi^^ , V; ^ DA>,V01! OF LAWtONF.a.- ." village on a winding stream, with bridge In tho rear, and charming lamjpe- us a background. ^The Count onlei opens with a tuneful touor song In iionthuental style, with refrain of " the Karly Morning." After n plt.nb ' " " Is a y rp en Dll- I p.h'nru'i bf'irold waHbers, UTara'qillta s l,, .1 . : _i" Ibip,". G .i . , " wnl. in"*" idToei'ive u:coiupanbiont.. The i-ouut and UU a-enll tin ir tiro; happy m-.-dlngatth v.nt (b.a Olseaux, In I'aris, wlieiio, bfii.g^pud'di and she Eu/f!ish, the^ti- versod In French, "so'.tluib uono Parhdun vlsltom could, under'il*' them.' Upon this they break out to what. Was_ undoubtedly til'" tin aw Jug. tTi{h was a duot, "Ah, ottl, ds uno peuslonnalro," filing In HOholrj J, French, (mdUti burlosqua of grand 'ft,' As a wholo, this operjjJiLjn'lght, tt il, 'Uid.jtay. In the matter of dialog id lyrics Mr. Jinrmtnd eomcu well out 10 Inevitable comparison with procioi U- hertiuu'. operas. Ah rnUards the ' o, tubouftfhporhaiw Hoinewhat dlsappt tg In thellret not, in tho second It I* got ly very (food, and.quite equal to-Slr. ir -.SalUran. i*tihla:hest ' > ,- tio nd ok in RllEUJIATftlM CUIU-UJ IN A D.\Y.----SoUtl'l xVmorioan Rlieumatium Cure, for1 Jlheumat- um Nourulf<ia, radically cures it: 1 to ?, day. I do action fipon tho syfitem \u re- m-irltablo and myoturiomi. It roitiovoo at Oflco tho oaurtu and thu disease unmediafcHy disappears. Thu ib'Ht done gr.-^-ly benn. tit.t.. 75 oentn. Bold by ,1. Thoruo, drug. Kint. j riuco in tho world for youiuimen'*' uno u'qinon to hoc uro n Hiinineiin ' I'lrlncatfon.RlioiEliand.oto., iuthfl' PuLruitBuHJiieifn Unlvoriilty, VJn- trojt, Alluh IlliiHtratod aiitaloduo i "Kroo,' Itcforonci'H : All Detroit. W. F-JEWRLUProM. P. It.-.BPKNCJflK,'Soo'y i W X3LXV J. JCjaJ HuloHinoh to IiiukiIo [ our Himiy Catnidlun (J) own Kmuory Htoplc, Wo , | gmtrnutcn tititiiifiititlan tn lojifuuuututlvoK ilnd , iuintmneie. Cur nurnnri'.'n aro tho hivyoiit in . t,h 4>L>iniijlrni, ovttr 700 urvu. No BUbtltitntivt't In ordoru. Kxeluoivn territory and lihoml turnih I to wbolo or part dine nixentfl. Write on. . HTON10 A-.WKLLINGrON, (Hoiul oflloe) Toronto,Out ! ci'im nnly noruory tn Cinfailn jjiiv|ii-tiiiUira^.1 WOOD FURNACE HEAVY ORATG, ospoolally- -. adapted f or wood bnndiif* Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box D6i|ie'"^f mid Rndlatttr, wlitcti . hoaD*^1*^ (pdekorand aro moro diimblo ~**S* RADIATOR of McKlorn ConHtnio- * tlon (und Groat Heating Poivet LARQG ASH PIT ' w* Ctiw- &*~ IS** _______________________________ SiC:Full Guaranteed Capacity^SuknHdwsTiHOHiALuoflK;^' B** ....Manufaohtrod by.... gthe GURNEY FO0NDRY G0MPAMY Ltd., TORONTO. -X OXFORD WOOD PURNACC *> GOAL FURNACE -^ La*eo Combuotipn ChamberHjft LoitgriroTrauel.eaclrollngradlator ,-JZ Lnrxti Heating, Surface -wjj> Largo Food Door* ^s> Sectional Firo Pot "*^ Rotating Bur Dumping Grate OjgjBP AH PUT cwdfof... -m - .-jggp ho .Simplest, Strongeit, olld , Top Receiver. mARLIn K-llchteut, Giwlest.. Working, Most Accu;aoto, Cooipiul. Most Modern uml progrvsnivo ' r*r crtftjloituti.or hu'eraiiujon witto,to MARLhW FKZB'/MIMA C Ww Haven, C' :* V Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Expasitloa ." .... fl.i, Scad two-cost Utnp for our 94-paffe CaUIoguo-A work of Art. - ( Monarch ' . ' ' Ret iH Salesroom, oSo^Wnbub Ave. Ukc^ HUt^5ts; tHICAQO, UA~ i~i'i iii! i i~iili7nii-iMi*ir 'i -in.------------ h::- Vtu\\<::^~^^^ 'A'l. '.'i ^y^:^^^:^^^^^^^^^^^^ 7" *i~ 111 v. tb5 -. .*.

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