Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 25, 1895, page 2

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'"7 'tvn I*,, ^ 'i'fa'plw (V,1. TUB 'F:SSXX FREB PRESt ..X- ;*. . -THE- a Vu-.-"-wV'"' .ESEX^REETIU Published Every Friday Morning From thecfllooln the InduHtrhd Woikn UoUdlnRi-Talbot Ht. Spoaiul attontlou in paid to MMi pubtluu ftiob of tutUtur of looal iuiportunoo^ ncour* %teuid ratable reportu of Town, neighbor ing Town bin ami. County Oounuil proceed ibUtf, local ind oouprty market reportit. ole,, tho caref uJ and judioioutt mnUaK'-munt of Ijik Fmck 1'michh, with reupuut to thouu and other ourronfc matter* of loaal importance, haaKivouit a whhiHprmid .pnmtiKo in tliu entre of Kanex oonnty.whieh in reeojinizt'd as oiio of the hoHt ugrioultiind diwtriot in Ontario.. This tfiusis Pukwi ih tho only medium circulating thoroughly in thu. ooutru! portion of tho Coiuitv, and in eon- cquontly.without doubt,tho only thorough tdvtirtiimitf medium for bumiuxm people wIhIiuik to roach that oIiihii of cuHlomojrii. COHHKHl'ONDKNCU. Onr uolumuH aro idwaju open for the peaooahlu dinoumnou oLmMtera pertaining to tho public wolfure. Ablu eoriet'pondouU in all tho fiUjpTfffind- .ng looulitioti l'"""j[ Vf'il'ligiVrT^*""^" "i vutitH orjAitor^f^Jciirriiii! iiitnoir wwernl T pulilhiher in at all tinio* JTcoivo intuiiiHtinj; itumn ol fy di.ipomal to forward cuntri JnitniciLtiona of a private nml inl niituro, nliould ho no unukod thoouodda of tho onvidnpOy bOiiticuii'TioN riticr. SI,00 pur urtnum, utrictly in advauety "LBOpor annum if not ho pajd; ami nil .irroar,1' obarnod at that rato. JLlWIJUTIHliSIHSTH.' Tranwionb lugal ami numimpul udver tiHomontw, notice*, elo., elmi^d ri tho rato of tc-n eenta ptjr'lum* for iin;t. imitation, and iivo nonld per line lor ouch n'loHL-qnont mm-ninn. All huuIi jtdvortiHomcntu aro mouhtued by a no ale of twolvo ImoHto thu inch. . Local readme; and, other notice!! pub ' liuhad itmonH local imws matter chur^ud itt tho rato of ton. cmi'9 per runuius lino for eaoh insertion. Adl-wtiooa of-churuh or Mctdely ne'er lalumuntn of. any cleaerip'.inn, at which an ftdminaion foo ih churned, arc regarded advurtiaoinouU, and lull advortifduu rate-i charcod intdl huc|i cilhi-h. Noi-ieoa-cLiiiith- oriu'Mrf or-.mootinnn not for pecuniary lx-nt- Ufcor aid. will bo ohcarfuily p.ihliHhod f.-i-i- nf charjiu. , Hprni -il'contriiol rivtCH in mi: lor diHpri> or hla'ntliiig udvth. All W^\l nrprnfemion- h\ oar lu uri'lor ouo inoU, J"j lu-r :tuimm. JOU OH COMMEUCIAI. PUIKTINO. Tho 1?iif.h Puiiris ' .lob lVintinii Du- nartrriont . in luuor tho Rupervixion of thoroughly oorfip^tont mKohsiuio-, and -ipcoiul attention ia paid to tlm= hi.i'.-oh* fr -t.ii.. tr'id". ..()lr, f>ti*i.r-i-*- for lilo UAOCULiuIi ul. t-li l.i.:l.. i.'. \'i-io':\ -u.". Fiuo Job Priritiutj-aro uuoxcidlnd. Stouin power prGRfleo. A. oall Holicitcd. nUMINKSQ lli:ai!IJ.VT[ONH. "A.U' dob Printing and Transient AdvortiHinfj accouuLH, utriotly canh. Advorfciiiiu;^ accouutn with roj;ul'*.r patrouH aro BoLtlod quutftoHy. Bub- Hflriptiona duo iu advance. No aubacription to tho 3?bbk 1jiu{hp, or advortiHoraout publiHhod v^iu columns' Will bo dincontiuued until fill arrpars nru paid in full. ChanjeH for adyertismnontH, to yeouif inoortiou in tho cur met iaimo, muHt hi: handed in not later tbati noon of tlio Tu.-f- day procodiuij, and notico of nno\i int'UMi od chfiiigo in required on thn Monday pro coding. Nolic2 ol diHfiontiuiiiincfj of aiivai Li'.:- mentti munt hj jivi*u at lunHt one wa-.k in arivanco of tho inmi'i in which Ui-jy arc deniri-d to |aht uppiiur. ADVKHTlSiKllrf, KubHoribura find patrons ut-uurj-lly a\r roqueBted to vca} tlio idjovu r^^nlutionn carefully; ' in urdr tint *conln->ion run. bo av'jhied, an they will in all cat-.en be ndhornd to. AddroHS all uo.ninuuiciitiouH to K. J. LOVKL'KJK. J'ublihlior tho Mhsisx Fuki: I'l-.n^i;, Kiitinx. Out IN DffliN W TROOPS Militin and KgJic.o^^JiiaUlo to <>pe Wlrirtttii UrooUlyft^irikcra, LINES COMPLETELY TIED UP the Ci)in|miili V\\\A It Iii)|ohnII>|o to 'lluil Tlitdi* Cur* N>ii-l)l<Hi AlotoruxiU ~ i>o**ii-t Tliulr INwU ItlotiMin I>o- KtfttvlH nt Av- ' l>ltriitl<iii Ar FiitlU. nuooKTA'tf, Jhm. 31. Tho ontlro aecond hrl^iuh-, narionat ^niu'dM.stiit.oof K(wYoi'k nearly 11,000 Htroiitf, failod to roatoro order In Brooklyn on Saturday. Tho troopf rcHpoiuk'd with Riirprlfdtig proinpthcK^ to tlio call. Thoy ptirformed (jjnavil duty at tho dopot of thu trollfjy limm ami rolievi'd tho pollco, liul, tins latlor wore not ahlu to provont thoKiiohhinjv -offcara and imnanlt.H upon eiuplnyi-H at otbor poiutH. Trolley wlroH woWi cut.niotonullHablt'd, wuvn men atoned and inaltreat'-d and other disturb- ancL-fi woro kup^t uV with noarly tlio Mame .dlaropavd fnr tl>c authorltioH tljat haa pre vailed all tho'./mik. Thn uoinpaal'cHfaib'l to innko K'Wd their promise to operaloa!! Ita HneaXf afforded protection. r/iipu at opening new-linon wcro'at- tiiiidod with slight Kuuct^sowliiK tf> hick of capahlo uw.u and to Urn dot.fU'iniuud op position of th'ohti'ikoi'M at. points not covir ed by police or troops. Tho uxtrub of tin- trolley routes and the method of the molts DISSOLUTION IN SIOflT. , 1Cyl4l4)nfiN"Tltnt *4 (*uiiDrul Kloctton U Not I'nr Off. OrrAwsA, .Tan/liK Tb Cnbliiot"innt. ys- Urday, Th^Prt)tnhtr wh-i not rpnni;nl.;p Tho ulHt,uti"""^L'i,o I Com MiiHurs. Mnntii- '- , jAiitJwriuuh notliinw ollh-b^ wan kIviiii out, it 1m onduratood thoh' mviw u talk, about (llasoltitlou, but iiothhiifd<iflij[t<> wan du- oldttd. XcmoNTO, Jan. ID. An nvonhijx paper publUliiiH tho rollowlnj;; "Thorn will ho a Koiiural olootlou fortius ilouso ofCominonn bfeforo tho snow la olt Mio Kroiind. This may ho tuktm na anafiauiud fact im luforni' iition on tho matter oomen from too many well infonuod houvcom to permit of doubt In thu mitt tor whatuvtir. Tho onlyquoH- "Ttloiflu U4 to thu uxact date on which poll* Iuk will taku pbiro, but. thoKouoralopinion la> will be noma time in April, a.i the Data cannot well he not nsitdy heforo then. Tlie old campaigners lu both parllen can not j.;ot thtdr armor cm too noon, aa the whole Dominion will In a taw woeka he riiiKiut! with' tho liummt hattlu that has, takun phico in ('auada ainco tho National Policy victory of '7H. Hamilton, Jan. 10. Sir Vrimk Smith, of Toronto, wa In the city yea turd ay, and wAit naked if thoru was any lllcellbood of it Konoral olootion IjoIiijj; hold shortly or If another suifiHion of 1'arHamoiifc would bo bold. JIu replied: *'I can't tell you, but It will bo decided this work by thu Cabi- uot." ' ;: <- . Trmltf In tin* Iximlnlon. NKW Yokk, Jan. 10. Hrad^treot'y says: Toronto reports a mode rato vol u mo of trade, with Homo .improvement lu orders which melted away at tho appearance of for |,i:avy and suaHonablu-Knoda and a fair blue jaeUiits, and re-forinod a^ain in a manner that would do credit to tho com- munlst.'i of 1'nrin, irfYect.unlly prevented tlie pnlieo from maintainintf peaee.- Thero was clubbing In plenty and a few arrests wore miid', but the disorder continued all day. mont hoped to obtain thu Usuauce, of a maiiila- I ]n"lV(i i,L,un disappoiulin^' low and p'rolUa. mil* coiu]irllhi^ the railroads to ran cunsuqiiently inlefferwd with. Tho siMin- outlook. More than usual dullness Is re ported by Montreal jobbers, tho naloom* in feature In thu Pruviueo of Quebec be- iny thiit purehaserrt havo lony heou con- lined to actual wants, ho that* liabilities aro smaller thai*'usual. Iu Nova Scotia -,-.. All efforts at elTeetint! a settle- | L|l0 volume o trade Cot- the yi;nr haa about by arbitration are olT The men l^miHed oxpttetathjUrt, although prices their ears iu ncuordaueo witli 'the prove. Ions of their charter, but Judj;e t'ullen de cided auain.Ht tlutin, Imldin^ thai, the e<r- poniUona should not be held re-sponsilde tcj operate then*.lines wbib' tiou hi Xevf fouiLdhind remains uiichaned, with the outlook not eucuuni'yhiK- Hank cleariii^s at 3i"ihnipet;, Hamilton, To- run to, .\[i!it.real and Halifax xnre^ato ^'.i.'Ob.) tliis week, Last week the total prutection I'roni'violenee was not furnUhe/l W]ls .v..':j)t):io,0.K) ami in the weidc a year a;^o by the city. it. was $i:j,7U7,(XM, Thorn an! Cl business A.t 10 o'clock at nlfdit Major Coclinm, of failures repOrteI from thu'lJoininion of tho lJlth Regiment, wiUi three companies, relieved Col. I'Mdy,~of the ITi h He^iinen:. who was on duty with two companies a., tho stables of the UrouUtyu Heights rail way at Alabama mid Jamuiea avenui'.^. After Col. Kddy had started away wltlvbi - men a iiumber of spectators gathered about. Col. Ivldy bad only ^iim abo.i: Canada, this week. Last week tin: total was r<;{, and one and two years a^o respec tively it was ! and IJU. Ar.ehpint on t In"<i. T. U. London, Jan. 10. The Lehigh O. T. It. express ran into a horse'and cutter which was bein*^ driven, by Mr. Robert, Hazard, five blocks when Major Cochran ordered St, Paul street, Luiidon West,, at the Uyde / j COPYRIGHTS. ^ CAN I OBTAIN A PATENTS Fur a Rroiiuit uiirtwur ainl im Imin^t (jplnlon. v;rite x<> Ili'NN" tV* 4 UK, w tin huvc li:ni in;:trlvlll'ty yeiir.-r ccpeot'iVci) tn thu patent Ijii^itie^r, ('imn;im;ict- ttoiisniiiialy ciititlilfitatnl. A llamUmok ei; iit- Jorniiillon enntj-riina; Ciirt'ntH nml lin\f tn (.d- tlll.l f.lieiMPvn* l'r:'i'. Alsn n . nu Ol UJVfhiwi- lc;i) niiil M'leiii.iliii (mii: i >sii tin-, I'nti'iiTH i.:it;i:ti li.i''K Mi.;(ii f; Co. rei-rlrc nnei:iiil'iu)Mt:-Miijli*.i>eii'iiiliii: A inerieiu-.. ;iml thua are laonurtt hi-inr,, i\\.-: rni,ii,- :. u :t. OUt Cdsr. tO tllll'tllVi nini1. 'I'ln.J fMfMIUUI p.'H'i'I, iimuoil weekly, iK'^;iii::yilluMi-iitc i,1j;i. hv i:,[ im- Ir.rtre.Ht tiireiilatina ol miv bcu'htiiiu wuri; iu th(- Wni'lO. i.i',1 a v-.'iir. ::.;:iit>lr ci.iiiribrm.iiec fuitldlnt,' Kilitluo. iiinniiily, n y-i'.r. Single cnplus, ti."i eiiii'.a. Kv^ry ir.imlMS' i:u:ii:niis Ih.iii. tljul pinto;*, In colore, fiiul r'l'('"'i.'r;i|.ti:i <it iw\: houses, with pluim, ctnildlncaiillilers t.- > kIhuv tin; lat.eur (i"wli/n:i nml nc'iirn cnnirii' 1*1. \Oilr.. ( MUX J cv co ni;>v Viiuif :;jji iiau-i.-v.-.v ------------------------ ^>.-------------------------------------------- A "TmBt" Wl.lch Km I*oi>iilnr. Thoro ih a great deal of indignation felt against trnyta The Sa^ar Truut, the Stand- ard Oil Trust, tho Wehdi Tin J?lato Trust, the English Bait Trut, and other combio- atioun of the kind, aro vigorously do- noulined-,and it ia u utihjoot of controversy wJi'ativJC thoro are mare triiHts in Englatid than America, anil whotLior protootion or froo trado fobteru thom. But thoro is one tn*"v r,t t.fiiiif. uKuiiiol (wVii(*ll 'no OHO ban .. ".'" : : p't,"iHo rr p -, en ;n Ho M m BaraapTiIla. r---"*,r* -----*------------- l[eurt Dinbase R dieved in CO Minuton All oimoa of organic or faympatliotic heart dipoaea relieved in 00 minute a and quickly ourod by Dr. Aguow'flOuro for tho Hoart. On doao aonvinosa. Sold by J. Thoruu. Dcu^gitit. . ' Moaas imparo blood, and overwork or too Kmoh Htr&itt on brain and body. Tho only '"^ay ti>.onto in to food thu ttoKvaii on pure blood. Tliou*umdn of pooplo cottify t\iat lif< bout blood ptin0e^ tbo host uorve tonin '"' ttriol atrontith builder inood'aiga.rnapH.riIla. "What it has dona for othora if will alno do7 .,. his men to charge. The ctot/iI then scat tered in all direction-i andlibe soldier. 'pursued the I'li.^itivi'.-) for s/v^eral blucki. Ln tho chase several persons wore knocked down and tr/impled on and several weiv iujiiri'd by havino; the bayonets of the fioldiors thrust, into them. One oian was stabbed iu (he from and i.s now at >' '.. Mary's hospital, likelv to tlie. Ku^'fi \Villlams and Philip Ti^he .were al'-o injured-. A ft or t he eliar^'.'. hnw(iver, t he ri'Ml /d . h.'e:iin-' .' . licl-r'.', '. I; d i: Jl 'Ll^f resort to keep' tliein back Major Cochran recalled Col. Kddy. 'In tho charms. Mal colm \V. Wood, a private, was hit with a stone, lie in now in tho hospital aulTering with a fractured skull. Four companies worp stationed at tbo stablea with 100 policemen and a squad of 25 mounted met], Tlie ppliee closed all tho saloons in the. neighborhood at midnight. There special effort, made b'y tho. railroad companies yesterday to move ears on tho tied-up trolley lines, but Mayor' Schieren took hold of the strike with new determination. Public indignation at re pented disturbances in spite of police and militia and public discomfort due to the failures of tin; companies to restore t he operation of their ro.-.ds even with t he aid of pul'ice and troop-; stirred him function. He sent for the strike leaders and also for the railroad prcsidt.-uts and bad a pro tracted conference. Thu Mayor decided to call upon the Co- veriutr for nmre t mips, and issued a pro clamation warn lug the people from gather ing in crowd's, and states that the police and militia have been ordered to dispciv.n any unlawful a*semhlat;'. There were a number of minor disturb ances during the day, and some men and boys were niTested-for stoning ears. One car was started on tbo Atlantic, avenue system, but after running it short distance tlie motornian deserted. The strikers claim that ten of the new men emploj'ed by tlie company have deserted. The wires of the Fulton street road w.-re cut at, .^ttinc- avenue a lUt le before three o'ljfick yesterday and at six o'clock .wires on I be i-anie route at r-aekiuan street were found severed and. sputtering on the tracks. '1 be ivpair waggon got both these breaks patched up without, interference. The police aro looking for four strikers who are alleged to have held up Kruest Kludi. and beaten him into insensibility. Kindi took the place of one of the striking e.iiiilufi'O's of tbo Fifth avenue line. Ho was going to w'ork and while.on his way to the depot was set upon by u gang. One of his asMiilauis beat him on the head wi; !i ;i revolver, cut Ling iii's scalp in seve ral places, lie nayu he can identify the men. Herman.Brunswick, a non-union motor- , man, was e,oing home yesterday morning fnnn the |wjwer house u ml was turning'the corner of Fulton ttLreef and My-u^* avenue w hen ho was recognized and set upon by a crowd of meip One of them struck him on ijie head, knocking him down. Several 'policemen rushed up and scattered tlio crowd. John- Duffy, -\'i years old, was ar- > ivstfd on suspicion of being Ibamswick'a assailants. MAN NOT FROM MARS- Mr. "W. Q, JtutsBf V- T. H-, ThJnltB Mmililod Cuilio JKrum tl><* Moon, lll'i .varlouM' Vhiwa en the Hiihjw-t of Mara are hnport- luit If true; Iu any event theyaro In- torostlnir. Bub I woh aorry to aoo a recent writerdouy- hiK tho posHlblllty of tho ourtli becom ing cooled and forming on tho outoldo rt crust, on tho ground that tho learned profosnora might not be able to make a pot of molten ateel cooloiTlh tho hiliiid way. ,Vo bavnmany exmnplen in naturo, and t;omo In pliyutology, allowing how fluid-massoa, moving hi the uqulvnUmt of" apace for a moan of mtdteti now matter, can accumu late to thoniHulvoH iin outer cruat and move a hallH or apherolda In tho general- niaaa to whbdi thoy. wore before homo- gen ohm. Thin haiiponn in the dlgeiitlvti tract, uh wliou amull nuiMHOH of: Hcruni or mueoua li^oomo covered with a tough Hkln, nuder which the imdde la perfectly lluld. It almilarly takea place in^,tlmao_anoa of crj'Htalination In wbleh""TIv7) hard atone hnldti In ita flentre a qimntif.y of uncrystal- Jl'/ed Uuld*nnd aome only partly changed And if to this we add the factn well known about voloauot-H-and the melted .njnt.iirial. they throw out, as well iu ~tho"*ohsVrvu tions of vaat, HUbterram I'lm fires Hoen a i be ^:i t;("":' 1 '-I1'11 a -reat uunmer < r mei.p i. bowela of partly active volcanoes, there m^ J 1 Park crossing of the Crnud Trunk yester day morning, and imlnirled the driver and horse in t\ J'righl ful way .and hinihii.-il tho cutter into kindling wood.. An in (pie" t will he held on Monday, a jury being i!iupatttdhM.l~by\IJet'M-'H-v*i Ward. ..The do- eeased leaves a wile and child in Loudon West, For a couple- (if years ,bu has re sided on Oxford st reet but recently moved.!. i,..;i( '_ n:i ,..,,.) to Paul street, liulllclent ground for believing that, the earth was once a maas of fluid iu spuco. We have to hellevo in one of three ibeo- rlcs, It hN'cms to me. That tbo earth and all planets were created especially and us they aro by Home deity, or that It is all a matter of chance, or, lastly, that evolu tion, which la in one sense a process of condensation, brought. Into visible exist ence planeta, comets and suns. The last is the thoosophical theory. In respect to such remote globes as Mam we have no menus of knowing much by 'observation, and those The,osophists who believe in the Adepts depend in that mat ter upon what the latter have said so far as it can be understood in vunv of what wo know here. T1Tivp Adepts huvu stated that Mars is not now-inhabited, but is in a pe riod of obscuration so far aa human life and energies are concerned. These ol>.- scurat ions occur at rtgular periods -separ ated by enormous stretches of lime, and they apply to the earth as well as to Mars. While tho, obscuration 'holds the planet rolls in the sky, but man is not there. Ho has gone on to aunt her body invisible to us where hV continues tJto evolution of thoso pnrts'of bis complexjiaLurii-iwidch-relntQ especially to that -other globe.' So there m~ny\vM!'lic"nrmn5phereon Mnrsnnd polar im* wi'h equatorial bent," without any sentient popularhin. The pre-ciice of. at- mospbere docs no',.-.prnve t lu* nrt; ieip'e of a pojTulation;.. ibu* absL'tice t*J a' mo-phcro only prove-, the absence of air bie;ithltig 'bel;i".-,, 'There mi-rlit w a ponnlation of! Biomn in Health That Tir&.F.Q!ing, Constipation arid Pain't^tho Bade Appotlto and Hc.-dLb S'doutorcd by Hood'a S^rfia^.Ar.Hln. Mr. Chas,' Steele Rt. Cntherliie'n, Opt, "C.T.TIOfiilf; Co., Lowell, Masi.; " For a number of years \ have b"en troubled v.'.lh an(,aeral Llrntt ft;clliif-, slnatnc.-i * of in-eaMi, /do In tlio back, and constipation. 1 ooutd v : .j., \v . . t'.-nl bad art anpctllti whatever. I wa that ti -r, T\ my Ibnljs tlmt I nave out beftee !n,u t!.e i . . one, 1 tried u|.'reat nana ^^ &?" wtires s-mreejiijjJi], upoii recotiunemlatlon of.a friend, 1. pnrclm'ied a ImiIMm of IIoi^l'-i Kir.Haparlll.i, which iniiiie me feel at fnce. I have ear- tinnufi Uh use, havi'ifi I a I; en Pircn bottloa, aau I Fcol Llko a New Man.* I M*'ve a ftood appetite, let-] art strong jin evrr I c'.ll, and enjoy perTe; t rest sit night. I have mueli plo.asure lu ree'baiTiieii'ihig Hood's Sir: ::- ;i irllla." <.:u,\.i:r.!'s Y\ /1:r.i.i:. wlih llrie Pre-,- S'-rvlng Co., i-'-\. ' ';,!!ier i! :( . 1 r*|-irii. Hood's Pi!te -o-e pn-iiM.i and 'illrieal, ye". i:-,l.-i. *0a. - Buy Your 'Harsiess South 'VoDtislec ^=^noc----= ie-T Tin: iy airless body breathers ol! le to u-j." 11'ti;-,!!! inn in tin- Ntirtliwe^i, X')Ti-.\s\ a, Jan. lit.---vUi': i-ru--ir':--Mi-Pi-R, of Calgary, .V. \V. T., who la liere 'Tur 'a week past, litis left.for Ttjronto. He wants tlie Covcniment, under the Irrigation Act of hist session, to allow thu township.of Wpringbank todivert sufficient water from JJow river and Jumping Pound creek to Irrigate .'jtl.tiot) acres to that' district. Thy Ciovernment has practically agreed tb-^-'"^v out into space a muss .of matter .In which is now our moon. Thero is tho dif- this. Mr. JjUcaH.has, therefore, been able to iloat the debentures of thu municipality to the extent of ^100,000 at ti per cent, in terest with capitalists in Toronto, llo is in Toronto now" completing bis arrange ments.___________________________ Overdrawing IIIu AiMimint Hie ('iuihh, IlAMlU'tiN',.dim. 10, The liabilities -of the linn of liowman tfc Moore, a\ ho assign ed uii Thursday, are estimatreil at .y.o.OtjO, and it is claimed tbo as^e'ts will reach .v-|."i,O0O. The cause of failure is on accmiut of one of the younger members of the IlliU Who'had overdrawn bis account-witU- tho Hank of llaniilton to the extent of ^.V,(iuo. 'J'bebank closed down on him, and a>. Mr. Moore had endorsed for him the failure resulted. A meeting of creditors will) be held in a few days. ' i an niiparen: a^ I i"' Iiionii: they .-.iiuld" bo' ':!"( .ri*'! y only cad a"*, vi- il 1 ' . ._ The" r'-phMVe^"" "I" 1 ii'-' y;;-;sis of tho earth is a revelation of what was called in the Knst mnystory of the moon. The earth im held by the Adepts to bo the ohildof the moon and not its parent. This theory is no more wild nor fanci'ul than the mod ern one, that tho earth, while cooling, I'llllt'l-lll lf StMlIlttll* TjlShl!. OTTAWA, dan. 1!). Tho remains of the late Senator Tassu arrived in tho eity last night, beitig conveyed from via C. J', it. in a ypecial car. The funeral took place tu St. A line's.chnrcj.t, thence to N'otru Dame cemetery. The pall-bearers were Sir Adolphe Caron, Hon. Messrs. Angers and Ouinret, .Sir das. Grant, I In note Uubillai'd, M. I'., and A. J>. De^Cclles Hon. Mr. Xante I and every member of the late l-ieunter'n lamily aceomiauded the remains to Oi'.tawa, Uoiil Aln?rtli'<-n'n latiilllPLit ion. -- Ottawa, .Jan. \\). It is learned on good aui liorii.y iliat Lord Aberdeen has in lieu of li is Mibseription to the I'lioiup.soa memorial luud, olfiuxl to "defray thu cost of ,-aippuri ing and educating thu late Premier's two sons, who are now :.i inlying law iu 'loroiiin until such turn- as they Ijccuiui. barristers and able tu follow ifieir pruLesMou. ' Ailueipti WOlllHU'rt SuUlloll l)<rut|l, UlJicl.l'ii, dan. 10. .Mrs, MeUouaUl, mother of Dr. .Savage, of this city, while on her way to the depot to tnko thu train to Kiora, bur former home, hecautuso weak thai she went 'into Huml's.hardware store to rest temporarily. Stimulants were applied, but she gradually grew worse and expired within a few minutes, CREAMER VISITS WHITE HOUSE. 1 Uh N't?w IVf-ach Cabinet, Vaicis, Jan.-Ub-M. l.trindcaUi mayor of Havre, and a delegaiiou from tho Ilavro niu'nicipal council, presimtod' to President Fanre yesterday an address of congratula- ,;" ip!.inhi!i' for fn\ > i ;h .-ugh Hau./.utix. L'oiucaro u.o-! oi i.'u- pea tt t'i'.'ir.uod '!>, and liiriiio.i, ad of the lastCbiur-t, and ftugime- Codefrey Cayuignac have c-jhaent- ed to .'lerve. Gen. 'Mercicr, Del Casse, Ijockroy and Thompson are mentioned an ennilidates I'or the Ministry of Marino. M. Vigor is another oi' M, Dnpiiy's collcimuoa who Is filling to-bti.a Minister again. Another VJetlm of tho tmiavan l'ir.' Aitiavy, K Y., Jan. Si.-rBanjamin. Ib.ibtmji, of liro.vibn, w)io with Ida wlfo Jumped irfen t!| in -rt-h story of r,ho Bolo- Tho I'uucu AuttiaHKautii- I'r.'iu, lai^htnd I'rtiH4'ntM ILih lli!ntoi*al, WABIIIKOTON, dan. 10.--William Kaiulull Creamei'i J^ihoral .M, P. fur a London con- stitueucy, and editor of tnu A^ii-aim*, caliud upon the ProHldont at the S^'iiite House last eveiimg'byappointment.and nreseui.ed -r^y------ J' i . i'Ui ..i .., r. pi1.. pub I lue uiUiiuo ia i-- ... '. ; . ing that all dlllon-m:.:. country and tlio L'niie'i .- bu Hulled by the Unaa! thods, tdiall be HUbtjui.etl llculty about th*\latter that if it bo tho fact, why did not the inoon develop Into a smaller earth with similar beings. It does not resemble a child of tlio earth, but it looks very like what, tlie Adepts say it la the dead body formerly u.->ed by the ener gies now at work on our globe. It is tho tlead corpse of the entity the collection of eiii-r^ics now imprisoned im the newer earth, just as if a man should now dud in some churchyard, or in Kgypt, _tbe corjiso. or mummy used by him iu a former life. Let, me restate it, There was once no -earth, of ours. Wo as souls hi bodies adapted to were on the moon and she then rolled in the sky apparently lin- rhaMeoable, but all the time undergoing with u- ln*r evolution. Dong ages passed and the ejobu reached her t ime of death, which must throw her energies into space ami cause the souls (ourselves) to travel further, seeking another "mansion in tho hutivi'ii-i." The throes of physical death then drew out of thu moon nearly all her forces, which projected into space iu the form of a subtle electricity, sought forand found a spot in space where they could re volve and evolve a new earth. A Neiltrul Spot. This would he a neutral .spot, of which theri: are uncountable nuinberjj iu the ^I-.y, The forces there revolved ami by cosmic cheiui->try and dynamics gradually con densed invisible matter in time a visible mas- of molten matter revolved in space. It grew denser on the surface ami tit last, been me an earth.. We, meanwliile, as souls, were involved in the whole process. This left the moon as a-corpse. At first it was large, but rapid ubirptioa by its child, the. earth, contracted it during ihe ages that have followed, until now it is smaller than we and compelled to circle with us about the sun until complete absorption shell have dis.Vlpa! ed the whole mass. Thif I'lices of men have to go through their evolution on the earth until they have circled round a mighty planetary chain , of which" earth is u member, seven full times, and when they are ilniwhed their, will be no moon In the sky, for she "will lje a thing of the ancient past. Mar-i is a globe like ourn and hence visible, hut he has six companions also, jua'.iuwbU-fnmily. And tbo sun. is tlio g- nt lather.oi centre.lor uieni all. In tbo cu.ionf both earth and Mars, whore a great human race dies oft' to an adjoining mem- hrrof the family to Oi-vclep one of tlio f;)e:it human charncteri.sties, the globe, ,v!ich is for a time deserted, goes iutoa of obscuration, or becomes an i '-i vrep'P'e tor I ho re- jv-r.o. Best Stock Used I And made up i i the best manner. ii Bto.ii-: of Team and Light Vki'TI09S i* l!(,w C'-mrh'te.. ,L'PRICE. T3 illl. . Wright G-. Smith, .aoEgQ & CFoaeSp, ;NUIWEUYMAN, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Tench, Pear, Plum, Apple and flu in co Trees, Uohch, Kvergreer.s, Berry Burthen, Ibispbe-rry, Blackberry and Currunt Ilgshos, Al) lirHt-duss jStoek. Have a^entH* Big Profits and write for prices. We will eheer- ttilly annWt-r you by return mail. Splendid Apple "Trees, Al m every respect, to Loan On Rood productive Form Property at- 5),ift 6 per oont. ntraiht. or ^IJL.V, t'. I. ,irtt a> i s-. b jj^tvvn.ijoj d ;i|oi;i i. a: me te .u'tai rm-ion. Anettior Itloiv ut Aue-rlcan <;:ilt,lo, WAyiUMG'roM, Jau. ut- Tho a'tato de partment hos been informed Lliatthe Jtaiu- burg auchorixica pave lerbuideu; the uii portatlon of cattle uud *.wiuu from Bug- land and Ireland, luasinnuh a a !iu-g. proportibn of tho Amonoan cauduentering Germany no through elagbtiut, this will ,- ca-.e ol r.f.'.r-, it.. : - . d.'.uet !-eat -d stue bo^ : -,ot:iy-tn vt-i'/re. u-mi none elua- iff'i- their t.\ !i:,Mid, In ' tme, afttir :iian>" ecu; itv,.- . t la; eari-ii will ho ,iruhud/ '-!i:.e,iiu*d eondii ion, and fpf returned Mnr.tlanH will (ilrii.i'n-g .:ii v.-hai.-is -..he matter with U!-,*;Y they sii.'dl not btt'"'.v inoreealiOUt tlio- Cosmos i.ha.t we p'jrm ir. uurselvcs to lourn. .My eou'dusi.-.., then, hi that \vo ciimo froni the muon tieforo ulio hud cpntraotod to h--r lire.-.-at. -d/e; (.but. iw W'o uve all v.o arrived )ierortH souls No Valuation Tees. ,.111,1; up in Ntat fc.y->. ESSEX '-Vi ;..."." './Oi:\ev."'. ii. i is in c;: . ]' >' Will' I"! maa \lu a then p- rlrtp- be ' ]>'.' tcviiiil lnjuriasi. -IIIh hrido wan badly iu- ^<iiT#id.Aiid irt dlnflinirnil -/r lli^, , . * kUUini four colored mtn and woundlntf .'- mtat- J .itwitti.' WlfUam Q. Jildgo, iu New -York r-Uerald." ; Fire and Life nsurance. ' A. E. LOVELACE, ".'...*. -ESSEX, ON? idfOfflof*: Whitney Block, upataitB |?ItANK MoCLOBKKY, M&iaBtone,"thlrty- P (levtui yoarn'oxporlonoo as unnuotlouoerm JijKJ^ouMtynfKHnex, UalAHoouduotodrromptlv, ;'n( ou roiniouahln t*,ntin. Partiofl floelritt^ to \x tbo data for .. taltv. a.u, b.v tbcmnelver h ivl by callbtu n.t tho EnBtf PhttflB ofliotf*. wo iiiv< avrninjAil with Mr* MaOIeskey *nd vrtll^flx.. _ in1 iJtttoB (or sales by toloRrttiih, entlioly froo of i Ul Ohio-Kt'to tb#pra#m hOlHlBR ttao aloT AU- irW ffrankMo01oak4y.MWitoiiCifow " -* Has Juat Receive:! TJie Finest and Best Assortment of Boots and Shoes In Essex, Great Value isi, Mon's Shoos and Oxfords, La-dins' arid Children's Shoes and Oxfords. Tho Cheapest in the Land. Cnll and EOamlno and bo Con vinced for yourscal'voR*. Jas. Douglass Sltru Ol (Hie <:<>]<t-n Itnoi, Whitn'ev Block - fpsa^ 183 Tnii- OxiTvnvATOH Country Genfl@mati i THK J1KHT OV TUK0 v AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES Dicvorr.n to Farm Crops and Piocesne^. HorticuHuro' & Fruit-growing tivo-Siock and Dairying. While it nbio iiududcii nil'minor rienurt- -'menu* of rnr?iI mur.'Ht, nu-u uh l^mliry Yard, Ento:i'oloyy, \V-a kcopih^, On-on- boir.-i; ; I ii Ornt'tiy, Vt'enunr. l:>pheH, I*11*!i ?ij 'Quefctiout und Ai.hw. r, l-'ii'i-vido U- a:lii e, l)"lil"M'(i I'ji'iirjoriiv and a ' MujJ- niuiy ni tlie new.-, . f tho w-,. 1: lu mar- U* r n.'pnrtN me ui u-nally mn.pli to und IliUfdl 'lOeliMoil IH paid to t'c j.-'Jl'.tie.-t"^ (ll ruenno t iriiporiu or ol I in to buv nr.d ulimi t . s/.l1., J; - huifurt'd and no tnu ^ niOr. . tel1 ibiUi cVt-r - 'I be j r-itiiM (*'J a() fh r tear, hi.r'n , i'il r-duorbin in our -... -.of >vlii.-|j -.- .My il.. u ,p ;nat- - Tiption. r il -ipco- CLHR KVPKS ! "[' l-f". 10 15 ; f-.--^^i i.....- . Ton-Hiib.Honptionu '*.". ' Cw'To'all now nubsuribntu vir 1 B'J5, pay inir in advance now, vt* will Mernl the pup wecrkly, from our roeeipt, of tin rcioiftiir to .Inn. 1, 1W.S, vatlnut uh'iru<'. fS|<eeirnt'ii o'tpiet* free Athiie.-t- LUTHEfif, TUCKER & SON, A v Yo;li, 1-ntc Llrornry rv<nv.4. An n'd. fnHhioneii ^ci fito'y full of inter OHt and udvi'iiture, v\,it h m'i'p.'i, if- bt c.r.-i bv \\ i ' the dm1 in try Co-oncpnlitau ue-.-dr* l'VoU'Tc^flrvii-e, hiin :, tingui-.lied wri'cr v-ith mi the "(Jreat PrtstumiM I't'^ Hi -; whieb hae been (tp;j*.'ti-i l' in prditau A. di*-eu^i ii ; i. K twnni tbd-i'ri t.rviel om '-'r!i.' and Tlie t^huitUi," \ I,... tonh rd inh h* To re i'. >h ^tlilil, u snout; lovo \- ru.-K-U in ' O-ndi" huq. ' <) ut her diti- u, L.iuout of ':>"' horiofl, "u* Coiitiio- t hv Mr.' V hi i ; Man I '-oiihuirie du-t pro- eedin^the famous (Jlniicu'^'icii'b hn pro- pared an article fur The Co"u.o['o'itan on Pasteur, to bu piibbtdn-d n:i-r fanteur'n deuth. But ChaiL-oi, loin dnrd t\rt, . und ho with tho eoufsont of Obarcot'H i'xcentorq, thu article iu ejvou now., Tlr. pre:sfint 'Thtaitriuul ftoiiton in Ns:W Yorli" 1.-. eritio- ally con iidt'ia d by Mr. J ;ine-, i'-i, M-rtoalfo, oditnr of Lif, and there .^\\i M'orsoH by Timrgfe. Huwi.lK and tin- f.uritn Preiioh. writer Fruueoui Coppce. Ir^On TWENTYF!V1 YAKS THECOOK'SBESTFRIENI '. Largest Save in Canada, Western Aay ertiseb W-PaKu Wo eld y-CO CuUimiu. >il i.V A t olanco of tho Vo^r ^reo Leading Weekly of the West KotbluR Bottev.' -Pow uh food. LARGE PRIZE LIST, HANDSOrVDE PREMIUI GOOD INDUCEMENTS TO AGBNNMi For AtfouU' ^omw, fttaZuaj^Mfl--'... .' idbr AU-1 .fi roo.Ont. , l t.05Il>QK, OUT. ax \H\u\- 1 i'.Y. i. if'* i-J---; 871588091

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